
NOTE: The interface to CELLxGENE has changed; versions of cellxgenedp prior to 1.4.1 / 1.5.2 will cease to work when CELLxGENE removes the previous interface. See the vignette section ‘API changes’ for additional details.

1 Installation and use

This package is available in Bioconductor version 3.15 and later. The following code installs cellxgenedp as well as other packages required for this vignette.

pkgs <- c("cellxgenedp", "zellkonverter", "SingleCellExperiment", "HDF5Array")
required_pkgs <- pkgs[!pkgs %in% rownames(installed.packages())]

Use the following pkgs vector to install from GitHub (latest, unchecked, development version) instead

pkgs <- c(
    "mtmorgan/cellxgenedp", "zellkonverter", "SingleCellExperiment", "HDF5Array"

Load the package into your current R session. We make extensive use of the dplyr packages, and at the end of the vignette use SingleCellExperiment and zellkonverter, so load those as well.

    library(SingleCellExperiment) # load early to avoid masking dplyr::count()

2 cxg() Provides a ‘shiny’ interface

The following sections outline how to use the cellxgenedp package in an R script; most functionality is also available in the cxg() shiny application, providing an easy way to identify, download, and visualize one or several datasets. Start the app


choose a project on the first tab, and a dataset for visualization, or one or more datasets for download!

3 Collections, datasets and files

Retrieve metadata about resources available at the cellxgene data portal using db():

db <- db()

Printing the db object provides a brief overview of the available data, as well as hints, in the form of functions like collections(), for further exploration.

## cellxgene_db
## number of collections(): 152
## number of datasets(): 910
## number of files(): 1802

The portal organizes data hierarchically, with ‘collections’ (research studies, approximately), ‘datasets’, and ‘files’. Discover data using the corresponding functions.

## # A tibble: 152 × 18
##    collection_id    collection_version_id collection_url consortia contact_email
##    <chr>            <chr>                 <chr>          <list>    <chr>        
##  1 e75342a8-0f3b-4… 2d569157-4335-40d6-a… https://cellx… <list>    nhuebner@mdc…
##  2 661a402a-2a5a-4… 626b26f4-a84c-4f31-8… https://cellx… <lgl [1]> rv4@sanger.a…
##  3 367d95c0-0eb0-4… 4216ddce-94c0-4fdc-9… https://cellx… <list>    edl@allenins…
##  4 af893e86-8e9f-4… fc8a8009-02f0-4084-9… https://cellx… <list>    ruichen@bcm.…
##  5 48d354f5-a5ca-4… 54caf53d-0a4d-4874-9… https://cellx… <list>    Nathan.Salom…
##  6 793fdaec-5067-4… b4431833-4155-48d7-8… https://cellx… <list>    m.a.haniffa@…
##  7 13d1c580-4b17-4… c7b93415-bf09-45df-9… https://cellx… <list>    my4@sanger.a…
##  8 fbc5881f-1ee3-4… 4f2da30d-407b-4c94-8… https://cellx… <list>    Douglas.Stra…
##  9 c114c20f-1ef4-4… 871e2180-9ac4-4025-8… https://cellx… <lgl [1]> shendure@uw.…
## 10 c8565c6a-01a1-4… 07bfe4f4-61bc-463c-a… https://cellx… <list>    carmen.sando…
## # ℹ 142 more rows
## # ℹ 13 more variables: contact_name <chr>, curator_name <chr>,
## #   description <chr>, doi <chr>, links <list>, name <chr>,
## #   publisher_metadata <list>, revising_in <lgl>, revision_of <lgl>,
## #   visibility <chr>, created_at <date>, published_at <date>, revised_at <date>
## # A tibble: 910 × 24
##    dataset_id   dataset_version_id collection_id donor_id assay  batch_condition
##    <chr>        <chr>              <chr>         <list>   <list> <list>         
##  1 f7995301-75… 0a4f9a00-6f75-4ff… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  2 ed2b673b-02… 61640b98-af3d-4b9… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  3 bdf69f8d-5a… f40a4b36-e499-48f… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  4 9434b020-de… 2a96a174-e168-40f… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  5 83b5e943-a1… 1e9414d2-e347-467… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  6 65badd7a-92… ae6ef28f-cabc-48d… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  7 1252c5fb-94… 65df6878-8cc6-49c… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  8 1062c0f2-2a… 323243d7-0c21-461… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
##  9 0fdb6122-46… 45dd32d7-00ff-4a1… e75342a8-0f3… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
## 10 be46dfdc-0f… 7469da86-82cf-4d7… 661a402a-2a5… <list>   <list> <lgl [1]>      
## # ℹ 900 more rows
## # ℹ 18 more variables: cell_count <int>, cell_type <list>,
## #   development_stage <list>, disease <list>, explorer_url <chr>,
## #   is_primary_data <list>, mean_genes_per_cell <dbl>, organism <list>,
## #   schema_version <chr>, self_reported_ethnicity <list>, sex <list>,
## #   suspension_type <list>, tissue <list>, title <chr>, tombstone <lgl>,
## #   x_approximate_distribution <chr>, published_at <date>, revised_at <date>
## # A tibble: 1,802 × 4
##    dataset_id                             filesize filetype url                 
##    <chr>                                     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>               
##  1 f7995301-7551-4e1d-8396-ffe3c9497ace 3255625301 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  2 f7995301-7551-4e1d-8396-ffe3c9497ace 3234403317 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  3 ed2b673b-0279-454a-998c-3eec361edf54 1010106545 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  4 ed2b673b-0279-454a-998c-3eec361edf54  967955201 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  5 bdf69f8d-5a96-4d6f-a9f5-9ee0e33597b7   35165722 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  6 bdf69f8d-5a96-4d6f-a9f5-9ee0e33597b7   26133065 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  7 9434b020-de42-43eb-bcc4-542b2be69015  860641548 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  8 9434b020-de42-43eb-bcc4-542b2be69015  934357743 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  9 83b5e943-a1d5-4164-b3f2-f7a37f01b524  134378259 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
## 10 83b5e943-a1d5-4164-b3f2-f7a37f01b524  141856536 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
## # ℹ 1,792 more rows

