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Class orion.core.ContentTypeService

A service for querying orion.core.ContentTypes.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201309261019/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/web/orion/contentTypes.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A service for querying orion.core.ContentTypes.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Gets a ContentType by ID.
Gets all the ContentTypes in the registry.
Gets a map of all ContentTypes.
Looks up the ContentType for a file or search result, given the metadata.
Looks up the ContentType, given a filename.
isExtensionOf(contentTypeA, contentTypeB)
Determines whether a ContentType is an extension of another.
isSomeExtensionOf(contentType, contentTypes)
Similar to #isExtensionOf, but works on an array of contentTypes.
Class Detail
A service for querying orion.core.ContentTypes. Clients should request the "orion.core.contenttypes" service from the orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry rather than instantiate this class directly. This constructor is intended for use only by page initialization code.
{orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry} serviceRegistry
The service registry to use for looking up registered content types and for registering this service.
Method Detail
{orion.core.ContentType} getContentType(id)
Gets a ContentType by ID.
{String} id
The ContentType ID.
{orion.core.ContentType} The ContentType having the given ID, or null.

{orion.core.ContentType[]} getContentTypes()
Gets all the ContentTypes in the registry.
{orion.core.ContentType[]} An array of all registered ContentTypes.

{Object} getContentTypesMap()
Gets a map of all ContentTypes.
{Object} A map whose keys are ContentType IDs and values are the orion.core.ContentType having that ID.

{orion.core.ContentType} getFileContentType(fileMetadata)
Looks up the ContentType for a file or search result, given the metadata.
{Object} fileMetadata
Metadata for a file or search result.
{orion.core.ContentType} The ContentType for the file, or null if none could be found.

{orion.core.ContentType} getFilenameContentType(filename)
Looks up the ContentType, given a filename.
{String} filename
The filename.
{orion.core.ContentType} The ContentType for the file, or null if none could be found.

{Boolean} isExtensionOf(contentTypeA, contentTypeB)
Determines whether a ContentType is an extension of another.
{orion.core.ContentType|String} contentTypeA
ContentType or ContentType ID.
{orion.core.ContentType|String} contentTypeB
ContentType or ContentType ID.
{Boolean} Returns true if contentTypeA equals contentTypeB, or contentTypeA descends from contentTypeB.

{Boolean} isSomeExtensionOf(contentType, contentTypes)
Similar to #isExtensionOf, but works on an array of contentTypes.
{orion.core.ContentType|String} contentType
ContentType or ContentType ID.
{orion.core.ContentType[]|String[]} contentTypes
Array of ContentTypes or ContentType IDs.
{Boolean} true if contentType equals or descends from any of the ContentTypes in contentTypes.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Sep 26 2013 10:23:21 GMT-0400 (EDT)