Available CRAN Packages By Name


A3Accurate, Adaptable, and Accessible Error Metrics for Predictive Models
AalenJohansenConditional Aalen-Johansen Estimation
AATtoolsReliability and Scoring Routines for the Approach-Avoidance Task
ABACUSApps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics
abasequenceCoding 'ABA' Patterns for Sequence Data
abbreviateReadable String Abbreviation
abcTools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
abc.dataData Only: Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
ABC.RAPArray Based CpG Region Analysis Pipeline
ABCanalysisComputed ABC Analysis
abclassAngle-Based Large-Margin Classifiers
ABCoptimImplementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization
ABCp2Approximate Bayesian Computational Model for Estimating P2
abcrfApproximate Bayesian Computation via Random Forests
abcrldaAsymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis
abctoolsTools for ABC Analyses
abdThe Analysis of Biological Data
abdivAlpha and Beta Diversity Measures
abeAugmented Backward Elimination
aberranceDetect Aberrant Behavior in Test Data
abessFast Best Subset Selection
abglassoAdaptive Bayesian Graphical Lasso
ABHgenotypeREasy Visualization of ABH Genotypes
abimaAdaptive Bootstrap Inference for Mediation Analysis with Enhanced Statistical Power
abindCombine Multidimensional Arrays
abjDataDatabases Used Routinely by the Brazilian Jurimetrics Association
abjutilsUseful Tools for Jurimetrical Analysis Used by the Brazilian Jurimetrics Association
ablassoArellano-Bond LASSO Estimator for Dynamic Linear Panel Models
ABMAgent Based Model Simulation Framework
abmRAgent-Based Models in R
abnModelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian Networks
abnormalityMeasure a Subject's Abnormality with Respect to a Reference Population
abodOutlierAngle-Based Outlier Detection
ABPSThe Abnormal Blood Profile Score to Detect Blood Doping
abseil'C++' Header Files from 'Abseil'
absorberVariable Selection in Nonparametric Models using B-Splines
abstrR Interface to the A/B Street Transport System Simulation Software
abstractrAn R-Shiny Application for Creating Visual Abstracts
ABSurvTDCSurvival Analysis using Time Dependent Covariate for Animal Breeding
abtestBayesian A/B Testing
abundantHigh-Dimensional Principal Fitted Components and Abundant Regression
Ac3netInferring Directional Conservative Causal Core Gene Networks
ACAAbrupt Change-Point or Aberration Detection in Point Series
AcademicThemesColour Plots with Palettes from Academic Institutions
academictwitteRAccess the Twitter Academic Research Product Track V2 API Endpoint
accExploring Accelerometer Data
accaA Canonical Correlation Analysis with Inferential Guaranties
accelerometryFunctions for Processing Accelerometer Data
accelmissingMissing Value Imputation for Accelerometer Data
AccelStabAccelerated Stability Kinetic Modelling
acceptThe Acute COPD Exacerbation Prediction Tool (ACCEPT)
AcceptanceSamplingCreation and Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling Plans
AcceptRejectAcceptance-Rejection Method for Generating Pseudo-Random Observations
accessibilityTransport Accessibility Measures
accessrCommand Line Tools to Produce Accessible Documents using 'R Markdown'
accessrmdImproving the Accessibility of 'rmarkdown' Documents
accrualBayesian Accrual Prediction
accrualPlotAccrual Plots and Predictions for Clinical Trials
accSDAAccelerated Sparse Discriminant Analysis
accucorNatural Abundance Correction of Mass Spectrometer Data
accumulateSplit-Apply-Combine with Dynamic Groups
acdcqueryQuery the Attentional Control Data Collection
acdcRAgro-Climatic Data by County
ACDmTools for Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models
ACE.CoCoAnalysis of Correlated High-Dimensional Expression (ACE) Data
ace2fastqACE File to FASTQ Converter
acebayesOptimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the ACE Algorithm
aceEditorThe 'Ace' Editor as a HTML Widget
ACEPAnalisis Computacional de Eventos de Protesta
acepackACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations
ACEsearch'ACE' Search Engine API
ACEsimFitACE Kin Pair Data Simulations and Model Fitting
ACEtEstimating Dynamic Heritability and Twin Model Comparison
acfMPeriodRobust Estimation of the ACF from the M-Periodogram
AchillesAchilles Data Source Characterization
acidAnalysing Conditional Income Distributions
acled.apiAutomated Retrieval of ACLED Conflict Event Data
ACNEAffymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
acnrAnnotated Copy-Number Regions
acopulaModelling Dependence with Multivariate Archimax (or any User-Defined Continuous) Copulas
acoRnExclusion-Based Parentage Assignment Using Multilocus Genotype Data
AcousticNDLCodeRCoding Sound Files for Use with NDL
acpAutoregressive Conditional Poisson
acroA Tool for Automating the Statistical Disclosure Control of Research Outputs
acronameEngine for Acronyms and Initialisms
AcrossTicA Cost-Minimal Regular Spanning Subgraph with TreeClust
acsDownload, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census
acssAlgorithmic Complexity for Short Strings
acss.dataData Only: Algorithmic Complexity of Short Strings (Computed via Coding Theorem Method)
ACSSpackACSS, Corresponding ACSS, and GLP Algorithm
ACSWRA Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R"
actAligned Corpus Toolkit
ACTCDAsymptotic Classification Theory for Cognitive Diagnosis
ActCRExtract Circadian Rhythms Metrics from Actigraphy Data
actelAcoustic Telemetry Data Analysis
ActFragActivity Fragmentation Metrics Extracted from Minute Level Activity Data
actilifecountsGenerate Activity Counts from Raw Accelerometer Data
ActiSleepSleep Duration Estimate Algorithm
activAnalyzerA 'Shiny' App to Analyze Accelerometer-Measured Daily Physical Behavior Data
activatrUtilities for Parsing and Plotting Activities
ActiveDriverFinding Cancer Driver Proteins with Enriched Mutations in Post-Translational Modification Sites
activegpGaussian Process Based Design and Analysis for the Active Subspace Method
ActivePathwaysIntegrative Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Multivariate Omics Data
activityAnimal Activity Statistics
ActivityIndexActivity Index Calculation using Raw 'Accelerometry' Data
activPALAdvanced Processing and Chart Generation from activPAL Events Files
actLiferCreating Actuarial Life Tables
actogrammrRead in Activity Data and Plot Actograms
actuarActuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions
actuaREHandling Hierarchically Structured Risk Factors using Random Effects Models
ActuarialMComputation of Actuarial Measures Using Bell G Family
actuaryrDevelop Actuarial Models
actxpsCreate Actuarial Experience Studies: Prepare Data, Summarize Results, and Create Reports
AcuityViewA Package for Displaying Visual Scenes as They May Appear to an Animal with Lower Acuity
acumos'Acumos' R Interface
ACVOptimal Out-of-Sample Forecast Evaluation and Testing under Stationarity
ACWRAcute Chronic Workload Ratio Calculation
adaThe R Package Ada for Stochastic Boosting
adabagApplies Multiclass AdaBoost.M1, SAMME and Bagging
adaceEstimator of the Adherer Average Causal Effect
adagioDiscrete and Global Optimization Routines
adaHuberAdaptive Huber Estimation and Regression
adamethodsArchetypoid Algorithms and Anomaly Detection
adanaAdaptive Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Hybrid Genetic Optimization
AdapSampAdaptive Sampling Algorithms
adapt4pvAdaptive Approaches for Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance
adaptalintCheck Code Style Painlessly
adaptDiagBayesian Adaptive Designs for Diagnostic Trials
AdaptGaussGaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
adaptiveGPCAAdaptive Generalized PCA
adaptivetauTau-Leaping Stochastic Simulation
adaptIVPTAdaptive Bioequivalence Design for In-Vitro Permeation Tests
adaptMCMCImplementation of a Generic Adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain Sampler
adaptMTAdaptive P-Value Thresholding for Multiple Hypothesis Testing with Side Information
adaptrAdaptive Trial Simulator
ADAPTSAutomated Deconvolution Augmentation of Profiles for Tissue Specific Cells
adaptsmoFMRIAdaptive Smoothing of FMRI Data
adaptTestAdaptive Two-Stage Tests
adaRA Fast 'WHATWG' Compliant URL Parser
AdaSamplingAdaptive Sampling for Positive Unlabeled and Label Noise Learning
adassAdaptive Smoothing Spline (AdaSS) Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear Regression
adbcdrivermanager'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') Driver Manager
adbcpostgresql'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'PostgreSQL' Driver
adbcsqlite'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'SQLite' Driver
adbi'DBI' Compliant Database Access Using 'ADBC'
adcCalculate Antecedent Discharge Conditions
ADCTAdaptive Design in Clinical Trials
add2ggplotAdd to 'ggplot2'
addhazBinomial and Multinomial Additive Hazard Models
addhazardFit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis
addinsJoaoMeloAddins Made of Joao Melo
addinslistDiscover and Install Useful RStudio Addins
addinsOutline'RStudio' Addins for Show Outline of a R Markdown/'LaTeX' Project
additiveBindings for Additive TidyModels
additiveDEAAdditive Data Envelopment Analysis Models
additivityTestsAdditivity Tests in the Two Way Anova with Single Sub-Class Numbers
addregAdditive Regression for Discrete Data
addScalesAdds Labeled Center Line and Scale Lines/Regions to Trellis Plots
ADDTAnalysis of Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Data
ade4Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences
ade4TkGUI'ade4' Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface
adeaAlternate DEA Package
adegenetExploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
adegraphicsAn S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data
adehabitatHRHome Range Estimation
adehabitatHSAnalysis of Habitat Selection by Animals
adehabitatLTAnalysis of Animal Movements
adehabitatMATools to Deal with Raster Maps
adelieGroup Lasso and Elastic Net Solver for Generalized Linear Models
adephyloExploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative Method
adeproA 'shiny' Application for the (Audio-)Visualization of Adverse Event Profiles
adeptAdaptive Empirical Pattern Transformation
adeptdataAccelerometry Data Sets
AdequacyModelAdequacy of Probabilistic Models and General Purpose Optimization
ADERData Analysis in Ecology
adespatialMultivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis
adestrEstimation in Optimal Adaptive Two-Stage Designs
adfExplorerImport from and Export to Amiga Disk Files
adformRGet Adform Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
ADGofTestAnderson-Darling GoF test
adheRenceRXAssess Medication Adherence from Pharmaceutical Claims Data
AdhereRAdherence to Medications
AdhereRVizAdherence to Medications
adimproAdaptive Smoothing of Digital Images
AdIsMFAdsorption Isotherm Model Fitting
adivAnalysis of Diversity
adjclustAdjacency-Constrained Clustering of a Block-Diagonal Similarity Matrix
adjROCComputing Sensitivity at a Fix Value of Specificity and Vice Versa as Well as Bootstrap Metrics for ROC Curves
adjSURVCIParameter and Adjusted Probability Estimation for Right-Censored Data
adjustedcranlogsRemove Automated and Repeated Downloads from 'RStudio' 'CRAN' Download Logs
adjustedCurvesConfounder-Adjusted Survival Curves and Cumulative Incidence Functions
adklakedataAdirondack Long-Term Lake Data
adliftAn Adaptive Lifting Scheme Algorithm
ADLPAccident and Development Period Adjusted Linear Pools for Actuarial Stochastic Reserving
admiralADaM in R Asset Library
admiral.testTest Data for the 'admiral' Package
admiraldevUtility Functions and Development Tools for the Admiral Package Family
admiraloncoOncology Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library
admiralophthaADaM in R Asset Library - Ophthalmology
admiralpedsPediatrics Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library
admiralvaccineVaccine Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library
admiscAdrian Dusa's Miscellaneous
AdMitAdaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions
admixPackage Admix for Admixture (aka Contamination) Models
admixrAn Interface for Running 'ADMIXTOOLS' Analyses
ADMMAlgorithms using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
admmDensestSubmatrixAlternating Direction Method of Multipliers to Solve Dense Dubmatrix Problem
ADMMsigmaPenalized Precision Matrix Estimation via ADMM
admtoolsEstimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
ADMURAncient Demographic Modelling Using Radiocarbon
adnutsNo-U-Turn MCMC Sampling for 'ADMB' Models
adobeanalyticsrR Client for 'Adobe Analytics' API 2.0
adoptrAdaptive Optimal Two-Stage Designs
ADPAdoption Probability, Triers and Users Rate of a New Product
ADPclustFast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
ADPFUse Least Squares Polynomial Regression and Statistical Testing to Improve Savitzky-Golay
adproclusAdditive Profile Clustering Algorithms
adpssDesign and Analysis of Locally or Globally Efficient Adaptive Designs
adsSpatial Point Patterns Analysis
adsDataHubRGoogle Ads Data Hub API Client
ADTSATime Series Analysis
AdvancedBasketballStatsAdvanced Basketball Statistics
AdvBinomAppsUpper Clopper-Pearson Confidence Limits for Burn-in Studies under Additional Available Information
AdvDif4Solving 1D Advection Bi-Flux Diffusion Equation
adventrInteractive R Tutorials to Accompany Field (2016), "An Adventure in Statistics"
AdverseEvents'shiny' Application for Adverse Event Analysis of 'OnCore' Data
ADVICEAutomatic Direct Variable Selection via Interrupted Coefficient Estimation
adwAngular Distance Weighting Interpolation
adwaveWavelet Analysis of Genomic Data from Admixed Populations
adwordsRAccess the 'Google Adwords' API
aebdataAccess Data from the Atlas do Estado Brasileiro
aeddoAutomated and Early Detection of Disease Outbreaks
AEDForecastingChange Point Analysis in ARIMA Forecasting
aedseoAutomated and Early Detection of Seasonal Epidemic Onset
AEenrichAdverse Event Enrichment Tests
aelabCalculation of Greenhouse Gas Flux
AEPStatistical Modelling for Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution
AERApplied Econometrics with R
AeRobiologyA Computational Tool for Aerobiological Data
AeroSampleREstimate Aerosol Particle Collection Through Sample Lines
AFModel-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted Attributable Fractions
afcGeneralized Discrimination Score
afcoloursGovernment Analysis Function Recommended Accessible Colour Palette
afdxDiagnosis Performance Using Attributable Fraction
afexAnalysis of Factorial Experiments
AFFECTAccelerated Functional Failure Time Model with Error-Contaminated Survival Times
affinerA Finer Way to Render 3D Illustrated Objects in 'grid' Using Affine Transformations
affinityRaster Georeferencing, Grid Affine Transforms, Cell Abstraction
affinitymatrixEstimation of Affinity Matrix
affluenceIndexAffluence (Richness) Indices
AFheritabilityThe Attributable Fraction (AF) Described as a Function of Disease Heritability, Prevalence and Intervention Specific Factors
AFMAtomic Force Microscope Image Analysis
afmToolkitFunctions for Atomic Force Microscope Force-Distance Curves Analysis
afptTools for Modelling of Animal Flight Performance
AFRToolkit for Regression Analysis of Kazakhstan Banking Sector Data
africamonitorAfrica Macroeconomic Monitor Database API
aftgeeAccelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
afthdAccelerated Failure Time for High Dimensional Data with MCMC
aftR2R-Squared Measure under Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Models
aftsemSemiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Model
afttestModel Diagnostics for Accelerated Failure Time Models
ag5ToolsToolbox for Downloading and Extracting Copernicus AgERA5 Data
agcountsCalculate 'ActiGraph' Counts from Accelerometer Data
AGDAnalysis of Growth Data
agegAge Grouping Functions
agena.aiR Wrapper for 'agena.ai' API
ageutilsCollection of Functions for Working with Age Intervals
agfhAgnostic Fay-Herriot Model for Small Area Statistics
agghooAggregated Hold-Out Cross Validation
AggregateRAggregate Numeric, Date and Categorical Variables
aggregationp-Value Aggregation Methods
aggTreesAggregation Trees
aggutilsUtilities for Aggregating Probabilistic Forecasts
AGHmatrixRelationship Matrices for Diploid and Autopolyploid Species
aghqAdaptive Gauss Hermite Quadrature for Bayesian Inference
aglmAccurate Generalized Linear Model
agopAggregation Operators and Preordered Sets
AGPRISAGricultural PRoductivity in Space
agReeVarious Methods for Measuring Agreement
AgreementIntervalAgreement Interval of Two Measurement Methods
agricolaeStatistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
agricolaeplotrVisualization of Design of Experiments from the 'agricolae' Package
agridatAgricultural Datasets
agrifeatureAgriculture Image Feature
agriTutorialTutorial Analysis of Some Agricultural Experiments
agriutilitiesUtilities for Data Analysis in Agriculture
agriwaterEvapotranspiration and Energy Fluxes Spatial Analysis
agrmtCalculate Concentration and Dispersion in Ordered Rating Scales
AgroRExperimental Statistics and Graphics for Agricultural Sciences
AgroRegRegression Analysis Linear and Nonlinear for Agriculture
agrostabStability Analysis for Agricultural Research
AgroTechData Analysis of Pesticide Application Technology
agsCrosswalk Municipality and District Statistics in Germany
agtboostAdaptive and Automatic Gradient Boosting Computations
agua'tidymodels' Integration with 'h2o'
agvgdAn R Implementation of the 'Align-GVGD' Method
ahazRegularization for Semiparametric Additive Hazards Regression
AHMAdditive Heredity Model: Method for the Mixture-of-Mixtures Experiments
AHMbookFunctions and Data for the Book 'Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology' Vols 1 and 2
ahMLEMethods for the Additive Hazard Model
ahnrAn Implementation of the Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
AhoCorasickTrieFast Searching for Multiple Keywords in Multiple Texts
AHPGaussianNew Multicriteria Method: AHPGaussian
AHPhybridAHP Hybrid Method
ahpsurveyAnalytic Hierarchy Process for Survey Data
AHPtoolsConsistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
ahptopsis2nHybrid Method for Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)
AHPWRCompute Analytic Hierarchy Process
AHSurvFlexible Parametric Accelerated Hazards Models
ahwCalculates Continuous Time Likelihood Ratio Weights Assuming Multiplicative Intensity Models and Additive Hazard Models
aiBuild, Predict and Analyse Artificial Intelligence Models
aIcTesting for Compositional Pathologies in Datasets
AICcmodavgModel Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c)
AICcPermanovaModel Selection of PERMANOVA Models Using AICc
AIDBox-Cox Power Transformation
aidarTools for Reading AIDA Files
aidesAdditive Information & Details of Evidence Synthesis
aifeducationArtificial Intelligence for Education
AIFFtoolsRead AIFF Files and Convert to WAVE Format
aihumanExperimental Evaluation of Algorithm-Assisted Human Decision-Making
aimPlotCreate Pie Like Plot for Completeness
aimsir17Irish Weather Observing Stations Hourly Records for 2017
aionArchaeological Time Series
AIPWAugmented Inverse Probability Weighting
airAI Assistant to Write and Understand R Code
aire.zmvmDownload Mexico City Pollution, Wind, and Temperature Data
AirExposureExposure Model to Air Pollutants Based on Mobility and Daily Activities
airGRSuite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
airGRdatasetsHydro-Meteorological Catchments Datasets for the 'airGR' Packages
airGRdatassimEnsemble-Based Data Assimilation with GR Hydrological Models
airGRiwrm'airGR' Integrated Water Resource Management
airGRteachingTeaching Hydrological Modelling with the GR Rainfall-Runoff Models ('Shiny' Interface Included)
aiRlyR Wrapper for 'Airly' API
AirMonitorAir Quality Data Analysis
airnowRetrieve 'AirNow' Air Quality Observations and Forecasts
airportrConvenience Tools for Working with Airport Data
airportsData on Airports
airqualityESAir Quality Measurements in Spain from 2011 to 2018
airrAIRR Data Representation Reference Library
airtEvaluation of Algorithm Collections Using Item Response Theory
aiRthermoAtmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization
aisophAdditive Isotonic Proportional Hazards Model
AIUQAb Initio Uncertainty Quantification
ajvAnother JSON Schema Validator
akaDefine Aliases for R Expressions
akcAutomatic Knowledge Classification
AkeAssociated Kernel Estimations
akiFlaggerFlags Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
akimaInterpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data
akmbiclustAlternating K-Means Biclustering
alabamaConstrained Nonlinear Optimization
alakazamImmunoglobulin Clonal Lineage and Diversity Analysis
alarmdataDownload, Merge, and Process Redistricting Data
ALassoSurvICAdaptive Lasso for the Cox Regression with Interval Censored and Possibly Left Truncated Data
albatrossPARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices
aLBIEstimating Length-Based Indicators for Fish Stock
albopictusAge-Structured Population Dynamics Model
alcyonSpatial Network Analysis
aldThe Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
ALDqrQuantile Regression Using Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
aldvmmAdjusted Limited Dependent Variable Mixture Models
aleInterpretable Machine Learning and Statistical Inference with Accumulated Local Effects (ALE)
ALEPlotAccumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plots and Partial Dependence (PD) Plots
ALFAM2Dynamic Model of Ammonia Emission from Field-Applied Manure
aLFQEstimating Absolute Protein Quantities from Label-Free LC-MS/MS Proteomics Data
alfrConnectivity to 'Alfresco' Content Management Repositories
alfredDownloading Time Series from ALFRED Database for Various Vintages
algaeClassifyTools to Query the Algaebase Online Database, Standardize Phytoplankton Taxonomic Data, and Perform Functional Group Classifications
AlgDesignAlgorithmic Experimental Design
AlgebraicHaploPackageHaplotype Two Snips Out of a Paired Group of Patients
algoImplement an Address Search Auto Completion Menu on 'Shiny' Text Inputs Using the 'Algolia Places' 'Javascript' Library
algorithmiaAllows you to Easily Interact with the Algorithmia Platform
aliases2entrezConverts Human gene symbols to entrez IDs
alienEstimate Invasive and Alien Species (IAS) Introduction Rates
alignA Modified DTW Algorithm for Stratigraphic Time Series Alignment
AlignLVMultiple Group Item Response Theory Alignment Helpers for 'lavaan' and 'mirt'
alkahestPre-Processing XY Data from Experimental Methods
allcontributorsAcknowledge all Contributors to a Project
alleHapAllele Imputation and Haplotype Reconstruction from Pedigree Databases
allelematchIdentifying Unique Multilocus Genotypes where Genotyping Error and Missing Data may be Present
AlleleRetainAllele Retention, Inbreeding, and Demography
AlleleShiftPredict and Visualize Population-Level Changes in Allele Frequencies in Response to Climate Change
AllelicSeriesAllelic Series Test
allestimatesEffect Estimates from All Models
AllMetricsCalculating Multiple Performance Metrics of a Prediction Model
allMTAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Maintenance Therapy Analysis
allofusInterface for 'All of Us' Researcher Workbench
allomrRemoving Allometric Effects of Body Size in Morphological Analysis
AllspiceRNA-Seq Profile Classifier
ALLSPICERALLelic Spectrum of Pleiotropy Informed Correlated Effects
alluvialAlluvial Diagrams
almanacTools for Working with Recurrence Rules
aloneDatasets from the Survival TV Series Alone
alookrModel Classifier for Binary Classification
aloomAll Leave-One-Out Models
alpacaFit GLM's with High-Dimensional k-Way Fixed Effects
alpha.correction.bhBenjamini-Hochberg Alpha Correction
alphabetrAlgorithms for High-Throughput Sequencing of Antigen-Specific T Cells
alphaciConfidence Intervals for Coefficient Alpha and Standardized Alpha
alphahullGeneralization of the Convex Hull of a Sample of Points in the Plane
alphaNSet Alpha Based on Sample Size Using Bayes Factors
alphaOutlierObtain Alpha-Outlier Regions for Well-Known Probability Distributions
AlphaPartPartition/Decomposition of Breeding Values by Paths of Information
alphashape3dImplementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of 3D Sets from a Point Cloud
AlphaSimRBreeding Program Simulations
alphastableInference for Stable Distribution
alphavantagerLightweight Interface to the Alpha Vantage API
alqrfeAdaptive Lasso Quantile Regression with Fixed Effects
alr4Data to Accompany Applied Linear Regression 4th Edition
ALSMultivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS)
ALSCPCAccelerated line search algorithm for simultaneous orthogonal transformation of several positive definite symmetric matrices to nearly diagonal form
altadataAPI Wrapper for Altadata.io
altairInterface to 'Altair'
altdocPackage Documentation Websites with 'Quarto', 'Docsify', 'Docute', or 'MkDocs'
AlteredPQRDetection of Altered Protein Quantitative Relationships
altfuelrProvides an Interface to the NREL Alternate Fuels Locator
altmetaAlternative Meta-Analysis Methods
ALToptOptimal Experimental Designs for Accelerated Life Testing
altR2Alternative Estimators to Adjusted R-Squared
ALUESAgricultural Land Use Evaluation System
amadeusAccessing and Analyzing Large-Scale Environmental Data
amanidaMeta-Analysis for Non-Integral Data
amanpgAlternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA
amapAnother Multidimensional Analysis Package
amapGeocodeAn Interface to the 'AutoNavi Maps' API Geocoding Services
amaproThin Wrapper for Mapping Library 'AMap'
AMAPVoxLiDAR Data Voxelisation
amazonadsRGet Amazon Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
amazons3RGet Amazon S3 Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
amazonspRGet Amazon Sp Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
amberr'Amber' Electronic Data Capture Client
ambientA Generator of Multidimensional Noise
ambitSimulation and Estimation of Ambit Processes
AMCPA Model Comparison Perspective
AMCTestmakeRGenerate LaTeX Code for Auto-Multiple-Choice (AMC)
AmeliaA Program for Missing Data
amelieAnomaly Detection with Normal Probability Functions
amenAdditive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data
amerifluxrInterface to 'AmeriFlux' Data Services
amerikaAmerican Politics-Inspired Color Palette Generator
AmesHousingThe Ames Iowa Housing Data
amiChecks for Various Computing Environments
AmigaFFHCommodore Amiga File Format Handler
AMIMCompute the Adjusted Market Inefficiency Measure
ammiBayesBayesian Ammi Model for Continuous Data
ammistabilityAdditive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model Stability Parameters
AMModelsAdaptive Management Model Manager
AmmoniaConcentrationUn-Ionized Ammonia Concentration
aMNLFAAutomated Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using 'M-plus'
AmoudSurvTractable Parametric Odds-Based Regression Models
ampStatistical Test for the Multivariate Point Null Hypotheses
ampdAn Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Signals
AmpGramPrediction of Antimicrobial Peptides
ampirPredict Antimicrobial Peptides
AMPLEShiny Apps to Support Capacity Building on Harvest Control Rules
AmpliconDuoStatistical Analysis of Amplicon Data of the Same Sample to Identify Artefacts
AMRAntimicrobial Resistance Data Analysis
amregtestRuns Allelematch Regression Tests
amscorerClinical Scores Calculator for Healthcare
amtAnimal Movement Tools
amVennDiagram5Interactive Venn Diagrams
AmyloGramPrediction of Amyloid Proteins
anabelAnalysis of Binding Events + l
AnaCoDaAnalysis of Codon Data under Stationarity using a Bayesian Framework
AnacondaTargeted Differential and Global Enrichment Analysis of Taxonomic Rank by Shared Asvs
anacorSimple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis
analogseaInterface to 'DigitalOcean'
analogueAnalogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology
AnalysisLinExploratory Data Analysis
analyzerData Analysis and Automated R Notebook Generation
AnanseSeuratConstruct ANANSE GRN-Analysis Seurat
AncestryMapperAssigning Ancestry Based on Population References
AnchorRegressionPerform AnchorRegression
andConstruct Natural-Language Lists with Internationalization
andrewsVarious Andrews Curves
AndromedaAsynchronous Disk-Based Representation of Massive Data
andurinhaMake Spectroscopic Data Processing Easier
anesrakeANES Raking Implementation
AnglerCreelSurveySimulationSimulate a Bus Route Creel Survey of Anglers
angstromATEImports Log Files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator
angstromsTools for 'ROMS' the Regional Ocean Modeling System
aniDomInferring Dominance Hierarchies and Estimating Uncertainty
anim.plotsSimple Animated Plots for R
animalEKFExtended Kalman Filters for Animal Movement
AnimalHabitatNetworkNetworks Characterising the Physical Configurations of Animal Habitats
AnimalSequencesAnalyse Animal Sequential Behaviour and Communication
animateA Web-Based Graphics Device for Animated Visualisations
animationA Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations
animbookVisualizing Changes in Performance Measures and Demographic Affiliations using Animation
animint2Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics
animlA Collection of ML Tools for Conservation Research
anipathsAnimation of Multiple Trajectories with Uncertainty
aniSNAStatistical Network Analysis of Animal Social Networks
aniviewAnimate Shiny and R Markdown Content when it Comes into View
anMCCompute High Dimensional Orthant Probabilities
ANN2Artificial Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection
anndata'anndata' for R
annmatrixAnnotated Matrix: Matrices with Persistent Row and Column Annotations
AnnoProbeAnnotate the Gene Symbols for Probes in Expression Array
annotaterAnnotate Package Load Calls
AnnotationBustRExtract Subsequences from GenBank Annotations
annotatorImage Annotation and Polygon Outlining using Free Drawing
AnnuityRIRAnnuity Random Interest Rates
anocvaA Non-Parametric Statistical Test to Compare Clustering Structures
ANOFAAnalyses of Frequency Data
anointAnalysis of Interactions
ANOMAnalysis of Means
anomalizeTidy Anomaly Detection
anomalyDetecting Anomalies in Data
anomoAnalysis of Moderation with the Monte Carlo Confidence Interval Method
ANOPAAnalyses of Proportions using Anscombe Transform
ANOVAIREVAInteractive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance
ANOVAShinyInteractive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance
ANOVAShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance
anovirAnalysis of Virulence
anscombiserCreate Datasets with Identical Summary Statistics
ANSM5Functions and Data for the Book "Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods", 5th Edition
AntAngioCOOLAnti-Angiogenic Peptide Prediction
antaresEditObjectEdit an 'Antares' Simulation
antaresReadImport, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation
anthroComputation of the WHO Child Growth Standards
anthroplusComputation of the WHO 2007 References for School-Age Children and Adolescents (5 to 19 Years)
AnthropMMDAn R Package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)
AnthropometryStatistical Methods for Anthropometric Data
AntibodyTitersAntibody Titer Analysis of Vaccinated Patients
anticlustSubset Partitioning via Anticlustering
antitrustTools for Antitrust Practitioners
antiwordExtract Text from Microsoft Word Documents
AntMANAnthology of Mixture Analysis Tools
AnxietySleepSleep Quality and Anxiety in Confinement
anybadgerCreate Custom Pipeline Badges
anyflightsQuery 'nycflights13'-Like Air Travel Data for Given Years and Airports
anyLibInstall and Load Any Package from CRAN, Bioconductor or Github
anytimeAnything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter
aoAlternating Optimization
AObootBootstrapping in Different One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA
aodAnalysis of Overdispersed Data
aoosAnother Object Orientation System
aopdataData from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'
AoptbdtvcA-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls
aoristicGenerates Aoristic Probability Distributions
aorsfAccelerated Oblique Random Forests
aosAnimate on Scroll Library for 'shiny'
AOV1RInference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random Factor
AovBayClassic, Nonparametric and Bayesian One-Way Analysis of Variance Panel
apaFormat Outputs of Statistical Tests According to APA Guidelines
apache.sedonaR Interface for Apache Sedona
ApacheLogProcessorProcess the Apache Web Server Log Files
APackOfTheClonesVisualization of Clonal Expansion for Single Cell Immune Profiles
apaTablesCreate American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
apaTextCreate R Markdown Text for Results in the Style of the American Psychological Association (APA)
apcAge-Period-Cohort Analysis
APCalignResolving Plant Taxon Names Using the Australian Plant Census
APCanalysisAnalysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using All Possible Comparisons
apcfAdapted Pair Correlation Function
APCIA New Age-Period-Cohort Model for Describing and Investigating Inter-Cohort Differences and Life Course Dynamics
apclusterAffinity Propagation Clustering
aPCoACovariate Adjusted PCoA Plot
APCtoolsRoutines for Descriptive and Model-Based APC Analysis
apdesignAn Implementation of the Additive Polynomial Design Matrix
apeAnalyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
aPEARAdvanced Pathway Enrichment Analysis Representation
apercuQuick Look at your Data
apexPhylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
apexcharterCreate Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'ApexCharts' Library
APFrMultiple Testing Approach using Average Power Function (APF) and Bayes FDR Robust Estimation
aphidAnalysis with Profile Hidden Markov Models
aphyloStatistical Inference and Prediction of Annotations in Phylogenetic Trees
api2lmFunctions and Data Sets for the Book "A Progressive Introduction to Linear Models"
APISAuto-Adaptive Parentage Inference Software Tolerant to Missing Parents
apisensrInterface to 'episensr' for Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results
aplore3Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied Logistic Regression" (3rd Ed., 2013)
aplotDecorate a 'ggplot' with Associated Information
aplotExtraCreating Composite Plots using 'aplot'
aplpackAnother Plot Package: 'Bagplots', 'Iconplots', 'Summaryplots', Slider Functions and Others
apmxAutomated Population Pharmacokinetic Dataset Assembly
apngConvert Png Files into Animated Png
ApoderoidesPrioritize and Delete Erroneous Taxa in a Large Phylogenetic Tree
apolloTools for Choice Model Estimation and Application
Apollonius2D Apollonius Graphs
appeearsInterface to 'AppEEARS' NASA Web Services
APPEstimationAdjusted Prediction Model Performance Estimation
appleadsRGet Apple Search Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
applicableA Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods
AppliedPredictiveModelingFunctions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'
appnnAmyloid Propensity Prediction Neural Network
apportionApportion Seats
appRioriCode and Obtain Customized Planned Comparisons with 'appRiori'
approximatorBayesian Prediction of Complex Computer Codes
approxmatchApproximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple Groups
approxOTApproximate and Exact Optimal Transport Methods
appsflyeRGet Data from 'Appsflyer' via the 'Windsor.ai' API
appsheetAn Interface to the 'AppSheet' API
aprean3Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis" (3rd Ed., 1998)
aprofAmdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy
apsimxInspect, Read, Edit and Run 'APSIM' "Next Generation" and 'APSIM' Classic
aptAsymmetric Price Transmission
APtoolsAverage Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes and Censored Event Times
apyramidVisualize Population Pyramids Aggregated by Age
AQEvalAir Quality Evaluation
aqfigDisplay Air Quality Model Output and Monitoring Data
AQLSchemesRetrieving Acceptance Sampling Schemes
aqpAlgorithms for Quantitative Pedology
AquaAnalytixWater Quality Analysis
AquaBEHEREstimation and Prediction of Wet Season Calendar and Soil Water Balance for Agriculture
AQuadtreeConfidentiality of Spatial Point Data
AquaEnvIntegrated Development Toolbox for Aquatic Chemical Model Generation
AQualityWater and Measurements Quality
AquaticLifeHistoryLife History Analysis Tools
aquodomAccess to Aquo domaintables from R (Dutch)
ARAnother Look at the Acceptance-Rejection Method
ar.matrixSimulate Auto Regressive Data from Precision Matricies
arabic2kansujiConvert Arabic Numerals to Kansuji
arabicStemRArabic Stemmer for Text Analysis
araknoARAchnid KNowledge Online
ArArReduxRigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39 Data
arcAssociation Rule Classification
ARCensRegFitting Univariate Censored Linear Regression Model with Autoregressive Errors
arcgeocoderGeocoding with the 'ArcGIS' REST API Service
arcgisgeocodeA Robust Interface to ArcGIS 'Geocoding Services'
arcgislayersAn Interface to ArcGIS Data Services
arcgisutilsArcGIS Utility Functions
ArchaeoPhasesPost-Processing of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations for Chronological Modelling
ArchaeoPhases.datasetData Sets for 'ArchaeoPhases' Vignettes
archdataExample Datasets from Archaeological Research
archeofragRefitting and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology
archeoVizVisualisation, Exploration, and Web Communication of Archaeological Spatial Data
archetypalFinds the Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame
archetyperAn Archetype for Data Mining and Data Science Projects
archetypesArchetypal Analysis
archiDARTPlant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSML Files
archiveMulti-Format Archive and Compression Support
archiveRetrieverRetrieve Archived Web Pages from the 'Internet Archive'
archivistTools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects
archivist.githubTools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHub
ArCoArtificial Counterfactual Package
ARCokrigAutoregressive Cokriging Models for Multifidelity Codes
arcpbfProcess ArcGIS Protocol Buffer FeatureCollections
arcpullrPull Data from an 'ArcGIS REST' API
arcpyInterface to 'ArcGIS' 'Python' Modules
arctoolsProcessing and Physical Activity Summaries of Minute Level Activity Data
ArDecTime Series Autoregressive-Based Decomposition
ARDECOAnnual Regional Database of the European Commission (ARDECO)
ARDLARDL, ECM and Bounds-Test for Cointegration
ardl.nardlLinear and Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models: General-to-Specific Approach
ardsCreates Analysis Results Datasets
areaCalculate Area of Triangles and Polygons
areabiplotArea Biplot
arealAreal Weighted Interpolation
arealDBHarmonise and Integrate Heterogeneous Areal Data
areaplotPlot Stacked Areas and Confidence Bands as Filled Polygons
arena2rPlots, Summary Statistics and Tools for Arena Simulation Users
arenarArena for the Exploration and Comparison of any ML Models
arfAdversarial Random Forests
arfimaFractional ARIMA (and Other Long Memory) Time Series Modeling
ArgentumAccess and Import WMS and WFS Data from Argentine Organizations
argoAccurate Estimation of Influenza Epidemics using Google Search Data
argoFloatsAnalysis of Oceanographic Argo Floats
argonDashArgon Shiny Dashboard Template
argonRR Interface to Argon HTML Design
ARGOSAutomatic Regression for Governing Equations (ARGOS)
argosfilterArgos Locations Filter
argparseCommand Line Optional and Positional Argument Parser
argparserCommand-Line Argument Parser
argusRandom Variate Generator for the Argus Distribution
ARHTAdaptable Regularized Hotelling's T^2 Test for High-Dimensional Data
ariAutomated R Instructor
ARIbrainAll-Resolution Inference
aricodeEfficient Computations of Standard Clustering Comparison Measures
AriGaMyANNSVRHybrid ARIMA-GARCH and Two Specially Designed ML-Based Models
arima2Likelihood Based Inference for ARIMA Modeling
ARIMAANNTime Series Forecasting using ARIMA-ANN Hybrid Model
arkdbArchive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
arkheTools for Cleaning Rectangular Data
arlclusteringExploring Social Network Structures Through Friendship-Driven Community Detection with Association Rules Mining
armData Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
ARMALSTMFitting of Hybrid ARMA-LSTM Models
armsppAdaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling (ARMS) via 'Rcpp'
arnie"Arnie" box office records 1982-2014
aroma.affymetrixAnalysis of Large Affymetrix Microarray Data Sets
aroma.apdA Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix' [deprecated]
aroma.cnCopy-Number Analysis of Large Microarray Data Sets
aroma.coreCore Methods and Classes Used by 'aroma.*' Packages Part of the Aroma Framework
ArothronGeometric Morphometric Methods and Virtual Anthropology Tools
ARPALDataRetrieving and Analyzing Air Quality and Weather Data from ARPA Lombardia
ARpLMECCensored Mixed-Effects Models with Different Correlation Structures
ARPobservationTools for Simulating Direct Behavioral Observation Recording Procedures Based on Alternating Renewal Processes
arprAdvanced R Pipes
aRpsDCAArps Decline Curve Analysis in R
arrangementsFast Generators and Iterators for Permutations, Combinations, Integer Partitions and Compositions
arrApplyApply a Function to a Margin of an Array
arrayhelpersConvenience Functions for Arrays
arrgFlexible Argument Parsing for R Scripts
arrowIntegration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'
arrowheadrMake Custom Arrowheads
arsAdaptive Rejection Sampling
arseArea of Resilience to Stress Event
arsenalAn Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries
ARTAligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial Analysis
artfimaARTFIMA Model Estimation
arthistoryArt History Textbook Data
ARTofRTo Insert Title, Divider, and Block of Comments
ARToolAligned Rank Transform
artpackCreates Generative Art Data
aRtsyGenerative Art with 'ggplot2'
ARTtransferAdaptive and Robust Pipeline for Transfer Learning
arulesMining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
arulesCBAClassification Based on Association Rules
arulesNBMinerMining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise Rules
arulesSequencesMining Frequent Sequences
arulesVizVisualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
ARUtoolsManagement and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Data
aRxivInterface to the arXiv API
asaurData Sets for "Applied Survival Analysis Using R""
asbioA Collection of Statistical Tools for Biologists
ascentTrainingAscent Training Datasets
asciiExport R Objects to Several Markup Languages
asciicastCreate 'Ascii' Screen Casts from R Scripts
asciichartrLightweight ASCII Line Graphs
asciirulerRender an ASCII Ruler
asciiSetupReaderReads Fixed-Width ASCII Data Files (.txt or .dat) that Have Accompanying Setup Files (.sps or .sas)
ascotraceRSimulate the Spread of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea
asdSimulations for Adaptive Seamless Designs
asdreaderReading ASD Binary Files in R
ASGS.foyerInterface to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard
ashDavid Scott's ASH Routines
ashapesamplerGenerating Alpha Shapes
ashrMethods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical Bayes
ashtApplied Statistical Hypothesis Tests
AsioHeaders'Asio' C++ Header Files
askgptAsking GPT About R Stuff
askpassPassword Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH
aslibInterface to the Algorithm Selection Benchmark Library
asmOptimal Convex M-Estimation for Linear Regression via Antitonic Score Matching
ASMapLinkage Map Construction using the MSTmap Algorithm
ASMbookFunctions for the Book "Applied Statistical Modeling for Ecologists"
asmbPLSPredicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-Omics Data
asnipeAnimal Social Network Inference and Permutations for Ecologists
aspaceFunctions for Estimating Centrographic Statistics
aspectA General Framework for Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling
aspiAnalysis of Symmetry of Parasitic Infections
asplineSpline Regression with Adaptive Knot Selection
aSPUAdaptive Sum of Powered Score Test
asremlPlusAugments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages Generally in Exploring Prediction Differences
ASRgenomicsComplementary Genomic Functions
ASSAApplied Singular Spectrum Analysis (ASSA)
assertValidate Function Arguments
assertableVerbose Assertions for Tabular Data (Data.frames and Data.tables)
assertionsSimple Assertions for Beautiful and Customisable Error Messages
assertrAssertive Programming for R Analysis Pipelines
assertthatEasy Pre and Post Assertions
assessorAssessment Tools for Regression Models with Discrete and Semicontinuous Outcomes
AssetAllocationBacktesting Simple Asset Allocation Strategies
AssetCorrEstimating Asset Correlations from Default Data
AssetPricingOptimal Pricing of Assets with Fixed Expiry Date
assignPOPPopulation Assignment using Genetic, Non-Genetic or Integrated Data in a Machine Learning Framework
assignRInfer Geographic Origin from Isotopic Data
assistA Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing Techniques
ASSISTantAdaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials
AssocAFCAllele Frequency Comparison
AssocBinMeasuring Association with Recursive Binning
assocIndImplements New and Existing Association Indices for Constructing Animal Social Networks
AssocTestsGenetic Association Studies
assortnetCalculate the Assortativity Coefficient of Weighted and Binary Networks
ASTAge-Spatial-Temporal Model
ast2astTranslates an R Function to a C++ Function
asterAster Models
aster2Aster Models
asteRiskComputation of Satellite Position
AsthmaNHANESAsthma Data Sets from NHANES
astrochronA Computational Tool for Astrochronology
astrodatRAstronomical Data
astroFnsAstronomy: Time and Position Functions, Misc. Utilities
astsaApplied Statistical Time Series Analysis
asusAdaptive SURE Thresholding Using Side Information
ASVStochastic Volatility Models with or without Leverage
AsyKKernel Density Estimation
asylumData on Asylum and Resettlement for the UK
asymLDAsymmetric Linkage Disequilibrium (ALD) for Polymorphic Genetic Data
AsymmetricSORDsAsymmetric Second Order Rotatable Designs (AsymmetricSORDs)
asymmetryMultidimensional Scaling of Asymmetric Proximities
asymmetry.measuresAsymmetry Measures for Probability Density Functions
asympTestA Simple R Package for Classical Parametric Statistical Tests and Confidence Intervals in Large Samples
asymptorEstimate Asymptomatic Cases via Capture/Recapture Methods
AsynchLongRegression Analysis of Sparse Asynchronous Longitudinal Data
ataAutomated Test Assembly
atableCreate Tables for Reporting Clinical Trials
ATAforecastingAutomatic Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using the Ata Method
atakrigArea-to-Area Kriging
ATboundsBounding Treatment Effects by Limited Information Pooling
ATE.ERROREstimating ATE with Misclassified Outcomes and Mismeasured Covariates
AteMeVsAverage Treatment Effects with Measurement Error and Variable Selection for Confounders
atimeAsymptotic Timing
atlasStanford 'ATLAS' Search Engine API
atlasapproxCell Atlas Approximations
AtlasMakerMake Multiple 'leaflet' Maps in 'Shiny'
AtmChileDownload Air Quality and Meteorological Information of Chile
ATNrRun Allometric Trophic Networks Models
atom4RTools to Handle and Publish Metadata as 'Atom' XML Format
atpolRATPOL Grid Implementation
ATQAlert Time Quality - Evaluating Timely Epidemic Metrics
ATRAlternative Tree Representation
atrrrWrapper for the 'AT' Protocol Behind 'Bluesky'
aTSAAlternative Time Series Analysis
attachmentDeal with Dependencies
attemptTools for Defensive Programming
attentionSelf-Attention Algorithm
attenuationCorrecting for Attenuation Due to Measurement Error
attribAttributable Burden of Disease
AUCThreshold Independent Performance Measures for Probabilistic Classifiers
auctestrStatistical Testing for AUC Data
auctionrEstimate First-Price Auction Model
audioAudio Interface for R
audiometryStandard Conform Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Plots
auditBounds for Accounting Populations
auditorModel Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error Analysis
audrexAutomatic Dynamic Regression using Extreme Gradient Boosting
audubonJapanese Text Processing Tools
augmentedRCBDAnalysis of Augmented Randomised Complete Block Designs
augSIMEXAnalysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error and Misclassification in Covariates
aukeBird Data Extraction and Processing in R
aumArea Under Minimum of False Positives and Negatives
AurieLSHGaussianCreates a Neighbourhood Using Locality Sensitive Hashing for Gaussian Projections
auRocVarious Methods to Estimate the AUC
ausplotsRTERN AusPlots Australian Ecosystem Monitoring Data
AustralianPoliticiansProvides Datasets About Australian Politicians
AUtestsApproximate Unconditional and Permutation Tests
auth0Authentication in Shiny with Auth0
auto.pcaAutomatic Variable Reduction Using Principal Component Analysis
AutoAdsAdvertisement Metrics Calculation
autoBaggingLearning to Rank Bagging Workflows with Metalearning
autocogsAutomatic Cognostic Summaries
autoCovariateSelectionAutomated Covariate Selection Using HDPS Algorithm
AutoDeskRAn Interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' Platform
autoEnsembleAutomated Stacked Ensemble Classifier for Severe Class Imbalance
autoFCAutomatic Construction of Forced-Choice Tests
autoFRKAutomatic Fixed Rank Kriging
autogamAutomate the Creation of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs)
autoGOAuto-GO: Reproducible, Robust and High Quality Ontology Enrichment Visualizations
autoharpSemi-Automatic Grading of R and Rmd Scripts
autohrfAutomated Generation of Data-Informed GLM Models in Task-Based fMRI Data Analysis
autoimageMultiple Heat Maps for Projected Coordinates
autokerasR Interface to 'AutoKeras'
automagicAutomagically Document and Install Packages Necessary to Run R Code
automapAutomatic Interpolation Package
autometricBackground Resource Logging
autoMFAAlgorithms for Automatically Fitting MFA Models
automlDeep Learning with Metaheuristic
autoMrPImproving MrP with Ensemble Learning
autonewsmdAuto-Generate Changelog using Conventional Commits
AutoPipeAutomated Transcriptome Classifier Pipeline: Comprehensive Transcriptome Analysis
autoplotlyAutomatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations for Statistical Results
AutoplotproteinDevelopment of Visualization Tools for Protein Sequence
AutoPlotsCreating Echarts Visualizations as Easy as Possible
autoRaschSemi-Automated Rasch Analysis
autoRegAutomatic Linear and Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis
AutoregressionMDEMinimum Distance Estimation in Autoregressive Model
AutoScoreAn Interpretable Machine Learning-Based Automatic Clinical Score Generator
autoScorecardFully Automatic Generation of Scorecards
AutoseedRetrieve Disease-Related Genes from Public Sources
autoshinyAutomatic Transformation of an 'R' Function into a 'shiny' App
autostatsAuto Stats
AutoStepwiseGLMBuilds Stepwise GLMs via Train and Test Approach
autostsmAutomatic Structural Time Series Models
autothresholdrAn R Port of the 'ImageJ' Plugin 'Auto Threshold'
AutoTransQFA Novel Automatic Shifted Log Transformation
autoTSAutomatic Model Selection and Prediction for Univariate Time Series
autoviAuto Visual Inference with Computer Vision Models
AutoWeatherIndicesCalculating Weather Indices
AutoWMMPerform the Weighted Multiplier Method on Trees
avWorking with Audio and Video in R
availableCheck if the Title of a Package is Available, Appropriate and Interesting
avarAllan Variance
averiskCalculation of Average Population Attributable Fractions and Confidence Intervals
avesperuAccess to the List of Birds Species of Peru
AVGASA Variable Selection using Genetic Algorithms
avidaRA Computational Biologist’s Toolkit To Get Data From 'avidaDB'
AvInertiaCalculate the Inertial Properties of a Flying Bird
aVirtualTwinsAdaptation of Virtual Twins Method from Jared Foster
avocadoWeekly Hass Avocado Sales Summary
avotrexA Global Dataset of Anthropogenic Extinct Birds and their Traits: Phylogeny Builder
aweekConvert Dates to Arbitrary Week Definitions
aweSOMInteractive Self-Organizing Maps
awinRGet Data from 'Awin' via the 'Windsor.ai' API
AWR'AWS' Java 'SDK' for R
AWR.KinesisAmazon 'Kinesis' Consumer Application for Stream Processing
awsAdaptive Weights Smoothing
aws.alexaClient for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API
aws.comprehendClient for 'AWS Comprehend'
aws.ec2metadataGet EC2 Instance Metadata
aws.ecxCommunicating with AWS EC2 and ECS using AWS REST APIs
aws.iamAWS IAM Client Package
aws.kms'AWS Key Management Service' Client Package
aws.lambdaAWS Lambda Client Package
aws.pollyClient for AWS Polly
aws.s3'AWS S3' Client Package
aws.signatureAmazon Web Services Request Signatures
aws.transcribeClient for 'AWS Transcribe'
aws.translateClient for 'AWS Translate'
aws.wrfsmnData Processing of SMN Hi-Res Weather Forecast from 'AWS'
awsMethodsClass and Methods Definitions for Packages 'aws', 'adimpro', 'fmri', 'dwi'
axisandalliesAxis and Allies Spring
AZIADAnalyzing Zero-Inflated and Zero-Altered Data
azlogrLogging in 'R' and Post to 'Azure Log Analytics' Workspace
AzureAppInsightsInclude Azure Application Insights in Shiny Apps
AzureAuthAuthentication Services for Azure Active Directory
AzureCognitiveInterface to Azure Cognitive Services
AzureContainersInterface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and 'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'
AzureCosmosRInterface to the 'Azure Cosmos DB' 'NoSQL' Database Service
AzureGraphSimple Interface to 'Microsoft Graph'
AzureKeyVaultKey and Secret Management in 'Azure'
AzureKustoInterface to 'Kusto'/'Azure Data Explorer'
azuremlsdkInterface to the 'Azure Machine Learning' 'SDK'
AzureQstorInterface to 'Azure Queue Storage'
AzureRMRInterface to 'Azure Resource Manager'
AzureStorStorage Management in 'Azure'
AzureTableStorInterface to the Table Storage Service in 'Azure'
AzureVisionInterface to Azure Computer Vision Services
AzureVMVirtual Machines in 'Azure'
AzureVMmetadataInterface to Azure Virtual Machine Instance Metadata
b64Fast and Vectorized Base 64 Engine
babelRibosome Profiling Data Analysis
babelgeneGene Orthologs for Model Organisms in a Tidy Data Format
babelmixr2Use 'nlmixr2' to Interact with Open Source and Commercial Software
babelwhaleTalking to 'Docker' and 'Singularity' Containers
babetteControl 'BEAST2'
babynamesUS Baby Names 1880-2017
babynamesILIsrael Baby Names 1948-2022
BACCOBayesian Analysis of Computer Code Output (BACCO)
BACCTBayesian Augmented Control for Clinical Trials
bacistoolBayesian Classification and Information Sharing (BaCIS) Tool for the Design of Multi-Group Phase II Clinical Trials
backboneExtracts the Backbone from Graphs
backpipeBackward Pipe (Right-to-Left) Operator
backportsReimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0
backShiftLearning Causal Cyclic Graphs from Unknown Shift Interventions
backtestExploring Portfolio-Based Conjectures About Financial Instruments
baclavaBayesian Analysis of Cancer Latency with Auxiliary Variable Augmentation
bacondecompGoodman-Bacon Decomposition
BACpriorChoice of Omega in the BAC Algorithm
bacrBayesian Adjustment for Confounding
badgenFast and Simple Badge Generator
badgerBadge for R Package
bafBlock Assignment Files
baffleMake Waffle Plots with Base Graphics
bageBayesian Estimation and Forecasting of Age-Specific Rates
bagged.outliertreesRobust Explainable Outlier Detection Based on OutlierTree
baggingbwselBagging Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Density and Regression Estimation
baggrBayesian Aggregate Treatment Effects
BAGofTA Binary Regression Adaptive Goodness-of-Fit Test (BAGofT)
baguetteEfficient Model Functions for Bagging
bagyoPhilippine Tropical Cyclones Data
bahcFilter Covariance and Correlation Matrices with Bootstrapped-Averaged Hierarchical Ansatz
bainBayes Factors for Informative Hypotheses
baizerUseful Functions for Data Processing
bakeoffData from "The Great British Bake Off"
baker"Nested Partially Latent Class Models"
bakRAnalyze and Compare Nucleotide Recoding RNA Sequencing Datasets
BalanceCheckBalance Check for Multiple Covariates in Matched Observational Studies
BalancedSamplingBalanced and Spatially Balanced Sampling
baldurBayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free Proteomics
BallStatistical Inference and Sure Independence Screening via Ball Statistics
BALLIExpression RNA-Seq Data Analysis Based on Linear Mixed Model
BallMapperThe Ball Mapper Algorithm
BaMFunctions and Datasets for "Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach"
bamaHigh Dimensional Bayesian Mediation Analysis
BAMBIBivariate Angular Mixture Models
bambooHRA Wrapper to the 'BambooHR' API
bamditBayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data
bamlssBayesian Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (and Beyond)
bammSpecies Distribution Models as a Function of Biotic, Abiotic and Movement Factors (BAM)
BAMMtoolsAnalysis and Visualization of Macroevolutionary Dynamics on Phylogenetic Trees
bampBayesian Age-Period-Cohort Modeling and Prediction
BANAMBayesian Analysis of the Network Autocorrelation Model
bandicootLight-Weight 'python'-Like Object-Oriented System
banditFunctions for Simple a/B Split Test and Multi-Armed Bandit Analysis
banditpamAlmost Linear-Time k-Medoids Clustering
bandsfdpCompute Upper Prediction Bounds on the FDP in Competition-Based Setups
banffITAutomatize Diagnosis Standardized Assignation Using the Banff Classification
bangBayesian Analysis, No Gibbs
bangladeshProvides Ready to Use Shapefiles for Geographical Map of Bangladesh
bannerCommenterMake Banner Comments with a Consistent Format
BANOVAHierarchical Bayesian ANOVA Models
banterBioAcoustic eveNT classifiER
banxicoRDownload Data from the Bank of Mexico
baoristaBayesian Aoristic Analyses
bapredBatch Effect Removal and Addon Normalization (in Phenotype Prediction using Gene Data)
BARBayesian Adaptive Randomization
BarBorGradientFunction Minimum Approximator
barcodeRender Barcode Distribution Plots
baRcodeRLabel Creation for Tracking and Collecting Data from Biological Samples
BarcodingRSpecies Identification using DNA Barcodes
bardrComplete Works of William Shakespeare in Tidy Format
barkBayesian Additive Regression Kernels
BarnardBarnard's Unconditional Test
barrksCalculate Bark Beetle Phenology Using Different Models
BARTBayesian Additive Regression Trees
bartCauseCausal Inference using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
bartcsBayesian Additive Regression Trees for Confounder Selection
bartMachineBayesian Additive Regression Trees
bartMachineJARsbartMachine JARs
bartManCreate Visualisations for BART Models
baRulhoQuantifying (Animal) Sound Degradation
BASBayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
basadBayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors
base.rmsConvert Regression Between Base Function and 'rms' Package
base64Base64 Encoder and Decoder
base64encTools for base64 encoding
base64urlFast and URL-Safe Base64 Encoder and Decoder
baseballrAcquiring and Analyzing Baseball Data
basecambUtilities for Streamlined Data Import, Imputation and Modelling
basedosdados'Base Dos Dados' R Client
basefunInfrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions
baselineBaseline Correction of Spectra
basemapsAccessing Spatial Basemaps in R
basemodelsBaseline Models for Classification and Regression
baseqBasic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological Data
BaseSetWorking with Sets the Tidy Way
BaseTempSeedEstimation of Seed Germination Base Temperature in Thermal Modelling
basethemeThemes for Base Graphics Plots
basfPlot Simple Features with 'base' Sensibilities
basicdrmFit Hill Dose Response Models
basicMCMCplotsTrace Plots, Density Plots and Chain Comparisons for MCMC Samples
basictablerConstruct Rich Tables for Output to 'HTML'/'Excel'
basifoRRetrieval and Processing of the Spanish National Forest Inventory
BASiNETClassification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network Theory
BASiNETEntropyClassification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network and Information Theory
BaSkeProBayesian Model to Archaeological Faunal Skeletal Profiles
basketBasket Trial Analysis
BasketballAnalyzeRAnalysis and Visualization of Basketball Data
baskexactAnalytical Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
basksimSimulation-Based Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
BASSBayesian Adaptive Spline Surfaces
BaSTAAge-Specific Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis from Incomplete Census or Capture-Recapture/Recovery Data
BATBiodiversity Assessment Tools
batataManaging Packages Removal and Installation
batchBatching Routines in Parallel and Passing Command-Line Arguments to R
BatchExperimentsStatistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters
BatchGetSymbolsDownloads and Organizes Financial Data for Multiple Tickers
BatchJobsBatch Computing with R
batchLLMBatch Process LLM Text Completions Using a Data Frame
batchmeansConsistent Batch Means Estimation of Monte Carlo Standard Errors
batchmixSemi-Supervised Bayesian Mixture Models Incorporating Batch Correction
batchscrBatch Script Helpers
batchtmaBatch Effect Adjustments
batchtoolsTools for Computation on Batch Systems
bateComputes Bias-Adjusted Treatment Effect
batmanConvert Categorical Representations of Logicals to Actual Logicals
batschReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Batsch et al. (2008)
BATSSBayesian Adaptive Trial Simulator Software (BATSS) for Generalised Linear Models
batteryreductionAn R Package for Data Reduction by Battery Reduction
BAwiRAnalysis of Basketball Data
bayclumprBayesian Analysis of Clumped Isotope Datasets
baycnBayesian Inference for Causal Networks
bayefdrBayesian Estimation and Optimisation of Expected False Discovery Rate
BayenetBayesian Quantile Elastic Net for Genetic Study
bayes4psyUser Friendly Bayesian Data Analysis for Psychology
bayesABFast Bayesian Methods for AB Testing
bayesammiBayesian Estimation of the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model
bayesanovaBayesian Inference in the Analysis of Variance via Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture Models
BayesARIMAXBayesian Estimation of ARIMAX Model
bayesassuranceBayesian Assurance Computation
BayesBEKKBayesian Estimation of Bivariate Volatility Model
BayesBinMixBayesian Estimation of Mixtures of Multivariate Bernoulli Distributions
bayesbioMiscellaneous Functions for Bioinformatics and Bayesian Statistics
bayesbootAn Implementation of Rubin's (1981) Bayesian Bootstrap
BayesBPBayesian Estimation using Bernstein Polynomial Fits Rate Matrix
BayesCACEBayesian Model for CACE Analysis
BayesComboBayesian Evidence Combination
BayesCommBayesian Community Ecology Analysis
bayescopularegBayesian Copula Regression
bayescountPower Calculations and Bayesian Analysis of Count Distributions and FECRT Data using MCMC
BayesCRBayesian Analysis of Censored Regression Models Under Scale Mixture of Skew Normal Distributions
bayesCTSimulation and Analysis of Adaptive Bayesian Clinical Trials
BayesCTDesignTwo Arm Bayesian Clinical Trial Design with and Without Historical Control Data
bayesCureRateModelBayesian Cure Rate Modeling for Time-to-Event Data
BayesCVIBayesian Cluster Validity Index
BayesDAFunctions and Datasets for the book "Bayesian Data Analysis"
bayesDccGarchMethods and Tools for Bayesian Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH(1,1) Model
BayesDesignBayesian Single-Arm Design with Survival Endpoints
bayesdfaBayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) with 'Stan'
BayesDIPBayesian Decreasingly Informative Priors for Early Termination Phase II Trials
BayesDissolutionBayesian Models for Dissolution Testing
bayesdistregBayesian Distribution Regression
BayesDLMfMRIStatistical Analysis for Task-Based Fmri Data
bayesDPImplementation of the Bayesian Discount Prior Approach for Clinical Trials
bayesEOBayesian Smoothing of Remote Sensing Image Classification
BayesESSDetermining Effective Sample Size
BayesFactorComputation of Bayes Factors for Common Designs
BayesFBHborrowBayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Flexible Baseline Hazard Function
BayesFluxRImplementation of Bayesian Neural Networks
BayesFMBayesian Inference for Factor Modeling
BayesfMRISpatial Bayesian Methods for Task Functional MRI Studies
bayesforecastBayesian Time Series Modeling with Stan
bayesGAMFit Multivariate Response Generalized Additive Models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
bayesGARCHBayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t Innovations
BayesGmedBayesian Causal Mediation Analysis using 'Stan'
BayesGOFBayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-Fit
BayesGPfitFast Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression Fitting
BayesGrowthEstimate Fish Growth Using MCMC Analysis
BayesGWQSBayesian Grouped Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
bayesianBindings for Bayesian TidyModels
bayesianETASBayesian Estimation of the ETAS Model for Earthquake Occurrences
BayesianFactorZooBayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran Two Quadrillion Models
BayesiangammaregBayesian Gamma Regression: Joint Mean and Shape Modeling
BayesianGLassoBayesian Graphical Lasso
BayesianLateralityPredict Brain Asymmetry Based on Handedness and Dichotic Listening
BayesianMCPModSimulate, Evaluate, and Analyze Dose Finding Trials with Bayesian MCPMod
BayesianMediationABayesian Mediation Analysis
BayesianNetworkBayesian Network Modeling and Analysis
BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrendSimulate and Analyse Bayesian Platform Trial with Time Trend
BayesianPowerSample Size and Power for Comparing Inequality Constrained Hypotheses
BayesianReasoningPlot Positive and Negative Predictive Values for Medical Tests
BayesianToolsGeneral-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics
BayesiantregBayesian t Regression for Modeling Mean and Scale Parameters
bayesianVARsMCMC Estimation of Bayesian Vectorautoregressions
bayesImageSBayesian Methods for Image Segmentation using a Potts Model
BayesLCABayesian Latent Class Analysis
bayesLifeBayesian Projection of Life Expectancy
bayeslmEfficient Sampling for Gaussian Linear Regression with Arbitrary Priors
BayesLNBayesian Inference for Log-Normal Data
BayesLogitPolyaGamma Sampling
bayeslongitudinalAdjust Longitudinal Regression Models Using Bayesian Methodology
bayesmBayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
BayesMallowsBayesian Preference Learning with the Mallows Rank Model
bayesMeanScaleBayesian Post-Estimation on the Mean Scale
bayesmetaBayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
BayesMFSurvBayesian Misclassified-Failure Survival Model
bayesMigBayesian Projection of Migration
bayesmixBayesian Mixture Models with JAGS
BayesMixSurvBayesian Mixture Survival Models using Additive Mixture-of-Weibull Hazards, with Lasso Shrinkage and Stratification
bayesmlogitA Multistate Life Table (MSLT) Methodology Based on Bayesian Approach
BayesMortalityPlusBayesian Mortality Modelling
bayesmoveNon-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal Movement
bayesMRMBayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling
BayesMultiModeBayesian Mode Inference
BayesMultMetaBayesian Multivariate Meta-Analysis
bayesnecA Bayesian No-Effect- Concentration (NEC) Algorithm
BayesNetBPBayesian Network Belief Propagation
BayesNSGPBayesian Analysis of Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Models
BayesOrdDesignBayesian Group Sequential Design for Ordinal Data
BayesPieceHazSelectVariable Selection in a Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a Hazard Function
bayesplayThe Bayes Factor Playground
bayesplotPlotting for Bayesian Models
bayespmBayesian Statistical Process Monitoring
bayesPOBayesian Inference for Presence-Only Data
bayesPopProbabilistic Population Projection
BayesPostEstGenerate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC Estimation
BayesPPDBayesian Power Prior Design
BayesPPDSurvBayesian Power Prior Design for Survival Data
BayesProjectFast Projection Direction for Multivariate Changepoint Detection
bayesQRBayesian Quantile Regression
bayesReconProbabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning
bayesregBayesian Regression Models with Global-Local Shrinkage Priors
BayesrelBayesian Reliability Estimation
BayesRepBayesian Analysis of Replication Studies
BayesRepDesignBayesian Design of Replication Studies
BayesReversePLLHFits the Bayesian Piecewise Linear Log-Hazard Model
BayesRGMMBayesian Robust Generalized Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data
bayesROEBayesian Regions of Evidence
BayesRSBayes Factors for Hierarchical Linear Models with Continuous Predictors
bayesrulesDatasets and Supplemental Functions from Bayes Rules! Book
bayessBayesian Essentials with R
BayesS5Bayesian Variable Selection Using Simplified Shotgun Stochastic Search with Screening (S5)
BayesSamplingBayes Linear Estimators for Finite Population
BayesSenMCDifferent Models of Posterior Distributions of Adjusted Odds Ratio
BayesSURBayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models in High-Dimensional Settings
bayesSurvBayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and Random Effects Distributions
BayesSurvivalBayesian Survival Analysis for Right Censored Data
BayesSurviveBayesian Survival Models for High-Dimensional Data
bayestEffect Size Targeted Bayesian Two-Sample t-Tests via Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture Models
bayestestRUnderstand and Describe Bayesian Models and Posterior Distributions
bayesTFRBayesian Fertility Projection
BayesToolsTools for Bayesian Analyses
BayesTreeBayesian Additive Regression Trees
BayesTreePriorBayesian Tree Prior Simulation
BayesTwinBayesian Analysis of Item-Level Twin Data
BayesVarSelBayes Factors, Model Choice and Variable Selection in Linear Models
bayesvlVisually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'
bayesWatchBayesian Change-Point Detection for Process Monitoring with Fault Detection
BayesXR Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX
BayesXsrcDistribution of the 'BayesX' C++ Sources
bayesZIBBayesian Zero-Inflated Bernoulli Regression Model
bayfoxrGlobal Bayesian Foraminifera Core Top Calibration
baygelBayesian Shrinkage Estimators for Precision Matrices in Gaussian Graphical Models
BayLumChronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating
bayMDSBayesian Multidimensional Scaling and Choice of Dimension
baymedrComputation of Bayes Factors for Common Biomedical Designs
baystabilityBayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)
BAYSTAROn Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Autoregressive Models
baytrendsLong Term Water Quality Trend Analysis
bazarMiscellaneous Basic Functions
BBSolving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems
bbdetectionIdentification of Bull and Bear States of the Market
BBESTBayesian Estimation of Incoherent Neutron Scattering Backgrounds
BBIBenthic Biotic Indices Calculation from Composition Data
bbkClient for the Deutsche Bundesbank and European Central Bank APIs
bbknnRPerform Batch Balanced KNN in R
bblBoltzmann Bayes Learner
BBmiscMiscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl
bbmixBayesian Model for Genotyping using RNA-Seq
bbmleTools for General Maximum Likelihood Estimation
bbnetCreate Simple Predictive Models on Bayesian Belief Networks
bbotkBlack-Box Optimization Toolkit
bbregBessel and Beta Regressions via Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Continuous Bounded Data
BBSSLBayesian Bootstrap Spike-and-Slab LASSO
bbwBlocked Weighted Bootstrap
bc3netGene Regulatory Network Inference with Bc3net
BCA1SGBlock Coordinate Ascent with One-Step Generalized Rosen Algorithm
bcabootBias Corrected Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
BCBCSFBias-Corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features
bccBeta Control Charts
BCC1997Calculation of Option Prices Based on a Universal Solution
BCClongBayesian Consensus Clustering for Multiple Longitudinal Features
bccpBias Correction under Censoring Plan
BCDAGBayesian Structure and Causal Learning of Gaussian Directed Graphs
bcdataSearch and Retrieve Data from the BC Data Catalogue
BCDatingBusiness Cycle Dating and Plotting Tools
BcDiagDiagnostics Plots for Bicluster Data
BCEABayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis
BCEEThe Bayesian Causal Effect Estimation Algorithm
bcfCausal Inference using Bayesian Causal Forests
bcfrailphSemiparametric Bivariate Correlated Frailty Models Fit
bcfrailphdvBivariate Correlated Frailty Models with Varied Variances
bcgamBayesian Constrained Generalised Linear Models
BCgeeBias-Corrected Estimates for Generalized Linear Models for Dependent Data
BCHMClinical Trial Calculation Based on BCHM Design
BchronRadiocarbon Dating, Age-Depth Modelling, Relative Sea Level Rate Estimation, and Non-Parametric Phase Modelling
BClustLonGA Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Clustering Longitudinal Gene Expression Data
bcmapsMap Layers and Spatial Utilities for British Columbia
bcmixedMixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox Transformation
bcpaBehavioral Change Point Analysis of Animal Movement
bcputilityWrapper for SQL Server bcp Utility
BCRABreast Cancer Risk Assessment
bcrmBayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase I Dose-Escalation Trials
bcROCsurfaceBias-Corrected Methods for Estimating the ROC Surface of Continuous Diagnostic Tests
bcrypt'Blowfish' Key Derivation and Password Hashing
BCSubA Bayesian Semiparametric Factor Analysis Model for Subtype Identification (Clustering)
BCTBayesian Context Trees for Discrete Time Series
bcvCross-Validation for the SVD (Bi-Cross-Validation)
bdaBinned Data Analysis
BDAlgoBloom Detecting Algorithm
bdcBiodiversity Data Cleaning
bdDwCDarwinizer: Darwin Core (DwC) Field Names Standardization
bdeBounded Density Estimation
BDEsizeEfficient Determination of Sample Size in Balanced Design of Experiments
BDgraphBayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models using Birth-Death MCMC
bdlInterface and Tools for 'BDL' API
bdlimBayesian Distributed Lag Interaction Models
bdlpTransparent and Reproducible Artificial Data Generation
bdotsBootstrapped Differences of Time Series
BDP2Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary Endpoint
bdparBig Data Preprocessing Architecture
bdpvInference and Design for Predictive Values in Diagnostic Tests
bdrcBayesian Discharge Rating Curves
bdribsBayesian Detection of Potential Risk Using Inference on Blinded Safety Data
bdscaleRemove Weekends and Holidays from ggplot2 Axes
bdsmatrixRoutines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices
bdsvdBlock Structure Detection Using Singular Vectors
BDWregBayesian Inference for Discrete Weibull Regression
BEBioequivalence Study Data Analysis
bea.RBureau of Economic Analysis API
BEACHBiometric Exploratory Analysis Creation House
beadplexrAnalysis of Multiplex Cytometric Bead Assays
beakrA Minimalist Web Framework for R
BEAMRBootstrap Evaluation of Association Matrices
beanplotVisualization via Beanplots (Like Boxplot/Stripchart/Violin Plot)
beansData on Dried Beans
beanzBayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect
bearishTraderTrading Strategies for Bearish Outlook
beastBayesian Estimation of Change-Points in the Slope of Multivariate Time-Series
beastierCall 'BEAST2'
BeastJarJAR Dependency for MCMC Using 'BEAST'
beasttBayesian Evaluation, Analysis, and Simulation Software Tools for Trials
beautier'BEAUti' from R
beaverBayesian Model Averaging of Covariate Adjusted Negative-Binomial Dose-Response
BEDBiological Entity Dictionary (BED)
BEDASSLEQuantifies Effects of Geo/Eco Distance on Genetic Differentiation
BEDMatrixExtract Genotypes from a PLINK .bed File
bedrGenomic Region Processing using Tools Such as 'BEDTools', 'BEDOPS' and 'Tabix'
BeeBDCOccurrence Data Cleaning
beecaBinary Endpoint Estimation with Covariate Adjustment
BeeGUTSGeneral Unified Threshold Model of Survival for Bees using Bayesian Inference
beeprEasily Play Notification Sounds on any Platform
beeswarmThe Bee Swarm Plot, an Alternative to Stripchart
beezdemandBehavioral Economic Easy Demand
beezdiscountingBehavioral Economic Easy Discounting
befprojMakes a Local Population Projection
behaviorchangeTools for Behavior Change Researchers and Professionals
behavrCanonical Data Structure for Behavioural Data
BEKKsMultivariate Conditional Volatility Modelling and Forecasting
belexDownload Historical Data from the Belgrade Stock Exchange
belgBoltzmann Entropy of a Landscape Gradient
BElikelihoodLikelihood Method for Evaluating Bioequivalence
bellregCount Regression Models Based on the Bell Distribution
benchHigh Precision Timing of R Expressions
benchden28 Benchmark Densities from Berlinet/Devroye (1994)
BenchmarkingBenchmark and Frontier Analysis Using DEA and SFA
benchmarkmeCrowd Sourced System Benchmarks
benchmarkmeDataData Set for the 'benchmarkme' Package
benchrHigh Precise Measurement of R Expressions Execution Time
BENDBayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Data (BEND)
benderBender Client
benfordBenford's Analysis on Large Data Sets
benford.analysisBenford Analysis for Data Validation and Forensic Analytics
BenfordTestsStatistical Tests for Evaluating Conformity to Benford's Law
bennuBayesian Estimation of Naloxone Kit Number Under-Reporting
bentcableARBent-Cable Regression for Independent Data or Autoregressive Time Series
benthosMarine Benthic Ecosystem Analysis
BeQutBayesian Estimation for Quantile Regression Mixed Models
BergmBayesian Exponential Random Graph Models
BernadetteBayesian Inference and Model Selection for Stochastic Epidemics
berryFunctionsFunction Collection Related to Plotting and Hydrology
bespatialBoltzmann Entropy for Spatial Data
BeSSBest Subset Selection in Linear, Logistic and CoxPH Models
BesselComputations and Approximations for Bessel Functions
bestglmBest Subset GLM and Regression Utilities
besthrGenerating Bootstrap Estimation Distributions of HR Data
BestieBayesian Estimation of Intervention Effects
bestNormalizeNormalizing Transformation Functions
BESTreeBranch-Exclusive Splits Trees
bestridgeA Comprehensive R Package for Best Subset Selection
bestSDPBurden Estimate of Common Communicable Diseases in Settlements of Displaced Populations
BETBinary Expansion Testing
betaBayesBayesian Beta Regression
BetaBitMini Games from Adventures of Beta and Bit
betacalBeta Calibration
betaclustA Family of Beta Mixture Models for Clustering Beta-Valued DNA Methylation Data
betaDeltaConfidence Intervals for Standardized Regression Coefficients
betafunctionsFunctions for Working with Two- And Four-Parameter Beta Probability Distributions and Psychometric Analysis of Classifications
betaMCMonte Carlo for Regression Effect Sizes
betaNBBootstrap for Regression Effect Sizes
betapartPartitioning Beta Diversity into Turnover and Nestedness Components
BetaPASSCalculate Power and Sample Size with Beta Regression
betaperTaxonomic Uncertainty on Multivariate Analyses of Ecological Data
betaregBeta Regression
betaSandwichRobust Confidence Intervals for Standardized Regression Coefficients
betategarchSimulation, Estimation and Forecasting of Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH Models
bethelBethel's algorithm
BETSBrazilian Economic Time Series
bets.covid19The BETS Model for Early Epidemic Data
BetterRegBetter Statistics for OLS and Binomial Logistic Regression
BeviMedBayesian Evaluation of Variant Involvement in Mendelian Disease
