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Class orion.Deferred

Provides abstraction over asynchronous operations.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201404012230/bundles/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/web/orion/Deferred.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Deferred provides abstraction over asynchronous operations.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The promise exposed by this Deferred.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
orion.Deferred.all(promises, optOnError)
Returns a promise that represents the outcome of all the input promises.
cancel(reason, strict)
Cancels this promise.
Notifies listeners of progress on this Deferred.
reject(error, strict)
Rejects this Deferred.
Resolves this Deferred.
then(onResolve, onReject, onProgress)
Adds handlers to be called on fulfillment or progress of this promise.
orion.Deferred.when(value, onResolve, onReject, onProgress)
Applies callbacks to a promise or to a regular object.
Class Detail
Deferred provides abstraction over asynchronous operations.

Because Deferred implements the orion.Promise interface, a Deferred may be used anywhere a Promise is called for. However, in most such cases it is recommended to use the Deferred's #promise field instead, which exposes a simplified, minimally Promises/A+-compliant interface to callers.

Field Detail
{orion.Promise} promise
The promise exposed by this Deferred.
Method Detail
<static> {orion.Promise} orion.Deferred.all(promises, optOnError)
Returns a promise that represents the outcome of all the input promises.

When all is called with a single parameter, the returned promise has eager semantics, meaning that if any input promise rejects, the returned promise immediately rejects, without waiting for the rest of the input promises to fulfill.

To obtain lazy semantics (meaning the returned promise waits for every input promise to fulfill), pass the optional parameter optOnError.
{orion.Promise[]} promises
The input promises.
{Function} optOnError Optional
Handles a rejected input promise. optOnError is invoked for every rejected input promise, and is passed the reason the input promise was rejected.

optOnError can return a value, which allows it to act as a transformer: the return value serves as the final fulfillment value of the rejected promise in the results array generated by all.

{orion.Promise} A new promise. The returned promise is generally fulfilled to an Array whose elements give the fulfillment values of the input promises.

However, if an input promise rejects and eager semantics is used, the returned promise will instead be fulfilled to a single error value.

cancel(reason, strict)
Cancels this promise.
{Object} reason
The reason for canceling this promise.
{Boolean} strict Optional

{orion.Promise} progress(update)
Notifies listeners of progress on this Deferred.
{Object} update
The progress update.

{orion.Promise} reject(error, strict)
Rejects this Deferred.
{Object} error
{Boolean} strict Optional

{orion.Promise} resolve(value)
Resolves this Deferred.
{Object} value

{orion.Promise} then(onResolve, onReject, onProgress)
Adds handlers to be called on fulfillment or progress of this promise.
{Function} onResolve Optional
Called when this promise is resolved.
{Function} onReject Optional
Called when this promise is rejected.
{Function} onProgress Optional
May be called to report progress events on this promise.
{orion.Promise} A new promise that is fulfilled when the given onResolve or onReject callback is finished. The callback's return value gives the fulfillment value of the returned promise.

<static> {orion.Promise} orion.Deferred.when(value, onResolve, onReject, onProgress)
Applies callbacks to a promise or to a regular object.
{Object|orion.Promise} value
Either a orion.Promise, or a normal value.
{Function} onResolve
Called when the value promise is resolved. If value is not a promise, this function is called immediately.
{Function} onReject
Called when the value promise is rejected. If value is not a promise, this function is never called.
{Function} onProgress
Called when the value promise provides a progress update. If value is not a promise, this function is never called.
{orion.Promise} A new promise.

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