Each of these resources has a unique primary identifier (e.g., file_id) as well as an identifier describing the relationship of the resource to other components of the database (e.g., dataset_id). These identifiers can be used to ‘join’ information across tables.

3.1 Using dplyr to navigate data

A collection may have several datasets, and datasets may have several files. For instance, here is the collection with the most datasets

collection_with_most_datasets <-
    datasets(db) |>
    count(collection_id, sort = TRUE) |>

We can find out about this collection by joining with the collections() table.

    collection_with_most_datasets |> select(collection_id),
    by = "collection_id"
) |> glimpse()
## Rows: 1
## Columns: 18
## $ collection_id         <chr> "283d65eb-dd53-496d-adb7-7570c7caa443"
## $ collection_version_id <chr> "ef0e3221-2487-48e3-bfac-69e9e2428b49"
## $ collection_url        <chr> "…
## $ consortia             <list> ["BRAIN Initiative"]
## $ contact_email         <chr> ""
## $ contact_name          <chr> "Kimberly Siletti"
## $ curator_name          <chr> "James Chaffer"
## $ description           <chr> "The human brain directs a wide range of complex…
## $ doi                   <chr> "10.1101/2022.10.12.511898"
## $ links                 <list> [["", "RAW_DATA", "…
## $ name                  <chr> "Transcriptomic diversity of cell types across …
## $ publisher_metadata    <list> [[["Siletti", "Kimberly"], ["Hodge", "Rebecca"],…
## $ revising_in           <lgl> NA
## $ revision_of           <lgl> NA
## $ visibility            <chr> "PUBLIC"
## $ created_at            <date> 2023-07-19
## $ published_at          <date> 2022-12-09
## $ revised_at            <date> 2023-08-23