bexyVisualize and Parse the Output of 'BeXY'
BeyondBenfordCompare the Goodness of Fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da Silva's Digit Distributions to a Given Dataset
beyondWhittleBayesian Spectral Inference for Time Series
bezierToolkit for Bezier Curves and Splines
bfastBreaks for Additive Season and Trend
BFFBayes Factor Functions
BFIBayesian Federated Inference
bfpBayesian Fractional Polynomials
BFpackFlexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Expectations
BFSGet Data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office
bfslBest-Fit Straight Line
bfsMapsPlot Maps from Switzerland by Swiss Federal Statistical Office
bfwBayesian Framework for Computational Modeling
BGDataA Suite of Packages for Analysis of Big Genomic Data
bgevBimodal GEV Distribution with Location Parameter
bgevaBinary Generalized Extreme Value Additive Models
BGFDBell-G and Complementary Bell-G Family of Distributions
BGGEBayesian Genomic Linear Models Applied to GE Genome Selection
BGGMBayesian Gaussian Graphical Models
bggumBayesian Estimation of Generalized Graded Unfolding Model Parameters
BGLRBayesian Generalized Linear Regression
bgmfilesExample BGM Files for the Atlantis Ecosystem Model
BGmiscAn R Package for Extended Behavior Genetics Analysis
bgmmGaussian Mixture Modeling Algorithms and the Belief-Based Mixture Modeling
bgmsBayesian Analysis of Networks of Binary and/or Ordinal Variables
BGPhazardMarkov Beta and Gamma Processes for Modeling Hazard Rates
bgsmtrBayesian Group Sparse Multi-Task Regression
bgumbelBimodal Gumbel Distribution
BGVARBayesian Global Vector Autoregressions
bgwBunch-Gay-Welsch Statistical Estimation
BHBoost C++ Header Files
BHAIEstimate the Burden of Healthcare-Associated Infections
BhatGeneral Likelihood Exploration
BHH2Useful Functions for Box, Hunter and Hunter II
bhmBiomarker Threshold Models
bhmbasketBayesian Hierarchical Models for Basket Trials
BHMSMAfMRIBayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis of Functional MRI (fMRI) Data
BHSBVARStructural Bayesian Vector Autoregression Models
BIBlinding Assessment Indexes for Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Trials
BiasCorrectorA GUI to Correct Measurement Bias in DNA Methylation Analyses
BiasedUrnBiased Urn Model Distributions
bib2dfParse a BibTeX File to a Data Frame
BiBitRR Wrapper for Java Implementation of BiBit
biblioInteracting with BibTeX Databases
bibliometrixComprehensive Science Mapping Analysis
bibliometrixDataBibliometrix Example Datasets
biblionetworkCreate Different Types of Bibliometric Networks
biblioreferGenerator of Main Scientific References
biblioverlapDocument-Level Matching Between Bibliographic Datasets
BibPlotsPlot Functions for Use in Bibliometrics
bibsBayesian Inference for the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
bibtexBibtex Parser
BiCausalityBinary Causality Inference Framework
biClassifyBinary Classification Using Extensions of Discriminant Analysis
biclustBiCluster Algorithms
biclustermdBiclustering with Missing Data
BICORNIntegrative Inference of De Novo Cis-Regulatory Modules
BiDAGBayesian Inference for Directed Acyclic Graphs
bidaskEfficient Estimation of Bid-Ask Spreads from Open, High, Low, and Close Prices
BiDimRegressionCalculates the Bidimensional Regression Between Two 2D Configurations
BIENTools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database
BifactorIndicesCalculatorBifactor Indices Calculator
bifeBinary Choice Models with Fixed Effects
BIFIEsurveyTools for Survey Statistics in Educational Assessment
bifurcatingrBifurcating Autoregressive Models
bigalgebra'BLAS' and 'LAPACK' Routines for Native R Matrices and 'big.matrix' Objects
biganalyticsUtilities for 'big.matrix' Objects from Package 'bigmemory'
bigassertrAssertion and Message Functions
bigBitsPerform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers
bigchessRead, Write, Manipulate, Explore Chess PGN Files and R API to UCI Chess Engines
bigDFlexibly Format Dates and Times to a Given Locale
bigdatadistDistances for Machine Learning and Statistics in the Context of Big Data
BIGDAWGCase-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic Loci
bigDMScalable Bayesian Disease Mapping Models for High-Dimensional Data
bigergmFit, Simulate, and Diagnose Hierarchical Exponential-Family Models for Big Networks
bigGPDistributed Gaussian Process Calculations
BIGLBiochemically Intuitive Generalized Loewe Model
biglassoExtending Lasso Model Fitting to Big Data
bigleafPhysical and Physiological Ecosystem Properties from Eddy Covariance Data
biglmBounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models
biglmmBounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models
bigMapBig Data Mapping
bigmatchMaking Optimal Matching Size-Scalable Using Optimal Calipers
bigmdsMultidimensional Scaling for Big Data
bigmemoryManage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files
bigmemory.sriA Shared Resource Interface for Bigmemory Project Packages
bignumArbitrary-Precision Integer and Floating-Point Mathematics
bigparallelrEasy Parallel Tools
bigQFQuadratic Forms in Large Matrices
BigQuicBig Quadratic Inverse Covariance Estimation
bigreadrRead Large Text Files
bigRegGeneralized Linear Models (GLM) for Large Data Sets
bigrqueryAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'
bigrquerystorageAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery Storage' API
bigsimrFast Generation of High-Dimensional Random Vectors
bigsnprAnalysis of Massive SNP Arrays
bigsparserSparse Matrix Format with Data on Disk
bigsplinesSmoothing Splines for Large Samples
bigstatsrStatistical Tools for Filebacked Big Matrices
bigstepStepwise Selection for Large Data Sets
bigSurvSGDBig Survival Analysis Using Stochastic Gradient Descent
bigtabulateTable, Apply, and Split Functionality for Matrix and 'big.matrix' Objects
bigtcrNonparametric Analysis of Bivariate Gap Time with Competing Risks
bigtimeSparse Estimation of Large Time Series Models
bigutilsrUtility Functions for Large-scale Data
BigVARDimension Reduction Methods for Multivariate Time Series
bikeshare14Bay Area Bike Share Trips in 2014
bikm1Co-Clustering Adjusted Rand Index and Bikm1 Procedure for Contingency and Binary Data-Sets
bildA Package for BInary Longitudinal Data
billboardContains Data of Billboard Hot 100 Songs
billboarderCreate Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library
bimetsTime Series and Econometric Modeling
BimodalIndexThe Bimodality Index
binancerAPI Client to 'Binance'
BinarizeBinarization of One-Dimensional Data
BinarybalancedCutThreshold Cut Point of Probability for a Binary Classifier Model
BinaryDosageCreates, Merges, and Reads Binary Dosage Files
BinaryEMVSVariable Selection for Binary Data Using the EM Algorithm
BinaryEPPMMean and Scale-Factor Modeling of Under- And Over-Dispersed Binary Data
binaryGPFit and Predict a Gaussian Process Model with (Time-Series) Binary Response
binaryMMFlexible Marginalized Models for Binary Correlated Outcomes
binb'binb' is not 'Beamer'
BINCOREstimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Time Series
bindaMulti-Class Discriminant Analysis using Binary Predictors
bindataGeneration of Artificial Binary Data
bindrParametrized Active Bindings
bindrcppAn 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
binequalityMethods for Analyzing Binned Income Data
binfordBinford's Hunter-Gatherer Data
binfunestEstimates Parameters of Functions Driving Binomial Random Variables
bingadsRGet Bing Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
bingatBinary Graph Analysis Tools
binGroupEvaluation and Experimental Design for Binomial Group Testing
binGroup2Identification and Estimation using Group Testing
BinGSDCalculate Boundaries and Conditional Power for Single Arm Group Sequential Test with Binary Endpoint
binhfHaar-Fisz Functions for Binomial Data
binmanA Binary Download Manager
BinMatProcesses Binary Data Obtained from Fragment Analysis (Such as AFLPs, ISSRs, and RFLPs)
binMtoMany-to-One Comparisons of Proportions
BinNonNorData Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components
BinNorSimultaneous Generation of Multivariate Binary and Normal Variates
binomBinomial Confidence Intervals for Several Parameterizations
binomCIConfidence Intervals for a Binomial Proportion
binomialRFBinomial Random Forest Feature Selection
binomialtrendCalculates the Statistical Significance of a Trend in a Set of Measurements
BinOrdNonNorConcurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous Data
binovisualfieldsDepth-Dependent Binocular Visual Fields Simulation
binpackrFast 1d Bin Packing
binrCut Numeric Values into Evenly Distributed Groups
BinSegBstrapPiecewise Smooth Regression by Bootstrapped Binary Segmentation
binsegRcppEfficient Implementation of Binary Segmentation
binseqtestExact Binary Sequential Designs and Analysis
binsmoothGenerate PDFs and CDFs from Binned Data
binsppBayesian Inference for Neyman-Scott Point Processes
binsregBinscatter Estimation and Inference
binstData Preprocessing, Binning for Classification and Regression
BINtoolsBayesian BIN (Bias, Information, Noise) Model of Forecasting
bio.inferPredict Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations
bio3dBiological Structure Analysis
bioacousticsAnalyse Audio Recordings and Automatically Extract Animal Vocalizations
BiObjClassClassification of Algorithms
biobricksAccess Data Dependencies Installed Through 'Biobricks.ai'
bioC.logsBioConductor Package Downloads Stats
BioCircosInteractive Circular Visualization of Genomic Data using 'htmlwidgets' and 'BioCircos.js'
bioclimBioclimatic Analysis and Classification
BiocManagerAccess the Bioconductor Project Package Repository
biocomputeCreate and Manipulate BioCompute Objects
BioCroModular Crop Growth Simulations
BiodemBiodemography Functions
BiodiversityRPackage for Community Ecology and Suitability Analysis
biodosetoolsAn R Shiny Application for Biological Dosimetry
BIOdryMultilevel Modeling of Dendroclimatical Fluctuations
biogasProcess Biogas Data and Predict Biogas Production
biogeomBiological Geometries
biogramN-Gram Analysis of Biological Sequences
biogrowthModelling of Population Growth
BioiBiological Image Analysis
bioimagetoolsTools for Microscopy Imaging
bioinactivationMathematical Modelling of (Dynamic) Microbial Inactivation
BioInsightFilter and Plot RNA Biotypes
biolinkCreate Hyperlinks to Biological Databases and Resources
biologicalActivityIndicesBiological Activity Indices
BioM2Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Framework
BioMarkFind Biomarkers in Two-Class Discrimination Problems
biomartrGenomic Data Retrieval
BIOMASSEstimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in Tropical Forests
biometryassistFunctions to Assist Design and Analysis of Agronomic Experiments
biomod2Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling
bionetdataBiological and Chemical Data Networks
BioPETBiomarker Prognostic Enrichment Tool
BioPETsurvBiomarker Prognostic Enrichment Tool for Time-to-Event Trial
biopixRExtracting Insights from Biological Images
BioPredAn R Package for Biomarkers Analysis in Precision Medicine
BioProbabilityProbability in Biostatistics
bioRadBiological Analysis and Visualization of Weather Radar Data
bioregionComparison of Bioregionalisation Methods
BioRssayAnalyze Bioassays and Probit Graphs
bios2mdsFrom Biological Sequences to Multidimensional Scaling
biosampleRBiodiversity Index Calculation and Bootstrap Confidence Interval Estimation
biosensors.uscDistributional Data Analysis Techniques for Biosensor Data
bioseqA Toolbox for Manipulating Biological Sequences
biosignalEMGTools for Electromyogram Signals (EMG) Analysis
bioSNRBioacoustic Basic Operations with Decibels and the Passive Sonar Equation
biospearBiomarker Selection in Penalized Regression Models
biostat3Utility Functions, Datasets and Extended Examples for Survival Analysis
BiostatisticsStatistics Tutorials for Biologists
BioStatRInitiation à La Statistique Avec R
biostats101Practical Functions for Biostatistics Beginners
BiostatsUHNplusNested Data Summary, Adverse Events and REDCap
bioticCalculation of Freshwater Biotic Indices
BioTIMErTools to Use and Explore the 'BioTIME' Database
biotoolsTools for Biometry and Applied Statistics in Agricultural Science
BioVennCreate Area-Proportional Venn Diagrams from Biological Lists
bipartiteVisualising Bipartite Networks and Calculating Some (Ecological) Indices
bipartiteD3Interactive Bipartite Graphs
BipartiteModularityMaximizationPartition Bipartite Network into Non-Overlapping Biclusters by Optimizing Bipartite Modularity
bipdBayesian Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis using 'JAGS'
bipl5Construct Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots
biplotbootGUIBootstrap on Classical Biplots and Clustering Disjoint Biplot
biplotEZEZ-to-Use Biplots
BiplotGUIInteractive Biplots in R
birankrRanking Nodes in Bipartite and Weighted Networks
birdieBayesian Instrumental Regression for Disparity Estimation
birdringMethods to Analyse Ring Re-Encounter Data
birdscanRMigration Traffic Rate Calculation Package for 'Birdscan MR1' Radars
birkMA Birk's Functions
birtrThe R Package for "The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R"
biscaleTools and Palettes for Bivariate Thematic Mapping
BISdataDownload Data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
bisectrTools to find bad commits with git bisect
BiSEpToolkit to Identify Candidate Synthetic Lethality
bispdepStatistical Tools for Bivariate Spatial Dependence Analysis
bisqueApproximate Bayesian Inference via Sparse Grid Quadrature Evaluation (BISQuE) for Hierarchical Models
BisqueRNADecomposition of Bulk Expression with Single-Cell Sequencing
BisRNAAnalysis of RNA Cytosine-5 Methylation
bistablehistoryCumulative History Analysis for Bistable Perception Time Series
bitClasses and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections
bit64A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
bitmexrR Client for BitMEX
bitopsBitwise Operations
BiTrinABinarization and Trinarization of One-Dimensional Data
bittermelonBitmap Tools
Bivariate.ParetoBivariate Pareto Models
bivariatemapsCreates Bivariate Maps
BivGeoBasu-Dhar Bivariate Geometric Distribution
bivgeomRoy's Bivariate Geometric Distribution
bivpoisBivariate Poisson Distribution
BivRecBivariate Alternating Recurrent Event Data Analysis
BivRegBLSTolerance Interval and EIV Regression - Method Comparison Studies
bivrpBivariate Residual Plots with Simulation Polygons
BivUnifBinGeneration of Bivariate Uniform Data and Its Relation to Bivariate Binary Data
biwaveletConduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet Analyses
biwtCompute the Biweight Mean Vector and Covariance & Correlation Matrice
bizdaysBusiness Days Calculations and Utilities
bizicountBivariate Zero-Inflated Count Models Using Copulas
bkmrBayesian Kernel Machine Regression
bkmrhatParallel Chain Tools for Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression
BKTRBayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression
BLABoundary Line Analysis
blackboxBlack Box Optimization and Exploration of Parameter Space
blackmarblerBlack Marble Data and Statistics
blaiseRead and Write FWF Files in the 'Blaise' Format
BlakerCIBlaker's Binomial and Poisson Confidence Limits
BlandAltmanLehPlots (Slightly Extended) Bland-Altman Plots
blandrBland-Altman Method Comparison
blapsrBayesian Inference with Laplace Approximations and P-Splines
blasterNative R Implementation of an Efficient BLAST-Like Algorithm
blastulaEasily Send HTML Email Messages
blatentBayesian Latent Variable Models
blatrSend Emails Using 'Blat' for Windows
blavaanBayesian Latent Variable Analysis
BLCOPBlack-Litterman and Copula Opinion Pooling Frameworks
blenderAnalyze biotic homogenization of landscapes
BlendstatJoint Analysis of Experiments with Mixtures and Random Effects
blindrecalcBlinded Sample Size Recalculation
blindreviewEnables Blind Review of Database
blinkRecord Linkage for Empirically Motivated Priors
blissBayesian Functional Linear Regression with Sparse Step Functions
blmBinomial Linear Regression
blmeBayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models
blmecoData Files and Functions Accompanying the Book "Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology using R, BUGS and Stan"
BLModelBlack-Litterman Posterior Distribution
blobA Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
blockclusterCo-Clustering Package for Binary, Categorical, Contingency and Continuous Data-Sets
BlockCovEstimation of Large Block Covariance Matrices
blockCVSpatial and Environmental Blocking for K-Fold and LOO Cross-Validation
blockForestBlock Forests: Random Forests for Blocks of Clinical and Omics Covariate Data
blocklengthSelect an Optimal Block-Length to Bootstrap Dependent Data (Block Bootstrap)
blockmatrixblockmatrix: Tools to solve algebraic systems with partitioned matrices
BlockMissingDataIntegrating Multi-Source Block-Wise Missing Data in Model Selection
blockmodelingGeneralized and Classical Blockmodeling of Valued Networks
BlockmodelingGUIGUI for the Generalised Blockmodeling of Valued Networks
blockmodelsLatent and Stochastic Block Model Estimation by a 'V-EM' Algorithm
blockrandRandomization for Block Random Clinical Trials
blocksdesignNested and Crossed Block Designs for Factorial and Unstructured Treatment Sets
blockToolsBlock, Assign, and Diagnose Potential Interference in Randomized Experiments
blocsEstimate and Visualize Voting Blocs' Partisan Contributions
blogdownCreate Blogs and Websites with R Markdown
BLOQImpute and Analyze Data with BLOQ Observations
blorrTools for Developing Binary Logistic Regression Models
BLPestimatoRPerforms a BLP Demand Estimation
BLRBayesian Linear Regression
blrmDose Escalation Design in Phase I Oncology Trial Using Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling
BLRPMStochastic Rainfall Generator Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse Model
BLRShinyInteractive Document for Working with Binary Logistic Regression Analysis
BLRShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Binary Logistic Regression Analysis
blsBanditData Viewer for Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
blscrapeRAn API Wrapper for the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
BLSMBayesian Latent Space Model
blsRMake Requests from the Bureau of Labor Statistics API
bltmBayesian Latent Threshold Modeling
bluebikeBlue Bike Comprehensive Data
BlythStillCasellaCIBlyth-Still-Casella Exact Binomial Confidence Intervals
BMABayesian Model Averaging
bmabasketBayesian Model Averaging for Basket Trials
BMAmevtMultivariate Extremes: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Measure
bmassBayesian Multivariate Analysis of Summary Statistics
BMconcorCONCOR for Structural- And Regular-Equivalence Blockmodeling
bmemMediation Analysis with Missing Data Using Bootstrap
bmemLavaanMediation Analysis with Missing Data and Non-Normal Data
bmetBayesian Multigroup Equivalence Testing
bmgarchBayesian Multivariate GARCH Models
bmggumBayesian Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
BMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Panel Data, Quantiles, and Printing Results
bmixtureBayesian Estimation for Finite Mixture of Distributions
bmlmBayesian Multilevel Mediation
bmmEasy and Accessible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'
bmpRead Windows Bitmap (BMP) Images
BMRBr'BMRB' File Downloader
BMRMMAn Implementation of the Bayesian Markov (Renewal) Mixed Models
BMSBayesian Model Averaging Library
bmscstanBayesian Multilevel Single Case Models using 'Stan'
bmstdrBayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with R
BMTThe BMT Distribution
BMTARBayesian Approach for MTAR Models with Missing Data
bnclassifyLearning Discrete Bayesian Network Classifiers from Data
bndesrAccess Data from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
bndovbBounding Omitted Variable Bias Using Auxiliary Data
bnlearnBayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference
bnmaBayesian Network Meta-Analysis using 'JAGS'
bnmonitorAn Implementation of Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Networks
bnnSurvivalBagged k-Nearest Neighbors Survival Prediction
bnpaBayesian Networks & Path Analysis
BNPdensityFerguson-Klass Type Algorithm for Posterior Normalized Random Measures
BNPmixBayesian Nonparametric Mixture Models
bnpsdSimulate Genotypes from the BN-PSD Admixture Model
BNPTSclustA Bayesian Nonparametric Algorithm for Time Series Clustering
bnRepA Repository of Bayesian Networks from the Academic Literature
BNrichPathway Enrichment Analysis Based on Bayesian Network
BNSLBayesian Network Structure Learning
BNSPBayesian Non- And Semi-Parametric Model Fitting
bnstructBayesian Network Structure Learning from Data with Missing Values
bnviewerBayesian Networks Interactive Visualization and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
boaBayesian Output Analysis Program (BOA) for MCMC
BoardGamesBoard Games and Tools for Building Board Games
bodenmillerProfiling of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells using CyTOF
BodiBoosting Diversity in Regression Ensembles
bodsrCall the Bus Open Data Service ('BODS') API Through R
bodycompPercent Body Fat Values Using Anthropometric Prediction Equations
bodycomprefReference Values for CT-Assessed Body Composition
boggyReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Boggy et al. (2010)
boilerpipeRInterface to the Boilerpipe Java Library
BOINBayesian Optimal INterval (BOIN) Design for Single-Agent and Drug- Combination Phase I Clinical Trials
boinetConduct Simulation Study of Bayesian Optimal Interval Design with BOIN-ET Family
boiwsaSeasonal Adjustment of Weekly Data
BOJInterface to Bank of Japan Statistics
bolassoModel Consistent Lasso Estimation Through the Bootstrap
bolsecBolivian Securities
BolstadFunctions for Elementary Bayesian Inference
Bolstad2Bolstad Functions
BoltzMMBoltzmann Machines with MM Algorithms
bondAnalystMethods for Fixed-Income Valuation, Risk and Return
BondValuationFixed Coupon Bond Valuation Allowing for Odd Coupon Periods and Various Day Count Conventions
BoneProfileRTools to Study Bone Compactness
BonEVAn Improved Multiple Testing Procedure for Controlling False Discovery Rates
bonnAccess INKAR Database
bonsaiModel Wrappers for Tree-Based Models
bonsaiforestShrinkage Based Forest Plots
boodistSome Distributions from the 'Boost' Library and More
bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
BoolFilterOptimal Estimation of Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems
BoolNetConstruction, Simulation and Analysis of Boolean Networks
BoomBayesian Object Oriented Modeling
boomerDebugging Tools to Inspect the Intermediate Steps of a Call
BoomSpikeSlabMCMC for Spike and Slab Regression
boostingDEAA Boosting Approach to Data Envelopment Analysis
BoostMLRBoosting for Multivariate Longitudinal Responses
boostmtreeBoosted Multivariate Trees for Longitudinal Data
boostrqBoosting Regression Quantiles
bootBootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S)
boot.heterogeneityA Bootstrap-Based Heterogeneity Test for Meta-Analysis
boot.pvalBootstrap p-Values
bootclusterBootstrapping Estimates of Clustering Stability
bootCombCombine Parameter Estimates via Parametric Bootstrap
bootCTBootstrapping the ARDL Tests for Cointegration
bootESBootstrap Confidence Intervals on Effect Sizes
bootf2Simulation and Comparison of Dissolution Profiles
bootGOFBootstrap Based Goodness-of-Fit Tests
bootImputeBootstrap Inference for Multiple Imputation
bootLRBootstrapped Confidence Intervals for (Negative) Likelihood Ratio Tests
BootMRMRBootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection
bootnetBootstrap Methods for Various Network Estimation Routines
bootPLSBootstrap Hyperparameter Selection for PLS Models and Extensions
BootPRBootstrap Prediction Intervals and Bias-Corrected Forecasting
bootruinA Bootstrap Test for the Probability of Ruin in the Classical Risk Process
bootStepAICBootstrap stepAIC
bootstrapFunctions for the Book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap"
bootstrapFPBootstrap Algorithms for Finite Population Inference
BootstrapQTLBootstrap cis-QTL Method that Corrects for the Winner's Curse
bootsurvBootstrap Methods for Complete Survey Data
bootSVDFast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for High Dimensional Data
bootURBootstrap Unit Root Tests
bootwarNonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling Card Game
BootWPTOSTest Stationarity using Bootstrap Wavelet Packet Tests
BoptbdBayesian Optimal Block Designs
borTransforming Behavioral Observation Records into Data Matrices
boralBayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis
borrowrEstimate Causal Effects with Borrowing Between Data Sources
BorutaWrapper Algorithm for All Relevant Feature Selection
BosonSamplingClassical Boson Sampling
BoSSAA Bunch of Structure and Sequence Analysis
bossRBiomarker Optimal Segmentation System
BOSSregBest Orthogonalized Subset Selection (BOSS)
botor'AWS Python SDK' ('boto3') for R
BoundaryStatsBoundary Overlap Statistics
BoundEdgeworthBound on the Error of the First-Order Edgeworth Expansion
boundingboxCreate a Bounding Box in an Image
boussinesqAnalytic Solutions for (Ground-Water) Boussinesq Equation
boutliersOutlier Detection and Influence Diagnostics for Meta-Analysis
BoutrosLab.plotting.generalFunctions to Create Publication-Quality Plots
boxWrite Reusable, Composable and Modular R Code
box.lintersLinters for 'box' Modules
box.lspProvides 'box' Compatibility for 'languageserver'
boxcoxmixBox-Cox-Type Transformations for Linear and Logistic Models with Random Effects
boxfilterFilter Noisy Data
boxlyInteractive Box Plot
boxplotclusterClustering Method Based on Boxplot Statistics
boxplotdblDouble Box Plot for Two-Axes Correlation
boxrInterface for the 'Box.com API'
bpBlood Pressure Analysis in R
bpaBasic Pattern Analysis
bpAccBlood Pressure Device Accuracy Evaluation: Statistical Considerations
bpboundsNonparametric Bounds for the Average Causal Effect Due to Balke and Pearl and Extensions
bpcaBiplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis
bpcpBeta Product Confidence Procedure for Right Censored Data
bpDirBoxplots for Directional Data
bpgmmBayesian Model Selection Approach for Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture Models
BPMBayesian Purity Model to Estimate Tumor Purity
bpmnRSupport for BPMN (Business Process Management Notation) Models
bpmnVisualizationRVisualize Process Execution Data on 'BPMN' Diagrams
bpnregBayesian Projected Normal Regression Models for Circular Data
bppComputations Around Bayesian Predictive Power
bprFitting Bayesian Poisson Regression
BPrinStratTTECausal Effects in Principal Strata Defined by Antidrug Antibodies
bqrorBayesian Quantile Regression for Ordinal Models
bqtlBayesian QTL Mapping Toolkit
bRacatusA Method to Estimate the Accuracy and Biogeographical Status of Georeferenced Biological Data
BRACEBias Reduction Through Analysis of Competing Events (BRACE)
bracerBrace Expansions
BRACoD.RBRACoD: Bayesian Regression Analysis of Compositional Data
bradaBayesian Response-Adaptive Design Analysis
BradleyTerry2Bradley-Terry Models
braggRCalculate the Revealed Aggregator of Probability Predictions
braidReportsVisualize Combined Action Response Surfaces and Report BRAID Analyses
braidrmFitting Combined Action with the BRAID Response Surface Model
braidsThe Braid Groups
BrailleRImproved Access for Blind Users
BrainConInference the Partial Correlations Based on Time Series Data
brainGraphGraph Theory Analysis of Brain MRI Data
brainKCCARegion-Level Connectivity Network Construction via Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
brainRHelper Functions to 'misc3d' and 'rgl' Packages for Brain Imaging
BranchGLMEfficient Best Subset Selection for GLMs via Branch and Bound Algorithms
BranchingSimulation and Estimation for Branching Processes
brandwatchR'Brandwatch' API to R
brantTest for Parallel Regression Assumption
braQCABootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative Comparative Analysis
brassica1970s BASIC Interpreter
bratteliDeal with Bratteli Graphs
bravoBayesian Screening and Variable Selection
BrazilCrimeAccesses Brazilian Public Security Data from SINESP Since 2015
BrazilMetDownload and Processing of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) Data of INMET-Brazil
BRBVSVariable Selection and Ranking in Copula Survival Models Affected by General Censoring Scheme
BRcalBoldness-Recalibration of Binary Events
brclimrFetch Zonal Statistics of Weather Indicators for Brazilian Municipalities
BRDTBinomial Reliability Demonstration Tests
breaBayesian Recurrent Events Analysis
breadAnalyze Big Files Without Loading Them in Memory
BREADREstimates Degrees of Relatedness (Up to the Second Degree) for Extreme Low-Coverage Data
breakawaySpecies Richness Estimation and Modeling
breakDownModel Agnostic Explainers for Individual Predictions
breakfastMethods for Fast Multiple Change-Point/Break-Point Detection and Estimation
breakpointAn R Package for Multiple Break-Point Detection via the Cross-Entropy Method
BreakPointsIdentify Breakpoints in Series of Data
breathtestcoreCore Functions to Read and Fit 13c Time Series from Breath Tests
breathteststanStan-Based Fit to Gastric Emptying Curves
bReezeFunctions for Wind Resource Assessment
BRETIGEABrain Cell Type Specific Gene Expression Analysis
brewTemplating Framework for Report Generation
brglmBias Reduction in Binomial-Response Generalized Linear Models
brglm2Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear Models
bricksetInterface with the Brickset API for Getting Data About LEGO Sets
bridgedistAn Implementation of the Bridge Distribution with Logit-Link as in Wang and Louis (2003)
bridgerBridge Hand Generator with Criteria Selector
bridger2Genome-Wide RNA Degradation Analysis Using BRIC-Seq Data
bridgesamplingBridge Sampling for Marginal Likelihoods and Bayes Factors
brifA Tree and Forest Tool for Classification and Regression
briKmeansPackage for Brik, Fabrik and Fdebrik Algorithms to Initialise Kmeans
BRINDAComputation of BRINDA Adjusted Micronutrient Biomarkers for Inflammation
brintonA Graphical EDA Tool
brioBasic R Input Output
briqrInterface to the 'Briq' API
BRISCFast Inference for Large Spatial Datasets using BRISC
briskBayesian Benefit Risk Analysis
BRLBeta Record Linkage
brlrmrBias Reduction with Missing Binary Response
brmBinary Regression Model
brmsBayesian Regression Models using 'Stan'
brms.mmrmBayesian MMRMs using 'brms'
brmsmarginsBayesian Marginal Effects for 'brms' Models
brnnBayesian Regularization for Feed-Forward Neural Networks
BrobdingnagVery Large Numbers in R
BrokenAdaptiveRidgeBroken Adaptive Ridge Regression with Cyclops
brokenstickBroken Stick Model for Irregular Longitudinal Data
brolgarBrowse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R
bromanKarl Broman's R Code
broomConvert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
broom.helpersHelpers for Model Coefficients Tibbles
broom.mixedTidying Methods for Mixed Models
brotliA Compression Format Optimized for the Web
BrownDogBrown Dog R Interface
brpopBrazilian Population Estimatives
BrqBayesian Analysis of Quantile Regression Models
brsimBrainerd-Robinson Similarity Coefficient Matrix
bruceRBroadly Useful Convenient and Efficient R Functions
BRugsInterface to the 'OpenBUGS' MCMC Software
bruleeHigh-Level Modeling Functions with 'torch'
brunnermunzel(Permuted) Brunner-Munzel Test
BRVMRetrieve Historical Data of Companies Listed on the 'BRVM' Stock Exchange
brxxBayesian Test Reliability Estimation
bs4cardsGenerate Bootstrap Cards
bs4DashA 'Bootstrap 4' Version of 'shinydashboard'
BSagriSafety Assessment in Agricultural Field Trials
bsamBayesian State-Space Models for Animal Movement
bsamGPBayesian Spectral Analysis Models using Gaussian Process Priors
bscuiBuild SVG Custom User Interface
BSDABasic Statistics and Data Analysis
bsearchtoolsBinary Search Tools
bsgofBirnbaum-Saunders Goodness-of-Fit Test
BSGWBayesian Survival Model with Lasso Shrinkage Using Generalized Weibull Regression
bshazardNonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function
bSiModeling and Computing Biogenic Silica ('bSi') from Inland and Pelagic Sediments
bsiconsEasily Work with 'Bootstrap' Icons
bSimsAgent-Based Bird Point Count Simulator
bsitarBayesian Super Imposition by Translation and Rotation Growth Curve Analysis
bskyrInteract with 'Bluesky' Social
BSLBayesian Synthetic Likelihood
bslibCustom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
BsMDBayes Screening and Model Discrimination
bsnsingBuild Decision Trees with Optimal Multivariate Splits
BSPADATABayesian Proposal to Fit Spatial Econometric Models
BSPBSSBayesian Spatial Blind Source Separation
bspcovBayesian Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix
bspecBayesian Spectral Inference
bsplineB-Spline Interpolation and Regression
bsplinePsdBayesian Nonparametric Spectral Density Estimation Using B-Spline Priors
bsplusAdds Functionality to the R Markdown + Shiny Bootstrap Framework
bspmBridge to System Package Manager
bspmmaBayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-Analysis
bsregBayesian Spatial Regression Models
BSSBrownian Semistationary Processes
BSSasympAsymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and Unmixing Matrix Estimates
bssmBayesian Inference of Non-Linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models
bssnBirnbaum-Saunders Model
BSSoverSpaceBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial Data using Eigen Analysis
BSSprepWhitening Data as Preparation for Blind Source Separation
bstGradient Boosting
bsToolsCreate HTML Content with Bootstrap 5 Classes and Layouts
bstrlBayesian Streaming Record Linkage
bstsBayesian Structural Time Series
bsubSubmitter and Monitor of the 'LSF Cluster'
bsvarsBayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models
bsvarSIGNsBayesian SVARs with Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions
BSWFitting a Log-Binomial Model using the Bekhit-Schöpe-Wagenpfeil (BSW) Algorithm
bsynthBayesian Synthetic Control
BT(Adaptive) Boosting Trees Algorithm
btbBeyond the Border - Kernel Density Estimation for Urban Geography
BTdecayLassoBradley-Terry Model with Exponential Time Decayed Log-Likelihood and Adaptive Lasso
btergmTemporal Exponential Random Graph Models by Bootstrapped Pseudolikelihood
BTLLassoModelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data
BTMBiterm Topic Models for Short Text
BTSPASBayesian Time-Stratified Population Analysis
BTSRBounded Time Series Regression
BTtestEstimate the Number of Factors in Large Nonstationary Datasets
BTTLBradley-Terry Transfer Learning
BTYDImplementing BTYD Models with the Log Sum Exp Patch
BTYDplusProbabilistic Models for Assessing and Predicting your Customer Base
bubbleHeatmapProduces 'bubbleHeatmap' Plots for Visualising Metabolomics Data
bubblyrBeautiful Bubbles for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' Backgrounds
BUCSSBias and Uncertainty Corrected Sample Size
BuddleA Deep Learning for Statistical Classification and Regression Analysis with Random Effects
buildmerStepwise Elimination and Term Reordering for Mixed-Effects Regression
buildrOrganize & Run Build Scripts Comfortably
BuildSysSystem for Building and Debugging C/C++ Dynamic Libraries
bujarBuckley-James Regression for Survival Data with High-Dimensional Covariates
bulkAnalyseRInteractive Shiny App for Bulk Sequencing Data
bulkQCQuality Control and Outlier Identification in Bulk for Multicenter Trials
bulkreadrThe Ultimate Tool for Reading Data in Bulk
bulletcpAutomatic Groove Identification via Bayesian Changepoint Detection
bulletrAlgorithms for Matching Bullet Lands
bullishTraderBullish Trading Strategies Through Graphs
bullseyeVisualising Multiple Pairwise Variable Correlations and Other Scores
bullwhipgameBullwhip Effect Demo in Shiny
bumblTools for Modeling Bumblebee Colony Growth and Decline
bumblebeeQuantify Disease Transmission Within and Between Population Groups
bunchingEstimate Bunching
bunchrAnalyze Bunching in a Kink or Notch Setting
bundesbankDownload Data from Bundesbank
bundesligRAll Final Tables of the Bundesliga
bundleSerialize Model Objects with a Consistent Interface
bupaRBusiness Process Analysis in R
bupaverseEasily Install and Load the 'bupaverse'
burgle'Burgle': Stealing the Necessary Parts of Model Objects
burnrForest Fire History Analysis
bursaR Wrapper for Bursa Municipality Open Data Portal
BurStFinBurns Statistics Financial
BurStMiscBurns Statistics Miscellaneous
burstsMarkov Model for Bursty Behavior in Streams
busdaterStandard Date Calculations for Business
BusinessDurationCalculates Business Duration Between Two Dates
businessPlanRSimple Modelling Tools for Business Plans
butcherModel Butcher
butterflyOptionsTrading Butterfly Options Strategies
BuyseTestGeneralized Pairwise Comparisons
BvalueB-Value and Empirical Equivalence Bound
BVARHierarchical Bayesian Vector Autoregression
bvarsvBayesian Analysis of a Vector Autoregressive Model with Stochastic Volatility and Time-Varying Parameters
bvartoolsBayesian Inference of Vector Autoregressive and Error Correction Models
BVARverseTidy Bayesian Vector Autoregression
bvharBayesian Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive Modeling
bvlsThe Stark-Parker algorithm for bounded-variable least squares
bvpaBivariate Pareto Distribution
BVSNLPBayesian Variable Selection in High Dimensional Settings using Nonlocal Priors
bwdBackward Procedure for Change-Point Detection
bWGRBayesian Whole-Genome Regression
BWGSBreedWheat Genomic Selection Pipeline
bwimageDescribe Image Patterns in Natural Structures
BwQuantBandwidth Selectors for Local Linear Quantile Regression
bwsBayesian Weighted Sums
BWStestBaumgartner Weiss Schindler Test of Equal Distributions
bwsToolsTools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling (MaxDiff) Designs
bysykkelGet City Bike Data from Norway
bytescircleStatistics About Bytes Contained in a File as a Circle Plot
bzinbBivariate Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model Estimator
c060Extended Inference for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Cox and Generalized Linear Models
C19dNUTSDataset of Regional COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 Pop (NUTS)
c212Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials Using Body-Systems (System Organ Classes)
c2cCompare Two Classifications or Clustering Solutions of Varying Structure
c2zA Reference Manager
c3'C3.js' Chart Library
c3netInferring Large-Scale Gene Networks with C3NET
C443See a Forest for the Trees
C50C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models
caSimple, Multiple and Joint Correspondence Analysis
CA3variantsThree-Way Correspondence Analysis Variants
cabinetsProject Specific Workspace Organization Templates
cabootcrsBootstrap Confidence Regions for Simple and Multiple Correspondence Analysis
caccConjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations
cacheCache and Retrieve Computation Results
cachemCache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
CACIMARCross-Species Analysis of Cell Identities, Markers and Regulations
cacIRTClassification Accuracy and Consistency under Item Response Theory
CaDENCEConditional Density Estimation Network Construction and Evaluation
CADFtestA Package to Perform Covariate Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Tests
caesarEncrypts and Decrypts Strings
CAESAR.SuiteCAESAR: a Cross-Technology and Cross-Resolution Framework for Spatial Omics Annotation
caffsimSimulation of Plasma Caffeine Concentrations by Using Population Pharmacokinetic Model
CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
cAIC4Conditional Akaike Information Criterion for 'lme4' and 'nlme'
CAinterprToolsGraphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation and Significance Testings
CairoR Graphics Device using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output
CAISErComparison of Algorithms with Iterative Sample Size Estimation
calACSCalculations for All Common Subsequences
CALANGOComparative Analysis with Annotation-Based Genomic Components
CalcThemAll.PRMCalculate Pesticide Risk Metric (PRM) Values from Multiple Pesticides...Calc Them All
Calculator.LR.FNsCalculator for LR Fuzzy Numbers
calculusHigh Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic Calculus
calcUniqueSimple Wrapper for Computationally Expensive Functions
calendarCreate, Read, Write, and Work with 'iCalendar' Files, Calendars and Scheduling Data
calendRReady to Print Monthly and Yearly Calendars Made with 'ggplot2'
calendRio'calendR' Fork with Additional Features (Backwards Compatible)
CALFCoarse Approximation Linear Function
CALIBERrfimputeMultiple Imputation Using MICE and Random Forest
calibmsmCalibration Plots for the Transition Probabilities from Multistate Models
calibrarAutomated Parameter Estimation for Complex Models
calibrateCalibration of Scatterplot and Biplot Axes
calibrateBinaryCalibration for Computer Experiments with Binary Responses
CalibrateSSBWeighting and Estimation for Panel Data with Non-Response
calibrationbandCalibration Bands
CalibrationCurvesCalibration Performance
calibratorBayesian Calibration of Complex Computer Codes
CalibratRMapping ML Scores to Calibrated Predictions
calidadAssesses the Quality of Estimates Made by Complex Sample Designs
callbackComputes Statistics from Discrimination Experimental Data
callmeEasily Compile and Call Inline C Functions
callrCall R from R
callsyncRecording Synchronisation, Call Detection and Assignment, Audio Analysis
calmateImproved Allele-Specific Copy Number of SNP Microarrays for Downstream Segmentation
calmrCanonical Associative Learning Models and their Representations
calpassapiR Interface to Access CalPASS API
CalSimThe Calibration Simplex
camcorderRecord Your Plot History
CamelUp'CamelUp' Board Game as a Teaching Aid for Introductory Statistics
camerondataDatasets from "Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications" by Cameron and Trivedi
CAMMLCell-Typing using Variance Adjusted Mahalanobis Distances with Multi-Labeling
campaignmanageRConnect to Campaign Manager via the 'Windsor.ai' API
campfinWrangle Campaign Finance Data
campsisGeneric PK/PD Simulation Platform CAMPSIS
campsismodGeneric Implementation of a PK/PD Model
camsRadClient for CAMS Radiation Service
camtrapdpRead and Manipulate Camera Trap Data Packages
camtrapRCamera Trap Data Management and Preparation of Occupancy and Spatial Capture-Recapture Analyses
canadamapsMaps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Canada
canadianmapsEffortlessly Create Stunning Canadian Maps
canaperCategorical Analysis of Neo- And Paleo-Endemism
cancensusAccess, Retrieve, and Work with Canadian Census Data and Geography
CancerEvolutionVisualizationPublication Quality Phylogenetic Tree Plots
cancerGIAnalyses of Cancer Gene Interaction
CancerGramPrediction of Anticancer Peptides
cancerRClassification of Cancer Using Administrative Data
cancerscreeningStreamline Access to Cancer Screening Data
candiscVisualizing Generalized Canonical Discriminant and Canonical Correlation Analysis
CanekBatch Correction of Single Cell Transcriptome Data
CanopyAccessing Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity and Tracking Longitudinal and Spatial Clonal Evolutionary History by Next-Generation Sequencing
canprotChemical Analysis of Proteins
cansimAccessing Statistics Canada Data Table and Vectors
CANSIM2RDirectly Extracts Complete CANSIM Data Tables
canvasXpressVisualization Package for CanvasXpress in R
canvasXpress.dataDatasets for the 'canvasXpress' Package
capeCombined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis for Diversity Outbred Mice
caperComparative Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in R
capesDataData on Scholarships in CAPES International Mobility Programs
capitalRCapital Budgeting Analysis, Annuity Loan Calculations and Amortization Schedules
caplCompute and Visualize CAPL-2 Scores and Interpretations
caplotCorrespondence Analysis with Geometric Frequency Interpretation
capmCompanion Animal Population Management
capnCapital Asset Pricing for Nature
CaPO4SimA Virtual Patient Simulator in the Context of Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis
captrClient for the Captricity API
capusheCAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristics
carCompanion to Applied Regression
caracasComputer Algebra
caRamelAutomatic Calibration by Evolutionary Multi Objective Algorithm
caratCovariate-Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials
CARBayesSpatial Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data
CARBayesdataData Used in the Vignettes Accompanying the CARBayes and CARBayesST Packages
CARBayesSTSpatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data
carbonateInteract with 'carbon.js'
carbondateCalibration and Summarisation of Radiocarbon Dates
carbonrCalculate Carbon-Equivalent Emissions
carcassEstimation of the Number of Fatalities from Carcass Searches
cardCardiovascular and Autonomic Research Design
card.proLightweight Modern & Responsive Card Component for 'shiny'
carDataCompanion to Applied Regression Data Sets
cardidatesIdentification of Cardinal Dates in Ecological Time Series
cardinalRCollection of Data Structures
cardsAnalysis Results Data
cardxExtra Analysis Results Data Utilities
careHigh-Dimensional Regression and CAR Score Variable Selection
care4cmodelCarbon-Related Assessment of Silvicultural Concepts
caRecallGovernment of Canada Vehicle Recalls Database API Wrapper
carelessProcedures for Computing Indices of Careless Responding
caresidCorrespondence Analysis Plot and Associations Visualisation
caretClassification and Regression Training
caretEnsembleEnsembles of Caret Models
caretForecastConformal Time Series Forecasting Using State of Art Machine Learning Algorithms
carfimaContinuous-Time Fractionally Integrated ARMA Process for Irregularly Spaced Long-Memory Time Series Data
cargoDevelop R Packages using Rust
caribouEstimation of Caribou Abundance Based on Radio Telemetry Data
CarletonStatsFunctions for Statistics Classes at Carleton College
CarlsonCarlson Elliptic Integrals and Incomplete Elliptic Integrals
CARMCovariate-Adjusted Adaptive Randomization via Mahalanobis-Distance
CARMECAR-MM Modelling in Stan
CARMSContinuous Time Markov Rate Modeling for Reliability Analysis
caROCContinuous Biomarker Evaluation with Adjustment of Covariates
carolineA Collection of Database, Data Structure, Visualization, and Utility Functions for R
carpenterBuild Common Tables of Summary Statistics for Reports
carrierIsolate Functions for Remote Execution
CARRoTPredicting Categorical and Continuous Outcomes Using One in Ten Rule
carSurvCorrelation-Adjusted Regression Survival (CARS) Scores
cartograflowFiltering Matrix for Flow Mapping
cartogramCreate Cartograms with R
cartogramRContinuous Cartogram
cartographerTurn Place Names into Map Data
cartographrCrafting Print-Ready Maps and Layered Visualizations
cartographyThematic Cartography
casabourseCasablanca Stock Exchange Data
CascadeSelection, Reverse-Engineering and Prediction in Cascade Networks
CascadeDataExperimental Data of Cascade Experiments in Genomics
cascadeSelectA Cascade Select Input for 'Shiny'
cascadessA Style Pronoun for 'htmltools' Tags
CASCORECovariate Assisted Spectral Clustering on Ratios of Eigenvectors
cascsimCasualty Actuarial Society Individual Claim Simulator
casebaseFitting Flexible Smooth-in-Time Hazards and Risk Functions via Logistic and Multinomial Regression
CaseBasedReasoningCase Based Reasoning
CaseCohortCoxSurvivalCase-Cohort Cox Survival Inference
caseMatchIdentify Similar Cases for Qualitative Case Studies
casesStratified Evaluation of Subgroup Classification Accuracy
casinoPlay Casino Games
CASMAPDetection of Statistically Significant Combinations of SNPs in Association Mapping
CASMI'CASMI'-Based Functions
cassandRaFinds Missing Links and Metric Confidence Intervals in Ecological Bipartite Networks
cassowaryrCompute Scagnostics on Pairs of Numeric Variables in a Data Set
CAST'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal Models
castorEfficient Phylogenetics on Large Trees
catAnalysis and Imputation of Categorical-Variable Datasets with Missing Values
cat2catHandling an Inconsistently Coded Categorical Variable in a Longitudinal Dataset
cataAnalysis of Check-All-that-Apply (CATA) Data
catalogAccess the 'Spark Catalog' API via 'sparklyr'
CatastRoInterface to the API 'Sede Electronica Del Catastro'
catchCovariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions
catcontTest, Identify, Select and Mutate Categorical or Continuous Values
catdapCategorical Data Analysis Program Package
catdataCategorical Data
CatDataAnalysisDatasets for Categorical Data Analysis by Agresti
CatDynFishery Stock Assessment by Catch Dynamics Models
categoryEncodingsCategory Variable Encodings
CatEncodersEncoders for Categorical Variables
catfunCategorical Data Analysis
catiCommunity Assembly by Traits: Individuals and Beyond
catIrtSimulate IRT-Based Computerized Adaptive Tests
catlearnFormal Psychological Models of Categorization and Learning
catmapCase-Control and TDT Meta-Analysis Package
catmaplyHeatmap for Categorical Data using 'plotly'
caToolsTools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc
CatPrediOptimal Categorisation of Continuous Variables in Prediction Models
catRGeneration of IRT Response Patterns under Computerized Adaptive Testing
CatRegSolution Paths for Linear and Logistic Regression Models with Categorical Predictors, with SCOPE Penalty
catregsPost-Estimation Functions for Generalized Linear Mixed Models
catsCohort Platform Trial Simulation
catseyesCreate Catseye Plots Illustrating the Normal Distribution of the Means
catsimBinary and Categorical Image Similarity Index
catSurvComputerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research
CATTThe Cochran-Armitage Trend Test
CATTexactComputation of the p-Value for the Exact Conditional Cochran-Armitage Trend Test
CauchyCPPowerful Test for Survival Data under Non-Proportional Hazards
cauchypcaRobust Principal Component Analysis Using the Cauchy Distribution
cauphyTrait Evolution on Phylogenies Using the Cauchy Process
causactFast, Easy, and Visual Bayesian Inference
causal.decompCausal Decomposition Analysis
causalBatchCausal Batch Effects
causalCmprskNonparametric and Cox-Based Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in Competing Risks
causaldataExample Data Sets for Causal Inference Textbooks
causalDiscoTools for Causal Discovery on Observational Data
causaldrfEstimating Causal Dose Response Functions
causaleffectDeriving Expressions of Joint Interventional Distributions and Transport Formulas in Causal Models
CausalGAMEstimation of Causal Effects with Generalized Additive Models
CausalGPSMatching on Generalized Propensity Scores with Continuous Exposures
causalHyperGraphDrawing Causal Hypergraphs
CausalImpactInferring Causal Effects using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Models
CausalMBSTSMBSTS Models for Causal Inference and Forecasting
CausalMetaRCausally Interpretable Meta-Analysis
CausalModelsCausal Inference Modeling for Estimation of Causal Effects
causaloptimAn Interface to Specify Causal Graphs and Compute Bounds on Causal Effects
causalOTOptimal Transport Weights for Causal Inference
causalPAFCausal Effect for Population Attributable Fractions (PAF)
CausalQueriesMake, Update, and Query Binary Causal Models
causalsensSelection Bias Approach to Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects
causalSLSESemiparametric Least Squares Inference for Causal Effects
causalweightEstimation Methods for Causal Inference Based on Inverse Probability Weighting
CausCorCalculate Correlations and Estimate Causality
CautiousLearningControl Charts with Guaranteed In-Control Performance and Cautious Parameters Learning
CAvariantsCorrespondence Analysis Variants
caviarpdCluster Analysis via Random Partition Distributions
CB2CRISPR Pooled Screen Analysis using Beta-Binomial Test
cbaClustering for Business Analytics
cbanalysisCoffee Break Descriptive Analysis
cbassClassification – Bayesian Adaptive Smoothing Splines
cbbinomContinuous Analog of a Beta-Binomial Distribution
CBCgrpsCompare Baseline Characteristics Between Groups
cbcToolsChoice-Based Conjoint Experiment Design Generation and Power Evaluation in R
cbinomContinuous Analog of a Binomial Distribution
cbioportalRBrowse and Query Clinical and Genomic Data from cBioPortal
cblCausal Discovery under a Confounder Blanket
CBnetworkMAContrast-Based Bayesian Network Meta Analysis
CBPECorrelation-Based Penalized Estimators
CBPSCovariate Balancing Propensity Score
cbqConditional Binary Quantile Models
cbsodataRStatistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API Client
CBSrFits Cubic Bezier Spline Functions to Intertemporal and Risky Choice Data
CBTConfidence Bound Target Algorithm
CCControl Charts
CCACanonical Correlation Analysis
CCAMLRGISAntarctic Spatial Data Manipulation
ccaPP(Robust) Canonical Correlation Analysis via Projection Pursuit
cccdClass Cover Catch Digraphs
cccmCrossed Classification Credibility Model
cccpCone Constrained Convex Problems
cccrmConcordance Correlation Coefficient for Repeated (and Non-Repeated) Measures
CCdThe Cauchy-Cacoullos (Discrete Cauchy) Distribution
ccdaCombined Cluster and Discriminant Analysis
ccdRUtilities for Interacting with the 'CTX' APIs
cchsCox Model for Case-Cohort Data with Stratified Subcohort-Selection
cchsflowTransforming and Harmonizing CCHS Variables
ccidCross-Covariance Isolate Detect: a New Change-Point Method for Estimating Dynamic Functional Connectivity
cclustConvex Clustering Methods and Clustering Indexes
CCMCorrelation Classification Method
ccmEstimatorComparative Causal Mediation Estimation
ccmlConsensus Clustering for Different Sample Coverage Data
ccmmCompositional Mediation Model
CCMMRMinimization of the Convex Clustering Loss Function
ccmReportRWraps 'CCM' with Utility Functions
ccoptimalmatchImplementation of Case-Control Optimal Matching
ccostrEstimation of Mean Costs in Censored Data
CCPSignificance Tests for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
ccpsycMethods for Cross-Cultural Psychology
ccRemoverRemoves the Cell-Cycle Effect from Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
ccrsCorrect and Cluster Response Style Biased Data
ccrtmCoupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models
CCSRfindConvert ICD-10 Codes to CCSR Codes
ccssCluster Circular Systematic Sampling
ccTensorCUR/CX Tensor Decomposition
cctestCanonical Correlations and Tests of Independence
cctoolsTools for the Continuous Convolution Trick in Nonparametric Estimation
CCTpackConsensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications
CCWeightsPerform Weighted Linear Regression for Calibration Curve
cdCD Data for Entity Resolution
cdataFluid Data Transformations
CDatanetEconometrics of Network Data
cdcatRCognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing
cdcsisConditional Distance Correlation Based Feature Screening and Conditional Independence Inference
cderInterface to the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC)
cdfquantregQuantile Regression for Random Variables on the Unit Interval
CDFtDownscaling and Bias Correction via Non-Parametric CDF-Transform
cdgdCausal Decomposition of Group Disparities
CDGHMMHidden Markov Models for Multivariate Panel Data
cdleiCause-Deleted Life Expectancy Improvement Procedure
cdlToolsTools to Download and Work with USDA Cropscape Data
CDMCognitive Diagnosis Modeling
CDMConnectorConnect to an OMOP Common Data Model
cdmToolsUseful Tools for Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling
cdomR Functions to Model CDOM Spectra
cdparcoordTop Frequency-Based Parallel Coordinates
cdrcRLoad 'CDRC' Data
cdsConstrained Dual Scaling for Detecting Response Styles
CDsampling'CDsampling': Constraint Sampling in Paid Research Studies
CDSE'Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem' API Wrapper
CDSSCourse-Dependent Skill Structures
CDVICuddy-Della Valle Index for Capturing the Instability in Time Series Data
CDVineCopulaConditionalSampling from Conditional C- and D-Vine Copulas
ceasCellular Energetics Analysis Software
CECCross-Entropy Clustering
CEDACRISPR Screen and Gene Expression Differential Analysis
CEEMDANMLCEEMDAN Decomposition Based Hybrid Machine Learning Models
cegChain Event Graph
CEGOCombinatorial Efficient Global Optimization
celestialCollection of Common Astronomical Conversion Routines and Functions
cellKeyConsistent Perturbation of Statistical Frequency- And Magnitude Tables
cellOriginsFinds RNASeq Source Tissues Using In Situ Hybridisation Data
cellpypesCell Type Pipes for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
cellrangerTranslate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns
celltrackRMotion Trajectory Analysis
cellVolumeDistFunctions to Fit Cell Volume Distributions and Thereby Estimate Cell Growth Rates and Division Times
cellWiseAnalyzing Data with Cellwise Outliers
cemCoarsened Exact Matching
cemcoFit 'CemCO' Algorithm
CenBARBroken Adaptive Ridge AFT Model with Censored Data
cencrneConsistent Estimation of the Number of Communities via Regularized Network Embedding
cenGAMCensored Regression with Smooth Terms
cenROCEstimating Time-Dependent ROC Curve and AUC for Censored Data
censableMaking Census Data More Usable
censCovLinear Regression with a Randomly Censored Covariate
CensMFMFinite Mixture of Multivariate Censored/Missing Data
censo2017Base de Datos de Facil Acceso del Censo 2017 de Chile (2017 Chilean Census Easy Access Database)
censobrDownload Data from Brazil's Population Census
censorcopulaEstimate Parameter of Bivariate Copula
censored'parsnip' Engines for Survival Models
censRegCensored Regression (Tobit) Models
CensSpatialCensored Spatial Models
Census2016Data from the Australian Census 2016
censusapiRetrieve Data from the Census APIs
censusrCollect Data from the Census API
centerlineExtract Centerline from Closed Polygons
centiserveFind Graph Centrality Indices
centrWeighted and Unweighted Spatial Centers
centrifugeRNon-Trivial Balance of Centrifuge Rotors
CEOdataDatasets of the CEO (Centre d'Estudis d'Opinio) for Opinion Polls in Catalonia
CEoptimCross-Entropy R Package for Optimization
CePaCentrality-Based Pathway Enrichment
cepiigeodistCEPII's GeoDist Datasets
ceppContext Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit
cepRBusca CEPs Brasileiros
cepreaderRead 'CEP' and Legacy 'CANOCO' Files
cepumdCalculate Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Annual Estimates
cequreCensored Quantile Regression & Monotonicity-Respecting Restoring
ceramicDownload Online Imagery Tiles
cerealSerialize 'vctrs' Objects to 'JSON'
CERFITCausal Effect Random Forest of Interaction Tress
CerioliOutlierDetectionOutlier Detection Using the Iterated RMCD Method of Cerioli (2010)
CeRNASeekIdentification and Analysis of ceRNA Regulation
ceRtaintyCertainty Equivalent
Certara.NLME8Utilities for Certara's Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Engine
Certara.REasily Install Pharmacometric Packages and Shiny Applications Developed by Certara
Certara.VPCResultsGenerate Visual Predictive Checks (VPC) Using 'shiny'
ceserCluster Estimated Standard Errors
cesRAccess the Canadian Election Study Datasets
cetcolorCET Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps
ceterisParibusCeteris Paribus Profiles
cfaConfigural Frequency Analysis (CFA)
CFAcoopColony Formation Assay: Taking into Account Cellular Cooperation
CFCCause-Specific Framework for Competing-Risk Analysis
cfdaCategorical Functional Data Analysis
cfdecompCounterfactual Decomposition: MC Integration of the G-Formula
CFFSimple Similarity for User-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems
cffdrsCanadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
cffrGenerate Citation File Format ('cff') Metadata for R Packages
cfidIdentification of Counterfactual Queries in Causal Models
CFiltRecommendation by Collaborative Filtering
cfmaCausal Functional Mediation Analysis
cfmortalityCystic Fibrosis Survival Prediction Model Based on Stanojevic Model
CFOCFO-Type Designs in Phase I/II Clinical Trials
cforwardForward Selection using Concordance/C-Index
cfrEstimate Disease Severity and Case Ascertainment
cftClimate Futures Toolbox
CFtimeUsing CF-Compliant Calendars with Climate Projection Data
cgCompare Groups, Analytically and Graphically
cgaimConstrained Groupwise Additive Index Models
cgal4h'CGAL' Version 4 C++ Header Files
cgamConstrained Generalized Additive Model
cgAUCCalculate AUC-type measure when gold standard is continuous and the corresponding optimal linear combination of variables with respect to it
CGEComputing General Equilibrium
CGGPComposite Grid Gaussian Processes
cglassoConditional Graphical LASSO for Gaussian Graphical Models with Censored and Missing Values
cglmFits Conditional Generalized Linear Models
cgmanalysisClean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data
CGManalyzerContinuous Glucose Monitoring Data Analyzer
cgmquantifyAnalyzing Glucose and Glucose Variability
CGNMCluster Gauss-Newton Method
CGPComposite Gaussian Process Models
CGPfunctionsPowell Miscellaneous Functions for Teaching and Learning Statistics
CGRCompound Growth Rate for Capturing the Growth Rate Over the Period
cgwtoolsMiscellaneous Tools
chAbout some Small Functions
chainbinomialChain Binomial Models for Analysis of Infectious Disease Data
ChainLadderStatistical Methods and Models for Claims Reserving in General Insurance
chameleonAutomatic Colors for Multi-Dimensional Data
chandwichChandler-Bate Sandwich Loglikelihood Adjustment
changepointMethods for Changepoint Detection
changepoint.geoGeometrically Inspired Multivariate Changepoint Detection
changepoint.influencePackage to Calculate the Influence of the Data on a Changepoint Segmentation
changepoint.npMethods for Nonparametric Changepoint Detection
changepointsA Collection of Change-Point Detection Methods
changepointsVarChange-Points Detections for Changes in Variance
ChangePointTaylorIdentify Changes in Mean
ChangepointTestingChange Point Estimation for Clustered Signals
changepointTestsChange Point Tests for Joint Distributions and Copulas
changerChange R Package Name
changeSS-Curve Fit for Changepoint Analysis
ChannelAttributionMarkov Model for Online Multi-Channel Attribution
ChannelAttributionAppShiny Web Application for the Multichannel Attribution Problem
chantricsLoglikelihood Adjustments for Econometric Models
Chaos010-1 Test for Chaos
ChaosGameChaos Game
charcuterieHandle Strings as Vectors of Characters
charlatanMake Fake Data
charlesschwabapiWrapper Functions Around 'Charles Schwab Individual Trader API'
chartqlSimplified Language for Plots and Charts
chatAI4RChat-Based Interactive Artificial Intelligence for R
chatgptInterface to 'ChatGPT' from R
chattrInteract with Large Language Models in 'RStudio'
cheaprSimple Functions to Save Time and Memory
cheatsheetDownload R Cheat Sheets Locally
checkargCheck the Basic Validity of a (Function) Argument
CheckDigitCalculate and Verify Check Digits
checkdownCheck-Fields and Check-Boxes for 'rmarkdown'
checkedSystematically Run R CMD Checks
checkerChecks 'R' Configuration Set Up Correctly Before Class
checkglobalsStatic Analysis of R-Code Dependencies
checkhelperDeal with Check Outputs
checkLuhnChecks if a Number is Valid Using the Luhn Algorithm
checkmateFast and Versatile Argument Checks
checkpointInstall Packages from Snapshots on the Checkpoint Server for Reproducibility
checkthatIntuitive Unit Testing Tools for Data Manipulation
cheddarAnalysis and Visualisation of Ecological Communities
cheemInteractively Explore Local Explanations with the Radial Tour
cheeseTools for Working with Data During Statistical Analysis
chem.databasesCollection of 3 Chemical Databases from Public Sources
chem16SChemical Metrics for Microbial Communities
chemCalCalibration Functions for Analytical Chemistry
chemdegAnalysis of Chemical Degradation Kinetic Data
CHEMISTCausal Inference with High-Dimensional Error-Prone Covariates and Misclassified Treatments
chemodivAnalysing Chemodiversity of Phytochemical Data
chemometricsMultivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics
ChemoSpecExploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy
ChemoSpec2DExploratory Chemometrics for 2D Spectroscopy
ChemoSpecUtilsFunctions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
ChernoffDistChernoff's Distribution
cherryMultiple Testing Methods for Exploratory Research
cherryblossomCherry Blossom Run Race Results
chessRead, Write, Create and Explore Chess Games
chessboardCreate Network Connections Based on Chess Moves
ChessGmooGFIDE Chess Players Ratings for 2015 and 2020
chestChange-in-Estimate Approach to Assess Confounding Effects
ChestVolumeEstimate the Chest Volume with Markers Data
chevronStandard TLGs for Clinical Trials Reporting
CHFFClosest History Flow Field Forecasting for Bivariate Time Series
chiThe Chi Distribution
chicaneCapture Hi-C Analysis Engine
childdevdataChild Development Data
childesrAccessing the 'CHILDES' Database
childfreeAccess and Harmonize Childfree Demographic Data
childsdsData and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics
chilemapasMapas de las Divisiones Politicas y Administrativas de Chile (Maps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Chile)
ChillModelsProcessing Chill and Heat Models for Temperate Fruit Trees
chillRStatistical Methods for Phenology Analysis in Temperate Fruit Trees
chinese.miscMiscellaneous Tools for Chinese Text Mining and More
ChineseNamesChinese Name Database 1930-2008
chipPCRToolkit of Helper Functions to Pre-Process Amplification Data
chirpsAPI Client for CHIRPS and CHIRTS
chisq.posthoc.testA Post Hoc Analysis for Pearson's Chi-Squared Test for Count Data
chisquareChi-Square and G-Square Test of Independence, Power and Residual Analysis, Measures of Categorical Association
chkCheck User-Supplied Function Arguments
chkptstanrCheckpoint MCMC Sampling with 'Stan'
chlorpromazineRConvert Antipsychotic Doses to Chlorpromazine Equivalents
CHMMCoupled Hidden Markov Models
CHNCapitalStockCompute Chinese Capital Stocks
chngptEstimation and Hypothesis Testing for Threshold Regression
CHNOSZThermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
choiceDesDesign Functions for Choice Studies
ChoiceModelRChoice Modeling in R
CHOIRBMPlots the CHOIR Body Map
choleraAmend, Augment and Aid Analysis of John Snow's Cholera Map
CholWishartCholesky Decomposition of the Wishart Distribution
choosepcChoose the Number of Principal Components via Recistruction Error
choplumpPermutation Test for Some Positive and Many Zero Responses
chopthinThe Chopthin Resampler
ChoRChordalysis R Package
chordsEstimation in Respondent Driven Samples
choroplethrSimplify the Creation of Choropleth Maps in R
choroplethrAdmin1Contains an Administrative-Level-1 Map of the World
choroplethrMapsContains Maps Used by the 'choroplethr' Package
choucaA Stochastic Cellular Automaton Engine
christmasGeneration of Different Animated Christmas Cards
chromConverterChromatographic File Converter
chromerInterface to Chromosome Counts Database API
chromoMapInteractive Genomic Visualization of Biological Data
chromoteHeadless Chrome Web Browser Interface
chromseqSplit Chromosome 'Fasta' File
chronChronological Objects which Can Handle Dates and Times
chronicleGrammar for Creating R Markdown Reports
chroniclerAdd Logging to Functions
chronochrtCreating Chronological Charts
chronosphereEvolving Earth System Variables
chunkedChunkwise Text-File Processing for 'dplyr'
chunkhooksChunk Hooks for 'R Markdown'
chunkRRead Tables in Chunks
chyperFunctions for Conditional Hypergeometric Distributions
CIAAWconsensusIsotope Ratio Meta-Analysis
CIARACluster Independent Algorithm for Rare Cell Types Identification
CICAClusterwise Independent Component Analysis
ciCalibrateCalibration of Confidence Intervals to Support Intervals
ciccrCausal Inference in Case-Control and Case-Population Studies
ciceroneProvide Tours of 'Shiny' Applications
CICICausal Inference with Continuous (Multiple Time Point) Interventions
CIEEEstimating and Testing Direct Effects in Directed Acyclic Graphs using Estimating Equations
cifCointegrated ICU Forecasting
CIfinderEstimate the Confidence Intervals for Predictive Values
ciftiToolbox for Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative ('CIFTI') Files
ciftiToolsTools for Reading, Writing, Viewing and Manipulating CIFTI Files
CIMCompositional Impact of Migration
cimirInterface to the CIMIS Web API
CIMTxCausal Inference for Multiple Treatments with a Binary Outcome
cinaRA Computational Pipeline for Bulk 'ATAC-Seq' Profiles
cinaRgenesetsReady-to-Use Curated Gene Sets for 'cinaR'
CINEClassification International Normalized of Education
CINIDCurculionidae INstar IDentification
CINmetricsCalculate Chromosomal Instability Metrics
CINNADeciphering Central Informative Nodes in Network Analysis
cinterpolateInterpolation From C
CIPermComputationally-Efficient Confidence Intervals for Mean Shift from Permutation Methods
cipheREncryption and Decryption with Text Ciphers
CIplotFunctions to Plot Confidence Interval
CIpostSelectConfidence Interval Post-Selection of Variable
cirCentered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response Utilities
circacompareAnalyses of Circadian Data
CirceRConstruct Cohort Inclusion and Restriction Criteria Expressions
circhelpCircular Analyses Helper Functions
circleR Client Package for Circle CI
CirclesIntersectionsAlgorithm for Computation of the Intersection Areas of N Circles
circlesplotVisualize Proportions with Circles in a Plot
circletyperCurve Text Elements in 'Shiny' Using 'CircleType.js'
circlizeCircular Visualization
circlusClustering and Simulation of Spherical Cauchy and PKBD Models
CircMLEMaximum Likelihood Analysis of Circular Data
CircNNTSRStatistical Analysis of Circular Data using Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums (NNTS) Models
CircNNTSRmultMultivariate Circular Data using MNNTS Models
CircOutlierDetection of Outliers in Circular-Circular Regression
CircSpaceTimeSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Circular Data
CircStatsCircular Statistics, from "Topics in Circular Statistics" (2001)
circularCircular Statistics
CircularDDMCircular Drift-Diffusion Model
circularEVExtreme Value Analysis for Circular Data
CircularSilhouetteFast Silhouette on Circular or Linear Data Clusters
circumplexAnalysis and Visualization of Circular Data
cirlsConstrained Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
cIRTChoice Item Response Theory
CIS.DGLMCovariates, Interaction, and Selection for DGLM
citCausal Inference Test
CITANCITation ANalysis Toolpack
citationSoftware Citation Tools
citationchaserPerform Forward and Backwards Chasing in Evidence Syntheses
citecorpClient for the Open Citations Corpus
citiesClinical Trials with Intercurrent Events Simulator
CITMICEstimation of Cell Infiltration Based on Cell Crosstalk
citmreColombian Index Tool Market Rate Exchange
citoBuilding and Training Neural Networks
ciToolsConfidence or Prediction Intervals, Quantiles, and Probabilities for Statistical Models
citrusCustomer Intelligence Tool for Rapid Understandable Segmentation
ciuContextual Importance and Utility
ciuupiConfidence Intervals Utilizing Uncertain Prior Information
ciuupi2Kabaila and Giri (2009) Confidence Interval
civCategorical Instrumental Variables
civisR Client for the 'Civis Platform API'
ciwWatch the CRAN Incoming Directories
CJAMPCopula-Based Joint Analysis of Multiple Phenotypes
cjarR Client for 'Customer Journey Analytics' ('CJA') API
cjbartHeterogeneous Effects Analysis of Conjoint Experiments
CJIVECanonical Joint and Individual Variation Explained (CJIVE)
cjointAMCE Estimator for Conjoint Experiments
ckanrClient for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN') API
CKATComposite Kernel Association Test for Pharmacogenetics Studies
CKLRTComposite Kernel Machine Regression Based on Likelihood Ratio Test
Ckmeans.1d.dpOptimal, Fast, and Reproducible Univariate Clustering
CKMRpopForward-in-Time Simulation and Tallying of Pairwise Relationships
CLACritical Line Algorithm in Pure R
CladdisMeasuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo
cladoRcppC++ Implementations of Phylogenetic Cladogenesis Calculations
ClaimsProblemsAnalysis of Conflicting Claims
clamClassical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from Deposits
ClamRTime Series Modeling for Climate Change Proxies
clapDetecting Class Overlapping Regions in Multidimensional Data
clarabelInterior Point Conic Optimization Solver
clarifaiAccess to Clarifai API
clarifySimulation-Based Inference for Regression Models
clarkeTestDistribution-Free Tests of Non-Nested Models
classFunctions for Classification
ClassComparisonClasses and Methods for "Class Comparison" Problems on Microarrays
ClassDiscoveryClasses and Methods for "Class Discovery" with Microarrays or Proteomics
classGraphConstruct Graphs of S4 Class Hierarchies
classifierplotsGenerates a Visualization of Classifier Performance as a Grid of Diagnostic Plots
classiflyExplore Classification Models in High Dimensions
classIntChoose Univariate Class Intervals
classmapVisualizing Classification Results
CLASTExact Confidence Limits after a Sequential Trial
cld2Google's Compact Language Detector 2
cld3Google's Compact Language Detector 3
cldaConvolution-Based Linear Discriminant Analysis
cleanFast and Easy Data Cleaning
CleanBSequencesCuring of Biological Sequences
cleancallC Resource Cleanup via Exit Handlers
cleandataTo Inspect and Manipulate Data; and to Keep Track of This Process
cleanepiClean and Standardize Epidemiological Data
cleanerFast and Easy Data Cleaning
cleangeoCleaning Geometries from Spatial Objects
CleaningValidationCleaning Validation Functions for Pharmaceutical Cleaning Process
cleanNLPA Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing
cleanrHelps You to Code Cleaner
cleanrmdClean Class-Less 'R Markdown' HTML Documents
cleanTSTestbench for Univariate Time Series Cleaning
cleaRClean the R Console and Environment
clesprComposite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Data
clevrClustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in R
clhsConditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling
cliHelpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces
cliappCreate Rich Command Line Applications
clickableImageMapImplement 'tableGrob' Object as a Clickable Image Map
clickbWeb Data Analysis by Bayesian Mixture of Markov Models
ClickClustModel-Based Clustering of Categorical Sequences
ClickClustContMixtures of Continuous Time Markov Models
ClickHouseHTTPA Simple HTTP Database Interface to 'ClickHouse'
clickRSemi-Automatic Preprocessing of Messy Data with Change Tracking for Dataset Cleaning
clickstreamAnalyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov Chains
clidamongerMonthly Climate Data for Germany, Usable for Heating and Cooling Calculations
clidatajpData from Japan Meteorological Agency
cliffExecute Command Line Programs Interactively
cliffordArbitrary Dimensional Clifford Algebras
clifroEasily Download and Visualise Climate Data from CliFlo
CliftLRDComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponent for Irregularly Sampled Time Series
clikcorrCensoring Data and Likelihood-Based Correlation Estimation
climaemetClimate AEMET Tools
climateInterface to Download Meteorological (and Hydrological) Datasets
climateStabilityEstimating Climate Stability from Climate Model Data
climatolClimate Tools (Series Homogenization and Derived Products)
climatrendsClimate Variability Indices for Ecological Modelling
ClimClassClimate Classification According to Several Indices
CLimdGenerating Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF Data
climeConstrained L1-Minimization for Inverse (Covariance) Matrix Estimation
climetricsClimate Change Metrics
climextRemesTools for Analyzing Climate Extremes
ClimIndClimate Indices
ClimMobToolsAPI Client for the 'ClimMob' Platform
ClimProjDiagsSet of Tools to Compute Various Climate Indices
climwinClimate Window Analysis
clinDataReviewClinical Data Review Tool
clinDRSimulation and Analysis Tools for Clinical Dose Response Modeling
clinfunClinical Trial Design and Data Analysis Functions
clinicalomicsdbRInterface with the 'ClinicalOmicsDB' API, Allowing for Easy Data Downloading and Importing
clinicalsignificanceA Toolbox for Clinical Significance Analyses in Intervention Studies
ClinicalTrialSummarySummary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes
ClinicalUtilityRecalRecalibration Methods for Improved Clinical Utility of Risk Scores
clinmonHemodynamic Calculations from Clinical Monitoring
clinPKClinical Pharmacokinetics Toolkit
clinsigClinical Significance Functions
ClinSigMeasuresClinical Significance Measures
clinspacyClinical Natural Language Processing using 'spaCy', 'scispaCy', and 'medspaCy'
clintoolsTools for Clinical Research
clintrialxConnect and Work with Clinical Trials Data Sources
clinUtilsGeneral Utility Functions for Analysis of Clinical Data
cliotClinical Indices and Outcomes Tools
clippCalculating Likelihoods by Pedigree Paring
cliprRead and Write from the System Clipboard
CliquePercolationClique Percolation for Networks
clisymbolsUnicode Symbols at the R Prompt
CLMEConstrained Inference for Linear Mixed Effects Models
clmplusTool-Box of Chain Ladder Plus Models
clockDate-Time Types and Tools
clockifyA Wrapper for the 'Clockify' API
clogitboostBoosting Conditional Logit Model
clogitL1Fitting Exact Conditional Logistic Regression with Lasso and Elastic Net Penalties
cloneRateEstimate Growth Rates from Phylogenetic Trees
CloneSeekerSeeking and Finding Clones in Copy Number and Sequencing Data
CLONETv2Clonality Estimates in Tumor
clordrComposite Likelihood Inference and Diagnostics for Replicated Spatial Ordinal Data
closeloopIntegrate Single-Arm Observational Data in Network Meta Analysis
cloudfsStreamlined Interface to Interact with Cloud Storage Platforms
cloudmlInterface to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform
cloudosR Client Library for CloudOS
cloudstoRSimplifies Access to Cloudstor API
cloudUtilCloud Utilization Plots
clptheoryCompute Price of Production and Labor Values
clrCurve Linear Regression via Dimension Reduction
clrngParallel Random Number Generation on GPU
CLSIEP15Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3 Calculations
clttoolsCentral Limit Theorem Experiments (Theoretical and Simulation)
clubproClassification Using Binary Procrustes Rotation
clubSandwichCluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections
clueCluster Ensembles
ClueRCluster Evaluation
clugenrMultidimensional Cluster Generation Using Support Lines
CluMPClustering of Micro Panel Data
ClusBootBootstrap a Clustering Solution to Establish the Stability of the Clusters
cluscovClustered Covariate Regression
clusEvolA Procedure for Cluster Evolution Analytics
ClusPredSimultaneous Semi-Parametric Estimation of Clustering and Regression
clusrankWilcoxon Rank Tests for Clustered Data
ClusROCROC Analysis in Three-Class Classification Problems for Clustered Data
ClussClusterSimultaneous Detection of Clusters and Cluster-Specific Genes in High-Throughput Transcriptome Data
clust.bin.pairStatistical Methods for Analyzing Clustered Matched Pair Data
clustAnalyticsCluster Evaluation on Graphs
ClustAssessTools for Assessing Clustering
ClustBlockClustering of Datasets
ClusTCR2Identifying Similar T Cell Receptor Hyper-Variable Sequences with 'ClusTCR2'
clustcurvDetermining Groups in Multiples Curves
clustEffClusters of Effects Curves in Quantile Regression Models
cluster"Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al.
