Class Index | File Index


Class orion.extensionCommands

This class contains static utility methods for creating and managing commands from extension points related to file management.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201404012230/bundles/org.eclipse.orion.client.ui/web/orion/extensionCommands.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Utility methods
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
orion.extensionCommands.createAndPlaceFileCommandsExtension(serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, toolbarId, position, commandGroup, isNavigator, visibleWhen)
Collects file commands from extensions, turns them into orion.commands.Commands, and adds the commands with the given commandRegistry.
orion.extensionCommands.createFileCommands(serviceRegistry, contentTypeRegistry, includeNavCommands, includeOpenWithCommands, commandRegistry)
Reads file commands from extensions ("orion.navigate.command" and "orion.navigate.openWith"), and converts them into instances of orion.commands.Command.
orion.extensionCommands.createOpenWithCommands(serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, contentTypeRegistry)
Reads "orion.navigate.openWith" extensions, and converts them into instances of orion.commands.Command.
Reads the cached non-openWith file commands from extensions, and returns an array containing their ids.
orion.extensionCommands.getOpenWithCommand(commandRegistry, item, The)
Gets the "open with" command in the given commandRegistry for a given item.
Gets any "open with" commands in the given commandRegistry.
Class Detail
Utility methods
Method Detail
<static> {orion.Promise} orion.extensionCommands.createAndPlaceFileCommandsExtension(serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, toolbarId, position, commandGroup, isNavigator, visibleWhen)
Collects file commands from extensions, turns them into orion.commands.Commands, and adds the commands with the given commandRegistry.
{orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry} serviceRegistry
{orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} commandRegistry
{String} toolbarId
{Number} position
{String} commandGroup
{Boolean} isNavigator
{Function} visibleWhen

<static> {orion.Promise} orion.extensionCommands.createFileCommands(serviceRegistry, contentTypeRegistry, includeNavCommands, includeOpenWithCommands, commandRegistry)
Reads file commands from extensions ("orion.navigate.command" and "orion.navigate.openWith"), and converts them into instances of orion.commands.Command.
{orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry} serviceRegistry
{orion.core.ContentTypeRegistry} contentTypeRegistry Optional
If not provided, will be obtained from the serviceRegistry.
{String} includeNavCommands Optional, Default: "global"
What kinds of orion.navigate.command contributions to include in the list of returned file commands. Allowed values are:
Include all nav commands.
Include only nav commands having the forceSingleItem and showGlobally flags.
Include no nav commands.
{Boolean} includeOpenWithCommands Optional, Default: true
Whether to include commands derived from orion.navigate.openWith in the list of returned file commands.
{orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} commandRegistry
{orion.Promise} A promise resolving to an orion.commands.Command[] giving an array of file commands.

<static> {orion.Promise} orion.extensionCommands.createOpenWithCommands(serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, contentTypeRegistry)
Reads "orion.navigate.openWith" extensions, and converts them into instances of orion.commands.Command.
{orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry} serviceRegistry
{orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} commandRegistry Optional
{orion.core.ContentTypeRegistry} contentTypeRegistry Optional
If not provided, will be obtained from the serviceRegistry.
{orion.Promise} A promise resolving to an orion.commands.Command[] giving an array of file commands.

<static> {Array} orion.extensionCommands.getFileCommandIds()
Reads the cached non-openWith file commands from extensions, and returns an array containing their ids. If the cached commands haven't been created an exception will be thrown.
{Array} An array containing the {String} ids of the cached non-openWith file commands

<static> orion.extensionCommands.getOpenWithCommand(commandRegistry, item, The)
Gets the "open with" command in the given commandRegistry for a given item. If #createFileCommands, has not been called, this returns null.
{orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} commandRegistry
The command registry to consult.
{Object} item
The item to open.
{orion.commands.Command[]} The
optional list of commands to search for the appropriate command. If it is not provided, orion.extensionCommands.getOpenWithCommands() is used.

<static> {orion.commands.Command[]} orion.extensionCommands.getOpenWithCommands(commandRegistry)
Gets any "open with" commands in the given commandRegistry. If #createFileCommands, has not been called, this returns an empty array.
{orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} commandRegistry
The command registry to consult.
{orion.commands.Command[]} All the "open with" commands added to the given commandRegistry.

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