We can take a similar strategy to identify all datasets belonging to this collection

    collection_with_most_datasets |> select(collection_id),
    by = "collection_id"
## # A tibble: 139 × 24
##    collection_id   dataset_id dataset_version_id donor_id assay  batch_condition
##    <chr>           <chr>      <chr>              <list>   <list> <list>         
##  1 283d65eb-dd53-… ff7d15fa-… ad4f40b1-ad1b-43e… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  2 283d65eb-dd53-… fe1a73ab-… ca8e9e3a-852f-487… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  3 283d65eb-dd53-… fbf173f9-… 3cd2b19b-7bda-4ad… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  4 283d65eb-dd53-… fa554686-… e05b2d3e-f9cb-460… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  5 283d65eb-dd53-… f9034091-… 3c1f250d-f27e-49a… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  6 283d65eb-dd53-… f8dda921-… de9cd660-638d-4b3… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  7 283d65eb-dd53-… f7d003d4-… e50d1b65-4ad1-48b… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  8 283d65eb-dd53-… f6d9f2ad-… a46aed38-e822-490… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
##  9 283d65eb-dd53-… f5a04dff-… 1c90c2fe-8f62-47d… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
## 10 283d65eb-dd53-… f502c312-… 166e3950-147b-4f4… <list>   <list> <list [1]>     
## # ℹ 129 more rows
## # ℹ 18 more variables: cell_count <int>, cell_type <list>,
## #   development_stage <list>, disease <list>, explorer_url <chr>,
## #   is_primary_data <list>, mean_genes_per_cell <dbl>, organism <list>,
## #   schema_version <chr>, self_reported_ethnicity <list>, sex <list>,
## #   suspension_type <list>, tissue <list>, title <chr>, tombstone <lgl>,
## #   x_approximate_distribution <chr>, published_at <date>, revised_at <date>

3.2 facets() provides information on ‘levels’ present in specific columns

Notice that some columns are ‘lists’ rather than atomic vectors like ‘character’ or ‘integer’.

datasets(db) |>
## # A tibble: 910 × 12
##    donor_id    assay      batch_condition cell_type   development_stage disease
##    <list>      <list>     <list>          <list>      <list>            <list> 
##  1 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  2 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  3 <list [66]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  4 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [2]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  5 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  6 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [10]> <list [10]>       <list> 
##  7 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  8 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [1]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
##  9 <list [79]> <list [2]> <lgl [1]>       <list [2]>  <list [10]>       <list> 
## 10 <list [13]> <list [3]> <lgl [1]>       <list [8]>  <list [8]>        <list> 
## # ℹ 900 more rows
## # ℹ 6 more variables: is_primary_data <list>, organism <list>,
## #   self_reported_ethnicity <list>, sex <list>, suspension_type <list>,
## #   tissue <list>

This indicates that at least some of the datasets had more than one type of assay, cell_type, etc. The facets() function provides a convenient way of discovering possible levels of each column, e.g., assay, organism, self_reported_ethnicity, or sex, and the number of datasets with each label.

facets(db, "assay")
## # A tibble: 33 × 4
##    facet label                          ontology_term_id     n
##    <chr> <chr>                          <chr>            <int>
##  1 assay 10x 3' v3                      EFO:0009922        499
##  2 assay 10x 3' v2                      EFO:0009899        229
##  3 assay Slide-seqV2                    EFO:0030062        129
##  4 assay 10x 5' v1                      EFO:0011025         69
##  5 assay Smart-seq2                     EFO:0008931         62
##  6 assay Visium Spatial Gene Expression EFO:0010961         56
##  7 assay 10x multiome                   EFO:0030059         54
##  8 assay 10x 5' v2                      EFO:0009900         17
##  9 assay 10x 5' transcription profiling EFO:0030004         13
## 10 assay Drop-seq                       EFO:0008722         12
## # ℹ 23 more rows
facets(db, "self_reported_ethnicity")
## # A tibble: 30 × 4
##    facet                   label                          ontology_term_id     n
##    <chr>                   <chr>                          <chr>            <int>
##  1 self_reported_ethnicity European                       HANCESTRO:0005     431
##  2 self_reported_ethnicity unknown                        unknown            311
##  3 self_reported_ethnicity na                             na                 212
##  4 self_reported_ethnicity Asian                          HANCESTRO:0008     130
##  5 self_reported_ethnicity African American               HANCESTRO:0568      57
##  6 self_reported_ethnicity Hispanic or Latin American     HANCESTRO:0014      41
##  7 self_reported_ethnicity admixed ancestry               HANCESTRO:0306      28
##  8 self_reported_ethnicity African American or Afro-Cari… HANCESTRO:0016      26
##  9 self_reported_ethnicity multiethnic                    multiethnic         25
## 10 self_reported_ethnicity Greater Middle Eastern  (Midd… HANCESTRO:0015      22
## # ℹ 20 more rows
facets(db, "sex")
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   facet label   ontology_term_id     n
##   <chr> <chr>   <chr>            <int>
## 1 sex   male    PATO:0000384       772
## 2 sex   female  PATO:0000383       554
## 3 sex   unknown unknown             71