cluster.datasetsCluster Analysis Data Sets
Cluster.OBeuCluster Analysis 'OpenBudgets.eu'
clusterabilityPerforms Tests for Cluster Tendency of a Data Set
ClusterBootstrapAnalyze Clustered Data with Generalized Linear Models using the Cluster Bootstrap
clusterConsConsensus Clustering using Multiple Algorithms and Parameters
clusterCritClustering Indices
ClusteredMutationsLocation and Visualization of Clustered Somatic Mutations
clusterGenerationRandom Cluster Generation (with Specified Degree of Separation)
clusterhapClustering Genotypes in Haplotypes
clusterHDTools for Clustering High-Dimensional Data
ClusteringTechniques for Evaluating Clustering
clustering.sc.dpOptimal Distance-Based Clustering for Multidimensional Data with Sequential Constraint
clusterMICluster Analysis with Missing Values by Multiple Imputation
clustermoleUnbiased Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data Cell Type Identification
clustermqEvaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM, PBS/Torque)
clusternomicsIntegrative Clustering for Heterogeneous Biomedical Datasets
ClusterRGaussian Mixture Models, K-Means, Mini-Batch-Kmeans, K-Medoids and Affinity Propagation Clustering
ClusterRankTestRank Tests for Clustered Data
clusterReproReproducibility of Gene Expression Clusters
clusterSEsCalculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence Intervals
clusterSimSearching for Optimal Clustering Procedure for a Data Set
ClusterStabilityAssessment of Stability of Individual Objects or Clusters in Partitioning Solutions
clustertendCheck the Clustering Tendency
ClusterVARFitting Latent Class Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) Models
ClustGeoHierarchical Clustering with Spatial Constraints
ClustImputeK-Means Clustering with Build-in Missing Data Imputation
clustlearnLearn Clustering Techniques Through Examples and Code
ClustMCCluster-Based Multiple Comparisons
clustMDModel Based Clustering for Mixed Data
clustMixTypek-Prototypes Clustering for Mixed Variable-Type Data
clustNetNetwork-Based Clustering
ClustOfVarClustering of Variables
ClusTorusPrediction and Clustering on the Torus by Conformal Prediction
clustraClustering Longitudinal Trajectories
clusTransitionMonitor Changes in Cluster Solutions of Dynamic Datasets
clustrdMethods for Joint Dimension Reduction and Clustering
clustreeVisualise Clusterings at Different Resolutions
clustringrCluster Strings by Edit-Distance
CLUSTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Cluster Analysis
clustTMBSpatio-Temporal Finite Mixture Model using 'TMB'
ClustVarLVClustering of Variables Around Latent Variables
clustvarselVariable Selection for Gaussian Model-Based Clustering
ClusVisGaussian-Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Model-Based Clustering
clvCluster Validation Techniques
clValidValidation of Clustering Results
CLVToolsTools for Customer Lifetime Value Estimation
cmaesCovariance Matrix Adapting Evolutionary Strategy
cmaesrCovariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
cmahalanobisCalculate Distance Measures for a Given List of Data Frames with Factors
CMAPSSCommercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation Data Set
CMapVizRepresentation Tool For Output Of Connectivity Map (CMap) Analysis
cmaRsImplementation of the Conic Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines in R
cmbClustConditional Mixture Modeling and Model-Based Clustering
cmceComputer Model Calibration for Deterministic and Stochastic Simulators
cmcRAn Implementation of the 'Congruent Matching Cells' Method
cmdfunFramework for Building Interfaces to Shell Commands
cmenetBi-Level Selection of Conditional Main Effects
CMFCollective Matrix Factorization
cmfrecCollective Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
CMFsurrogateCalibrated Model Fusion Approach to Combine Surrogate Markers
CMGFMCovariate-Augumented Generalized Factor Model
cmhcAccess, Retrieve, and Work with CMHC Data
CMHNPACochran-Mantel-Haenszel and Nonparametric ANOVA
cmlConditional Manifold Learning
CMLSConstrained Multivariate Least Squares
cmmCategorical Marginal Models
cmmrCEU Mass Mediator RESTful API
CMMsCompositional Mediation Model
cmnaComputational Methods for Numerical Analysis
cmoceanBeautiful Colour Maps for Oceanography
CMplotCircle Manhattan Plot
cmprskSubdistribution Analysis of Competing Risks
cmprskcoxmsmUse IPW to Estimate Treatment Effect under Competing Risks
cmprskQRAnalysis of Competing Risks Using Quantile Regressions
cmpsRR Implementation of Congruent Matching Profile Segments Method
cmRAnalysis of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
cmrutilsMisc Functions of the Center for Mathematical Research
cmsCalculate Medicare Reimbursement
cmsafA Toolbox for CM SAF NetCDF Data
cmsafopsTools for CM SAF NetCDF Data
cmsafvisTools to Visualize CM SAF NetCDF Data
CMShinyInteractive Document for Working with Confusion Matrix
cmstatrStatistical Methods for Composite Material Data
cmstatrExtMore Statistical Methods for Composite Material Data
cmtestConditional Moments Test
cmvnormThe Complex Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
cnaCausal Modeling with Coincidence Analysis
CNAIMCommon Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM)
cnaOptOptimizing Consistency and Coverage in Configurational Causal Modeling
cnbdistrConditional Negative Binomial Distribution
cncaGUICanonical Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis in R
CNIDGet Basic Information from Chinese ID Number
CNLTregComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Signal Denoising
CNLTtsaComplex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Univariate and Bivariate Time Series Analysis
cnmapChina Map Data from AutoNavi Map
cNORMContinuous Norming
CNprepPre-Process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection of CN Events
CNPSNonparametric Statistics
cnumChinese Numerals Processing
CNVRGDirichlet Multinomial Modeling of Relative Abundance Data
CNVScopeA Versatile Toolkit for Copy Number Variation Relationship Data Analysis and Visualization
coalaA Framework for Coalescent Simulation
coalescentMCMCMCMC Algorithms for the Coalescent
COAPHigh-Dimensional Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed Poisson Factor Model
coarseDataToolsAnalysis of Coarsely Observed Data
CoastlineFDCalculation of the Fractal Dimension of a Coastline
coatConditional Method Agreement Trees (COAT)
cobaltCovariate Balance Tables and Plots
cobiclustBiclustering via Latent Block Model Adapted to Overdispersed Count Data
cobsConstrained B-Splines (Sparse Matrix Based)
cocaCluster-of-Clusters Analysis
cocktailApp'shiny' App to Discover Cocktails
CoClustCopula Based Cluster Analysis
coconotsConvolution-Closed Models for Count Time Series
coconsCovariate-Based Covariance Functions for Nonstationary Spatial Modeling
COCONUTCOmbat CO-Normalization Using conTrols (COCONUT)
cocorComparing Correlations
cocorrespCo-Correspondence Analysis Methods
cocosoRCoCoSo - Combined Compromise Solution Method for MCDA
cocotestDependence Condition Test Using Ranked Correlation Coefficients
cocronStatistical Comparisons of Two or more Alpha Coefficients
codaOutput Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC
coda.baseA Basic Set of Functions for Compositional Data Analysis
coda4microbiomeCompositional Data Analysis for Microbiome Studies
codacoreLearning Sparse Log-Ratios for Compositional Data
CoDaImpactInterpreting CoDa Regression Models
codalmTransformation-Free Linear Regression for Compositional Outcomes and Predictors
codaredistlmCompositional Data Linear Models with Composition Redistribution
CodataGSGenomic Prediction Using SNP Codata
cOdeAutomated C Code Generation for 'deSolve', 'bvpSolve'
codebookAutomatic Codebooks from Metadata Encoded in Dataset Attributes
codebookrCreate Codebooks from Data Frames
codebreakerRetro Logic Game
codeCollectionCollection of Codes with Labels
codecountRCounting Codes in a Text and Preparing Data for Analysis
CodeDependsAnalysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and Code Comprehension
CodelistGeneratorIdentify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their Use
codemetaA Smaller 'codemetar' Package
codemetarGenerate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages
codenameGeneration of Code Names for Organizations, People, Projects, and Whatever Else
codepMultiscale Codependence Analysis
coderDeterministic Categorization of Items Based on External Code Data
codetoolsCode Analysis Tools for R
codewhereFind the Location of an R Package's Code
codexcopdThe CODEX (Comorbidity, Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Previous Severe Exacerbations) Index: Short and Medium-Term Prognosis in Patients Hospitalized for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Exacerbations
codezSeq2Seq Encoder-Decoder Model for Time-Feature Analysis Based on Tensorflow
codifiedProduce Standard/Formalized Demographics Tables
CoDiNACo-Expression Differential Network Analysis
codingMatricesAlternative Factor Coding Matrices for Linear Model Formulae
codynCommunity Dynamics Metrics
coefaMeta Analysis of Factor Analysis Based on CO-Occurrence Matrices
coefficientalphaRobust Coefficient Alpha and Omega with Missing and Non-Normal Data
coefplotPlots Coefficients from Fitted Models
coenoclinerCoenocline Simulation
coenoflexGradient-Based Coenospace Vegetation Simulator
cofadContrast Analyses for Factorial Designs
cofeatureRGenerate Cofeature Matrices
coffeeChronological Ordering for Fossils and Environmental Events
cofidCopepod Fish Interaction Database
CoFRAComplete Functional Regulation Analysis
cogaConvolution of Gamma Distributions
coglassoCollaborative Graphical Lasso - Multi-Omics Network Reconstruction
cogmaprCognitive Mapping Tools Based on Coding of Textual Sources
cognitoRAuthentication for 'Shiny' Apps with 'Amazon Cognito'
CohensdpLibraryCohen's D_p Computation with Confidence Intervals
CohortAlgebraUse of Interval Algebra to Create New Cohort(s) from Existing Cohorts
cohortBuilderData Source Agnostic Filtering Tools
CohortCharacteristicsSummarise and Visualise Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP CDM
CohortConstructorBuild and Manipulate Study Cohorts Using a Common Data Model
CohortExplorerExplorer of Profiles of Patients in a Cohort
CohortGeneratorCohort Generation for the OMOP Common Data Model
CohortPlatSimulation of Cohort Platform Trials for Combination Treatments
cohortsCohort Analysis Made Easy
CohortSurvivalEstimate Survival from Common Data Model Cohorts
CohortSymmetrySequence Symmetry Analysis Using the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model
cohorttoolsCohort Data Analyses
coilContextualization and Evaluation of COI-5P Barcode Data
CoImpParametric and Non-Parametric Copula-Based Imputation Methods
coinConditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework
coinmarketcaprGet 'Cryptocurrencies' Market Cap Prices from Coin Market Cap
CoinprofileCoincident Profile
COINrComposite Indicator Construction and Analysis
cointmonitoRConsistent Monitoring of Stationarity and Cointegrating Relationships
cointRegParameter Estimation and Inference in a Cointegrating Regression
coldCount Longitudinal Data
colfConstrained Optimization on Linear Function
collapseAdvanced and Fast Data Transformation
CollapseLevelsCollapses Levels, Computes Information Value and WoE
collapsibleTreeInteractive Collapsible Tree Diagrams using 'D3.js'
collateralQuickly Evaluate Captured Side Effects
collatzFunctions Related to the Collatz/Syracuse/3n+1 Problem
collectionsHigh Performance Container Data Types
collegeScorecardUS College Scorecard Data
collidrCheck for Namespace Collisions Across Packages and Functions on CRAN
collinVisualization the Effects of Collinearity in Distributed Lag Models and Other Linear Models
collinearSeamless Multicollinearity Management
CollocInferCollocation Inference for Dynamic Systems
collpcmCollapsed Latent Position Cluster Model for Social Networks
collUtilsAuxiliary Package for Package 'CollapsABEL'
colmozzieDengue Cases and Climate Variables in Colombo Sri Lanka
colocColocalisation Tests of Two Genetic Traits
colocalizationNormalized Spatial Intensity Correlation
colocalizedClusters of Colocalized Sequences
colocPropTestProportional Testing for Colocalisation Analysis
colocrConduct Co-Localization Analysis of Fluorescence Microscopy Images
ColOpenDataDownload Colombian Demographic, Climate and Geospatial Data
colorblindcheckCheck Color Palettes for Problems with Color Vision Deficiency
colorBlindnessSafe Color Set for Color Blindness
colorDFColorful Data Frames in R Terminal
colordistanceDistance Metrics for Image Color Similarity
colorednoiseSimulate Temporally Autocorrelated Populations
colorfindrExtract Colors from Windows BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and SVG Format Images
colorhcplotColorful Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms
coloristColoring Wildlife Distributions in Space-Time
colorizerColorize Old Images Using the 'DeOldify' Image Colorization API
colormapColor Palettes using Colormaps Node Module
ColorNameRGive Colors a Name
colorpatchOptimized Rendering of Fold Changes and Confidence Values
colorplaneBasic S4 Classes and Methods for Mapping Between Numeric Values and Colors
colorrColor Palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL Teams
colorRamp2Generate Color Mapping Functions
colorRampsBuilds Color Tables
colorrepelRepel Visually Similar Colors for Colorblind Users in Various Plots
colors3dGenerate 2D and 3D Color Palettes
colorscienceColor Science Methods and Data
colorsGenGeneration of Random Colors
colorspaceA Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes
colorSpecColor Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data
Colossus"Risk Model Regression and Analysis with Complex Non-Linear Models"
colouRCreate Colour Palettes from Images
colourloversR Client for the COLOURlovers API
colourpickerA Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots
colourvaluesAssigns Colours to Values
colourvisionColour Vision Models
COLPCausal Discovery for Categorical Data with Label Permutation
colsConstrained Ordinary Least Squares
cols4allColors for all
coltCommand-Line Color Themes
comatCreates Co-Occurrence Matrices of Spatial Data
comatoAnalysis of Concept Maps and Concept Landscapes
COMBATA Combined Association Test for Genes using Summary Statistics
combat.enigmaFit and Apply ComBat, LMM, or Prescaling Harmonization for ENIGMA and Other Multisite MRI Data
combinatcombinatorics utilities
combinationpvaluesCombination of Independent P-Values
combinatoricsIntroduction to Some Combinatorial Relations
combinedeventsCalculate Scores and Marks for Track and Field Combined Events
CombinePortfolioEstimation of Optimal Portfolio Weights by Combining Simple Portfolio Strategies
combinITA Combined Interaction Test for Unreplicated Two-Way Tables
CombinSConstruction Methods of some Series of PBIB Designs
combirocSelection and Ranking of Omics Biomarkers Combinations Made Easy
combiterCombinatorics Iterators
COMBOCorrecting Misclassified Binary Outcomes in Association Studies
comclimCommunity Climate Statistics
cometExactTestExact Test from the Combinations of Mutually Exclusive Alterations (CoMEt) Algorithm
cometr'Comet' API for R
cometsCovariance Measure Tests for Conditional Independence
comfModels and Equations for Human Comfort Research
comFuncsCommonly Used Functions for R Shiny Applications
ComICSComputational Methods for Immune Cell-Type Subsets
CoMiReConvex Mixture Regression
COMIXCoarsened Mixtures of Hierarchical Skew Kernels
COMMACorrecting Misclassified Mediation Analysis
commafreeCall Functions Without Commas Between Arguments
CommEcolCommunity Ecology Analyses
CommKernNetwork-Based Communities and Kernel Machine Methods
commonSolutions for Common Problems in Base R
CommonDataModelOMOP CDM DDL and Documentation Generator
CommonJavaJarsUseful Libraries for Building a Java Based GUI under R
commonmarkHigh Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
CommonMean.CopulaCommon Mean Vector under Copula Models
commonsMathJAR Files of the Apache Commons Mathematics Library
communicationFeature Extraction and Model Estimation for Audio of Human Speech
comorbidityComputing Comorbidity Scores
comorbidPGSAssessing Predisposition Between Phenotypes using Polygenic Scores
comorosmapsComoro Islands Maps
Comp2ROCCompare Two ROC Curves that Intersect
comparatorComparison Functions for Clustering and Record Linkage
compareComparing Objects for Differences
compareCCompare Two Correlated C Indices with Right-Censored Survival Outcome
CompareCausalNetworksInterface to Diverse Estimation Methods of Causal Networks
CompAREdesignStatistical Functions for the Design of Studies with Composite Endpoints
compareDFDo a Git Style Diff of the Rows Between Two Dataframes with Similar Structure
compareGroupsDescriptive Analysis by Groups
compareMCMCsCompare MCMC Efficiency from 'nimble' and/or Other MCMC Engines
CompareMultipleModelsFinding the Best Model Using Eight Metrics Values
comparerCompare Output and Run Time
CompareTestsCorrect for Verification Bias in Diagnostic Accuracy & Agreement
comparisonMultivariate Likelihood Ratio Calculation and Evaluation
ComparisonSurvComparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups
compasConformational Manipulations of Protein Atomic Structures
CompDistMultisection Composite Distributions
comperankRanking Methods for Competition Results
comperesManage Competition Results
competitiontoolboxA Graphical User Interface for Antitrust and Trade Practitioners
CompExpDesComputer Experiment Designs
CompGRComplete Annual Growth Rate Generator
compHclustComplementary Hierarchical Clustering
CompindComposite Indicators Functions
compindexRCalculates Composite Index
compindPCAComputation of Relative Weights of Variables and Composite Index Values Based on PCA
completejourneyRetail Shopping Data
complexTime Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Complex Variables
complexityCalculate the Proportion of Permutations in Line with an Informative Hypothesis
complexlmLinear Fitting for Complex Valued Data
complexNetComplex Network Generation
complexplusFunctions of Complex or Real Variable
ComplexUpsetCreate Complex UpSet Plots Using 'ggplot2' Components
complmrobRobust Linear Regression with Compositional Data as Covariates
CompMixA Comprehensive Toolkit for Environmental Mixtures Analysis ('CompMix')
CompModelsPseudo Computer Models for Optimization
COMPoissonRegConway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) Regression
CompositeReliabilityDetermine the Composite Reliability of a Naturalistic, Unbalanced Dataset
compositeReliabilityInNestedDesignsOptimizing the Composite Reliability in Multivariate Nested Designs
CompositionalCompositional Data Analysis
CompositionalMLMachine Learning with Compositional Data
CompositionalRFMultivariate Random Forest with Compositional Responses
compositionsCompositional Data Analysis
compound.CoxUnivariate Feature Selection and Compound Covariate for Predicting Survival, Including Copula-Based Analyses for Dependent Censoring
CompoundEventsStatistical Modeling of Compound Events
CompParetoDiscrete Composite Distributions with Pareto Tails
CompQuadFormDistribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables
CompRPaired Comparison Data Analysis
comprehenrList Comprehensions
compute.esCompute Effect Sizes
ComradesMThe Comrades Marathon 1921 to 2019
ComRiskModelFitting of Complementary Risk Models
comsimitvFlexible Framework for Simulating Community Assembly
comstabPartitioning the Drivers of Stability of Ecological Communities
comtradrInterface with the United Nations Comtrade API
con2aqiCalculate the AQI from Pollutant Concentration
con2lkiCalculate the Dutch Air Quality Index (LKI)
ConakeContinuous Associated Kernel Estimation
concatenateHuman-Friendly Text from Unknown Strings
concatipedeEasy Concatenation of Fasta Sequences
concavemanA Very Fast 2D Concave Hull Algorithm
conclustPairwise Constraints Clustering
concomConnected Components of an Undirected Graph
ConconiAnaerobicThresholdTestConconi Estimate of Anaerobic Threshold from a TCX File
ConConPiWiFunOptimisation with Continuous Convex Piecewise (Linear and Quadratic) Functions
concordanceProduct Concordance
ConcordanceTestAn Alternative to the Kruskal-Wallis Based on the Kendall Tau Distance
concorRCONCOR and Supplemental Functions
concstatsMarket Structure, Concentration and Inequality Measures
CONCURCopy Number Profile Curve-Based Association Test
condApproximate Conditional Inference for Logistic and Loglinear Models
CondCopulasEstimation and Inference for Conditional Copula Models
condensrAcademic Group Website Generator
condformatConditional Formatting in Data Frames
condGEEParameter Estimation in Conditional GEE for Recurrent Event Gap Times
CondIndTestsNonlinear Conditional Independence Tests
condirComputation of P Values and Bayes Factors for Conditioning Data
CondiSCensored Data Imputation for Direct Modeling
conditionalProbNspadesConditional Probabilities of Distributions Across Hearts Hands
conditionzControl How Many Times Conditions are Thrown
condMVNormConditional Multivariate Normal Distribution
CondMVTConditional Multivariate t Distribution, Expectation Maximization Algorithm, and Its Stochastic Variants
condorInteract with 'Condor' from R via SSH
condorOptionsTrading Condor Options Strategies
condSURVEstimation of the Conditional Survival Function for Ordered Multivariate Failure Time Data
condTruncMVNConditional Truncated Multivariate Normal Distribution
conductorCreate Tours in 'Shiny' Apps Using 'Shepherd.js'
condvisConditional Visualization for Statistical Models
condvis2Interactive Conditional Visualization for Supervised and Unsupervised Models in Shiny
coneprojPrimal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for Constrained Regression
confVisualization and Analysis of Statistical Measures of Confidence
conf.designConstruction of factorial designs
confconsConfidence and Consistency of Predictive Distribution Models
confidenceConfidence Estimation of Environmental State Classifications
ConfidenceEllipseComputation of 2D and 3D Elliptical Joint Confidence Regions
configManage Environment Specific Configuration Values
ConfigParserPackage to Parse an INI File, Including Variable Interpolation
configrAn Implementation of Parsing and Writing Configuration File (JSON/INI/YAML/TOML)
configuralMultivariate Profile Analysis
confinterpretDescriptive Interpretations of Confidence Intervals
confintrConfidence Intervals
confintROBConfidence Intervals for Robust and Classical Linear Mixed Model Estimators
ConfIntVarianceConfidence Interval for the Univariate Population Variance without Normality Assumption
conflictedAn Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy
conflrClient for 'Confluence' API
conformalbayesJackknife(+) Predictive Intervals for Bayesian Models
conformalClassificationTransductive and Inductive Conformal Predictions for Classification Problems
conformalInference.fdTools for Conformal Inference for Regression in Multivariate Functional Setting
conformalInference.multiConformal Inference Tools for Regression with Multivariate Response
conformalpvalueComputes Conformal p-Values
ConformalSmallestEfficient Tuning-Free Conformal Prediction
confreqConfigural Frequencies Analysis Using Log-Linear Modeling
confSAMEstimates and Bounds for the False Discovery Proportion, by Permutation
ConfusionTableRConfusion Matrix Toolset
ConfZICConfidence Envelopes for Model Selection Criteria Based on Minimum ZIC
congressAccess the Congress.gov API
CongressDataA Functional Tool for 'CongressData'
CongreveLamsdell2016Distance Metrics for Trees Generated by Congreve and Lamsdell
CoNICorrelation Guided Network Integration (CoNI)
conicfitAlgorithms for Fitting Circles, Ellipses and Conics Based on the Work by Prof. Nikolai Chernov
ConigraveFlexible Tools for Multiple Imputation
conjointAn Implementation of Conjoint Analysis Method
conjurerA Parametric Method for Generating Synthetic Data
conleyregEstimations using Conley Standard Errors
conmetConstruct Measurement Evaluation Tool
ConNEcTContingency Measure-Based Networks for Binary Time Series
connectapiUtilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API
ConnectednessApproachConnectedness Approach
connectionsIntegrates with the 'RStudio' Connections Pane and 'pins'
connectoModaDownload Data from Moda
connectwidgetsOrganize and Curate Your Content Within 'Posit Connect'
ConnMatToolsTools for Working with Connectivity Data
conogiveCongeneric Normal-Ogive Model
conosClustering on Network of Samples
conover.testConover-Iman Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums
conquerConvolution-Type Smoothed Quantile Regression
conquestrAn R Package to Extend 'ACER ConQuest'
conradClient for the Microsoft's 'Cognitive Services Text to Speech REST' API
ConsensusClusteringConsensus Clustering
ConsensusOPLSConsensus OPLS for Multi-Block Data Fusion
conserveRIdentifying Conservation Prioritization Methods Based on Data Availability
consibiocloudclientA Client for the 'Consibio Cloud' API
consolechoiceAn Easy and Quick Way to Loop a Character Vector as a Menu in the Console
consortCreate Consort Diagram
consortrInteractive Consort Flow Diagrams
ConSplinePartial Linear Least-Squares Regression using Constrained Splines
ConsRankCompute the Median Ranking(s) According to the Kemeny's Axiomatic Approach
ConsRankClassClassification and Clustering of Preference Rankings
ConsRegFits Regression & ARMA Models Subject to Constraints to the Coefficient
constantsReference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty
constellationIdentify Event Sequences Using Time Series Joins
constrainedKrigingConstrained, Covariance-Matching Constrained and Universal Point or Block Kriging
conStructModels Spatially Continuous and Discrete Population Genetic Structure
constructiveDisplay Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects
contactdataSocial Contact Matrices for 177 Countries
containerExtending Base 'R' Lists
ContaminatedMixtClustering and Classification with the Contaminated Normal
contentidAn Interface for Content-Based Identifiers
conText'a la Carte' on Text (ConText) Embedding Regression
contfracContinued Fractions
contFracRContinued Fraction Generators and Evaluators
contingencyDiscrete Multivariate Probability Distributions
contingencytablesStatistical Analysis of Contingency Tables
contoureRContouring of Non-Regular Three-Dimensional Data
ContourFunctionsCreate Contour Plots from Data or a Function
contourPlotPlots x,y,z Co-Ordinates in a Contour Map
contrastA Collection of Contrast Methods
contrastableConsistent Contrast Coding for Factors
conTreeContrast Trees and Boosting
ContRespPPPredictive Probability for a Continuous Response with an ANOVA Structure
contributionA Tiny Contribution Table Generator Based on 'ggplot2'
controlA Control Systems Toolbox
controlfunctionIVControl Function Methods with Possibly Invalid Instrumental Variables
controlTestQuantile Comparison for Two-Sample Right-Censored Survival Data
contsurvplotVisualize the Effect of a Continuous Variable on a Time-to-Event Outcome
contTimeCausalContinuous Time Causal Models
convdistrConvolute Probabilistic Distributions
ConvergenceClubsFinding Convergence Clubs
ConvergenceConceptsSeeing Convergence Concepts in Action
convergEUMonitoring Convergence of EU Countries
conversimConversation Similarity Analysis
convertBCDConvert Decimal to Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) Form and Vice Versa
convertbondsUse the Given Parameters to Calculate the European Option Value
convertidConvert Gene IDs Between Each Other and Fetch Annotations from Biomart
ConvertParEstimating IRT Parameters via Machine Learning Algorithms
convertrConvert Between Units
convevolAnalysis of Convergent Evolution
conveyIncome Concentration Analysis with Complex Survey Samples
ConvolutionerConvolution of Data
convoSPATConvolution-Based Nonstationary Spatial Modeling
cooccurProbabilistic Species Co-Occurrence Analysis in R
CooccurrenceAffinityAffinity in Co-Occurrence Data
cookiecutterGenerate Project Files from a Template
cookiemonsterYour Friendly Solution to Managing Browser Cookies
cookiesUse Browser Cookies with 'shiny'
CoOLCauses of Outcome Learning
cooltoolsPractical Tools for Scientific Computations and Visualizations
coopCo-Operation: Fast Covariance, Correlation, and Cosine Similarity Operations
CoopGameImportant Concepts of Cooperative Game Theory
CoordinateCleanerAutomated Cleaning of Occurrence Records from Biological Collections
CooRTweetCoordinated Networks Detection on Social Media
copBasicGeneral Bivariate Copula Theory and Many Utility Functions
copCARFitting the copCAR Regression Model for Discrete Areal Data
copcorCorrelates of Protection and Correlates of Risk Functions
CopCTSCopula-Based Semiparametric Analysis for Time Series Data with Detection Limits
copeCoverage Probability Excursion (CoPE) Sets
copentEstimating Copula Entropy and Transfer Entropy
CopernicusDEMCopernicus Digital Elevation Models
CopernicusMarineSearch Download and Handle Data from Copernicus Marine Service Information
cophescanAdaptation of the Coloc Method for PheWAS
coppeCosenzaRCOPPE-Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy Model
copreTools for Nonparametric Martingale Posterior Sampling
copsCluster Optimized Proximity Scaling
CopSensCopula-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Observational Causal Inference
copulaMultivariate Dependence with Copulas
Copula.MarkovCopula-Based Estimation and Statistical Process Control for Serially Correlated Time Series
Copula.Markov.survivalCopula Markov Model with Dependent Censoring
Copula.survAnalysis of Bivariate Survival Data Based on Copulas
copulaboostFitting Additive Copula Regression Models for Binary Outcome Regression
CopulaCenRCopula-Based Regression Models for Multivariate Censored Data
copulaDataData Sets for Copula Modeling
copulaedasEstimation of Distribution Algorithms Based on Copulas
CopulaGAMMCopula-Based Mixed Regression Models
CopulaInferenceEstimation and Goodness-of-Fit of Copula-Based Models with Arbitrary Distributions
copularegCopula Regression
CopulaREMADACopula Mixed Models for Multivariate Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies
copulaSimVirtual Patient Simulation by Copula Invariance Property
copyseparatorAssembling Long Gene Copies from Short Read Data
CORThe COR for Optimal Subset Selection in Distributed Estimation
coraCora Data for Entity Resolution
coRankingCo-Ranking Matrix
corazonApply 'colorffy' Color Gradients Within 'shiny' Elements
CorbiCollection of Rudimentary Bioinformatics Tools
CorBinGenerate High-Dimensional Binary Data with Correlation Structures
corbouliCorbae-Ouliaris Frequency Domain Filtering
corclassCorrelational Class Analysis
cordCommunity Estimation in G-Models via CORD
cordilleraCalculation of the OPTICS Cordillera
CORECores of Recurrent Events
coreCollectionCore Collection
coreCTProgrammatic Analysis of Sediment Cores Using Computed Tomography Imaging
corehunterMulti-Purpose Core Subset Selection
CORElearnClassification, Regression and Feature Evaluation
corelsR Binding for the 'Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS (Corels)' Learner
CoreMicrobiomeRIdentification of Core Microbiome
coreNLPWrappers Around Stanford CoreNLP Tools
coreSimCore Functionality for Simulating Quantities of Interest from Generalised Linear Models
corHMMHidden Markov Models of Character Evolution
corkscrewPreprocessor for Data Modeling
corlinkRecord Linkage, Incorporating Imputation for Missing Agreement Patterns, and Modeling Correlation Patterns Between Fields
CorMIDCorrect Mass Isotopologue Distribution Vectors
corncobCount Regression for Correlated Observations with the Beta-Binomial
CornerstoneRCollection of Scripts for Interface Between 'Cornerstone' and 'R'
cornetPenalised Regression for Dichotomised Outcomes
coro'Coroutines' for R
coroICAConfounding Robust Independent Component Analysis for Noisy and Grouped Data
coronaCoronavirus ('Rona') Data Exploration
CoronaNetRAPI Access to 'CoronaNet' Data
coronavirusThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Dataset
corpcorEfficient Estimation of Covariance and (Partial) Correlation
corpmetricsTools for Valuation, Financial Metrics and Modeling in Corporate Finance
corporaStatistics and Data Sets for Corpus Frequency Data
corporaexplorerA 'Shiny' App for Exploration of Text Collections
CoRpowerPower Calculations for Assessing Correlates of Risk in Clinical Efficacy Trials
corpustoolsManaging, Querying and Analyzing Tokenized Text
corr2DImplementation of 2D Correlation Analysis in R
corrarrayCorrelation Arrays and 2-Sample Correlation Matrices
CorrBinNonparametrics with Clustered Binary and Multinomial Data
corrcoverageCorrecting the Coverage of Credible Sets from Bayesian Genetic Fine Mapping
corrDNAFinding Associations in Position-Wise Aligned DNA Sequence Dataset
correctedAUCCorrecting AUC for Measurement Error
CorrectedFDRCorrecting False Discovery Rates
CorrectOverloadedPeaksCorrect Overloaded Peaks from GC-APCI-MS Data
correctRCorrected Test Statistics for Comparing Machine Learning Models on Correlated Samples
correlationMethods for Correlation Analysis
correlationfunnelSpeed Up Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with the Correlation Funnel
correlbinomCorrelated Binomial Probabilities
CorrelplotA Collection of Functions for Graphing Correlation Matrices
correspondenceTablesCreating Correspondence Tables Between Two Statistical Classifications
corrfunsCorrelation Coefficient Related Functions
corrgramPlot a Correlogram
corrgrapherExplore Correlations Between Variables in a Machine Learning Model
corrMCTCorrelated Weighted Hochberg
corrmetaCorrelated Meta-Analysis
CorrMixedEstimate Correlations Between Repeatedly Measured Endpoints (E.g., Reliability) Based on Linear Mixed-Effects Models
corrplotVisualization of a Correlation Matrix
corrrCorrelations in R
corrsieveSoftware for Summarising and Evaluating STRUCTURE Output
corrtableCreates and Saves Out a Correlation Table with Significance Levels Indicated
CorrToolBoxModeling Correlational Magnitude Transformations in Discretization Contexts
corrVizVisualise Correlations
corsetArbitrary Bounding of Series and Time Series Objects
corTestRobust Tests for Equal Correlation
corTESTsrdSignificance Testing of Rank Cross-Correlations under SRD
cortoInference of Gene Regulatory Networks
corxCreate and Format Correlation Matrices
cosaBound Constrained Optimal Sample Size Allocation
cosimmrFast Fitting of Stable Isotope Mixing Models with Covariates
cosinorTools for Estimating and Predicting the Cosinor Model
cosinor2Extended Tools for Cosinor Analysis of Rhythms
cosmicsigMutational Signatures from COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer)
cosmoFnsFunctions for Cosmological Distances, Times, Luminosities, Etc
CoSMoSComplete Stochastic Modelling Solution
cossoFit Regularized Nonparametric Regression Models Using COSSO Penalty
COSTCopula-Based Semiparametric Models for Spatio-Temporal Data
costatTime Series Costationarity Determination
costsensitiveCost-Sensitive Multi-Class Classification
CoTiMAContinuous Time Meta-Analysis ('CoTiMA')
cotramCount Transformation Models
cotrendConsistent Co-Trending Rank Selection
COUNTFunctions, Data and Code for Count Data
countcolorsLocates and Counts Pixels Within Color Range(s) in Images
countdataThe Beta-Binomial Test for Count Data
countDMEstimation of Count Data Models
countdownA Countdown Timer for HTML Presentations, Documents, and Web Apps
CounterfactualEstimation and Inference Methods for Counterfactual Analysis
counterfactualsCounterfactual Explanations
CounternullRandomization-Based Inference
countfitteRComprehensive Automatized Evaluation of Distribution Models for Count Data
countgmifsDiscrete Response Regression for High-Dimensional Data
countHMMPenalized Estimation of Flexible Hidden Markov Models for Time Series of Counts
countlandAnalysis of Biological Count Data, Especially from Single-Cell RNA-Seq
countpropCalculate Model-Based Metrics of Proportionality on Count-Based Compositional Data
CountrFlexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal Processes
countriesDeal with Country Data in an Easy Way
countrycodeConvert Country Names and Country Codes
CountsEPPMMean and Variance Modeling of Count Data
countsplitSplitting a Count Matrix into Independent Folds
countSTARFlexible Modeling of Count Data
countToFPKMConvert Counts to Fragments per Kilobase of Transcript per Million (FPKM)
countTransformersTransform Counts in RNA-Seq Data Analysis
counttsThomson Sampling for Zero-Inflated Count Outcomes
coursekataPackages and Functions for 'CourseKata' Courses
covadapImplement Covariate-Adaptive Randomization
covafillrLocal Polynomial Regression of State Dependent Covariates in State-Space Models
covatestTests on Properties of Space-Time Covariance Functions
covBMBrownian Motion Processes for 'nlme'-Models
CovCombRCombine Partial Covariance / Relationship Matrices
covdepGECovariate Dependent Graph Estimation
coveffectsplotProduce Forest Plots to Visualize Covariate Effects
covequalTest for Equality of Covariance Matrices
COveRClustering with Overlaps
coveR2Process Digital Cover Photography Images of Tree Crowns
covfefeCovfefy Any Word, Sentence or Speech
covglassoSparse Covariance Matrix Estimation
COVID19R Interface to COVID-19 Data Hub
covid19.analyticsLoad and Analyze Live Data from the COVID-19 Pandemic
covid19brBrazilian COVID-19 Pandemic Data
covid19brazilCOVID-19 Dataset for Brazil
covid19dbcandSelected 'Drugbank' Drugs for COVID-19 Treatment Related Data in R Format
covid19franceCases of COVID-19 in France
covid19indiaPulling Clean Data from Covid19india.org
covid19italyThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Italy Dataset
covid19sfThe Covid19 San Francisco Dataset
covid19srilankaThe 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data in Sri Lanka
covid19swissCOVID-19 Cases in Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein
covid19tunisiaCases of COVID-19 in Tunisia
covid19usCases of COVID-19 in the United States
covidcastClient for Delphi's 'COVIDcast Epidata' API
COVIDIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNAD COVID19 Microdata
CovidMutationsMutation Analysis Toolkit for COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)
covidmxDescarga y analiza datos de COVID-19 en México
covidnorPublic COVID-19 Data for Norway
covidprobabilityEstimate the Unit-Wide Probability of COVID-19
covidsymptomCOVID Symptom Study Sweden Open Dataset
covKCDCovariance Estimation for Matrix Data with the Kronecker-Core Decomposition
covrTest Coverage for Packages
CovRegRFCovariance Regression with Random Forests
covRobustRobust Covariance Estimation via Nearest Neighbor Cleaning
CovSelModel-Free Covariate Selection
covsepTests for Determining if the Covariance Structure of 2-Dimensional Data is Separable
covsimVITA, IG and PLSIM Simulation for Given Covariance and Marginals
covTestRCovariance Matrix Tests
CovToolsStatistical Tools for Covariance Analysis
covtracerContextualizing Tests
cowbellPerforms Segmented Linear Regression on Two Independent Variables
cowplotStreamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'
cowsayMessages, Warnings, Strings with Ascii Animals
CoxAIPWDoubly Robust Inference for Cox Marginal Structural Model with Informative Censoring
CoxBcvBias-Corrected Sandwich Variance Estimators for Marginal Cox Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials
coxedDuration-Based Quantities of Interest for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model
coxerrCox Regression with Dependent Error in Covariates
CoxICPenVariable Selection for Cox's Model with Interval-Censored Data
coxmeMixed Effects Cox Models
CoxmosCox MultiBlock Survival
coxphfCox Regression with Firth's Penalized Likelihood
coxphmTime-to-Event Data Analysis with Missing Survival Times
coxphSGDStochastic Gradient Descent log-Likelihood Estimation in Cox Proportional Hazards Model
coxphwWeighted Estimation in Cox Regression
CoxPlusCox Regression (Proportional Hazards Model) with Multiple Causes and Mixed Effects
CoxR2R-Squared Measure Based on Partial LR Statistic, for the Cox PH Regression Model
coxrobustFit Robustly Proportional Hazards Regression Model
coxrtCox Proportional Hazards Regression for Right-Truncated Data
coxseiFitting a CoxSEI Model
CPConditional Power Calculations
cp4pCalibration Plot for Proteomics
cpaConfirmatory Path Analysis Through 'd-sep' Tests
CPATChange Point Analysis Tests
CPBayesBayesian Meta Analysis for Studying Cross-Phenotype Genetic Associations
CPCImplementation of Cluster-Polarization Coefficient
CPCATThe Closure Principle Computational Approach Test
cPCGEfficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of Linear Equations
cpdComplex Pearson Distributions
CPEConcordance Probability Estimates in Survival Analysis
cpfaClassification with Parallel Factor Analysis
CpGassocAssociation Between Methylation and a Phenotype of Interest
CpGFilterCpG Filtering Method Based on Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients
CPGLIBCompeting Proximal Gradients Library
cpiConditional Predictive Impact
cplmCompound Poisson Linear Models
cplotsPlots for Circular Data
cpmSequential and Batch Change Detection Using Parametric and Nonparametric Methods
cpmBigDataFitting Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models for Big Data
CPMCGLMCorrection of the P-Value after Multiple Coding in Generalized Linear Models
CpmERCCutoffCalculation of Log2 Counts per Million Cutoff from ERCC Controls
cpmrConnectome Predictive Modelling in R
CPNCoverageAnalysisConceptual Properties Norming Studies as Parameter Estimation
cpopDetection of Multiple Changes in Slope in Univariate Time-Series
CPoptimConvex Partition Optimisation
CPPComposition of Probabilistic Preferences (CPP)
cpp11A C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
cpp11armadilloAn 'Armadillo' Interface
cpp11eigenAn 'Eigen' Interface
cpp11tesseractOpen Source OCR Engine
cppcheckRCheck 'C' and 'C++' Files using 'Cppcheck'
cppdoublesFast Relative Comparisons of Floating Point Numbers in 'C++'
cppRoutingAlgorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem
cprControl Polygon Reduction
cprobitConditional Probit Model for Analysing Continuous Outcomes
cprrFunctions for Working with Danish CPR Numbers
cPseudoMaRgConstructs a Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Sampler
cpsRLoad CPS Microdata into R Using the 'Census Bureau Data' API
cpssChange-Point Detection by Sample-Splitting Methods
CPsurvNonparametric Change Point Estimation for Survival Data
cpsurvsimSimulating Survival Data from Change-Point Hazard Distributions
cpsvoteA Toolbox for Using the CPS’s Voting and Registration Supplement
cptClassification Permutation Test
cptcity'cpt-city' Colour Gradients
CptNonParNonparametric Change Point Detection for Multivariate Time Series
cqrRegQuantile, Composite Quantile Regression and Regularized Versions
cquadConditional Maximum Likelihood for Quadratic Exponential Models for Binary Panel Data
CR2Compute Cluster Robust Standard Errors with Degrees of Freedom Adjustments
CRABSCongruent Rate Analyses in Birth-Death Scenarios
craggTests for Weak Instruments in R
cramerMultivariate Nonparametric Cramer-Test for the Two-Sample-Problem
crandepNetwork Analysis of Dependencies of CRAN Packages
crankCompleting Ranks
cranlikeTools for 'CRAN'-Like Repositories
cranlogsDownload Logs from the 'RStudio' 'CRAN' Mirror
cranlyPackage Directives and Collaboration Networks in CRAN
CRANsearcherRStudio Addin for Searching Packages in CRAN Database Based on Keywords
crassmatConditional Random Sampling Sparse Matrices
crawlFit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal Movement Data
crayonColored Terminal Output
crayonsColor Palettes from Crayon Boxes
crc32cCyclic Redundancy Check with CPU-Specific Acceleration
crchCensored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticity
crctStepdownUnivariate Analysis of Cluster Trials with Multiple Outcomes
CREInterpretable Discovery and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
CREAMClustering of Genomic Regions Analysis Method
createLogicalPCMCreate Logical Pairwise Comparison Matrix for the Analytic Hierarchy Process
credentialsTools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
CRediTasGenerate CRediT Author Statements
creditmodelToolkit for Credit Modeling, Analysis and Visualization
CreditRiskEvaluation of Credit Risk with Structural and Reduced Form Models
CREDSCalibrated Ratio Estimator under Double Sampling Design
credsubsCredible Subsets
creduleCredit Default Swap Functions
crewA Distributed Worker Launcher Framework
crew.aws.batchA Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS Batch
crew.clusterCrew Launcher Plugins for Traditional High-Performance Computing Clusters
CRFConditional Random Fields
crfsuiteConditional Random Fields for Labelling Sequential Data in Natural Language Processing
cricketdataInternational Cricket Data
cricketrAnalyze Cricketers and Cricket Teams Based on ESPN Cricinfo Statsguru
crimCVGroup-Based Modelling of Longitudinal Data
crimedataAccess Crime Data from the Open Crime Database
crimeutilsA Comprehensive Set of Functions to Clean, Analyze, and Present Crime Data
crispFits a Model that Partitions the Covariate Space into Blocks in a Data- Adaptive Way
crispRdesignRGuide Sequence Design for CRISPR/Cas9
criticalityModeling Fissile Material Operations in Nuclear Facilities
criticalpathAn Implementation of the Critical Path Method
critpathSetting the Critical Path in Project Management
CRMContinual Reassessment Method (CRM) for Phase I Clinical Trials
crm12CombPhase I/II CRM Based Drug Combination Design
CRMetricsCell Ranger Output Filtering and Metrics Visualization
crmnCCMN and Other Normalization Methods for Metabolomics Data
crmPackObject-Oriented Implementation of CRM Designs
crmRegCellwise Robust M-Regression and SPADIMO
crochetImplementation Helper for '[' and '[<-' of Custom Matrix-Like Types
cromwellDashboardA Dashboard to Visualize Scientific Workflows in 'Cromwell'
CronbachCronbach's Alpha
croneStructural Crystallography in 1d
cronologiaCreate an HTML Vertical Timeline from a Data Frame in 'rmarkdown' and 'shiny'
cronRSchedule R Scripts and Processes with the 'cron' Job Scheduler
cropGraphics Cropping Tool
cropcirclesCrops an Image to a Circle
cropdatapeOpen Data of Agricultural Production of Crops of Peru
cropDemandSpatial Crop Water Demand for Brazil
cropgrowdaysCrop Growing Degree Days and Agrometeorological Calculations
cropsChangepoints for a Range of Penalties (CROPS)
CropScapeRAccess Cropland Data Layer Data via the 'CropScape' Web Service
CropWaterBalanceClimate Water Balance for Irrigation Purposes
cropZoningClimate Crop Zoning Based in Air Temperature for Brazil
CrossCarryAnalysis of Data from a Crossover Design with GEE
CrossClusteringA Partial Clustering Algorithm
crossdesConstruction of Crossover Designs
crosshapLocal Haplotype Clustering and Visualization
crosslagPerform Linear or Nonlinear Cross Lag Analysis
crossmapApply Functions to All Combinations of List Elements
crossmatchThe Cross-Match Test
crossnmaCross-Design & Cross-Format Network Meta-Analysis and Regression
CrossoverAnalysis and Search of Crossover Designs
crossrunJoint Distribution of Number of Crossings and Longest Run
crosstableCrosstables for Descriptive Analyses
Crosstabs.LoglinearCross Tabulation and Loglinear Analyses of Categorical Data
crosstalkInter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
crosstalkrAnalysis of Graph-Structured Data with a Focus on Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
crossurrCross-Fitting for Doubly Robust Evaluation of High-Dimensional Surrogate Markers
CrossVAVerbal Autopsy Data Transformation for InSilicoVA and InterVA5 Algorithms
crossvalGeneric Functions for Cross Validation
CrossValidateClasses and Methods for Cross Validation of "Class Prediction" Algorithms
crossvalidationCPCross-Validation for Change-Point Regression
crosswalkrRename and Encode Data Frames Using External Crosswalk Files
crossword.rGenerating Crosswords from Word Lists
crovConstrained Regression Model for an Ordinal Response and Ordinal Predictors
crplyrA 'dplyr' Interface for Crunch
crqaUnidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for Recurrence Quantification Analysis
crrcbcvBias-Corrected Variance for Competing Risks Regression with Clustered Data
crrSCCompeting Risks Regression for Stratified and Clustered Data
crrstepStepwise Covariate Selection for the Fine & Gray Competing Risks Regression Model
crsCategorical Regression Splines
crseEventStudyA Robust and Powerful Test of Abnormal Stock Returns in Long-Horizon Event Studies
crsmetaExtract Coordinate System Metadata
crsnlsNonlinear Regression Parameters Estimation by 'CRS4HC' and 'CRS4HCe'
crsoCancer Rule Set Optimization ('crso')
crsraTidying and Analyzing 'Coursera' Research Export Data
crsuggestObtain Suggested Coordinate Reference System Information for Spatial Data
crt2powerDesigning Cluster-Randomized Trials with Two Co-Primary Outcomes
CRTConjointConditional Randomization Testing (CRT) Approach for Conjoint Analysis
CRTgeeDRDoubly Robust Inverse Probability Weighted Augmented GEE Estimator
CRTSizeSample Size Estimation Functions for Cluster Randomized Trials
CRTspatWorkflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with Spillover
crulHTTP Client
crumbleFlexible and General Mediation Analysis Using Riesz Representers
crunchCrunch.io Data Tools
crunchyShiny Apps on Crunch
crutsInterface to Climatic Research Unit Time-Series Version 3.21 Data
CruzPlotPlot Shipboard DAS Data
crwbmetaregCluster Robust Wild Bootstrap Meta Regression
CRWRMChanging the Reference Group without Re-Running the Model
cryStatistics for Structural Crystallography
crypto2Download Crypto Currency Data from 'CoinMarketCap' without 'API'
cryptographyEncrypts and Decrypts Text Ciphers
cryptoQuotesA Streamlined Access to Cryptocurrency OHLC-V Market Data and Sentiment Indicators
cryptorngAccess System Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generators
cryptotrackrAn Interface to Crypto Data Sources
cryptoverseVisualization and Analytics for the Cryptoverse
cryptowatchRAn API Wrapper for 'Cryptowatch'
CryptRndTestStatistical Tests for Cryptographic Randomness
crystCalculate the Relative Crystallinity of Starch by XRD and FTIR
csaA Cross-Scale Analysis Tool for Model-Observation Visualization and Integration
csalertAlerts from Public Health Surveillance Data
csamplingFunctions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale Models
CsChangeTesting for Change in C-Statistic
csciCurrent Status Confidence Intervals
CScloneBayesian Nonparametric Modeling in R
CSCNetFitting and Tuning Regularized Cause-Specific Cox Models with Elastic-Net Penalty
csdataStructural Data for Norway
cSEMComposite-Based Structural Equation Modeling
CSeqpatFrequent Contiguous Sequential Pattern Mining of Text
CSESACRISPR-Based Salmonella Enterica Serotype Analyzer
CSGoCollecting Counter Strike Global Offensive Data
cshapesThe CShapes 2.0 Dataset and Utilities
CSHShydRologyCanadian Hydrological Analyses
CSIndicatorsClimate Services' Indicators Based on Sub-Seasonal to Decadal Predictions
csmapsPreformatted Maps of Norway that Don't Need Geolibraries
CSMESCost-Sensitive Multi-Criteria Ensemble Selection for Uncertain Cost Conditions
csmpvBiomarker Confirmation, Selection, Modelling, Prediction, and Validation
csnClosed Skew-Normal Distribution
csodataDownload Data from the CSO 'PxStat' API
cspecComplete Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Periodogram
csppA Tool for the Correlates of State Policy Project Data
csppDataData Only: The Correlates of State Policy Project Dataset
csquaresConcise Spatial Query and Representation System (c-Squares)
csranksStatistical Tools for Ranks
cssToolsCognitive Social Structure Tools
cstabSelection of Number of Clusters via Normalized Clustering Instability
cstidyHelpful Functions for Cleaning Surveillance Data
cstimeDate and Time Functions for Public Health Purposes
CSToolsAssessing Skill of Climate Forecasts on Seasonal-to-Decadal Timescales
csurveyConstrained Regression for Survey Data
csutilCommon Base-R Problems Relating to Lists
csvRead and Write CSV Files with Selected Conventions
csvreadFast Specialized CSV File Loader
csvwrRead and Write CSV on the Web (CSVW) Tables and Metadata
csvyImport and Export CSV Data with a YAML Metadata Header
ctaContingency Table Analysis Based on ML Fitting of MPH Models
CTAShinyInteractive Application for Working with Contingency Tables
ctbiA Procedure to Clean, Decompose and Aggregate Timeseries
CTDA Method for 'Connecting The Dots' in Weighted Graphs
ctfRead and Write Column Text Format (CTF)
ctgdistLikert Category Distance Calculator
ctgtClosed Testing with Globaltest for Pathway Analysis
cthistClinical Trial Registry History
cthreshERContinuous Threshold Expectile Regression
ctlCorrelated Trait Locus Mapping
CTMA Text Mining Toolkit for Chinese Document
ctmcdEstimating the Parameters of a Continuous-Time Markov Chain from Discrete-Time Data
ctmcmoveModeling Animal Movement with Continuous-Time Discrete-Space Markov Chains
cTMedContinuous Time Mediation
ctmleCollaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
ctmmContinuous-Time Movement Modeling
ctmvaContinuous-Time Multivariate Analysis
CTNoteCTN Outcomes, Treatments, and Endpoints
cTOSTFinite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in the Univariate Framework
ctpmContinuous-Time Phylogenetic Modeling
ctqrCensored and Truncated Quantile Regression
ctrdataRetrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public Registers
ctrialsgovQuery Data from U.S. National Library of Medicine's Clinical Trials Database
CTRingDensity Profiles of Wood from CT Scan Images
ctrlGeneAssess the Stability of Candidate Housekeeping Genes
ctsemContinuous Time Structural Equation Modelling
ctsemOMXContinuous Time SEM - 'OpenMx' Based Functions
ctsfeaturesAnalyzing Categorical Time Series
CTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Classification Tree Analysis
CTShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Classification Tree Analysis
CTTClassical Test Theory Functions
CTTinShinyShiny Interface for the CTT Package
CTTShinyClassical Test Theory via Shiny
ctvCRAN Task Views
CTxCCMultivariate Normal Mean Monitoring Through Critical-to-X Control Chart
ctxRUtilities for Interacting with the 'CTX' APIs
ctypesioRead and Write Standard C Types from Files, Connections and Raw Vectors
cuadrameloMatrix Balancing and Rounding
CUBA Class of Mixture Models for Ordinal Data
cubarCodon Usage Bias Analysis
cubatureAdaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes
cubbleA Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data Analysis
cubelyrA Data Cube 'dplyr' Backend
cubeviewView 3D Raster Cubes Interactively
cubfitsCodon Usage Bias Fits
cubicBsplinesComputation of a Cubic B-Spline Basis and Its Derivatives
cubingRubik's Cube Solving
CubistRule- And Instance-Based Regression Modeling
cucumberBehavior-Driven Development for R
cuda.mlR Interface for the RAPIDS cuML Suite of Libraries
CUFFCharles's Utility Function using Formula
cultevoTools, Measures and Statistical Tests for Cultural Evolution
CUMPAnalyze Multivariate Phenotypes by Combining Univariate Results
cumprincFunctions Centered Around Microsoft Excel Cumprinc Function
cumSegChange Point Detection in Genomic Sequences
cumstatsCumulative Descriptive Statistics
cumulcalibCumulative Calibration Assessment for Prediction Models
cumulocityrClient for the 'Cumulocity' API
cuperdecCumulative Percent Decay Curve Generator
cuReParametric Cure Model Estimation
CureAuxSPMixture Cure Models with Auxiliary Subgroup Survival Probabilities
CureDepCensDependent Censoring Regression Models with Cure Fraction
curephEMNPMLE for Logistic-Cox Cure-Rate Model
cureplotsCURE (Cumulative Residual) Plots
curesurvMixture and Non Mixture Parametric Cure Models to Estimate Cure Indicators
curlA Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
currencyapiClient for the 'currencyapi.com' Currency Conversion API
currentSurvivalEstimation of CCI and CLFS Functions
CurricularAnalyticsExploring and Analyzing Academic Curricula
currrApply Mapping Functions in Frequent Saving
curryPartial Function Application with %<%, %-<%, and %><%
cursrCursor and Terminal Manipulation
curstatCIConfidence Intervals for the Current Status Model
curtailmentFinds Binary Outcome Designs Using Stochastic Curtailment
curvecompMultiple Curve Comparisons Using Parametric Bootstrap
curveDepthTukey Curve Depth and Distance in the Space of Curves
curvHDRFiltering of Flow Cytometry Samples
curvirSpecify Reserve Demand Curves
cuspCusp-Catastrophe Model Fitting Using Maximum Likelihood
custom.gauss.quadCustom Made Gauss Quadrature Nodes and Weights
CustomDerivativePricing Various Types of Custom Derivatives
CustomerScoringMetricsEvaluation Metrics for Customer Scoring Models Depending on Binary Classifiers
customiserUse R Markdown to Write your "Rprofile"
customizedTrainingCustomized Training for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
CustosAscensorCosts Allocation for the Installation of an Elevator
cusumCumulative Sum (CUSUM) Charts for Monitoring of Hospital Performance
cusumcharterEasier CUSUM Control Charts
CUSUMdesignCompute Decision Interval and Average Run Length for CUSUM Charts
cutoffSeek the Significant Cutoff Value
cutpointrDetermine and Evaluate Optimal Cutpoints in Binary Classification Tasks
CutpointsOEHROptimal Equal-HR Method to Find Two Cutpoints for U-Shaped Relationships in Cox Model
cvCross-Validating Regression Models
cvapCitizen Voting Age Population
cvarCompute Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk for Continuous Distributions
cvasiCalibration, Validation, and Simulation of TKTD Models
cvAUCCross-Validated Area Under the ROC Curve Confidence Intervals
cvCovEstCross-Validated Covariance Matrix Estimation
cvcrandEfficient Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials
CVDColor Vision Deficiencies
cvdpreventWrapper for the 'CVD Prevent' Application Programming Interface
cvequalityTests for the Equality of Coefficients of Variation from Multiple Groups
cvGEECross-Validated Predictions from GEE
CVglassoLasso Penalized Precision Matrix Estimation
cvLMCross-Validation for Linear & Ridge Regression Models
cvmaPLFAMCross-Validation Model Averaging for Partial Linear Functional Additive Models
cvmdiscCramer von Mises Tests for Discrete or Grouped Distributions
cvmgofCramer-von Mises Goodness-of-Fit Tests
CvmortalityMultCross-Validation for Multi-Population Mortality Models
cvmsCross-Validation for Model Selection
CVRCanonical Variate Regression
CVriskCompute Risk Scores for Cardiovascular Diseases
cvsemSEM Model Comparison with K-Fold Cross-Validation
CVSTFast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing
CVThreshLevel-Dependent Cross-Validation Thresholding
cvToolsCross-Validation Tools for Regression Models
cvwraprTools for Cross Validation
CVXRDisciplined Convex Optimization
cwotCauchy Weighted Joint Test for Pharmacogenetics Analysis
CWTContinuous Wavelet Transformation for Spectroscopy
cxhullConvex Hull
cxrA Toolbox for Modelling Species Coexistence in R
cxxfunplusExtend 'cxxfunction' by Saving the Dynamic Shared Objects
cycleRtoolsTools for Cycling Data Analysis
cyclestreetsCycle Routing and Data for Cycling Advocacy
cyclocompCyclomatic Complexity of R Code
cycloidsTools for Calculating Hypocycloids, Epicycloids, Hypotrochoids, and Epitrochoids
cyclomortSurvival Modeling with a Periodic Hazard Function
CyclopsCyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and Survival Analysis
cyclotomicThe Field of Cyclotomic Numbers
cyjShinyCytoscape.js Shiny Widget (cyjShiny)
cylcopCircular-Linear Copulas with Angular Symmetry for Movement Data
cymruservicesQuery 'Team Cymru' 'IP' Address, Autonomous System Number ('ASN'), Border Gateway Protocol ('BGP'), Bogon and 'Malware' Hash Data Services
cyphrHigh Level Encryption Wrappers
cystiSimAgent-Based Model for Taenia_solium Transmission and Control
CytobankAPICytobank API Wrapper for R
cytofanPlot Fan Plots for Cytometry Data using 'ggplot2'
cytometreeAutomated Cytometry Gating and Annotation
cytominerMethods for Image-Based Cell Profiling
CytOpTOptimal Transport for Gating Transfer in Cytometry Data with Domain Adaptation
CytoSimplexSimplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-Cell Data
czechratesCzech Interest & Foreign Exchange Rates
czsoUse Open Data from the Czech Statistical Office in R
D2MCSData Driving Multiple Classifier System
D3GBInteractive Genome Browser
D3mirtDescriptive 3D Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modelling
d3NetworkTools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R
D3partitionRInteractive Charts of Nested and Hierarchical Data with 'D3.js'
d3plusSeamless 'D3Plus' Integration
d3poFast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'
d3r'd3.js' Utilities for R
d3TreeCreate Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3' Library
d4storagehub4RInterface to 'D4Science' 'StorageHub' API
D4TAlink.lightFAIR Data - Workflow Management
DADiscriminant Analysis for Evolutionary Inference
DAAGData Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions
DAAGbioData Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with Expression Arrays and Gene Sequences
daaremDamped Anderson Acceleration with Epsilon Monotonicity for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
dabestrData Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation
dabrDatabase Management with R
daccDetection and Attribution Analysis of Climate Change
DACFData Analysis with Ceiling and/or Floor Data
dadThree-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through Densities
dadjokeDisplays a Dad Joke
dadjokeapiReturn a Random Dad Joke
dadosTranslate Datasets to Portuguese
daeFunctions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments
daewrDesign and Analysis of Experiments with R
daffDiff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames
dafishrDownload, Wrangle, and Analyse Vessel Monitoring System Data
dafsData Analysis for Forensic Scientists
dagirliteSpatial Vector Data for Danmarks Administrative Geografiske Inddeling DAGI
dagittyGraphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models
dagRDirected Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation
dagwoodDAGs with Omitted Objects Displayed (DAGWOOD)
dailData from Access to Information Law
DAIMEEffects of Changing Deposition Rates
daiquiriData Quality Reporting for Temporal Datasets
daiRInterface with Google Cloud Document AI API
DAISIEDynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
DAISIEprepExtracts Phylogenetic Island Community Data from Phylogenetic Trees
DAKSData Analysis and Knowledge Spaces
DALEXmoDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
DALEXtraExtension for 'DALEX' Package
DALSMNonparametric Double Additive Location-Scale Model (DALSM)
daltoolboxLeveraging Experiment Lines to Data Analytics
daltoolboxdpData Pre-Processing Extensions
DALYThe DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R
damData Analysis Metabolomics
damAOICreate an 'Area of Interest' Around a Constructed Dam for Comparative Impact Evaluations
DamiaNNNeural Network Numerai
DAMOCLESDynamic Assembly Model of Colonization, Local Extinction and Speciation
dampackDecision-Analytic Modeling Package
damrInterface to Drosophila Activity Monitor System Result Files
damsDams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams (NID)
DandEFADandelion Plot for R-Mode Exploratory Factor Analysis
dang'Dang' Associated New Goodies
daniDesign and Analysis of Non-Inferiority Trials
DanielBiostatistics10thFunctions for Wayne W. Daniel's Biostatistics, Tenth Edition
dannDiscriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification
danstatR Client for the Statistics Denmark Databank API
dapperData Augmentation for Private Posterior Estimation
daqapoData Quality Assessment for Process-Oriented Data
DArandDifferential Analysis with Random Reference Genes
DarkThe Analysis of Dark Adaptation Data
DarkDivEstimating Dark Diversity and Site-Specific Species Pools
darkskyTools to Work with the 'Dark Sky' 'API'
dartRImporting and Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis
dartR.baseAnalysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data - Basic Functions
dartR.captiveAnalysing 'SNP' Data to Support Captive Breeding
dartR.dataAuxiliary Data Package for Our Main Package 'dartR'
dartR.popgenAnalysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis
dartR.sexlinkedAnalysing SNP Data to Identify Sex-Linked Markers
dartR.simComputer Simulations of 'SNP' Data
dartR.spatialApplying Landscape Genomic Methods on 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data
dartRverseInstall and Load the 'dartRverse' Suits of Packages
dashboardthemesCustomise the Appearance of 'shinydashboard' Applications using Themes
DasstTools for Reading, Processing and Writing 'DSSAT' Files
datTools for Data Manipulation
data.tableExtension of 'data.frame'
data.table.threadsAnalyze Multi-Threading Performance for 'data.table' Functions
data.treeGeneral Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure
data.validatorAutomatic Data Validation and Reporting
data360rWrapper for 'TCdata360' and 'Govdata360' API
DatabaseConnectorConnecting to Various Database Platforms
DatabaseConnectorJarsJAR Dependencies for the 'DatabaseConnector' Package
DatabionicSwarmSwarm Intelligence for Self-Organized Clustering
databraryrInteract with the 'Databrary.org' API
dataclassEasily Create Structured Lists or Data Frames with Input Validation
DataCleanData Cleaning
datacleanrInteractive and Reproducible Data Cleaning
DataCombineTools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data Sets
dataCompareA 'shiny' App to Compare Two Data Frames
dataCompareRCompare Two Data Frames and Summarise the Difference
datacutrSDTM Datacut
datadictionaryCreate a Data Dictionary
datadogrR Client for 'Datadog' API
datadriftRConcept Drift Detection Methods for Stream Data
DataEditRAn Interactive Editor for Viewing, Entering, Filtering & Editing Data
DataExplorerAutomate Data Exploration and Treatment
DataFakeRGenerate Fake Data for Relational Databases
dataframeexplorerFamiliarity with Dataframes Before Data Manipulation
datafsmEstimating Finite State Machine Models from Data
datagovsgRCall Real Time APIs from Data Gov Singapore
DataGraphExport Data from 'R' to 'DataGraph'
DataLoaderImport Multiple File Types
dataMaidA Suite of Checks for Identification of Potential Errors in a Data Frame as Part of the Data Screening Process
dataMetaCreate and Append a Data Dictionary for an R Dataset
DataMetProcessMeteorological Data Processing
datamodsModules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'
dataMojoReshape Data Table
datanaDatasets and Functions to Accompany Analisis De Datos Con R
datanuggetCreate, and Refine Data Nuggets
dataonderivativesEasily Source Publicly Available Data on Derivatives
dataoneR Interface to the DataONE REST API
datapackA Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data and Associated Resources
DataPackageRConstruct Reproducible Analytic Data Sets as R Packages
datapastaR Tools for Data Copy-Pasta
dataprepEfficient and Flexible Data Preprocessing Tools
dataPreparationAutomated Data Preparation
dataquieRData Quality in Epidemiological Research
datardisData from the Doctor Who Series
dataReporterReproducible Data Screening Checks and Report of Possible Errors
dataresqcC3S Quality Control Tools for Historical Climate Data
dataRetrievalRetrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrology and Water Quality Data
datariumData Bank for Statistical Analysis and Visualization
datarobot'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API
datasailrRow by Row Data Processing Tool, Using 'DataSailr' Script
datasauRusDatasets from the Datasaurus Dozen
dataSDAData Sets for Symbolic Data Analysis
dataseriesSwitzerland's Data Series in One Place
datasetjsonRead and Write CDISC Dataset JSON Files
datasets.loadGraphical Interface for Loading Datasets
datasetsICRDatasets from the Book "An Introduction to Clustering with R"
DataSetsUniA Collection of Univariate Data Sets
DataSpaceRInterface to 'the CAVD DataSpace'
dataspiceCreate Lightweight Schema.org Descriptions of Data
DatAssimData Assimilation
datasteprAn Implementation of a SAS-Style Data Step
DatastreamDSWS2RProvides a Link Between the 'LSEG Datastream' System and R
DatastreamRDatastream API
DATAstudioThe Research Data Warehouse of Miguel de Carvalho
DataSumComprehensive Data Summarization for Statistical Analysis
dataverifyrA Lightweight, Flexible, and Fast Data Validation Package that Can Handle All Sizes of Data
dataverseClient for Dataverse 4+ Repositories
DataVisualizationsVisualizations of High-Dimensional Data
DataVizData Visualisation Using an HTML Page and 'D3.js'
datawizardEasy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
datazoom.amazoniaSimplify Access to Data from the Amazon Region
dateFunctions for Handling Dates
datebackCollect and Install R Packages on a Specified Date with Dependencies
datefixRStandardize Dates in Different Formats or with Missing Data
daterangepickerCreate a Shiny Date-Range Input
datetimeNominal Dates, Times, and Durations
datetimeoffsetDatetimes with Optional UTC Offsets and/or Heterogeneous Time Zones
DateTimeRangePickerA Datetime Range Picker Widget for Usage in 'Shiny' Applications
datetimeutilsUtilities for Dates and Times
datetoisoModify Dates to ISO Standard ("International Organization for Standardization")
dateutilsDate Utils
datoramarInterface to the 'Datorama' API
datosTraduce al Español Varios Conjuntos de Datos de Práctica
datplotPreparation of Object Dating Ranges for Density Plots (Aoristic Analysis)
datr'Dat' Protocol Interface
datrProfileColumn Profile for Tables and Datasets
dauphinCompact Standard for Australian Phone Numbers
DaviesThe Davies Quantile Function
dawaiDiscriminant Analysis with Additional Information
daymetrInterface to the 'Daymet' Web Services
daySupplyCalculating Days' Supply and Daily Dose of Prescriptions
dbacfAutocovariance Estimation via Difference-Based Methods
dbartsDiscrete Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Sampler
dbcspDistance-Based Common Spatial Patterns
dbdDiscretised Beta Distribution
DBESTDetecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend
DBfitA Double Bootstrap Method for Analyzing Linear Models with Autoregressive Errors
dbflobrRead and Write Files to SQLite Databases
dbGaPCheckupdbGaP Checkup
dbglmGeneralised Linear Models by Subsampling and One-Step Polishing
DBHCSequence Clustering with Discrete-Output HMMs
dbhydroR'DBHYDRO' Hydrologic and Water Quality Data
DBIR Database Interface
DBItestTesting DBI Backends
dblcensCompute the NPMLE of Distribution Function from Doubly Censored Data, Plus the Empirical Likelihood Ratio for F(T)
dBlockmodelingDeterministic Blockmodeling of Signed, One-Mode and Two-Mode Networks
dblrDiscrete Boosting Logistic Regression
dbMCConfidence Interval for Matrix Completion via De-Biased Estimator
DBModelSelectDistribution-Based Model Selection
dbmssDistance-Based Measures of Spatial Structures
dbnlearnDynamic Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Forecasting
DBNMFrankRank Selection for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
dbnRDynamic Bayesian Network Learning and Inference
dbparserDrugs Databases Parser
dbplotSimplifies Plotting Data Inside Databases
dbplyrA 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
DBpowerFinite Sample Power Calculations for Detection Boundary Tests
DBRDiscrete Beta Regression
dbscanDensity-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms
dbstatsDistance-Based Statistics
DBTCDada-BLAST-Taxon Assign-Condense Metabarcode Analysis
DBTCShinyDada-BLAST-Taxon Assign-Condense Metabarcode Analysis 'shiny' Application
dbwDoubly Robust Distribution Balancing Weighting Estimation
dbWebFormsProduce R Functions to Create HTML Forms Based on SQL Meta Data
dbxA Fast, Easy-to-Use Database Interface
dc3netInferring Condition-Specific Networks via Differential Network Inference
DCCADetrended Fluctuation and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis
DCchoiceAnalyzing Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data
dccmidasDCC Models with GARCH and GARCH-MIDAS Specifications in the Univariate Step, RiskMetrics, Moving Covariance and Scalar and Diagonal BEKK Models
dccppFast Computation of Distance Correlations
DCEMClustering Big Data using Expectation Maximization Star (EM*) Algorithm
DCEmgmtDCE Data Reshaping and Processing
DCEtoolEfficient and Accessible Discrete Choice Experiments
DCGData Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find Community Structure in Social Network Analysis
DChaosChaotic Time Series Analysis
dChipIOMethods for Reading dChip Files
dciferGenetic Relatedness Between Polyclonal Infections
DCLClaims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model
DCLEARDistance Based Cell Lineage Reconstruction
dcloneData Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood Methods
dclustDivisive Hierarchical Clustering
DClusterFunctions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases
DClustermModel-Based Detection of Disease Clusters
dcm2Calculating the M2 Model Fit Statistic for Diagnostic Classification Models
dcmleHierarchical Models Made Easy with Data Cloning
dcmodifyModify Data Using Externally Defined Modification Rules
DCODEList Linear n-Peptide Constraints for Overlapping Protein Regions
dcortoolsProviding Fast and Flexible Functions for Distance Correlation Analysis
dcorVSVariable Selection Algorithms Using the Distance Correlation
dcovA Fast Implementation of Distance Covariance
dCovTSDistance Covariance and Correlation for Time Series Analysis
DCPODynamic Comparative Public Opinion
DCSmoothNonparametric Regression and Bandwidth Selection for Spatial Models
dcTensorDiscrete Matrix/Tensor Decomposition
dCURDimension Reduction with Dynamic CUR
dcurverUtility Functions for Davidian Curves
dcurvesDecision Curve Analysis for Model Evaluation
ddalphaDepth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth
ddcDistance Density Clustering Algorithm
DDDDiversity-Dependent Diversification
ddeSolve Delay Differential Equations
ddecomposeDetailed Distributional Decomposition
DDHFmVariance Stabilization by Data-Driven Haar-Fisz (for Microarrays)
ddiThe Data Defect Index for Samples that May not be IID
ddivData Driven I-v Feature Extraction
DDLDoubly Debiased Lasso (DDL)
DDMDeath Registration Coverage Estimation
ddmlDouble/Debiased Machine Learning
DDoutlierDistance & Density-Based Outlier Detection
ddpDesirable Dietary Pattern
ddpcaDiagonally Dominant Principal Component Analysis
ddpcrAnalysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R and on the Web
ddplotCreate D3 Based SVG Graphics
DDPMData Sets for Discrete Probability Models
DDPNADisease-Drived Differential Proteins Co-Expression Network Analysis
DDRTreeLearning Principal Graphs with DDRTree
ddsPLSData-Driven Sparse Partial Least Squares
ddstData Driven Smooth Tests
ddtlcmLatent Class Analysis with Dirichlet Diffusion Tree Process Prior
deadbandStatistical Deadband Algorithms Comparison
dealLearning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables
deaRConventional and Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis
debarA Post-Clustering Denoiser for COI-5P Barcode Data
DEBBIDifferential Evolution-Based Bayesian Inference
debestDuration Estimation for Biomarker Enrichment Studies and Trials
DebiasInferEfficient Inference on High-Dimensional Linear Model with Missing Outcomes
deBifBifurcation Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equation Systems
deBInferBayesian Inference for Differential Equations
debkeeprAnalysis of Non-Decimal Currencies and Double-Entry Bookkeeping
DeBoinRBox-Plots and Outlier Detection for Probability Density Functions
debugmeDebug R Packages
debugrDebug Tool to Watch Objects/Expressions While Running an R Script
DeCAFSDetecting Changes in Autocorrelated and Fluctuating Signals
DECIDEDEComposition of Indirect and Direct Effects
decidoBindings for 'Mapbox' Ear Cutting Triangulation Library
decisionStatistical Decision Analysis
decisionSupportQuantitative Support of Decision Making under Uncertainty
deckglAn R Interface to 'deck.gl'
declaredFunctions for Declared Missing Values
DeclareDesignDeclare and Diagnose Research Designs
decodeDifferential Co-Expression and Differential Expression Analysis
decoderDecode Coded Variables to Plain Text and the Other Way Around
decompDLDecomposition Based Deep Learning Models for Time Series Forecasting
decomposedPSFTime Series Prediction with PSF and Decomposition Methods (EMD and EEMD)
DecomposeREmpirical Mode Decomposition for Cyclostratigraphy
decomprGlobal Value Chain Decomposition
deconvolveREmpirical Bayes Estimation Strategies
decorRetrieve Code Decorations
DecorateRFit and Deploy DECORATE Trees
decoratorsExtend the Behaviour of a Function without Explicitly Modifying it
decpComplete Change Point Analysis
DeducerA Data Analysis GUI for R
deducorrectDeductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and Deterministic Correction
deductiveData Correction and Imputation Using Deductive Methods
DeductiveRDeductive Rational Method
dedupedMaking "Deduplicated" Functions
dedupewiderDeduplication Across Multiple Columns
deepA Neural Networks Framework
deepdepVisualise and Explore the Deep Dependencies of R Packages
deepdiveDeep Learning for General Purpose
deepgmmDeep Gaussian Mixture Models
deepgpBayesian Deep Gaussian Processes using MCMC
DeepLearningCausalCausal Inference with Super Learner and Deep Neural Networks
deeplrInterface to the 'DeepL' Translation API
deepMOUClustering of Short Texts by Mixture of Unigrams and Its Deep Extensions
deepnetDeep Learning Toolkit in R
deepNNDeep Learning
deepredeffDeep Learning Prediction of Effectors
deepregressionFitting Deep Distributional Regression
deepRstudioSeamless Language Translation in 'RStudio' using 'DeepL' API and 'Rstudioapi'
deeptimePlotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time
deeptimedataGeologic Pattern Data from FGDC Used in 'deeptime'
deeptrafoFitting Deep Conditional Transformation Models
DEETDifferential Expression Enrichment Tool
DEEVDDensity Estimation by Extreme Value Distributions
defaultChange the Default Arguments in R Functions
defineOptionsDefine and Parse Command Line Options
defineRCreates Define XML Documents
deFitFitting Differential Equations to Time Series Data
deflateBRDeflate Nominal Brazilian Reais
deflistDeferred List - A Read-Only List-Like Object with Deferred Access
deforestableClassify RGB Images into Forest or Non-Forest
deformSpatial Deformation and Dimension Expansion Gaussian Processes
deformulaIntegration of One-Dimensional Functions with Double Exponential Formulas
degdayCompute Degree Days
DEGREInferring Differentially Expressed Genes using Generalized Linear Mixed Models
degreenetModels for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks
degrossDensity Estimation from GROuped Summary Statistics
DEHOGTDifferentially Expressed Heterogeneous Overdispersion Gene Test for Count Data
dejaVuMultiple Imputation for Recurrent Events
DelaporteStatistical Functions for the Delaporte Distribution
delayedA Framework for Parallelizing Dependent Tasks
DelayedEffect.DesignSample Size and Power Calculations using the APPLE, SEPPLE, APPLE+ and SEPPLE+ Methods
deldirDelaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
DeltaMeasure of Agreement Between Two Raters
deltaccdQuantify Rhythmic Gene Co-Expression Relative to a Reference
DeltaMANDelta Measurement of Agreement for Nominal Data
deltaPlotRIdentification of Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF) using Angoff's Delta Plot Method
DELTDKernel Density Estimation using Lifetime Distributions
DEMThe Distributed EM Algorithms in Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models
dematelDecision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique in R
demicDynamic Estimator of Microbial Communities
demingDeming, Theil-Sen, Passing-Bablock and Total Least Squares Regression
DemoDecompDecompose Demographic Functions
demodelrSimulating Differential Equations with Data
demogRAnalysis of Age-Structured Demographic Models
DemografixeRExtrapolate Gender, Age and Nationality of a Name
demoGraphicProviding Demographic Table with the P-Value, Standardized Mean Difference Value
DemographicTableCreating Demographic Table
demographyForecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data
demoKdeKernel Density Estimation for Demonstration Purposes
DemoKinEstimate Population Kin Distribution
demoShinyRuns a 'Shiny' App as Demo or Lists All Demo 'Shiny' Apps
DEMOVADEvelopment (of Multi-Linear QSPR/QSAR) MOdels VAlidated using Test Set
demuOptimal Design Emulators via Point Processes
dendextendExtending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R
dendRoAnalystA Tool for Processing and Analyzing Dendrometer Data
dendroextrasExtra Functions to Cut, Label and Colour Dendrogram Clusters
dendrometeRAnalyzing Dendrometer Data
dendrometryForest Estimations and Dendrometric Computations
dendroNetworkCreate Networks of Dendrochronological Series using Pairwise Similarity
DendroSyncA Set of Tools for Calculating Spatial Synchrony Between Tree-Ring Chronologies
dendroToolsLinear and Nonlinear Methods for Analyzing Daily and Monthly Dendroclimatological Data
DendSerDendrogram Seriation: Ordering for Visualisation
dendsortModular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram Nodes
denguedatahubA Tidy Format Datasets of Dengue by Country
denimGenerate and Simulate Deterministic Discrete-Time Compartmental Models
denoiSeqDifferential Expression Analysis Using a Bottom-Up Model
denoiseRRegularized Low Rank Matrix Estimation
denovolyzeRStatistical Analyses of De Novo Genetic Variants
denseFLMMFunctional Linear Mixed Models for Densely Sampled Data
densEstBayesDensity Estimation via Bayesian Inference Engines
densitrAnalysing Density Profiles from Resistance Drilling of Trees
densityareaPolygons of Bivariate Density Distributions
densityClustClustering by Fast Search and Find of Density Peaks
DensParcorrDens-Based Method for Partial Correlation Estimation in Large Scale Brain Networks
densratioDensity Ratio Estimation
denstripDensity Strips and Other Methods for Compactly Illustrating Distributions
denvaxSimple Dengue Test and Vaccinate Cost Thresholds
DEoptimGlobal Optimization by Differential Evolution
DEoptimRDifferential Evolution Optimization in Pure R
depcacheCache R Expressions, Taking Their Dependencies into Account
DepCensDependent Censoring Regression Models
depCensoringStatistical Methods for Survival Data with Dependent Censoring
depcoeffDependency Coefficients
depend.truncationStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Dependently Truncated Data
depignerA Utility Package to Help you Deal with "Pignas"
DepLogoDependency Logo
DEploidDeconvolute Mixed Genomes with Unknown Proportions
depmixDependent Mixture Models
depmixS4Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and Other Distributions in S4
DEPONS2RRead, Plot and Analyse Output from the DEPONS Model
depsDependency Management with 'roxygen'-Style Comments
depth.plotMultivariate Analogy of Quantiles
DepthProcStatistical Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis
depthToolsDepth Tools Package
DeRezende.FerreiraZero Coupon Yield Curve Modelling
DerivSymbolic Differentiation
derivmktsFunctions and R Code to Accompany Derivatives Markets
DESDiscrete Event Simulation
descManipulate DESCRIPTION Files
descomponerSeasonal Adjustment by Frequency Analysis
descrDescriptive Statistics
describedataMiscellaneous Descriptive Functions
DescribeDFDescription of a Data Frame
DescribeDisplayAn Interface to the 'DescribeDisplay' 'GGobi' Plugin
describerDescribe Data in R Using Common Descriptive Statistics
descriptioDescriptive Statistical Analysis
DescriptiveRepresentationCalculatorDescriptive Representation Calculator: Characterizing Observed and Expected Representation
DescriptiveStats.OBeuDescriptive Statistics 'OpenBudgets.eu'
DescriptiveWHDescriptive Statistics
descriptrGenerate Descriptive Statistics
DescrTab2Publication Quality Descriptive Statistics Tables
descstatTools for Descriptive Statistics
descstatsrDescriptive Univariate Statistics
desctableProduce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily
DescToolsTools for Descriptive Statistics
DescToolsAddInsInteractive Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in 'RStudio'
deseatsData-Driven Locally Weighted Regression for Trend and Seasonality in TS
Design.parametersParameters of the Experimental Designs
DesignCTPBDesign Clinical Trials with Potential Biomarker Effect
designer'Shiny' UI Prototype Builder
designitBlocking and Randomization for Experimental Design
DesignLibraryLibrary of Research Designs
designmatchMatched Samples that are Balanced and Representative by Design
designrBalanced Factorial Designs
designsizeSample Size Calculation of Various Study Designs
desiRDesirability Functions for Ranking, Selecting, and Integrating Data
desirabilityFunction Optimization and Ranking via Desirability Functions
desirability2Desirability Functions for Multiparameter Optimization
deskDidactic Econometrics Starter Kit
deslaDesparsified Lasso Inference for Time Series
deSolveSolvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations ('ODE', 'DAE', 'DDE')
despairMotivational Quotes and Shakespearean Bard–bits for Personal Projects
desplotPlotting Field Plans for Agricultural Experiments
detailsCreate Details HTML Tag for Markdown and Package Documentation
detectAnalyzing Wildlife Data with Detection Error
detectnormDetect Nonnormality in Meta-Analysis without Raw Data
detectorDetect Data Containing Personally Identifiable Information
detectorsPrediction Data from GPT Detectors
detectRChange Point Detection
detectRUNSDetect Runs of Homozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity in Diploid Genomes
detectseparationDetect and Check for Separation and Infinite Maximum Likelihood Estimates
DetLifeInsuranceLife Insurance Premium and Reserves Valuation
DetMCDImplementation of the DetMCD Algorithm (Robust and Deterministic Estimation of Location and Scatter)
detourrPortable and Performant Tour Animations
detpackDensity Estimation and Random Number Generation with Distribution Element Trees
DetRSuite of Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for Linear Regression
detrendeRA Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Visualize and Analyze Dendrochronological Data
detrendrDetrend Images
deTSTissue-Specific Enrichment Analysis
detzrcrCompare Detrital Zircon Suites
devEMFEMF Graphics Output Device
devFuncClear and Condense Argument Check for User-Defined Functions
devoidA Graphic Device that Does Nothing
Devore7Data sets from Devore's "Prob and Stat for Eng (7th ed)"
devRateQuantify the Relationship Between Development Rate and Temperature in Ectotherms
devtoolsTools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
DevTreatRulesDevelop Treatment Rules with Observational Data
DEXiR'DEXi' Library
dexisensitivity'DEXi' Decision Tree Analysis and Visualization
dexterData Management and Analysis of Tests
dexterguiA Graphical User Interface for Dexter
dexterMSTCML and Bayesian Calibration of Multistage Tests
df2yamlConvert Dataframe to 'YAML'
DFADetrended Fluctuation Analysis
DFA.CANCORLinear Discriminant Function and Canonical Correlation Analysis
dfadjustDegrees of Freedom Adjustment for Robust Standard Errors
DFBADistribution-Free Bayesian Analysis
dfcombPhase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for Combination Studies
dfCompareCompare Two Dataframes and Return Adds, Changes, and Deletes
dfcrmDose-Finding by the Continual Reassessment Method
DFDExtract Drugs from Differential Expression Data from LINCS Database
dfdrAutomatic Differentiation of Simple Functions
dfexpandAutomatically Expand Delimited Column Values into Multiple Binary Columns with 'dfexpand'
dfidxIndexed Data Frames
DFITDifferential Functioning of Items and Tests
dfmetaMeta-Analysis of Phase I Dose-Finding Early Clinical Trials
dfmirroRSimulate a Data Frame Mirroring an Input and Produce Shareable Simulation Code
dfmsDynamic Factor Models
dfmtaPhase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for MTA
dfoliatRDetection and Analysis of Insect Defoliation Signals in Tree Rings
dfoptimDerivative-Free Optimization
DforestDecision Forest
dformulaData Manipulation using Formula
dfpedExtrapolation and Bridging of Adult Information in Early Phase Dose-Finding Paediatrics Studies
dfphase1Phase I Control Charts (with Emphasis on Distribution-Free Methods)
dfrDual Feature Reduction for SGL
dfrrDichotomized Functional Response Regression
dfsaneaccAccelerated Derivative-Free Method for Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems of Equations
dfvadDiewert and Fox's Method of Value Added Growth Decomposition
dgaCapture-Recapture Estimation using Bayesian Model Averaging
dGAselIDGenetic Algorithm with Incomplete Dominance for Feature Selection
DGEARDifferential Gene Expression Analysis with R
DGEobjDifferential Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis Results Data Object
DGEobj.utilsDifferential Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis Utility Toolkit
dggridRDiscrete Global Grids
dglarsDifferential Geometric Least Angle Regression
dglmDouble Generalized Linear Models
DGLMExtPoisDouble Generalized Linear Models Extending Poisson Regression
DGMDynamic Graphical Models
dgofDiscrete Goodness-of-Fit Tests
DGP4LCFDependent Gaussian Processes for Longitudinal Correlated Factors
dgpsiInterface to 'dgpsi' for Deep and Linked Gaussian Process Emulations
dgumbelThe Gumbel Distribution Functions and Gradients
DHARMaResidual Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models
DHBinsHexmaps for NZ District Health Boards
dhgaDifferential Hub Gene Analysis
dhglmDouble Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
dhhA Heavy-Headed Distribution
DHS.ratesCalculates Demographic Indicators
dhsageReproductive Age Female Data of Various Demographic Health Surveys
dHSICIndependence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion
diDeficit Index (DI)
diagisDiagnostic Plot and Multivariate Summary Statistics of Weighted Samples from Importance Sampling
diagL1Routines for Fit, Inference and Diagnostics in Linear L1 and LAD Models
diagmetaMeta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies with Several Cutpoints
diagonalsBlock Diagonal Extraction or Replacement
diagramFunctions for Visualising Simple Graphs (Networks), Plotting Flow Diagrams
DiagrammeRGraph/Network Visualization
DiagrammeRsvgExport DiagrammeR Graphviz Graphs as SVG
DiallelAnalysisRDiallel Analysis with R
dialrParse, Format, and Validate International Phone Numbers
dialrjarsRequired 'libphonenumber' jars for the 'dialr' Package
dialsTools for Creating Tuning Parameter Values
diapltBeads Summary Plot of Ranges
diathorCalculate Ecological Information and Diatom Based Indices
dibbleDimensional Data Frames
diceCalculate probabilities of various dice-rolling events
DiceDesignDesigns of Computer Experiments
DiceEvalConstruction and Evaluation of Metamodels
DiceKrigingKriging Methods for Computer Experiments
DICEMDirectness and Intensity of Conflict Expression
DiceOptimKriging-Based Optimization for Computer Experiments
diceplotHigh Dimensional Categorical Data Visualization
diceRDiverse Cluster Ensemble in R
DiceViewMethods for Visualization of Computer Experiments Design and Surrogate
dichromatColor Schemes for Dichromats
DICOMreadReading and Saving DICOM Image Files
DIconvexFinding Patterns of Monotonicity and Convexity in Data
DictR6 Based Key-Value Dictionary Implementation
dictionar6R6 Dictionary Interface
dictionaRyRetrieve the Dictionary Definitions of English Words
didTreatment Effects with Multiple Periods and Groups
did2sTwo-Stage Difference-in-Differences Following Gardner (2021)
DidacticBoostA Simple Implementation and Demonstration of Gradient Boosting
didecDirected Dependence Coefficient
DiderotBibliographic Network Analysis
DiDforBigDataA Big Data Implementation of Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Staggered Treatment
DIDHADDifference-in-Differences in Heterogeneous Adoption Designs with Quasi Stayers
didimputationImputation Estimator from Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021)
DIDmultiplegtEstimators DID with Multiple Groups and Periods
DIDmultiplegtDYNEstimation in Difference-in-Difference Designs with Multiple Groups and Periods
didrooRFMCompute Recency Frequency Monetary Scores for your Customer Data
diemrDiagnostic Index Expectation Maximisation in R
dietrDiet Estimated Trophic Levels
diezeitR Interface to the ZEIT ONLINE Content API
DIFboostDetection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques
difconetDifferential Coexpressed Networks
diffcorFisher's z-Tests Concerning Differences Between Correlations
DiffCorrAnalyzing and Visualizing Differential Correlation Networks in Biological Data
diffdfDataframe Difference Tool
diffdfsCompute the Difference Between Data Frames
diffeeFast and Scalable Learning of Sparse Changes in High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Model Structure
diffEnrichGiven a List of Gene Symbols, Performs Differential Enrichment Analysis
diffeqrSolving Differential Equations (ODEs, SDEs, DDEs, DAEs)
diffeRMetrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps or Pairs of Variables
diffeRenTESComputation of TES-Based Cell Differentiation Trees
diffIRTDiffusion IRT Models for Response and Response Time Data
diffmatchpatchString Diff, Match, and Patch Utilities
DiffNetIdentifying Significant Node Scores using Network Diffusion Algorithm
diffobjDiffs for R Objects
diffprivEasy Differential Privacy
diffrDisplay Differences Between Two Files using Codediff Library
diffudistDiffusion Distance for Complex Networks
diffusionForecast the Diffusion of New Products
diffusionMapDiffusion Map
diffvalVegetation Patterns
diffviewerHTML Widget to Show File Differences
DiffXTablesPattern Analysis Across Contingency Tables
DIFlassoA Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models
DIFMDynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor Models
difNLRDIF and DDF Detection by Non-Linear Regression Models
DIFplusMultilevel Mantel-Haenszel Statistics for Differential Item Functioning Detection
difRCollection of Methods to Detect Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
DIFshinyDifferential Item Functioning via Shiny Application
DIFtreeItem Focussed Trees for the Identification of Items in Differential Item Functioning
digestCreate Compact Hash Digests of R Objects
digiRhythmAnalyzing Animal's Rhythmicity
digitalPCREstimate Copy Number for Digital PCR
digitizeUse Data from Published Plots in R
digitTestsTests for Detecting Irregular Digit Patterns
DIGSSDetermination of Intervals Using Georeferenced Survey Simulation
dilpReconstruct Paleoclimate and Paleoecology with Leaf Physiognomy
DIMEDifferential Identification using Mixture Ensemble
dimensioMultivariate Data Analysis
dimensionsRGathering Bibliographic Records from 'Digital Science Dimensions' Using 'DSL' API
DImodelsDiversity-Interactions (DI) Models
DImodelsMultiFit Multivariate Diversity-Interactions Models with Repeated Measures
DImodelsVisVisualising and Interpreting Statistical Models Fit to Compositional Data
DIMORADiffusion Models R Analysis
dimRedA Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
dinaBayesian Estimation of DINA Model
dinamicA Method to Analyze Recurrent DNA Copy Number Aberrations in Tumors
DiNAMIC.DuoFinding Recurrent DNA Copy Number Alterations and Differences
dineqDecomposition of (Income) Inequality
dineRDifferential Network Estimation in R
dintA Toolkit for Year-Quarter, Year-Month and Year-Isoweek Dates
DiPALMDifferential Pattern Analysis via Linear Modeling
DiPhiSeqRobust Tests for Differential Dispersion and Differential Expression in RNA-Sequencing Data
dipmDepth Importance in Precision Medicine (DIPM) Method
DiPsDirectional Penalties for Optimal Matching in Observational Studies
dipsausA Dipping Sauce for Data Analysis and Visualizations
diptestHartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected
dipwDebiased Inverse Propensity Score Weighting
DireLinear Regressions with a Latent Outcome Variable
DIRECTBayesian Clustering of Multivariate Data Under the Dirichlet-Process Prior
DirectedClusteringDirected Weighted Clustering Coefficient
DirectEffectsEstimating Controlled Direct Effects for Explaining Causal Findings
DirectionalA Collection of Functions for Directional Data Analysis
directlabelsDirect Labels for Multicolor Plots
directotreeCreates an Interactive Tree Structure of a Directory
directPADirection Analysis for Pathways and Kinases
DirectStandardisationAdjusted Means and Proportions by Direct Standardisation
dirichletprocessBuild Dirichlet Process Objects for Bayesian Modelling
DirichletRegDirichlet Regression
dirmcmcDirectional Metropolis Hastings Algorithm
dirmultEstimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
DirStatsNonparametric Methods for Directional Data
dirtteeDistributional Regression for Time to Event Data
disaggRTwo-Steps Benchmarks for Time Series Disaggregation
DisaggregateTSHigh-Dimensional Temporal Disaggregation
disaggregationDisaggregation Modelling
disastr.apiWrapper for the UN OCHA ReliefWeb Disaster Events API
disbayesBayesian Multi-State Modelling of Chronic Disease Burden Data
discAUCLinear and Non-Linear AUC for Discounting Data
DIscBIOA User-Friendly Pipeline for Biomarker Discovery in Single-Cell Transcriptomics
discFADiscrete Factor Analysis
discfrailCox Models for Time-to-Event Data with Nonparametric Discrete Group-Specific Frailties
dischargeFourier Analysis of Discharge Data
disclapDiscrete Laplace Exponential Family
disclapmixDiscrete Laplace Mixture Inference using the EM Algorithm
disclapmix2Mixtures of Discrete Laplace Distributions using Numerical Optimisation
disclosuRText Conversion from Nexis Uni PDFs to R Data Frames
discnormTest for Discretized Normality in Ordinal Data
discordFunctions for Discordant Kinship Modeling
DiSCosDistributional Synthetic Controls Estimation
discourseGTAnalyze Group Patterns using Graph Theory in Educational Settings
discoveRExploratory Data Analysis System
discoverableresearchChecks Title, Abstract and Keywords to Optimise Discoverability
DiscreteDatasetsExample Data Sets for Use with Discrete Statistical Tests
DiscreteDistsDiscrete Statistical Distributions
DiscreteFDRFDR Based Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests
discretefitSimulated Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Discrete Distributions
DiscreteGapStatisticAn Extension of the Gap Statistic for Ordinal/Categorical Data
DiscreteInverseWeibullDiscrete Inverse Weibull Distribution
DiscreteLaplaceDiscrete Laplace Distributions
DiscreteQvalueImproved q-Values for Discrete Uniform and Homogeneous Tests
DiscreteTestsVectorised Computation of P-Values and Their Supports for Several Discrete Statistical Tests
DiscreteWeibullDiscrete Weibull Distributions (Type 1 and 3)
discretizationData Preprocessing, Discretization for Classification
discrimModel Wrappers for Discriminant Analysis
discrtrA Companion Package for the Book "Discrete Choice Analysis with 'R'"
discSurvDiscrete Time Survival Analysis
discursiveMeasuring Discursive Sophistication in Open-Ended Survey Responses
disdatData for Comparing Species Distribution Modeling Methods
diseasemappingModelling Spatial Variation in Disease Risk for Areal Data
diseasystoreFeature Stores for the 'diseasy' Framework
DisHetEstimate the Gene Expression Levels and Component Proportions of the Normal, Stroma (Immune) and Tumor Components of Bulk Tumor Samples
DisimForMixedCalculate Dissimilarity Matrix for Dataset with Mixed Attributes
DisImpactCalculates Disproportionate Impact When Binary Success Data are Disaggregated by Subgroups
disk.frameLarger-than-RAM Disk-Based Data Manipulation Framework
dismoSpecies Distribution Modeling
disordRNon-Ordered Vectors
disparityfilterDisparity Filter Algorithm for Weighted Networks
dispeRseSimulation of Demic Diffusion with Environmental Constraints
dispmodModelling Dispersion in GLM
disposablesCreate Disposable R Packages for Testing
dispositionEffectAnalysis of Disposition Effect on Financial Portfolios
dispRityMeasuring Disparity
disprofasNon-Parametric Dissolution Profile Analysis
disproseDiscriminating Probes Selection
dissCqNMultiple Assemblage Dissimilarity for Orders q = 0-N
disseverSpatial Downscaling using the Dissever Algorithm
DiSSModFitting Sample Selection Models for Discrete Response Variables
DistanceDistance Sampling Detection Function and Abundance Estimation
distancesTools for Distance Metrics
distancetoCalculate Distance to Features
distantiaAssessing Dissimilarity Between Multivariate Time Series
DistatisRDiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional Scaling
distcompComputations over Distributed Data without Aggregation
distcreteDiscrete Distribution Approximations
distdichoRDistributional Method for the Dichotomisation of Continuous Outcomes
distfree.crDistribution-Free Confidence Region
distfromqReconstruct a Distribution from a Collection of Quantiles
distill'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical Writing
distilleryMethod Functions for Confidence Intervals and to Distill Information from an Object
distillMLModel Distillation and Interpretability Methods for Machine Learning Models
distinctivenessDistinctiveness Centrality
distoUnified Interface to Distance, Dissimilarity, Similarity Matrices
distopsUsual Operations for Distance Matrices in R
distoryDistance Between Phylogenetic Histories
DistPlotterA Graphical User Interface for Plotting Common Univariate Distributions
distrObject Oriented Implementation of Distributions
distrDocDocumentation for 'distr' Family of R Packages
distreg.visFramework for the Visualization of Distributional Regression Models
distrEllipseS4 Classes for Elliptically Contoured Distributions
distrExExtensions of Package 'distr'
DISTRIBFour Essential Functions for Statistical Distributions Analysis: A New Functional Approach
DistributacalculProbability Distribution Functions
distributionalVectorised Probability Distributions
DistributionOptimizationDistribution Optimization
distributions3Probability Distributions as S3 Objects
distributionsrdDistribution Fitting and Evaluation
DistributionTestPowerful Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on the Likelihood Ratio
DistributionUtilsDistribution Utilities
distrModObject Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
distroLinux Distribution Properties
distromDistributed Multinomial Regression
distrrEstimate and Manage Empirical Distributions
distrRmetricsDistribution Classes for Distributions from Rmetrics
distrSimSimulation Classes Based on Package 'distr'
distrTeachExtensions of Package 'distr' for Teaching Stochastics/Statistics in Secondary School
distrTEstEstimation and Testing Classes Based on Package 'distr'
distTailsA Collection of Full Defined Distribution Tails
disttoolsDistance Object Manipulation Tools
dittodbA Test Environment for Database Requests
dittoVizUser Friendly Data Visualization
divReport on Diversity and Inclusion in a Corporate Setting
divDynDiversity Dynamics using Fossil Sampling Data
DivEDiversity Estimator
diveMoveDive Analysis and Calibration
diveREasily Install and Load Interactive Data Visualization Tools
divergeEvolutionary Trait Divergence Between Sister Species and Other Paired Lineages
diverseDiversity Measures for Complex Systems
DiversificationREconometric Tools to Measure Portfolio Diversification
diversitreeComparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of Diversification
diversityForestInnovative Complex Split Procedures in Random Forests Through Candidate Split Sampling
divestGet Images Out of DICOM Format Quickly
divoTools for Analysis of Diversity and Similarity in Biological Systems
divrasterDiversity Metrics Calculations for Rasterized Data
divsegCalculate Diversity and Segregation Indices
divvySpatial Subsampling of Biodiversity Occurrence Data
dixonNearest Neighbour Contingency Table Analysis
dixonTestDixon's Ratio Test for Outlier Detection
diyarRecord Linkage and Epidemiological Case Definitions in 'R'
DIZtoolsLightweight Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development
DIZutilsUtilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development
DJLDistance Measure Based Judgment and Learning
dkanrClient for the 'DKAN' API
dLagMTime Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models
DLASSOImplementation of Adaptive or Non-Adaptive Differentiable Lasso and SCAD Penalties in Linear Models
dlbayesUse Dirichlet Laplace Prior to Solve Linear Regression Problem and Do Variable Selection
DLEGFMDistributed Loading Estimation for General Factor Model
dlibAllow Access to the 'Dlib' C++ Library
dlimDistributed Lag Interaction Model
DLLDecorrelated Local Linear Estimator
dlmBayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear Models
DLMtoolData-Limited Methods Toolkit
dlmtreeBayesian Treed Distributed Lag Models
dlnmDistributed Lag Non-Linear Models
dlookrTools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation
DLPCAThe Distributed Local PCA Algorithm
dlrDownload and Cache Files Safely
dlsemDistributed-Lag Linear Structural Equation Models
dlstatsDownload Stats of R Packages
dmRelational Data Models
dmaDynamic Model Averaging
dmaiDivisia Monetary Aggregates Index
dmbcModel Based Clustering of Binary Dissimilarity Measurements
DMCfunDiffusion Model of Conflict (DMC) in Reaction Time Tasks
dmetatoolsComputational Tools for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Test
dmlDistance Metric Learning in R
dmlalgDouble Machine Learning Algorithms
dmmDyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree Data
DMMFDaily Based Morgan-Morgan-Finney (DMMF) Soil Erosion Model
dModDynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE Models
DMQDynamic Multiple Quantile (DMQ) Model
dmri.trackingDiST - Diffusion Direction Smoothing and Tracking
DMRnetDelete or Merge Regressors Algorithms for Linear and Logistic Model Selection and High-Dimensional Data
DMtestDifferential Methylation Tests (DMtest)
DMTLTools for Applying Distribution Mapping Based Transfer Learning
dmtoolsTools for Clinical Data Management
dmutateMutate Data Frames with Random Variates
DMwR2Functions and Data for the Second Edition of "Data Mining with R"
DNAmixturesLiteStatistical Inference for Mixed Traces of DNA (Lite-Version)
DNAmotifDNA Sequence Motifs
DNAseqtestGenerating and Testing DNA Sequences
DNAtoolsTools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data
dndRDungeons & Dragons Functions for Players and Dungeon Masters
DNetFinderEstimating Differential Networks under Semiparametric Gaussian Graphical Models
dngDistributions and Gradients
DNH4Crawling for Daum News Text
DNLCDifferential Network Local Consistency Analysis
DNMFDiscriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
dnnDeep Neural Network Tools for Probability and Statistic Models
dnrSimulate Dynamic Networks using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) Family
doData Operator
do3PCAProbabilistic Phylogenetic Principal Component Analysis
dobinDimension Reduction for Outlier Detection
dobsonData from the GLM Book by Dobson and Barnett
doByGroupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities
doc2concreteMeasuring Concreteness in Natural Language
doc2vecDistributed Representations of Sentences, Documents and Topics
dockerfilerEasy Dockerfile Creation from R
DockerParallelUsing the Docker Container to Create R Workers on Local or Cloud Platform
docketInsert R Data into 'Word' Documents
docknitrUse Docker Images to Process Rmarkdown Blocks
doconvDocument Conversion to 'PDF' or 'PNG'
docoptCommand-Line Interface Specification Language
docopulaeOptimal Designs for Copula Models
docoreUtility Functions for Scientific Coding
docstringProvides Docstring Capabilities to R Functions
doctestGenerate Tests from Examples Using 'roxygen' and 'testthat'
documentRun 'roxygen2' on (Chunks of) Single Code Files
documenterDocuments Files
docuSignrConnect to 'DocuSign' API
docxtractrExtract Data Tables and Comments from 'Microsoft' 'Word' Documents
DodgeAcceptance Sampling Ideas Originated by H.F. Dodge
dodgrDistances on Directed Graphs
DoE.baseFull Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages
DoE.MIParrayCreation of Arrays by Mixed Integer Programming
DoE.wrapperWrapper Package for Design of Experiments Functionality
doebioresearchAnalysis of Design of Experiments for Biological Research
DOEMThe Distributed Online Expectation Maximization Algorithms to Solve Parameters of Poisson Mixture Models
DoEstRareRare Variant Association Test Based on Position Density Estimation
doexThe One-Way Heteroscedastic ANOVA Tests
doFutureUse Foreach to Parallelize via the Future Framework
dogesrWork with the Doges/Dogaresse Dataset
doMCForeach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel'
dominanceanalysisDominance Analysis
dominoR Console Bindings for the 'Domino Command-Line Client'
DominoDataR'Domino Data R SDK'
domirTools to Support Relative Importance Analysis
doMPIForeach Parallel Adaptor for the Rmpi Package
donutNearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a Torus
donutskConstruct Advanced Donut Charts
doofaDesigns for Order-of-Addition Experiments
doolkitExploration of Dental Surface Topography
doParallelForeach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package
DOPEDrug Ontology Parsing Engine
doRedis'Foreach' Parallel Adapter Using the 'Redis' Database
doremiDynamics of Return to Equilibrium During Multiple Inputs
doRNGGeneric Reproducible Parallel Backend for 'foreach' Loops
DOSDesign of Observational Studies
DOS2Design of Observational Studies, Companion to the Second Edition
dosearchCausal Effect Identification from Multiple Incomplete Data Sources
dosedesignRInteractive Designing of Dose Finding Studies
DoseFindingPlanning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments
doseminerExtract Drug Dosages from Free-Text Prescriptions
doseSensConduct Sensitivity Analysis with Continuous Exposures and Binary Outcomes
doSNOWForeach Parallel Adaptor for the 'snow' Package
DOSPortfolioDynamic Optimal Shrinkage Portfolio
dosresmetaMultivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dostatsCompute Statistics Helper Functions
DOTRender and Export DOT Graphs in R
dotCall64Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors
dotenvLoad Environment Variables from '.env'
dotgenGene-Set Analysis via Decorrelation by Orthogonal Transformation
dotprofileCreate and Manage Configuration Profiles
dotsDot Density Maps
dotsViolinDot Plots Mimicking Violin Plots
dottyThe Unpacking Dot Operator
dotwhiskerDot-and-Whisker Plots of Regression Results
doubcensSurvivor Function Estimation for Doubly Interval-Censored Failure Time Data
double.truncationAnalysis of Doubly-Truncated Data
DoubleConeTest Against Parametric Regression Function
DoubleExpSeqDifferential Exon Usage Test for RNA-Seq Data via Empirical Bayes Shrinkage of the Dispersion Parameter
DoubleMLDouble Machine Learning in R
doublInEstimate Incubation or Latency Time using Doubly Interval Censored Observations
doubtEnable Operators Containing the '?' Symbol
douconcaDouble Constrained Correspondence Analysis for Trait-Environment Analysis in Ecology
doudpackageCreate Elegant Table 1 in HTML for Bio-Statistics
DOvalidationKernel Hazard Estimation with Best One-Sided and Double One-Sided Cross-Validation
DOVEDurability of Vaccine Efficacy
DowdFunctions Ported from 'MMR2' Toolbox Offered in Kevin Dowd's Book Measuring Market Risk
downlitSyntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking
downloaderDownload Files over HTTP and HTTPS
downloadthisImplement Download Buttons in 'rmarkdown'
downscaleDownscaling Species Occupancy
downsizeA Tool to Downsize Large Analysis Projects for Testing
dowserB Cell Receptor Phylogenetics Toolkit
DOYPAColorsDon't Overthink Your Palette of Colors
dparserPort of 'Dparser' Package
dpasurvDynamic Path Analysis of Survival Data via Aalen's Additive Hazards Model
DPBBMDirichlet Process Beta-Binomial Mixture
dpccDynamic Programming for Convex Clustering
dPCPAutomated Analysis of Multiplex Digital PCR Data
DpitDistribution Pitting
dplRDendrochronology Program Library in R
dplyrA Grammar of Data Manipulation
dplyrAssistRStudio Addin for Teaching and Learning Data Manipulation Using 'dplyr'
dpmDynamic Panel Models Fit with Maximum Likelihood
dpmrData Package Manager for R
DPPInference of Parameters of Normal Distributions from a Mixture of Normals
DPpackDifferentially Private Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning
dppmixDeterminantal Point Process Mixture Models
DPQDensity, Probability, Quantile ('DPQ') Computations
DPQmpfrDPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR
dpropComputation of Some Important Distributional Properties
dpsegPiecewise Linear Segmentation by Dynamic Programming
DPTMDynamic Panel Multiple Threshold Model with Fixed Effects
DPtreeDirichlet-Based Polya Tree
DQAguiGraphical User Interface for Data Quality Assessment
DQAstatsCore Functions for Data Quality Assessment
dqrngFast Pseudo Random Number Generators
dQTG.seqA BSA Software for Detecting All Types of QTLs in BC, DH, RIL and F2
drMethods for Dimension Reduction for Regression
DR.SCJoint Dimension Reduction and Spatial Clustering
dr4plDose Response Data Analysis using the 4 Parameter Logistic (4pl) Model
dracorDecode Draco Format 3D Mesh Data
dragonkingStatistical Tools to Identify Dragon Kings
dragracerData Sets for RuPaul's Drag Race
dragulaRDrag and Drop Elements in 'Shiny' using 'Dragula Javascript Library'
drakeA Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale
DramaAnalysisAnalysis of Dramatic Texts
drapeDoubly Robust Average Partial Effects
drat'Drat' R Archive Template
drawWrapper Functions for Producing Graphics
drawerAn Interactive HTML Image Editing Tool
DRaWRDiscriminative Random Walk with Restart
drawsampleDraw Samples with the Desired Properties from a Data Set
DRAYLComputation of Rayleigh Densities of Arbitrary Dimension
DrBatsData Representation: Bayesian Approach That's Sparse
drcAnalysis of Dose-Response Curves
drcarlateImproving Estimation Efficiency in CAR with Imperfect Compliance
drclustSimultaneous Clustering and (or) Dimensionality Reduction
drcSeedGermUtilities for Data Analyses in Seed Germination/Emergence Assays
drcteStatistical Approaches for Time-to-Event Data in Agriculture
drdaDose-Response Data Analysis
DRDIDDoubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators
DrDimontDrug Response Prediction from Differential Multi-Omics Networks
DRDRtestA Nonparametric Doubly Robust Test for Continuous Treatment Effect
dreamerDose Response Models for Bayesian Model Averaging
dreamerrError Handling Made Easy
DREGARRegularized Estimation of Dynamic Linear Regression in the Presence of Autocorrelated Residuals (DREGAR)
drfDistributional Random Forests
drgeeDoubly Robust Generalized Estimating Equations
drglmFitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models in "Divide and Recombine" Approach to Large Data Sets
DRHotNetDifferential Risk Hotspots in a Linear Network
drhurLearning R with Dr. Hu
DriftBurstHypothesisCalculates the Test-Statistic for the Drift Burst Hypothesis
drifterConcept Drift and Concept Shift Detection for Predictive Models
DrillRR Driver for Apache Drill
drimmREstimation, Simulation and Reliability of Drifting Markov Models
DrImputeImputing Dropout Events in Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
DRIPDiscontinuous Regression and Image Processing
driveRPrioritizing Cancer Driver Genes Using Genomics Data
drollAnalyze Roll Distributions
DRomicsDose Response for Omics
dropoutHandling Incomplete Responses in Survey Data Analysis
dropRDropout Analysis by Condition
droptestSimulates LOX Drop Testing
drordDoubly-Robust Estimators for Ordinal Outcomes
droughtStatistical Modeling and Assessment of Drought
drpopEfficient and Doubly Robust Population Size Estimation
DRqualityQuality Measurements for Dimensionality Reduction
DRRDimensionality Reduction via Regression
drtmleDoubly-Robust Nonparametric Estimation and Inference
drugDemandDrug Demand Forecasting
drugdevelopRUtility-Based Optimal Phase II/III Drug Development Planning
DrugExposureDiagnosticsDiagnostics for OMOP Common Data Model Drug Records
drugpreprPrepare Electronic Prescription Record Data to Estimate Drug Exposure
DrugSim2DRPredict Drug Functional Similarity to Drug Repurposing
DrugUtilisationSummarise Patient-Level Drug Utilisation in Data Mapped to the OMOP Common Data Model
drumrTurn R into a Drum Machine
DRviaSPCNDrug Repurposing in Cancer via a Subpathway Crosstalk Network
dsDescriptive Statistics
ds4psyData Science for Psychologists
dsaSeasonal Adjustment of Daily Time Series
DSAIDEDynamical Systems Approach to Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Ecology/Evolution)
DSAIRMDynamical Systems Approach to Immune Response Modeling
DSAMData Splitting Algorithms for Model Developments
dsampleDiscretization-Based Direct Random Sample Generation
dsbNormalize & Denoise Droplet Single Cell Protein Data (CITE-Seq)
DSBayesBayesian Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials
dscoreD-Score for Child Development
dsdpDensity Estimation with Semidefinite Programming
dsemFit Dynamic Structural Equation Models
DSI'DataSHIELD' Interface
dsimsDistance Sampling Simulations
DSjobtrackerWhat Skills and Qualifications are Required for Data Science Related Jobs?
DSLDistributed Storage and List
dslabsData Science Labs
dsldData Science Looks at Discrimination
dsliceDynamic Slicing
DSLite'DataSHIELD' Implementation on Local Datasets
dsmDensity Surface Modelling of Distance Sampling Data
dsmiscData Science Box of Pandora Miscellaneous
dsmmREstimation and Simulation of Drifting Semi-Markov Models
DSMolgenisArmadillo'DataSHIELD' Client for 'MOLGENIS Armadillo'
dsmSearchDSM and LiDAR downloader
DSOpal'DataSHIELD' Implementation for 'Opal'
dsosDataset Shift with Outlier Scores
DSpotyGet 'Spotify' API Multiple Information
dsrTestTests and Confidence Intervals on Directly Standardized Rates for Several Methods
DSSATA Comprehensive R Interface for the DSSAT Cropping Systems Model
dssdDistance Sampling Survey Design
DSSPImplementation of the Direct Sampling Spatial Prior
dstUsing the Theory of Belief Functions
dstabledistThe Discrete Stable Distribution Functions
DstarMAnalyze Two Choice Reaction Time Data with the D*M Method
dstatConditional Sensitivity Analysis for Matched Observational Studies
dstat2x2xkDemonstrated Insensitivity to Bias in 2x2xK Contingency Tables
dSTEMMultiple Testing of Local Extrema for Detection of Change Points
dsTidyverse'DataSHIELD' 'Tidyverse' Serverside Package
dSVADirect Surrogate Variable Analysis
DSWEData Science for Wind Energy
DTA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
DtableoneTabular Comparison of Paired Diagnostic Tests
dtangleCell Type Deconvolution from Gene Expressions
DTAplotsCreates Plots Accompanying Bayesian Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analyses
DTATDose Titration Algorithm Tuning
DTAXGDiagnostic Test Assessment in the Absence of Gold Standard
dTBMMulti-Way Spherical Clustering via Degree-Corrected Tensor Block Models
dtCombStatistical Combination of Diagnostic Tests
DTComPairComparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study Design
DtDDistance to Default
DTDADoubly Truncated Data Analysis
DTDA.cifDoubly Truncated Data Analysis, Cumulative Incidence Functions
DTDA.niDoubly Truncated Data Analysis, Non Iterative
dtgiwDiscrete Transmuted Generalized Inverse Weibull Distribution
dtiAnalysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) Data
dtmapiFetching Data from the 'Displacement Tracking Matrix'
DTMCPackSuite of Functions Related to Discrete-Time Discrete-State Markov Chains
dtpDynamic Panel Threshold Model
dtpcrmDose Transition Pathways for Continual Reassessment Method
dtplyrData Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
dtrackrTrack your Data Pipelines
dtregInteract with Data Type Registries and Create Machine-Readable Data
DTRKernSmoothEstimate and Make Inference About Optimal Treatment Regimes via Smoothed Methods
DTRlearn2Statistical Learning Methods for Optimizing Dynamic Treatment Regimes
DTRregDTR Estimation and Inference via G-Estimation, Dynamic WOLS, Q-Learning, and Dynamic Weighted Survival Modeling (DWSurv)
dtrSurvDynamic Treatment Regimes for Survival Analysis
DTSEADrug Target Set Enrichment Analysis
DTSgA Class for Working with Time Series Data Based on 'data.table' and 'R6' with Largely Optional Reference Semantics
dttDiscrete Trigonometric Transforms
dttr2Manipulate Date, POSIXct and hms Vectors
dtts'data.table' Time-Series
dtwDynamic Time Warping Algorithms
DTWBIImputation of Time Series Based on Dynamic Time Warping
dtwclustTime Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping Distance
DTwrappersSimplified Data Analysis with Wrapper Functions for the 'Data.Table' Package
DTwrappers2Extensions of 'DTwrappers'
DTWUMIImputation of Multivariate Time Series Based on Dynamic Time Warping
dualAutomatic Differentiation with Dual Numbers
dualScaleDual Scaling Analysis of Data
dualtreesDecimated and Undecimated 2D Complex Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform
duawranglrSecurely Wrangle Dataset According to Data Usage Agreement
dubUnpacking Assignment for Lists via Pattern Matching
duckdbDBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System
duckdbfsHigh Performance Remote File System, Database and 'Geospatial' Access Using 'duckdb'
duckduckrSimple Client for the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer API
duckplyrA 'DuckDB'-Backed Version of 'dplyr'
dukeCreating a Color-Blind Friendly Duke Color Package
dumbbellDisplaying Changes Between Two Points Using Dumbbell Plots
dummyAutomatic Creation of Dummies with Support for Predictive Modeling
dundermifflinThe Office Quotes on-Demand
dunlinPreprocessing Tools for Clinical Trial Data
dunn.testDunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums
dupiRBayesian Inference from Count Data using Discrete Uniform Priors
dupNodesComputes DNSLbetweenness, a Betweenness Measure that Includes Self-Loops
dupreeIdentify Duplicated R Code in a Project
DurgaEffect Size Estimation and Visualisation
DVHmetricsAnalyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check Constraints
dvirDisaster Victim Identification
dvmiscConvenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and Graphics
dvqccDynamic VAR - Based Control Charts for Batch Process Monitoring
dwctaxonEdit and Validate Darwin Core Taxon Data
DWDLargeRFast Algorithms for Large Scale Generalized Distance Weighted Discrimination
dwdradarRead Binary Radar Files from 'DWD' (German Weather Service)
DWLassoDegree Weighted Lasso
dwlmDoubly Weighted Linear Model
DWLSGene Expression Deconvolution Using Dampened Weighted Least Squares
dwpDensity-Weighted Proportion
DWregParametric Regression for Discrete Response
dyadsDyadic Network Analysis
dycdtoolsCalibration Assistant and Post-Processing Tool for Aquatic Ecosystem Model DYRESM-CAEDYM
dydeaDetection of Chaotic and Regular Intervals in the Data
dygraphsInterface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting Library
DykstraQuadratic Programming using Cyclic Projections
DYMDid You Mean?
DyMEPDynamic Multi Environment Phenology-Model
dymoDynamic Mode Decomposition for Multivariate Time Feature Prediction
dynTime Series Regression
dyn.logDynamic Logging for R Inspired by Configuration Driven Development
dynamacDynamic Simulation and Testing for Single-Equation ARDL Models
dynamAedesA Unified Mechanistic Model for the Population Dynamics of Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes
dynamicDFI Cutoffs for Latent Variable Models
DynamicGPModelling and Analysis of Dynamic Computer Experiments
dynamicSDMSpecies Distribution and Abundance Modelling at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution
dynamicTreeCutMethods for Detection of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms
dynamiteBayesian Modeling and Causal Inference for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
DynaRankRInferring Longitudinal Dominance Hierarchies
DynareRBringing the Power of 'Dynare' to 'R', 'R Markdown', and 'Quarto'
dynaSpecDynamic Spectrogram Visualizations
DYNATEDynamic Aggregation Testing
dynatopAn Implementation of Dynamic TOPMODEL Hydrological Model in R
dynatopGISAlgorithms for Helping Build Dynamic TOPMODEL Implementations from Spatial Data
dynaTreeDynamic Trees for Learning and Design
dynBiplotGUIFull Interactive GUI for Dynamic Biplot in R
DynClustDenoising and Clustering for Dynamical Image Sequence (2D or 3D)+t
dyncompComplexity of Short and Coarse-Grained Time Series
dynConfiRDynamic Models for Confidence and Response Time Distributions
dynCorrDynamic Correlation Package
dyndimredDimensionality Reduction Methods in a Common Format
dynetNLAResistanceResisting Neighbor Label Attack in a Dynamic Network
DynForestRandom Forest with Multivariate Longitudinal Predictors
dyngenA Multi-Modal Simulator for Spearheading Single-Cell Omics Analyses
dynlmDynamic Linear Regression
dynmixEstimation of Dynamic Finite Mixtures
DynNomVisualising Statistical Models using Dynamic Nomograms
dynpanelDynamic Panel Data Models
dynparamCreating Meta-Information for Parameters
dynpredCompanion Package to "Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis"
dynprogDynamic Programming Domain-Specific Language
dynrDynamic Models with Regime-Switching
dynRBDynamic Range Boxes
dynsimDynamic Simulations of Autoregressive Relationships
dynsurvDynamic Models for Survival Data
dyntaperDynamic Stem Profile Models, AKA Tree Taper Equations
DynTxRegimeMethods for Estimating Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes
dynutilsCommon Functionality for the 'dynverse' Packages
dynwrapRepresenting and Inferring Single-Cell Trajectories
dySEMDyadic Structural Equation Modeling
DysPIADysregulated Pathway Identification Analysis
DysPIADataBackground and Pathway Data Used in 'DysPIA'
DySSDynamic Screening Systems
e1071Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien
E4toolsManagement and Processing Tools for Data Produced by the Empatica E4
eadrmFitting Dose-Response Models Using an Evolutionary Algorithm
eafPlots of the Empirical Attainment Function
EagleMultiple Locus Association Mapping on a Genome-Wide Scale
EAinferenceEstimator Augmentation and Simulation-Based Inference
eAnalyticsDynamic Web-Based Analytics for the Energy Industry
earlygatingProperties of Bayesian Early Gating Designs
earlyREstimation of Transmissibility in the Early Stages of a Disease Outbreak
earlywarningsEarly Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Time Series
earthMultivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
earthdataloginNASA 'EarthData' Login Utilities
earthtideParallel Implementation of 'ETERNA 3.40' for Prediction and Analysis of Earth Tides
earthtonesDerive a Color Palette from a Particular Location on Earth
EaseSimulating Explicit Population Genetics Models
easy.glmnetFunctions to Simplify the Use of 'glmnet' for Machine Learning
easy.utilsFrequently Used Functions for Easy R Programming
EasyABCEfficient Approximate Bayesian Computation Sampling Schemes
easyAHPAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
easyalluvialGenerate Alluvial Plots with a Single Line of Code
easyanovaAnalysis of Variance and Other Important Complementary Analyses
easybgmExtracting and Visualizing Bayesian Graphical Models
easybioComprehensive Single-Cell Annotation and Transcriptomic Analysis Toolkit
easycensusQuickly Find, Extract, and Marginalize U.S. Census Tables
easyclimateEasy Access to High-Resolution Daily Climate Data for Europe
easyCODACompositional Data Analysis in Practice
easycsvLoad Multiple 'csv' and 'txt' Tables
easydbEasily Connect to Common Types of Databases
easyDesAn Easy Way to Descriptive Analysis
EasyDescribeA Convenient Way of Descriptive Statistics
easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionEasily Performs Differential Coexpression Analysis
easylabelInteractive Scatter Plot and Volcano Plot Labels
EasyMxEasy Model-Builder Functions for 'OpenMx'
easyNCDFTools to Easily Read/Write NetCDF Files into/from Multidimensional R Arrays
easynlsEasy Nonlinear Model
easyORtablesEasy Odds Ratio Tables
easypackagesEasy Loading and Installing of Packages
easypowerSample Size Estimation for Experimental Designs
easyPSIDReading, Formatting, and Organizing the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
easyPubMedSearch and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed
easyrHelpful Functions from Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting
easyregEasy Regression
easySdcTableEasy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package 'sdcTable' Extended with Own Implementation of 'GaussSuppression'
easySimDataA Wrapper of 'simdata' Package
easystatsFramework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization, and Reporting
easysurvSimplify Survival Data Analysis and Model Fitting
easySVGAn Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator
easyVerificationEnsemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets
eatEfficiency Analysis Trees
eatATACreate Constraints for Small Test Assembly Problems
eatDBSpreadsheet Interface for Relational Databases
eatGADSData Management of Large Hierarchical Data
EATMEExponentially Weighted Moving Average with Adjustments to Measurement Error
eatRepEducational Assessment Tools for Replication Methods
eatToolsMiscellaneous Functions for the Analysis of Educational Assessments
ebaElimination-by-Aspects Models
ebalEntropy Reweighting to Create Balanced Samples
EBASEEstuarine Bayesian Single-Station Estimation Method for Ecosystem Metabolism
EbayesThreshEmpirical Bayes Thresholding and Related Methods
EBCHSAn Empirical Bayes Method for Chi-Squared Data
ebciRobust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals
EBcoBARTCo-Data Learning for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
ebdbNetEmpirical Bayes Estimation of Dynamic Bayesian Networks
EBENEmpirical Bayesian Elastic Net
ebGenotypingGenotyping and SNP Detection using Next Generation Sequencing Data
EBglmnetEmpirical Bayesian Lasso and Elastic Net Methods for Generalized Linear Models
ebirdstAccess and Analyze eBird Status and Trends Data Products
EBMAforecastEstimate Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging Forecasts using Gibbs Sampling or EM-Algorithms
ebmcEnsemble-Based Methods for Class Imbalance Problem
ebmstateEmpirical Bayes Multi-State Cox Model
ebnmSolve the Empirical Bayes Normal Means Problem
EBPRSDerive Polygenic Risk Score Based on Emprical Bayes Theory
EBrankEmpirical Bayes Ranking
ebregImplementation of the Empirical Bayes Method
eBsc"Empirical Bayes Smoothing Splines with Correlated Errors"
ebTobitEmpirical Bayesian Tobit Matrix Estimation
ebvcubeWorking with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variables
ec50estimatorAn Automated Way to Estimate EC50 for Stratified Datasets
ecanEcological Analysis and Visualization
eCAREigenvalue CAR Models
ecbProgrammatic Access to the European Central Bank's Statistical Data Warehouse
ecceTranslate English Sentence into Chinese, or Translate Chinese Sentence into English
EcdatData Sets for Econometrics
ecdfHTEmpirical CDF for Heavy Tailed Data
eCertoStatistical Tests for the Production of Reference Materials
ecespaFunctions for Spatial Point Pattern Analysis
EcfunFunctions for 'Ecdat'
ECGCenter of Gravity Methods
ECGofTestDxA Goodness-of-Fit Test for Elliptical Distributions with Diagnostic Capabilities
echDownloading and Processing Microdata from ECH-INE (Uruguay)
ECharts2ShinyEmbedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library into Shiny Applications
echarts4rCreate Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5
echartyMinimal R/Shiny Interface to JavaScript Library 'ECharts'
echelonThe Echelon Analysis and the Detection of Spatial Clusters using Echelon Scan Method
eChemSimulations for Electrochemistry Experiments
echoEcho Code Evaluations
echo.findFinding Rhythms Using Extended Circadian Harmonic Oscillators (ECHO)
echogramEchogram Visualisation and Analysis
echoice2Choice Models with Economic Foundation
echorAccess EPA 'ECHO' Data
ecicExtended Changes-in-Changes
ecipexEfficient Calculation of Fine Structure Isotope Patterns via Fourier Transforms of Simplex-Based Elemental Models
ECLRMCEnsemble Correlation-Based Low-Rank Matrix Completion
eclustEnvironment Based Clustering for Interpretable Predictive Models in High Dimensional Data
ecmBuild Error Correction Models
ecmwfrInterface to 'ECMWF' and 'CDS' Data Web Services
ecocboCalculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community Ecology
ecochangeIntegrating Ecosystem Remote Sensing Products to Derive EBV Indicators
ecocomDPTools to Create, Use, and Convert ecocomDP Data
ecoCopulaGraphical Modelling and Ordination using Copulas
ecodeOrdinary Differential Equation Systems in Ecology
EcoDietEstimating a Diet Matrix from Biotracer and Stomach Content Data
ecodistDissimilarity-Based Functions for Ecological Analysis
EcoEnsembleA General Framework for Combining Ecosystem Models
EcohydmodEcohydrological Modelling
EcoIndREcological Indicators
ECoLComplexity Measures for Supervised Problems
ecolMod"A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling - Using R as a Simulation Platform"
ecolotteryCoalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological Communities
ecolRxCEcological Inference of RxC Tables by Latent Structure Approaches
ecolTestCommunity Ecology Tests
EconAndProdEfficiencyEconomic and Production Efficiency
EconDemandGeneral Analysis of Various Economics Demand Systems
econetEstimation of Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures
EcoNetGenSimulate and Sample from Ecological Interaction Networks
econetworkAnalyzing Ecological Networks
EconGeoComputing Key Indicators of the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities
economiccomplexityComputational Methods for Economic Complexity
econullnetrNull Model Analysis for Ecological Networks
ecopowerPower Estimates and Equivalence Testing for Multivariate Data
ecoregEcological Regression using Aggregate and Individual Data
ecoregimeAnalysis of Ecological Dynamic Regimes
ecorestConducts Analyses Informing Ecosystem Restoration Decisions
ecosEconomic Statistics System of the Bank of Korea
ecosimToolbox for Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling
ECOSolveREmbedded Conic Solver in R
ecospaceSimulating Community Assembly and Ecological Diversification Using Ecospace Frameworks
ecospatSpatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods
ecostatsCode and Data Accompanying the Eco-Stats Text (Warton 2022)
ecostatscaleStatistical Scaling Functions for Ecological Systems
EcotoneFinderCharacterising and Locating Ecotones and Communities
ecotoxAnalysis of Ecotoxicology
ecotoxicologyMethods for Ecotoxicology
ECOTOXrDownload and Extract Data from US EPA's ECOTOX Database
ecotrajEcological Trajectory Analysis
EcoTrophAn Implementation of the EcoTroph Ecosystem Modelling Approach
ecovalProcedures for Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters
EcoVirtualSimulation of Ecological Models
ecpNon-Parametric Multiple Change-Point Analysis of Multivariate Data
ecpcFlexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional Prediction
ecpdistExtended Chen-Poisson Lifetime Distribution
ecrEvolutionary Computation in R
ectotempQuantitative Estimates of Small Ectotherm Temperature Regulation Effectiveness
ECTSVRCointegration Based Support Vector Regression Model
ECTTDNNCointegration Based Timedelay Neural Network Model
EcumeEquality of 2 (or k) Continuous Univariate and Multivariate Distributions
eCVEnhanced Coefficient of Variation and IDR Extensions for Reproducibility Assessment
ed50Estimate ED50 and Its Confidence Interval
ed50simulationEstimate ED50 and Its Confidence Interval
eda4treeRExperimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
EDCimportImport Data from EDC Software
edcpREcological Data Collection and Processing Package
eddingtonCompute a Cyclist's Eddington Number
edeaRExploratory and Descriptive Event-Based Data Analysis
edecobEvent Detection Using Confidence Bounds
edfRead Data from European Data Format (EDF and EDF+) Files
edfReaderReading EDF(+) and BDF(+) Files
EDFtestGoodness of Fit Based on Empirical Distribution Function
edfunCreating Empirical Distribution Functions
edgarTool for the U.S. SEC EDGAR Retrieval and Parsing of Corporate Filings
edgarWebRSEC Filings Access
edgebundleAlgorithms for Bundling Edges in Networks and Visualizing Flow and Metro Maps
edgebundleRCircle Plot with Bundled Edges
edgeCorrSpatial Edge Correction
edgedataDatasets that Support the EDGE Server DIY Logic
edibbleEncapsulating Elements of Experimental Design
ediblecityModeling Urban Agriculture at City Scale
edinaBayesian Estimation of an Exploratory Deterministic Input, Noisy and Gate Model
EDISONNetwork Reconstruction and Changepoint Detection
editbl'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny'
editData'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame'
eDITHModel Transport of Environmental DNA in River Networks
editrulesParsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning Rules
EDIutilsAn API Client for the Environmental Data Initiative Repository
edlToolbox for Error-Driven Learning Simulations with Two-Layer Networks
edlibRR Integration for Edlib, the C/C++ Library for Exact Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Edit (Levenshtein) Distance
eDMADynamic Model Averaging with Grid Search
edmcrEuclidean Distance Matrix Completion Tools
edmdataData Sets for Psychometric Modeling
EDMeasureEnergy-Based Dependence Measures
eDNAjointJoint Modeling of Traditional and Environmental DNA Survey Data in a Bayesian Framework
EDNE.EQImplements the EDNE-Test for Equivalence
EDOIFEmpirical Distribution Ordering Inference Framework (EDOIF)
EDOtransEuclidean Distance-Optimized Data Transformation
edstanStan Models for Item Response Theory
EdSurveyAnalysis of NCES Education Survey and Assessment Data
educationdataRetrieve Records from the Urban Institute's Education Data Portal API
educineqCompute and Decompose Inequality in Education
edwards97Langmuir Semi-Empirical Coagulation Model
eefAnalyticsRobust Analytical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trials Designs
eegkitToolkit for Electroencephalography Data
eegkitdataElectroencephalography Toolkit Datasets
EEMRead and Preprocess Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Data
eemdARIMAEEMD Based Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model
EEMDelmEnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant Based ELM Model
EEMDlstmEEMD Based LSTM Model for Time Series Forecasting
EEMDSVREnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant Based Support Vector Regression Model
eemdTDNNEEMD and Its Variant Based Time Delay Neural Network Model
EEMLEnsemble Explainable Machine Learning Models
eemRTools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Data
eeptoolsConvenience Functions for Education Data
eesimSimulate and Evaluate Time Series for Environmental Epidemiology
EESPCAEigenvectors from Eigenvalues Sparse Principal Component Analysis (EESPCA)
efModelling Framework for the Estimation of Salmonid Abundance
EFA.dimensionsExploratory Factor Analysis Functions for Assessing Dimensionality
EFA.MRFADimensionality Assessment Using Minimum Rank Factor Analysis
EFAfactorsDetermining the Number of Factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis
EFAtoolsFast and Flexible Implementations of Exploratory Factor Analysis Tools
EFAutilitiesUtility Functions for Exploratory Factor Analysis
efdmSimulate Forest Resources with the European Forestry Dynamics Model
EFDRWavelet-Based Enhanced FDR for Detecting Signals from Complete or Incomplete Spatially Aggregated Data
eff2Efficient Least Squares for Total Causal Effects
effClustCalculate Effective Number of Clusters for a Linear Model
EffectLiteRAverage and Conditional Effects
effectRPredicts Oomycete Effectors
effectsEffect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other Models
effectsizeIndices of Effect Size
effectsizescrIndices for Single-Case Research
EffectStarsVisualization of Categorical Response Models
EffectStars2Effect Stars
EffectTreatPrediction of Therapeutic Success
EfficientMaxEigenpairEfficient Initials for Computing the Maximal Eigenpair
efflogThe Causal Effects for a Causal Loglinear Model
effsizeEfficient Effect Size Computation
eFREDFetch Data from the Federal Reserve Economic Database
EFSTool for Ensemble Feature Selection
egaError Grid Analysis
EGAnetExploratory Graph Analysis – a Framework for Estimating the Number of Dimensions in Multivariate Data using Network Psychometrics
egcmEngle-Granger Cointegration Models
eggExtensions for 'ggplot2': Custom Geom, Custom Themes, Plot Alignment, Labelled Panels, Symmetric Scales, and Fixed Panel Size
eggCountsHierarchical Modelling of Faecal Egg Counts
eglhmmExtended Generalised Linear Hidden Markov Models
EGMEvaluating Cardiac Electrophysiology Signals
EgoCorSimple Presentation of Estimated Exponential Semi-Variograms
egorImport and Analyse Ego-Centered Network Data
EGRETExploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends
EGRETciExploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends Confidence Intervals
EGRNiEnsemble Gene Regulatory Network Inference
eGSTLeveraging eQTLs to Identify Individual-Level Tissue of Interest for a Complex Trait
ehaEvent History Analysis
ehaGoFCalculates Goodness of Fit Statistics
eHDPrepQuality Control and Semantic Enrichment of Datasets
ehelpEnhanced Help to Enable "Docstring"-Comments in Users Functions
eHOFExtended HOF (Huisman-Olff-Fresco) Models
EHRElectronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis Tool
EHRtemporalVariabilityDelineating Temporal Dataset Shifts in Electronic Health Records
ehymetMethodologies for Functional Data Based on the Epigraph and Hypograph Indices
eiEcological Inference
ei.DatasetsReal Datasets for Assessing Ecological Inference Algorithms
eiaAPI Wrapper for U.S. Energy Information Administration ('EIA') Open Data
EIAapiQuery Data from the 'EIA' API
eiCirclesEcological Inference of RxC Tables by Overdispersed-Multinomial Models
eicmExplicit Interaction Community Models
eiderDeclarative Feature Extraction from Tabular Data Records
EIEntropyEcological Inference Applying Entropy
eiExpandUtilities for Expanding Functionality of 'eiCompare'
eigenmodelSemiparametric Factor and Regression Models for Symmetric Relational Data
EigenRComplex Matrix Algebra with 'Eigen'
eikosogramsThe Picture of Probability
eimputeEfficiently Impute Large Scale Incomplete Matrix
einetEffective Information and Causal Emergence
einsumEinstein Summation
eiopaRAccess to RFR (Risk-Free Rate) Curves Produced by the EIOPA
eiPackEcological Inference and Higher-Dimension Data Management
eirmExplanatory Item Response Modeling for Dichotomous and Polytomous Items
eiveAn Algorithm for Reducing Errors-in-Variable Bias in Simple and Multiple Linear Regressions
eivtoolsMeasurement Error Modeling Tools
EIXExplain Interactions in 'XGBoost'
eixportExport Emissions to Atmospheric Models
EKMCMCMCMC Procedures for Estimating Enzyme Kinetics Constants
eksTidy and Geospatial Kernel Smoothing
ELTwo-Sample Empirical Likelihood
EL2SurvEmpirical Likelihood (EL) for Comparing Two Survival Functions
elaboratorA 'shiny' Application for Exploring Laboratory Data
elasdicsElastic Analysis of Sparse, Dense and Irregular Curves
elassoEnhanced Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Regression Model
elastesElastic Full Procrustes Means for Sparse and Irregular Planar Curves
elasticGeneral Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch'
elasticnetElastic-Net for Sparse Estimation and Sparse PCA
elecCollection of Functions for Statistical Election Audits
EleChemrElectrochemical Reactions Simulation
electEstimation of Life Expectancies Using Multi-State Models
ElectDecompDecomposition of Seats-to-Votes Distortion in Multimember Elections
electionsUSA Presidential Elections Data
elections.dtreeRanked Voting Election Audits with Dirichlet-Trees
electionsBRR Functions to Download and Clean Brazilian Electoral Data
electivityAlgorithms for Electivity Indices
electoralAllocating Seats Methods and Party System Scores
elevatrAccess Elevation Data from Various APIs
ElevDistrCalculate the Distance to the Nearest Local Treeline
elexrLoad Associated Press Election Results with Elex
elfDistrKumaraswamy Complementary Weibull Geometric (Kw-CWG) Probability Distribution
elgbdEmpirical Likelihood for General Block Designs
elhmcSampling from a Empirical Likelihood Bayesian Posterior of Parameters Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
ELISAtoolsELISA Data Analysis with Batch Correction
elisrExploratory Likert Scaling
eListList Comprehension and Tools
elitismEquipment for Logarithmic and Linear Time Stepwise Multiple Hypothesis Testing
EljaLinear, Logistic and Generalized Linear Models Regressions for the EnvWAS/EWAS Approach
elliplotEllipse Summary Plot of Quantiles
ellipseFunctions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions
ellipsisTools for Working with ...
ElliptCopulasInference of Elliptical Distributions and Copulas
ellipticWeierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions
ellipticalsymmetryElliptical Symmetry Tests
elmNNRcppThe Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm
ELMRExtreme Machine Learning (ELM)
ELMSOImplementation of the Efficient Large-Scale Online Display Advertising Algorithm
eLNNpairedCovModel-Based Gene Selection for Paired Data
eloRanking Teams by Elo Rating and Comparable Methods
EloChoicePreference Rating for Visual Stimuli Based on Elo Ratings
EloOptimizedOptimized Elo Rating Method for Obtaining Dominance Ranks
EloRatingAnimal Dominance Hierarchies by Elo Rating
EloSteepnessBayesian Dominance Hierarchy Steepness via Elo Rating and David's Scores
elsaEntropy-Based Local Indicator of Spatial Association
ELTExperience Life Tables
eltrUtilise Catastrophe Model Event Loss Table Outputs
ELYPEmpirical Likelihood Analysis for the Cox Model and Yang-Prentice (2005) Model
emGeneric EM Algorithm
EM.FuzzyEM Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Non-Precise Information
emailjsr'emailjs' Support
emailvalidationClient for the 'emailalvalidation.io' E-Mail Validation API
EMAREmpirical Model Assessment
EMASEpigenome-Wide Mediation Analysis Study
emayiliSend Email Messages
emBayesRobust Bayesian Variable Selection via Expectation-Maximization
EMbCExpectation-Maximization Binary Clustering
embedExtra Recipes for Encoding Predictors
EmbedSOMFast Embedding Guided by Self-Organizing Map
embryogrowthTools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo Growth
EMC2Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis of Cognitive Models of Choice
EMClusterEM Algorithm for Model-Based Clustering of Finite Mixture Gaussian Distribution
EMDEmpirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis
EMDANNhybridEmpirical Mode Decomposition Based Artificial Neural Network Model
emdbookSupport Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
emdiEstimating and Mapping Disaggregated Indicators
emdistEarth Mover's Distance
EMDSVRhybridEmpirical Mode Decomposition Based Support Vector Regression Model
emeryAccuracy Statistic Estimation for Imperfect Gold Standards
emgExponentially Modified Gaussian (EMG) Distribution
EMgaussianExpectation-Maximization Algorithm for Multivariate Normal (Gaussian) with Missing Data
emhawkesExponential Multivariate Hawkes Model
EmiREvolutionary Minimizer for R
emIRTEM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models
EmissVTools for Create Emissions for Air Quality Models
EmiStatREmissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants in Combined Sewer Systems
EMJMCMCEvolutionary Mode Jumping Markov Chain Monte Carlo Expert Toolbox
EMLRead and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files
emldEcological Metadata as Linked Data
EMLIComputationally Efficient Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear Dynamical Systems
EMMAgeoEnd-Member Modelling of Grain-Size Data
emmeansEstimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means
EMMIXgeneA Mixture Model-Based Approach to the Clustering of Microarray Expression Data
EMMIXmfaMixture Models with Component-Wise Factor Analyzers
EMMIXSSLSemi-Supervised Gaussian Mixture Model with a Missing-Data Mechanism
EMMLiA Maximum Likelihood Approach to the Analysis of Modularity
EMMREMLFitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance Structures
emoaEvolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms
emojiData and Function to Work with Emojis
emojifontEmoji and Font Awesome in Graphics
emonTools for Environmental and Ecological Survey Design
emovEye Movement Analysis Package for Fixation and Saccade Detection
EMPExpected Maximum Profit Classification Performance Measure
EMpeaksRConducting the Peak Fitting Based on the EM Algorithm
emphaticExploratory Analysis of Tabular Data using Colour Highlighting
empicharEvaluates the Empirical Characteristic Function for Multivariate Samples
EmpiricalCalibrationRoutines for Performing Empirical Calibration of Observational Study Estimates
emplikEmpirical Likelihood Ratio for Censored/Truncated Data
emplik2Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for Two-Sample U-Statistics with Censored Data
emplikAUCEmpirical Likelihood Ratio Test/Confidence Interval for AUC or pAUC
emsEpimed Solutions Collection for Data Editing, Analysis, and Benchmark of Health Units
EMSaovThe Analysis of Variance with EMS
EMSCExtended Multiplicative Signal Correction
EMSNMEM Algorithm for Sigmoid Normal Model
EMSSSome EM-Type Estimation Methods for the Heckman Selection Model
emstreeRTools for Fast Computing and Visualizing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees
EMTExact Multinomial Test: Goodness-of-Fit Test for Discrete Multivariate Data
emulatorBayesian Emulation of Computer Programs
emuRMain Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System
EncDNAEncoding of Nucleotide Sequences into Numeric Feature Vectors
eNchangeEnsemble Methods for Multiple Change-Point Detection
encodeRepresent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings
EncompassTestDirect Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models via an Encompassing Test
encryptedRmdEncrypt Html Reports Using 'Libsodium'
encryptrEasily Encrypt and Decrypt Data Frame/Tibble Columns or Files using RSA Public/Private Keys
endogeneityRecursive Two-Stage Models to Address Endogeneity
endogenousClassical Simultaneous Equation Models
endorseBayesian Measurement Models for Analyzing Endorsement Experiments
endoSwitchEndogenous Switching Regression Models
endtoendTransmissions and Receptions in an End to End Network
energyE-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
EnergyOnlineCPMDistribution Free Multivariate Control Chart Based on Energy Test
energyrData Published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
enerscapeCompute Energy Landscapes
enetLTSRobust and Sparse Methods for High Dimensional Linear and Binary and Multinomial Regression
englishTranslate Integers into English
EngrEconEngineering Economics Analysis for Engineering Projects Cost Analysis
engressionEngression Modelling
EngrExptData sets from "Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation"
ENMevalAutomated Tuning and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models
enmpaEcological Niche Modeling using Presence-Absence Data
enmSdmXSpecies Distribution Modeling and Ecological Niche Modeling
ENMToolsAnalysis of Niche Evolution using Niche and Distribution Models
enplsEnsemble Partial Least Squares Regression
EnrichIntersectEnrichment Analysis and Intersecting Sankey Diagram
enrichRProvides an R Interface to 'Enrichr'
enrichwithMethods to Enrich R Objects with Extra Components
EnsCatClustering of Categorical Data
EnsembleBaseExtensible Package for Parallel, Batch Training of Base Learners for Ensemble Modeling
ensembleBMAProbabilistic Forecasting using Ensembles and Bayesian Model Averaging
EnsembleCVExtensible Package for Cross-Validation-Based Integration of Base Learners
ensembleMOSEnsemble Model Output Statistics
EnsemblePCRegExtensible Package for Principal-Component-Regression-Based Heterogeneous Ensemble Meta-Learning
EnsemblePenRegExtensible Classes and Methods for Penalized-Regression-Based Integration of Base Learners
ensembleppEnsemble Postprocessing Data Sets
ensembleTaxEnsemble Taxonomic Assignments of Amplicon Sequencing Data
enshumanHuman Gene Annotation Data from 'Ensembl'
ensrElastic Net SearcheR
entropartEntropy Partitioning to Measure Diversity
EntropicStatisticsFunctions Based on Entropic Statistics
entropyEstimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities
EntropyEstimationEstimation of Entropy and Related Quantities
EntropyMCMCMCMC Simulation and Convergence Evaluation using Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence Estimation
entrymodelsEstimate Entry Models
envalysisMiscellaneous Functions for Environmental Analyses
EnvCptDetection of Structural Changes in Climate and Environment Time Series
envDocumentDocument the R Working Environment
enveomics.RVarious Utilities for Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics
enviEnvironmental Interpolation using Spatial Kernel Density Estimation
enviGCMSGC/LC-MS Data Analysis for Environmental Science
enviPatIsotope Pattern, Profile and Centroid Calculation for Mass Spectrometry
envirManage R Environments Better
enviremGeneration of ENVIREM Variables
EnviroPRA2Environmental Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools
envnamesKeep Track of User-Defined Environment Names
EnvNicheRNiche Estimation
EnvNJWhole Genome Phylogenies Using Sequence Environments
envoutliersMethods for Identification of Outliers in Environmental Data
envstatConfigurable Reporting on your External Compute Environment
EnvStatsPackage for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA Guidance
envvarMake Working with Environment Variables Easier and More Consistent
eoa3Wildlife Mortality Estimator for Low Fatality Rates and Imperfect Detection
eodhdR2Official R API for Fetching Data from 'EODHD'
eofficeExport or Graph and Tables to 'Microsoft' Office and Import Figures and Tables
eoRData Management Package (Exposure and Occurrence Data in R)
epadeEasy Plots
epandistStatistical Functions for the Censored and Uncensored Epanechnikov Distribution
epanet2toolkitCall 'EPANET' Functions to Simulate Pipe Networks
epanetReaderRead Epanet Files into R
epcaExploratory Principal Component Analysis
ePCREnsemble Penalized Cox Regression for Survival Prediction
epe4mdEPE's 4MD Model to Forecast the Adoption of Distributed Generation
ephArgentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and Manipulation Utilities
EpiStatistical Analysis in Epidemiology
epibasixElementary Epidemiological Functions for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
epicastingEwnet: An Ensemble Wavelet Neural Network for Forecasting and Epicasting
epichainsSimulating and Analysing Transmission Chain Statistics Using Branching Process Models
epiCleanrA Tidy Solution for Epidemiological Data
epiCoStatistical and Viz Tools for Vector-Borne Diseases in Colombia
epicontactsHandling, Visualisation and Analysis of Epidemiological Contacts
EpiContactTraceEpidemiological Tool for Contact Tracing
EpiCurvePlot an Epidemic Curve
epidataTools to Retrieve Economic Policy Institute Data Library Extracts
epidatrClient for Delphi's 'Epidata' API
epiDisplayEpidemiological Data Display Package
epidmUK Epidemiological Data Management
EpiDynamicsDynamic Models in Epidemiology
EpiEstimEstimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic Curves
epifitterAnalysis and Simulation of Plant Disease Progress Curves
epiflowsPredicting Disease Spread from Flow Data
EpiForskCode Sharing at the Department of Epidemiological Research at Statens Serum Institut
epigraphdbInterface Package for the 'EpiGraphDB' Platform
epigrowthfitNonlinear Mixed Effects Models of Epidemic Growth
EpiILMSpatial and Network Based Individual Level Models for Epidemics
EpiILMCTContinuous Time Distance-Based and Network-Based Individual Level Models for Epidemics
EpiInvertVariational Techniques in Epidemiology
epikitMiscellaneous Helper Tools for Epidemiologists
epilogiThe 'epilogi' Variable Selection Algorithm for Continuous Data
EpiLPSA Fast and Flexible Bayesian Tool for Estimating Epidemiological Parameters
epimdrFunctions and Data for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R"
epimdr2Functions and Data for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R (2nd Edition)"
EpiModelMathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics
epinetEpidemic/Network-Related Tools
epinetrEpistatic Network Modelling with Forward-Time Simulation
EpiNow2Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters
epiomicsAnalysis of Omics Data in Observational Studies
epiphyAnalysis of Plant Disease Epidemics
epiRTools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data
EpiReportEpidemiological Report
episcanScan Pairwise Epistasis
EpiSembleEnsemble Based Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Methylation States
episensrBasic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results
EpiSignalDetectionSignal Detection Analysis
EpiStatsTools for Epidemiologists
EpistemicGameTheoryConstructing an Epistemic Model for the Games with Two Players
epitabFlexible Contingency Tables for Epidemiology
EpiTestTest for Gene x Gene Interactions in Bi-Parental Populations
epitoolsEpidemiology Tools
epitrixSmall Helpers and Tricks for Epidemics Analysis
epitweetrEarly Detection of Public Health Threats from 'Twitter' Data
epiworldRFast Agent-Based Epi Models
epiworldRShinyA 'shiny' Wrapper of the R Package 'epiworldR'
epizooticSpatially Explicit Population Models of Disease Transmission in Wildlife
EPLSIMPartial Linear Single Index Models for Environmental Mixture Analysis
eplusrA Toolkit for Using Whole Building Simulation Program 'EnergyPlus'
eplyApply a Function Over Expressions
epmrobRobust Estimation of Probit Models with Endogeneity
epoEnhanced Portfolio Optimization (EPO)
epocakirClinical Coding of Patients with Kidney Disease
epongeKeep Your Environment Clean
eposEpilepsy Ontologies' Similarities
epoxyString Interpolation for Documents, Reports and Apps
eprEasy Polynomial Regression
epsiwalExact Post Selection Inference with Applications to the Lasso
EPTEnsemble Patch Transform, Visualization and Decomposition
epubrRead EPUB File Metadata and Text
epwshiftrCreate Future 'EnergyPlus' Weather Files using 'CMIP6' Data
EPXEnsemble of Phalanxes
epxToRImport 'Epidata' XML Files '.epx'
eq5dMethods for Analysing 'EQ-5D' Data and Calculating 'EQ-5D' Index Scores
eq5dsuiteManipulating and Analysing EQ-5d Data
EQLExtended-Quasi-Likelihood-Function (EQL)
equalCovsTesting the Equality of Two Covariance Matrices
Equalden.HDTesting the Equality of a High Dimensional Set of Densities
EQUALrepeatAlgorithm Driven Time Series Analysis for Researchers without Coding Skills
EQUALSTATSAlgorithm Driven Statistical Analysis for Researchers without Coding Skills
equaltestMIExamine Measurement Invariance via Equivalence Testing and Projection Method
equatagsEquations to 'XML'
equateObserved-Score Linking and Equating
equateIRTIRT Equating Methods
equateMultipleEquating of Multiple Forms
equatiomaticTransform Models into 'LaTeX' Equations
equiBSPDEquivalent Estimation Balanced Split Plot Designs
equil2Calculate Urinary Saturation with the EQUIL2 Algorithm
EquiSurvModeling, Confidence Intervals and Equivalence of Survival Curves
EquiTrendsEquivalence Testing for Pre-Trends in Difference-in-Differences Designs
equivalenceProvides Tests and Graphics for Assessing Tests of Equivalence
equivalenceTestEquivalence Test for the Means of Two Normal Distributions
EQUIVNONINFTesting for Equivalence and Noninferiority
equivUMPUniformly Most Powerful Invariant Tests of Equivalence
EREffect + Residual Modelling
eraYear-Based Time Scales
erahAutomated Spectral Deconvolution, Alignment, and Metabolite Identification in GC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics
eratosthenesArchaeological Synchronism
erboostNonparametric Multiple Expectile Regression via ER-Boost
ercvFitting Tails by the Empirical Residual Coefficient of Variation
ERDbuilderEntity Relationship Diagrams Builder
ererEmpirical Research in Economics with R
erfeFits Expectile Regression for Panel Fixed Effect Model
ergmFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks
ergm.countFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks with Count Edges
ergm.egoFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Random Graph Models to Egocentrically Sampled Network Data
ergm.multiFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Multiple or Multilayer Networks
ergm.rankFit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Rank-Order Relational Data
ergMarginsProcess Analysis for Exponential Random Graph Models
ergmgpTools for Modeling ERGM Generating Processes
ergmharrisLocal Health Department network data set
ergmitoExponential Random Graph Models for Small Networks
erifyCheck Arguments and Generate Readable Error Messages
eRmExtended Rasch Modeling
ernEffective Reproduction Number Estimation
ERPSignificance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data
erp.easyEvent-Related Potential (ERP) Data Exploration Made Easy
ERPeqProbabilistic Hazard Assessment
ERPMExponential Random Partition Models
erroristAutomatically Search Errors or Warnings
errorlocateLocate Errors with Validation Rules
errorsUncertainty Propagation for R Vectors
errumExploratory Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model Estimation
ERSAExploratory Regression 'Shiny' App
eRTG3DEmpirically Informed Random Trajectory Generation in 3-D
es.difCompute Effect Sizes of the Difference
esaddleExtended Empirical Saddlepoint Density Approximations
esapsIndicators of Electoral Systems and Party Systems
esbackExpected Shortfall Backtesting
escEffect Size Computation for Meta Analysis
escalationA Modular Approach to Dose-Finding Clinical Trials
esciEstimation Statistics with Confidence Intervals
EScvtmleExperiment-Selector CV-TMLE for Integration of Observational and RCT Data
esDesignAdaptive Enrichment Designs with Sample Size Re-Estimation
eSDMEnsemble Tool for Predictions from Species Distribution Models
eseisEnvironmental Seismology Toolbox
eselectAdaptive Clinical Trial Designs with Endpoint Selection and Sample Size Reassessment
esemExploratory Structural Equation Modeling ESEM
esemifarSmoothing Long-Memory Time Series
ESGA Package for Asset Projection
eshrinkShrinkage for Effect Estimation
eSIRExtended State-Space SIR Models
esmiscMisc Functions of Eduard Szöcs
esmprepData Preparation During and After the Use of the Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM)
esmtoolsPreprocessing Experience Sampling Method (ESM) Data
espadonEasy Study of Patient DICOM Data in Oncology
esquisseExplore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
esregJoint Quantile and Expected Shortfall Regression
essEfficient Stepwise Selection in Decomposable Models
essentialsEssential Functions not Included in Base R
essHistThe Essential Histogram
essurveyDownload Data from the European Social Survey on the Fly
estadisticaFundamentos De Estadistica Descriptiva e Inferencial
estatapiR Interface to e-Stat API
EstCRMCalibrating Parameters for the Samejima's Continuous IRT Model
ESTEREfficient Sequential Testing with Evidence Ratios
estimabilityTools for Assessing Estimability of Linear Predictions
EstimateGroupNetworkPerform the Joint Graphical Lasso and Selects Tuning Parameters
estimateWEstimation of Spatial Weight Matrices
EstimationToolsMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Probability Functions from Data Sets
estimatorsParameter Estimation
estimatrFast Estimators for Design-Based Inference
EstimDiagnosticsDiagnostic Tools and Unit Tests for Statistical Estimators
estimrawEstimation of Four-Fold Table Cell Frequencies (Raw Data) from Effect Size Measures
estmeansdEstimating the Sample Mean and Standard Deviation from Commonly Reported Quantiles in Meta-Analysis
EstMixTumor Clones Percentage Estimations
estprodEstimation of Production Functions
esvisVisualization and Estimation of Effect Sizes
et.nwfvaForest Yield Tables for Northwest Germany and their Application
etableEasy Table
ETASModeling Earthquake Data Using 'ETAS' Model
ETASbootstrapBootstrap Confidence Interval Estimation for 'ETAS' Model Parameters
etasFLPMixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processes for Earthquake Description
ETCEquivalence to Control
ethnobotanyRCalculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices
EthSEQEthnicity Annotation from Whole-Exome and Targeted Sequencing Data
etlExtract-Transform-Load Framework for Medium Data
ETLUtilsUtility Functions to Execute Standard Extract/Transform/Load Operations (using Package 'ff') on Large Data
etmEmpirical Transition Matrix
etrader'ETRADE' API Interface for R
etreeClassification and Regression with Structured and Mixed-Type Data
etrmEnergy Trading and Risk Management
etrunctComputes Moments of Univariate Truncated t Distribution
etwfeExtended Two-Way Fixed Effects
EuclideanSDAn Euclidean View of Center and Spread
EuclimatchEuclidean Climatch Algorithm
eudractCreates Safety Results Summary in XML to Upload to EudraCT, or ClinicalTrials.gov
eufmdis.adaptAnalyse 'EuFMDiS' Output Files via a Shiny App
EUfootballFootball Match Data of European Leagues
eulerianeulerian: A package to find eulerian paths from graphs
eulerrArea-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with Ellipses
eummdEfficient Univariate Maximum Mean Discrepancy
eunis.habitatsEUNIS Habitat Classification
EunomiaStandard Dataset Manager for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model Sample Datasets
eurlexRetrieve Data on European Union Law
eurocordexrMakes it Easier to Work with Daily 'netCDF' from EURO-CORDEX RCMs
eurodataFast and Easy Eurostat Data Import and Search
euroleaguer'Euroleague basketball API'
europeanaRInteract with Metadata Records and Media on the Europeana Repository
europepmcR Interface to the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web Service
europopHistorical Populations of European Cities, 1500-1800
EurosarcBayesBayesian Single Arm Sample Size Calculation Software
eurostatTools for Eurostat Open Data
evaExtreme Value Analysis with Goodness-of-Fit Testing
evabicEvaluation of Binary Classifiers
EvaclusterEvaluation Clustering Methods for Disease Subtypes Diagnosis
evalITREvaluating Individualized Treatment Rules
evalREvaluation of Unverified Code
evaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default
EvaluateCoreQuality Evaluation of Core Collections
EvaluationMeasuresCollection of Model Evaluation Measure Functions
EValueSensitivity Analyses for Unmeasured Confounding and Other Biases in Observational Studies and Meta-Analyses
evapoReEvapotranspiration R Recipes
EvapotranspirationModelling Actual, Potential and Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
EVchargcostComputes and Plot the Optimal Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles
evclassEvidential Distance-Based Classification
evclustEvidential Clustering
EvCombREvidence Combination in R
evdFunctions for Extreme Value Distributions
evdbayesBayesian Analysis in Extreme Value Theory
evenBreakA Posteriori Probs of Suits Breaking Evenly Across Four Hands
eventEvent History Procedures and Models
eventdataREvent Data Repository
EventDetectGUIGraphical User Interface for the 'EventDetectR' Package
EventDetectREvent Detection Framework
eventglmRegression Models for Event History Outcomes
eventIntervalSequential Event Interval Analysis
eventPredEvent Prediction
EventPredInCureEvent Prediction Including Cured Population
eventstreamStreaming Events and their Early Classification
eventstudyrEstimation and Visualization of Linear Panel Event Studies
eventTrackEvent Prediction for Time-to-Event Endpoints
EventWinRatiosEvent-Specific Win Ratios for Terminal and Non-Terminal Events
evgamGeneralised Additive Extreme Value Models
EVIEpidemic Volatility Index as an Early-Warning Tool
evianEvidential Analysis of Genetic Association Data
evidenceAnalysis of Scientific Evidence Using Bayesian and Likelihood Methods
evidenceFactorsReporting Tools for Sensitivity Analysis of Evidence Factors in Observational Studies
EvidenceSynthesisSynthesizing Causal Evidence in a Distributed Research Network
evidentEvidence Factors in Observational Studies
EviewsRA Seamless Integration of 'EViews' and R
evilDiceTest Dice Sets for Intransitive Properties
evinfInference with Extreme Value Inflated Count Data
evirExtreme Values in R
evitaicossaAntiassociative Algebra
evmixExtreme Value Mixture Modelling, Threshold Estimation and Boundary Corrected Kernel Density Estimation
evobiRComparative and Population Genetic Analyses
evolaEvolutionary Algorithm
evolMapDynamic and Interactive Maps
evolqgEvolutionary Quantitative Genetics
EvolutionaryGamesImportant Concepts of Evolutionary Game Theory
evolvabilityCalculation of Evolvability Parameters
EvomorphEvolutionary Morphometric Simulation
evoperEvolutionary Parameter Estimation for 'Repast Simphony' Models
EvoPhyloPre- And Postprocessing of Morphological Data from Relaxed Clock Bayesian Phylogenetics
evoTSAnalyses of Evolutionary Time-Series
evprofElectric Vehicle Charging Sessions Profiling and Modelling
evregEvidential Regression
evsimElectric Vehicle Charging Sessions Simulation
evt0Mean of Order P, Peaks over Random Threshold Hill and High Quantile Estimates
evtclassExtreme Value Theory for Open Set Classification - GPD and GEV Classifiers
evtreeEvolutionary Learning of Globally Optimal Trees
EWGoFGoodness-of-Fit Tests for the Exponential and Two-Parameter Weibull Distributions
ewocEscalation with Overdose Control
EWOC.CombEscalation with Overdose Control using 2 Drug Combinations
ewpAn Empirical Model for Underdispersed Count Data
EwREconometrics with R
EWSEarly Warning System
EWSmethodsForecasting Tipping Points at the Community Level
ExactUnconditional Exact Test
exact.nExact Samples Sizes and Inference for Clinical Trials with Binary Endpoint
exact2x2Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 Tables
exactamenteExplore the Exact Bootstrap Method
exactciExact P-Values and Matching Confidence Intervals for Simple Discrete Parametric Cases
ExactCIdiffInductive Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Proportions
ExactCIoneAdmissible Exact Intervals for One-Dimensional Discrete Distributions
ExactCoxExact Test and Exact Confidence Interval for the Cox Model
exactextractrFast Extraction from Raster Datasets using Polygons
exactLTREAn Exact Method for Life Table Response Experiment (LTRE) Analysis
ExactMedExact Mediation Analysis for Binary Outcomes
ExactMultinomMultinomial Goodness-of-Fit Tests
exactRankTestsExact Distributions for Rank and Permutation Tests
ExamPADataData Sets for Predictive Analytics Exam
exampletestrHelp for Writing Unit Tests Based on Function Examples
examsAutomatic Generation of Exams in R
exams.forgeSupport for Compiling Examination Tasks using the 'exams' Package
exams.mylearnQuestion Generation in the 'MyLearn' XML Format
exams2learnrInterface for 'exams' Exercises in 'learnr' Tutorials
exams2sakaiAutomatic Generation of Exams in R for 'Sakai'
ExceedanceToolsConfidence/Credible Regions for Exceedance Sets and Contour Lines
exceedProbConfidence Intervals for Exceedance Probability
excel.linkConvenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel
excel2eprimeSplit Sentences by Factors
exceldataStreamline Data Import, Cleaning and Recoding from 'Excel'
ExcelFunctionsRImports Excel Functions to R
excelRA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'jExcel'
ExcessMassExcess Mass Calculation and Plots
excessmortExcess Mortality
excluderChecks for Exclusion Criteria in Online Data
ExclusionTableCreating Tables of Excluded Observations
exConInteractive Exploration of Contour Data
excursionsExcursion Sets and Contour Credibility Regions for Random Fields
exdexEstimation of the Extremal Index
exdqlmExtended Dynamic Quantile Linear Models
executablePackeRMake 'shiny' App to Executable Program
ExGaussEstimQuantile Maximization Likelihood Estimation and Bayesian Ex-Gaussian Estimation
ExhaustiveSearchA Fast and Scalable Exhaustive Feature Selection Framework
exifRead EXIF Metadata from JPEGs
exifrEXIF Image Data in R
exiftoolrExifTool Functionality from R
ExNRuleEnsembleA k Nearest Neibour Ensemble Based on Extended Neighbourhood Rule
ExpAnalysis3dPacote Para Analise De Experimentos Com Graficos De Superficie Resposta
ExPanDaRExplore Your Data Interactively
expandFunctionsFeature Matrix Builder
EXPARFitting of Exponential Autoregressive (EXPAR) Model
EXPARMAFitting of Exponential Autoregressive Moving Average (EXPARMA) Model
expDBDatabase for Experiment Dataset
ExpDEModular Differential Evolution for Experimenting with Operators
ExpDesExperimental Designs Package
ExpDes.ptPacote Experimental Designs (Portugues)
expectregExpectile and Quantile Regression
experDesignDesign Experiments for Batches
experiencesExperience Research
experimentR Package for Designing and Analyzing Randomized Experiments
experimentrDatasets Used in Social Science Experiments: A Hands-on Introduction
ExpertChoiceDesign of Discrete Choice and Conjoint Analysis
ExpGeneticNon-Additive Expression Analysis of Hybrid Offspring
ExpImageAnalysis of Images in Experiments
expintExponential Integral and Incomplete Gamma Function
expirestExpiry Estimation Procedures
explainerMachine Learning Model Explainer
ExplainPredictionExplanation of Predictions for Classification and Regression Models
ExplodeLayoutCalculate Exploded Coordinates Based on Original Node Coordinates and Node Clustering Membership
explorInteractive Interfaces for Results Exploration
exploratoryA Tool for Large-Scale Exploratory Analyses
exploreSimplifies Exploratory Data Analysis
exploreRTools for Quickly Exploring Data
expmMatrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'
exportStreamlined Export of Graphs and Data Tables
ExPositionExploratory Analysis with the Singular Value Decomposition
ExposRModels Topographic Exposure to Hurricane Winds
expowoData Mining of Plant Diversity and Distribution
exppermComputing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for Permutations
ExpRepExperiment Repetitions
expSBMAn Exponential Stochastic Block Model for Interaction Lengths
expsmoothData Sets from "Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing"
expssTables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and 'SPSS' Statistics
expstudyTools for Actuarial Experience Studies
exreportFast, Reliable and Elegant Reproducible Research
EXRQExtreme Regression of Quantiles
extBatchMarkingExtended Batch Marking Models
ExtDistExtending the Range of Functions for Probability Distributions
extendedFamilyAdditional Families for Generalized Linear Models
exteriorMatchConstructs the Exterior Match from Two Matched Control Groups
extlassoMaximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation with Extended Lasso Penalty
ExtMallowsAn Extended Mallows Model and Its Hierarchical Version for Ranked Data Aggregation
ExtractTrainDataExtract Values from Raster
extraDistrAdditional Univariate and Multivariate Distributions
extrafontTools for Using Fonts
extrafontdbPackage for holding the database for the extrafont package
extrafrailEstimation and Additional Tools for Alternative Shared Frailty Models
extraoperatorsExtra Binary Relational and Logical Operators
extrasHelper Functions for Bayesian Analyses
extrastepsMore Miscellaneous Steps for the 'recipes' Package
extraterrestrialAstrobiology Equations Estimating Extraterrestrial Life
extRatumSummary Statistics for Geospatial Features
extRCExtended RC Models for Contingency Tables
ExtremalDepExtremal Dependence Models
ExtremeBoundsExtreme Bounds Analysis (EBA)
extremefitEstimation of Extreme Conditional Quantiles and Probabilities
extremeIndexForecast Verification for Extreme Events
extrememixBayesian Estimation of Extreme Value Mixture Models
ExtremeRisksExtreme Risk Measures
extRemesExtreme Value Analysis
extremeStatExtreme Value Statistics and Quantile Estimation
extremevaluesUnivariate Outlier Detection
extremisStatistics of Extremes
extremogramEstimation of Extreme Value Dependence for Time Series Data
ExtrPattSpatial Dependencies and Indices for Extremes
exuberEconometric Analysis of Explosive Time Series
exvatoolsValue Added in Exports and Other Input-Output Table Analysis Tools
eyeAnalysis of Eye Data
eyedataOpen Source Ophthalmic Data Sets Curated for R
eyelinkerImport ASC Files from EyeLink Eye Trackers
eyelinkReaderImport Gaze Data for EyeLink Eye Tracker
eyeReadPrepare/Analyse Eye Tracking Data for Reading
eyetrackingREye-Tracking Data Analysis
eyeTrackROrganising and Analysing Eye-Tracking Data
ezEasy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experiments
ez.combatEasy ComBat Harmonization
ezcoxEasily Process a Batch of Cox Models
ezCutoffsFit Measure Cutoffs in SEM
ezecEasy Interface to Effective Concentration Calculations
ezECMEvent Categorization Matrix Classification for Nuclear Detonations
ezEDATask Oriented Interface for Exploratory Data Analysis
EzGPEasy-to-Interpret Gaussian Process Models for Computer Experiments
ezknitrAvoid the Typical Working Directory Pain When Using 'knitr'
ezmmekEasy Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics
ezplotFunctions for Common Chart Types
ezrEasy Use of R via Shiny App for Basic Analyses of Experimental Data
EZtuneTunes AdaBoost, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, and Gradient Boosting Machines
f1dataRAccess Formula 1 Data
FaaSrFaaS (Function as a Service) Package
fabCIFAB Confidence Intervals
FABInferenceFAB p-Values and Confidence Intervals
fabisearchChange Point Detection in High-Dimensional Time Series Networks
fableForecasting Models for Tidy Time Series
fable.ata'ATAforecasting' Modelling Interface for 'fable' Framework
fable.prophetProphet Modelling Interface for 'fable'
fableCountINGARCH and GLARMA Models for Count Time Series in Fable Framework
fabletoolsCore Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework
fabMixOverfitting Bayesian Mixtures of Factor Analyzers with Parsimonious Covariance and Unknown Number of Components
fabPredictionCompute FAB (Frequentist and Bayes) Conformal Prediction Intervals
fabRWrapper Functions Collection Used in Data Pipelines
fabricatrImagine Your Data Before You Collect It
fabricerinCreate Easily Canvas in 'shiny' and 'RMarkdown' Documents
faceFast Covariance Estimation for Sparse Functional Data
facebookadsRAccess to Facebook Ads via the 'Windsor.ai' API
facebookleadsRGet Facebook Leads Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
facebookorganicRGet Data from 'Facebook Organic' via the 'Windsor.ai' API
facerecAn Interface for Face Recognition
facmodCSCross-Section Factor Models
facmodTSTime Series Factor Models for Asset Returns
FACTFeature Attributions for ClusTering
factivInstrumental Variables Estimation for 2^k Factorial Experiments
FACTMLEMaximum Likelihood Factor Analysis
FactoClassCombination of Factorial Methods and Cluster Analysis
factoextraExtract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses
FactoInvestigateAutomatic Description of Factorial Analysis
FactoMineRMultivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
factoptdFactorial Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments
factor.switchingPost-Processing MCMC Outputs of Bayesian Factor Analytic Models
factor256Use Raw Vectors to Minimize Memory Consumption of Factors
FactorAssumptionsSet of Assumptions for Factor and Principal Component Analysis
FactorCopulaFactor, Bi-Factor, Second-Order and Factor Tree Copula Models
factorial2x2Design and Analysis of a 2x2 Factorial Trial
factormodelFactor Model Estimation Using Proxy Variables
factorplotPresenting Pairwise Comparisons
factorstochvolBayesian Estimation of (Sparse) Latent Factor Stochastic Volatility Models
factoryBuild Function Factories
FactoshinyPerform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a Shiny Application
factRegMulti-Environment Genomic Prediction with Penalized Factorial Regression
factset.analyticsapi.engines'FactSet' Engines API Client
factset.protobuf.stach.v2'FactSet' 'STACH V2' Library
factset.protobuf.stachextensions'FactSet' 'STACH' Extensions Package
fadFactor Analysis for Data
FADAVariable Selection for Supervised Classification in High Dimension
FAdistDistributions that are Sometimes Used in Hydrology
FADPclustFunctional Data Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
faersquarterlydataFDA Adverse Event Reporting System Quarterly Data Extracting Tool
FAfAFactor Analysis for All
FahrmeirData from the Book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models", First Edition, by Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz
failFile Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL)
fairadaptFair Data Adaptation with Quantile Preservation
FAIRmaterialsOntology Tools with Data FAIRification in Development
FairMclusClustering for Data with Sensitive Attribute
fairmlFair Models in Machine Learning
fairmodelsFlexible Tool for Bias Detection, Visualization, and Mitigation
fairnessAlgorithmic Fairness Metrics
fairsubsetChoose Representative Subsets
fakeFlexible Data Simulation Using the Multivariate Normal Distribution
fakemakeMock the Unix Make Utility
fakirGenerate Fake Datasets for Prototyping and Teaching
fakmctFuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory K-Means Clustering Technique
falconFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-Generation Sequencing Data
falconxFinding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome Sequencing Data
fam.recriskFamilial Recurrence Risk
FAMetAFatty Acid Metabolic Analysis
FamEventFamily Age-at-Onset Data Simulation and Penetrance Estimation
familialStatistical Tests of Familial Hypotheses
familiarEnd-to-End Automated Machine Learning and Model Evaluation
FamiliasProbabilities for Pedigrees Given DNA Data
FamiliesKinship Ties in (Virtual) Multi-Generation Populations
FamilyRankAlgorithm for Ranking Predictors Using Graphical Domain Knowledge
FAmleMaximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Univariate Probability Distributions
FAMoSA Flexible Algorithm for Model Selection
famSKATRCFamily Sequence Kernel Association Test for Rare and Common Variants
FAMTFactor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : Simultaneous Tests under Dependence in High-Dimensional Data
fancPenalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex Penalty
fANCOVANonparametric Analysis of Covariance
fancycutA Fancy Version of 'base::cut'
fangsFeature Allocation Neighborhood Greedy Search Algorithm
fanovaGraphBuilding Kriging Models from FANOVA Graphs
fanplotVisualisation of Sequential Probability Distributions Using Fan Charts
fansiANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions
fanyiTranslate Words or Sentences via Online Translators
FAO56Evapotranspiration Based on FAO Penman-Monteith Equation
FAOSTATDownload Data from the FAOSTAT Database
faoutlierInfluential Case Detection Methods for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models
faqCreate FAQ Page
farModelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes
farawayFunctions and Datasets for Books by Julian Faraway
FARDEEPFast and Robust Deconvolution of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte from Expression Profiles using Least Trimmed Squares
farffA Faster 'ARFF' File Reader and Writer
FarmSelectFactor Adjusted Robust Model Selection
FarmTestFactor-Adjusted Robust Multiple Testing
farrData and Code for Financial Accounting Research
farrellInteractive Interface to Data Envelopment Analysis Modeling
farverHigh Performance Colour Space Manipulation
FASFactor-Augmented Sparse Regression Tuning-Free Testing
fasano.franceschini.testFasano-Franceschini Test: A Multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample Test
faseFunctional Adjacency Spectral Embedding
FASegJoint Segmentation of Correlated Time Series
fasjemA Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models
fAssetsRmetrics - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets
fasstrAnalyze, Summarize, and Visualize Daily Streamflow Data
FAST.RAnalyze and Visualize FAST-Generated Data
fastaFast Adaptive Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm
fastadiSelf-Tuning Data Adaptive Matrix Imputation
fastAFTFast Regression for the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Model
fastaiInterface to 'fastai'
fastbackwardFast Backward Elimination Based on Information Criterion
FastBandCholFast Estimation of a Covariance Matrix by Banding the Cholesky Factor
fastbetaFast Approximation of Time-Varying Infectious Disease Transmission Rates
fastclusterFast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and 'Python'
fastcmhSignificant Interval Discovery with Categorical Covariates
fastcmprskFine-Gray Regression via Forward-Backward Scan
fastcoxLasso and Elastic-Net Penalized Cox's Regression in High Dimensions Models using the Cocktail Algorithm
fastcpdFast Change Point Detection via Sequential Gradient Descent
FastCUBFast Estimation of CUB Models via Louis' Identity
fastdigestFast, Low Memory Footprint Digests of R Objects
fastDummiesFast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables
fasterElasticNetAn Amazing Fast Way to Fit Elastic Net
fasterizeFast Polygon to Raster Conversion
fastFMMFast Functional Mixed Models using Fast Univariate Inference
FastGaSPFast and Exact Computation of Gaussian Stochastic Process
fastGHQuadFast 'Rcpp' Implementation of Gauss-Hermite Quadrature
fastGLCM'GLCM' Texture Features
fastglmFast and Stable Fitting of Generalized Linear Models using 'RcppEigen'
fastglmpcaFast Algorithms for Generalized Principal Component Analysis
FastGPEfficiently Using Gaussian Processes with Rcpp and RcppEigen
fastGraphFast Drawing and Shading of Graphs of Statistical Distributions
fastICAFastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit
FastImputationLearn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing Data
FastJMSemi-Parametric Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
fastJTEfficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics
FastKMA Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank Approximation
fastkmedoidsFaster K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms: FastPAM, FastCLARA, FastCLARANS
FastKNNFast k-Nearest Neighbors
fastkqrA Fast Algorithm for Kernel Quantile Regression
fastLinkFast Probabilistic Record Linkage with Missing Data
fastliuFast Functions for Liu Regression with Regularization Parameter and Statistics
fastLogisticRegressionWrapFast Logistic Regression Wrapper
fastlogitMEBasic Marginal Effects for Logit Models
fastMFast Computation of Multivariate M-Estimators
fastmapFast Data Structures
fastmatchFast 'match()' Function
fastmatrixFast Computation of some Matrices Useful in Statistics
fastmitFast Mutual Information Based Independence Test
fastNaiveBayesExtremely Fast Implementation of a Naive Bayes Classifier
fastnetLarge-Scale Social Network Analysis
fastOnlineCptOnline Multivariate Changepoint Detection
FastPCSFastPCS Robust Fit of Multivariate Location and Scatter
fastplyrFast Alternatives to 'tidyverse' Functions
fastpngRead and Write PNG Files with Configurable Decoder/Encoder Options
fastposFinds the Critical Sequential Point of Stability for a Pearson Correlation
fastqcrQuality Control of Sequencing Data
fastqqFaster Generation of Quantile Quantile Plots with Large Samples
fastR2Foundations and Applications of Statistics Using R (2nd Edition)
FastRCSFits the FastRCS Robust Multivariable Linear Regression Model
fastrepTime-Saving Package for Creating Reports
fastRGSample Generalized Random Dot Product Graphs in Linear Time
fastRhockeyFunctions to Access Premier Hockey Federation and National Hockey League Play by Play Data
fastrmodelsModels for the 'nflfastR' Package
FastRWebFast Interactive Framework for Web Scripting Using R
FastSFFast Structural Filtering
fastshapFast Approximate Shapley Values
fastSOMFast Calculation of Spillover Measures
FastStepGraphA Fast Algorithm for Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation
fastTextEfficient Learning of Word Representations and Sentence Classification
fastTextRAn Interface to the 'fastText' Library
fasttimeFast Utility Function for Time Parsing and Conversion
fastTopicsFast Algorithms for Fitting Topic Models and Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations to Count Data
fastTSFast Time Series Modeling for Seasonal Series with Exogenous Variables
FastUtilsFast, Readable Utility Functions
fastverseA Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and Data Manipulation
fastWaveletsCompute Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and À Trous Discrete Wavelet Transform
fat2LpolyTwo-Locus Family-Based Association Test with Polytomous Outcome
FateIDQuantification of Fate Bias in Multipotent Progenitors
FatTailsRKiener Distributions and Fat Tails in Finance
FaultTreeFault Trees for Risk and Reliability Analysis
fauxSimulation for Factorial Designs
fauxnaifConvert Values to NA
fauxpasHTTP Error Helpers
FAVARBayesian Analysis of a FAVAR Model
faviconPleaseFind the URL to the 'Favicon' for a Website
favnumsA Dataset of Favourite Numbers
FAwRFunctions and Datasets for "Forest Analytics with R"
fbarAn Extensible Approach to Flux Balance Analysis
fBasicsRmetrics - Markets and Basic Statistics
fbatiGene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests for Nuclear Families
FBCRMPhase I Optimal Dose Assignment using the FBCRM and MFBCRM Methods
FBFsearchAlgorithm for Searching the Space of Gaussian Directed Acyclic Graph Models Through Moment Fractional Bayes Factors
fbglmFractional Binomial Regression Model
FBMSFlexible Bayesian Model Selection and Model Averaging
FBNFISH Based Normalization and Copy Number Inference of SNP Microarray Data
fbnetForensic Bayesian Networks
fBondsRmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating Bonds
fbRadsAnalyzing and Managing Facebook Ads from R
fbrocFast Algorithms to Bootstrap Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves
fbstThe Full Bayesian Evidence Test, Full Bayesian Significance Test and the e-Value
fcStandard Evaluation-Based Multivariate Function Composition
fcaFloating Catchment Area (FCA) Methods to Calculate Spatial Accessibility
fcaRFormal Concept Analysis
fcciFeldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals
fcfdrFlexible cFDR
fcirtForced Choice in Item Response Theory
fclA Financial Calculator
fclustFuzzy Clustering
fcmInference of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs)
FCMapperFuzzy Cognitive Mapping
FCOFlexible Cutoffs for Model Fit Evaluation in Covariance-Based Structural Models
fCopulaeRmetrics - Bivariate Dependence Structures with Copulae
fcpFunction Composition
FCPSFundamental Clustering Problems Suite
fcrFunctional Concurrent Regression for Sparse Data
fcrosA Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and to Detect Recurrent Chromosomal Copy Number Aberrations
fctbasesFunctional Bases
fctutilsAdvanced Factor Manipulation Utilities
fcukThe Ultimate Helper for Clumsy Fingers
FCVAREstimation and Inference for the Fractionally Cointegrated VAR
FDMeasuring Functional Diversity (FD) from Multiple Traits, and Other Tools for Functional Ecology
fdaFunctional Data Analysis
fda.uscFunctional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical Computing
fdaACFAutocorrelation Function for Functional Time Series
fdaclusterJoint Clustering and Alignment of Functional Data
fdaconcurConcurrent Regression and History Index Models for Functional Data
fdadensityFunctional Data Analysis for Density Functions by Transformation to a Hilbert Space
fdaMixedFunctional Data Analysis in a Mixed Model Framework
fdaMoccaModel-Based Clustering for Functional Data with Covariates
fdANOVAAnalysis of Variance for Univariate and Multivariate Functional Data
fdaoutlierOutlier Detection Tools for Functional Data Analysis
fdapaceFunctional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics
fdapaceShinyA Shiny App for the 'fdapace' Package
fdaPDEPhysics-Informed Spatial and Functional Data Analysis
fdaPOIFDPartially Observed Integrated Functional Depth
fdarepTwo-Dimensional FPCA, Marginal FPCA, and Product FPCA for Repeated Functional Data
fdaSPSparse Functional Data Analysis Methods
fdasrvfElastic Functional Data Analysis
fdatestInterval Testing Procedure for Functional Data
FDboostBoosting Functional Regression Models
fddmFast Implementation of the Diffusion Decision Model
fdesignsOptimal Experimental Designs for Functional/Dynamic Models
fdicdataAccessing FDIC Bank Data
fdm2idData Mining and R Programming for Beginners
fDMADynamic Model Averaging and Dynamic Model Selection for Continuous Outcomes
fdqForest Data Quality
fdrciPermutation-Based FDR Point and Confidence Interval Estimation
fdrDiscreteNullFalse Discovery Rate Procedures Under Discrete and Heterogeneous Null Distributions
FDRestimationEstimate, Plot, and Summarize False Discovery Rates
FDRsamplesize2Computing Power and Sample Size for the False Discovery Rate in Multiple Applications
FDRsampsizeCompute Sample Size that Meets Requirements for Average Power and FDR
fdrtoolEstimation of (Local) False Discovery Rates and Higher Criticism
fdsFunctional Data Sets
fdthFrequency Distribution Tables, Histograms and Polygons
fdWassersteinApplication of Optimal Transport to Functional Data Analysis
FDXFalse Discovery Exceedance Controlling Multiple Testing Procedures
FEAFinite Element Modeling for R
FeaLectScores Features for Feature Selection
feastsFeature Extraction and Statistics for Time Series
featherR Bindings to the Feather 'API'
featureLocal Inferential Feature Significance for Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation
featureCorMatrixMeasurement Level Independent Feature Correlation Matrix
FeatureExtractionGenerating Features for a Cohort
featurefinderFeature Finder
featureflagTurn Features On and Off using Feature Flags
FeatureHashingCreates a Model Matrix via Feature Hashing with a Formula Interface
FeatureImpClusterFeature Importance for Partitional Clustering
featuresFeature Extraction for Discretely-Sampled Functional Data
FeatureTerminatoRFeature Selection Engine to Remove Features with Minimal Predictive Power
featurizerSome Helper Functions that Help Create Features from Data
fec16Data Package for the 2016 United States Federal Elections
fechnerFechnerian Scaling of Discrete Object Sets
fectFixed Effects Counterfactuals
federalregisterClient Package for the U.S. Federal Register API
FedIRTFederated Item Response Theory Models
fedmatchFast, Flexible, and User-Friendly Record Linkage Methods
fedregsText Analysis of the US Code of Federal Regulations
fedstatAPIrUnofficial API for Fedstat (Rosstat EMISS System) for Automatic and Efficient Data Queries
fedz1An Easier Access to Financial Accounts of the United States(Z.1)
FeedbackTSAnalysis of Feedback in Time Series
feisrEstimating Fixed Effects Individual Slope Models
felpFunctional Help for Functions, Objects, and Packages
feltrAccess the Felt API
fenceUsing Fence Methods for Model Selection
FENmlmFixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models
FEprovideRFixed Effects Logistic Model with High-Dimensional Parameters
FERFinancial Engineering in R
fergmEstimation and Fit Assessment of Frailty Exponential Random Graph Models
fermicatsRFermi Large Area Telescope Catalogs
ferrnFacilitate Exploration of touRR optimisatioN
FertBootFertilizer Response Curve Analysis by Bootstrapping Residuals
fertilmodelFertility Models
FertNetProcess Data from the Social Networks and Fertility Survey
FEStaFishing Effort Standardisation
fetchFetch Data from Various Data Sources
fetchGoogleAnalyticsRGet Data from Google Analytics via the 'Windsor.ai' API
fetchSalesforceRGet Data from Salesforce via the 'Windsor.ai' API
fExtremesRmetrics - Modelling Extreme Events in Finance
ffMemory-Efficient Storage of Large Data on Disk and Fast Access Functions
FFDFreedom from Disease
FFdownloadDownload Data from Kenneth French's Website
ffmanovaFifty-Fifty MANOVA
ffpFully Flexible Probabilities for Stress Testing and Portfolio Construction
ffscraprAPI Client for Fantasy Football League Platforms
FFTreesGenerate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision Trees
fftwFast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW Library
fftwtoolsWrapper for 'FFTW3' Includes: One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Multivariate Transforms
FGalgorithmFlury and Gautschi algorithms
fGarchRmetrics - Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Modelling
fgdrUtilities for Fundamental Geo-Spatial Data
fgeoAnalyze Forest Diversity and Dynamics
fgeo.analyzeAnalyze ForestGEO Data
fgeo.plotPlot ForestGEO Data
fgeo.toolImport and Manipulate 'ForestGEO' Data
fgeo.xAccess Small ForestGEO Datasets For Examples
fgitRUsing 'FastGit' to Accelerate the Access to 'GitHub'
FGLMtruncTruncated Functional Generalized Linear Models
fglsnetA Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimator for Regression Analysis of Outcomes with Network Dependence
fgmPartial Separability and Functional Gaussian Graphical Models
FgmutilsForest Growth Model Utilities
fguiFunction GUI
FHDIFractional Hot Deck and Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation
fhircrackrHandling HL7 FHIR® Resources in R
fHMMFitting Hidden Markov Models to Financial Data
FHtestTests for Right and Interval-Censored Survival Data Based on the Fleming-Harrington Class
FIProvide functions for forest inventory calculations
fiberLDFiber Length Determination
ficFocused Information Criteria for Model Comparison
fICAClassical, Reloaded and Adaptive FastICA Algorithms
fideliusBrowser-Side Password-Protected HTML Documents
fidoBayesian Multinomial Logistic Normal Regression
FielDHubA Shiny App for Design of Experiments in Life Sciences
fieldsTools for Spatial Data
FieldSimRSimulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding Field Trials
fieryA Lightweight and Flexible Web Framework
FIESTAForest Inventory Estimation and Analysis
FIESTAutilsUtility Functions for Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis
figA Config Package with No "Con"
figirCheck Validity of FIGI, CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL
figmaWeb Client/Wrapper to the 'Figma API'
figpatchEasily Arrange External Figures with Patchwork Alongside 'ggplot2' Figures
figuRes2Support for a Variety of Figure Production Tasks
file2mecoTransform Files to 'microtable' Object with 'microeco' Package
filearrayFile-Backed Array for Out-of-Memory Computation
filebinWrapper for the Filebin File Sharing API
filecacherFile Cacher
filehashSimple Key-Value Database
filehashSQLiteSimple Key-Value Database using SQLite