3.3 Filtering faceted columns

Suppose we were interested in finding datasets from the 10x 3’ v3 assay (ontology_term_id of EFO:0009922) containing individuals of African American ethnicity, and female sex. Use the facets_filter() utility function to filter data sets as needed

african_american_female <-
    datasets(db) |>
        facets_filter(assay, "ontology_term_id", "EFO:0009922"),
        facets_filter(self_reported_ethnicity, "label", "African American"),
        facets_filter(sex, "label", "female")

Use nrow(african_american_female) to find the number of datasets satisfying our criteria. It looks like there are up to

african_american_female |>
    summarise(total_cell_count = sum(cell_count))
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   total_cell_count
##              <int>
## 1          3293238

cells sequenced (each dataset may contain cells from several ethnicities, as well as males or individuals of unknown gender, so we do not know the actual number of cells available without downloading files). Use left_join to identify the corresponding collections:

## collections
    african_american_female |> select(collection_id) |> distinct(),
    by = "collection_id"
## # A tibble: 9 × 18
##   collection_id     collection_version_id collection_url consortia contact_email
##   <chr>             <chr>                 <chr>          <list>    <chr>        
## 1 4195ab4c-20bd-4c… 62466cd5-fca8-4961-b… https://cellx… <list>    nnavin@mdand…
## 2 b9fc3d70-5a72-44… b659b6b3-7663-41f8-8… https://cellx… <list>    bruce.aronow…
## 3 625f6bf4-2f33-49… 47a89d52-954c-428a-a… https://cellx… <list>    a5wang@healt…
## 4 a98b828a-622a-48… 2be54f40-4035-4c92-b… https://cellx… <list>    markusbi@med…
## 5 bcb61471-2a44-4d… 346be1d3-d745-45f5-a… https://cellx… <list>
## 6 6b701826-37bb-43… fc5d2347-b859-4744-a… https://cellx… <list>    astreets@ber…
## 7 62e8f058-9c37-48… 8fc72e6e-b4f8-4f64-8… https://cellx… <list>    chanj3@mskcc…
## 8 b953c942-f5d8-43… d221209d-610d-47f0-b… https://cellx… <lgl [1]> icobos@stanf…
## 9 c9706a92-0e5f-46… 184e8999-210d-47e5-a… https://cellx… <list>    hnakshat@iup…
## # ℹ 13 more variables: contact_name <chr>, curator_name <chr>,
## #   description <chr>, doi <chr>, links <list>, name <chr>,
## #   publisher_metadata <list>, revising_in <lgl>, revision_of <lgl>,
## #   visibility <chr>, created_at <date>, published_at <date>, revised_at <date>

3.4 Publication and other external data

Many collections include publication information and other external data. This information is available in the return value of collections(), but the helper function publisher_metadata(), authors(), and links() may facilite access.

Suppose one is interested in the publication “A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tissues reveals clinically relevant clusters of breast epithelial cells”. Discover it in the collections

title_of_interest <- paste(
    "A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tissues reveals clinically",
    "relevant clusters of breast epithelial cells"
collection_of_interest <-
    collections(db) |>
    dplyr::filter(startsWith(name, title_of_interest))
collection_of_interest |>
## Rows: 1
## Columns: 18
## $ collection_id         <chr> "c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287"
## $ collection_version_id <chr> "184e8999-210d-47e5-aaa8-56224a925a11"
## $ collection_url        <chr> "…
## $ consortia             <list> ["CZI Single-Cell Biology"]
## $ contact_email         <chr> ""
## $ contact_name          <chr> "Harikrishna Nakshatri"
## $ curator_name          <chr> "Jennifer Yu-Sheng Chien"
## $ description           <chr> "Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is an ev…
## $ doi                   <chr> "10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100219"
## $ links                 <list> [["", "RAW_DATA", "https://data.humancellatlas.o…
## $ name                  <chr> "A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tiss…
## $ publisher_metadata    <list> [[["Bhat-Nakshatri", "Poornima"], ["Gao", "Hongy…
## $ revising_in           <lgl> NA
## $ revision_of           <lgl> NA
## $ visibility            <chr> "PUBLIC"
## $ created_at            <date> 2023-08-22
## $ published_at          <date> 2021-03-25
## $ revised_at            <date> 2023-08-22