filelockPortable File Locking
filematrixFile-Backed Matrix Class with Convenient Read and Write Access
filenamerEasy Management of File Names
filesEffective File Navigation from the R Console
filesstringsHandy File and String Manipulation
FILESTFine-Level Structure Simulator
fillingMatrix Completion, Imputation, and Inpainting Methods
fillpatternPatterned Fills for 'ggplot2' and 'grid' Graphics
fillrFill Missing Values in Vectors
FilmsGmooGIMDb Film Ratings from the Summer of 2022
filterNHPNon-Human Primate Search Filters
filtersA "Snake_case" Filter System for R
fImportRmetrics - Importing Economic and Financial Data
finalfitQuickly Create Elegant Regression Results Tables and Plots when Modelling
finalsizeCalculate the Final Size of an Epidemic
FinAnaFinancial Analysis and Regression Diagnostic Analysis
FinancialInstrumentFinancial Instrument Model Infrastructure and Meta-Data
FinancialMathFinancial Mathematics for Actuaries
finbifInterface for the 'Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility' API
finbipartiteLearning Bipartite Graphs: Heavy Tails and Multiple Components
FinCalTime Value of Money, Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance
finchParse Darwin Core Files
FinCovRegularizationCovariance Matrix Estimation and Regularization for Finance
findGSEPEstimate Genome Size of Polyploid Species Using k-Mer Frequencies
findInFilesFind Pattern in Files
findInGitFind Pattern in Files of All Branches of a 'git' Repository
FindItFinding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
findPackageFind 'CRAN' Package by Topic
findpythonFunctions to Find an Acceptable Python Binary
findRFind Code Snippets, R Scripts, R Markdown, PDF and Text Files with Pattern Matching
findSVICalculate Social Vulnerability Index for Communities
findviewsA View Generator for Multidimensional Data
FinePopFine-Scale Population Analysis
FinePop2Fine-Scale Population Analysis (Rewrite for Gene-Trait-Environment Interaction Analysis)
finetuneAdditional Functions for Model Tuning
fingerprintFunctions to Operate on Binary Fingerprint Data
fingerProSediment Source Fingerprinting
fingraphLearning Graphs for Financial Markets
finiteruinprobComputation of the Probability of Ruin Within a Finite Time Horizon
finityTest for Finiteness of Moments in a Distribution
FinNetQuickly Build and Manipulate Financial Networks
finnishgrid'Fingrid Open Data API' R Client
finnsurveytextAnalyse Open-Ended Survey Responses in Finnish
finntsMicrosoft Finance Time Series Forecasting Framework
finreportrFinancial Data from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
FinTSCompanion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series
fioFriendly Input-Output Analysis
fipioLightweight Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code Information Retrieval
fippInduced Priors in Bayesian Mixture Models
FiREFinder of Rare Entities (FiRE)
firebaseIntegrates 'Google Firebase' Authentication Storage, and 'Analytics' with 'Shiny'
firebehavioRPrediction of Wildland Fire Behavior and Hazard
firstFactor Importance Ranking and Selection using Total Indices
FiShFisher-Shannon Method
fishbcFishes of British Columbia
fishdataA Small Collection of Fish Population Datasets
FisherEMThe FisherEM Algorithm to Simultaneously Cluster and Visualize High-Dimensional Data
fisheyeTransform Base Maps Using Log-Azimuthal Projection
fishkirkko2015Dataset of Measurements of Fish Species at Kirkkojarvi Lake, Finland
fishmethodsFishery Science Methods and Models
fishModFits Poisson-Sum-of-Gammas GLMs, Tweedie GLMs, and Delta Log-Normal Models
FishPhyloMakerPhylogenies for a List of Finned-Ray Fishes
FishProxCompAnalyzerProximate Composition Analysis of Fish and Feed Ingredients
FishRespAnalytical Tool for Aquatic Respirometry
fishRmanThe Fisheries Scientist's Toolbox
fishtreeInterface to the Fish Tree of Life API
fishualizeColor Palettes Based on Fish Species
FisProFuzzy Inference System Design and Optimization
FITTranscriptomic Dynamics Models in Field Conditions
fit.modelsCompare Fitted Models
fitbitrInterface with the 'Fitbit' API
fitbitScraperScrapes Data from Fitbit
fitbitViz'Fitbit' Visualizations
fitConicFit Data to Any Conic Section
fitdistrplusHelp to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data
FitDynMixEstimation of Dynamic Mixtures
fitHeavyTailMean and Covariance Matrix Estimation under Heavy Tails
fitlandrFit Vector Fields and Potential Landscapes from Intensive Longitudinal Data
fitmixFinite Mixture Model Fitting of Lifespan Datasets
fitODBODModeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABD
fitODBODRshiny'Shiny' Application for R Package 'fitODBOD'
fitodeTools for Ordinary Differential Equations Model Fitting
fitplcFit Hydraulic Vulnerability Curves
fitPolyGenotype Calling for Bi-Allelic Marker Assays
fitPSFit Zeta Distributions to Forensic Data
fitscapeClasses for Fitness Landscapes and Seascapes
FITSioFITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Utilities
fitteRFit Hundreds of Theoretical Distributions to Empirical Data
FitUltDFit Univariate Mixed and Usual Distributions
fiturFit Univariate Distributions
fitzRoyEasily Scrape and Process AFL Data
fivethirtyeightData and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight'
FixedPointAlgorithms for Finding Fixed Point Vectors of Functions
fixedpointpropertyDetermine and Test the Fixed-Point Property in Binary Mixture Data
fixedTimeEventsThe Distribution of Distances Between Discrete Events in Fixed Time
fixerapiAn R Client for the "Fixer.io" Currency API
fixestFast Fixed-Effects Estimations
fixrFixing Data Made Easy for Statistical Analysis
FixSeqMTPFixed Sequence Multiple Testing Procedures
fixtuResMock Data Generator
fizzbuzzRFizz Buzz Implementation
FjordLightAvailable Light Within the Water Column and on the Seafloor of Arctic Fjords
FKFFast Kalman Filter
FKF.SPFast Kalman Filtering Through Sequential Processing
FKSUMFast Kernel Sums
flaccoFeature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems
flagrImplementation of Flag Aggregation
flamFits Piecewise Constant Models with Data-Adaptive Knots
FLAMEInterpretable Matching for Causal Inference
flametreeGenerate Random Tree-Like Images
flamingosFunctional Latent Data Models for Clustering Heterogeneous Curves ('FLaMingos')
flanFLuctuation ANalysis on Mutation Models
flapForecast Linear Augmented Projection
flareFamily of Lasso Regression
flashCardCreate a Flash Card
flashClustImplementation of optimal hierarchical clustering
flashierEmpirical Bayes Matrix Factorization
flashlightShed Light on Black Box Machine Learning Models
flashrCreate Flashcards of Terms and Definitions
flatrTransforms Contingency Tables to Data Frames, and Analyses Them
flattablerObtaining a Flat Table from Pivot Tables
flatxmlTools for Working with XML Files as R Dataframes
fledgeSmoother Change Tracking and Versioning for R Packages
flevrFlexible, Ensemble-Based Variable Selection with Potentially Missing Data
flexclustFlexible Cluster Algorithms
flexCWMFlexible Cluster-Weighted Modeling
flexdashboardR Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards
FlexDirTools to Work with the Flexible Dirichlet Distribution
FlexGAMGeneralized Additive Models with Flexible Response Functions
flexiblas'FlexiBLAS' API Interface
flexlsxExporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' Files
flexmetFlexible Latent Trait Metrics using the Filtered Monotonic Polynomial Item Response Model
flexmixFlexible Mixture Modeling
flexmixNLFinite Mixture Modeling of Generalized Nonlinear Models
flexmsmA General Framework for Flexible Multi-State Survival Modelling
flexORFlexible Odds Ratio Curves
FlexParamCurveTools to Fit Flexible Parametric Curves
flexpolylineFlexible Polyline Encoding
FlexRegRegression Models for Bounded Continuous and Discrete Responses
flexrsurvFlexible Relative Survival Analysis
FlexScanFlexible Scan Statistics
flexsiteboardBreaks Single Page Applications from 'flexdashboard' in Multiple Files
flexsurvFlexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models
flexsurvcureFlexible Parametric Cure Models
flextableFunctions for Tabular Reporting
FlexVarJMEstimate Joint Models with Subject-Specific Variance
FlickrAPIAccess to Flickr API
flifoDon't Get Stuck with Stacks in R
flightplotPlotting Flight Paths on Maps
FLightRReconstruct Animal Paths from Solar Geolocation Loggers Data
flightsbrDownload Flight and Airport Data from Brazil
flimoFixed Landscape Inference Method
flintyRSimple and Flexible Tests of Sample Exchangeability
flipMultivariate Permutation Tests
flipbookrParses Code, Creates Partial Code Builds, Delivers Code Movie
flipdownrImplement a Countdown in 'RMarkdown' Documents and 'shiny' Applications
flipdownWidgetsA Wrapper of JavaScript Library 'flipdown.js'
flippantDithionite Scramblase Assay Analysis
fliprFlexible Inference via Permutations in R
flipscoresRobust Score Testing in GLMs, by Sign-Flip Contributions
FLLatFused Lasso Latent Feature Model
float32-Bit Floats
flobrConvert Files to and from Binary Objects (BLOBs)
flockProcess Synchronization Using File Locks
flockerFlexible Occupancy Estimation with Stan
floodStatistical Methods for the (Regional) Analysis of Flood Frequency
FloodFreqPlotFlood Probability Plotting and Graphical Frequency Analysis
FLOPARTFunctional Labeled Optimal Partitioning
floraTools for Interacting with the Brazilian Flora 2020
florabrExplore Flora e Funga do Brasil Database
FLORALFit Log-Ratio Lasso Regression for Compositional Data
flourishcharts'Flourish' for 'R' and 'Python'
flowView and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
flowchartTidy Flowchart Generator
FlowerMateReciprocity Indices for Style-Polymorphic Plants
flowmapblueFlow Map Rendering
flowmapperDraw Flows (Migration, Goods, Money, Information) on 'ggplot2' Plots
flowmlA Backend for a 'nextflow' Pipeline that Performs Machine-Learning-Based Modeling of Biomedical Data
flowrStreamlining Design and Deployment of Complex Workflows
FlowRegEnvCostThe Environmental Costs of Flow Regulation
FlowScreenDaily Streamflow Trend and Change Point Screening
flowTraceRTracing Information Flow for Inter-Software Comparisons in Mass Spectrometry-Based Bottom-Up Proteomics
flpsFully-Latent Principal Stratification
FLRFuzzy Logic Rule Classifier
flsaPath Algorithm for the General Fused Lasso Signal Approximator
FLSSSMining Rigs for Problems in the Subset Sum Family
FluidigmHandling Fluidigm Data
fluidsynthRead and Play Digital Music (MIDI)
FluMoDLInfluenza-Attributable Mortality with Distributed-Lag Models
fluoSurvEstimate Insect Survival from Fluorescence Data
fluxFlux Rate Calculation from Dynamic Closed Chamber Measurements
fluxfinderParsing, Computation, and Diagnostics for Greenhouse Gas Measurements
fluxibleEcosystem Gas Fluxes Calculations for Closed Loop Chamber Setup
fluxwebEstimate Energy Fluxes in Food Webs
flyingSimulation of Bird Flight Range
FlyingRSimulation of Bird Flight Range
fmaData Sets from "Forecasting: Methods and Applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (1998)
FMAdistFrequentist Model Averaging Distribution
FMATThe Fill-Mask Association Test
FMCFactorial Experiments with Minimum Level Changes
FMCCSDEfficient Estimation of Clustered Current Status Data
fmcmcA friendly MCMC framework
fmdu(Restricted) [external] Multidimensional Unfolding
FMEA Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity, Identifiability and Monte Carlo Analysis
fmeffectsModel-Agnostic Interpretations with Forward Marginal Effects
fmerPackTools of Heterogeneity Pursuit via Finite Mixture Effects Model
fmesherTriangle Meshes and Related Geometry Tools
fmfFast Class Noise Detector with Multi-Factor-Based Learning
FMMRhythmic Patterns Modeling by FMM Models
FMPFiltered Monotonic Polynomial IRT Models
fmpcloudrR Access to the 'FMP Cloud' and 'Financial Modeling Prep' API
FMradioFactor Modeling for Radiomics Data
fmriAnalysis of fMRI Experiments
fmriqaFunctional MRI Quality Assurance Routines
fMRIscrubScrubbing and Other Data Cleaning Routines for fMRI
fMRItoolsRoutines for Common fMRI Processing Tasks
fmsbFunctions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data
FMsmsnRegRegression Models with Finite Mixtures of Skew Heavy-Tailed Errors
FMStableFinite Moment Stable Distributions
fmtVariance Estimation of FMT Method (Fully Moderated T-Statistic)
fmtrEasily Apply Formats to Data
fMultivarRmetrics - Modeling of Multivariate Financial Return Distributions
fmxFinite Mixture Parametrization
fnetsFactor-Adjusted Network Estimation and Forecasting for High-Dimensional Time Series
FNNFast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications
fNonlinearRmetrics - Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling
FnRInbreeding and Numerator Relationship Coefficients
fntlNumerical Tools for 'Rcpp' and Lambda Functions
FOCIFeature Ordering by Conditional Independence
focusedMDSFocused, Interactive Multidimensional Scaling
foghornSummarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal
foldaForward Stepwise Discriminant Analysis with Pillai's Trace
foldersStandardized Folder Names
folioDatasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontology
fomantic.plusAdd Extra 'Fomantic UI' Components to 'shiny.semantic'
fontawesomeEasily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
fontBitstreamVeraFonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' License
fontcmComputer Modern font for use with extrafont package
fontLiberationLiberation Fonts
fontquiverSet of Installed Fonts
foodingraphFood Network Inference and Visualization
foodquotientFood Quotient and Nutrient Analysis for HSFFQ
foodwebWrapperEnhanced Wrapper to Show Which Functions Call What
footballpenaltiesBLPenalties in the German Men's Football Bundesliga
footBayesFitting Bayesian and MLE Football Models
footprintCalculate Air Travel Emissions
foqatField Observation Quick Analysis Toolkit
ForagingOrgOrganization Measures for Visual Foraging
foramsForaminifera and Community Ecology Analyses
forcatsTools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)
forceplateProcessing Force-Plate Data
forceRForce Measurement Analyses
foreachProvides Foreach Looping Construct
ForeCAForecastable Component Analysis
forecastForecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models
ForecastCombForecast Combination Methods
ForecastCombinationsForecast Combinations
forecasteRTime Series Forecast System
forecastHybridConvenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series Forecasts
forecastLSWForecasting Routines for Locally Stationary Wavelet Processes
forecastMLTime Series Forecasting with Machine Learning Methods
forecastSNSTSForecasting for Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series
ForecastTBTest Bench for the Comparison of Forecast Methods
FoRecoForecast Reconciliation
ForeCompSize-Power Tradeoff Visualization for Equal Predictive Ability of Two Forecasts
forecThetaForecasting Time Series by Theta Models
foreignRead Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata', 'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ...
forensicolorsForensic Colors
forensITInformation Theory Tools for Forensic Analysis
foreSIGHTSystems Insights from Generation of Hydroclimatic Timeseries
forestatForest Carbon Sequestration and Potential Productivity Calculation
forestControlApproximate False Positive Rate Control in Selection Frequency for Random Forest
forestdataDownload Forestry Data
ForestDiscForest Discretization
forestecologyFitting and Assessing Neighborhood Models of the Effect of Interspecific Competition on the Growth of Trees
forestedForest Attributes in Washington State
forestErrorA Unified Framework for Random Forest Prediction Error Estimation
ForestFitStatistical Modelling for Plant Size Distributions
ForestGapRTropical Forest Canopy Gaps Analysis
forestHESForest Health Evaluation System at the Forest Stand Level
forestinventoryDesign-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories
forestlyInteractive Forest Plot
forestmangrForest Mensuration and Management
forestmodelForest Plots from Regression Models
forestplotAdvanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' Graphics
forestploterCreate a Flexible Forest Plot
forestrEcosystem and Canopy Structural Complexity Metrics from LiDAR
forestRKImplements the Forest-R.K. Algorithm for Classification Problems
forestryReshape Data Tree
ForestToolsTools for Analyzing Remote Sensing Forest Data
foretellProjecting Customer Retention Based on Fader and Hardie Probability Models
forgeCasting Values into Shape
forImageForaminiferal Image Analysis and Test Measurement
ForITFunctions to Estimate Tree Volume and Phytomass in the Italian Forest Inventory 2005
formatBibtexFormat BibTeX Entries and Files
formatdownFormatting Numbers in 'rmarkdown' Documents
formatRFormat R Code Automatically
formattableCreate 'Formattable' Data Structures
formattersASCII Formatting for Values and Tables
formods'Shiny' Modules for General Tasks
FormShareA Simple Connection Between the 'FormShare App' and 'R' for Advanced Analytics
FormulaExtended Model Formulas
formula.toolsProgrammatic Utilities for Manipulating Formulas, Expressions, Calls, Assignments and Other R Objects
formulaicDynamic Generation and Quality Checks of Formula Objects
formulopsMathematical Operations on R Formula
FormulRComprehensive Tools for Drug Formulation Analysis and Visualization
forploFlexible Forest Plots
forrelForensic Pedigree Analysis and Relatedness Inference
forsearchDiagnostic Analysis Using Forward Search Procedure for Various Models
forstringrString Manipulation Package for Those Familiar with 'Microsoft Excel'
FORTLSAutomatic Processing of Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Cloud Data for Forestry Purposes
fortunesR Fortunes
forwardRobust Analysis using Forward Search
forwardsData from Surveys Conducted by Forwards
fossilPalaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis Tools
fossilbrushAutomated Cleaning of Fossil Occurrence Data
FossilSimSimulation and Plots for Fossil and Taxonomy Data
FossilSimShinyShiny Application for 'FossilSim'
fotoFourier Transform Textural Ordination
foundry'Palantir Foundry' Software Development Kit
FourgametePFourGamete Test
fourierinComputes Numeric Fourier Integrals
fourPNOBayesian 4 Parameter Item Response Model
FourScoresA Game for Human vs. Human or Human vs. AI
FourWayHMMParsimonious Hidden Markov Models for Four-Way Data
fpaSpatio-Temporal Fixation Pattern Analysis
fPASSPower and Sample Size for Projection Test under Repeated Measures
fpcFlexible Procedures for Clustering
FPCA3DThree Dimensional Functional Component Analysis
fpcbPredictive Confidence Bands for Functional Time Series Forecasting
FPCdpcaThe FPCdpca Criterion on Distributed Principal Component Analysis
fpCompareReliable Comparison of Floating Point Numbers
FPDclusteringPD-Clustering and Related Methods
fpeekCheck Text Files Content at a Glance
fpestEstimating Finite Population Total
FPLdataRead in Fantasy Premier League Data
fplotAutomatic Distribution Graphs Using Formulas
fplyrApply Functions to Blocks of Files
fpopSegmentation using Optimal Partitioning and Function Pruning
fpopwWeighted Segmentation using Functional Pruning and Optimal Partioning
fPortfolioRmetrics - Portfolio Selection and Optimization
fpowComputing the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F distribution
fppData for "Forecasting: principles and practice"
fpp2Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (2nd Edition)
fpp3Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (3rd Edition)
fptdApproxApproximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for Diffusion Processes
FPVTesting Hypotheses via Fuzzy P-Value in Fuzzy Environment
fqacalcCalculate Floristic Quality Assessment Metrics
fqadataContains Regional Floristic Quality Assessment Databases
fqarFloristic Quality Assessment Tools for R
frFrictionless Standards
frabHow to Add Two R Tables
fracdiffFractionally Differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(P,d,q) Models
fracdistNumerical CDFs for Fractional Unit Root and Cointegration Tests
FracKrigingRSpatial Multivariate Data Modeling
fracprolifFraction Proliferation via a Quiescent Growth Model
fractaldimEstimation of Fractal Dimensions
FractalParameterEstimationSimulation and Parameter Estimation of Randomized Sierpinski Carpets using the p-p-p-q-Model
fractDEstimation of Fractal Dimension of a Black Area in 2D and 3D (Slices) Images
FRACTIONNumeric Number into Fraction
fractionalVulgar Fractions in R
fractureConvert Decimals to Fractions
fragilityAssessing and Visualizing Fragility of Clinical Results with Binary Outcomes
FragmanFragment Analysis in R
frailtyEMFitting Frailty Models with the EM Algorithm
frailtyHLFrailty Models via Hierarchical Likelihood
frailtyMMpenEfficient Algorithm for High-Dimensional Frailty Model
frailtypackShared, Joint (Generalized) Frailty Models; Surrogate Endpoints
frailtySurvGeneral Semiparametric Shared Frailty Model
frairTools for Functional Response Analysis
framecleanerClean Data Frames
Frames2Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys
francDetect the Language of Text
FRAPOFinancial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimisation with R
frapplotAutomatic Data Processing and Visualization for FRAP
FRBFast and Robust Bootstrap
frbinomFractional Binomial Distributions
frbsFuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks
FRCCFast Regularized Canonical Correlation Analysis
frechetStatistical Analysis for Random Objects and Non-Euclidean Data
fredrAn R Client for the 'FRED' API
freeFlexible Regularized Estimating Equations
freealgThe Free Algebra
freebirdEstimation and Inference for High Dimensional Mediation and Surrogate Analysis
freecurrencyapiClient for the 'freecurrencyapi.com' Currency Conversion API
freedomDemonstration of Disease Freedom (DDF)
freegroupThe Free Group
FreeSortRFree Sorting Data Analysis
freesurferWrapper Functions for 'Freesurfer'
freesurferformatsRead and Write 'FreeSurfer' Neuroimaging File Formats
FREEtreeTree Method for High Dimensional Longitudinal Data
freewallA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'Freewall'
fRegressionRmetrics - Regression Based Decision and Prediction
frenchCurveGenerate Open or Closed Interpolating Curves
frenchdataDownload Data Sets from Kenneth's French Finance Data Library Site
FREQFREQ: Estimate population size from capture frequencies
freqdistFrequency Distribution
freqdistributionNogivesAutomated Cumulative Frequency Plots for Grouped Distribution
freqdomFrequency Domain Based Analysis: Dynamic PCA
freqdom.fdaFunctional Time Series: Dynamic Functional Principal Components
freqparcoordNovel Methods for Parallel Coordinates
freqpcrEstimates Allele Frequency on qPCR DeltaDeltaCq from Bulk Samples
FreqProfFrequency Profiles Computing and Plotting
freqtablesMake Quick Descriptive Tables for Categorical Variables
frequencyEasy Frequency Tables
frequencyConnectednessSpectral Decomposition of Connectedness Measures
frequentdirectionsImplementation of Frequent-Directions Algorithm for Efficient Matrix Sketching
frequentistSSDScreened Selection Design with Survival Endpoints
frequentistSSDBinaryScreened Selection Design with Binary Endpoints
FRESA.CADFeature Selection Algorithms for Computer Aided Diagnosis
freshCreate Custom 'Bootstrap' Themes to Use in 'Shiny'
FRESHDFast Robust Estimation of Signals in Heterogeneous Data
freshrMake R Environment Fresh Again
FrF2Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level Factors
FrF2.catlg128Catalogues of Resolution IV 128 Run 2-Level Fractional Factorials Up to 33 Factors that Do Have 5-Letter Words
FRIRelative Importance of Main and Interaction Effects
frictionlessRead and Write Frictionless Data Packages
friendsThe Entire Transcript from Friends in Tidy Format
fritoolsUtilities for the Forest Research Institute of the State Baden-Wuerttemberg
fritools2Utilities for the Forest Research Institute of the State Baden-Wuerttemberg
FRKFixed Rank Kriging
fRLRFit Repeated Linear Regressions
fromoFast Robust Moments
frontierStochastic Frontier Analysis
frontilesPartial Frontier Efficiency Analysis
frostrR API to MET Norway's 'Frost' API
frothEmulate a 'Forth' Programming Environment
frscoreFunctions for Calculating Fit-Robustness of CNA-Solutions
fruclimadaptEvaluation Tools for Assessing Climate Adaptation of Fruit Tree Species
fsCross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv'
FSASimple Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods
FSAdataData to Support Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') Package
fsbrainManaging and Visualizing Brain Surface Data
fscacheFile System Cache
fscaretAutomated Feature Selection from 'caret'
FSDAMForward Stepwise Deep Autoencoder-Based Monotone NLDR
fsdaRRobust Data Analysis Through Monitoring and Dynamic Visualization
FSelectorSelecting Attributes
FSelectorRcpp'Rcpp' Implementation of 'FSelector' Entropy-Based Feature Selection Algorithms with a Sparse Matrix Support
fsemiparEstimation, Variable Selection and Prediction for Functional Semiparametric Models
fsiaImport and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScanner
FSInteractFast Searches for Interactions
FSK2RAn Interface Between the 'FSKX' Standard and 'R'
fslrWrapper Functions for 'FSL' ('FMRIB' Software Library) from Functional MRI of the Brain ('FMRIB')
FSMFinite Selection Model
fsnRosenthal's Fail Safe Number and Related Functions
fsoFuzzy Set Ordination
fspeEstimating the Number of Factors in EFA with Out-of-Sample Prediction Errors
fsrHandling Fuzzy Spatial Data
fSRMSocial Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")
fssemRFused Sparse Structural Equation Models to Jointly Infer Gene Regulatory Network
FSSFGenerate Fully-Sequential Space-Filling Designs Inside a Unit Hypercube
fstLightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames
fst4pgGenetic Distance Segmentation for Population Genetics
FstabilityCalculate Feature Stability
fstcoreR Bindings to the 'Fstlib' Library
fsthetFst-Heterozygosity Smoothed Quantiles
FSTpackageUnified Sequence-Based Association Tests Allowing for Multiple Functional Annotation Scores
ftaproximFault Tree Analysis Based on Proxel Simulation
ftDKA Wrapper for the API of the Danish Parliament
ftExtraExtensions for 'Flextable'
fTradingRmetrics - Trading and Rebalancing Financial Instruments
ftrCOOLFeature Extraction from Biological Sequences
ftsaFunctional Time Series Analysis
FTSgofWhite Noise and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Functional Time Series
ftsspecSpectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional Time Series
fucomFull Consistency Method (FUCOM)
fudeUtilities for Fude Polygon
fuelFramework for Unified Estimation in Lognormal Models
fueleconomyEPA Fuel Economy Data
fugueSensitivity Analysis Optimized for Matched Sets of Varied Sizes
fujFunctions and Utilities for Jordan
fullfactFull Factorial Breeding Analysis
fullRankMatrixGeneration of Full Rank Design Matrix
fullROCPlot Full ROC Curves using Eyewitness Lineup Data
funUse R for Fun
func2visClean and Visualize Over Expression Results from 'ConsensusPathDB'
FunCCFunctional Cheng and Church Bi-Clustering
FuncDivCompute Contributional Diversity Metrics
funchartsFunctional Control Charts
funchirConvenience Functions by Michael Chirico
FunChisqModel-Free Functional Chi-Squared and Exact Tests
FuncMapHive Plots of R Package Function Calls
FuncNNFunctional Neural Networks
FunctanSNPFunctional Analysis (with Interactions) for Dense SNP Data
functionalCurry, Compose, and other higher-order functions
functiondependsFind Functions and their Dependencies
funDataAn S4 Class for Functional Data
fundiversityEasy Computation of Functional Diversity Indices
funFEMClustering in the Discriminative Functional Subspace
fungiblePsychometric Functions from the Waller Lab
funGpGaussian Process Models for Scalar and Functional Inputs
funiqueA Faster Unique Function
fUnitRootsRmetrics - Modelling Trends and Unit Roots
funkycellsFunctional Data Analysis for Multiplexed Cell Images
funkyheatmapGenerating Funky Heatmaps for Data Frames
funLBMModel-Based Co-Clustering of Functional Data
funmediationFunctional Mediation for a Distal Outcome
funModelingExploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-Box
funneljoinTime-Based Joins to Analyze Sequences of Events
FunnelPlotRFunnel Plots for Comparing Institutional Performance
funnelRFunnel Plots for Proportion Data
funpcaFunctional Principal Component Analysis
funprogFunctional Programming
funrSimple Utility Providing Terminal Access to all R Functions
funrarFunctional Rarity Indices Computation
funregFunctional Regression for Irregularly Timed Data
funspaceCreating and Representing Functional Trait Spaces
funspotrSpot R Functions & Packages
funStatTestStatistical Testing for Functional Data
FUNTAFunctional Tangential Angle Pseudo-Depth
funtimesFunctions for Time Series Analysis
FunWithNumbersFun with Fractions and Number Sequences
furnitureFurniture for Quantitative Scientists
furrrApply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures
fusedMGMImplementation of Fused MGM to Infer 2-Class Networks
fusenBuild a Package from Rmarkdown Files
fuserFused Lasso for High-Dimensional Regression over Groups
fusionchartsREmbedding 'FusionCharts Javascript' Library in R
fusionclustClustering and Feature Screening using L1 Fusion Penalty
FusionLearnFusion Learning
futile.loggerA Logging Utility for R
futile.optionsFutile Options Management
futilityInterim Analysis of Operational Futility in Randomized Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints and Fixed Follow-Up
futureUnified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
future.applyApply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
future.batchtoolsA Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools'
future.callrA Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr'
future.miraiA 'Future' API for Parallel Processing using 'mirai'
future.testsTest Suite for 'Future API' Backends
futureverseEasily Install and Load the 'Futureverse'
fuzzrFuzz-Test R Functions
Fuzzy.p.valueComputing Fuzzy p-Value
FuzzyAHP(Fuzzy) AHP Calculation
FuzzyClassFuzzy and Non-Fuzzy Classifiers
FuzzyDBScanRun and Predict a Fuzzy DBScan
fuzzyforestFuzzy Forests
FuzzyImputationTestImputation Procedures and Quality Tests for Fuzzy Data
fuzzyjoinJoin Tables Together on Inexact Matching
FuzzyLPFuzzy Linear Programming
FuzzyMFuzzy Cognitive Maps Operations
FuzzyNumbersTools to Deal with Fuzzy Numbers
FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2Apply Two Fuzzy Numbers on a Monotone Function
FuzzyPovertyREstimation of Fuzzy Poverty Measures
FuzzyQFuzzy Quantification of Common and Rare Species
FuzzyRFuzzy Logic Toolkit for R
fuzzyRankTestsFuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals
fuzzyregFuzzy Linear Regression
FuzzyResamplingResampling Methods for Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
fuzzySimFuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions
FuzzySimResSimulation and Resampling Methods for Epistemic Fuzzy Data
FuzzyStatProbFuzzy Stationary Probabilities from a Sequence of Observations of an Unknown Markov Chain
FuzzyStatTraStatistical Methods for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
FuzzyStatTraEOOPackage 'FuzzyStatTra' in Encapsulated Object Oriented Programming
FuzzySTsFuzzy Statistical Tools
fuzzywuzzyRFuzzy String Matching
FVDDPpkgImplement Fleming-Viot-Dependent Dirichlet Processes
fwbFractional Weighted Bootstrap
FWDselectSelecting Variables in Regression Models
fwlplotScatter Plot After Residualizing Using 'fixest' Package
FWRGBFresh Weight Determination from Visual Image of the Plant
fwsimFisher-Wright Population Simulation
fxl'fxl' Single Case Design Charting Package
fxregimeExchange Rate Regime Analysis
fxTWAPLSAn Improved Version of WA-PLS
fyUtilities for Financial Years
g.dataDelayed-Data Packages
g.ridgeGeneralized Ridge Regression for Linear Models
G2SdGrain-Size Statistics and Description of Sediment
g3vizInteractively Visualize Genetic Mutation Data using a Lollipop-Diagram
GAGenetic Algorithms
GABBFacilitation of Data Preparation and Plotting Procedures for RDA and PCA Analyses
GACFFGenetic Similarity in User-Based Collaborative Filtering
GADAnalysis of Variance from General Principles
GADAGA Genetic Algorithm for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs
gadget2Gadget is the Globally-Applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox
gadget3Globally-Applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox V3
gafitGenetic Algorithm for Curve Fitting
GAGAsGlobal Adaptive Generative Adjustment Algorithm for Generalized Linear Models
GAGBLUPGenetic Algorithm Assisted Genomic Best Liner Unbiased Prediction
gaiahGenetic and Isotopic Assignment Accounting for Habitat Suitability
gainMLMachine Learning-Based Analysis of Potential Power Gain from Passive Device Installation on Wind Turbine Generators
gainsLift (Gains) Tables and Charts
GAIPEGraphical Extension with Accuracy in Parameter Estimation (GAIPE)
galahBiodiversity Data from the GBIF Node Network
galammGeneralized Additive Latent and Mixed Models
galigorCollection of Packages for Internet Marketing
galleryGenerate Test Matrices for Numerical Experiments
GALLOGenomic Annotation in Livestock for Positional Candidate LOci
galtsGenetic Algorithms and C-Steps Based LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) Estimation
galvanizerInterface to Galvanize 'Highbond' Internal Audit Software
gamGeneralized Additive Models
gam.hpHierarchical Partitioning of Adjusted R2 and Explained Deviance for Generalized Additive Models
gamairData for 'GAMs: An Introduction with R'
gambinFit the Gambin Model to Species Abundance Distributions
gamblers.ruin.gameplayOne-Dimensional Random Walks Through Simulation of the Gambler's Ruin Problem
gamboostLSSBoosting Methods for 'GAMLSS'
gamboostMSMBoosting Multistate Models
gamclassFunctions and Data for a Course on Modern Regression and Classification
gamCopulaGeneralized Additive Models for Bivariate Conditional Dependence Structures and Vine Copulas
GAMensApplies GAMbag, GAMrsm and GAMens Ensemble Classifiers for Binary Classification
gameRColor Palettes Inspired by Video Games
gamesGAGenetic Algorithm for Sequential Symmetric Games
GameTheoryCooperative Game Theory
GameTheoryAllocationTools for Calculating Allocations in Game Theory
gamlrGamma Lasso Regression
gamlssGeneralized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
gamlss.addExtra Additive Terms for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
gamlss.censFitting an Interval Response Variable Using ‘gamlss.family’ Distributions
gamlss.countKinfGenerating and Fitting K-Inflated 'discrete gamlss.family' Distributions
gamlss.dataData for Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
gamlss.demoDemos for GAMLSS
gamlss.distDistributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
gamlss.foreachParallel Computations for Distributional Regression
gamlss.ggplotsPlotting Functions for Generalized Additive Model for Location Scale and Shape
gamlss.infFitting Mixed (Inflated and Adjusted) Distributions
gamlss.lassoExtra Lasso-Type Additive Terms for GAMLSS
gamlss.mxFitting Mixture Distributions with GAMLSS
gamlss.spatialSpatial Terms in Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape Models
gamlss.trGenerating and Fitting Truncated ‘gamlss.family’ Distributions
gamlssbssnBimodal Skew Symmetric Normal Distribution
gamlssxGeneralized Additive Extreme Value Models for Location, Scale and Shape
gamm4Generalized Additive Mixed Models using 'mgcv' and 'lme4'
gammaDose Rate Estimation from in-Situ Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Measurements
GammaregClassic Gamma Regression: Joint Modeling of Mean and Shape Parameters
gammiGeneralized Additive Mixed Model Interface
gammSliceGeneralized Additive Mixed Model Analysis via Slice Sampling
gamregRobust and Sparse Regression via Gamma-Divergence
gamRRCalculate the RR for the GAM
gamselFit Regularization Path for Generalized Additive Models
gamselBayesBayesian Generalized Additive Model Selection
gamstransferA Data Interface Between 'GAMS' and R
ganDataModelBuild a Metric Subspaces Data Model for a Data Source
ganGenerativeDataGenerate Generative Data for a Data Source
GANPAGene Association Network-Based Pathway Analysis (GANPA)
GANPAdataThe GANPA Datasets Package
gapGenetic Analysis Package
gap.datasetsDatasets for 'gap'
GAparsimonySearching Parsimony Models with Genetic Algorithms
gapclosingEstimate Gaps Under an Intervention
gapfillFill Missing Values in Satellite Data
gapmapDrawing Gapped Cluster Heatmaps with 'ggplot2'
gapminderData from Gapminder
GARCHItoClass of GARCH-Ito Models
GARCHSKEstimating a GARCHSK Model and GJRSK Model
garchxFlexible and Robust GARCH-X Modelling
GARCOMGene and Region Counting of Mutations ("GARCOM")
gargleUtilities for Working with Google APIs
gargoyleAn Event-Based Mechanism for 'Shiny'
garmaFitting and Forecasting Gegenbauer ARMA Time Series Models
garrayGeneralized Array Arithmetic for Ragged Arrays with Named Margins
GASGeneralized Autoregressive Score Models
gasanalyzerImport, Recompute and Analyze Data from Portable Gas Analyzers
gaselectGenetic Algorithm (GA) for Variable Selection from High-Dimensional Data
gasfluxesGreenhouse Gas Flux Calculation from Chamber Measurements
gasmodelGeneralized Autoregressive Score Models
GaSPTrain and Apply a Gaussian Stochastic Process Model
gasperGraph Signal Processing
gastemptAnalyzing Gastric Emptying from MRI or Scintigraphy
gastonGenetic Data Handling (QC, GRM, LD, PCA) & Linear Mixed Models
gatepointsEasily Gate or Select Points on a Scatter Plot
gateRFlow/Mass Cytometry Gating via Spatial Kernel Density Estimation
gatoRsGeographic and Taxonomic Occurrence R-Based Scrubbing
GauProGaussian Process Fitting
gauseRLotka-Volterra Models for Gause's 'Struggle for Existence'
gausscovThe Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection
gaussDiffDifference measures for multivariate Gaussian probability density functions
gaussfactsThe Greatest Mathematician Since Antiquity
GaussianHMM1dInference, Goodness-of-Fit and Forecast for Univariate Gaussian Hidden Markov Models
gaussplotRFit, Predict and Plot 2D Gaussians
gaussquadCollection of Functions for Gaussian Quadrature
GaussSuppressionTabular Data Suppression using Gaussian Elimination
gawdisMulti-Trait Dissimilarity with more Uniform Contributions
gbGeneralize Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrapping
GB2Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind: Properties, Likelihood, Estimation
GB2groupEstimation of the Generalised Beta Distribution of the Second Kind from Grouped Data
GB5mcPredGradient Boosting Algorithm for Predicting Methylation States
gbetaGeneralized Beta and Beta Prime Distributions
gbfsInterface with Live Bikeshare Data
gbifdbHigh Performance Interface to 'GBIF'
GBJGeneralized Berk-Jones Test for Set-Based Inference in Genetic Association Studies
gbmGeneralized Boosted Regression Models
gbm.autoAutomated Boosted Regression Tree Modelling and Mapping Suite
gbm2sasConvert GBM Object Trees to SAS Code
gbmtGroup-Based Multivariate Trajectory Modeling
gbpA Bin Packing Problem Solver
gbRdUtilities for Processing Rd Objects and Files
gbs2ploidyInference of Ploidy from (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) GBS Data
gbtsHyperparameter Search for Gradient Boosted Trees
gbutilsUtilities for Simulation, Plots, Quantile Functions and Programming
GCalciumA Data Manipulation and Analysis Package for Calcium Indicator Data
GCalignRSimple Peak Alignment for Gas-Chromatography Data
gCatGraph-Based Two-Sample Tests for Categorical Data
gcbd'GPU'/CPU Benchmarking in Debian-Based Systems
GCCfactorGCC Estimation of the Multilevel Factor Model
GCDGlobal Charcoal Database
gcdnetThe (Adaptive) LASSO and Elastic Net Penalized Least Squares, Logistic Regression, Hybrid Huberized Support Vector Machines, Squared Hinge Loss Support Vector Machines and Expectile Regression using a Fast Generalized Coordinate Descent Algorithm
gceriskGeneralized Competing Event Model
gciteGoogle Citation Parser
gcKrigAnalysis of Geostatistical Count Data using Gaussian Copulas
gclmGraphical Continuous Lyapunov Models
gclusClustering Graphics
gcmrGaussian Copula Marginal Regression
gconsensusConsensus Value Constructor
gcookbookData for "R Graphics Cookbook"
GCPBayesBayesian Meta-Analysis of Pleiotropic Effects Using Group Structure
gcplyrWrangle and Analyze Growth Curve Data
GCPMGeneralized Credit Portfolio Model
GCSMImplements Generic Composite Similarity Measure
gcTensorGeneralized Coupled Tensor Factorization
gcxgclabGCxGC Preprocessing and Analysis
GDGeographical Detectors for Assessing Spatial Factors
GDAdataDatasets for the Book Graphical Data Analysis with R
gdalcubesEarth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections
gdalrasterBindings to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' Raster API
gdalUtilitiesWrappers for 'GDAL' Utilities Executables
gdataVarious R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation
GDAtoolsGeometric Data Analysis
gdeGBIF Dataset Explorer
GDELTtoolsDownload, Slice, and Normalize GDELT V1 Event and Sentiment API Data
gdiVolumetric Analysis using Graphic Double Integration
gdiffGraphical Difference Testing
GDILM.MESpatial Modeling of Infectious Diseases with Co-Variate Error
GDILM.SIRInference for Infectious Disease Transmission in SIR Framework
gdimEstimate Graph Dimension using Cross-Validated Eigenvalues
GDINAThe Generalized DINA Model Framework
gdistanceDistances and Routes on Geographical Grids
gdldata'Global Data Lab' R API
gdmGeneralized Dissimilarity Modeling
gdpcGeneralized Dynamic Principal Components
GDPucEasily Convert GDP Data
gdsDescriptive Statistics of Grouped Data
GDSARMGauss - Dantzig Selector: Aggregation over Random Models
gdtoolsUtilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management
gdverseAnalysis of Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity
gdxdtIO for GAMS GDX Files using 'data.table'
GEGeneral Equilibrium Modeling
gearGeostatistical Analysis in R
geboes.scoreEvaluate the Geboes Score for Histology in Ulcerative Colitis
GECGeneralized Exponentiated Composite Distributions
GECalGeneralized Entropy Calibration
geckoGeographical Ecology and Conservation Knowledge Online
GeDSGeometrically Designed Spline Regression
geeGeneralized Estimation Equation Solver
GEEaSPUAdaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE)
geeasySolve Generalized Estimating Equations for Clustered Data
geeCRTBias-Corrected GEE for Cluster Randomized Trials
geecureMarginal Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Models with Generalized Estimating Equations
geeMSolve Generalized Estimating Equations
GEEmediateMediation Analysis for Generalized Linear Models Using the Difference Method
geepackGeneralized Estimating Equation Package
geesmvModified Variance Estimators for Generalized Estimating Equations
geessbinModified Generalized Estimating Equations for Binary Outcome
geeVerseA Comprehensive Analysis of High Dimensional Longitudinal Data
geexAn API for M-Estimation
geigenCalculate Generalized Eigenvalues, the Generalized Schur Decomposition and the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix Pair with Lapack
geigerAnalysis of Evolutionary Diversification
GEInfoGene-Environment Interaction Analysis Incorporating Prior Information
GEInterRobust Gene-Environment Interaction Analysis
gellipsoidGeneralized Ellipsoids
gelnetGeneralized Elastic Nets
GEmetricsBest Linear Unbiased Prediction of Genotype-by-Environment Metrics
gemini.RInterface for 'Google Gemini' API
gemma2GEMMA Multivariate Linear Mixed Model
gemsGeneralized Multistate Simulation Model
gemtcNetwork Meta-Analysis Using Bayesian Methods
gen2stageGeneralized Two-Stage Designs for Phase II Single-Arm Studies
gen3sisGeneral Engine for Eco-Evolutionary Simulations
gen5helperProcessing 'Gen5' 2.06 Exported Data
genaGenetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization
GenAIGenerative Artificial Intelligence
genalgR Based Genetic Algorithm
GenAlgoClasses and Methods to Use Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection
genBaRcodeAnalysis and Visualization Tools for Genetic Barcode Data
GenBinomAppsClopper-Pearson Confidence Interval and Generalized Binomial Distribution
gencorGenerate Customized Correlation Matrices
genCountRInteracting with Roberts and Utych's (2019) Gendered Language Dictionary
gendataGenerate and Modify Synthetic Datasets
genderPredict Gender from Names Using Historical Data
genderBRPredict Gender from Brazilian First Names
GenderInferThis is a Collection of Functions to Analyse Gender Differences
genderstatQuantitative Analysis Tools for Gender Studies
gendistGenerated Probability Distribution Models
GENEAclassifySegmentation and Classification of Accelerometer Data
GENEAreadPackage for Reading Binary Files
GeneCycleIdentification of Periodically Expressed Genes
geneExpressionFromGEOEasily Downloads a Gene Expression Dataset from a GEO Code and Retrieves the Gene Symbols of Its Probesets
GeneFPackage for Generalized F-Statistics
geneHapRGene Haplotype Statistics, Phenotype Association and Visualization
geneHummusA Pipeline to Define Gene Families in Legumes and Beyond
genekitrGene Analysis Toolkit
genemodelGene Model Plotting in R
GeneNetModeling and Inferring Gene Networks
GeneNMFNon-Negative Matrix Factorization for Single-Cell Omics
genepiGenetic Epidemiology Design and Inference
genepopPopulation Genetic Data Analysis Using Genepop
generalCorrGeneralized Correlations, Causal Paths and Portfolio Selection
generalhoslemGoodness of Fit Tests for Logistic Regression Models
GeneralisedCovarianceMeasureTest for Conditional Independence Based on the Generalized Covariance Measure (GCM)
GeneralizedHyperbolicThe Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
GeneralizedUmatrixCredible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data
GeneralizedWendlandFully Parameterized Generalized Wendland Covariance Function
GeneralOaxacaBlinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Generalized Linear Model
generatorGenerate Data Containing Fake Personally Identifiable Information
GenericMLGeneric Machine Learning Inference
genericsCommon S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting
generoEstimate Gender from Names in Spanish and Portuguese
GeneScapeSimulation of Single Cell RNA-Seq Data with Complex Structure
GeneScoreRGene Scoring from Count Tables
GeneSelectR'GeneSelectR' - Comprehensive Feature Selection Workflow for Bulk RNAseq Datasets
genesetGet Gene Sets for Gene Enrichment Analysis
geneSLOPEGenome-Wide Association Study with SLOPE
GenEstGeneralized Mortality Estimator
genesysrGenesys PGR Client
genetic.algo.optimizeRGenetic Algorithm Optimization
geneticaeStatistical Tools for the Analysis of Multi Environment Agronomic Trials
geneticsPopulation Genetics
GeneticSubsetterIdentify Favorable Subsets of Germplasm Collections
GeNetItSpatial Graph-Theoretic Genetic Gravity Modelling
genfrnGenerating Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Random Numbers via Uniform Distribution
genieFast, Robust, and Outlier Resistant Hierarchical Clustering
genieBPCProject GENIE BioPharma Collaborative Data Processing Pipeline
genieclustFast and Robust Hierarchical Clustering with Noise Points Detection
genioGenetics Input/Output Functions
geniusrTools for Working with the 'Genius' API
genlassoPath Algorithm for Generalized Lasso Problems
GENLIBGenealogical Data Analysis
genlogisGeneralized Logistic Distribution
GenMarkovMultivariate Markov Chains
genMCMCDiagGeneralized Convergence Diagnostics for Difficult MCMC Algorithms
GENMETAImplements Generalized Meta-Analysis Using Iterated Reweighted Least Squares Algorithm
geno2proteoFinding the DNA and Protein Sequences of Any Genomic or Proteomic Loci
genoddsGeneralised Odds Ratios
genogeographerMethods for Analysing Forensic Ancestry Informative Markers
GenomeAdmixRSimulate Admixture of Genomes
genomic.autocorrModels Dealing with Spatial Dependency in Genomic Data
genomicperCircular Genomic Permutation using Genome Wide Association p-Values
GenomicSigComputation of Genomic Signatures
GenomicTools.fileHandlerFile Handlers for Genomic Data Analysis
genoPlotRPlot Publication-Grade Gene and Genome Maps
GenoPopGenotype Imputation and Population Genomics Efficiently from Variant Call Formatted (VCF) Files
GenOrdSimulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
GenoScanA Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework for Whole-Genome Sequence Data Analysis
GenoTriploGenotyping Triploids (or Diploids) from Luminescence Data
genpathmoxPathmox Approach Segmentation Tree Analysis
genpwrPower Calculations Under Genetic Model Misspecification
genridgeGeneralized Ridge Trace Plots for Ridge Regression
GenSAR Functions for Generalized Simulated Annealing
genscoreGeneralized Score Matching Estimators
genSEIRPredict Epidemic Curves with Generalized SEIR Modeling
gensetGenerates Data Sets for Class Demonstrations
gensphereGeneralized Spherical Distributions
genstabResampling Based Yield Stability Analyses
genSurvGenerating Multi-State Survival Data
gensvmA Generalized Multiclass Support Vector Machine
GenTagGenerate Color Tag Sequences
genTSR Shiny App for Creating Simplified Trial Summary (TS) Domain
GenTwoArmsTrialSizeGeneralized Two Arms Clinical Trial Sample Size Calculation
genular'Genular' Database API
GenWinSpline Based Window Boundaries for Genomic Analyses
GeoAdjustAccounting for Random Displacements of True GPS Coordinates of Data
geoArArgentina's Spatial Data Toolbox
geoarrowExtension Types for Spatial Data for Use with 'Arrow'
geoBayesAnalysis of Geostatistical Data using Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods
geobrDownload Official Spatial Data Sets of Brazil
geocacheRTools for Geocaching
geocausalCausal Inference with Spatio-Temporal Data
geocmeansImplementing Methods for Spatial Fuzzy Unsupervised Classification
geocomplexityMitigating Spatial Bias Through Geographical Complexity
geodaDataSpatial Analysis Datasets for Teaching
geodataDownload Geographic Data
geodetectorStratified Heterogeneity Measure, Dominant Driving Force Detection, Interaction Relationship Investigation
geodimensionDefinition of Geographic Dimensions
geodistFast, Dependency-Free Geodesic Distance Calculations
geodivMethods for Calculating Gradient Surface Metrics
geodlGeospatial Semantic Segmentation with Torch and Terra
geodrawrMaking Geospatial Objects
GeodRegrGeodesic Regression
geoelectrics3D-Visualization of Geoelectric Resistivity Measurement Profiles
geofacet'ggplot2' Faceting Utilities for Geographical Data
geofiAccess Finnish Geospatial Data
GeoFISSpatial Data Processing for Decision Making
geoFKFKriging Method for Spatial Functional Data
geoFourierFDAOrdinary Functional Kriging Using Fourier Smoothing and Gaussian Quadrature
geoGAMSelect Sparse Geoadditive Models for Spatial Prediction
geogenrGenerator from American Community Survey Geodatabases
geogridTurn Geospatial Polygons into Regular or Hexagonal Grids
geohashToolsTools for Working with Geohashes
geoheatmapCreate Geospatial Cartogram Heatmaps
geoidepDownload Geographic Data on Various Topics Provided and Managed by the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Peru
geojsonClasses for 'GeoJSON'
geojsonioConvert Data from and to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON'
geojsonRA GeoJson Processing Toolkit
geojsonsfGeoJSON to Simple Feature Converter
geomanderGeographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering
GEOmapTopographic and Geologic Mapping
geomapdataData for Topographic and Geologic Mapping
GeomArchetypalFinds the Geometrical Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame
geomarocEasily Visualize Geographic Data of Morocco
GeomComb(Geometric) Forecast Combination Methods
geomergeGeospatial Data Integration
geometaTools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic Metadata
geometriesConvert Between R Objects and Geometric Structures
geometryMesh Generation and Surface Tessellation
geommcGeometric Markov Chain Sampling
geomodA Computer Program for Geotechnical Investigations
GeoModelsProcedures for Gaussian and Non Gaussian Geostatistical (Large) Data Analysis
GeoMongoGeospatial Queries Using 'PyMongo'
geomorphGeometric Morphometric Analyses of 2D and 3D Landmark Data
geomtextpathCurved Text in 'ggplot2'
geomultistarMultidimensional Queries Enriched with Geographic Data
geonamesInterface to the "Geonames" Spatial Query Web Service
geonapi'GeoNetwork' API R Interface
geonetworkGeographic Networks
geonode4RInterface to 'GeoNode' REST API
geoperuDownload Spatial Datasets of Peru
geoRAnalysis of Geostatistical Data
GeoRangeCalculating Geographic Range from Occurrence Data
georefdatarGeosciences Reference Datasets
georobRobust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data
geosOpen Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') R API
geoSAEGeoadditive Small Area Model
geosapiGeoServer REST API R Interface
geoscaleGeological Time Scale Plotting
geosedSmallest Enclosing Disc for Latitude and Longitude Points
geosimilarityGeographically Optimal Similarity
geosparkBring Local Sf to Spark
geosphereSpherical Trigonometry
geosptGeostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks
geosptdbSpatio-Temporal Radial Basis Functions with Distance-Based Methods (Optimization, Prediction and Cross Validation)
geostanBayesian Spatial Analysis
geostatsAn Introduction to Statistics for Geoscientists
geostatspGeostatistical Modelling with Likelihood and Bayes
GeoThinneRSimple Spatial Thinning for Ecological and Spatial Analysis
geotoolsGeo tools
geotoolsRTools to Improve the Use of Geostatistic
geotopbricksAn R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop
geoTSMethods for Handling and Analyzing Time Series of Satellite Images
geouyGeographic Information of Uruguay
geovolGeopolitical Volatility (GEOVOL) Modelling
GeoWeightedModelUser-Friendly Interface for Geographically-Weighted Models
geozooZoo of Geometric Objects
gepafGoogle Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format
GephiForR'Gephi' Network Visualization
geppeGeneralised Exponential Poisson and Poisson Exponential Distributions
gerbilGeneralized Efficient Regression-Based Imputation with Latent Processes
gereferPreparer of Main Scientific References for Automatic Insertion in Academic Papers
GerminaRIndices and Graphics for Assess Seed Germination Process
germinationmetricsSeed Germination Indices and Curve Fitting
GeRnikaSimulation, Visualization and Comparison of Tumor Evolution Data
gertSimple Git Client for R
gescaGeneralized Structured Component Analysis Structural Equation Modeling
GESEGene-Based Segregation Test
gesisdataReproducible Data Retrieval from the GESIS Data Archive
geslaRGet and Manipulate the GESLA Dataset
gessoHierarchical GxE Interactions in a Regularized Regression Model
gestaltTools for Making and Combining Functions
gestateGeneralised Survival Trial Assessment Tool Environment
gesttoolsGeneral Purpose G-Estimation for End of Study or Time-Varying Outcomes
GETGlobal Envelopes
getableFetching Tabular Data "Onload" in Compiled R Markdown HTML Documents
GetBCBDataImports Datasets from BCB (Central Bank of Brazil) using Its Official API
GETdesignsGeneralized Extended Triangular Designs ('GETdesigns')
GetDFPDataReading Annual Financial Reports from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCA System
GetDFPData2Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from B3
getDTevalTranslating Coding Statements using get() and eval() for Improved Run-Time Coding Efficiency
GetFREDataReading FRE Corporate Data of Public Traded Companies from B3
getip'IP' Address 'Lookup'
getLattesImport and Process Data from the 'Lattes' Curriculum Platform
GetLattesDataReading Bibliometric Data from Lattes Platform
getmstatisticQuantifying Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis
getoptC-Like 'getopt' Behavior
GetoptLongParsing Command-Line Arguments and Simple Variable Interpolation
getPassMasked User Input
getProxyGet Free Proxy IP and Port
GetQuandlDataFast and Cached Import of Data from 'Quandl' Using the 'json API'
getsGeneral-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator Saturation Methods
getspanelGeneral-to-Specific Modelling of Panel Data
getspresSPRE Statistics for Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis
GetTDDataGet Data for Brazilian Bonds (Tesouro Direto)
gettzGet the Timezone Information
getwikiR Wrapper for Wikipedia Data
GEVACOJoint Test of Gene and GxE Interactions via Varying Coefficients
GEVcdnGEV Conditional Density Estimation Network
gexpGenerator of Experiments
geysertimesGeyser Data from GeyserTimes.org
GFAGroup Factor Analysis
gfboostGradient-Free Gradient Boosting
gfcanalysisTools for Working with Hansen et al. Global Forest Change Dataset
GFDTests for General Factorial Designs
GFDmcvGeneral Hypothesis Testing Problems for Multivariate Coefficients of Variation
GFDrmstMultiple RMST-Based Tests in General Factorial Designs
GFDrmtlMultiple RMTL-Based Tests for Competing Risks Data in General Factorial Designs
GFDsurvTests for Survival Data in General Factorial Designs
GFEGross Flows Estimation under Complex Surveys
gferGreen Finance and Environmental Risk
GFGM.copulaGeneralized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Copula
gfiExtremesGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Extremes
GFisherGeneralized Fisher's Combination Tests Under Dependence
gfiUltraGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Regression
GFMGeneralized Factor Model
gfontsOffline 'Google' Fonts for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'
gfoRmulaParametric G-Formula
gFormulaMIG-Formula for Causal Inference via Multiple Imputation
gg.gapDefine Segments in y-Axis for 'ggplot2'
ggalignA 'ggplot2' Extension for Consistent Axis Alignment
ggalignerVisualizing Sequence Alignment by Generating Publication-Ready Plots
ggalignmentPlots 'D&D'-Style Alignment Charts
ggallinGrab Bag of 'ggplot2' Functions
ggalluvialAlluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'
GGallyExtension to 'ggplot2'
ggaltExtra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
ggammaGeneralized Gamma Probability Distribution
gganimateA Grammar of Animated Graphics
ggarcheryFlexible Segment Geoms with Arrows for 'ggplot2'
ggarrowArrows for 'ggplot2'
ggautomapCreate Maps from a Column of Place Names
ggbeeswarmCategorical Scatter (Violin Point) Plots
ggbiplotA Grammar of Graphics Implementation of Biplots
ggblanketSimplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation
ggblendBlending and Compositing Algebra for 'ggplot2'
ggborderlineLine Plots that Pop
ggbraceCurly Braces for 'ggplot2'
ggbrainCreate Images of Volumetric Brain Data in NIfTI Format Using 'ggplot2' Syntax
ggbreakSet Axis Break for 'ggplot2'
ggbrickWaffle Style Chart with a Brick Layout in 'ggplot2'
ggBubblesMini Bubble Plots for Comparison of Discrete Data with 'ggplot2'
ggbuildrSave Incremental Builds of Plots
ggbumpBump Chart and Sigmoid Curves
ggchangepointCombines Changepoint Analysis with 'ggplot2'
ggchartsShorten the Distance from Data Visualization Idea to Actual Plot
ggChernoffChernoff Faces for 'ggplot2'
GGClassificationGabriel Graph Based Large-Margin Classifiers
ggclevelandImplementation of Plots from Cleveland's Visualizing Data Book
ggcompareMean Comparison in 'ggplot2'
ggcorrplotVisualization of a Correlation Matrix using 'ggplot2'
ggcorsetThe Corset Plot
ggdagAnalyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs
ggdarkDark Mode for 'ggplot2' Themes
ggdaynightAdd Day/Night Patterns to 'ggplot2' Plots
ggdemetra'ggplot2' Extension for Seasonal and Trading Day Adjustment with 'RJDemetra'
ggdendroCreate Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
ggdensityInterpretable Bivariate Density Visualization with 'ggplot2'
ggdistVisualizations of Distributions and Uncertainty
ggdmcCognitive Models
ggDoEModern Graphs for Design of Experiments with 'ggplot2'
ggDoubleHeatA Heatmap-Like Visualization Tool
ggeGenotype Plus Genotype-by-Environment Biplots
ggeasyEasy Access to 'ggplot2' Commands
GGEBiplotsGGE Biplots with 'ggplot2'
ggeditInteractive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor
ggeffectsCreate Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' from Model Outputs
ggenealogyVisualization Tools for Genealogical Data
ggESDAExploratory Symbolic Data Analysis with 'ggplot2'
ggethoVisualisation of High-Throughput Behavioural (i.e. Ethomics) Data
ggExtraAdd Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements
ggfactoGraphs for Correspondence Analysis
ggfieldsAdd Vector Field Layers to Ggplots
ggfigdoneManage & Modify 'ggplot' Figures using 'ggfigdone'
ggFishPlotsVisualise and Calculate Life History Parameters for Fisheries Science using 'ggplot2'
ggfittextFit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2'
ggfixestDedicated 'ggplot2' Methods for 'fixest' Objects
ggflowchartFlowcharts with 'ggplot2'
ggfocusScales that Focus Specific Levels in your ggplot()
ggforceAccelerating 'ggplot2'
ggformulaFormula Interface to the Grammar of Graphics
ggfortifyData Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results
ggfoundryShape Foundry & Geom for 'ggplot2'
ggfunMiscellaneous Functions for 'ggplot2'
ggfxPixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'
gggapStreamlined Creation of Segments on the Y-Axis of 'ggplot2' Plots
gggenesDraw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'
gggenomesA Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics
ggghostCapture the Spirit of Your 'ggplot2' Calls
gggibbousMoon Charts, a Pie Chart Alternative
gggridDraw with 'grid' in 'ggplot2'
ggh4xHacks for 'ggplot2'
gghalfnormCreate a Half Normal Plot Using 'ggplot2'
gghalvesCompose Half-Half Plots Using Your Favourite Geoms
gghdxHDX Theme, Scales, and Other Conveniences for 'ggplot2'
ggheatmapPlot Heatmap
gghighlightHighlight Lines and Points in 'ggplot2'
gghilbertstringsA Fast 'ggplot2'-Based Implementation of Hilbert Curves
gghistPlot the Histogram of a Numeric Vector
ggHoriPlotHorizon Plots for 'ggplot2'
ggimageUse Image in 'ggplot2'
ggimgGraphics Layers for Plotting Image Data with 'ggplot2'
gginferenceVisualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'
gginnardsExplore the Innards of 'ggplot2' Objects
ggipData Visualization for IP Addresses and Networks
GGIRRaw Accelerometer Data Analysis
ggiraphMake 'ggplot2' Graphics Interactive
ggiraphExtraMake Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'
GGIRreadWearable Accelerometer Data File Readers
ggisotonic'ggplot2' Friendly Isotonic or Monotonic Regression Curves
ggjoyJoyplots in 'ggplot2'
gglassoGroup Lasso Penalized Learning Using a Unified BMD Algorithm
gglgbtqShow Pride on 'ggplot2' Plots
gglmGrammar of Graphics for Linear Model Diagnostic Plots
ggloggerTrack 'ggplot2' Calls
gglorenzPlotting Lorenz Curve with the Blessing of 'ggplot2'
ggmGraphical Markov Models with Mixed Graphs
ggmapSpatial Visualization with ggplot2
ggmapinsetAdd Inset Panels to Maps
ggmatplotPlot Columns of Two Matrices Against Each Other Using 'ggplot2'
ggmcmcTools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference
ggmiceVisualizations for 'mice' with 'ggplot2'
ggmixVariable Selection in Linear Mixed Models for SNP Data
GGMncvGaussian Graphical Models with Nonconvex Regularization
GGMnonregNon-Regularized Gaussian Graphical Models
ggmosaicMosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
ggmrGeneralized Gauss Markov Regression
GGMridgeGaussian Graphical Models Using Ridge Penalty Followed by Thresholding and Reestimation
GGMselectGaussian Graphs Models Selection
ggmugsVisualization of Multiple Genome-Wide Association Study Summary Statistics
ggmullerCreate Muller Plots of Evolutionary Dynamics
ggmultiHigh Dimensional Data Visualization
ggnetworkGeometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2'
ggnewscaleMultiple Fill and Colour Scales in 'ggplot2'
ggnormalviolinA 'ggplot2' Extension to Make Normal Violin Plots
ggnuplotMake 'ggplot2' Look Like 'gnuplot'
ggOceanMapsPlot Data on Oceanographic Maps using 'ggplot2'
ggokabeito'Okabe-Ito' Scales for 'ggplot2' and 'ggraph'
ggordiplotsMake 'ggplot2' Versions of Vegan's Ordiplots
GGoutlieRIdentify Individuals with Unusual Geo-Genetic Patterns
ggpacketsPackage Plot Layers for Easier Portability and Modularization
ggpageCreates Page Layout Visualizations
ggparallelVariations of Parallel Coordinate Plots for Categorical Data
ggparty'ggplot' Visualizations for the 'partykit' Package
ggpathRobust Image Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
ggpattern'ggplot2' Pattern Geoms
ggpcpParallel Coordinate Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
ggperiodicEasy Plotting of Periodic Data with 'ggplot2'
ggpicrust2Make 'PICRUSt2' Output Analysis and Visualization Easier
ggpiePie, Donut and Rose Pie Plots
ggplateCreate Layout Plots of Biological Culture Plates and Microplates
ggplot.multistatsMultiple Summary Statistics for Binned Stats/Geometries
ggplot2Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
ggplot2.utilsSelected Utilities Extending 'ggplot2'
ggplot2moviesMovies Data
ggplotAssist'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2'
ggplotguiCreate Ggplots via a Graphical User Interface
ggplotifyConvert Plot to 'grob' or 'ggplot' Object
ggplotlyExtraExtra Convenience Functions for 'Plotly'
ggpmiscMiscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'
ggPMX'ggplot2' Based Tool to Facilitate Diagnostic Plots for NLME Models
ggpointdensityA Cross Between a 2D Density Plot and a Scatter Plot
ggpointlessAdditional Geometries and Stats for 'ggplot2'
ggpolVisualizing Social Science Data with 'ggplot2'
ggpolarDots and Their Connections in Polar Coordinate System
ggpolypathPolygons with Holes for the Grammar of Graphics
ggppGrammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'
ggprismA 'ggplot2' Extension Inspired by 'GraphPad Prism'
ggpubr'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots
ggpvalAnnotate Statistical Tests for 'ggplot2'
ggQCQuality Control Charts for 'ggplot'
ggQQunifCompare Big Datasets to the Uniform Distribution
ggquickedaQuickly Explore Your Data Using 'ggplot2' and 'table1' Summary Tables
ggquiverQuiver Plots for 'ggplot2'
ggraggedRagged Grids for 'ggplot2'
ggrainA Rainclouds Geom for 'ggplot2'
ggRandomForestsVisually Exploring Random Forests
ggraphAn Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks
ggraptRAllows Interactive Visualization of Data Through a Web Browser GUI
ggraspGaussian-Based Genome Representative Selector with Prioritization
ggrastrRasterize Layers for 'ggplot2'
ggrcsDraw Histograms and Restricted Cubic Splines (RCS)
ggredistScales, Geometries, and Extensions of 'ggplot2' for Election Mapping
ggrepelAutomatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with 'ggplot2'
ggResidpanelPanels and Interactive Versions of Diagnostic Plots using 'ggplot2'
ggrevealReveal a 'ggplot' Incrementally
GGRidgeGraphical Group Ridge
ggridgesRidgeline Plots in 'ggplot2'
ggriskRisk Score Plot for Cox Regression
ggroundedRounded Bar Plots
ggroupsPedigree and Genetic Groups
ggRtsyAdd Some Van Gogh Colors and Overlay Colors on Your 'ggplot()'
ggsankeyfierCreate Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
ggScatRidgesScatter Plot Combined with Ridgelines in 'ggplot2'
ggsciScientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for 'ggplot2'
ggscidcaPlotting Decision Curve Analysis with Coloured Bars
ggseas'stats' for Seasonal Adjustment on the Fly with 'ggplot2'
ggsectorDraw Sectors
ggsegPlotting Tool for Brain Atlases
ggseg3dTri-Surface Mesh Plots for Brain Atlases
ggseqlogoA 'ggplot2' Extension for Drawing Publication-Ready Sequence Logos
ggseqplotRender Sequence Plots using 'ggplot2'
ggshadowShadow and Glow Geoms for 'ggplot2'
ggsideSide Grammar Graphics
ggsignifSignificance Brackets for 'ggplot2'
ggsmcVisualising Output from Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers and Ensemble-Based Methods
ggsoccerPlot Soccer Event Data
ggsolvencyiiA 'ggplot2'-Plot of Composition of Solvency II SCR: SF and IM
ggsomNew Data Visualisations for SOMs Networks
ggspark'ggplot2' Functions to Create Tufte Style Sparklines
ggspatialSpatial Data Framework for ggplot2
ggspectraExtensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra
ggstanceHorizontal 'ggplot2' Components
ggstarMultiple Geometric Shape Point Layer for 'ggplot2'
ggstatsExtension to 'ggplot2' for Plotting Stats
ggstatsplot'ggplot2' Based Plots with Statistical Details
ggstreamCreate Streamplots in 'ggplot2'
ggstudentContinuous Confidence Interval Plots using t-Distribution
ggsurveySimplifying 'ggplot2' for Survey Data
ggsurvfitFlexible Time-to-Event Figures
ggswissmapsOffers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' Objects
ggtangleDraw Network with Data
ggteaPalettes and Themes for 'ggplot2'
ggternAn Extension to 'ggplot2', for the Creation of Ternary Diagrams
ggtextImproved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
ggThemeAssistAdd-in to Customize 'ggplot2' Themes
ggthemesExtra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'
ggthemeULA 'ggplot' Theme for University of Ljubljana
ggtibbleCreate Tibbles and Lists of 'ggplot' Figures for Reporting
ggtikzPost-Process 'ggplot2' Plots with 'TikZ' Code Using Plot Coordinates
ggTimeSeriesTime Series Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
ggtraceTrace and Highlight Groups of Data Points
ggtrendlineAdd Trendline and Confidence Interval to 'ggplot'
ggtricksCreate Sector and Other Charts Easily Using Grammar of Graphics
GGUMGeneralized Graded Unfolding Model
ggupsetCombination Matrix Axis for 'ggplot2' to Create 'UpSet' Plots
ggvennDraw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'
ggVennDiagramA 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram
ggversaGraficas Versatiles Con 'ggplot2'
ggview'ggplot2' Picture Previewer
ggvisInteractive Grammar of Graphics
ggvolcanoPublication-Ready Volcano Plots
ggwordcloudA Word Cloud Geom for 'ggplot2'
ggxA Natural Language Interface to 'ggplot2'
gh'GitHub' 'API'
GHapGenome-Wide Haplotyping
ghappsAuthenticate as a 'GitHub' App
GhatQuantifying Evolution and Selection on Complex Traits
ghclassTools for Managing Classes on GitHub
ghcmFunctional Conditional Independence Testing with the GHCM
ghibliStudio Ghibli Colour Palettes
GhostMissing Data Segments Imputation in Multivariate Streams
GhostKnockoffThe Knockoff Inference Using Summary Statistics
ghqlGeneral Purpose 'GraphQL' Client
GHSGraphical Horseshoe MCMC Sampler Using Data Augmented Block Gibbs Sampler
ghypGeneralized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special Cases
ghypernetFit and Simulate Generalised Hypergeometric Ensembles of Graphs
giacRInterface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac'
GiANTGene Set Uncertainty in Enrichment Analysis
gibasaAn Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'
gibbleGeometry Decomposition
GICA General Iterative Clustering Algorithm
gieAPI Wrapper for the Natural Gas Transparency Platforms of Gas Infrastructure Europe
gifGraphical Independence Filtering
GifiMultivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling
gifskiHighest Quality GIF Encoder
GIFTAccess to the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)
giftiReads in 'Neuroimaging' 'GIFTI' Files with Geometry Information
GIFTrGIFT Questions Format Generator from Dataframes
giggGroup Inverse-Gamma Gamma Shrinkage for Sparse Regression with Grouping Structure
GIGrvgRandom Variate Generator for the GIG Distribution
GillespieSSAGillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA)
GillespieSSA2Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Impatient People
gimGeneralized Integration Model
gimmeGroup Iterative Multiple Model Estimation
GIMMEgVARGroup Iterative Multiple Model Estimation with 'graphicalVAR'
GimmeMyPlotGraphical Utilities for Visualizing and Exploring Data
gimmeToolsSupplemental Tools for the 'gimme' R Package
gimmsDownload and Process GIMMS NDVI3g Data
GiNAHigh Throughput Phenotyping
GiniGini Coefficient
GiniDecompLYGini Decomposition by Income Sources
GiniDistanceA New Gini Correlation Between Quantitative and Qualitative Variables
giniVarCIGini Indices, Variances and Confidence Intervals for Finite and Infinite Populations
ginormalGeneralized Inverse Normal Distribution Density and Generation
GInSARCorWGACOS InSAR Correction Workflow
gIPFrmGeneralized Iterative Proportional Fitting for Relational Models
GIplotGaussian Interval Plot (GIplot)
gipsGaussian Model Invariant by Permutation Symmetry
GiRaFGibbs Random Fields Analysis
giscoRDownload Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat
GISSBNetwork Analysis on the Norwegian Road Network
GISToolsFurther Capabilities in Geographic Information Science
gistrWork with 'GitHub' 'Gists'
git2rProvides Access to Git Repositories
git2rdataStore and Retrieve Data.frames in a Git Repository
git4rInteractive Git for R
gitcredsQuery 'git' Credentials from 'R'
gitdownTurn Your Git Commit Messages into a HTML Book
gitearClient to the 'gitea' API
gitgadget'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git
gitGPTAutomated Git Commit Messages using the 'OpenAI' 'GPT' Model
githubinstallA Helpful Way to Install R Packages Hosted on GitHub
githubrEasier to Use API Wrapper for 'GitHub'
gitignoreCreate Useful .gitignore Files for your Project
gitlabrAccess to the 'GitLab' API
gitlinkAdd 'Git' Links to Your Web Based Assets
gitrA Lightweight API for 'Git'
GitStatsGet Statistics from 'GitHub' and 'GitLab'
gittargetsData Version Control for the Targets Package
givitiRThe GiViTI Calibration Test and Belt
gjamGeneralized Joint Attribute Modeling
gJLS2A Generalized Joint Location and Scale Framework for Association Testing
GJRMGeneralised Joint Regression Modelling
gkg-and-k and g-and-h Distribution Functions
GK2011Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) Estimators for Hybrid Experiments
gkgraphRAccessing the Official 'Google Knowledge Graph' API
gkmSVMGapped-Kmer Support Vector Machine
gKRLSGeneralized Kernel Regularized Least Squares
glamGeneralized Additive and Linear Models (GLAM)
glamlassoPenalization in Large Scale Generalized Linear Array Models
glarmaGeneralized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average Models
GlarmadilloSolve the Graphical Lasso Problem with 'Armadillo'
GlarmaVarSelVariable Selection in Sparse GLARMA Models
glassdoorInterface to 'Glassdoor' API
glassoGraphical Lasso: Estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models
glassoFastFast Graphical LASSO
glbaGeneral Linear Ballistic Accumulator Models
glcaAn R Package for Multiple-Group Latent Class Analysis
glcmCalculate Textures from Grey-Level Co-Occurrence Matrices (GLCMs)
GLCMTexturesGLCM Textures of Raster Layers
gldEstimation and Use of the Generalised (Tukey) Lambda Distribution
GLDEXFitting Single and Mixture of Generalised Lambda Distributions
GLDregFit GLD Regression/Quantile/AFT Model to Data
gldrmGeneralized Linear Density Ratio Models
glinternetLearning Interactions via Hierarchical Group-Lasso Regularization
glinvciPhylogenetic Comparative Methods with Uncertainty Estimates
gllmGeneralised log-Linear Model
gllvmGeneralized Linear Latent Variable Models
glm.deploy'C' and 'Java' Source Code Generator for Fitted Glm Objects
glm.predictPredicted Values and Discrete Changes for Regression Models
glm2Fitting Generalized Linear Models
GLMaSPUAn Adaptive Test on High Dimensional Parameters in Generalized Linear Models
glmbbAll Hierarchical or Graphical Models for Generalized Linear Model
glmcFitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to Constraints
GLMcatGeneralized Linear Models for Categorical Responses
glmeGeneralized Linear Mixed Effects Models
glmertreeGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Trees
glmglrtGLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear Models
glmlepFit GLM with LEP-Based Penalized Maximum Likelihood
glmmGeneralized Linear Mixed Models via Monte Carlo Likelihood Approximation
glmm.hpHierarchical Partitioning of Marginal R2 for Generalized Mixed-Effect Models
GLMMadaptiveGeneralized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature
GLMMcosinorFit a Cosinor Model Using a Generalised Mixed Modelling Framework
glmmEPGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Analysis via Expectation Propagation
glmmfieldsGeneralized Linear Mixed Models with Robust Random Fields for Spatiotemporal Modeling
glmMisrepGeneralized Linear Models Adjusting for Misrepresentation
glmmLassoVariable Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed Models by L1-Penalized Estimation
glmmMLGeneralized Linear Models with Clustering
glmmPenHigh Dimensional Penalized Generalized Linear Mixed Models (pGLMM)
glmmrBaseGeneralised Linear Mixed Models in R
glmmrOptimApproximate Optimal Experimental Designs Using Generalised Linear Mixed Models
GLMMRRGeneralized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for Binary Randomized Response Data
GLMMselectBayesian Model Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed Models
glmmSeqGeneral Linear Mixed Models for Gene-Level Differential Expression
glmmTMBGeneralized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder
glmnetLasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
glmnetcrFit a Penalized Constrained Continuation Ratio Model for Predicting an Ordinal Response
glmnetrNested Cross Validation for the Relaxed Lasso and Other Machine Learning Models
glmnetSEAdd Nonparametric Bootstrap SE to 'glmnet' for Selected Coefficients (No Shrinkage)
glmnetUtilsUtilities for 'Glmnet'
GLMpackData and Code to Accompany Generalized Linear Models, 2nd Edition
glmpathL1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and Cox Proportional Hazards Model
glmpathcrFit a Penalized Continuation Ratio Model for Predicting an Ordinal Response
glmpcaDimension Reduction of Non-Normally Distributed Data
glmpermuPermutation-Based Inference for Generalized Linear Models
GLMsDataGeneralized Linear Model Data Sets
GlmSimulatoRCreates Ideal Data for Generalized Linear Models
glmtlpGeneralized Linear Models with Truncated Lasso Penalty
glmtoolboxSet of Tools to Data Analysis using Generalized Linear Models
glmtransTransfer Learning under Regularized Generalized Linear Models
glmtreeLogistic Regression Trees
glmultiModel Selection and Multimodel Inference Made Easy
glmvsdVariable Selection Deviation Measures and Instability Tests for High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Models
glmxGeneralized Linear Models Extended
glmxdiagA Collection of Graphic Tools for GLM Diagnostics and some Extensions
globalKinhomInhomogeneous K- And Pair Correlation Functions Using Global Estimators
GlobalOptionsGenerate Functions to Get or Set Global Options
globalOptTestsObjective functions for benchmarking the performance of global optimization algorithms
globalsIdentify Global Objects in R Expressions
globaltrendsDownload and Measure Global Trends Through Google Search Volumes
globePlot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major Coastline
globerEstimating Functions with Multivariate B-Splines
glogisFitting and Testing Generalized Logistic Distributions
glossaUser-Friendly 'shiny' App for Bayesian Species Distribution Models
glossaryGlossaries for Markdown and Quarto Documents
glossrUse Interlinear Glosses in R Markdown
glottospaceLanguage Mapping and Geospatial Analysis of Linguistic and Cultural Data
glowMake Plots that Glow
glpkAPIR Interface to C API of GLPK
gLRTHGenome-Wide Association and Linkage Analysis under Heterogeneity
GLSMEGeneralized Least Squares with Measurement Error
glueInterpreted String Literals
gluedownWrap Vectors in Markdown Formatting
gluvarproGlucose Variability Measures from Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data
glvmfitMethods to Assess Generalized Latent Variable Model Fit
glycanrTools for Analysing N-Glycan Data
gmCreate Music with Ease
gmaGranger Mediation Analysis
GMACGenomic Mediation Analysis with Adaptive Confounding Adjustment
gmailrAccess the 'Gmail' 'RESTful' API
gmapsdistanceDistance and Travel Time Between Two Points from Google Maps
GMCMFast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Copula Models
gMCPGraph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures
gMCPLiteLightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures
gmDatabaseAccessing a Geometallurgical Database with R
GMDHShort Term Forecasting via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithms
GMDH2Binary Classification via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithms
GMDHregRegression using GMDH Algorithms
GmedianGeometric Median, k-Medians Clustering and Robust Median PCA
gmfammGeneralized Multivariate Functional Additive Models
gmfdInference and Clustering of Functional Data
gmGeostatsGeostatistics for Compositional Analysis
gmgmGaussian Mixture Graphical Model Learning and Inference
GmiscDescriptive Statistics, Transition Plots, and More
GMKMcharlieUnsupervised Gaussian Mixture and Minkowski and Spherical K-Means with Constraints
gmmGeneralized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood
GMMATGeneralized Linear Mixed Model Association Tests
GMMBoostLikelihood-Based Boosting for Generalized Mixed Models
gmmsslmSemi-Supervised Gaussian Mixture Model with a Missing-Data Mechanism
gmnlMultinomial Logit Models with Random Parameters
gmodelsVarious R Programming Tools for Model Fitting
gMOIPTools for 2D and 3D Plots of Single and Multi-Objective Linear/Integer Programming Models
GmooGDatasets for the Book 'Getting (more out of) Graphics'
gmoTreeGet and Modify 'oTree' Data
gmpMultiple Precision Arithmetic
gmpolyMultivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
GMProGraph Matching with Degree Profiles
GmptzCurveGompertz Curve Fitting
gmreslsSolve Least Squares with GMRES(k)
gms'GAMS' Modularization Support Package
GMSEGeneralised Management Strategy Evaluation Simulator
GMSimputeGeneralized Mass Spectrum Missing Peaks Abundance Imputation
gmtInterface Between GMT Map-Making Software and R
gmtFDGeneral Multiple Tests for Univariate and Multivariate Functional Data
gmvarkitEstimate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Vector Autoregressive Models
gmvjointJoint Models of Survival and Multivariate Longitudinal Data
gmwmxEstimate Functional and Stochastic Parameters of Linear Models with Correlated Residuals
gMWTGeneralized Mann-Whitney Type Tests
GNARMethods for Fitting Network Time Series Models
GNEComputation of Generalized Nash Equilibria
gnFitGoodness of Fit Test for Continuous Distribution Functions
gnlmGeneralized Nonlinear Regression Models
gnmGeneralized Nonlinear Models
gnnGenerative Neural Networks
gnomonicMEstimate Natural Mortality for Different Life Stages
gnonaddVarious Non-Additive Models for Genetic Associations
gnormGeneralized Normal/Exponential Power Distribution
gnrprodEstimates Gross Output Functions
GNRSAccess the 'Geographic Name Resolution Service'
GNSSsegHomogenization of GNSS Series
gnumericRead Data from Files Readable by 'gnumeric'
go2bigqConvert Large Numbers to Bigq Format
goalpWeighted and Lexicographic Goal Programming Interface
goatGene Set Analysis Using the Gene Set Ordinal Association Test
GOCompareComprehensive GO Terms Comparison Between Species
goevegFunctions for Community Data and Ordinations
gofarGeneralized Co-Sparse Factor Regression
gofcatGoodness-of-Fit Measures for Categorical Response Models
GofCensGoodness-of-Fit Methods for Complete and Right-Censored Data
gofCopulaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Copulae
gofedfGoodness of Fit Tests Based on Empirical Distribution Functions
goffdaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Functional Data
gofgammaGoodness-of-Fit Tests for the Gamma Distribution
GoFKernelTesting Goodness-of-Fit with the Kernel Density Estimator
GofKmtKhmaladze Martingale Transformation Goodness-of-Fit Test
gofregBootstrap-Based Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Parametric Regression
GOFShinyInteractive Document for Working with Goodness of Fit Analysis
goftTests of Fit for some Probability Distributions
goftestClassical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
gogarchGeneralized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) Models
goldfishStatistical Network Models for Dynamic Network Data
golemA Framework for Robust Shiny Applications
gommsGLM-Based Ordination Method
GomoGomonoMiAnimate Text using the 'Animate.css' Library
gompertztruncConducting Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Truncated Mortality Data
gontrDataset for 'GOxploreR'
goodGood Regression
GoodFibesDetection and Reconstruction of Muscle Fibers from diceCT Image Data
GoodFitSBMMonte Carlo Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Stochastic Block Models
GoodmanKruskalAssociation Analysis for Categorical Variables
goodpracticeAdvice on R Package Building
GoodreaderScrape and Analyze 'Goodreads' Book Data
googleadsRAccess to 'Google Ads' via the 'Windsor.ai' API
googleAnalyticsRGoogle Analytics API into R
googleAuthRAuthenticate and Create Google APIs
googleCloudRunnerR Scripts in the Google Cloud via Cloud Run, Cloud Build and Cloud Scheduler
googleCloudStorageRInterface with Google Cloud Storage API
googleCloudVisionRAccess to the 'Google Cloud Vision' API for Image Recognition, OCR and Labeling
googleComputeEngineRR Interface with Google Compute Engine
googledriveAn Interface to Google Drive
googleErrorReportingRSend Error Reports to the Google Error Reporting Service API
GoogleImage2ArrayCreate Array Data from 2D Image Thumbnails via Google Image Search
GoogleKnowledgeGraphRRetrieve Information from 'Google Knowledge Graph' API
googleLanguageRCall Google's 'Natural Language' API, 'Cloud Translation' API, 'Cloud Speech' API and 'Cloud Text-to-Speech' API
googlenlpAn Interface to Google's Cloud Natural Language API
googlePolylinesEncoding Coordinates into 'Google' Polylines
googlePublicDataWorking with Google's 'Public Data Explorer' DSPL Metadata Files
googlePubsubRR Interface for Google 'Cloud Pub/Sub' REST API
googlerGoogle from the R Console
googlesheets4Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
googleTagManageRAccess the 'Google Tag Manager' API using R
googletrafficGoogle Traffic
googleVisR Interface to Google Charts
googlewayAccesses Google Maps APIs to Retrieve Data and Plot Maps
GOplotVisualization of Functional Analysis Data
gorAlgorithms for the Subject Graphs and Network Optimization
GORCureFit Generalized Odds Rate Mixture Cure Model with Interval Censored Data
goricGeneralized Order-Restricted Information Criterion
goricaEvaluation of Inequality Constrained Hypotheses Using GORICA
gossetTools for Data Analysis in Experimental Agriculture
gotopScroll Back to Top Icon in Shiny and R Markdown
govdownGOV.UK Style Templates for R Markdown
governorSpeed Limiter to Control Rate of Execution of Loops
govinfoRA 'GovInfo' API Wrapper
govStatJPNfunctions to get public survey data in Japan
gowerGower's Distance
goweragreementBayesian Gower Agreement for Categorical Data
GOxploreRStructural Exploration of the Gene Ontology (GO) Knowledge Base
goxygenIn-Code Documentation for 'GAMS'
gpMaximum Likelihood Estimation of the Generalized Poisson Distribution
gpairsThe Generalized Pairs Plot
GParetoGaussian Processes for Pareto Front Estimation and Optimization
GPArotateDFDerivative Free Gradient Projection Factor Rotation
GPArotationGradient Projection Factor Rotation
GPBayesTools for Gaussian Process Modeling in Uncertainty Quantification
gpboostCombining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models
gpbStatComprehensive Statistical Analysis of Plant Breeding Experiments
GPCERFGaussian Processes for Estimating Causal Exposure Response Curves
GPCMlassoDifferential Item Functioning in Generalized Partial Credit Models
GPCsignGaussian Process Classification as Described in Bachoc et al. (2020)
GPEMRGrowth Parameter Estimation Method
GPFDAGaussian Process for Functional Data Analysis
GPfitGaussian Processes Modeling
gpgGNU Privacy Guard for R
GPGameSolving Complex Game Problems using Gaussian Processes
GpGpFast Gaussian Process Computation Using Vecchia's Approximation
GPICQuantifying Group Performance in Individual Competitions
gpindexGeneralized Price and Quantity Indexes
gpk100 Data Sets for Statistics Education
gpkgUtilities for the Open Geospatial Consortium 'GeoPackage' Format
GPL2025Convert Chip ID of the GPL2015 into GeneBank Accession and ENTREZID
gpliteGeneral Purpose Gaussian Process Modelling
gplmGeneralized Partial Linear Models (GPLM)
gplotsVarious R Programming Tools for Plotting Data
gplsimSpline Estimation for GPLSIM
GPLTRGeneralized Partially Linear Tree-Based Regression Model
GPMGaussian Process Modeling of Multi-Response and Possibly Noisy Datasets
gpmapAnalysing and Plotting Genotype-Phenotype Maps
GPoMGeneralized Polynomial Modelling
GPPGaussian Process Projection
GPRMortalityGaussian Process Regression for Mortality Rates
gProfileRInterface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolkit
gprofiler2Interface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolset
gpsGeneral P-Splines
gps.trackGPS Track Point Information Extractor
GPSCDFGeneralized Propensity Score Cumulative Distribution Function
GPSeqClusSequential Clustering Algorithm for Location Data
gptoolsStanGaussian Processes on Graphs and Lattices in 'Stan'
gptrA Convenient R Interface with the OpenAI 'ChatGPT' API
GPTreeODividing Local Gaussian Processes for Online Learning Regression
gptstudioUse Large Language Models Directly in your Development Environment
gptzerorIdentify Text Written by Large Language Models using 'GPTZero'
GPUmatrixBasic Linear Algebra with GPU
gpuRGPU Functions for R Objects
GPvamMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Membership Mixed Models Used in Value-Added Modeling
GPvecchiaScalable Gaussian-Process Approximations
gpxProcess GPX Files into R Data Structures
gqlr'GraphQL' Server in R
gquadPrediction of G Quadruplexes and Other Non-B DNA Motifs
grabsamplingProbability of Detection for Grab Sample Selection
GrabSVGGranularity-Based Spatially Variable Genes Identifications
GraceGraph-Constrained Estimation and Hypothesis Tests
gradeBinary Grading functions for R
gradeRHelps Grade Assignment Submissions that are R Scripts
graDiEntStochastic Quasi-Gradient Differential Evolution Optimization
gradientPickerD3Interactive Color Gradient Picker Using 'htmlwidgets' and the Modified JS Script 'jquery-gradient-picker'
grafifyEasy Graphs for Data Visualisation and Linear Models for ANOVA
grafzahlSupervised Machine Learning for Textual Data Using Transformers and 'Quanteda'
gRainBayesian Networks
grainscapeLandscape Connectivity, Habitat, and Protected Area Networks
gramEvolGrammatical Evolution for R
GramQuadGram Quadrature
grandGuidelines for Reporting About Network Data
grandRComprehensive Analysis of Nucleotide Conversion Sequencing Data
grangersInference on Granger-Causality in the Frequency Domain
granovaGraphical Analysis of Variance
granovaGGGraphical Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2
granthamCalculate the Grantham Distance
GRAPEGene-Ranking Analysis of Pathway Expression
grapesMake Binary Operators
grapesAgri1Collection of Shiny Apps for Agricultural Research Data Analysis
graph3dA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'vis-graph3d'
graph4lgBuild Graphs for Landscape Genetics Analysis
graphclustHierarchical Graph Clustering for a Collection of Networks
GrapheRA Multi-Platform GUI for Drawing Customizable Graphs in R
grapheratorA Modular Multi-Step Graph Generator
graphframesInterface for 'GraphFrames'
graphhopperAn R Interface to the 'GraphHopper' Directions API
graphicalEvidenceGraphical Evidence
graphicalExtremesStatistical Methodology for Graphical Extreme Value Models
graphicalMCPGraphical Multiple Comparison Procedures
graphicalVARGraphical VAR for Experience Sampling Data
graphkernelsGraph Kernels
graphlayoutsAdditional Layout Algorithms for Network Visualizations
graphonA Collection of Graphon Estimation Methods
graphPAFEstimating and Displaying Population Attributable Fractions
graphqlA GraphQL Query Parser
graphsimSimulate Expression Data from 'igraph' Networks
graphTweetsVisualise Twitter Interactions
graposasGraphical Approach Optimal Sample Size
gratefulFacilitate Citation of R Packages
gratesGrouped Date Classes
gratiaGraceful 'ggplot'-Based Graphics and Other Functions for GAMs Fitted Using 'mgcv'
graticuleMeridional and Parallel Lines for Maps
gratisGenerating Time Series with Diverse and Controllable Characteristics
grattanAustralian Tax Policy Analysis
grattanInflatorsInflators for Australian Policy Analysis
gRavenBayes Nets: 'RHugin' Emulation with 'gRain'
gravitasExplore Probability Distributions for Bivariate Temporal Granularities
gravityEstimation Methods for Gravity Models
gravmagsubsGravitational and Magnetic Attraction of 3-D Vertical Rectangular Prisms
gRbaseA Package for Graphical Modelling in R
gRcInference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries
GRCdataParameter Inference and Optimal Designs for Grouped and/or Right-Censored Count Data
GRCdesignsGeneralized Row-Column Designs
GRCRegressionModified Poisson Regression of Grouped and Right-Censored Counts
greatRGene Registration from Expression and Time-Courses in R
grecGradient-Based Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Environmental Data
greedClustering and Model Selection with the Integrated Classification Likelihood
GreedyEPLGreedy Expected Posterior Loss
GreedyExperimentalDesignGreedy Experimental Design Construction
GreedyExperimentalDesignJARsGreedyExperimentalDesign JARs
greekLettersRoutines for Writing Greek Letters and Mathematical Symbols on the 'RStudio' and 'RGui'
greeksSensitivities of Prices of Financial Options and Implied Volatilities
greenclustCombine Categories Using Greenacre's Method
greencrab.toolkitRun 'Stan' Models to Interpret Green Crab Monitoring Assessments
GREENeRGeospatial Regression Equation for European Nutrient Losses (GREEN)
greenfeedrProcess and Report 'GreenFeed' Data
GregRegression Helper Functions
GregoryQuadratureGregory Weights for Function Integration
gregRyGREGORY Estimation
GRelevanceGraph-Based k-Sample Comparisons and Relevance Analysis in High Dimensions
gremlinMixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses
GREMLINSGeneralized Multipartite Networks
greportGraphical Reporting for Clinical Trials
gretaSimple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R
greta.dynamicsModelling Structured Dynamical Systems in 'greta'
greta.gpGaussian Process Modelling in 'greta'
gretelGeneralized Path Analysis for Social Networks
gretlRA Seamless Integration of 'Gretl' and 'R'
grexGene ID Mapping for Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Data
greyboxToolbox for Model Building and Forecasting
GreyModelFitting and Forecasting of Grey Model
GreymodelsShiny App for Grey Forecasting Model
GreyZonesDetection of Grey Zones in Two-Way Inter-Rater Agreement Tables
grfGeneralized Random Forests
GrFAGroup Factor Analysis
gridBaseIntegration of base and grid graphics
gridBezierBezier Curves in 'grid'
GRIDCOPULABivariate Copula Functions Based on Regular Grid
gridDebugDebugging 'grid' Graphics
gridExtraMiscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics
gridGeometryPolygon Geometry in 'grid'
gridGraphicsRedraw Base Graphics Using 'grid' Graphics
gridGraphvizDrawing Graphs with 'grid'
GridOnClustersCluster-Preserving Multivariate Joint Grid Discretization
gridOTApproximate Optimal Transport Between Two-Dimensional Grids
gridpattern'grid' Pattern Grobs
gridsamplerA Simulation Tool to Determine the Required Sample Size for Repertory Grid Studies
gridstackeRWrapper for 'gridstack.js'
gridSVGExport 'grid' Graphics as SVG
gridtextImproved Text Rendering Support for 'Grid' Graphics
gRimGraphical Interaction Models
grImportImporting Vector Graphics
grImport2Importing 'SVG' Graphics
GrimRCalculate Optical Parameters from Spindle Stage Measurements
grippGeneral Inverse Problem Platform
grizbayrBayesian Inference for A|B and Bandit Marketing Tests
grmsemGenetic-Relationship-Matrix Structural Equation Modelling (GRMSEM)
grnnGeneral regression neural network
GRNNsGeneral Regression Neural Networks Package
GROANGenomic Regression Workbench
grobblRCreating Flexible, Reproducible 'PDF' Reports
grocGeneralized Regression on Orthogonal Components
gromovlabGromov-Hausdorff Type Distances for Labeled Metric Spaces
groqRA Coding Assistant using the Fast AI Inference 'Groq'
groundhogVersion-Control for CRAN, GitHub, and GitLab Packages
GroupBNInferring Group Bayesian Networks using Hierarchical Feature Clustering
GroupComparisonsPaired/Unpaired Parametric/Non-Parametric Group Comparisons
groupdata2Creating Groups from Data
groupedSurvEfficient Estimation of Grouped Survival Models Using the Exact Likelihood Function
Grouphmap'Grouphmap' is an Automated One-Step Common Analysis of Batch Expression Profile
groupICAIndependent Component Analysis for Grouped Data
grouprGroups with Inapplicable Values
grouprarGroup Response Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials
GroupSeqGroup Sequential Design Probabilities - With Graphical User Interface
GroupTestMultiple Testing Procedure for Grouped Hypotheses
groupTestingSimulating and Modeling Group (Pooled) Testing Data
groupwalkImplement the Group Walk Algorithm
groupWQSGrouped Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
groveWavelet Functional ANOVA Through Markov Groves
growfunctionsBayesian Non-Parametric Dependent Models for Time-Indexed Functional Data
growRImplementation of the Vegetation Model ModVege
growthMultivariate Normal and Elliptically-Contoured Repeated Measurements Models
growthcleanrData Cleaner for Anthropometric Measurements
growthcurverSimple Metrics to Summarize Growth Curves
growthmodelsNonlinear Growth Models
growthPhenoFunctional Analysis of Phenotypic Growth Data to Smooth and Extract Traits
growthrateBayesian reconstruction of growth velocity
growthratesEstimate Growth Rates from Experimental Data
grpCoxPenalized Cox Model for High-Dimensional Data with Grouped Predictors
grPipeGraphviz Pipeline Plot Based on Grids (grPipe: Graphviz Pipeline)
grplassoFitting User-Specified Models with Group Lasso Penalty
grpnetGroup Elastic Net Regularized GLMs and GAMs
grpregRegularization Paths for Regression Models with Grouped Covariates
grpselGroup Subset Selection
grpseqGroup Sequential Analysis of Clinical Trials
grpSLOPEGroup Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation
GrpStringPatterns and Statistical Differences Between Two Groups of Strings
grrAlternative Implementations of Base R Functions
GRS.testGRS Test for Portfolio Efficiency, Its Statistical Power Analysis, and Optimal Significance Level Calculation
GRShinyGraded Response Model
GRSxETesting Gene-Environment Interactions Through Genetic Risk Scores
grtGeneral Recognition Theory
GRToTools for the Analysis of Gutenberg-Richter Distributions of Earthquake Magnitudes
grwatRiver Hydrograph Separation and Analysis
GSAGene Set Analysis
GSA.UNGlobal Sensitivity Analysis Tool
GSAfisherCombinedGene Set Analysis with Fisher Combined Method
gsalibUtility Functions for 'GATK'
GSAQGene Set Analysis with QTL
gsarimaTwo Functions for Generalized SARIMA Time Series Simulation
gsbDesignGroup Sequential Bayes Design
gsbmEstimate Parameters in the Generalized SBM
gscaLCAGeneralized Structure Component Analysis- Latent Class Analysis & Latent Class Regression
gscountsGroup Sequential Designs with Negative Binomial Outcomes
gscrambleSimulating Admixed Genotypes Without Replacement
GSDGraph Signal Decomposition
GSDAGene Set Distance Analysis (GSDA)
gsDesignGroup Sequential Design
gsDesign2Group Sequential Design with Non-Constant Effect
GSERobust Estimation in the Presence of Cellwise and Casewise Contamination and Missing Data
gsEasyGene Set Enrichment Analysis in R
GseaVisImplement for 'GSEA' Enrichment Visualization
GSEDGroup Sequential Enrichment Design
gSegGraph-Based Change-Point Detection (g-Segmentation)
GSelectionGenomic Selection
GSEMAGene Set Enrichment Meta-Analysis
gsheetDownload Google Sheets Using Just the URL
gsignalSignal Processing
gsisdecoderHigh Efficient Functions to Decode NFL Player IDs
gslWrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
gslnlsGSL Multi-Start Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting
gsloidGlobal Sea Level and Oxygen Isotope Data
GSMGamma Shape Mixture
gsMAMSGroup Sequential Designs of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Trials
gsmoothrSmoothing tools
GSMXMultivariate Genomic Selection
GSODRGlobal Surface Summary of the Day ('GSOD') Weather Data Client
gsonBase Class and Methods for 'gson' Format
GSparOGroup Sparse Optimization
gspcrGeneralized Supervised Principal Component Regression
gsrsA Group-Specific Recommendation System
gsrsbGroup Sequential Refined Secondary Boundary
gssGeneral Smoothing Splines
GSSEGenotype-Specific Survival Estimation
GSSTDAProgression Analysis of Disease with Survival using Topological Data Analysis
gstarGeneralized Space-Time Autoregressive Model
gstatSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modelling, Prediction and Simulation
gStreamGraph-Based Sequential Change-Point Detection for Streaming Data
gstsmGeneralized Spatial-Time Sequence Miner
gsubfnUtilities for Strings and Function Arguments
gswGibbs Sea Water Functions
GsymPointEstimation of the Generalized Symmetry Point, an Optimal Cutpoint in Continuous Diagnostic Tests
gsynthGeneralized Synthetic Control Method
gtEasily Create Presentation-Ready Display Tables
gt4irevalGeneralizability Theory for Information Retrieval Evaluation
gtableArrange 'Grobs' in Tables
GTbasedIMGame Theory-Based Influence Measures
GTDLThe Generalized Time-Dependent Logistic Family
gteGeneralized Turnbull's Estimator
gTestsGraph-Based Two-Sample Tests
gTestsMultiNew Graph-Based Multi-Sample Tests
gtexrQuery the GTEx Portal API
gtExtrasExtending 'gt' for Beautiful HTML Tables
gtextureGeneralized Application of Co-Occurrence Matrices and Haralick Texture
gtfs2gpsConverting Transport Data from GTFS Format to GPS-Like Records
gtfsioRead and Write General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Files
gtfsrouterRouting with 'GTFS' (General Transit Feed Specification) Data
gtfstoolsGeneral Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Editing and Analysing Tools
gtheoryApply Generalizability Theory with R
gtoInsert 'gt' Tables into Word Documents
gtoolsVarious R Programming Tools
gtranslateTranslate Between Different Languages
gtregRegulatory Tables for Clinical Research
gtrendsRPerform and Display Google Trends Queries
gtsummaryPresentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
gtWASGenome and Transcriptome Wide Association Study
guaguasNombres Inscritos en Chile (1920 - 2021)
guardianapiAccess 'The Guardian' Newspaper Open Data API
GUDBayesian Modal Regression Based on the GUD Family
GuerryMaps, Data and Methods Related to Guerry (1833) "Moral Statistics of France"
guesciniReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Guescini et al. (2008)
guessAdjust Estimates of Learning for Guessing
GUESTGraphical Models in Ultrahigh-Dimensional and Error-Prone Data via Boosting Algorithm
GUIDEGUI for DErivatives in R
guidedPLSSupervised Dimensional Reduction by Guided Partial Least Squares
guildaiTrack Machine Learning Experiments
GUILDSImplementation of Sampling Formulas for the Unified Neutral Model of Biodiversity and Biogeography, with or without Guild Structure
guiplotUser-Friendly GUI Plotting Tools
GUIProfilerGraphical User Interface for Rprof()
guix.installInstall R Packages with GNU Guix
gumbelThe Gumbel-Hougaard Copula
gumbootBootstrap Analyses of Sampling Uncertainty in Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
GUniFracGeneralized UniFrac Distances, Distance-Based Multivariate Methods and Feature-Based Univariate Methods for Microbiome Data Analysis
gunitConverts Conductance Units
gunsalesStatistical Analysis of Monthly Background Checks of Gun Purchases
gustaveA User-Oriented Statistical Toolkit for Analytical Variance Estimation
gutenbergrDownload and Process Public Domain Works from Project Gutenberg
GUTSFast Calculation of the Likelihood of a Stochastic Survival Model
GVARXPerform Global Vector Autoregression Estimation and Inference
gvcGlobal Value Chains Tools
gvcRGenotypic Variance Components
gvlmaGlobal Validation of Linear Models Assumptions
GWalkRInteractive Exploratory Data Analysis Tool
gwaRsManhattan, Q-Q, and PCA Plots using 'ggplot2'
GWASbyClusterIdentifying Significant SNPs in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) via Clustering
GWASExactHWExact Hardy-Weinburg Testing for Genome Wide Association Studies
gwasforestMake Forest Plot with GWAS Data
GWASinlpsNon-Local Prior Based Iterative Variable Selection Tool for Genome-Wide Association Studies
GWASinspectorComprehensive and Easy to Use Quality Control of GWAS Results
gwasrapidd'REST' 'API' Client for the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog
gwavrGet Water Attributes Visually in R
gwbrLocal and Global Beta Regression
GWEXMulti-Site Stochastic Models for Daily Precipitation and Temperature
GWICount and Continuous Generalized Variability Indexes
gwidGenome-Wide Identity-by-Descent
gWidgets2Rewrite of gWidgets API for Simplified GUI Construction
gWidgets2tcltkToolkit Implementation of gWidgets2 for tcltk
GWLelastGeographically Weighted Logistic Elastic Net Regression
GWmodelGeographically-Weighted Models
GWnnegPCAGeographically Weighted Non-Negative Principal Components Analysis
GWpcorGeographically Weighted Partial Correlation Coefficient
gwpcormapperGeographically Weighted Partial Correlation Mapper
gWQSGeneralized Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
GWRLASSOA Hybrid Model for Spatial Prediction Through Local Regression
GWRMGeneralized Waring Regression Model for Count Data
gwrpvrGenome-Wide Regression P-Value (Gwrpv)
gwrrFits Geographically Weighted Regression Models with Diagnostic Tools
GWSDATGroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT)
GWsignifEstimating Genome-Wide Significance for Whole Genome Sequencing Studies, Either Single SNP Tests or Region-Based Tests
gwzinbrGeographically Weighted Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Regression
GxEprsGenotype-by-Environment Interaction in Polygenic Score Models
GxEScanRRun GWAS/GWEIS Scans Using Binary Dosage Files
gymProvides Access to the OpenAI Gym API
gyroHyperbolic Geometry
h0A Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis for Estimating the Hubble Constant via Time Delay Cosmography
h2oR Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
h2o4gpuInterface to 'H2O4GPU'
h2otoolsMachine Learning Model Evaluation for 'h2o' Package
H2x2FactorialSample Size Calculation in Hierarchical 2x2 Factorial Trials
h3jsrAccess Uber's H3 Library
h3libExposes the 'Uber' 'H3' Library to R Packages
h3rHexagonal Hierarchical Geospatial Indexing System
haarfiszSoftware to Perform Haar Fisz Transforms
habClusterDetecting Spatial Clustering Based on Connection Cost Between Grids
hablarNon-Astonishing Results in R
habtoolsTools and Metrics for 3D Surfaces and Objects
HACEstimation, Simulation and Visualization of Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae (HAC)
hackeRnewsWrapper for the 'Official Hacker News' API
hacksawAdditional Tools for Splitting and Cleaning Data
hacksigA Tidy Framework to Hack Gene Expression Signatures
HACSimIterative Extrapolation of Species' Haplotype Accumulation Curves for Genetic Diversity Assessment
HadamardRHadamard Matrix Generation
HaDeXAnalysis and Visualisation of Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Data
HadIBDsIncomplete Block Designs using Hadamard Matrix (HadIBDs)
hagisAnalysis of Plant Pathogen Pathotype Complexities, Distributions and Diversity
hahmmrHaplotype-Aware Hidden Markov Model for RNA
hakaiApiAuthenticated HTTP Request Client for the 'Hakai' API
hal9001The Scalable Highly Adaptive Lasso
haldensifyHighly Adaptive Lasso Conditional Density Estimation
halfcirclePlot Halfcircle Diagram
halfmoonTechniques to Build Better Balance
halkMethods to Create Hierarchical Age Length Keys for Age Assignment
hamletHierarchical Optimal Matching and Machine Learning Toolbox
handcodeRText Annotation App
handlrConvert Among Citation Formats
HandTill2001Multiple Class Area under ROC Curve
handwriterHandwriting Analysis in R
handwriterAppA 'shiny' Application for Handwriting Analysis
handyFunctionsUseful Functions for Handfully Manipulating and Analyzing Data with Data.frame Format
handyplotsHandy Plots
hansHaversines are not Slow
hansardProvides Easy Downloading Capabilities for the UK Parliament API
HanStatPackage for Easy Interpretation of Statistical Methods
hapassocInference of Trait Associations with SNP Haplotypes and Other Attributes using the EM Algorithm
HapiInference of Chromosome-Length Haplotypes Using Genomic Data of Single Gamete Cells
HaplinAnalyzing Case-Parent Triad and/or Case-Control Data with SNP Haplotypes
haplo.ccsEstimate Haplotype Relative Risks in Case-Control Data
haplo.statsStatistical Analysis of Haplotypes with Traits and Covariates when Linkage Phase is Ambiguous
HaploCatcherA Predictive Haplotyping Package
haploRQuery 'HaploReg', 'RegulomeDB'
HaploSimFunctions to Simulate Haplotypes
haplotyperTool for Clustering Genotypes in Haplotypes
haplotypesManipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony
happignR Interface to 'IGN' Web Services
happytimeTwo Games to Relieve the Boredom
hapsimHaplotype Data Simulation
harbingerA Unified Time Series Event Detection Framework
hardhatConstruct Modeling Packages
HardyWeinbergStatistical Tests and Graphics for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
harmonicmeanpHarmonic Mean p-Values and Model Averaging by Mean Maximum Likelihood
harmonizerHarmonizing CN8 and PC8 Product Codes
harmonyFast, Sensitive, and Accurate Integration of Single Cell Data
harmonydataR Library for 'Harmony'
harrietrWrangle Phylogenetic Distance Matrices and Other Utilities
harrypotterPalettes Generated from All "Harry Potter" Movies
Harvest.TreeHarvest the Classification Tree
hashFull Featured Implementation of Hash Tables/Associative Arrays/Dictionaries
hashidsGenerate Short Unique YouTube-Like IDs (Hashes) from Integers
hashrHash R Objects to Integers Fast
Hassani.SACFComputing Lower Bound of Ljung-Box Test
Hassani.SilvaA Test for Comparing the Predictive Accuracy of Two Sets of Forecasts
hasseDiagramDrawing Hasse Diagram
havenImport and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files
hawkesHawkes process simulation and calibration toolkit
hawkesbowEstimation of Hawkes Processes from Binned Observations
HazardDiffConditional Treatment Effect for Competing Risks
hazerIdentifying Foggy and Cloudy Images by Quantifying Haziness
hbalHierarchically Regularized Entropy Balancing
hbamrHierarchical Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling via 'Stan'
hBayesDMHierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Decision-Making Tasks
hbbrHierarchical Bayesian Benefit-Risk Assessment Using Discrete Choice Experiment
hbimHill/Bliss Independence Model for Combination Vaccines
hbmemHierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Recognition Memory
hbsaeHierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation
HBSTMHierarchical Bayesian Space-Time Models for Gaussian Space-Time Data
HBV.IANIGLAModular Hydrological Model
hcandersenrH.C. Andersens Fairy Tales
hcciInterval Estimation of Linear Models with Heteroskedasticity
HCDHierarchical Community Detection by Recursive Partitioning
hceDesign and Analysis of Hierarchical Composite Endpoints
hchinamapMapping China and Its Provinces
hcidataHCI Datasets
hclust1dHierarchical Clustering of Univariate (1d) Data
hclusteasyDetermining Hierarchical Clustering Easily
HCmodelSetsRegression with a Large Number of Potential Explanatory Variables
HCRCausal Discovery from Discrete Data using Hidden Compact Representation
HCTCalculates Significance Criteria and Power for a Single Arm Trial
HCTDesignGroup Sequential Design for Historical Control Trial with Survival Outcome
HCTRHigher Criticism Tuned Regression
hctrialUsing Historical Controls for Designing Phase II Clinical Trials
hdaHeteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis
HDANOVAHigh-Dimensional Analysis of Variance
hdar'REST' API Client for Accessing Data on 'WEkEO HDA V2'
hdbayesBayesian Analysis of Generalized Linear Models with Historical Data
hdbinsegChange-Point Analysis of High-Dimensional Time Series via Binary Segmentation
hdbmHigh Dimensional Bayesian Mediation Analysis
hdbmaBayesian Mediation Analysis with High-Dimensional Data
HDBRRHigh Dimensional Bayesian Ridge Regression without MCMC
hdcateEstimation of Conditional Average Treatment Effects with High-Dimensional Data
HDCDHigh-Dimensional Changepoint Detection
HDCIHigh Dimensional Confidence Interval Based on Lasso and Bootstrap
HDclassifHigh Dimensional Supervised Classification and Clustering
HDclustClustering High Dimensional Data with Hidden Markov Model on Variable Blocks
HDcpDetectDetect Change Points in Means of High Dimensional Data
hdcuremodelsPenalized Mixture Cure Models for High-Dimensional Data
HDCurvesHierarchical Derivative Curve Estimation
hddEasy Manipulation of Out of Memory Data Sets
HDDesignSample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study
hddplotUse Known Groups in High-Dimensional Data to Derive Scores for Plots
hdf5rInterface to the 'HDF5' Binary Data Format
hdf5r.ExtraExtensions for 'HDF5' R Interfaces
hdflexHigh-Dimensional Aggregate Density Forecasts
hdfqlrInterface to 'HDFql' API
HDGLMTests for High Dimensional Generalized Linear Models
hdiHigh-Dimensional Inference
hdImputeA Batch Process for High Dimensional Imputation
HDIntervalHighest (Posterior) Density Intervals
HDiRDirectional Highest Density Regions
hdiVARStatistical Inference for Noisy Vector Autoregression
HDJMPenalized High-Dimensional Joint Model
HDLSSkSTDistribution-Free Exact High Dimensional Low Sample Size k-Sample Tests
hdmHigh-Dimensional Metrics
HDMAADMMADMM for High-Dimensional Mediation Models
hdmeHigh-Dimensional Regression with Measurement Error
hdmedMethods for Mediation Analysis with High-Dimensional Mediators
HDMFAHigh-Dimensional Matrix Factor Analysis
HDMTA Multiple Testing Procedure for High-Dimensional Mediation Hypotheses
hdnomBenchmarking and Visualization Toolkit for Penalized Cox Models
HDNRAHigh-Dimensional Location Testing with Normal-Reference Approaches
HDOMDesignHigh-Dimensional Orthogonal Maximin Distance Designs
HDoutliersLeland Wilkinson's Algorithm for Detecting Multidimensional Outliers
hdpcaPrincipal Component Analysis in High-Dimensional Data
hdpGLMHierarchical Dirichlet Process Generalized Linear Models
hdrcdeHighest Density Regions and Conditional Density Estimation
HDRFAHigh-Dimensional Robust Factor Analysis
hdsHazard Discrimination Summary
HDShOPHigh-Dimensional Shrinkage Optimal Portfolios
HDSinRdataData for the 'Mastering Health Data Science Using R' Online Textbook
HDSpatialScanMultivariate and Functional Spatial Scan Statistics
HDStIMHigh Dimensional Stimulation Immune Mapping ('HDStIM')
HDTSAHigh Dimensional Time Series Analysis Tools
HDtweedieThe Lasso for Tweedie's Compound Poisson Model Using an IRLS-BMD Algorithm
HDXBoxeRAnalysis of Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass-Spectrometry Data
headlinerCompose Sentences to Describe Comparisons
healthatlasExplore and Import 'Metopio' Health Atlas Data and Spatial Layers
HealthCalHealth Calculator
healthcare.antitrustHealthcare Antitrust Analysis
healthdbWorking with Healthcare Databases
healthequalCompute Summary Measures of Health Inequality
healthfinanceFinancial Projections and Planning for Health Care Practices
healthyAddressConvert Addresses to Standard Inputs
healthyRHospital Data Analysis Workflow Tools
healthyR.aiThe Machine Learning and AI Modeling Companion to 'healthyR'
healthyR.dataData Only Package to 'healthyR'
healthyR.tsThe Time Series Modeling Companion to 'healthyR'
healthyverseEasily Install and Load the 'healthyverse'
heapsofpapersEasily Download Heaps of PDF and CSV Files
heatexHeat exchange calculations during physical activity
heatmap3An Improved Heatmap Package
heatmapFitFit Statistic for Binary Dependent Variable Models
heatmapFlexTools to Generate Flexible Heatmaps
heatmaplyInteractive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'
heatwaveRDetect Heatwaves and Cold-Spells
heckHighly Performant String Case Converter
HeckmanEMFit Normal, Student-t or Contaminated Normal Heckman Selection Models
heckmanGEEstimation and Inference for Heckman Selection Models with Cluster-Robust Variance
HEDA'Hydropeaking Events Detection Algorithm'
heddlrDynamic R Markdown Document Generation
hedgedrfAn Implementation of the Hedged Random Forest Algorithm
hedgehogProperty-Based Testing
heemodMarkov Models for Health Economic Evaluations
heimdallDrift Adaptable Models
heimsDecode and Validate HEIMS Data from Department of Education, Australia
heiscoreScore and Plot the Healthy Eating Index from NHANES Data
helixvisVisualize Alpha-Helical Peptide Sequences
HellCorThe Hellinger Correlation
hellnoProviding 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' Variants of 'data.frame()' and 'as.data.frame()'
helloJavaWorldHello Java World
hellorustMinimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R
HelpersMGTools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions
helsinkiR Tools for Helsinki Open Data
HEMDAGHierarchical Ensemble Methods for Directed Acyclic Graphs
hemispheRProcessing Hemispherical Canopy Images
heplotsVisualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models
hereA Simpler Way to Find Your Files
hereR'sf'-Based Interface to the 'HERE' REST APIs
heritabilityMarker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data
HeritSeqHeritability of Gene Expression for Next-Generation Sequencing
hermiteGeneralized Hermite Distribution
hermiterEfficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Probability Density Functions and Cumulative Distribution Functions along with Quantiles (Univariate) and Nonparametric Correlation (Bivariate)
heroSpatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich Smoother
hesimHealth Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis
HeterFunctionalDataTest of No Main and/or Interaction Effects in Functional Data
heterogenSpatial Functions for Heterogeneity and Climate Variability
HeteroGGMGaussian Graphical Model-Based Heterogeneity Analysis
heterometaConvert Various Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity Measures
heteromixgmCopula Graphical Models for Heterogeneous Mixed Data
hetGPHeteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Design under Replication
HEtoolsHomomorphic Encryption Polynomials
HETOPMLE and Bayesian Estimation of Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit (HETOP) Model
hetsurrAssessing Heterogeneity in the Utility of a Surrogate Marker
hetsurrSurvAssessing Heterogeneity in Surrogacy Using Censored Data
hettHeteroscedastic t-Regression
hettestTesting for a Treatment Effect Using a Heterogeneous Surrogate Marker
hettreatregHeterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression Analysis
hettxFisherian and Neymanian Methods for Detecting and Measuring Treatment Effect Variation
hetuStructural Handling of Finnish Personal Identity Codes
heumilkrHeuristic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Solver
heuristicaHeuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight Linear
heuristicsmineRDiscovery of Process Models with the Heuristics Miner
hexbinHexagonal Binning Routines
hexDensityFast Kernel Density Estimation with Hexagonal Grid
hexfont'GNU Unifont' Hex Fonts
hexStickerCreate Hexagon Sticker in R
HextractoRIntegrated Tool for Hairping Extraction of RNA Sequences
hextriHexbin Plots with Triangles
hexViewViewing Binary Files
hfhubHugging Face Hub Interface
hflightsFlights that departed Houston in 2011
hfrEstimate Hierarchical Feature Regression Models
hglassoLearning Graphical Models with Hubs
hglmHierarchical Generalized Linear Models
hglm.dataData for the 'hglm' Package
hgmHolonomic Gradient Method and Gradient Descent
HGMNDHeterogeneous Graphical Model for Non-Negative Data
hgncDownload and Import the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ('HGNC') Data Set into R
HGNChelperIdentify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGI Mouse Gene Symbols
HGraphUse Graph Structure to Travel
HGSLHeterogeneous Group Square-Root Lasso
hgutilsCollection of Utility Functions
hgwrrHierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression
HHStatistical Analysis and Data Display: Heiberger and Holland
hhh4contactsAge-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious Disease Counts
hhiCalculate and Visualize the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HhPHierarchical Heterogeneity Analysis via Penalization
hhsmmHidden Hybrid Markov/Semi-Markov Model Fitting
hhtThe Hilbert-Huang Transform: Tools and Methods
hibayesIndividual-Level, Summary-Level and Single-Step Bayesian Regression Model
HiClimRHierarchical Climate Regionalization
hicpHarmonised Index of Consumer Prices
hiddenfThe All-Configurations, Maximum-Interaction F-Test for Hidden Additivity
HiddenMarkovHidden Markov Models
hidecanCreate HIDECAN Plots for Visualising Genome-Wide Association Studies and Differential Expression Results
HiDimDAHigh Dimensional Discriminant Analysis
hidradenitisCalculate Clinical Scores for Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), a Dermatologic Disease
hierarchicalSetsSet Data Visualization Using Hierarchies
hierBipartiteBipartite Graph-Based Hierarchical Clustering
hierfstatEstimation and Tests of Hierarchical F-Statistics
hierNetA Lasso for Hierarchical Interactions
HierPortfoliosHierarchical Risk Clustering Portfolio Allocation Strategies
hierSDRHierarchical Sufficient Dimension Reduction
highcharterA Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' Library
highd2meansHigh-Dimensional Tests for Two Population Mean Vectors
highDmeanTesting Two-Sample Mean in High Dimension
HighestMedianRulesImplementation of Voting Rules Electing the Candidate with Highest Median Grade
highfrequencyTools for Highfrequency Data Analysis
highlightSyntax Highlighter
highlighterCode Syntax Highlighting using the 'Prism.js' Library
highlightHTMLHighlight HTML Text and Tables
highlightrHighlight Conserved Edits Across Versions of a Document
highmeanTwo-Sample Tests for High-Dimensional Mean Vectors
highMLRFeature Selection for High Dimensional Survival Data
highOrderPortfoliosDesign of High-Order Portfolios Including Skewness and Kurtosis
highrSyntax Highlighting for R Source Code
highriskzoneDetermining and Evaluating High-Risk Zones
highs'HiGHS' Optimization Solver
hightRHIGHT Algorithm
highTtestSimultaneous Critical Values for t-Tests in Very High Dimensions
higlassoHierarchical Integrative Group LASSO
higradStatistical Inference for Online Learning and Stochastic Approximation via HiGrad
hilbertCoordinate Indexing on Hilbert Curves
hilbertSimilarityHilbert Similarity Index for High Dimensional Data
hildareadRExtract Variables from HILDA
hilldivIntegral Analysis of Diversity Based on Hill Numbers
hillRDiversity Through Hill Numbers
hillshaderCreate Hillshade Relief Maps Using Ray-Tracing
HIMAHigh-Dimensional Mediation Analysis
himachHigh Mach Finds Routes for Supersonic Aircraft
hindexSimulating the Development of h-Index Values
hindexcalculatorH-Index Calculator using Data from a Web of Science (WoS) Citation Report
hintTools for Hypothesis Testing Based on Hypergeometric Intersection Distributions
hiphopParentage Assignment using Bi-Allelic Genetic Markers
hippieHippie Code Completion in 'RStudio'
hipreadRead Hierarchical Fixed Width Files
HiResTECNon-Targeted Fluxomics on High-Resolution Mass-Spectrometry Data
hIRTHierarchical Item Response Theory Models
hisseHidden State Speciation and Extinction
HistDatSummary Statistics for Histogram/Count Data
HistDataData Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization
HistDAWassHistogram-Valued Data Analysis
histmdlA Most Informative Histogram-Like Model
histogramConstruction of Regular and Irregular Histograms with Different Options for Automatic Choice of Bins
historicalborrowNon-Longitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models
historicalborrowlongLongitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models
historydataData Sets for Historians
histosliderA Histogram Slider Input for 'Shiny'
hitandrun"Hit and Run" and "Shake and Bake" for Sampling Uniformly from Convex Shapes
hivdataSix-Year Chronological Data of HIV and ART Cases in Pakistan
hiveHadoop InteractiVE
HiveR2D and 3D Hive Plots for R
hJAMHierarchical Joint Analysis of Marginal Summary Statistics
HK80Conversion Tools for HK80 Geographical Coordinate System
hkdatasetsDatasets Related to Hong Kong
hkevpSpatial Extreme Value Analysis with the Hierarchical Model of Reich and Shaby (2012)
HKRbookApps and Data for the Book "Introduction to Statistics"
hlaRTools for HLA Data
HLAtoolsToolkit for HLA Immunogenomics
hlidacrAccess Data from the 'Hlídač Státu' API
HLMdiagDiagnostic Tools for Hierarchical (Multilevel) Linear Models
hltHigher-Order Item Response Theory
HMBHierarchical Model-Based Estimation Approach
HMCHigh Dimensional Mean Comparison with Projection and Cross-Fitting
hmcdmHidden Markov Cognitive Diagnosis Models for Learning
hmclearnFit Statistical Models Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
HMDHFDplusRead Human Mortality Database and Human Fertility Database Data from the Web
hmeasureThe H-Measure and Other Scalar Classification Performance Metrics
hmerHistory Matching and Emulation Package
HmiscHarrell Miscellaneous
hmixHidden Markov Model for Predicting Time Sequences with Mixture Sampling
HMMHidden Markov Models
hmm.discnpHidden Markov Models with Discrete Non-Parametric Observation Distributions
HMMcopulaMarkov Regime Switching Copula Models Estimation and Goodness-of-Fit
HMMEsolverA Fast Solver for Henderson Mixed Model Equation via Row Operations
HMMextra0sHidden Markov Models with Extra Zeros
hmmmHierarchical Multinomial Marginal Models
HMMmlselectDetermine the Number of States in Hidden Markov Models via Marginal Likelihood
HMMpaAnalysing Accelerometer Data Using Hidden Markov Models
hmmr"Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R" Datasets and Example Code
hmmTMBFit Hidden Markov Models using Template Model Builder
HMPHypothesis Testing and Power Calculations for Comparing Metagenomic Samples from HMP
HMPTreesStatistical Object Oriented Data Analysis of RDP-Based Taxonomic Trees from Human Microbiome Data
HMRFlux Estimation with Static Chamber Data
hmsPretty Time of Day
HmscHierarchical Model of Species Communities
hmsrMultipopulation Evolutionary Strategy HMS
hmstimer'hms' Based Timer
HMTLHeterogeneous Multi-Task Feature Learning
hNMFHierarchical Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
hnpHalf-Normal Plots with Simulation Envelopes
hoardeRCollect and Retrieve Annotation Data for Various Genomic Data Using Different Webservices
hoardrManage Cached Files
HOassoHigher Order Assortativity for Complex Networks
hockeystickDownload and Visualize Essential Climate Change Data
HodgesToolsCommon Use Tools for Genomic Analysis
holiHigher Order Likelihood Inference Web Applications
holiglmHolistic Generalized Linear Models
hollandStatistics for Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice
hollrChat Completion and Text Annotation with Local and OpenAI Models
holobiontMicrobiome Analysis Tools
holodeckA Tidy Interface for Simulating Multivariate Data
HolomicsAn User-Friendly R 'shiny' Application for Multi-Omics Data Integration and Analysis
homalsGifi Methods for Optimal Scaling
HomericDoughnut Plots
hommelMethods for Closed Testing with Simes Inequality, in Particular Hommel's Method
homnormalTests of Homogeneity of Variances
homologeneQuick Access to Homologene and Gene Annotation Updates
homomorpheRHomomorphic Computations in R
HomomorphicEncryptionBFV, BGV, CKKS Schema for Fully Homomorphic Encryption
HonestDiDRobust Inference in Difference-in-Differences and Event Study Designs
hoopRAccess Men's Basketball Play by Play Data
hopbyhopTransmissions and Receptions in a Hop by Hop Network
hopitHierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to Reporting Heterogeneity
hopkinsCalculate Hopkins Statistic for Clustering
HoRMSupplemental Functions and Datasets for "Handbook of Regression Methods"
hornpaHorn's (1965) Test to Determine the Number of Components/Factors
horseshoeImplementation of the Horseshoe Prior
horseshoenlmNonlinear Regression using Horseshoe Prior
hosmHigh Order Spatial Matrix
HospitalNetworkBuilding Networks of Hospitals Through Patients Transfers
hospitalsPortuguese 'NHS' Hospitals
hot.deckMultiple Hot Deck Imputation
HotellingHotelling's T^2 Test and Variants
HotellingEllipseHotelling’s T-Squared Statistic and Ellipse
hotspotSoftware Hotspot Analysis
hotspotsHot Spots
housingDataU.S. Housing Data from 2008 to 2016
hoverCSS Animations for 'shiny' Button Elements
howler'Shiny' Extension of 'howler.js'
howManyImputationsCalculate How many Imputations are Needed for Multiple Imputation
howzatRUseful Functions for Cricket Analysis
hpaDistributions Hermite Polynomial Approximation
hpackedbubbleCreate Split Packed Bubble Charts
hpcwldHigh Performance Cluster Models Based on Kiefer-Wolfowitz Recursion
hpfilterThe One- And Two-Sided Hodrick-Prescott Filter
hpiRHouse Price Indexes
HPLBHigh-Probability Lower Bounds for the Total Variance Distance
HQMSuperefficient Estimation of Future Conditional Hazards Based on Marker Information
hqmiscMiscellaneous Convenience Functions and Dataset
hqregRegularization Paths for Lasso or Elastic-Net Penalized Huber Loss Regression and Quantile Regression
hRToolkit for Data Analytics in Human Resources
hrbrthemesAdditional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2'
hrcompriskNonparametric Assessment Between Competing Risks Hazard Ratios
hrqglasGroup Variable Selection for Quantile and Robust Mean Regression
hrtHeteroskedasticity Robust Testing
hrtlFMCHalf Replicate of Two Level Factorial Run Order with Minimum Level Changes
HRWDatasets, Functions and Scripts for Semiparametric Regression Supporting Harezlak, Ruppert & Wand (2018)
HSAURA Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition)
HSAUR2A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)
HSAUR3A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)
hscovarCalculation of Covariance Between Markers for Half-Sib Families
HSDiCHomogeneity and Sparsity Detection Incorporating Prior Constraint Information
hSDMHierarchical Bayesian Species Distribution Models
hseThe hse Distribution
hsemHierarchical Structural Equation Model
hsetSets of Numbers Implemented with Hash Tables
HSEtestHomogeneity of Stratum Effects Test
hsphasePhasing, Pedigree Reconstruction, Sire Imputation and Recombination Events Identification of Half-sib Families Using SNP Data
hspmHeterogeneous Spatial Models
HSPORHidden Smooth Polynomial Regression for Rupture Detection
hsrecombiEstimation of Recombination Rate and Maternal LD in Half-Sibs
hsstanHierarchical Shrinkage Stan Models for Biomarker Selection
hstatsInteraction Statistics
htestClustReweighted Marginal Hypothesis Tests for Clustered Data
htetreeCausal Inference with Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms
HTLRBayesian Logistic Regression with Heavy-Tailed Priors
htm2txtConvert Html into Text
html2RConvert 'HTML' to 'R' with a 'Shiny' App
html5Creates Valid HTML5 Strings
htmldfSimple Scraping and Tidy Webpage Summaries
htmlreportR'HTML' Reporting Made Simple(R)
htmlTableAdvanced Tables for Markdown/HTML
htmltoolsTools for HTML
HTMLUtilsFacilitates Automated HTML Report Creation
htmlwidgetsHTML Widgets for R
htrSPRanalysisAnalysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance Data
HTRXHaplotype Trend Regression with eXtra Flexibility (HTRX)
htsHierarchical and Grouped Time Series
HTSClusterClustering High-Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing (HTS) Data
HTSeedFitting of Hydrotime Model for Seed Germination Time Course
htsrHydro-Meteorology Time-Series
HTSSIPHigh Throughput Sequencing of Stable Isotope Probing Data Analysis
HTTHypothesis Testing Tree
httkHigh-Throughput Toxicokinetics
httpcacheQuery Cache for HTTP Clients
httpcode'HTTP' Status Code Helper
httpgdA 'HTTP' Server Graphics Device
httping'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests'
httpproblemsReport Errors in Web Applications with 'Problem Details' (RFC 7807)
httpRequestBasic HTTP Request
httptestA Test Environment for HTTP Requests
httptest2Test Helpers for 'httr2'
httpuvHTTP and WebSocket Server Library
httrTools for Working with URLs and HTTP
httr2Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
hubeauGet Data from the French National Database on Water 'Hub'Eau'
hubEnsemblesEnsemble Methods for Combining Hub Model Outputs
hubUtilsCore 'hubverse' Utilities
hudrProviding Data from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
huesDistinct Colour Palettes Based on 'iwanthue'
hugeHigh-Dimensional Undirected Graph Estimation
huitoReproducible and Flexible Label Design
HUMCompute HUM Value and Visualize ROC Curves
humanFormatHuman-Friendly Formatting Functions
humaniformatA Parser for Human Names
humanizeCreate Values for Human Consumption
humanleagueSynthetic Population Generator
humidityCalculate Water Vapor Measures from Temperature and Dew Point
hunspellHigh-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker
HuraultMiscGuillem Hurault Functions' Library
hurdlrZero-Inflated and Hurdle Modelling Using Bayesian Inference
HurreconRModels Hurricane Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Wind Damage
hurricaneexposureExplore and Map County-Level Hurricane Exposure in the United States
hutilsMiscellaneous R Functions and Aliases
hutilscppMiscellaneous Functions in C++
huxtableEasily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats
HVTConstructing Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellations and Overlay Heatmaps for Data Analysis
hwdeModels and Tests for Departure from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and Independence Between Loci
HWEintrinsicObjective Bayesian Testing for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Problem
hwepHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in Polyploids
hwigHalf-Weight Index Gregariousness
hwordcloudRendering Word Clouds
hwriterHTML Writer - Outputs R Objects in HTML Format
hwsdrInterface to the 'HWSD' Web Services
hwwntestTests of White Noise using Wavelets
HybridDesignHybrid Design for Phase I Dose-Finding Studies
HybridMicrobiomesAnalysis of Host-Associated Microbiomes from Hybrid Organisms
hybridModelsAn R Package for the Stochastic Simulation of Disease Spreading in Dynamic Networks
hybridogramFunction that Creates a Heat Map from Hybridization Data
hybridtsHybrid Time Series Forecasting Using Error Remodeling Approach
hyd1d1d Water Level Interpolation along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine
hydfloodFlood Extents and Duration along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine
hydraHyperbolic Embedding
hydraulicsBasic Pipe and Open Channel Hydraulics
HYDROCALHydraulic Roughness Calculator
HydroCodeHydrological Codes
hydroDCindexDuration Curve Hydrological Model Indexes
hydroEventsExtract Event Statistics in Hydrologic Time Series
hydrogeoGroundwater Data Presentation and Interpretation
hydroGOFGoodness-of-Fit Functions for Comparison of Simulated and Observed Hydrological Time Series
hydroloomUtilities to Weave Hydrologic Fabrics
HydroMeEstimating Water Retention and Infiltration Model Parameters using Experimental Data
hydropeakDetect and Characterize Sub-Daily Flow Fluctuations
HydroPortailStats'HydroPortail' Statistical Functions
hydrorouteTrace Longitudinal Hydropeaking Waves
hydrostatsHydrologic Indices for Daily Time Series Data
hydrotoolboxHydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological Data Records
hydroToolkitHydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological Data from Argentina and Chile
hydroTSMTime Series Management and Analysis for Hydrological Modelling
hyfoHydrology and Climate Forecasting
HyMETTHydrologic Model Evaluation and Time-Series Tools
hyper.fitN-Dimensional Hyperplane Fitting with Errors
hyper2The Hyperdirichlet Distribution, Mark 2
hyperbolicDEAHyperbolic DEA Estimation
HyperbolicDistThe Hyperbolic Distribution
hypercubeOrganizing Data in Hypercubes
HyperGHypergraphs in R
hypergateMachine Learning of Hyperrectangular Gating Strategies for High-Dimensional Cytometry
hypergeoThe Gauss Hypergeometric Function
hypergeo2Generalized Hypergeometric Function with Tunable High Precision
HypergeoMatHypergeometric Function of a Matrix Argument
hyperoverlapOverlap Detection in n-Dimensional Space
hypersampleplanAttribute Sampling Plan with Exact Hypergeometric Probabilities using Chebyshev Polynomials
hyperSpecWork with Hyperspectral Data, i.e. Spectra + Meta Information (Spatial, Time, Concentration, ...)
hypervolumeHigh Dimensional Geometry, Set Operations, Projection, and Inference Using Kernel Density Estimation, Support Vector Machines, and Convex Hulls
HYPEtoolsTools for Processing and Analyzing Files from the Hydrological Catchment Model HYPE
hypoRFRandom Forest Two-Sample Tests
hypothesisWrapper for 'hypothes.is'
hypothesisrWrapper for the 'Hypothes.is' Web Annotation Service
hyprHypothesis Matrix Translation
hypsoLoopA Tool Used to Conduct Hypsometric Analysis of a Watershed
HyRiMMulticriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games with Vector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability Distributions
hySAINTHybrid Genetic and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for High Dimensional Linear Models with Interaction Effects
hySpc.testthat'testthat' Unit Test Enhancements
hystarFit the Hysteretic Threshold Autoregressive Model
hysteresisTools for Modeling Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Processes and Ellipses
hystReetGet Pedestrian Frequency Data from the 'Hystreet' Project
hytestHypothesis Testing Based on Neyman-Pearson Lemma and Likelihood Ratio Test
i18nInternationalization Data from the 'Unicode CLDR' in Tabular Form
i2extrasFunctions to Work with 'incidence2' Objects
IAcsSPCRData and Functions for "An Intro. to Accept. Samp. & SPC/R"
iAdaptTwo-Stage Adaptive Dose-Finding Clinical Trial Design
iadfAnalysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations
IADTInteraction Difference Test for Prediction Models
iaiInterface to 'Interpretable AI' Modules
ialiquorMonthly Iowa Liquor Sales Summary
IALSIterative Alternating Least Square Estimation for Large-Dimensional Matrix Factor Model
iapwsFormulations of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
IAPWS95Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam
iARIrregularly Observed Autoregressive Models
iarmItem Analysis in Rasch Models
IASDModel Selection for Index of Asymmetry Distribution
IATCleaning and Visualizing Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data
IATanalyticsCompute Effect Sizes and Reliability for Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data
IATScoreScoring Algorithm for the Implicit Association Test (IAT)
IATscoresImplicit Association Test Scores Using Robust Statistics
ibBias Correction via Iterative Bootstrap
iBARTIterative Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Descriptor Selection Method
ibawdsFunctions and Datasets for the Data Science Course at IBAW
ibbR Wrapper for Istanbul Municipality Open Data Portal
IBCF.MTMEItem Based Collaborative Filtering for Multi-Trait and Multi-Environment Data
ibdIncomplete Block Designs
IBDsimSimulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members
ibdsim2Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members
ibeliefBelief Function Implementation
IBFSInitial Basic Feasible Solution for Transportation Problem
ibmIndividual Based Models in R
ibmAcousticRConnect to Your 'IBM Acoustic' Data
ibmcraftrToolkits to Develop Individual-Based Models in Infectious Disease
ibmdbRIBM in-Database Analytics for R
IBMPopSimIndividual Based Model Population Simulation
ibmsunburstGenerate Personality Insights Sunburst Diagrams
ibrIterative Bias Reduction
iBreakDownModel Agnostic Instance Level Variable Attributions
IBrokersR API to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation
IBRtoolsIntegrating Biomarker-Based Assessments and Radarchart Creation
ibsIntegral of B-Spline Functions
iBSTImproper Bagging Survival Tree
ic.inferInequality Constrained Inference in Linear Normal Situations
iC10A Copy Number and Expression-Based Classifier for Breast Tumours
iC10TrainingDataTraining Datasets for iC10 Package
icaIndependent Component Analysis
ical'iCalendar' Parsing
iCAMPInfer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-Bin-Based Null Model Analysis
ICAMSIn-Depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational Signatures ('ICAMS')
ICAODOptimal Designs for Nonlinear Statistical Models by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)
icardaFIGSrSubsetting using Focused Identification of the Germplasm Strategy (FIGS)
iCARHIntegrative Conditional Autoregressive Horseshoe Model
icarusCalibrates and Reweights Units in Samples
ICBioMarkData-Driven Design of Targeted Gene Panels for Estimating Immunotherapy Biomarkers
ICCFacilitating Estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
ICC.Sample.SizeCalculation of Sample Size and Power for ICC
ICcalibCox Model with Interval-Censored Starting Time of a Covariate
iccbetaMultilevel Model Intraclass Correlation for Slope Heterogeneity
ICCbinFacilitates Clustered Binary Data Generation, and Estimation of Intracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for Binary Data
iccCountsIntraclass Correlation Coefficient for Count Data
iccdeComputation of the Double-Entry Intraclass Correlation
ICcforestAn Ensemble Method for Interval-Censored Survival Data
iccmultIntracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) in Clustered Categorical Data
iccTrajEstimates the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for Trajectory Data
icd.dataInternational Classifcation of Diseases (ICD) Data
ICD10gmMetadata Processing for the German Modification of the ICD-10 Coding System
icdcomorbidMapping ICD Codes to Comorbidity
icdGLMEM by the Method of Weights for Incomplete Categorical Data in Generlized Linear Models
icdpicr'ICD' Programs for Injury Categorization in R
ICDSIdentification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathway with Omics Data
ICEboxIndividual Conditional Expectation Plot Toolbox
icecreamPrint Debugging Made Sweeter
ICEDIntraClass Effect Decomposition
ICEinferIncremental Cost-Effectiveness Inference using Two Unbiased Samples
iCellRAnalyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing Data
icenRegRegression Models for Interval Censored Data
icensBKLAccompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts, Komarek, and Lesaffre
icensmisStudy Design and Data Analysis in the Presence of Error-Prone Diagnostic Tests and Self-Reported Outcomes
icertoolCalculate and Plot ICER
icesAdviceFunctions Related to ICES Advice
IceSat2RICESat-2 Altimeter Data using R
icesConnectProvides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web Services
icesDatrasDATRAS Trawl Survey Database Web Services
icesDatsuFunctions to Interact with the ICES Data Submission Utility (DATSU)
icesDatsuQCRun Quality Checks on Data Prior to Submission to ICES
icesSAGStock Assessment Graphs Database Web Services
icesSDStock Database Web Services
icesTAFFunctions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework
icesVocabICES Vocabularies Database Web Services
ICGEEstimation of Number of Clusters and Identification of Atypical Units
ICglmInformation Criteria for Generalized Linear Regression
ICGORFit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval Censored Data
ichimokuVisualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
iClickA Button-Based GUI for Financial and Economic Data Analysis
iClusterVBFast Integrative Clustering and Feature Selection for High Dimensional Data
icmmEmpirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M Algorithm
ICODSData Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs with Interval-Censoring
ICompELMIndependent Component Analysis Based Extreme Learning Machine
icosaGlobal Triangular and Penta-Hexagonal Grids Based on Tessellated Icosahedra
icpackSurvival Analysis of Interval-Censored Data
icpsrdataReproducible Data Retrieval from the ICPSR Archive
icrCompute Krippendorff's Alpha
ICRanksSimultaneous Confidence Intervals for Ranks
icrfInterval Censored Recursive Forests
icRSFA Modified Random Survival Forest Algorithm
ICSTools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICA
ICSClustTandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate Selection
ICSKATInterval-Censored Sequence Kernel Association Test
ICSNPTools for Multivariate Nonparametrics
ICSOutlierOutlier Detection Using Invariant Coordinate Selection
ICSSICSS Algorithm by Inclan/Tiao (1994)
ICSShinyICS via a Shiny Application
ICSsmoothingData Smoothing by Interpolating Cubic Splines
ICsurvSemiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Data
icswInverse Compliance Score Weighting
ICtestEstimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components in Linear Dimension Reduction
ICVIndirect Cross-Validation (ICV) for Kernel Density Estimation
ICvectorfieldsVector Fields from Spatial Time Series of Population Abundance
idarIndividual Diversity-Area Relationships
idarpsDatasets and Functions for the Class "Modelling and Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences"
idbrR Interface to the US Census Bureau International Data Base API
IDCardUpdate Chinese ID Card Number to Eighteen Digits
idcnrbaInteractive Application for Analyzing Representativeness and Nonresponse Bias
IDEIntegro-Difference Equation Spatio-Temporal Models
IDEAFilterAgnostic, Idiomatic Data Filter Module for Shiny
ideamdbEasy Manipulation of IDEAM's Climatological Data
IDEAToolsIndividual and Group Farm Sustainability Assessments using the IDEA4 Method
idefixEfficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments
idemInference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness
idendr0Interactive Dendrograms
iderVarious Methods for Estimating Intrinsic Dimension
IDetectIsolate-Detect Methodology for Multiple Change-Point Detection
IDFEstimation and Plotting of IDF Curves
iDINGOIntegrative Differential Network Analysis in Genomics
idiogramFISHShiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype Indices
idiolectForensic Authorship Analysis
idmIncremental Decomposition Methods
idmactInterpreting Differences Between Mean ACT Scores
idmcLoad and Wrangle IDMC Displacement Data
IDmeasurerAssessment of Individual Identity in Animal Signals
IDminingIntrinsic Dimension for Data Mining
IDMIRIdentification of Dysregulated MiRNAs Based on MiRNA-MiRNA Interaction Network
idmodelrInfectious Disease Model Library and Utilities
idopNetworkA Network Tool to Dissect Spatial Community Ecology
iDOSIntegrated Discovery of Oncogenic Signatures
iDOVEDurability of Vaccine Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection
IDPmisc'Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design (www.zhaw.ch/idp)'
IDPSurvivalImprecise Dirichlet Process for Survival Analysis
idrIrreproducible Discovery Rate
idsGenerate Random Identifiers
IDSL.CSAComposite Spectra Analysis (CSA) for High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analyses
IDSL.FSAFragmentation Spectra Analysis (FSA)
IDSL.IPAIntrinsic Peak Analysis (IPA) for HRMS Data
IDSL.MXPParser for mzML, mzXML, and netCDF Files (Mass Spectrometry Data)
IDSL.NPANominal Peak Analysis (NPA)
IDSL.UFAUnited Formula Annotation (UFA) for HRMS Data Processing
IDSL.UFAxExhaustive Chemical Enumeration for United Formula Annotation
IDSpatialStatsEstimate Global Clustering in Infectious Disease
idx2rConvert Files to and from IDX Format to Vectors, Matrices and Arrays
ie2miscIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Functions
ie2miscdataIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Data Collection
ieeeroundFunctions to Set and Get the IEEE Rounding Mode
ieegioFile IO for Intracranial Electroencephalography
iemisctextIrucka Embry's Miscellaneous Text Collection
IETDInter-Event Time Definition
ieugwasrInterface to the 'OpenGWAS' Database API
ifaToolsToolkit for Item Factor Analysis with 'OpenMx'
IFCTools for Imaging Flow Cytometry
ifCNVRIsolation-Forest Based 'CNV' Detection from 'NGS' Data
ifctoolsItalian Fiscal Code ('Codice Fiscale') Utilities
IFMCDMIntuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods
ifoClient for the Ifo Institute Time Series
iForecastMachine Learning Time Series Forecasting
IFPIdentifying Functional Polymorphisms
ifpdIndonesia Food Prices Data
ifsIterated Function Systems
ig.vancouver.2014.topcolourInstagram 2014 Vancouver Top Colour Dataset
IgAScoresScore Taxon-Level IgA Binding in IgA-Seq Experiments
iGassoStatistical Tests and Utilities for Genetic Association
igateGuided Analytics for Testing Manufacturing Parameters
IGC.CSMSimulate Impact of Different Urban Policies Through a General Equilibrium Model
IGCitiesSimulate Impact of Different Urban Policies Through a General Equilibrium Model
igcopComputational Tools for the IG and IGL Copula Families
igluInterpreting Glucose Data from Continuous Glucose Monitors
igoRIntergovernmental Organizations Database
IgorRRead Binary Files Saved by 'Igor Pro' (Including 'Neuromatic' Data)
IGoRRRA Shiny Interface for Simple Data Management
igrIrish Grid Reference Utilities
igraphNetwork Analysis and Visualization
igraphdataA Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' Package
igraphinshinyUse 'shiny' to Demo 'igraph'
iGraphMatchTools for Graph Matching
igraphtosoniaConvert iGraph graps to SoNIA .son files
igraphwalshdata'igraph' Datasets from Melanie Walsh
igrfInternational Geomagnetic Reference Field
iGSEAIntegrative Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Approaches
IGSTInformative Gene Selection Tool
ihclustIterative Hierarchical Clustering (IHC)
iheatmaprInteractive, Complex Heatmaps
iheiddownFor Writing Geneva Graduate Institute Documents
ihpdrDownload Data from the International House Price Database
IHSEPInhomogeneous Self-Exciting Process
iimiIdentifying Infection with Machine Intelligence
iIneqComputing Individual Components of the Gini and the Theil Indices
IIProductionUnknownAnalyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice (Production Unknown) and Its Derivations
IIVpredictorModeling Within Individual Variability as Predictor
IJSEInfinite-Jackknife-Based Standard Errors for 'brms' Models
ijtiffComprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF Files
ilabelledSimple Handling of Labelled Data
ILSInterlaboratory Study
ILSELinear Regression Based on 'ILSE' for Missing Data
ILSMAnalyze Interconnection Structure of Multilayer Interaction Networks
imabcIncremental Mixture Approximate Bayesian Computation (IMABC)
image.binarizationBinarize Images for Enhancing Optical Character Recognition
image.CannyEdgesImplementation of the Canny Edge Detector for Images
image.ContourDetectorImplementation of the Unsupervised Smooth Contour Line Detection for Images
image.CornerDetectionF9Find Corners in Digital Images with FAST-9
image.CornerDetectionHarrisImplementation of the Harris Corner Detection for Images
image.libfacedetectionConvolutional Neural Network for Face Detection
image.LineSegmentDetectorDetect Line Segments in Images
image.OtsuOtsu's Image Segmentation Method
image.textlinedetectorSegment Images in Text Lines and Words
image2dataTurn Images into Data Sets
imageDataAids in Processing and Plotting Data from a Lemna-Tec Scananalyzer
imagefluencyImage Statistics Based on Processing Fluency
imagefxExtract Features from Images
imagerImage Processing Library Based on 'CImg'
imagerExtraExtra Image Processing Library Based on 'imager'
imagesegDeep Learning Models for Image Segmentation
imageviewerSimple 'htmlwidgets' Image Viewer with WebGL Brightness/Contrast
imaginatorSimulate General Insurance Policies and Losses
imagineIMAGing engINEs, Tools for Application of Image Filters to Data Matrices
IMakItem Maker
imanrIdentify the Racial Complex of Native Corns from Mexico
imbalancePreprocessing Algorithms for Imbalanced Datasets
imbalanceDatRelRelocated Data Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification
imbibeA Pipe-Friendly Image Calculator
imcExperimentMass Cytometry S4 Class Structure Pipeline for Images
ImClusterEfficiency of Cluster Sampling for Crop Surveys
IMDIndex of Multiple Deprivation Data for the UK
imdbapiGet Movie, Television Data from the 'imdb' Database
IMECIsing Model of Explanatory Coherence
iMediateLikelihood Methods for Mediation Analysis
imf.dataAn Interface to IMF (International Monetary Fund) Data JSON API
ImFoRNon-Linear Height Diameter Models for Forestry
imgpalrCreate Color Palettes from Images
imgrecAn Interface for Image Recognition
imguRAn Imgur.com API Client Package
ImHDArtificial Intelligence Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Height Diameter Relationships of Conifer Trees
IMIFAInfinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and Related Models
IMIXGaussian Mixture Model for Multi-Omics Data Integration
imlInterpretable Machine Learning
IMmailgunSend Emails using 'Mailgun'
immcpPoly-Pharmacology Toolkit for Traditional Chinese Medicine Research
immerItem Response Models for Multiple Ratings
ImmigrateIterative Max-Min Entropy Margin-Maximization with Interaction Terms for Feature Selection
ImMLMachine Learning Algorithms Fitting and Validation for Forestry
immunarchBioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune Repertoires
immunautMachine Learning Immunogenicity and Vaccine Response Analysis
immuneSIMTunable Simulation of B- And T-Cell Receptor Repertoires
ImneuronAI Powered Neural Network Solutions for Regression Tasks
ImNNNeural Networks for Predicting Volume of Forest Trees
imolaCSS Layouts (Grid and Flexbox) Implementation for R/Shiny
IMPInteractive Model Performance Evaluation
imp4pImputation for Proteomics
IMPACTThe Impact of Items
ImpactEffectsizeCalculation and Visualization of the Impact Effect Size Measure
impactfluQuantification of Population-Level Impact of Vaccination
impactrMechanical Loading Prediction Through Accelerometer Data
impimpImprecise Imputation for Statistical Matching
implicitExpansionArray Operations for Arrays of Mismatching Sizes
implicitMeasuresCompute Scores for Different Implicit Measures
impliedConvert Between Bookmaker Odds and Probabilities
implyrR Interface for Apache Impala
importAn Import Mechanism for R
ImportanceIndiceAnalyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice and Its Derivations
importarEnables Importing/Loading of Packages or Functions While Creating an Alias for Them
ImportExportImport and Export Data
importinegiDownload and Manage Open Data from INEGI
imprecise101Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities
impressionist.colorsImpressionism's Color Palettes
imprintingCalculate Birth Year-Specific Probabilities of Immune Imprinting to Influenza
ImpShrinkageImproved Shrinkage Estimations for Multiple Linear Regression
imptreeClassification Trees with Imprecise Probabilities
imputeFinImputation of Financial Time Series with Missing Values and/or Outliers
imputeGenericEase the Implementation of Imputation Methods
imputeLCMDA Collection of Methods for Left-Censored Missing Data Imputation
ImputeLongiCovsLongitudinal Imputation of Categorical Variables via a Joint Transition Model
imputeMissingsImpute Missing Values in a Predictive Context
imputeMultiImputation Methods for Multivariate Multinomial Data
imputeRA General Multivariate Imputation Framework
imputeREEImpute Missing Rare Earth Element Data in Zircon
ImputeRobustRobust Multiple Imputation with Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
imputeTestbenchTest Bench for the Comparison of Imputation Methods
imputeTSTime Series Missing Value Imputation
iMRMCMulti-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, and Other Metrics)
imsigImmune Cell Gene Signatures for Profiling the Microenvironment of Solid Tumours
imtImpact Measurement Toolkit
IMTestInformation Matrix Test for Generalized Partial Credit Models
imufEstimate Orientation of an Inertial Measurement Unit
ImVolVolume Prediction of Trees Using Linear and Nonlinear Allometric Equations
in2extRemesInto the extRemes Package
inaparcInitialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis
inbreedRAnalysing Inbreeding Based on Genetic Markers
incaInteger Calibration
incasePipe-Friendly Vector Replacement with Case Statements
INCATomeInternal Control Analysis of Translatome Studies by Microarrays
IncDTWIncremental Calculation of Dynamic Time Warping
incgraphIncremental Graphlet Counting for Network Optimisation
incidenceCompute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Events
incidence2Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated Events
IncidencePrevalenceEstimate Incidence and Prevalence using the OMOP Common Data Model
incidentalImplements Empirical Bayes Incidence Curves
incidentallyGenerates Incidence Matrices and Bipartite Graphs
IncomPairComparison of Means for the Incomplete Paired Data
incRAnalysis of Incubation Data
inctoolsIncidence Estimation Tools
incubateParametric Time-to-Event Analysis with Variable Incubation Phases
indelmissInsertion Deletion Analysis While Accounting for Possible Missing Data
independenceWeightsEstimates Weights for Confounding Control for Continuous-Valued Exposures
IndepTestNonparametric Independence Tests Based on Entropy Estimation
index0Zero-Based Indexing in R
IndexConstructionIndex Construction for Time Series Data
IndexNumberIndex Numbers in Social Sciences
IndexNumRIndex Number Calculation
indexthisQuick Indexation
IndexWizardConstructing and Analyzing Complex Selection Indices
IndGenErrorsTests of Independence Between Innovations of Generalized Error Models
indiaInfluence Diagnostics in Statistical Models
IndicatorComposite 'Indicator' Construction and Imputation Data
indicspeciesRelationship Between Species and Groups of Sites
indiedownIndividual R Markdown Templates
indirectElicitation of Independent Conditional Means Priors for Generalised Linear Models
InDiscObtaining and Estimating Unidimensional and Multidimensional IRT Dual Models
IndTestPPTests of Independence and Analysis of Dependence Between Point Processes in Time
industRialData, Functions and Support Materials from the Book "industRial Data Science"
inegiRIntegrate INEGI’s (Mexican Stats Office) API with R
ineqMeasuring Inequality, Concentration, and Poverty
ineq.2dTwo-Dimensional Decomposition of the Theil Index and the Squared Coefficient of Variation
ineqJDInequality Joint Decomposition
inetPerforming Inference on Networks with Regularization
iNEXTInterpolation and Extrapolation for Species Diversity
iNEXT.3DInterpolation and Extrapolation for Three Dimensions of Biodiversity
iNEXT.4stepsFour-Step Biodiversity Analysis Based on 'iNEXT'
iNEXT.beta3DInterpolation and Extrapolation with Beta Diversity for Three Dimensions of Biodiversity
inferTidy Statistical Inference
inferCSNInferring Cell-Specific Gene Regulatory Network
InferenceSMRInference About the Standardized Mortality Ratio when Evaluating the Effect of a Screening Program on Survival
inferferenceMethods for Causal Inference with Interference
inferrInferential Statistics
infiltrodiscRMinidisc Infiltrometer Data Management
infinitefactorBayesian Infinite Factor Models
InfiniumPurifyEstimate and Account for Tumor Purity in Cancer Methylation Data Analysis
infixBasic Infix Binary Operators
InflationCore Inflation
inflectionFinds the Inflection Point of a Curve
InflectSSPMelt Curve Fitting and Melt Shift Analysis
influence.METools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Models
influence.SEMCase Influence in Structural Equation Models
influenceAUCIdentify Influential Observations in Binary Classification
influenceRSoftware Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network
influentialIdentification and Classification of the Most Influential Nodes
influxdbclient'InfluxDB' 2.x Client
influxdbrR Interface to InfluxDB
infoDecompuTEInformation Decomposition of Two-Phase Experiments
infoelectoralDownload Spanish Election Results
InformationData Exploration with Information Theory (Weight-of-Evidence and Information Value)
InformativeCensoringMultiple Imputation for Informative Censoring
informativeSCIInformative Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
informedSenSensitivity Analysis Informed by a Test for Bias
INFOSETComputing a New Informative Distribution Set of Asset Returns
infotheoInformation-Theoretic Measures
InfoTradCalculates the Probability of Informed Trading (PIN)
infraFDTD.assistIO Help for infraFDTD Model
InfusionInference Using Simulation
ingredientsEffects and Importances of Model Ingredients
iniRead and Write '.ini' Files
injectoRR Dependency Injection
InjurySeverityScoreTranslate ICD-9 into Injury Severity Score
injurytoolsA Toolkit for Sports Injury Data Analysis
INLABMABayesian Model Averaging with INLA
inlabruBayesian Latent Gaussian Modelling using INLA and Extensions
INLAjointMultivariate Joint Modeling for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes with 'INLA'
inlamemiMissing Data and Measurement Error Modelling in INLA
INLAspacetimeSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Models using 'INLA'
inlcolorColor Schemes for the USGS Idaho National Laboratory Project Office
inldataCollection of Datasets for the USGS-INL Monitoring Networks
inlineFunctions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
inlinedocsConvert Inline Comments to Documentation
inlpubsUSGS INL Project Office Publications
innsightGet the Insights of Your Neural Network
inopsInfix Operators for Detection, Subsetting and Replacement
inpdfrAnalyse Text Documents Using Ecological Tools
inplaceIn-place Operators for R
InPositionInference Tests for ExPosition
INQCQuality Control of Climatological Daily Time Series
InquilabDissipation Kinetics Analysis, Half Life Period, Rate Constant, Plots
insaneINsulin Secretion ANalysEr
insectInformatic Sequence Classification Trees
inseeTools to Easily Download Data from INSEE BDM Database
insightEasy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
InSilicoVAProbabilistic Verbal Autopsy Coding with 'InSilicoVA' Algorithm
InspectChangepointHigh-Dimensional Changepoint Estimation via Sparse Projection
inspectdfInspection, Comparison and Visualisation of Data Frames
InspectionPlannerPhytosanitary Inspection Sampling Planner
inspectorValidation of Arguments and Objects in User-Defined Functions
INSPECTumoursIN-vivo reSPonsE Classification of Tumours
INSPIREInferring Shared Modules from Multiple Gene Expression Datasets with Partially Overlapping Gene Sets
instagramadsRAccess to Instagram Ads via the 'Windsor.ai' API
install.loadCheck, Install and Load CRAN Packages
installrUsing R to Install Stuff on Windows OS (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio', 'Git', and More!)