Use the collection_id to extract publisher metadata (including a DOI if available) and author information

collection_id_of_interest <- pull(collection_of_interest, "collection_id")
publisher_metadata(db) |>
    filter(collection_id == collection_id_of_interest) |>
## Rows: 1
## Columns: 9
## $ collection_id   <chr> "c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287"
## $ name            <chr> "A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tissues rev…
## $ is_preprint     <lgl> FALSE
## $ journal         <chr> "Cell Reports Medicine"
## $ published_at    <date> 2021-03-01
## $ published_year  <int> 2021
## $ published_month <int> 3
## $ published_day   <int> 1
## $ doi             <chr> NA
authors(db) |>
    filter(collection_id == collection_id_of_interest)
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
##    collection_id                        family         given       consortium
##    <chr>                                <chr>          <chr>       <chr>     
##  1 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Bhat-Nakshatri Poornima    <NA>      
##  2 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Gao            Hongyu      <NA>      
##  3 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Sheng          Liu         <NA>      
##  4 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 McGuire        Patrick C.  <NA>      
##  5 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Xuei           Xiaoling    <NA>      
##  6 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Wan            Jun         <NA>      
##  7 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Liu            Yunlong     <NA>      
##  8 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Althouse       Sandra K.   <NA>      
##  9 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Colter         Austyn      <NA>      
## 10 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Sandusky       George      <NA>      
## 11 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Storniolo      Anna Maria  <NA>      
## 12 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 Nakshatri      Harikrishna <NA>

Collections may have links to additional external data, in this case a DOI and two links to RAW_DATA.

external_links <- links(db)
## # A tibble: 591 × 4
##    collection_id                        link_name             link_type link_url
##    <chr>                                <chr>                 <chr>     <chr>   
##  1 e75342a8-0f3b-4ec5-8ee1-245a23e0f7cb <NA>                  OTHER     https:/…
##  2 e75342a8-0f3b-4ec5-8ee1-245a23e0f7cb <NA>                  OTHER     https:/…
##  3 e75342a8-0f3b-4ec5-8ee1-245a23e0f7cb <NA>                  RAW_DATA  https:/…
##  4 661a402a-2a5a-4c71-9b05-b346c57bc451 Human scRNA-seq (E-M… RAW_DATA  https:/…
##  5 661a402a-2a5a-4c71-9b05-b346c57bc451 Mouse scRNA-seq (E-M… RAW_DATA  https:/…
##  6 661a402a-2a5a-4c71-9b05-b346c57bc451 Reproductive Cell At… OTHER     http://…
##  7 661a402a-2a5a-4c71-9b05-b346c57bc451 VenTo Lab             LAB_WEBS… https:/…
##  8 367d95c0-0eb0-4dae-8276-9407239421ee Nuclei Isolation fro… PROTOCOL  https:/…
##  9 367d95c0-0eb0-4dae-8276-9407239421ee Human Tissue Slicing… PROTOCOL  https:/…
## 10 367d95c0-0eb0-4dae-8276-9407239421ee NeMo Analytics - ind… OTHER     https:/…
## # ℹ 581 more rows
external_links |>
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   link_type       n
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 DATA_SOURCE    51
## 2 LAB_WEBSITE    33
## 3 OTHER         264
## 4 PROTOCOL       40
## 5 RAW_DATA      203
external_links |>
    filter(collection_id == collection_id_of_interest)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   collection_id                        link_name link_type link_url             
##   <chr>                                <chr>     <chr>     <chr>                
## 1 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 <NA>      RAW_DATA  https://data.humance…
## 2 c9706a92-0e5f-46c1-96d8-20e42467f287 <NA>      RAW_DATA  https://www.ncbi.nlm…

Conversely, knowledge of a DOI, etc., can be used to discover details of the corresponding collection.