instantiatePre-Compiled 'CmdStan' Models in R Packages
instaRAccess to Instagram API via R
insuranceDataA Collection of Insurance Datasets Useful in Risk Classification in Non-life Insurance
insuranceratingAnalytic Insurance Rating Techniques
InsuSensCalcInsulin Sensitivity Indices Calculator
intamapProcedures for Automated Interpolation
intamapInteractiveInteractive Add-on Functionality for 'intamap'
IntCalRadiocarbon Calibration Curves
intccrSemiparametric Competing Risks Regression under Interval Censoring
intcensROCAUC Estimation of Interval Censored Survival Data
integIRTyIntegrating Multiple Modalities of High Throughput Assays Using Item Response Theory
integrAn Implementation of Interaction Graphs of Aleks Jakulin
IntegrateBsIntegration for B-Spline
IntegratedJMJoint Modeling of the Gene-Expression and Bioassay Data, Taking Care of the Effect Due to a Fingerprint Feature
IntegratedMRFIntegrated Prediction using Uni-Variate and Multivariate Random Forests
intendoA Group of Fun Datasets of Various Sizes and Differing Levels of Quality
intensegRidR Wrapper for the Carbon Intensity API
intensitynetIntensity Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns on Complex Networks
InteractionPoweRPower Analyses for Interaction Effects in Cross-Sectional Regressions
interactionRFull Reporting of Interaction Analyses
interactionRCSCalculate Estimates in Models with Interaction
interactionsComprehensive, User-Friendly Toolkit for Probing Interactions
interactionTestCalculates Critical Test Statistics to Control False Discovery Rates in Marginal Effects Plots
InteratrixCompute Chi-Square Measures with Corrections
intercaMultiple Correspondence Analysis Based on Interpretive Coordinates
InteRDThe Integrated and Robust Deconvolution
interepInteraction Analysis of Repeated Measure Data
interfaceRuntime Type System
InterfaceqPCRGUI to Analyse qPCR Results after PMA Treatment or not
interfacerDefine and Enforce Contracts for Dataframes as Function Parameters
interflexMultiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization
interfrInterference Color Charts for Polarized Light Microscopy
intergraphCoercion Routines for Network Data Objects
interimScheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials
interimAppApp for Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials
interleaveConverts Tabular Data to Interleaved Vectors
interlineaRImporting Interlinearized Corpora and Dictionaries as Produced by Descriptive Linguistics Software
InterNLTime Series Intervention Model Using Non-Linear Function
interpInterpolation Methods
interplexCoercion Methods for Simplicial Complex Data Structures
interplotPlot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms
interpolationInterpolation of Bivariate Functions
interpolatorsSome Interpolation Methods
interpretFit Interpretable Machine Learning Models
interpretCIEstimate the Confidence Interval and Interpret Step by Step
InterpretMSSpectrumInterpreting High Resolution Mass Spectra
interpretRBinary Classifier and Regression Model Interpretation Functions
intersFlexible Tools for Estimating Interactions
InterSIMSimulation of Inter-Related Genomic Datasets
InterVA4Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA4'
InterVA5Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA5'
intervalWeighted Logrank Tests and NPMLE for Interval Censored Data
intervalaverageTime-Weighted Averaging for Interval Data
IntervalQuestionStatTools to Deal with Interval-Valued Responses in Questionnaires
intervalsTools for Working with Points and Intervals
IntervalSurgeonOperating on Integer-Bounded Intervals
intervcompHypothesis Testing Using the Overlapping Interval Estimates
inTextSummaryTableCreation of in-Text Summary Table
intiTools and Statistical Procedures in Plant Science
intkrigeA Numerical Implementation of Interval-Valued Kriging
intmapOrdered Containers with Integer Keys
intmedMediation Analysis using Interventional Effects
IntNMFIntegrative Clustering of Multiple Genomic Dataset
intradayModelModeling and Forecasting Financial Intraday Signals
inTreesInterpret Tree Ensembles
intRegGOFIntegrated Regression Goodness of Fit
INTRIGUEQuantify and Control Reproducibility in High-Throughput Experiments
intRinsicLikelihood-Based Intrinsic Dimension Estimators
intrinsicDimensionIntrinsic Dimension Estimation
intrinsicFRPAn R Package for Factor Model Asset Pricing
intrinsicKappaSample Size Planning Based on Intrinsic Kappa Value
intrvalRelational Operators for Intervals
intRvalsAnalysis of Time-Ordered Event Data with Missed Observations
intSDMReproducible Integrated Species Distribution Models Across Norway using 'INLA'
intsurvIntegrative Survival Modeling
intsvyInternational Assessment Data Manager
inumInterval and Enum-Type Representation of Vectors
invacostAnalyse Biological Invasion Costs with the 'InvaCost' Database
InvariantCausalPredictionInvariant Causal Prediction
InvasionCorrectionInvasion Correction
invctrInfix Functions For Vector Operations
inventorizeInventory Analytics, Pricing and Markdowns
InventorymodelInventory Models
inverseRegexReverse Engineers Regular Expression Patterns for R Objects
invertiformsInvertible Transforms for Matrices
investrInverse Estimation/Calibration Functions
invgammaThe Inverse Gamma Distribution
invgamstochvolObtains the Log Likelihood for an Inverse Gamma Stochastic Volatility Model
invGaussThreshold Regression that Fits the (Randomized Drift) Inverse Gaussian Distribution to Survival Data
InvStablePriorInverse Stable Prior for Widely-Used Exponential Models
iNZightMRTools for Exploring Multiple Response Data
iNZightPlotsGraphical Tools for Exploring Data with 'iNZight'
iNZightRegressionTools for Exploring Regression Models with 'iNZight'
iNZightToolsTools for 'iNZight'
iNZightTSTime Series for 'iNZight'
ioA Unified Framework for Input-Output Operations in R
ioanalysisInput Output Analysis
IOHanalyzerData Analysis Part of 'IOHprofiler'
IOHexperimenterBenchmarking Part of the 'IOHprofiler'
IOLSIterated Ordinary Least Squares Regression
ioncopyCalling Copy Number Alterations in Amplicon Sequencing Data
ionetNetwork Analysis for Input-Output Tables
ionrTest for Indifference of Indicator
iopsychMethods for Industrial/Organizational Psychology
iosmoothFunctions for Smoothing with Infinite Order Flat-Top Kernels
iotablesReproducible Input-Output Economics Analysis, Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment with Empirical Data
iotarelrIota Inter Coder Reliability for Content Analysis
iotoolsI/O Tools for Streaming
IPClasses and Methods for 'IP' Addresses
ip2locationLookup for IP Address Information
ip2proxyLookup for IP Address Proxy Information
ipaConvert Between Phonetic Alphabets
ipaddressData Analysis for IP Addresses and Networks
ipADMIXTUREIterative Pruning Population Admixture Inference Framework
ipanemaRead Data from 'LimeSurvey'
ipbaseClient for the 'ipbase.com' IP Geolocation API
ipcTools for Message Passing Between Processes
IPCAPSIterative Pruning to Capture Population Structure
IPCWKKendall's Tau Partial Corr. for Survival Trait and Biomarkers
ipcwswitchInverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Deal with Treatment Switch in Randomized Clinical Trials
ipdInference on Predicted Data
IPDfromKMMap Digitized Survival Curves Back to Individual Patient Data
ipdwSpatial Interpolation by Inverse Path Distance Weighting
ipeadatarAPI Wrapper for 'Ipeadata'
ipeaplotAdd Ipea Editorial Standards to 'ggplot2' Graphics
IPECRoot Mean Square Curvature Calculation
IPEDSData from the Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System
IPEDSuploadablesTransforms Institutional Data into Text Files for IPEDS Automated Import/Upload
iperformTime Series Performance
ipflassoIntegrative Lasso with Penalty Factors
ipfpFast Implementation of the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure in C
ipfrList Balancing for Reweighting and Population Synthesis
ipftIndoor Positioning Fingerprinting Toolset
ipkgInstall R Packages or Download File from GitHub via the Proxy Site
IPLGPIdentification of Parental Lines via Genomic Prediction
iplookupapiClient for the 'iplookupapi.com' IP Lookup API
iplotsiPlots - Interactive Graphics for R
IPMbookFunctions and Data for the Book 'Integrated Population Models'
ipmrIntegral Projection Models
ipolygrowthIndividual Growth Curve Parameter Calculation using Polynomial Functions
IPPPInhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes
iprIterative Proportional Repartition Algorithm
ipredImproved Predictors
ipriorRegression Modelling using I-Priors
iPRISMIntelligent Predicting Response to Cancer Immunotherapy Through Systematic Modeling
ipsInterfaces to Phylogenetic Software in R
ipsecrSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction
ipsfsIntuitionistic, Pythagorean, and Spherical Fuzzy Similarity Measure
ipsRdbsIntroduction to Probability, Statistics and R for Data-Based Sciences
ipumsrAn R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling IPUMS Data
IPVItem Pool Visualization
ipwEstimate Inverse Probability Weights
IPWboxplotAdapted Boxplot to Missing Observations
ipwCoxCSVInverse Probability Weighted Cox Model with Corrected Sandwich Variance
ipwErrorYInverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average Treatment Effect with Misclassified Binary Outcome
iqProtein Quantification in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
IQCCImproved Quality Control Charts
irFunctions to Handle and Preprocess Infrared Spectra
iraceIterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration
iraceplotPlots for Visualizing the Data Produced by the 'irace' Package
iRafNetIntegrative Random Forest for Gene Regulatory Network Inference
irboostIteratively Reweighted Boosting for Robust Analysis
IRCcheckIrrepresentable Condition Check
ircorCorrelation Coefficients for Information Retrieval
IRdisplay'Jupyter' Display Machinery
iRegressionRegression Methods for Interval-Valued Variables
iReproReproducibility for Interval-Censored Data
IrescaleCalculate and Rectify Moran's I
IRexamplesCollection of Practical Institutional Research Examples and Tutorials
irgInstantaneous Rate of Green Up
IrishDirectoratesA Dynamic Bipartite Latent Space Model to Analyse Irish Companies' Boards from 2003 to 2013
IRISMustangMetricsStatistics and Metrics for Seismic Data
IRISSeismicClasses and Methods for Seismic Data Analysis
IRkernelNative R Kernel for the 'Jupyter Notebook'
irlbaFast Truncated Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Components Analysis for Large Dense and Sparse Matrices
iRoCoDeIncomplete Row-Column Designs
IRonSolving Imbalanced Regression Tasks
irrVarious Coefficients of Interrater Reliability and Agreement
IRR2FPRComputing False Positive Rate from Inter-Rater Reliability
irrCACComputing Chance-Corrected Agreement Coefficients (CAC)
IrregLongAnalysis of Longitudinal Data with Irregular Observation Times
irrICCIntraclass Correlations for Quantifying Inter-Rater Reliability
irrNACoefficients of Interrater Reliability – Generalized for Randomly Incomplete Datasets
irtItem Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing Functions
irtawsiItems Response Theory Analysis with Steps and Interpretation
IRTBEMMFamily of Bayesian EMM Algorithm for Item Response Models
irtDemoItem Response Theory Demo Collection
IRTestParameter Estimation of Item Response Theory with Estimation of Latent Distribution
irtGUIItem Response Theory Analysis with a Graphic User Interface
irtoysA Collection of Functions Related to Item Response Theory (IRT)
irtpwrPower Analysis for IRT Models Using the Wald, LR, Score, and Gradient Statistics
irtQUnidimensional Item Response Theory Modeling
irtreesEstimation of Tree-Based Item Response Models
irtreliabilityItem Response Theory Reliability
IRTShinyItem Response Theory via Shiny
isa2The Iterative Signature Algorithm
ISARIntroduction to Sports Analytics using R (ISAR) Data
ISATExtract Cell Density and Nearest Distance Based on 'PerkinElmer InForm' Software Output
isatabrImplementation for the ISA Abstract Model
ISCACompare Heterogeneous Social Groups
ISCO08ConveRsionsConverts ISCO-08 to Job Prestige Scores, ISCO-88 and Job Name
iscoCrosswalksCrosswalks Between Classifications of Occupations
IscoresProper Scoring Rules for Missing Value Imputation
isdalsDatasets for Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences
isdparserParse 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data Files
ISEtoolsIon Selective Electrodes Analysis Methods
iSFunIntegrative Dimension Reduction Analysis for Multi-Source Data
IsingFitFitting Ising Models Using the ELasso Method
IsinglandrLandscape Construction and Simulation for Ising Networks
isingLenzMCMonte Carlo for Classical Ising Model
IsingSamplerSampling Methods and Distribution Functions for the Ising Model
islandStochastic Island Biogeography Theory Made Easy
islassoThe Induced Smoothed Lasso
ISLRData for an Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
ISLR2Introduction to Statistical Learning, Second Edition
ISMInterpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)
ismevAn Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values
ismtchileCalculating Socio Material Territorial Index
isniIndex of Local Sensitivity to Nonignorability
isnullptrCheck if an 'externalptr' is a Null Pointer
IsoFunctions to Perform Isotonic Regression
ISO11784ToolsISO11784 PIT Tag ID Format Converters
isobandGenerate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids
isoboostIsotonic Boosting Classification Rules
isobxrStable Isotope Box Modelling in R
isocalcRIsotope Calculations in R
isocatIsotope Origin Clustering and Assignment Tools
IsoCheckIsomorphism Check for Multi-Stage Factorial Designs with Randomization Restrictions
isocirIsotonic Inference for Circular Data
ISOcodesSelected ISO Codes
IsoCorAnalyze Isotope Ratios in a 'Shiny'-App
isocountryISO 3166-1 Country Codes
isodistrregIsotonic Distributional Regression (IDR)
isogeochemTools for Stable Isotope Geochemistry
isokernelIsolation Kernel
IsoMemoRetrieve Data using the 'IsoMemo' API
isoorbiProcess Orbitrap Isotopocule Data
isopamClustering of Sites with Species Data
isopleurosTernary Plots
IsoplotRStatistical Toolbox for Radiometric Geochronology
IsoplotRguiWeb Interface to 'IsoplotR'
ISOpureRDeconvolution of Tumour Profiles
IsoriXIsoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models
IsoSpecRThe IsoSpec Algorithm
isoSurvIsotonic Regression on Survival Analysis
isotoneActive Set and Generalized PAVA for Isotone Optimization
isotonic.penPenalized Isotonic Regression in one and two dimensions
IsotopeRStable Isotope Mixing Model
isotracerIsotopic Tracer Analysis Using MCMC
isotreeIsolation-Based Outlier Detection
isoWaterDiscovery, Retrieval, and Analysis of Water Isotope Data
ISOweekWeek of the year and weekday according to ISO 8601
ispdIncomplete Split-Plot Designs
ispdataAccess Data from the Public Security Institute of the State of Rio De Janeiro
ISRThe Iterated Score Regression-Based Estimation Algorithm
ISRaDTools and Data for the International Soil Radiocarbon Database
ISSIsotonic Subgroup Selection
istacrObtaining Open Data from Instituto Canario De Estadistica (ISTAC) API
istatDownload and Manipulate Data from Istat
iSTATSA Graphical Interface to Perform STOCSY Analyses on NMR Data
iSubGenIntegrative Subtype Generation
isvaIndependent Surrogate Variable Analysis
ISwRIntroductory Statistics with R
italyThe Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008 and 2010
itanItem Analysis for Multiple Choice Tests
itcSegmentIndividual Tree Crowns Segmentation
itdrIntegral Transformation Methods for SDR in Regression
itemanalysisClassical Test Theory Item Analysis
iTensorICA-Based Matrix/Tensor Decomposition
IterativeHardThresholdingIterative Hard Thresholding Extensions to Cyclops
iteratoRPrint Loop Iterations at Exponentially Disparate Intervals
iteratorsProvides Iterator Construct
iterLapApproximate Probability Densities by Iterated Laplace Approximations
iterorsFast, Compact Iterators and Tools
iterpcEfficient Iterator for Permutations and Combinations
itertoolsIterator Tools
itertools2itertools2: Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
ITNrAnalysis of the International Trade Network
itol.toolkitHelper Functions for 'Interactive Tree Of Life'
iTOPInferring the Topology of Omics Data
iTOSMethods and Examples from Introduction to the Theory of Observational Studies
itpThe Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm
itraxRItrax Data Analysis Tools
its.analysisRunning Interrupted Time Series Analysis
itsadugInterpreting Time Series and Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMs
itscalledsoccerAmerican Soccer Analysis API Client
itsdmIsolation Forest-Based Presence-Only Species Distribution Modeling
itsmrTime Series Analysis Using the Innovations Algorithm
ivaBSSTools for Independent Vector Analysis
ivdescProfiling Compliers and Non-Compliers for Instrumental Variable Analysis
ivdesignHypothesis Testing in Cluster-Randomized Encouragement Designs
ivDiagEstimation and Diagnostic Tools for Instrumental Variables Designs
ivdoctrEnsures Mutually Consistent Beliefs When Using IVs
ivgetsGeneral to Specific Modeling and Indicator Saturation in 2SLS Models
ivitrEstimate IV-Optimal Individualized Treatment Rules
ivmodelStatistical Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Instrumental Variables Model
ivmteInstrumental Variables: Extrapolation by Marginal Treatment Effects
ivo.tableNicely Formatted Contingency Tables and Frequency Tables
ivregInstrumental-Variables Regression by '2SLS', '2SM', or '2SMM', with Diagnostics
ivsInterval Vectors
ivsacimStructural Additive Cumulative Intensity Models with IV
ivtoolsInstrumental Variables
ivxRobust Econometric Inference
IVYplotProduces an IVY Plot (Similar to Dot Plot) with/without Frequencies
iwaqrIrrigation Water Quality Assessment and Visualizations
iWeigRegImproved Methods for Causal Inference and Missing Data Problems
ixplorerEasy DataOps for R Users
IxPopDyModFramework for Tick Population and Infection Modeling
iZIDIdentify Zero-Inflated Distributions
izmirR Wrapper for Izmir Municipality Open Data Portal
jaathaSimulation-Based Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation
jab.adverse.reactionsPossible Adverse Events/Reactions from the Vaccinations/Experimental Gene Therapies
jaccardTest Similarity Between Binary Data using Jaccard/Tanimoto Coefficients
jackJack, Zonal, Schur, and Other Symmetric Polynomials
jackalopeA Swift, Versatile Phylogenomic and High-Throughput Sequencing Simulator
jackknifeRDelete-d Jackknife for Point and Interval Estimation
jackstrapCorrecting Nonparametric Frontier Measurements for Outliers
jackstrawStatistical Inference for Unsupervised Learning
jacobiJacobi Theta Functions and Related Functions
JacobiEigenClassical Jacobi Eigenvalue Algorithm
jacpopJaccard Index for Population Structure Identification
JacquardEstimation of Jacquard's Genetic Identity Coefficients
JADEBlind Source Separation Methods Based on Joint Diagonalization and Some BSS Performance Criteria
jadeLizardOptionsTrading Jade Lizard Option Strategies
jageEstimation of Developmental Age
jaggRSupporting Files and Functions for the Book Bayesian Modelling with 'JAGS'
jagshelperExtracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'
jagstargetsTargets for JAGS Pipelines
jagsUIA Wrapper Around 'rjags' to Streamline 'JAGS' Analyses
jalcalConversion Between Jalali (Persian or Solar Hijri) and Gregorian Calendar Dates
JamendoRAccess to 'Jamendo' API
janeaustenrJane Austen's Complete Novels
janitorSimple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
janusOptimized Recommending System Based on 'tensorflow'
japanstatTools for Easy Use of 'e-Stat' API
jarbesJust a Rather Bayesian Evidence Synthesis
JATSdecoderA Metadata and Text Extraction and Manipulation Tool Set
JavaGDJava Graphics Device
JayaJaya, a Gradient-Free Optimization Algorithm
JBrowseRAn R Interface to the JBrowse 2 Genome Browser
jcalendaRInterconversion Between the Japanese Calendar System and the Western Calendar
jcextExtended Classification of Weather Types
jcolorsColors Palettes for R and 'ggplot2', Additional Themes for 'ggplot2'
jcpJoint Change Point Detection
JCRImpactFactorJournal Citation Reports ('JCR') Impact Factor by 'Clarivate' 'Analytics'
JcvriskRisk Calculator for Cardiovascular Disease in Japan
JDCruncheRInterface Between the 'JDemetra+' Cruncher and R, and Quality Report Generator
jdenticonA Wrapper for the Node.js 'Jdenticon' Library
JdmbsMonte Carlo Option Pricing Algorithms for Jump Diffusion Models with Correlational Companies
jds.rmdR Markdown Templates for Journal of Data Science
jeekA Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Integrating Additional Knowledge in Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models
jengaFast Extrapolation of Time Features using K-Nearest Neighbors
jetpackA Friendly Package Manager
jetsetOne-to-One Gene-Probeset Mapping for Affymetrix Human Microarrays
jewelGraphical Models Estimation from Multiple Sources
jfaStatistical Methods for Auditing
JFETools for Analyzing Time Series Data of Just Finance and Econometrics
JFMRock Mass Structural Analysis from 3D Mesh of Point Cloud
JGLPerforms the Joint Graphical Lasso for Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation on Multiple Classes
JGRJava GUI for R
jgsbookPackage of the German Book "Statistik mit R und RStudio" by Joerg grosse Schlarmann
JICOJoint and Individual Regression
jiebaRChinese Text Segmentation
jiebaRDChinese Text Segmentation Data for jiebaR Package
jinjarTemplate Engine Inspired by 'Jinja'
jipApproxApproximate Inclusion Probabilities for Survey Sampling
jjbBalamuta Miscellaneous
jlctreeJoint Latent Class Trees for Joint Modeling of Time-to-Event and Longitudinal Data
jlmeRegression Modelling with 'GLM.jl' and 'MixedModels.jl' in 'Julia'
jlmerclusterpermCluster-Based Permutation Analysis for Densely Sampled Time Data
JLPMJoint Latent Process Models
JMJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
jmastatsDownload Weather Data from Japan Meteorological Agency Website
jmatrixRead from/Write to Disk Matrices with any Data Type in a Binary Format
JMbayesJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data under a Bayesian Approach
JMbayes2Extended Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data
jmBIGJoint Longitudinal and Survival Model for Big Data
jmcmJoint Mean-Covariance Models using 'Armadillo' and S4
jmdemFitting Joint Mean and Dispersion Effects Models
JMdesignJoint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data - Power Calculation
jmetrikTools for Interacting with 'jMetrik'
JMHJoint Model of Heterogeneous Repeated Measures and Survival Data
JMIJackknife Mutual Information
JmiscJulian Miscellaneous Function
jmotifTime Series Analysis Toolkit Based on Symbolic Aggregate Discretization, i.e. SAX
jmuOutlierPermutation Tests for Nonparametric Statistics
jmvThe 'jamovi' Analyses
jmvconnectConnect to the 'jamovi' Statistical Spreadsheet
jmvcoreDependencies for the 'jamovi' Framework
jmvReadWriteRead and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')
JNplotsVisualize Outputs from the 'Johnson-Neyman' Technique
jobRun Code as an RStudio Job - Free Your Console
jocreJoint Confidence Regions
JoFModelling and Simulating Judgments of Frequency
joineRJoint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-Event Data
joineRMLJoint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data and Time-to-Event Outcomes
joinetPenalised Multivariate Regression ('Multi-Target Learning')
joint.CoxJoint Frailty-Copula Models for Tumour Progression and Death in Meta-Analysis
JointAIJoint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data
jointCalibA Joint Calibration of Totals and Quantiles
jointDiagJoint Approximate Diagonalization of a Set of Square Matrices
JointFPMA Parametric Model for Estimating the Mean Number of Events
jointMeanCovJoint Mean and Covariance Estimation for Matrix-Variate Data
jointNmixJoint N-Mixture Models for Site-Associated Species
jointPmRisk Estimation Using the Joint Probability Method
jointsegJoint Segmentation of Multivariate (Copy Number) Signals
jointVIPPrioritize Variables with Joint Variable Importance Plot in Observational Study Design
joinXLPerform Joins or Minus Queries on 'Excel' Files
jomoMultilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation
JOPSPractical Smoothing with P-Splines
jordanA Suite of Routines for Working with Jordan Algebras
JoSAEUnit-Level and Area-Level Small Area Estimation
josaplayAdd Josa Based on Previous Letter in Korean
joseJavaScript Object Signing and Encryption
jotJot Down Values for Later
journalabbrJournal Abbreviations for BibTeX Documents
JOUSBoostImplements Under/Oversampling for Probability Estimation
joynTool for Diagnosis of Tables Joins and Complementary Join Features
jpcityRead and Convert Japanese Municipality Codes
jpegRead and write JPEG images
JPENCovariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using Joint Penalty
jpgridFunctions for the Grid Square Codes in Japan
jpmeshUtilities for Japanese Mesh Code
jpstatTools for Easy Use of 'e-Stat', 'RESAS' API, Etc
jqbr'jQuery QueryBuilder' Input for 'Shiny'
JQLJump Q-Learning for Individualized Interval-Valued Dose Rule
jqrClient for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor
jquerylibObtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object
jrcExchange Commands Between R and 'JavaScript'
jrichJack-Knife Support for Evolutionary Distinctiveness Indices I and W
jrSiCKLSNMFMultimodal Single-Cell Omics Dimensionality Reduction
jrtItem Response Theory Modeling and Scoring for Judgment Data
jrvFinanceBasic Finance; NPV/IRR/Annuities/Bond-Pricing; Black Scholes
jsTools for Working with JavaScript in R
JSconsoleA 'RStudio' Addin to Send 'JavaScript' Code to the 'V8' Console
jScoreCalculates the j-Score Between Two Clustering Assignments
jSDMJoint Species Distribution Models
JSDNEEstimating the Age using Auricular Surface by DNE
jshintrLint 'JavaScript' Files
jskmKaplan-Meier Plot with 'ggplot2'
JSMSemiparametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data
JSmediationMediation Analysis Using Joint Significance
jsmodule'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Research
json2aRgsParse Parameters Inside a Docker Container
json64A 'Base64' Encode/Decode Package with Support for JSON Output/Input and UTF-8
jsonifyConvert Between 'R' Objects and Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
jsonldJSON for Linking Data
jsonliteA Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R
jsonNormalizeNormalization of 'JSON' Strings
jsonstatInterface to 'JSON-stat'
jsonStringsManipulation of JSON Strings
jsonvalidateValidate 'JSON' Schema
JSparOJoint Sparse Optimization via Proximal Gradient Method for Cell Fate Conversion
jstableCreate Tables from Different Types of Regression
jstagerRetrieve Information Published on J-STAGE
jstorRead Data from JSTOR/DfR
jsTreeCreate Interactive Trees with the 'jQuery' 'jsTree' Plugin
jsTreeRA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'jsTree'
JSUparametersEstimate Parameters of the Best-Fitting JohnsonSU Distribution
jtdmJoint Modelling of Functional Traits
jtiJunction Tree Inference
jtoolsAnalysis and Presentation of Social Scientific Data
jubileeForecasting Long-Term Growth of the U.S. Stock Market and Business Cycles
juicedown'juice' + 'markdown': Convert 'R Markdown' into 'HTML' with Inline Styles
juicrAutomated and Manual Extraction of Numerical Data from Scientific Images
juicyjuiceInline CSS Properties into HTML Tags Using 'juice'
JuliaFractal Image Data Generator
JuliaCallSeamless Integration Between R and 'Julia'
JuliaConnectoRA Functionally Oriented Interface for Integrating 'Julia' with R
JuliaFormulaeTranslate R Regression Model Formulae to 'Julia' Syntax
JUMPReplicability Analysis of High-Throughput Experiments
junctionsThe Breakdown of Genomic Ancestry Blocks in Hybrid Lineages
just.installVery Simple Function to Install Packages without Attaching
justifierHuman and Machine-Readable Justifications and Justified Decisions Based on 'YAML'
JustifyAlphaJustifying Alpha Levels for Hypothesis Tests
jvcoordsPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) and Whitening
jvnVaRValue at Risk
JWileymiscMiscellaneous Utilities and Functions
k5Kiernan Nicholls Miscellaneous
kableExtraConstruct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
kaderKernel Adaptive Density Estimation and Regression
kaigirokuProgrammatic Access to the API for Japanese Diet Proceedings
kairosAnalysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data
kalmanfilterKalman Filter
kamilaMethods for Clustering Mixed-Type Data
kangar00Kernel Approaches for Nonlinear Genetic Association Regression
kanjistatA Statistical Framework for the Analysis of Japanese Kanji Characters
kantorovichKantorovich Distance Between Probability Measures
kaosEncoding of Sequences Based on Frequency Matrix Chaos Game Representation
kaphomTest the Homogeneity of Kappa Statistics
kappaGoldAgreement of Nominal Scale Raters with a Gold Standard
KappaGUIAn R-Shiny Application for Calculating Cohen's and Fleiss' Kappa
kappalabNon-Additive Measure and Integral Manipulation Functions
kappaSizeSample Size Estimation Functions for Studies of Interobserver Agreement
KaradaColorColor Palettes Inspired by Japanese Landscape and Culture
karaokeRemove Vocals from a Song
karelLearning programming with Karel the robot
KarenKalman Reaction Networks
karlenReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Karlen et al. (2007)
KarsTSAn Interface for Microclimate Time Series Analysis
karyotapRDNA Copy Number Analysis for Genome-Wide Tapestri Panels
katexRendering Math to HTML, 'MathML', or R-Documentation Format
kayadataKaya Identity Data for Nations and Regions
kazaamTools for Tall Distributed Matrices
kbalKernel Balancing
KbMvtSkewKhattree-Bahuguna's Univariate and Multivariate Skewness
kcmeansConditional Expectation Function Estimation with K-Conditional-Means
KcopSmooth Test for Equality of Copulas and Clustering Multivariate
kcpRSKernel Change Point Detection on the Running Statistics
KCSKNNShinyK-Nearest Neighbour Classifier
KCSNBShinyNaive Bayes Classifier
kde1dUnivariate Kernel Density Estimation
kdecopulaKernel Smoothing for Bivariate Copula Densities
kdensityKernel Density Estimation with Parametric Starts and Asymmetric Kernels
kdevineMultivariate Kernel Density Estimation with Vine Copulas
kDGLMBayesian Analysis of Dynamic Generalized Linear Models
kdistK-Distribution and Weibull Paper
kdmlKernel Distance Metric Learning for Mixed-Type Data
kdpeeFast Multidimensional Entropy Estimation by k-d Partitioning
kdryK's "Don't Repeat Yourself"-Collection
keddKernel Estimator and Bandwidth Selection for Density and Its Derivatives
keepArrays with Better Control over Dimension Dropping
kehraCollect, Assemble and Model Air Pollution, Weather and Health Data
kelvinCalculate Solutions to the Kelvin Differential Equation using Bessel Functions
KendallKendall Rank Correlation and Mann-Kendall Trend Test
kendallRandomWalksSimulate and Visualize Kendall Random Walks and Related Distributions
KengKeng's Axe and Firewood
KenSynKnowledge Synthesis in Agriculture - From Experimental Network to Meta-Analysis
KEPTEDKernel-Embedding-of-Probability Test for Elliptical Distribution
kequateThe Kernel Method of Test Equating
kerasR Interface to 'Keras'
keras3R Interface to 'Keras'
kerastuneRInterface to 'Keras Tuner'
kerDAANew Kernel-Based Test for Differential Association Analysis
KEREExpectile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
kergpGaussian Process Laboratory
kerndwdDistance Weighted Discrimination (DWD) and Kernel Methods
kernelbootSmoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel Densities
kernelFactoryKernel Factory: An Ensemble of Kernel Machines
KernelheapingKernel Density Estimation for Heaped and Rounded Data
KernelKnnKernel k Nearest Neighbors
kernelshapKernel SHAP
kernhazKernel Estimation of Hazard Function in Survival Analysis
kernlabKernel-Based Machine Learning Lab
kernplusA Kernel Regression-Based Multidimensional Wind Turbine Power Curve
kernscrKernel Machine Score Test for Semi-Competing Risks
KernSmoothFunctions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995)
KernSmoothIRTNonparametric Item Response Theory
kernstadaptAdaptive Kernel Estimators for Point Process Intensities on Linear Networks
kerntoolsKernel Functions and Tools for Machine Learning Applications
kerSegNew Kernel-Based Change-Point Detection
kerTestsGeneralized Kernel Two-Sample Tests
kesernetworkVisualization of the KESER Network
keyATMKeyword Assisted Topic Models
KeyboardBayesian Designs for Early Phase Clinical Trials
KeyboardSimulatorKeyboard and Mouse Input Simulation for Windows OS
keyholderStore Data About Rows
keypermKeyword Analysis Using Permutation Tests
keyplayerLocating Key Players in Social Networks
keypressWait for a Key Press in a Terminal
keyringAccess the System Credential Store from R
keyringrDecrypt Passwords from Gnome Keyring, Windows Data Protection API and macOS Keychain
keysKeyboard Shortcuts for 'shiny'
keyToEnglishConvert Data to Memorable Phrases
kfaK-Fold Cross Validation for Factor Analysis
KFASKalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State Space Models
kfdaKernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
kfigrIntegrated Code Chunk Anchoring and Referencing for R Markdown Documents
kfinoKalman Filter for Impulse Noised Outliers
KFPCAKendall Functional Principal Component Analysis
KFPLSKernel Functional Partial Least Squares
kgcKoeppen-Geiger Climatic Zones
kgenA Tool for Calculating Stoichiometric Equilibrium Constants (Ks) for Seawater
KGodeKernel Based Gradient Matching for Parameter Inference in Ordinary Differential Equations
kgp1000 Genomes Project Metadata
kgramsClassical k-gram Language Models
kgraphKnowledge Graphs Constructions and Visualizations
kgschartKGS Rank Graph Parser
khisrAn R Client to Retrieve Data from DHIS2
KHQMethods for Calculating 'KHQ' Scores and 'KHQ5D' Utility Index Scores
khromaColour Schemes for Scientific Data Visualization
kibiorA Simple Data Management and Sharing Tool
kidney.epiKidney Functions: Clinical and Epidemiological
kidsidesDownload, Cache, and Connect to KidSIDES
KifidiSummary Table and Means Plots
kimA Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists
kimfilterKim Filter
kimiscKirill's Miscellaneous Functions
kin.cohortAnalysis of Kin-Cohort Studies
kindisperseSimulate and Estimate Close-Kin Dispersal Kernels
kinematicsStudying Sampled Trajectories
KingCountyHousesData on House Sales in King County WA
KinMixLiteInference About Relationships from DNA Mixtures
kinship2Pedigree Functions
KINSIMUPanel Evaluation in Forensic Kinship Analysis
KiraMachine Learning
kirby21.baseExample Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource
kirby21.fmriExample Functional Imaging Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource
kirby21.t1Example T1 Structural Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource
kisopenapiKorea Investment & Securities (KIS) Open Trading API
kissmiga Keep It Simple Species Migration Model
kitData Manipulation Functions Implemented in C
kitagawaSpectral Response of Water Wells to Harmonic Strain and Pressure Signals
kiwisRA Wrapper for Querying KISTERS 'WISKI' Databases via the 'KiWIS' API
kknnWeighted k-Nearest Neighbors
kkoKernel Knockoffs Selection for Nonparametric Additive Models
klaRClassification and Visualization
klassRClassifications and Codelists for Statistics Norway
klausuRMultiple Choice Test Evaluation
kldestSample-Based Estimation of Kullback-Leibler Divergence
kldtoolsKullback-Leibler Divergence and Other Tools to Analyze Frequencies
klexdatrKootenay Lake Exploitation Study Data
KLexpKernel_lasso Expansion
klicKernel Learning Integrative Clustering
KLINKKinship Analysis with Linked Markers
klovanGeostatistics Methods and Klovan Data
klshBlocking for Record Linkage
klustRD3 Dynamic Cluster Visualizations
km.ciConfidence Intervals for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator
kmBlockk-Means Like Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked Networks
kmcKaplan-Meier Estimator with Constraints for Right Censored Data – a Recursive Computational Algorithm
KMDKernel Measure of Multi-Sample Dissimilarity
KMEANS.KNNKMeans and KNN Clustering Package
kmedDistance-Based k-Medoids
kmerFast K-Mer Counting and Clustering for Biological Sequence Analysis
kmeRsK-Mers Similarity Score Matrix and HeatMap
kmeRtoneMulti-Purpose and Flexible k-Meric Enrichment Analysis Software
kmiKaplan-Meier Multiple Imputation for the Analysis of Cumulative Incidence Functions in the Competing Risks Setting
kmlK-Means for Longitudinal Data
kml3dK-Means for Joint Longitudinal Data
KMLtoSHAPEPreserving Attribute Values: Converting KML to Shapefile
kmodRK-Means with Simultaneous Outlier Detection
KMsurvData sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis
KMunicateKMunicate-Style Kaplan–Meier Plots
KnapsackSamplingGenerate Feasible Samples of a Knapsack Problem
KneeArrowerFinds Cutoff Points on Knee Curves
knfiAnalysis of Korean National Forest Inventory Database
knitcitationsCitations for 'Knitr' Markdown Files
knitLatex'Knitr' Helpers - Mostly Tables
knitrA General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
knitrBootstrap'knitr' Bootstrap Framework
knitrdataData Language Engine for 'knitr' / 'rmarkdown'
knitrProgressBarProvides Progress Bars in 'knitr'
knitxlGenerates a Spreadsheet Report from an 'rmarkdown' File
knn.covertreeAn Accurate kNN Implementation with Multiple Distance Measures
knnmik-Nearest Neighbor Mutual Information Estimator
knnpTime Series Prediction using K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (Parallel)
KNNShinyInteractive Document for Working with KNN Analysis
kNNvsk Nearest Neighbors with Grid Search Variable Selection
knnwtsimK Nearest Neighbor Forecasting with a Tailored Similarity Metric
knockoffThe Knockoff Filter for Controlled Variable Selection
KnockoffHybridHybrid Analysis of Population and Trio Data with Knockoff Statistics for FDR Control
KnockoffScreenWhole-Genome Sequencing Data Analysis via Knockoff Statistics
KnockoffTrioTrio Data Analysis with Knockoff Statistics for FDR Control
knotRKnot Diagrams using Bezier Curves
KnowBRDiscriminating Well Surveyed Spatial Units from Exhaustive Biodiversity Databases
kntnrR Client for 'kintone' API
KoboconnectRDownload Data from Kobotoolbox to R
KODAMAKnowledge Discovery by Accuracy Maximization
kofdataGet Data from the 'KOF Datenservice' API
kofnGAA Genetic Algorithm for Fixed-Size Subset Selection
KOGMWUFunctional Summary and Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data
kohonenSupervised and Unsupervised Self-Organising Maps
kokudosuuchiUtilities for 'Kokudo Suuchi'
komaletterSimply Beautiful PDF Letters from Markdown
konfoundQuantify the Robustness of Causal Inferences
KONPsurvKONP Tests: Powerful K-Sample Tests for Right-Censored Data
KOR.addrlinkMatching Address Data to Reference Index
koRpusText Analysis with Emphasis on POS Tagging, Readability, and Lexical Diversity
koRpus.lang.enLanguage Support for 'koRpus' Package: English
koselVariable Selection by Revisited Knockoffs Procedures
kosisKorean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS)
KoulMdeKoul's Minimum Distance Estimation in Regression and Image Segmentation Problems
KpartCubic Spline Fitting with Knot Selection
KPCKernel Partial Correlation Coefficient
kpcaIGVariables Interpretability with Kernel PCA
kpcalgKernel PC Algorithm for Causal Structure Detection
kpeaksDetermination of K Using Peak Counts of Features for Clustering
kpmtKnown Population Median Test
kpodclustrMethod for Clustering Partially Observed Data
KrakenRComprehensive R Interface for Accessing Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange REST API
KraljicMatrixA Quantified Implementation of the Kraljic Matrix
kriensContinuation Passing Style Development
krigeGeospatial Kriging with Metropolis Sampling
krigingOrdinary Kriging
KrigInvKriging-Based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy Computer Experiments
krippendorffsalphaMeasuring Agreement Using Krippendorff's Alpha Coefficient
KRISKeen and Reliable Interface Subroutines for Bioinformatic Analysis
KRLSKernel-Based Regularized Least Squares
krmKernel Based Regression Models
KRMMKernel Ridge Mixed Model
kronosMicrobiome Oriented Circadian Rhythm Analysis Toolkit
ksKernel Smoothing
KSARetained Component Criterion for Principal Component Analysis
kSamplesK-Sample Rank Tests and their Combinations
KScorrectLilliefors-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit Tests
KSDGoodness-of-Fit Tests using Kernelized Stein Discrepancy
KSEAappKinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis
kselectionSelection of K in K-Means Clustering
KSgeneralComputing P-Values of the One-Sample K-S Test and the Two-Sample K-S and Kuiper Tests for (Dis)Continuous Null Distribution
ksharpCluster Sharpening
ksNNK* Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
KSPMKernel Semi-Parametric Models
ksrliveIdentify Kinase Substrate Relationships Using Dynamic Data
kssaKnown Sub-Sequence Algorithm
kstKnowledge Space Theory
kStatisticsUnbiased Estimators for Cumulant Products and Faa Di Bruno's Formula
kstIOKnowledge Space Theory Input/Output
kstMatrixBasic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using Matrix Representation
ktaucentersRobust Clustering Procedures
KTensorGraphsCo-Tucker3 Analysis of Two Sequences of Matrices
ktsolveConfigurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations
ktweedie'Tweedie' Compound Poisson Model in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
kuiper.2sampTwo-Sample Kuiper Test
KurtPerforms Kurtosis-Based Statistical Analyses
kutilsProject Management Tools
kvhRead/Write Files in Key-Value-Hierarchy Format
kyotilUtility Functions for Statistical Analysis Report Generation and Monte Carlo Studies
kzaKolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive Filters
kzsKolmogorov-Zurbenko Spatial Smoothing and Applications
l0araSparse Generalized Linear Model with L0 Approximation for Feature Selection
L0LearnFast Algorithms for Best Subset Selection
l1ballL1-Ball Prior for Sparse Regression
L1centralityGraph/Network Analysis Based on L1 Centrality
l1kdeconvDeconvolution for LINCS L1000 Data
L1packRoutines for L1 Estimation
l1spectralAn L1-Version of the Spectral Clustering
l2boostExploring Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized Linear Regression
L2DensityGoFtestDensity Goodness-of-Fit Test
L2ERobust Structured Regression via the L2 Criterion
L2hdchangeL2 Inference for Change Points in High-Dimensional Time Series
LALioness Algorithm (LA)
lab2cleanAutomation and Standardization of Cleaning Clinical Lab Data
LabApplStatMiscellaneous Scripts from the Data Science Laboratory (UCPH)
labdsvOrdination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology
label.switchingRelabelling MCMC Outputs of Mixture Models
labeleRAutomate the Production of Custom Labels, Badges, Certificates, and Other Documents
labelingAxis Labeling
labelledManipulating Labelled Data
labelmachineMake Labeling of R Data Sets Easy
labelrLabel Data Frames, Variables, and Values
labelVectorLabel Attributes for Atomic Vectors
lablasterLaser Ablation Blast Through Endpoint Detection
labNormNormalize Laboratory Measurements by Age and Sex
LabourMarketAreasIdentification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of Labour Market Areas
labourRClassify Multilingual Labour Market Free-Text to Standardized Hierarchical Occupations
LabRSLaboratorio di "Ricerca Sociale con R"
labsimplexSimplex Optimization Algorithms for Laboratory and Manufacturing Processes
labstatRLibreria Del Laboratorio Di Statistica Con R
labstatsData Sets for the Book "Experimental Design for Laboratory Biologists"
lacmLatent Autoregressive Count Models
lacrmrConnect to the 'Less Annoying CRM' API
lactaterTools for Analyzing Lactate Thresholds
lactcurvesLactation Curve Parameter Estimation
lacunaritycovarianceGliding Box Lacunarity and Other Metrics for 2D Random Closed Sets
lacunrFast 3D Lacunarity for Voxel Data
LADDerive Leaf Angle Distribution (LAD) from Measured Leaf Inclination Angles
LadderFuelsRAutomated Tool for Vertical Fuel Continuity Analysis using Airborne Laser Scanning Data
laekenEstimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and Poverty
LaFFast Access to Large ASCII Files
laggedClasses and Methods for Lagged Objects
LAGOSNEInterface to the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database
laGPLocal Approximate Gaussian Process Regression
lagsarlmtreeSpatial Lag Model Trees
LagSequentialLag-Sequential Categorical Data Analysis
LahmanSean 'Lahman' Baseball Database
LAIrConverting NDVI to LAI of Field, Proximal and Satellite Data
LakeMetabolizerTools for the Analysis of Ecosystem Metabolism
lakemorphoLake Morphometry Metrics
laketempsLake Temperatures Collected by Situ and Satellite Methods from 1985-2009
lakhesisConsensus Seriation for Binary Data
LAMSome Latent Variable Models
LaMaFast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Markov Models
lambda.rModeling Data with Functional Programming
lambdaTSVariational Seq2Seq Model with Lambda Transformer for Time Series Analysis
lambdrCreate a Runtime for Serving Containerised R Functions on 'AWS Lambda'
LambertWProbabilistic Models to Analyze and Gaussianize Heavy-Tailed, Skewed Data
lamleMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Variable Models
lammeLog-Analytic Methods for Multiplicative Effects
lamWLambert-W Function
lancorStatistical Inference via Lancaster Correlation
LandCompAnalysing Landscape Composition and Structure at Multiple Scales
landestLandmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment Effect
landformTopographic Position Index-Based Landform Classification
LandmarkingAnalysis using Landmark Models
landmixLandmark Prediction for Mixture Data
landmultiLandmark Prediction with Multiple Short-Term Events
landpredLandmark Prediction of a Survival Outcome
landsatRadiometric and Topographic Correction of Satellite Imagery
landscapemetricsLandscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns
landscapeRCategorical Landscape Simulation Facility
landsepiLandscape Epidemiology and Evolution
LangevinLangevin Analysis in One and Two Dimensions
langevitourLangevin Tour
languagelayeRAccess the 'languagelayer' API
languageRAnalyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics
languageserverLanguage Server Protocol
languageserversetupAutomated Setup and Auto Run for R Language Server
lans2rWork with Look at NanoSIMS Data in R
LaplacesDemonComplete Environment for Bayesian Inference
larHistory of labour relations package
laresAnalytics & Machine Learning Sidekick
lareshinyLares 'shiny' Modules
LARFLocal Average Response Functions for Instrumental Variable Estimation of Treatment Effects
LARiskEstimation of Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer from Radiation Exposure
larsLeast Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
LassoBacktrackingModelling Interactions in High-Dimensional Data with Backtracking
LassoGEEHigh-Dimensional Lasso Generalized Estimating Equations
LassoNet3CoSE Algorithm
lassopvNonparametric P-Value Estimation for Predictors in Lasso
LassoSIRSparsed Sliced Inverse Regression via Lasso
latcontrolEvaluation of the Role of Control Variables in Structural Equation Models
latdiagDraws Diagrams Useful for Checking Latent Scales
latenetworkInference on LATEs under Network Interference of Unknown Form
latent2likertConverting Latent Variables into Likert Scale Responses
LatentBMABayesian Model Averaging for Univariate Link Latent Gaussian Models
latentcorFast Computation of Latent Correlations for Mixed Data
latentFactoRData Simulation Based on Latent Factors
latentgraphGraphical Models with Latent Variables
latentnetLatent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical Networks
laterUtilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops
LateralityFunctions to Calculate Common Laterality Statistics in Primatology
LATERmodelLinear Approach to Threshold with Ergodic Rate for Reaction Times
latex2expUse LaTeX Expressions in Plots
latexdiffrDiff TeX, 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' Files Using the 'latexdiff' Utility
latexpdfConvert Tables to PDF or PNG
latexSymbWrite Equations in a Way that You Can Read
latrendA Framework for Clustering Longitudinal Data
latteInterface to 'LattE' and '4ti2'
latticeTrellis Graphics for R
LatticeDesignLattice-Based Space-Filling Designs
latticeExtraExtra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice
LatticeKrigMulti-Resolution Kriging Based on Markov Random Fields
lavaLatent Variable Models
lavaanLatent Variable Analysis
lavaan.printerHelper Functions for Printing 'lavaan' Outputs
lavaan.shinyLatent Variable Analysis with Shiny
lavaanExtraConvenience Functions for Package 'lavaan'
lavaanguiGraphical User Interface with Integrated 'Diagrammer' for 'Lavaan'
lavaanPlotPath Diagrams for 'Lavaan' Models via 'DiagrammeR'
lavacregLatent Variable Count Regression Models
LavaCvxrLava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals(3 Methods)
lavaSearch2Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable Framework
LavashLava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals
LAWBLLatent (Variable) Analysis with Bayesian Learning
lawstatTools for Biostatistics, Public Policy, and Law
laxLoglikelihood Adjustment for Extreme Value Models
laySimple but Efficient Rowwise Jobs
lazyLazy Learning for Local Regression
lazyarrayPersistent Large Data Array with Lazy-Loading on Demand
lazybarProgress Bar with Remaining Time Forecast Method
lazyDataA LazyData Facility
lazyevalLazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation
lazysfDelayed Read for 'GDAL' Vector Data Sources
lazysqlLazy SQL Programming
lazytradeLearn Computer and Data Science using Algorithmic Trading
lazyWeaveLaTeX Wrappers for R Users
lbaLatent Budget Analysis for Compositional Data
lbfgsLimited-memory BFGS Optimization
lbfgsb3cLimited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters with optim() 'C' Interface
LBILikelihood Based Inference
lbmLog Binomial Regression Model in Exact Method
lboxcoxImplementation of Logistic Box-Cox Regression
LBPGThe Length-Biased Power Garima Distribution
lbregLog-Binomial Regression with Constrained Optimization
LBSPRLength-Based Spawning Potential Ratio
LCALocalised Co-Dependency Analysis
LCAextendLatent Class Analysis (LCA) with Familial Dependence in Extended Pedigrees
lcarsLCARS Aesthetic for Shiny
LCAvarselVariable Selection for Latent Class Analysis
lccLongitudinal Concordance Correlation
LCCRLatent Class Capture-Recapture Models
lcdaLatent Class Discriminant Analysis
LCFLinear Combination Fitting
LCFdataData sets for package “LMERConvenienceFunctions”
lchemixA Bayesian Multi-Dimensional Couple-Based Latent Risk Model
LCMCRBayesian Non-Parametric Latent-Class Capture-Recapture
lcmmExtended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes
LCMSQALiquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) Quality Assessment
lconnectSimple Tools to Compute Landscape Connectivity Metrics
lcopulaLiouville Copulas
lcpmOrdinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log Link
lcraBayesian Joint Latent Class and Regression Models
lcsmUnivariate and Bivariate Latent Change Score Modelling
lctoolsLocal Correlation, Spatial Inequalities, Geographically Weighted Regression and Other Tools
lcyanalysisStock Data Analysis Functions
ldaCollapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models
LDAandLDASLinkage Disequilibrium of Ancestry (LDA) and LDA Score (LDAS)
LDABiplotsBiplot Graphical Interface for LDA Models
LDAcoopAnalysis of Data from Limiting Dilution Assay (LDA) with or without Cellular Cooperation
ldamatchSelection of Statistically Similar Research Groups
ldaPrototypePrototype of Multiple Latent Dirichlet Allocation Runs
LDAShinyUser-Friendly Interface for Review of Scientific Literature
LDATreeClassification Trees with Linear Discriminant Analysis at Terminal Nodes
LDATSLatent Dirichlet Allocation Coupled with Time Series Analyses
ldatuningTuning of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models Parameters
LDAvisInteractive Visualization of Topic Models
ldbodLocal Density-Based Outlier Detection
ldboundsLan-DeMets Method for Group Sequential Boundaries
LDcorSVLinkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and the Relatedness
lddmmLongitudinal Drift-Diffusion Mixed Models (LDDMM)
ldhmmHidden Markov Model for Financial Time-Series Based on Lambda Distribution
LDlinkRCalculating Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) in Human Population Groups of Interest
LDMTesting Hypotheses About the Microbiome using the Linear Decomposition Model
LDNNLongitudinal Data Neural Network
LDRToolsTools for Linear Dimension Reduction
ldsepLinkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids
ldsrLinear Dynamical System Reconstruction
ldtAutomated Uncertainty Analysis
leabRaThe Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm Leabra
leaderClusterLeader Clustering Algorithm
LeafAreaRapid Digital Image Analysis of Leaf Area
leafdownProvides Drill Down Functionality for 'leaflet' Choropleths
leafem'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'
leafglHigh-Performance 'WebGl' Rendering for Package 'leaflet'
leaflegendAdd Custom Legends to 'leaflet' Maps
leafletCreate Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library
leaflet.esri'ESRI' Bindings for the 'leaflet' Package
leaflet.extrasExtra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package
leaflet.extras2Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package
leaflet.minichartsMini Charts for Interactive Maps
leaflet.providersLeaflet Providers
leafletZHAdds a Chinese Choropleth Leaflet Map
leafpmLeaflet Map Plugin for Drawing and Editing
leafpopInclude Tables, Images and Graphs in Leaflet Pop-Ups
leafRCalculates the Leaf Area Index (LAD) and Other Related Functions
leafSTARSilhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted Surfaces
leafsyncSmall Multiples for Leaflet Web Maps
leaftime'Leaflet-timeline' Plugin for Leaflet
leakyIVLeaky Instrumental Variables
leanpubr'Leanpub' API Interface
leapgpLocalized Ensemble of Approximate Gaussian Processes
leappLatent Effect Adjustment After Primary Projection
leapsRegression Subset Selection
LeArEstBorder and Area Estimation of Data Measured with Additive Error
LearnBayesFunctions for Learning Bayesian Inference
LearnClustLearning Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
LearnGeomLearning Plane Geometry
learningrData and Functions to Accompany the Book "Learning R"
LearningRlabStatistical Learning Functions
LearningStatsElemental Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
learningtowerOECD PISA Datasets from 2000-2018 in an Easy-to-Use Format
LearnNonparamR6-Based Flexible Framework for Permutation Tests
LearnPCAFunctions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
learnPopGenPopulation Genetic Simulations & Numerical Analysis
learnrInteractive Tutorials for R
learnrbookDatasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" Book
LearnSLLearn Supervised Classification Methods Through Examples and Code
LearnVizLMMLearning and Communicating Linear Mixed Models Without Data
leastcostpathModelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a Landscape
ledgerUtilities for Importing Data from Plain Text Accounting Files
leemLaboratory of Teaching to Statistics and Mathematics
lefko3Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis
legionForecasting Using Multivariate Models
legislatoRInterface to the Comparative Legislators Database
LEGITLatent Environmental & Genetic InTeraction (LEGIT) Model
legocolorsOfficial Lego Color Palettes
lehdrGrab Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Flat Files
lehuynhLe-Huynh Truc-Ly's R Code and Templates
leidenR Implementation of Leiden Clustering Algorithm
leidenAlgImplements the Leiden Algorithm via an R Interface
leidenbaseR and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function
leivBivariate Linear Errors-In-Variables Estimation
LeMaRnsLength-Based Multispecies Analysis by Numerical Simulation
lemnaLemna Ecotox Effect Model
lemonFreshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots
lenghtAllow Misspellings of Length Function
lensesElegant Data Manipulation with Lenses
leontiefInput-Output Analysis
leprechaunCreate Simple 'Shiny' Applications as Packages
leptokurticMixtureImplements Parsimonious Finite Mixtures of Multivariate Elliptical Leptokurtic-Normals
lero.leroGenerate 'Lero Lero' Quotes
lessLearning with Subset Stacking
lessRLess Code, More Results
lessSEMNon-Smooth Regularization for Structural Equation Models
lestVectorised Nested if-else Statements Similar to CASE WHEN in 'SQL'
lestatA Package for Learning Statistics
letsRData Handling and Analysis in Macroecology
lettervalueComputing Letter Values
levitateFuzzy String Comparison
LexFindRFind Related Items and Lexical Dimensions in a Lexicon
lexiconLexicons for Text Analysis
lexiconPTLexicons for Portuguese Text Analysis
LexisNexisToolsWorking with Files from 'LexisNexis'
LexisPlotRPlot Lexis Diagrams for Demographic Purposes
lexRankrExtractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank Algorithm
lfactorsFactors with Levels
LFAppShiny Apps for Lateral Flow Assays
lfcLog Fold Change Distribution Tools for Working with Ratios of Counts
lfdaLocal Fisher Discriminant Analysis
LFDR.MLEEstimation of the Local False Discovery Rates by Type II Maximum Likelihood Estimation
LFDR.MMEEstimating Local False Discovery Rates Using the Method of Moments
LFDREmpiricalBayesEstimating Local False Discovery Rates Using Empirical Bayes Methods
lfeLinear Group Fixed Effects
lflLinguistic Fuzzy Logic
lfmmLatent Factor Mixed Models
lfproQCQuality Control for Label-Free Proteomics Expression Data
lfstatCalculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data
lgLocally Gaussian Distributions: Estimation and Methods
lgarchSimulation and Estimation of Log-GARCH Models
lgcpLog-Gaussian Cox Process
LGDtoolkitCollection of Tools for LGD Rating Model Development
LGEWISTests for Genetic Association/Gene-Environment Interaction in Longitudinal Studies
lglassoLongitudinal Graphical Lasso
lgprLongitudinal Gaussian Process Regression
lgrA Fully Featured Logging Framework
lgrdataExample Datasets for a Learning Guide to R
lgrExtraExtra Appenders for 'lgr'
LGRFSet-Based Tests for Genetic Association in Longitudinal Studies
lgtdlA Set of Methods for Longitudinal Data Objects
LHDLatin Hypercube Designs (LHDs)
lhmixrFit Sex-Specific Life History Models with Missing Classifications
lhsLatin Hypercube Samples
libbibVarious Utilities for Library Science/Assessment and Cataloging
libcoinLinear Test Statistics for Permutation Inference
libgeosOpen Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C API
LiblineaRLinear Predictive Models Based on the LIBLINEAR C/C++ Library
LibOPFDesign of Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers
librLibraries, Data Dictionaries, and a Data Step for R
LibraLinearized Bregman Algorithms for Generalized Linear Models
librarianInstall, Update, Load Packages from CRAN, 'GitHub', and 'Bioconductor' in One Step
librarysnapshotLibrary Snapshot for Packages and Dependencies in Use by Current Session
libstable4uStable Distribution Functions...For You
LICThe LIC Criterion for Optimal Subset Selection
lidaRtReeForest Analysis with Airborne Laser Scanning (LiDAR) Data
lidRAirborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for Forestry Applications
lievensReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Lievens et al. (2012)
lifecontingenciesFinancial and Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingencies
lifecourseQuantification of Lifecourse Fluidity
lifecycleManage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
LifeHistLife History Models of Individuals
LifeInsuranceContractsFramework for Traditional Life Insurance Contracts
LifeInsureRModelling Traditional Life Insurance Contracts
lifelogrLife Logging
LifemapRData Visualisation on 'Lifemap' Tree
lifeRIdentify Sites for Your Bird List
LifertableLife and Fertility Tables Specially for Insects
LifeTablesTwo-Parameter HMD Model Life Table System
liftLRDWavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponent for Regularly and Irregularly Sampled Time Series
liftrContainerize R Markdown Documents for Continuous Reproducibility
LiftTestA Bootstrap Proportion Test for Brand Lift Testing
lifxControl 'LIFX' Smart Light Bulbs
lightgbmLight Gradient Boosting Machine
LightLogRProcess Data from Wearable Light Loggers and Optical Radiation Dosimeters
LightningRTools for Communication with Lightning-Viz Server
lightparserFrom 'Rmarkdown' and 'Quarto' Files to Tibble and Back
lightrRead Spectrometric Data and Metadata
lightsoutImplementation of the 'Lights Out' Puzzle Game
likelihoodMethods for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
likelihoodAsyFunctions for Likelihood Asymptotics
likelihoodExploreLikelihood Exploration
likelihoodRLikelihood Analyses for Common Statistical Tests
likertAnalysis and Visualization Likert Items
LikertMakeRSynthesise and Correlate Rating-Scale Data
lilikoiMetabolomics Personalized Pathway Analysis Tool
lilliesEstimation of Life Years Lost
LilRhinoFor Implementation of Feed Reduction, Learning Examples, NLP and Code Management
LIMLinear Inverse Model Examples and Solution Methods
limeLocal Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations
limexhubQuantitative Trade Signals
liminalMultivariate Data Visualization with Tours and Embeddings
LimnoPalettesA Limnology Themed Palette Generator
limonaidWorking with 'LimeSurvey' Surveys and Responses
limorhydeDifferential Analysis of Rhythmic Transcriptome Data
limorhyde2Quantify Rhythmicity and Differential Rhythmicity in Genomic Data
limSolveSolving Linear Inverse Models
lin.evalPerform Polynomial Evaluation of Linearity
linbinBinning and Plotting of Linearly Referenced Data
LinCalStatic Univariate Frequentist and Bayesian Linear Calibration
lincomLinear Biomarker Combination: Empirical Performance Optimization
linconGaussRSampling Multivariate Normal Distribution under Linear Constraints
LindenmayeRFunctions to Explore L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems)
lindiaAutomated Linear Regression Diagnostic
LindleyPowerSeriesLindley Power Series Distribution
linearModelLinear Model Functions
LinearRegressionMDEMinimum Distance Estimation in Linear Regression Model
lineartestrLinear Specification Testing
linelistTagging and Validating Epidemiological Data
linelistBayesBayesian Analysis of Epidemic Data Using Line List and Case Count Approaches
linemapLine Maps
linERRLinear Excess Relative Risk Model
lineupLining Up Two Sets of Measurements
lineup2Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements
lineupjs'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'LineUp' for Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings
lingdistFast Linguistic Distance and Alignment Computation
lingglossesInterlinear Glossed Linguistic Examples and Abbreviation Lists Generation
lingmatchLinguistic Matching and Accommodation
lingtypologyLinguistic Typology and Mapping
linguisticsdownEasy Linguistics Document Writing with R Markdown
linkHyperlink Automatic Detection
link2GILinking Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Other Command Line Tools
LinkageClustering Communication Networks Using the Stochastic Topic Block Model Through Linkage.fr
LinkageMapViewPlot Linkage Group Maps with Quantitative Trait Loci
linkcommTools for Generating, Visualizing, and Analysing Link Communities in Networks
LinkedGASPLinked Emulator of a Coupled System of Simulators
linkedInadsRAccess to 'LinkedIn' Ads via the 'Windsor.ai' API
LinkedMatrixColumn-Linked and Row-Linked Matrices
linkpredictionLink Prediction Methods
linkspotterBivariate Correlations Calculation and Visualization
linl'linl' is not 'Letter'
linneConvenient 'CSS'
linpkGenerate Concentration-Time Profiles from Linear PK Systems
linprogLinear Programming / Optimization
LinRegInteractiveInteractive Interpretation of Linear Regression Models
LINselectSelection of Linear Estimators
lintoolsManipulation of Linear Systems of (in)Equalities
lintrA 'Linter' for R Code
lipidmapsRLipid Maps Rest Service
LipidMSLipid Annotation for LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA Data
lipidomeRIntegrative Visualizations of the Lipidome
LipidomicsRElegant Tools for Processing and Visualization of Lipidomics Data
LipinskiFiltersComputes and Visualize Lipinski's Parameters
liqueueRImplements Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack Classes
liraLInear Regression in Astronomy
lisaColor Palettes from Color Lisa
lisrelToRImport Output from LISREL into R
listStatistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment
listArrayIncomplete Array with Arbitrary R Objects as Indices
listarraysA Toolbox for Working with R Arrays in a Functional Programming Style
listcompList Comprehensions
listcomprList Comprehension for R
listdownCreate R Markdown from Lists
listenvEnvironments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
LIStestTests of independence based on the Longest Increasing Subsequence
listrTools for Lists
listviewer'htmlwidget' for Interactive Views of R Lists
listWithDefaultsList with Defaults
litLatent Interaction Testing for Genome-Wide Studies
liteLikelihood-Based Inference for Time Series Extremes
litedownA Lightweight Version of R Markdown
liteqLightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite'
literangerRandom Forests for Multiple Imputation Based on 'ranger'
litRiddleDataset and Tools to Research the Riddle of Literary Quality
litteRLitter Analysis
litterfitterFit a Collection of Curves to Single Cohort Decomposition Data
littlerR at the Command-Line via 'r'
liuregLiu Regression with Liu Biasing Parameters and Statistics
liveLocal Interpretable (Model-Agnostic) Visual Explanations
liver"Eating the Liver of Data Science"
ljrLogistic Joinpoint Regression
LKTLogistic Knowledge Tracing
llamaLeveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms
llbayesiregThe L-Logistic Bayesian Regression
LLMLogit Leaf Model Classifier for Binary Classification
LLMRInterface for Large Language Model APIs in R
llogisticThe L-Logistic Distribution
LLSRData Analysis of Liquid-Liquid Systems using R
lm.betaAdd Standardized Regression Coefficients to Linear-Model-Objects
lm.brLinear Model with Breakpoint
lmapLogistic Mapping
lmbootBootstrap in Linear Models
LMDA Self-Adaptive Approach for Demodulating Multi-Component Signal
lmDiallelLinear Fixed/Mixed Effects Models for Diallel Crosses
lmdsLandmark Multi-Dimensional Scaling
lme4Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4
lme4breedingRelationship-Based Mixed-Effects Models
lmeInfoInformation Matrices for 'lmeStruct' and 'glsStruct' Objects
LMERConvenienceFunctionsModel Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models
lmeresamplerBootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects Models
lmerPermPerform Permutation Test on General Linear and Mixed Linear Regression
lmerTestTests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
lmeSplinesAdd Smoothing Spline Modelling Capability to 'nlme'
LMestGeneralized Latent Markov Models
lmfFunctions for Estimation and Inference of Selection in Age-Structured Populations
LMfilteRFilter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear and Non Linear Regression Models
lmforFunctions for Forest Biometrics
lmForcLinear Model Forecasting
lmhelprsHelper Functions for Linear Model Analysis
lmlsGaussian Location-Scale Regression
lmmLinear Mixed Models
LMMELSMFit Latent Multivariate Mixed Effects Location Scale Models
lmmotMultiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) Model
lmmparParallel Linear Mixed Model
LMMsolverLinear Mixed Model Solver
LMMstarRepeated Measurement Models for Discrete Times
LMNInference for Linear Models with Nuisance Parameters
lmodel2Model II Regression
LMoFitAdvanced L-Moment Fitting of Distributions
lmomcoL-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions
LmomentsL-Moments and Quantile Mixtures
lmomPi(Precipitation) Frequency Analysis and Variability with L-Moments from 'lmom'
lmomRFARegional Frequency Analysis using L-Moments
LMPdataEasy Import of the EU Labour Market Policy Data
lmPermPermutation Tests for Linear Models
lmQCMAn Algorithm for Gene Co-Expression Analysis
lmregData and Functions Used in Linear Models and Regression with R: An Integrated Approach
lmridgeLinear Ridge Regression with Ridge Penalty and Ridge Statistics
lmSubsetsExact Variable-Subset Selection in Linear Regression
lmtestTesting Linear Regression Models
lmtestrobOutlier Robust Specification Testing
lmtpNon-Parametric Causal Effects of Feasible Interventions Based on Modified Treatment Policies
lmvizA Package to Visualize Linear Models Features and Play with Them
lmwLinear Model Weights
lncDIFFLong Non-Coding RNA Differential Expression Analysis
LncFinderLncRNA Identification and Analysis Using Heterologous Features
LncPathIdentifying the Pathways Regulated by LncRNA Sets of Interest
LNIRTLogNormal Response Time Item Response Theory Models
lnmClusterPerform Logistic Normal Multinomial Clustering for Microbiome Compositional Data
lnmixsurvBayesian Mixture Log-Normal Survival Model
LNParEstimation and Testing for a Lognormal-Pareto Mixture
loaLattice Options and Add-Ins
loadeRLoad Data for Analysis System
loadingsLoadings for Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares
loadshaperProducing Load Shape with Target Peak and Load Factor
LoBrAGeneralized Spline Mixed Effect Models for Longitudinal Breath Data
LobsterCatchModels the Capture Processes in American Lobster Trap Fishery
lobstrVisualize R Data Structures with Trees
localbootLocal Bootstrap Methods for Various Networks
LocalControlNonparametric Methods for Generating High Quality Comparative Effectiveness Evidence
LocalCopLocal Likelihood Inference for Conditional Copula Models
localFDALocalization Processes for Functional Data Analysis
localgaussEstimating Local Gaussian Parameters
localICELocal Individual Conditional Expectation
localIVEstimation of Marginal Treatment Effects using Local Instrumental Variables
localModelLIME-Based Explanations with Interpretable Inputs Based on Ceteris Paribus Profiles
localScorePackage for Sequence Analysis by Local Score
localsolverR API to LocalSolver
locaRA Set of Tools for Sound Localization
locateipLocate IP Addresses with 'ip-api'
locatexecDetection and Localization of Executable Files
locationgamerIdentification of Location Game Equilibria in Networks
LocaTTGeographically-Conscious Taxonomic Assignment for Metabarcoding
locfdrComputes Local False Discovery Rates
locfitLocal Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation
locitsTest of Stationarity and Localized Autocovariance
Lock5DataDatasets for "Statistics: UnLocking the Power of Data"
LocKerLocally Sparse Estimator of Generalized Varying Coefficient Model for Asynchronous Longitudinal Data
locpolKernel Local Polynomial Regression
locpolExpectileLocal Polynomial Expectile Regression
locStraFast Implementation of (Local) Population Stratification Methods
LOCUSLow-Rank Decomposition of Brain Connectivity Matrices with Uniform Sparsity
locuszoomrGene Locus Plot with Gene Annotations
loderDependency-Free Access to PNG Image Files
lodGWASGenome-Wide Association Analysis of a Biomarker Accounting for Limit of Detection
lodiLimit of Detection Imputation for Single-Pollutant Models
lodrLinear Model Fitting with LOD Covariates
loedataData Sets from "Lectures on Econometrics" by Chirok Han
loewesadditivityLoewe's Additivity
logRecord Events and Issues
log4rA Fast and Lightweight Logging System for R, Based on 'log4j'
LOGANLog File Analysis in International Large-Scale Assessments
logbinRelative Risk Regression Using the Log-Binomial Model
LogConcDEADLog-Concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary Dimensions
logconcensMaximum Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density Based on Censored Data
logcondensEstimate a Log-Concave Probability Density from Iid Observations
logcondiscrEstimate a Log-Concave Probability Mass Function from Discrete i.i.d. Observations
loggerA Lightweight, Modern and Flexible Logging Utility
loggingR Logging Package
loggitModern Logging for the R Ecosystem
loggit2Easy-to-Use, Dependencyless Logger
logibSalary Analysis by the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality
logiBinBinning Variables to Use in Logistic Regression
logicDTIdentifying Interactions Between Binary Predictors
LogicForestLogic Forest
LogicRegLogic Regression
logihistCombined Graphs for Logistic Regression
login'shiny' Login Module
logistfFirth's Bias-Reduced Logistic Regression
logistic4pLogistic Regression with Misclassification in Dependent Variables
LogisticCopulaA Copula Based Extension of Logistic Regression
LogisticCurveFittingLogistic Curve Fitting by Rhodes Method
logisticPCABinary Dimensionality Reduction
LogisticRCILinear and Logistic Regression-Based Reliable Change Index
logisticRRAdjusted Relative Risk from Logistic Regression
logitFDFunctional Principal Components Logistic Regression
logitnormFunctions for the Logitnormal Distribution
logitrLogit Models w/Preference & WTP Space Utility Parameterizations
logKDEComputing Log-Transformed Kernel Density Estimates for Positive Data
loglognormDouble Log Normal Distribution Functions
logmultLog-Multiplicative Models, Including Association Models
lognormFunctions for the Lognormal Distribution
logNormReglog Normal Linear Regression
logOfGammaNatural Logarithms of the Gamma Function for Large Values
logrCreates Log Files
LogRegEquivLogistic Regression Equivalence
logrxA Logging Utility Focus on Clinical Trial Programming Workflows
logsplineRoutines for Logspline Density Estimation
lokernKernel Regression Smoothing with Local or Global Plug-in Bandwidth
lolliplotPlot Variants and Somatic Mutations
lologLatent Order Logistic Graph Models
lolRLinear Optimal Low-Rank Projection
LOMARLocalization Microscopy Data Analysis
lombLomb-Scargle Periodogram
long2lstmarrayLongitudinal Dataframes into Arrays for Machine Learning Training
LongCARTRecursive Partitioning for Longitudinal Data and Right Censored Data Using Baseline Covariates
longclustModel-Based Clustering and Classification for Longitudinal Data
LongDatA Tool for 'Covariate'-Sensitive Longitudinal Analysis on 'omics' Data
longevityStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Excess Lifetimes
longitHigh Dimensional Longitudinal Data Analysis Using MCMC
longitudinalAnalysis of Multiple Time Course Data
longitudinalANALLongitudinal Data Analysis
longitudinalcascadeLongitudinal Cascade
longitudinalDataLongitudinal Data
LongituRFRandom Forests for Longitudinal Data
longkeNonparametric Predictive Model for Sparse and Irregular Longitudinal Data
longmemoStatistics for Long-Memory Processes (Book Jan Beran), and Related Functionality
LongMemoryTSLong Memory Time Series
longmixrLongitudinal Consensus Clustering with 'flexmix'
longpowerSample Size Calculations for Longitudinal Data
longreadvqsViral Quasispecies Comparison from Long-Read Sequencing Data
longROCTime-Dependent Prognostic Accuracy with Multiply Evaluated Bio Markers or Scores
longRPart2Recursive Partitioning of Longitudinal Data
longsurrLongitudinal Surrogate Marker Analysis
longurlExpand Short 'URLs'
looEfficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC for Bayesian Models
lookoutLeave One Out Kernel Density Estimates for Outlier Detection
lookupFunctions Similar to VLOOKUP in Excel
lookupTableLook-Up Tables using S4
loonInteractive Statistical Data Visualization
loon.dataData Used to Illustrate 'Loon' Functionality
loon.ggplotA Grammar of Interactive Graphics
loon.shinyAutomatically Create a 'Shiny' App Based on Interactive 'Loon' Widgets
loon.tourrTour in 'Loon'
LoopAnalystA Collection of Tools to Conduct Levins' Loop Analysis
LoopDetectRComprehensive Feedback Loop Detection in ODE Models
LoopRigIntegration and Analysis of Chromatin Loop Data
LOPARTLabeled Optimal Partitioning
loradLowest Radial Distance Method of Marginal Likelihood Estimation
lordifLogistic Ordinal Regression Differential Item Functioning using IRT
lorecLOw Rand and sparsE Covariance matrix estimation
loremGenerate Lorem Ipsum Text
lorentzThe Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics
lorenzTools for Deriving Income Inequality Estimates from Grouped Income Data
LorenzRegressionLorenz and Penalized Lorenz Regressions
loriImputation of High-Dimensional Count Data using Side Information
LorMeLightening One-Code Resolving Microbial Ecology Solution
LOSTMissing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation
lotriA Simple Way to Specify Symmetric, Block Diagonal Matrices
lotterybrLottery Datasets from Caixa Economica Federal
lowmemtkmeansLow Memory Use Trimmed K-Means
lowpassFilterLowpass Filtering
LowRankQPLow Rank Quadratic Programming
LowWAFOMNXLow WAFOM Niederreiter-Xing Sequence
LowWAFOMSobolLow WAFOM Sobol Sequence
lpacfLocal Partial Autocorrelation Function Estimation for Locally Stationary Wavelet Processes
LPBkgDetecting New Signals under Background Mismodelling
lpcLassoed Principal Components for Testing Significance of Features
lpcdeBoundary Adaptive Local Polynomial Conditional Density Estimator
LPCMLocal Principal Curve Methods
lpdaLinear Programming Discriminant Analysis
lpdensityLocal Polynomial Density Estimation and Inference
LPDynRLand Productivity Dynamics Indicator
LPGraphNonparametric Smoothing of Laplacian Graph Spectra
lphomEcological Inference by Linear Programming under Homogeneity
lpintLocal Polynomial Estimators of the Intensity Function and Its Derivatives
lpirfsLocal Projections Impulse Response Functions
LPKsampleLP Nonparametric High Dimensional K-Sample Comparison