doi_of_interest <- ""
links(db) |>
    filter(link_url == doi_of_interest) |>
    left_join(collections(db), by = "collection_id") |>
## Rows: 1
## Columns: 21
## $ collection_id         <chr> "b1a879f6-5638-48d3-8f64-f6592c1b1561"
## $ link_name             <chr> "PSC-ATO protocol"
## $ link_type             <chr> "PROTOCOL"
## $ link_url              <chr> ""
## $ collection_version_id <chr> "01357a8e-547f-470d-9958-725b38adca04"
## $ collection_url        <chr> "…
## $ consortia             <list> ["CZI Single-Cell Biology", "Wellcome HCA Strate…
## $ contact_email         <chr> ""
## $ contact_name          <chr> "Sarah Teichmann"
## $ curator_name          <chr> "Batuhan Cakir"
## $ description           <chr> "Single-cell genomics studies have decoded the i…
## $ doi                   <chr> "10.1126/science.abo0510"
## $ links                 <list> [["scVI Models", "DATA_SOURCE", "https://develop…
## $ name                  <chr> "Mapping the developing human immune system acro…
## $ publisher_metadata    <list> [[["Suo", "Chenqu"], ["Dann", "Emma"], ["Goh", "…
## $ revising_in           <lgl> NA
## $ revision_of           <lgl> NA
## $ visibility            <chr> "PUBLIC"
## $ created_at            <date> 2023-08-22
## $ published_at          <date> 2022-10-04
## $ revised_at            <date> 2023-08-24

4 Visualizing data in cellxgene

Discover files associated with our first selected dataset

selected_files <-
        african_american_female |> select(dataset_id),
        by = "dataset_id"
## # A tibble: 64 × 4
##    dataset_id                             filesize filetype url                 
##    <chr>                                     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>               
##  1 e47c65a8-7d2f-48b8-908e-04ea6505fa26  800797163 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  2 e47c65a8-7d2f-48b8-908e-04ea6505fa26  773360314 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  3 c8d40d53-387b-48f2-9f89-72bfdb9c7c9f  385922942 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  4 c8d40d53-387b-48f2-9f89-72bfdb9c7c9f  362851875 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  5 a6388a6f-6076-401b-9b30-7d4306a20035  315326067 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  6 a6388a6f-6076-401b-9b30-7d4306a20035  302258458 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  7 a41202e6-173c-477c-8b4d-e0688ee1c4cb   82026236 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
##  8 a41202e6-173c-477c-8b4d-e0688ee1c4cb   74894351 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
##  9 842c6f5d-4a94-4eef-8510-8c792d1124bc 7211362715 H5AD     https://datasets.ce…
## 10 842c6f5d-4a94-4eef-8510-8c792d1124bc 6817801616 RDS      https://datasets.ce…
## # ℹ 54 more rows

The filetype column lists the type of each file. The cellxgene service can be used to visualize datasets that have CXG files.

selected_files |>
    filter(filetype == "CXG") |>
    slice(1) |> # visualize a single dataset

Visualization is an interactive process, so datasets_visualize() will only open up to 5 browser tabs per call.

5 File download and use

Datasets usually contain CXG (cellxgene visualization), H5AD (files produced by the python AnnData module), and Rds (serialized files produced by the R Seurat package). There are no public parsers for CXG, and the Rds files may be unreadable if the version of Seurat used to create the file is different from the version used to read the file. We therefore focus on the H5AD files. For illustration, we download one of our selected files.

local_file <-
    selected_files |>
        dataset_id == "de985818-285f-4f59-9dbd-d74968fddba3",
        filetype == "H5AD"
    ) |>
    files_download( = FALSE)
## [1] "64942e4e-3f6e-4ca0-8226-62e8491b5786.h5ad"

These are downloaded to a local cache (use the internal function cellxgenedp:::.cellxgenedb_cache_path() for the location of the cache), so the process is only time-consuming the first time.

H5AD files can be converted to R / Bioconductor objects using the zellkonverter package.

h5ad <- readH5AD(local_file, use_hdf5 = TRUE, reader = "R")
## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.

## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'ENUM' not yet
## implemented. Values replaced by NA's.
## class: SingleCellExperiment 
## dim: 33234 31696 
## metadata(3): default_embedding schema_version title
## assays(1): X
## rownames(33234): ENSG00000243485 ENSG00000237613 ... ENSG00000277475
##   ENSG00000268674
## rowData names(4): feature_is_filtered feature_name feature_reference
##   feature_biotype
## colData names(34): donor_id self_reported_ethnicity_ontology_term_id
##   ... self_reported_ethnicity development_stage
## reducedDimNames(3): X_pca X_tsne X_umap
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):

The SingleCellExperiment object is a matrix-like object with rows corresponding to genes and columns to cells. Thus we can easily explore the cells present in the data.

h5ad |>
    colData(h5ad) |>
    as_tibble() |>
    count(sex, donor_id)
## # A tibble: 7 × 3
##   sex    donor_id                     n
##   <fct>  <fct>                    <int>
## 1 female D1                        2303
## 2 female D2                         864
## 3 female D3                        2517
## 4 female D4                        1771
## 5 female D5                        2244
## 6 female D11                       7454
## 7 female pooled [D9,D7,D8,D10,D6] 14543

6 Next steps

The Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor online resource provides an excellent introduction to analysis and visualization of single-cell data in R / Bioconductor. Extensive opportunities for working with AnnData objects in R but using the native python interface are briefly described in, e.g., ?AnnData2SCE help page of zellkonverter.

The hca package provides programmatic access to the Human Cell Atlas data portal, allowing retrieval of primary as well as derived single-cell data files.

7 API changes

Data access provided by CELLxGENE has changed to a new ‘Discover’ API. The main functionality of the cellxgenedp package has not changed, but specific columns have been removed, replaced or added, as follows:




Session info

## R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/lib/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_GB              LC_COLLATE=C              
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## time zone: America/New_York
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] cellxgenedp_1.4.1           dplyr_1.1.2                
##  [3] SingleCellExperiment_1.22.0 SummarizedExperiment_1.30.2
##  [5] Biobase_2.60.0              GenomicRanges_1.52.0       
##  [7] GenomeInfoDb_1.36.2         IRanges_2.34.1             
##  [9] S4Vectors_0.38.1            BiocGenerics_0.46.0        
## [11] MatrixGenerics_1.12.3       matrixStats_1.0.0          
## [13] zellkonverter_1.10.1        BiocStyle_2.28.0           
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] dir.expiry_1.8.0        xfun_0.40               bslib_0.5.1            
##  [4] htmlwidgets_1.6.2       rhdf5_2.44.0            lattice_0.21-8         
##  [7] rhdf5filters_1.12.1     rjsoncons_1.0.0         vctrs_0.6.3            
## [10] tools_4.3.1             bitops_1.0-7            generics_0.1.3         
## [13] curl_5.0.2              parallel_4.3.1          tibble_3.2.1           
## [16] fansi_1.0.4             pkgconfig_2.0.3         Matrix_1.6-1           
## [19] lifecycle_1.0.3         GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.10 compiler_4.3.1         
## [22] httpuv_1.6.11           htmltools_0.5.6         sass_0.4.7             
## [25] RCurl_1.98-1.12         yaml_2.3.7              later_1.3.1            
## [28] pillar_1.9.0            crayon_1.5.2            jquerylib_0.1.4        
## [31] ellipsis_0.3.2          DT_0.28                 DelayedArray_0.26.7    
## [34] cachem_1.0.8            abind_1.4-5             mime_0.12              
## [37] basilisk_1.12.1         tidyselect_1.2.0        digest_0.6.33          
## [40] bookdown_0.35           fastmap_1.1.1           grid_4.3.1             
## [43] cli_3.6.1               magrittr_2.0.3          S4Arrays_1.0.5         
## [46] utf8_1.2.3              withr_2.5.0             promises_1.2.1         
## [49] filelock_1.0.2          rmarkdown_2.24          XVector_0.40.0         
## [52] httr_1.4.7              reticulate_1.31         png_0.1-8              
## [55] HDF5Array_1.28.1        shiny_1.7.5             evaluate_0.21          
## [58] knitr_1.43              basilisk.utils_1.12.1   rlang_1.1.1            
## [61] Rcpp_1.0.11             xtable_1.8-4            glue_1.6.2             
## [64] BiocManager_1.30.22     jsonlite_1.8.7          Rhdf5lib_1.22.0        
## [67] R6_2.5.1                zlibbioc_1.46.0