lplLocal Partial Likelihood Estimation and Simultaneous Confidence Band
LPMLinear Parametric Models Applied to Hydrological Series
LPmergeMerging Linkage Maps by Linear Programming
LPowerCalculates Power, Sample Size, or Detectable Effect for Longitudinal Analyses
LPRelevanceRelevance-Integrated Statistical Inference Engine
lpridgeLocal Polynomial (Ridge) Regression
LPSLinear Predictor Score, for Binary Inference from Multiple Continuous Variables
LPsmoothLP Smoothed Inference and Graphics
lpSolveInterface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs
lpSolveAPIR Interface to 'lp_solve' Version
LPWCLag Penalized Weighted Correlation for Time Series Clustering
LqGRobust Group Variable Screening Based on Maximum Lq-Likelihood Estimation
lqmixLinear Quantile Mixture Models
lqmmLinear Quantile Mixed Models
lqrRobust Linear Quantile Regression
LRcontrastDose Response Signal Detection under Model Uncertainty
lrdA Package for Processing Lexical Response Data
LREPEstimate and Test Exponential vs. Pareto Distributions
lrequireSources an R "Module" with Caching & Encapsulation, Returning Exported Vars
lrgsLinear Regression by Gibbs Sampling
lrmestDifferent Types of Estimators to Deal with Multicollinearity
LRMF3Low Rank Matrix Factorization S3 Objects
lrstatPower and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazards and Beyond
LRTesteRLikelihood Ratio Tests and Confidence Intervals
LS2WLocally Stationary Two-Dimensional Wavelet Process Estimation Scheme
LS2WstatA Multiscale Test of Spatial Stationarity for LS2W Processes
lsaLatent Semantic Analysis
LSAfunApplied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Functions
LSAmitRDaten, Beispiele und Funktionen zu 'Large-Scale Assessment mit R'
lsasimFunctions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale Assessment Data
lsbclustLeast-Squares Bilinear Clustering for Three-Way Data
lsbsBandwidth Selection for Level Sets and HDR Estimation
LSDLots of Superior Depictions
lsdbcLocally Scaled Density Based Clustering
LSDinterfaceInterface Tools for LSD Simulation Results Files
LSDirfImpulse-Response Function Analysis for Agent-Based Models
LSDsensitivitySensitivity Analysis Tools for LSD Simulations
LSEConstrained Least Squares and Generalized QR Factorization
LSEbootLSBootstrap Methods for Regression Models with Locally Stationary Errors
lseiSolving Least Squares or Quadratic Programming Problems under Equality/Inequality Constraints
lsirm12plLatent Space Item Response Model
lslLatent Structure Learning
lslxSemi-Confirmatory Structural Equation Modeling via Penalized Likelihood or Least Squares
lsmEstimation of the log Likelihood of the Saturated Model
lsmeansLeast-Squares Means
LSMonteCarloAmerican options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method
LSMRealOptionsValue American and Real Options Through LSM Simulation
lsnstat'La Societe Nouvelle' API Access
lspartitionNonparametric Estimation and Inference Procedures using Partitioning-Based Least Squares Regression
LSPFPLysate and Secretome Peptide Feature Plotter
lsplineLinear Splines with Convenient Parametrisations
lsplsLS-PLS Models
lsrCompanion to "Learning Statistics with R"
LSRSLand Surface Remote Sensing
lss2The Accelerated Failure Time Model to Right Censored Data Based on Least-Squares Principle
LSTLand Surface Temperature Retrieval for Landsat 8
LSTbookData and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking"
LSTSLocally Stationary Time Series
LSVAREstimation of Low Rank Plus Sparse Structured Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) Model
LSWPlibSimulation and Spectral Estimation of Locally Stationary Wavelet Packet Processes
LSXSemi-Supervised Algorithm for Document Scaling
ltableEasy to Make (Lazy) Tables
LTARTensor Forecasting Functions
LTASRFunctions to Replicate the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's 'LTAS' Software in R
LTCDMLatent Transition Cognitive Diagnosis Model with Covariates
lterdatasamplerEducational Dataset Examples from the Long Term Ecological Research Program
lterpalettefinderExtract Color Palettes from Photos and Pick Official LTER Palettes
ltertoolsTools Developed by the Long Term Ecological Research Community
LTFHPlusImplementation of LT-FH++
ltmLatent Trait Models under IRT
ltmixLeft-Truncated Mixtures of Gamma, Weibull, and Lognormal Distributions
ltmleLongitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
LTPDvarLTPD and AOQL Plans for Acceptance Sampling Inspection by Variables
LTRCforestsEnsemble Methods for Survival Data with Time-Varying Covariates
LTRCtreesSurvival Trees to Fit Left-Truncated and Right-Censored and Interval-Censored Survival Data
ltsaLinear Time Series Analysis
ltskLocal Time Space Kriging
ltsspcaSparse Principal Component Based on Least Trimmed Squares
ltxsparklinesLightweight Sparklines for a LaTeX Document
luajr'LuaJIT' Scripting
lubridateMake Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
lucaLikelihood Inference from Case-Control Data under Covariate Assumptions
lucasPackage to Download and Create the DB of LUCAS Data Harmonized
lucidPrinting Floating Point Numbers in a Human-Friendly Format
LUCIDusLUCID with Multiple Omics Data
ludicLinkage Using Diagnosis Codes
lueLight Use Efficiency Model to Estimate Biomass and YIELD with and Without Vapour Pressure Deficit
lulab.utilsSupporting Functions Maintained by Zhen Lu
lulccLand Use Change Modelling in R
lumberjackTrack Changes in Data
LuminescenceComprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis
lunarCalculate Lunar Phase & Distance, Seasons and Related Environmental Factors
lutzLook Up Time Zones of Point Coordinates
luzHigher Level 'API' for 'torch'
luzlogrLightweight Logging for R Scripts
LVGPLatent Variable Gaussian Process Modeling with Qualitative and Quantitative Input Variables
lvmcompStochastic EM Algorithms for Latent Variable Models with a High-Dimensional Latent Space
lvmiscVeras Miscellaneous
lvnetLatent Variable Network Modeling
lvplotLetter Value 'Boxplots'
LW1949An Automated Approach to Evaluating Dose-Effect Experiments Following Litchfield and Wilcoxon (1949)
LWFBrook90RSimulate Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture with the SVAT Model LWF-Brook90
lwgeomBindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features
lwqsLagged Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
LZeroSpikeInferenceExact Spike Train Inference via L0 Optimization
lzstringWrapper for 'lz-string' 'C++' Library
m2bMovement to Behaviour Inference using Random Forest
m2rInterface to 'Macaulay2'
M2SMFMulti-Modal Similarity Matrix Factorization for Integrative Multi-Omics Data Analysis
M2SMJFMulti-Modal Similarity Matrix Joint Factorization
M3Reading M3 Files
M3JFMulti-Modal Matrix Joint Factorization for Integrative Multi-Omics Data Analysis
m5'M5 Forecasting' Challenges Data
m61rPackage About Data Manipulation in Pure Base R
MAAPERAnalysis of Alternative Polyadenylation Using 3' End-Linked Reads
maatMultiple Administrations Adaptive Testing
mabacRAssisting Decision Makers
mableMaximum Approximate Bernstein/Beta Likelihood Estimation
MABOUSTMulti-Armed Bayesian Ordinal Utility-Based Sequential Trial
MacBehaviourBehavioural Studies of Large Language Models
maccMediation Analysis of Causality under Confounding
MACERMolecular Acquisition, Cleaning, and Evaluation in R 'MACER'
MachineShopMachine Learning Models and Tools
macleishRetrieve Data from MacLeish Field Station
maclogpMeasures of Uncertainty for Model Selection
macroBiomeA Tool for Mapping the Distribution of the Biomes and Bioclimate
macrocolColombian Macro-Financial Time Series Generator
macrosyntRDraw Ordered Oxford Grids and Chord Diagrams
MacroZooBenthosWaterAFresh Water Quality Analysis Based on Macrozoobenthos
mactivateMultiplicative Activation
maczicMediation Analysis for Count and Zero-Inflated Count Data
MAdMeta-Analysis with Mean Differences
madaMeta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy
MadanTextPersian Text Mining Tool for Frequency Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Word Clouds
MadanTextNetworkPersian Text Mining Tool for Co-Occurrence Network
maddisonThe Maddison Project Database
madgrad'MADGRAD' Method for Stochastic Optimization
maditrFast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes and 'data.table'
madnessAutomatic Differentiation of Multivariate Operations
MADPopMHC Allele-Based Differencing Between Populations
madrModel Averaged Double Robust Estimation
madratMay All Data be Reproducible and Transparent (MADRaT) *
madshapRSupport Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom Research' Standards
madsimA Flexible Microarray Data Simulation Model
maestroOrchestration of Data Pipelines
MaeswrapWrapper Functions for MAESTRA/MAESPA
mafRInterface for Masked Autoregressive Flows
magclassData Class and Tools for Handling Spatial-Temporal Data
MAGEEMixed Model Association Test for GEne-Environment Interaction
magiMAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference
magicCreate and Investigate Magic Squares
magicaxisPretty Scientific Plotting with Minor-Tick and Log Minor-Tick Support
magicforMagic Functions to Obtain Results from for Loops
magickAdvanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R
magickGUIGUI Tools for Interactive Image Processing with 'magick'
magicLamp'WeMo Switch' Smart Plug Utilities
MAGMA.RMAny-Group MAtching
MagmaClustRClustering and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes with Common Mean
magmaRR-Client for Interacting with the 'UCSF Data Library'
MAGNAMWARA Pipeline for Meta-Genome Wide Association
magreeImplements the O'Connell-Dobson-Schouten Estimators of Agreement for Multiple Observers
magrittrA Forward-Pipe Operator for R
maGUIA Graphical User Interface for Microarray Data Analysis and Annotation
maicMatching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison
maicChecksAssessing the Numerical Feasibility for Conducting a Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC)
mailchimpRGet Mailchimp Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
mailmergeMail Merge Using R Markdown Documents and 'gmailr'
mailRA Utility to Send Emails from R
mailtoRCreates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in 'shiny'
MainExistingDatasetsMain Existing Human Datasets
MAINT.DataModel and Analyse Interval Data
MajKMeansk-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization Method
MajMinKmeansk-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization Method
makedummiesCreate Dummy Variables from Categorical Data
MakefileRCreate 'Makefiles' Using R
makeFlowVisualizing Sequential Classifications
makeitRun R Scripts if Needed
makemypriorIntuitive Construction of Joint Priors for Variance Parameters
makePaletteMake Palette
makepipePipeline Tools Inspired by 'GNU Make'
makeProjectCreates an empty package framework for the LCFD format
maketoolsExploring and Testing the Toolchain and System Libraries
makeuniqueMake Character Strings Unique
MAKLMultiple Approximate Kernel Learning (MAKL)
malanMAle Lineage ANalysis
malaniMachine Learning Assisted Network Inference
malariaAtlasAn R Interface to Open-Access Malaria Data, Hosted by the 'Malaria Atlas Project'
malaytextrText Mining for Bahasa Malaysia
MALDIcellassayAutomated MALDI Cell Assays Using Dose-Response Curve Fitting
maldipickrDereplicate and Cherry-Pick Mass Spectrometry Spectra
MALDIquantQuantitative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data
MALDIquantForeignImport/Export Routines for 'MALDIquant'
MALDIrppaMALDI Mass Spectrometry Data Robust Pre-Processing and Analysis
mallRun Multiple Large Language Model Predictions Against a Table, or Vectors
malletAn R Wrapper for the Java Mallet Topic Modeling Toolkit
malvinasIslas Malvinas, Georgias Del Sur y Sándwich Del Sur
MAMSDesigning Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Studies
ManagedCloudProviderProviding the Kubernetes-Like Functions for the Non-Kubernetes Cloud Service
managelocalrepoManage a CRAN-Style Local Repository
MANCIEMatrix Analysis and Normalization by Concordant Information Enhancement
mandMultivariate Analysis for Neuroimaging Data
MandalaRBuilding Mandalas from Parametric Equations of Classical Curves
mandelbrotGenerates Views on the Mandelbrot Set
manetMultiple Allocation Model for Actor-Event Networks
MangroveRisk Prediction on Trees
manhattanlyInteractive Q-Q and Manhattan Plots Using 'plotly.js'
manhplotThe Manhattan++ Plot
manifestoRAccess and Process Data and Documents of the Manifesto Project
manifoldOperations for Riemannian Manifolds
ManifoldOptimAn R Interface to the 'ROPTLIB' Library for Riemannian Manifold Optimization
manipulateInteractive Plots for RStudio
manipulateWidgetAdd Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts
ManlyMixManly Mixture Modeling and Model-Based Clustering
MAnorm2Tools for Normalizing and Comparing ChIP-seq Samples
MANOVA.RMResampling-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs
mantaMultivariate Asymptotic Non-Parametric Test of Association
MantaIDA Machine-Learning Based Tool to Automate the Identification of Biological Database IDs
manydataA Portal for Global Governance Data
manymodelrBuild and Tune Several Models
manymomeMediation, Moderation and Moderated-Mediation After Model Fitting
manymome.tablePublication-Ready Tables for 'manymome' Results
manynetMany Ways to Make, Modify, Map, Mark, and Measure Myriad Networks
ManyTestsMultiple Testing Procedures of Cox (2011) and Wong and Cox (2007)
MaOEAMany Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
maotaiTools for Matrix Algebra, Optimization and Inference
MAPMultimodal Automated Phenotyping
Map2NCBIMapping Markers to the Nearest Genomic Feature
MAPAMultiple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm
mapaccuracyUnbiased Thematic Map Accuracy and Area
mapbayrMAP-Bayesian Estimation of PK Parameters
mapboxapiR Interface to 'Mapbox' Web Services
mapboxerAn R Interface to 'Mapbox GL JS'
mapcanTools for Plotting Canadian Choropleth Maps and Choropleth Alternatives
mapchinaChina Administrative Divisions Geospatial Shapefile Data
mapdataExtra Map Databases
mapdeckInteractive Maps Using 'Mapbox GL JS' and 'Deck.gl'
mapeditInteractive Editing of Spatial Data in R
mapfitPH/MAP Parameter Estimation
MapGAMMapping Smoothed Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data
mapglInteractive Maps with 'Mapbox GL JS' and 'MapLibre GL JS' in R
mapiMapping Averaged Pairwise Information
MapinguariProcess-Based Biogeographical Analysis
mapisoCreate Contour Polygons from Regular Grids
MAPITRMArginal ePIstasis Test for Regions
maplegendLegends for Maps
mapme.biodiversityEfficient Monitoring of Global Biodiversity Portfolios
mapmiscUtilities for Producing Maps
mapmixtureSpatial Visualisation of Admixture on a Projected Map
mappeRConstruct and Visualize TDA Mapper Graphs
MapperAlgoTopological Data Analysis: Mapper Algorithm
mappingAutomatic Download, Linking, Manipulating Coordinates for Maps
mappingsFunctions for Transforming Categorical Variables
mapplotsData Visualisation on Maps
mappolyGenetic Linkage Maps in Autopolyploids
mapppMap in Parallel with Progress
mapprojMap Projections
mapsDraw Geographical Maps
mapsapi'sf'-Compatible Interface to 'Google Maps' APIs
mapscannerPrint Maps, Draw on Them, Scan Them Back in
mapsfThematic Cartography
mapsFinlandMaps of Finland
mapSpainAdministrative Boundaries of Spain
mapsPERUMaps of Peru
mapsRinteractiveLocal Adaptation and Evaluation of Raster Maps
mapStatsGeographic Display of Survey Data Statistics
maptilesDownload and Display Map Tiles
maptpxMAP Estimation of Topic Models
maptreeMapping, Pruning, and Graphing Tree Models
mapviewInteractive Viewing of Spatial Data in R
maqMulti-Armed Qini
mArMultivariate AutoRegressive Analysis
mar1sMultiplicative AR(1) with Seasonal Processes
maracaThe Maraca Plot: Visualization of Hierarchical Composite Endpoints in Clinical Trials
marbleRobust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-Environment Interactions
marchMarkov Chains
marcherMigration and Range Change Estimation in R
marelacTools for Aquatic Sciences
MareyMapEstimation of Meiotic Recombination Rates Using Marey Maps
margApproximate Marginal Inference for Regression-Scale Models
margaretScientometric Analysis Minciencias
MargCondJoint Marginal-Conditional Model
marginaleffectsPredictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis Tests
marginalizedRiskEstimating Marginalized Risk
MarginalMediationMarginal Mediation
marginsMarginal Effects for Model Objects
marimaMultivariate ARIMA and ARIMA-X Analysis
markMiscellaneous, Analytic R Kernels
markdownRender Markdown with 'commonmark'
markdownInputShiny Module for a Markdown Input with Result Preview
markedMark-Recapture Analysis for Survival and Abundance Estimation
markerpenMarker Gene Detection via Penalized Principal Component Analysis
MarketMatchingMarket Matching and Causal Impact Inference
marketrTidy Calculation of Marketing Metrics Plus Quick Analysis
marketsEstimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium
markmyassignmentAutomatic Marking of R Assignments
markophyloMarkov Chain Models for Phylogenetic Trees
markovchainEasy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains
MarkovchartMarkov Chain-Based Cost-Optimal Control Charts
markovmixMixture of Markov Chains with Support of Higher Orders and Multiple Sequences
markovMSMMethods for Checking the Markov Condition in Multi-State Survival Data
markowitzMarkowitz Criterion
MarkowitzRStatistical Significance of the Markowitz Portfolio
marlodMarginal Modeling for Exposure Data with Values Below the LOD
marmapImport, Plot and Analyze Bathymetric and Topographic Data
MARMoTMatching on Poset-Based Average Rank for Multiple Treatments (MARMoT)
marpModel-Averaged Renewal Process
marqLevAlgA Parallelized General-Purpose Optimization Based on Marquardt-Levenberg Algorithm
marqueeMarkdown Parser and Renderer for R Graphics
marradistreesPlots a Tree-Like Representation of a Numerical Variable (Marradi's Tree)
MARSANNhybridMARS Based ANN Hybrid Model
MARSGWRA Hybrid Spatial Model for Capturing Spatially Varying Relationships Between Variables in the Data
MARSSMultivariate Autoregressive State-Space Modeling
MARVELRevealing Splicing Dynamics at Single-Cell Resolution
MarZICMarginal Mediation Effects with Zero-Inflated Compositional Mediator
masMarker Association Studies
maSAEMandallaz' Model-Assisted Small Area Estimators
maseModel-Assisted Survey Estimators
mashrMultivariate Adaptive Shrinkage
maskrVisual Class for Vectors with Non-Publishing Requirements
maskRangeRMask Species Geographic Ranges
MASSSupport Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS
masscorMass Measurement Corrections
MASSExtraSome 'MASS' Enhancements
MassignSimple Matrix Construction
massiveGSTCompetitive Gene Sets Test with the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test
MASSTIMATEBody Mass Estimation Equations for Vertebrates
MassWateRQuality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality Data
mastifMast Inference and Forecasting
MATMultidimensional Adaptive Testing
MATAModel-Averaged Tail Area (MATA) Confidence Interval and Distribution
matahariSpy on Your R Session
matchFeatOne-to-One Feature Matching
MatchGATEEstimate Group Average Treatment Effects with Matching
MatchingMultivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization
matchingMarketsAnalysis of Stable Matchings
matchingRMatching Algorithms in R and C++
MatchItNonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference
MatchLinRegCombining Matching and Linear Regression for Causal Inference
matchmakerFlexible Dictionary-Based Cleaning
matchMultiOptimal Multilevel Matching using a Network Algorithm
matchrPattern Matching and Enumerated Types in R
MatchThemMatching and Weighting Multiply Imputed Datasets
matconvA Code Converter from the Matlab/Octave Language to R
mateableAssess Mating Potential in Space and Time
materialmodifierApply Photo Editing Effects
mathjaxrUsing 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
mathmlTranslate R Expressions to 'MathML' and 'LaTeX'/'MathJax'
mathpixSupport for the 'Mathpix' API (Image to 'LaTeX')
matlab'MATLAB' Emulation Package
matlab2rTranslation Layer from MATLAB to R
matlabrAn Interface for MATLAB using System Calls
matlibMatrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics
matmanMaterial Management
matpowMatrix Powers
matransModel Averaging-Assisted Optimal Transfer Learning
matricksUseful Tricks for Matrix Manipulation
matRiksGenerates Raven-Like Matrices According to Rules
MatrixSparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
matrixcalcCollection of Functions for Matrix Calculations
MatrixCorrelationMatrix Correlation Coefficients
matrixcutDetermines Clustering Threshold Based on Similarity Values
matrixdistStatistics for Matrix Distributions
MatrixEQTLMatrix eQTL: Ultra Fast eQTL Analysis via Large Matrix Operations
MatrixExtraExtra Methods for Sparse Matrices
MatrixHMMParsimonious Families of Hidden Markov Models for Matrix-Variate Longitudinal Data
matrixLaplacianNormalized Laplacian Matrix and Laplacian Map
MatrixLDAPenalized Matrix-Normal Linear Discriminant Analysis
MatrixMixturesModel-Based Clustering via Matrix-Variate Mixture Models
MatrixModelsModelling with Sparse and Dense Matrices
matrixmodpWorking with Matrices over Finite Prime Fields
matrixNormalThe Matrix Normal Distribution
matrixProfileMatrix Profile
matrixprofilerMatrix Profile for R
matrixsamplingSimulations of Matrix Variate Distributions
matrixsetCreating, Manipulating and Annotating Matrix Ensemble
matrixStatsFunctions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)
matrixStrucTestTests of Matrix Structure for Construct Validation
matrixTestsFast Statistical Hypothesis Tests on Rows and Columns of Matrices
matsbynameAn Implementation of Matrix Mathematics that Respects Row and Column Names
matsindfMatrices in Data Frames
MatSkewMatrix Skew-T Parameter Estimation
matuRAthlete Maturation and Biobanding
mauDecision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory
mauricerWork with 'BEAST2' Packages
MAVEMethods for Dimension Reduction
maxaltall'FASTA' ML and ‘altall’ Sequences from IQ-TREE .state Files
maxcomboThe Group Sequential Max-Combo Test for Comparing Survival Curves
maxent.otPerform Phonological Analyses using Maximum Entropy Optimality Theory
MaxentVariableSelectionSelecting the Best Set of Relevant Environmental Variables along with the Optimal Regularization Multiplier for Maxent Niche Modeling
maximinSpace-Filling Design under Maximin Distance
MaximinInferInference for Maximin Effects in High-Dimensional Settings
maxLikMaximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools
maxlikeModel Species Distributions by Estimating the Probability of Occurrence Using Presence-Only Data
maxmatchingMaximum Matching for General Weighted Graph
MaxMCMaximized Monte Carlo
maxnetFitting 'Maxent' Species Distribution Models with 'glmnet'
MaxProMaximum Projection Designs
MaxSkewOrthogonal Data Projections with Maximal Skewness
maxstablePCAApply a PCA Like Procedure Suited for Multivariate Extreme Value Distributions
maxstatMaximally Selected Rank Statistics
maybeThe Maybe Monad
MazamaCoreUtilsUtility Functions for Production R Code
MazamaLocationUtilsManage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations
MazamaRollUtilsEfficient Rolling Functions
MazamaSpatialPlotsThematic Plots for Mazama Spatial Datasets
MazamaSpatialUtilsSpatial Data Download and Utility Functions
MazamaTimeSeriesCore Functionality for Environmental Time Series
MAZEMediation Analysis for Zero-Inflated Mediators
mazeallsGenerate Recursive Mazes
mazeGenElithorn Maze Generator
mazeindaMonotonic Association on Zero-Inflated Data
mazingUtilities for Making and Plotting Mazes
MBThe Use of Marginal Distributions in Conditional Forecasting
MBAMultilevel B-Spline Approximation
MBAnalysisMultiblock Exploratory and Predictive Data Analysis
mbbeModel Based Bio-Equivalence
mbbefdMaxwell Boltzmann Bose Einstein Fermi Dirac Distribution and Destruction Rate Modelling
MBBEFDLiteStatistical Functions for the Maxwell-Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein-Fermi-Dirac (MBBEFD) Family of Distributions
MBCMultivariate Bias Correction of Climate Model Outputs
MBCbookCompanion Package for the Book "Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science"
mbendMatrix Bending
mbestMoment-Based Estimation for Hierarchical Models
MBHdesignSpatial Designs for Ecological and Environmental Surveys
mbirMagnitude-Based Inferences
mblmMedian-Based Linear Models
MBmcaNucleic Acid Melting Curve Analysis
MBMethPredMedulloblastoma Subgroups Prediction
mbmixtureMicrobiome Mixture Analysis
MBNMAdoseDose-Response MBNMA Models
MBNMAtimeRun Time-Course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis (MBNMA) Models
mboostModel-Based Boosting
mbrMass Balance Reconstruction
mbrdrModel-Based Response Dimension Reduction
mbreaksEstimation and Inference for Structural Breaks in Linear Regression Models
mbResExploration of Multiple Biomarker Responses using Effect Size
mbrglmMedian Bias Reduction in Binomial-Response GLMs
MBSGSMultivariate Bayesian Sparse Group Selection with Spike and Slab
MBSPMultivariate Bayesian Model with Shrinkage Priors
mbstsMultivariate Bayesian Structural Time Series
mBvsBayesian Variable Selection Methods for Multivariate Data
mc.heterogeneityA Monte Carlo Based Heterogeneity Test for Meta-Analysis
mc2dTools for Two-Dimensional Monte-Carlo Simulations
MCARtestOptimal Nonparametric Testing of Missing Completely at Random
mcauchydMultivariate Cauchy Distribution; Kullback-Leibler Divergence
MCAvariantsMultiple Correspondence Analysis Variants
mcbModel Confidence Bounds
MCBackscatteringMonte Carlo Simulation for Surface Backscattering
mcbetteModel Comparison Using 'babette'
mcbiopiMatrix Computation Based Identification of Prime Implicants
mcboostMulti-Calibration Boosting
mccaMulti-Category Classification Accuracy
mcccaVisualizing Class Specific Heterogeneous Tendencies in Categorical Data
mccf1Creates the MCC-F1 Curve and Calculates the MCC-F1 Metric and the Best Threshold
mcclustProcess an MCMC Sample of Clusterings
MCCMMixed Correlation Coefficient Matrix
mccmeivAnalysis of Matched Case Control Data with a Mismeasured Exposure that is Accompanied by Instrumental Variables
mccrThe Matthews Correlation Coefficient
MCDASupport for the Multicriteria Decision Aiding Process
mcemGLMMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Linear Mixed Models
mcenMultivariate Cluster Elastic Net
mcgaMachine Coded Genetic Algorithms for Real-Valued Optimization Problems
mcgfMarkov Chain Gaussian Fields Simulation and Parameter Estimation
mcgibbsitWarnes and Raftery's 'MCGibbsit' MCMC Run Length and Convergence Diagnostic
MChtestMonte Carlo Hypothesis Tests with Sequential Stopping
MCIMultiplicative Competitive Interaction (MCI) Model
MCIDEstimating the Minimal Clinically Important Difference
MCLMarkov Cluster Algorithm
mclmMastering Corpus Linguistics Methods
mclogitMultinomial Logit Models, with or without Random Effects or Overdispersion
mclustGaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation
mclustAddonsAddons for the 'mclust' Package
mclustcompMeasures for Comparing Clusters
MCMEstimating and Testing Intergenerational Social Mobility Effect
mcmcMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
MCMC.OTUBayesian Analysis of Multivariate Counts Data in DNA Metabarcoding and Ecology
MCMC.qpcrBayesian Analysis of qRT-PCR Data
MCMC4ExtremesPosterior Distribution of Extreme Value Models in R
mcmcderiveDerive MCMC Parameters
mcmcensembleEnsemble Sampler for Affine-Invariant MCMC
MCMCglmmMCMC Generalised Linear Mixed Models
mcmcOutputFunctions to Store, Manipulate and Display Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Output
MCMCpackMarkov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package
mcmcplotsCreate Plots from MCMC Output
MCMCprecisionPrecision of Discrete Parameters in Transdimensional MCMC
mcmcrManipulate MCMC Samples
mcmcsaeMarkov Chain Monte Carlo Small Area Estimation
mcmcseMonte Carlo Standard Errors for MCMC
MCMCtreeRPrepare MCMCtree Analyses and Plot Bayesian Divergence Time Analyses Estimates on Trees
MCMCvisTools to Visualize, Manipulate, and Summarize MCMC Output
mcMSTA Toolbox for the Multi-Criteria Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
mcmsupplyEstimating Public and Private Sector Contraceptive Market Supply Shares
mcoMultiple Criteria Optimization Algorithms and Related Functions
mcODEMonte Carlo Solution of First Order Differential Equations
MCOECreates New Folders and Loads Standard Practices for Monterey County Office of Education
McompData from the M-Competitions
mcompanionObjects and Methods for Multi-Companion Matrices
mcountMarginalized Count Regression Models
mcpRegression with Multiple Change Points
MCPANMultiple Comparisons Using Normal Approximation
mcparallelDoA Simplified Interface for Running Commands on Parallel Processes
MCPModDesign and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies
MCPModBCImproved Inference in Multiple Comparison Procedure – Modelling
MCPModGeneralA Supplement to the 'DoseFinding' Package for the General Case
MCPModPackSimulation-Based Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Trials
mcprofileTesting Generalized Linear Hypotheses for Generalized Linear Model Parameters by Profile Deviance
mcprogressProgress Bars and Messages for Parallel Processes
MCPtestsMultiples Comparisons Procedures
mcrMethod Comparison Regression
mcraddsProcessing and Analyzing of Diagnostics Trials
mcreplicateMulti-Core Replicate
mcrPiodaMethod Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- And MM-Deming Regression
MCSModel Confidence Set Procedure
MCSimDetermine the Optimal Number of Clusters
mcStatsVisualize Results of Statistical Hypothesis Tests
mcstatsimMonte Carlo Statistical Simulation Tools Using a Functional Approach
mctestMulticollinearity Diagnostic Measures
mctqTools to Process the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ)
MCTrendMonte Carlo Trend Analysis
mcunitUnit Tests for MC Methods
mcvisMulti-Collinearity Visualization
mcwrMarkov Chains with Rewards
mdSelecting Bandwidth for Kernel Density Estimator with Minimum Distance Method
md.logProduces Markdown Log File with a Built-in Function Call
md4rMarkdown Parser Implemented using the 'MD4C' Library
mdaMixture and Flexible Discriminant Analysis
mDAGInferring Causal Network from Mixed Observational Data Using a Directed Acyclic Graph
mdatoolsMultivariate Data Analysis for Chemometrics
MDBEDMoran-Downton Bivariate Exponential Distribution
mdbrWork with Microsoft Access Files
MDDCModified Detecting Deviating Cells Algorithm in Pharmacovigilance
mddmapsDownload World Mammal Maps
mdeMissing Data Explorer
mdedMeasuring the Difference Between Two Empirical Distributions
MDEIImplementing the Method of Direct Estimation and Inference
mdendroExtended Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
MDFSMultiDimensional Feature Selection
mdftracksRead and Write 'MTrackJ Data Files'
mdgcMissing Data Imputation Using Gaussian Copulas
mdhglmMultivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
MDimNormnMulti-Dimensional MA Normalization for Plate Effect
mdir.logrankMultiple-Direction Logrank Test
MDMAMathijs Deen's Miscellaneous Auxiliaries
MDMAPRMolecular Detection Mapping and Analysis Platform
mdmbModel Based Treatment of Missing Data
MDMRMultivariate Distance Matrix Regression
MDOLSInference of Quadratic Functional for Moderate-Dimensional OLS
mdpeerGraph-Constrained Regression with Enhanced Regularization Parameters Selection
MDPIexploreRWeb Scraping and Bibliometric Analysis of MDPI Journals
MDplotVisualising Molecular Dynamics Analyses
MDPtoolboxMarkov Decision Processes Toolbox
mdsMedical Devices Surveillance
mdscoreImproved Score Tests for Generalized Linear Models
MDSGUIA GUI for interactive MDS in R
MDSMapHigh Density Genetic Linkage Mapping using Multidimensional Scaling
mdsOptSearching for Optimal MDS Procedure for Metric and Interval-Valued Data
MDSPCAShinyInteractive Document for Working with Multidimensional Scaling and Principal Component Analysis
mdsrComplement to 'Modern Data Science with R'
MDSSModeling Human Dentin Serial Sectioning
mdwMaximum Diversity Weighting
meanrSentiment Analysis Scorer
meanShiftRA Computationally Efficient Mean Shift Implementation
meantablesMake Quick Descriptive Tables for Continuous Variables
measrBayesian Psychometric Measurement Using 'Stan'
measurementProtocolSend Data from R to the Measurement Protocol
measurementsTools for Units of Measurement
measuresPerformance Measures for Statistical Learning
measuRingDetection and Control of Tree-Ring Widths on Scanned Image Sections
mebootMaximum Entropy Bootstrap for Time Series
MECfdaScalar-on-Function Regression with Measurement Error Correction
MEclustnetFit the Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model to Network Data
meconetcompCompare Microbial Networks of 'trans_network' Class of 'microeco' Package
mecorMeasurement Error Correction in Linear Models with a Continuous Outcome
mecoturnDecipher Microbial Turnover along a Gradient
MEDMediation by Tilted Balancing
MedDataSetsComprehensive Medical, Disease, Treatment, and Drug Datasets
MedDietCalcMulti Calculator to Compute Scores of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet
mederrRankBayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors
medExtractRExtraction of Medication Information from Clinical Text
medfateMediterranean Forest Simulation
medfatelandMediterranean Landscape Simulation
medflexFlexible Mediation Analysis Using Natural Effect Models
mediacloudrWrapper for the 'mediacloud.org' API
MediaKCalculate MeDiA_K Distance
MedianaClinical Trial Simulations
MedianaDesignerPower and Sample Size Calculations for Clinical Trials
MediaNewsMedia News Extraction for Text Analysis
mediatePMediation Analysis Based on the Product Method
mediationCausal Mediation Analysis
mediationsensSimulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Mediation Studies
medicaldataData Package for Medical Datasets
medicalriskMedical Risk and Comorbidity Tools for ICD-9-CM Data
medicareTools for Obtaining and Cleaning Medicare Public Use Files
meditationsPrints a Random Quote from Marcus Aurelius' Book Meditations
MedLEAMorphological and Structural Features of Medicinal Leaves
medparserMedPC Text Parser
medrxivrAccess and Search MedRxiv and BioRxiv Preprint Data
medScanLarge Scale Single Mediator Hypothesis Testing
MEDseqMixtures of Exponential-Distance Models with Covariates
meervaAnalysis of Data with Measurement Error Using a Validation Subsample
meetupapiAccess 'Meetup' API
mefaMultivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeography
mefa4Multivariate Data Handling with S4 Classes and Sparse Matrices
mefdindImports Data from MoE Spain
MEFMPerform MEFM Estimation on Matrix Time Series
Mega2RAccessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database
MEGENAMultiscale Clustering of Geometrical Network
meiflyInteractive Model Exploration using 'GGobi'
mekkoVariable Width Bar Charts: Bar Mekko
meltMultiple Empirical Likelihood Tests
meltrRead Non-Rectangular Text Data
melttMatching Event Data by Location, Time and Type
memThe Moving Epidemic Method
memappThe Moving Epidemic Method Web Application
memeCreate Meme
memeryInternet Memes for Data Analysts
memgeneSpatial Pattern Detection in Genetic Distance Data Using Moran's Eigenvector Maps
memifyConstructing Functions That Keep State
memiscManagement of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis Results
memoIn-Memory Caching of Repeated Computations (Memoization)
memochangeTesting for Structural Breaks under Long Memory and Testing for Changes in Persistence
memofuncFunction Memoization
memoiRR Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documents
memoise'Memoisation' of Functions
memorA 'rmarkdown' Template that Can be Highly Customized
memoriaQuantifying Ecological Memory in Palaeoecological Datasets and Other Long Time-Series
MEMSSData Sets from Mixed-Effects Models in S
memuseMemory Estimation Utilities
MendelianRandomizationMendelian Randomization Package
MEPDFCreation of Empirical Density Functions Based on Multivariate Data
MercatorClustering and Visualizing Distance Matrices
merDerivCase-Wise and Cluster-Wise Derivatives for Mixed Effects Models
mergenAI-Driven Code Generation, Explanation and Execution for Data Analysis
mergenstudio'Mergen' Studio: An 'RStudio' Addin Wrapper for the 'Mergen' Package
mergeTreesAggregating Trees
mergingToolsTools to Merge Hardware Event Monitors (HEMs) Coming from Separate Subexperiments into One Single Dataframe
merlinMixed Effects Regression for Linear, Non-Linear and User-Defined Models
MEROPerforming Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization Random Forest Imputation for Biological Data
merrorAccuracy and Precision of Measurements
merToolsTools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models
meshedBayesian Regression with Meshed Gaussian Processes
MESSMiscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts
messagingConveniently Issue Messages, Warnings, and Errors
messiMediation Analysis with External Summary-Level Information on Total Effect
messy.catsEmploys String Distance Tools to Help Clean Categorical Data
messydatesA Flexible Class for Messy Dates
MestimComputes the Variance-Covariance Matrix of Multidimensional Parameters Using M-Estimation
metaGeneral Package for Meta-Analysis
meta.shrinkageMeta-Analyses for Simultaneously Estimating Individual Means
meta4diagMeta-Analysis for Diagnostic Test Studies
MetaAnalyserAn Interactive Visualisation of Meta-Analysis as a Physical Weighing Machine
metabiasMeta-Analysis for Within-Study and/or Across-Study Biases
metaBLUEBLUE for Combining Location and Scale Information in a Meta-Analysis
metaBMABayesian Model Averaging for Random and Fixed Effects Meta-Analysis
metaboDataExample Metabolomics Data Sets
MetabolAnalyzeProbabilistic Latent Variable Models for Metabolomic Data
metabolicDatasets and Functions for Reproducing Meta-Analyses
MetabolicSurvA Biomarker Validation Approach for Classification and Predicting Survival Using Metabolomics Signature
MetabolicSyndromeDiagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome
MetabolomicsBasicsBasic Functions to Investigate Metabolomics Data Matrices
MetaboQCNormalize Metabolomic Data using QC Signal
metabupBayesian Meta-Analysis Using Basic Uncertain Pooling
metacartMeta-CART: A Flexible Approach to Identify Moderators in Meta-Analysis
metaClusterMetagenomic Clustering
metacomAnalysis of the 'Elements of Metacommunity Structure'
MetaCompEDGE Taxonomy Assignments Visualization
metaconfoundrVisualize 'Confounder' Control in Meta-Analyses
metaConvertAn Automatic Suite for Estimation of Various Effect Size Measures
metacoreA Centralized Metadata Object Focus on Clinical Trial Data Programming Workflows
MetaCycleEvaluate Periodicity in Large Scale Data
metadatMeta-Analysis Datasets
metadeconfoundRCovariate-Sensitive Analysis of Cross-Sectional High-Dimensional Data
metaDigitiseExtract and Summarise Data from Published Figures
metadynminerTools to Read, Analyze and Visualize Metadynamics HILLS Files from 'Plumed'
metadynminer3dTools to Read, Analyze and Visualize Metadynamics 3D HILLS Files from 'Plumed'
metaEnsembleRAutomated Intuitive Package for Meta-Ensemble Learning
metafolioMetapopulation Simulations for Conserving Salmon Through Portfolio Optimization
metaforMeta-Analysis Package for R
metaforestExploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis using Random Forests
metafuseFused Lasso Approach in Regression Coefficient Clustering
metagamMeta-Analysis of Generalized Additive Models
metaGEMeta-Analysis for Detecting Genotype x Environment Associations
metagearComprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
metaggRCalculate the Knowledge-Weighted Estimate
MetaHDA Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model for High-Dimensional Metabolomics Data
metaHelperTransforms Statistical Measures Commonly Used for Meta-Analysis
metaheuristicOptMetaheuristic for Optimization
metaincAssessment of Inconsistency in Meta-Analysis using Decision Thresholds
MetaIntegrationEnsemble Meta-Prediction Framework
metajamEasily Download Data and Metadata from 'DataONE'
MetaLandSimLandscape and Range Expansion Simulation
metaLikLikelihood Inference in Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Models
metaliteADaM Metadata Structure
metalite.aeAdverse Events Analysis Using 'metalite'
metalite.table1Interactive Table of Descriptive Statistics in HTML
MetaLonDAMetagenomics Longitudinal Differential Abundance Method
MetAlyzerRead and Analyze 'MetIDQ&trade;' Software Output Files
metaMAMeta-Analysis for MicroArrays
metamedianMeta-Analysis of Medians
metamerCreate Data with Identical Statistics
metamicrobiomeRMicrobiome Data Analysis & Meta-Analysis with GAMLSS-BEZI & Random Effects
metamiscMeta-Analysis of Diagnosis and Prognosis Research Studies
metanMulti Environment Trials Analysis
MetaNetNetwork Analysis for Omics Data
metanetworkHandling and Representing Trophic Networks in Space and Time
MetaNLPNatural Language Processing for Meta Analysis
metansueMeta-Analysis of Studies with Non-Statistically Significant Unreported Effects
metapMeta-Analysis of Significance Values
metapackBayesian Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis
metaplotData-Driven Plot Design
metaplusRobust Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
metapostInterface to 'MetaPost'
metapowerPower Analysis for Meta-Analysis
metaproRobust P-Value Combination Methods
metaprotrMetaproteomics Post-Processing Analysis
metaRangeFramework to Build Mechanistic and Metabolic Constrained Species Distribution Models
metarepReplicability-Analysis Tools for Meta-Analysis
metaRNASeqMeta-Analysis of RNA-Seq Data
metaSDTregRegression Models for Meta Signal Detection Theory
metaSEMMeta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling
metasensStatistical Methods for Sensitivity Analysis in Meta-Analysis
MetaSKATMeta Analysis for SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test
MetaStanBayesian Meta-Analysis via 'Stan'
MetaSubtractSubtracting Summary Statistics of One or more Cohorts from Meta-GWAS Results
metaSurvivalMeta-Analysis of a Single Survival Curve
metatestFit and Test Metaregression Models
metathisHTML Metadata Tags for 'R Markdown' and 'Shiny'
metatoolsEnable the Use of 'metacore' to Help Create and Check Dataset
metaumbrellaUmbrella Review Package for R
MetaUtilityUtility Functions for Conducting and Interpreting Meta-Analyses
metavcovComputing Variances and Covariances, Visualization and Missing Data Solution for Multivariate Meta-Analysis
metavizForest Plots, Funnel Plots, and Visual Funnel Plot Inference for Meta-Analysis
metawhoMeta-Analytical Implementation to Identify Who Benefits Most from Treatments
MetBrewerColor Palettes Inspired by Works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
MetChemChemical Structural Similarity Analysis
meteoRFSI & STRK Interpolation for Meteo and Environmental Variables
meteoEVTComputation and Visualization of Energetic and Vortical Atmospheric Quantities
meteoForecastNumerical Weather Predictions
meteolandLandscape Meteorology Tools
meteorMeteorological Data Manipulation
meteoritsMixture-of-Experts Modeling for Complex Non-Normal Distributions
meteospainAccess to Spanish Meteorological Stations Services
meteRFitting and Plotting Tools for the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE)
metevalueE-Value in the Omics Data Association Studies
MetGenStochastic Weather Generator
MethCompAnalysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies
methcon5Identify and Rank CpG DNA Methylation Conservation Along the Human Genome
MethEvolSIMSimulate DNA Methylation Dynamics on Different Genomic Structures along Genealogies
MethodCompareEvaluating Bias and Precision in Method Comparison Studies
MethodOptAdvanced Method Optimization for Spectra-Generating Sampling and Analysis Instrumentation
MeToMeteorological Tools
metoolsMacroeconomics Tools
MetProcSeparate Metabolites into Likely Measurement Artifacts and True Metabolites
metRTools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields
metricaPrediction Performance Metrics
MetricGraphRandom Fields on Metric Graphs
metricminerMine Metrics from Common Places on the Web
MetricsEvaluation Metrics for Machine Learning
MetricsWeightedWeighted Metrics and Performance Measures for Machine Learning
metrixWater Quality Metrics Calculator
metroWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority API
metRologySupport for Metrological Applications
metropolisThe Metropolis Algorithm
metsAnalysis of Multivariate Event Times
MetSizeRA Shiny App for Sample Size Estimation in Metabolomic Experiments
metsynInterface with the Meteo France Synop Data API
mevModelling of Extreme Values
mevrFitting the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution MEVD
mewAvgA Fixed Memeory Moving Expanding Window Average
MexBrewerColor Palettes Inspired by Works of Mexican Painters and Muralists
mexhazMixed Effect Excess Hazard Models
mexicolorsMexican Politics-Inspired Color Palette Generator
mExplorerIdentifying Master Gene Regulators from Gene Expression and DNA-Binding Data
MF.beta4Measuring Ecosystem Multi-Functionality and Its Decomposition
mfacesFast Covariance Estimation for Multivariate Sparse Functional Data
MFAgMultiple Factor Analysis (MFA)
mFDCompute and Illustrate the Multiple Facets of Functional Diversity
mfdbMareFrame DB Querying Library
MFDFAMultiFractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
mFDPFlexible Control of the mFDP
mfGARCHMixed-Frequency GARCH Models
mFilterMiscellaneous Time Series Filters
mFLICALeadership-Inference Framework for Multivariate Time Series
MFOMaximal Fat Oxidation and Kinetics Calculation
mfpMultivariable Fractional Polynomials
mfp2Multivariable Fractional Polynomial Models with Extensions
MFPCAMultivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Data Observed on Different Dimensional Domains
mfpp'Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning'
MFSISModel-Free Sure Independent Screening Procedures
MFTThe Multiple Filter Test for Change Point Detection
MfUSamplerMultivariate-from-Univariate (MfU) MCMC Sampler
mfxMarginal Effects, Odds Ratios and Incidence Rate Ratios for GLMs
MG1StationaryProbabilityComputes Stationary Distribution for M/G/1 Queuing System
mgarchBEKKSimulating, Estimating and Diagnosing MGARCH (BEKK and mGJR) Processes
MGBTMultiple Grubbs-Beck Low-Outlier Test
mgcMultiscale Graph Correlation
mgcvMixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic Smoothness Estimation
mgcVizVisualisations for Generalized Additive Models
MGDrivEMosquito Gene Drive Explorer
MGDrivE2Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer 2
mgee2Marginal Analysis of Misclassified Longitudinal Ordinal Data
mggdMultivariate Generalised Gaussian Distribution; Kullback-Leibler Divergence
mgi.report.readerRead Mouse Genome Informatics Reports
MGLModule Graphical Lasso
mglassoMultiscale Graphical Lasso
MGLMMultivariate Response Generalized Linear Models
mglmnModel Averaging for Multivariate GLM with Null Models
mgmEstimating Time-Varying k-Order Mixed Graphical Models
MGMMMissingness Aware Gaussian Mixture Models
MGMS2'MGMS2' for Polymicrobial Samples
MGPSDKInteract with the Maxar 'MGP' Application Programming Interfaces
mgpStreamingSDKInteract with the Maxar MGP Streaming API
MGSDAMulti-Group Sparse Discriminant Analysis
mgssA Matrix-Free Multigrid Preconditioner for Spline Smoothing
mgsubSafe, Multiple, Simultaneous String Substitution
mgwnbrMultiscale Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression
mgwrhwDisplays GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) and Mixed GWR Output and Map
mgwrsarGWR and MGWR with Spatial Autocorrelation
mhazardNonparametric and Semiparametric Methods for Multivariate Failure Time Data
mhcnuggetsrCall MHCnuggets
MHCtoolsAnalysis of MHC Data in Non-Model Species
MHDMetric Halfspace Depth
MHDAMassive Hierarchically Data Analysis
mHGMinimum-Hypergeometric Test
mHMMbayesMultilevel Hidden Markov Models Using Bayesian Estimation
MhorseshoeApproximate Algorithm for Horseshoe Prior
mhsmmInference for Hidden Markov and Semi-Markov Models
mhtbootMultiple Hypothesis Test Based on Distribution of p Values
MHTdiscreteMultiple Hypotheses Testing for Discrete Data
MHTmultMultiple Hypotheses Testing for Multiple Families/Groups Structure
MHTrajectoryRBayesian Model Selection in Logistic Regression for the Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions
mhurdleMultiple Hurdle Tobit Models
miMissing Data Imputation and Model Checking
mi4pMultiple Imputation for Proteomics
MIAmaxentA Modular, Integrated Approach to Maximum Entropy Distribution Modeling
micar'Mica' Data Web Portal Client
micdMultiple Imputation in Causal Graph Discovery
miceMultivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
miceaddsSome Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for 'mice'
miceafterData and Statistical Analyses after Multiple Imputation
micEconMicroeconomic Analysis and Modelling
micEconAidsDemand Analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)
micEconCESAnalysis with the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) Function
micEconDistRayEconometric Production Analysis with Ray-Based Distance Functions
micEconIndexPrice and Quantity Indices
micEconSNQPSymmetric Normalized Quadratic Profit Function
miceFastFast Imputations Using 'Rcpp' and 'Armadillo'
micemdMultiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Multilevel Data
miceRangerMultiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Random Forests
michelRodangeThe Works (in Luxembourguish) of Michel Rodange
miclustMultiple Imputation in Cluster Analysis
micomprMultivariate Independent Comparison of Observations
miCoPTCMPromotion Time Cure Model with Mis-Measured Covariates
microbatsAn Implementation of Bat Algorithm in R
microbenchmarkAccurate Timing Functions
microbialDo 16s Data Analysis and Generate Figures
microbiomeMQCCalculate 4 Key Reporting Measures
MicrobiomeStatStatistical Methods for Microbiome Compositional Data
MicrobiomeSurvBiomarker Validation for Microbiome-Based Survival Classification and Prediction
microclassMethods for Taxonomic Classification of Prokaryotes
microcontaxThe ConTax Data Package
microCRANHosting an Independent CRAN Repository
MicroDatosEsUtilities for Official Spanish Microdata
microdiluteRAnalysis of Broth Microdilution Assays
microecoMicrobial Community Ecology Data Analysis
microhaplotMicrohaplotype Constructor and Visualizer
microinverterdataCollect your Microinverter Data
MicroMacroMultilevelMicro-Macro Multilevel Modeling
micromapLinked Micromap Plots
micromapSTLinked Micromap Plots for U. S. and Other Geographic Areas
MicroMoBDiscrete Time Simulation of Mosquito-Borne Pathogen Transmission
micromodalCreate Simple and Elegant Modal Dialogs in 'shiny'
MicroNicheMicrobial Niche Measurements
micronutrDetermining Vitamin and Mineral Status of Populations
micropanMicrobial Pan-Genome Analysis
microplotMicroplots (Sparklines) in 'LaTeX', 'Word', 'HTML', 'Excel'
microPopProcess-Based Modelling of Microbial Populations
MicroSECSequence Error Filter for Formalin-Fixed and Paraffin-Embedded Samples
microseqBasic Biological Sequence Handling
microsimulationDiscrete Event Simulation in R and C++, with Tools for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Microsoft365RInterface to the 'Microsoft 365' Suite of Cloud Services
microsynthSynthetic Control Methods with Micro- And Meso-Level Data
MicSimPerforming Continuous-Time Microsimulation
MICsplinesThe Computing of Monotonic Spline Bases and Constrained Least-Squares Estimates
micsrMicroeconometrics with R
micssModified Iterative Cumulative Sum of Squares Algorithm
MiDAMicroarray Data Analysis
midasTurn HTML 'Shiny'
midas2Bayesian Platform Design with Subgroup Efficacy Exploration(MIDAS-2)
midasmlEstimation and Prediction Methods for High-Dimensional Mixed Frequency Time Series Data
midasrMixed Data Sampling Regression
midastouchMultiple Imputation by Distance Aided Donor Selection
midfieldrTools and Methods for Working with MIDFIELD Data in 'R'
midiMicrostructure Information from Diffusion Imaging
MIDNNearly Exact Sample Size Calculation for Exact Powerful Nonrandomized Tests for Differences Between Binomial Proportions
midocA Decision-Making System for Multiple Imputation
midrangeMCPMultiples Comparisons Procedures Based on Studentized Midrange and Range Distributions
miesmuschelMixed Integer Evolution Strategies
mifaMultiple Imputation for Exploratory Factor Analysis
migMultivariate Inverse Gaussian Distribution
MigConnectivityEstimate Migratory Connectivity for Migratory Animals
migestMethods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral Migration
migraphUnivariate and Multivariate Tests for Multimodal and Other Networks
migrateCreate Credit State Migration (Transition) Matrices
migration.indicesMigration Indices
MigrationDetectRSegment-Based Migration Detection Algorithm
miguiGraphical User Interface to the 'mi' Package
miicLearning Causal or Non-Causal Graphical Models Using Information Theory
MIIPWIPW and Mean Score Methods for Time-Course Missing Data
MIIVefaExploratory Factor Analysis Using Model Implied Instrumental Variables
MIIVsemModel Implied Instrumental Variable (MIIV) Estimation of Structural Equation Models
mikropmlUser-Friendly R Package for Supervised Machine Learning Pipelines
miLAGCalculates Microbial Lag Duration (on the Population Level) from Provided Growth Curve Data
mildsvmMultiple-Instance Learning with Support Vector Machines
miLineageAssociation Tests for Microbial Lineages on a Taxonomic Tree
milorGWASMixed Logistic Regression for Genome-Wide Analysis Studies (GWAS)
milrMultiple-Instance Logistic Regression with LASSO Penalty
mimdoMultivariate Imputation by Mahalanobis Distance Optimization
mimeMap Filenames to MIME Types
MIMERData Wrangling for Antimicrobial Resistance Studies
mimiMain Effects and Interactions in Mixed and Incomplete Data
MiMIRMetabolomics-Based Models for Imputing Risk
mimiSBMMixture of Multilayer Integrator Stochastic Block Models
MIMSunitAlgorithm to Compute Monitor Independent Movement Summary Unit (MIMS-Unit)
mimsyCalculate MIMS Dissolved Gas Concentrations Without Getting a Headache
minbMultiple-Inflated Negative Binomial Model
mindMultivariate Model Based Inference for Domains
MindOnStatsData sets included in Utts and Heckard's Mind on Statistics
mineCitrusExtract and Analyze Median Molecule Intensity from 'citrus' Output
minedMinimum Energy Designs
MinEDfindA Bayesian Design for Minimum Effective Dosing-Finding Trial
minervaMaximal Information-Based Nonparametric Exploration for Variable Analysis
minesweeperPlay Minesweeper
mineSweepRMine Sweeper Game
minicMinimization Methods for Ill-Conditioned Problems
miniCRANCreate a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages
minidownCreate Simple Yet Powerful HTML Documents with Light Weight CSS Frameworks
miniGUITcl/Tk Quick and Simple Function GUI
miniLNMMiniature Logistic-Normal Multinomial Models
minimalRSDMinimally Changed CCD and BBD
minimapCreate Tile Grid Maps
minimapRWrapper for 'minimap2'
minimaxThe Minimax Distribution Family
minimaxApproxImplementation of Remez Algorithm for Polynomial and Rational Function Approximation
miniMetaWeb Application to Run Meta-Analyses
minioclientInterface to the 'MinIO' Client
miniPCHSurvival Distributions with Piece-Wise Constant Hazards
MinirandMinimization Randomization
miniredR Interface to 'Redatam' Library
miniUIShiny UI Widgets for Small Screens
minMSEImplementation of the minMSE Treatment Assignment Method for One or Multiple Treatment Groups
minpack.lmR Interface to the Levenberg-Marquardt Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm Found in MINPACK, Plus Support for Bounds
minqaDerivative-Free Optimization Algorithms by Quadratic Approximation
minqueVarious Linear Mixed Model Analyses
minsample1The Minimum Sample Size
minsample2The Minimum Sample Size
minSNPsResolution-Optimised SNPs Searcher
MINTplatesEncode "License-Plates" from Sequences and Decode Them Back
mintyMinimal Type Guesser
mipfpMultidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models
mipplotAn Open-Source Tool for Visualization of Climate Mitigation Scenarios
miraiMinimalist Async Evaluation Framework for R
miRecSurvLeft-Censored Recurrent Events Survival Models
MIRESMeasurement Invariance Assessment Using Random Effects Models and Shrinkage
miRetrievemiRNA Text Mining in Abstracts
MiRKATMicrobiome Regression-Based Kernel Association Tests
MiRNAQCDMicro-RNA Quality Control and Diagnosis
miRNAssGenome-Wide Discovery of Pre-miRNAs with few Labeled Examples
mirrorselectTest CRAN/Bioconductor Mirror Speed
MiRSEA'MicroRNA' Set Enrichment Analysis
mirtMultidimensional Item Response Theory
mirtCATComputerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional Item Response Theory
miRtestCombined miRNA- And mRNA-Testing
mirtjmlJoint Maximum Likelihood Estimation for High-Dimensional Item Factor Analysis
mirtsvdSVD-Based Estimation for Exploratory Item Factor Analysis
misaemLinear Regression and Logistic Regression with Missing Covariates
misc3dMiscellaneous 3D Plots
miscFMiscellaneous Functions
miscFuncsMiscellaneous Useful Functions Including LaTeX Tables, Kalman Filtering, QQplots with Simulation-Based Confidence Intervals, Linear Regression Diagnostics and Development Tools
miscICMisclassified Interval Censored Time-to-Event Data
misclassGLMComputation of Generalized Linear Models with Misclassified Covariates Using Side Information
MiscMetabarMiscellaneous Functions for Metabarcoding Analysis
miscsetMiscellaneous Tools Set
miscToolsMiscellaneous Tools and Utilities
miselectVariable Selection for Multiply Imputed Data
mispitoolsMissing Person Identification Tools
misprMultiple Imputation with Sequential Penalized Regression
misPRIMEPartial Replacement Imputation Estimation for Missing Covariates
MiSPUMicrobiome Based Sum of Powered Score (MiSPU) Tests
MisRepARMAMisreported Time Series Analysis
missCforestEnsemble Conditional Trees for Missing Data Imputation
missCompareIntuitive Missing Data Imputation Framework
MissCPChange Point Detection with Missing Values
missDeathsSimulating and Analyzing Time to Event Data in the Presence of Population Mortality
missDiagComparing Observed and Imputed Values under MAR and MCAR
missForestNonparametric Missing Value Imputation using Random Forest
missForestPredictMissing Value Imputation using Random Forest for Prediction Settings
MissingHandleHandles Missing Dates and Data and Converts into Weekly and Monthly from Daily
missingHEMissing Outcome Data in Health Economic Evaluation
MissingPlotLSDMissing Plot in LSD
MissingPlotRBDMissing Plot in RBD
missMDAHandling Missing Values with Multivariate Data Analysis
MissMechTesting Homoscedasticity, Multivariate Normality, and Missing Completely at Random
missMethodsMethods for Missing Data
missoNetMissingness in Multi-Task Regression with Network Estimation
misspiMissing Value Imputation in Parallel
MissplotMissing Plot Technique in Design of Experiment
missRangerFast Imputation of Missing Values
missSBMHandling Missing Data in Stochastic Block Models
missSOMSelf-Organizing Maps with Built-in Missing Data Imputation
mistrMixture and Composite Distributions
mistralMethods in Structural Reliability
mistyMiscellaneous Functions 'T. Yanagida'
misuviAccess the Michigan Substance Use Vulnerability Index (MI-SUVI)
mitmlTools for Multiple Imputation in Multilevel Modeling
MitoHEARQuantification of Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy
mitoolsTools for Multiple Imputation of Missing Data
mitreCybersecurity MITRE Standards Data and Digraphs
MittagLeffleRMittag-Leffler Family of Distributions
miWQSMultiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
mixEstimation/Multiple Imputation for Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data
mixAKMultivariate Normal Mixture Models and Mixtures of Generalized Linear Mixed Models Including Model Based Clustering
MixAllClustering and Classification using Model-Based Mixture Models
mixARMixture Autoregressive Models
mixboxObserved Fisher Information Matrix for Finite Mixture Model
mixcatMixed Effects Cumulative Link and Logistic Regression Models
mixcharMixture Model for the Deconvolution of Thermal Decay Curves
mixcureMixture Cure Models
mixdirCluster High Dimensional Categorical Datasets
mixdistFinite Mixture Distribution Models
mixedBayesBayesian Longitudinal Regularized Quantile Mixed Model
mixedCCASparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for High-Dimensional Mixed Data
MixedIndTestsTests of Randomness and Tests of Independence
MixedLevelRSDsMixed Level Response Surface Designs
mixedLSRMixed, Low-Rank, and Sparse Multivariate Regression on High-Dimensional Data
mixedMemTools for Discrete Multivariate Mixed Membership Models
MixedPoissonMixed Poisson Models
MixedPsyStatistical Tools for the Analysis of Psychophysical Data
mixedsdeEstimation Methods for Stochastic Differential Mixed Effects Models
MixedTSMixed Tempered Stable Distribution
mixexpDesign and Analysis of Mixture Experiments
MIXFIMEvaluation of the FIM in NLMEMs using MCMC
MixfMRIMixture fMRI Clustering Analysis
mixgbMultiple Imputation Through 'XGBoost'
MixGHDModel Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant Analysis Using the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions
mixhvgMixture of Multiple Highly Variable Feature Selection Methods
mixIndependRGenetics and Independence Testing of Mixed Genetic Panels
mixKernelOmics Data Integration Using Kernel Methods
mixlSimulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Logit Models for Large Datasets
MixLFAMixture of Longitudinal Factor Analysis Methods
mixlmMixed Model ANOVA and Statistics for Education
MixMatrixClassification with Matrix Variate Normal and t Distributions
mixmetaAn Extended Mixed-Effects Framework for Meta-Analysis
mixOofADesign and Analysis of Order-of-Addition Mixture Experiments
mixoptMixed Variable Optimization
MixOptimMixture Optimization Algorithm
mixPHMMixtures of Proportional Hazard Models
mixpoissonregMixed Poisson Regression for Overdispersed Count Data
mixRFinite Mixture Modeling for Raw and Binned Data
mixRaschToolsPlotting and Average Theta Functions for Multiple Class Mixed Rasch Models
MixRFA Random-Forest-Based Approach for Imputing Clustered Incomplete Data
MixSALMixtures of Multivariate Shifted Asymmetric Laplace (SAL) Distributions
MixSemiRobMixture Models: Parametric, Semiparametric, and Robust
MixSIARBayesian Mixing Models in R
MixSimSimulating Data to Study Performance of Clustering Algorithms
mixsmsnFitting Finite Mixture of Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions
mixSPEMixtures of Power Exponential and Skew Power Exponential Distributions for Use in Model-Based Clustering and Classification
mixsqpSequential Quadratic Programming for Fast Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Proportions
mixSSGClustering Using Mixtures of Sub Gaussian Stable Distributions
mixtoolsTools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models
mixtoxDose Response Curve Fitting and Mixture Toxicity Assessment
mixturModelling Continuous Report Visual Short-Term Memory Studies
mixtureMixture Models for Clustering and Classification
MixtureMissingRobust and Flexible Model-Based Clustering for Data Sets with Missing Values at Random
MixTwiceLarge-Scale Hypothesis Testing by Variance Mixing
MixviRAnalysis and Exploration of Mixed Microbial Genomic Samples
mixvlmcVariable Length Markov Chains with Covariates
mizeUnconstrained Numerical Optimization Algorithms
mizerDynamic Multi-Species Size Spectrum Modelling
MJMbamlssMultivariate Joint Models with 'bamlss'
MKclassStatistical Classification
mkde2D and 3D Movement-Based Kernel Density Estimates (MKDEs)
MKdescrDescriptive Statistics
MKendallMatrix Kendall's Tau and Matrix Elliptical Factor Model
mkinKinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data
MKinferInferential Statistics
MKLEMaximum Kernel Likelihood Estimation
MKMeansA Modern K-Means (MKMeans) Clustering Algorithm
MKmiscMiscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl
mknapsackMultiple Knapsack Problem Solver
MKomicsOmics Data Analysis
MKpowerPower Analysis and Sample Size Calculation
mkssdEfficient Multi-Level k-Circulant Supersaturated Designs
ML.MSBDMaximum Likelihood Inference on Multi-State Trees
ML2PvaeVariational Autoencoder Models for IRT Parameter Estimation
mlapiAbstract Classes for Building 'scikit-learn' Like API
mlbenchMachine Learning Benchmark Problems
mlbplotRCreate 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos
mlbstatsMajor League Baseball Player Statistics Calculator
MLCIRTwithinLatent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item Multidimensionality
MLCMMaximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement
MLCOPULAClassification Models with Copula Functions
MLDataRCollection of Machine Learning Datasets for Supervised Machine Learning
mldrExploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label Data Sets
mldr.datasetsR Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repository
mldr.resamplingResampling Algorithms for Multi-Label Datasets
MLDSMaximum Likelihood Difference Scaling
MLEMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Various Univariate and Multivariate Distributions
mle.toolsExpected/Observed Fisher Information and Bias-Corrected Maximum Likelihood Estimate(s)
mlearningMachine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and Confusion Matrices
MLEceAsymptotic Efficient Closed-Form Estimators for Multivariate Distributions
MLEcensComputation of the MLE for Bivariate Interval Censored Data
mlegpMaximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian Processes
mlelodMLE for Normally Distributed Data Censored by Limit of Detection
mlergmMultilevel Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
MLevalMachine Learning Model Evaluation
mlexperimentsMachine Learning Experiments
mlfMachine Learning Foundations
mlfitIterative Proportional Fitting Algorithms for Nested Structures
mlflowInterface to 'MLflow'
MLFSMachine Learning Forest Simulator
MLGdataDatasets for Use with Salvan, Sartori and Pace (2020)
MLGLMulti-Layer Group-Lasso
MLIDMultilevel Index of Dissimilarity
mlimSingle and Multiple Imputation with Automated Machine Learning
mllrnrsR6-Based ML Learners for 'mlexperiments'
mlmaMultilevel Mediation Analysis
mlmcMulti-Level Monte Carlo
MLmetricsMachine Learning Evaluation Metrics
mlmhelprMultilevel/Mixed Model Helper Functions
mlmiMaximum Likelihood Multiple Imputation
MLML2RMaximum Likelihood Estimation of DNA Methylation and Hydroxymethylation Proportions
mlmm.gwasPipeline for GWAS Using MLMM
MLModelSelectionModel Selection in Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis
MLMOIEstimating Frequencies, Prevalence and Multiplicity of Infection
mlmpowerPower Analysis and Data Simulation for Multilevel Models
mlmRevExamples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review
mlmtoolsMulti-Level Model Assessment Kit
mlmtsMachine Learning Algorithms for Multivariate Time Series
MLMusingRPractical Multilevel Modeling
mlogitMultinomial Logit Models
mlogitBMABayesian Model Averaging for Multinomial Logit Models
mlpack'Rcpp' Integration for the 'mlpack' Library
MLpreemptionMaximum Likelihood Estimation of the Niche Preemption Model
MLPUGSMulti-Label Prediction Using Gibbs Sampling (and Classifier Chains)
mlpwrA Power Analysis Toolbox to Find Cost-Efficient Study Designs
mlquantifyAlgorithms for Class Distribution Estimation
mlrMachine Learning in R
mlr3Machine Learning in R - Next Generation
mlr3batchmarkBatch Experiments for 'mlr3'
mlr3benchmarkAnalysis and Visualisation of Benchmark Experiments
mlr3clusterCluster Extension for 'mlr3'
mlr3dataCollection of Machine Learning Data Sets for 'mlr3'
mlr3dbData Base Backend for 'mlr3'
mlr3fairnessFairness Auditing and Debiasing for 'mlr3'
mlr3fdaExtending 'mlr3' to Functional Data Analysis
mlr3filtersFilter Based Feature Selection for 'mlr3'
mlr3fselectFeature Selection for 'mlr3'
mlr3hyperbandHyperband for 'mlr3'
mlr3learnersRecommended Learners for 'mlr3'
mlr3mboFlexible Bayesian Optimization
mlr3measuresPerformance Measures for 'mlr3'
mlr3miscHelper Functions for 'mlr3'
mlr3omlConnector Between 'mlr3' and 'OpenML'
mlr3pipelinesPreprocessing Operators and Pipelines for 'mlr3'
mlr3resamplingResampling Algorithms for 'mlr3' Framework
mlr3shinyMachine Learning in 'shiny' with 'mlr3'
mlr3spatialSupport for Spatial Objects Within the 'mlr3' Ecosystem
mlr3spatiotempcvSpatiotemporal Resampling Methods for 'mlr3'
mlr3summaryModel and Learner Summaries for 'mlr3'
mlr3superlearnerSuper Learner Fitting and Prediction
mlr3torchDeep Learning with 'mlr3'
mlr3tuningHyperparameter Optimization for 'mlr3'
mlr3tuningspacesSearch Spaces for 'mlr3'
mlr3verseEasily Install and Load the 'mlr3' Package Family
mlr3vizVisualizations for 'mlr3'
mlrCPOComposable Preprocessing Operators and Pipelines for Machine Learning
mlrintermboModel-Based Optimization for 'mlr3' Through 'mlrMBO'
mlrMBOBayesian Optimization and Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions
mlrproStepwise Regression with Assumptions Checking
mlrvLong-Run Variance Estimation in Time Series Regression
mlsbmEfficient Estimation of Bayesian SBMs & MLSBMs
mlsjunkgenUse the MLS Junk Generator Algorithm to Generate a Stream of Pseudo-Random Numbers
mlstrOpalrSupport Compatibility Between 'Maelstrom' R Packages and 'Opal' Environment
mlsurvlrnrsR6-Based ML Survival Learners for 'mlexperiments'
mltMost Likely Transformations
mlt.docregMost Likely Transformations: Documentation and Regression Tests
mltestClassification Evaluation Metrics
mltoolsMachine Learning Tools
mltsMultilevel Latent Time Series Models with 'R' and 'Stan'
mlVARMulti-Level Vector Autoregression
MLVSBMA Stochastic Block Model for Multilevel Networks
mlxRSimulation of Longitudinal Data
MLZMean Length-Based Estimators of Mortality using TMB
MMThe Multiplicative Multinomial Distribution
MM2SdataGene Expression Datasets for the 'MM2S' Package
MM4LMMInference of Linear Mixed Models Through MM Algorithm
mmaMultiple Mediation Analysis
mmabigMultiple Mediation Analysis for Big Data Sets
MMACData for Mathematical Modeling and Applied Calculus
MMADMM Algorithm Based on the Assembly-Decomposition Technology
mmandMathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions
mmapMap Pages of Memory
mmapcharrMemory-Map Character Files
mmaqshinyExplore Air-Quality Mobile-Monitoring Data
mMARCH.ACProcessing of Accelerometry Data with 'GGIR' in mMARCH
mmbArbitrary Dependency Mixed Multivariate Bayesian Models
mmcMultivariate Measurement Error Correction
mmcardsPlaying Cards Utility Functions
mmcifMixed Multivariate Cumulative Incidence Functions
mmcmModified Maximum Contrast Method
mmconvertMouse Map Converter
MmcsdModeling Complex Longitudinal Data in a Quick and Easy Way
MMDMinimal Multilocus Distance (MMD) for Source Attribution and Loci Selection
MMDaiMultivariate Multinomial Distribution Approximation and Imputation for Incomplete Categorical Data
MMDCopulaRobust Estimation of Copulas by Maximum Mean Discrepancy
MMDvarianceDetecting Differentially Variable Genes Using the Mixture of Marginal Distributions
mmeMultinomial Mixed Effects Models
mmelnEstimation of Multinormal Mixture Distribution
MMeMMultivariate Mixed Effects Model
MMGFMMulti-Study Multi-Modality Generalized Factor Model
mmibainBayesian Informative Hypotheses Evaluation Web Applications
mmiCATsCluster Adjusted t Statistic Applications
MMINPMicrobe-Metabolite Interactions-Based Metabolic Profiles Predictor
mmintsWorkflows for Building Web Applications
mmirestriktorInformative Hypothesis Testing Web Applications
MMLRFitting Markov-Modulated Linear Regression Models
mmmgeeSimultaneous Inference for Multiple Linear Contrasts in GEE Models
MMOCMulti-Omic Spectral Clustering using the Flag Manifold
mmodModern Measures of Population Differentiation
mmodelyModeling Multivariate Origins Determinants - Evolutionary Lineages in Ecology
mMPAImplementation of Marker-Assisted Mini-Pooling with Algorithm
mmpcaIntegrative Analysis of Several Related Data Matrices
mmppVarious Similarity and Distance Metrics for Marked Point Processes
mmrMatrix Multiplication on Data.frames
MMRcaseselectionCase Classification and Selection Based on Regression Results
mmrmMixed Models for Repeated Measures
mmsampleMultivariate Matched Sampling
mmstat4Access to Teaching Materials from a ZIP File or GitHub
mmtsneMultiple Maps t-SNE
MMVBVSMissing Multivariate Bayesian Variable Selection
MMWRweekConvert Dates to MMWR Day, Week, and Year
MNMatrix Normal Distribution
MNARclustClustering Data with Non-Ignorable Missingness using Semi-Parametric Mixture Models
MNBDiagnostic Tools for a Multivariate Negative Binomial Model
mndaMultiplex Network Differential Analysis (MNDA)
mnetModeling Group Differences and Moderation Effects in Statistical Network Models
mnisEasy Downloading Capabilities for the Members' Name Information Service
mniwThe Matrix-Normal Inverse-Wishart Distribution
mnlfaModerated Nonlinear Factor Analysis
MNLpredSimulated Predicted Probabilities for Multinomial Logit Models
MNLRInteractive Shiny Presentation for Working with Multinomial Logistic Regression
MNMMultivariate Nonparametric Methods. An Approach Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks
mnonrA Generator of Multivariate Non-Normal Random Numbers
mnormMultivariate Normal Distribution
mnormtThe Multivariate Normal and t Distributions, and Their Truncated Versions
MNormTestMultivariate Normal Hypothesis Testing
MNPFitting the Multinomial Probit Model
mnreadRMNREAD Parameters Estimation and Curve Plotting
MNSMixed Neighbourhood Selection
mntAffine Invariant Tests of Multivariate Normality
mobMonotonic Optimal Binning
mobilityIndexRCalculates Transition Matrices and Mobility Indices
MoBPSModular Breeding Program Simulator
mobrMeasurement of Biodiversity
mobsimSpatial Simulation and Scale-Dependent Analysis of Biodiversity Changes
moc.gapbkMulti-Objective Clustering Algorithm Guided by a-Priori Biological Knowledge
MOCCAMulti-Objective Optimization for Collecting Cluster Alternatives
MOCHAModeling for Single-Cell Open Chromatin Analysis
mockeryMocking Library for R
mockrMocking in R
mockthatFunction Mocking for Unit Testing
modLightweight and Self-Contained Modules for Code Organization
mod09nrtExtraction of Bands from MODIS Surface Reflectance Product MOD09 NRT
mod2rmModeration Analysis for Two-Instance Repeated Measures Designs
modACDCAssociation of Covariance for Detecting Differential Co-Expression
ModalclustHierarchical Modal Clustering
modeestMode Estimation
modehuntMultiscale Analysis for Density Functions
model4youStratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Trees and Forests
modelbasedEstimation of Model-Based Predictions, Contrasts and Means
modelbppModel BIC Posterior Probability
modelcA Linear Model to 'SQL' Compiler
ModelchartsClassification Model Charts
modeldataData Sets Useful for Modeling Examples
modeldatatooMore Data Sets Useful for Modeling Examples
modeldbFits Models Inside the Database
modelDownMake Static HTML Website for Predictive Models
modelenvProvide Tools to Register Models for Use in 'tidymodels'
ModelerClasses and Methods for Training and Using Binary Prediction Models
modelfactoryCombine Statistical Models into a Tibble for Comparison
modelfreeModel-Free Estimation of a Psychometric Function
modelgridA Framework for Creating, Managing and Training Multiple 'caret' Models
modelimpactFunctions to Assess the Business Impact of Churn Prediction Models
modeLLtestCompare Models with Cross-Validated Log-Likelihood
ModelMapModeling and Map Production using Random Forest and Related Stochastic Models
ModelMatrixModelCreate Model Matrix and Save the Transforming Parameters
ModelMetricsRapid Calculation of Model Metrics
modelObjA Model Object Framework for Regression Analysis
modelrModelling Functions that Work with the Pipe
modelSSEModelling Infectious Disease Superspreading from Contact Tracing Data
modelStudioInteractive Studio for Explanatory Model Analysis
modelsummarySummary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data: Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-Ready
modeltestsTesting Infrastructure for Broom Model Generics
modeltimeThe Tidymodels Extension for Time Series Modeling
modeltime.ensembleEnsemble Algorithms for Time Series Forecasting with Modeltime
modeltime.resampleResampling Tools for Time Series Forecasting
modeltoolsTools and Classes for Statistical Models
modelwordcloudModel Word Clouds
moderMode Estimation
moderate.mediationCausal Moderated Mediation Analysis
moderndiveTidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear Regression
modernVAAn Implementation of Two Modern Education-Based Value-Added Models
modestModel-Based Dose-Escalation Trials
ModEstMMode Estimation, Even in the Multimodal Case
modestoModeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems
modEvAModel Evaluation and Analysis
modgetxlA 'shiny' Module for Reading Excel Sheets
modgoMock Data Generation
modiMultivariate Outlier Detection and Imputation for Incomplete Survey Data
modifiedmkModified Versions of Mann Kendall and Spearman's Rho Trend Tests
modisfastFast and Efficient Access to MODIS Earth Observation Data
MODISToolsInterface to the 'MODIS Land Products Subsets' Web Services
modmargCalculating Marginal Effects and Levels with Errors
modMaxCommunity Structure Detection via Modularity Maximization
modnetsModeling Moderated Networks
modopt.matlab'MatLab'-Style Modeling of Optimization Problems
modQRMultiple-Output Directional Quantile Regression
modsemLatent Interaction (and Moderation) Analysis in Structural Equation Models (SEM)
ModStatRStatistical Modelling in Action with R
ModToolsBuilding Regression and Classification Models
modTurPointEstimate ED50 Based on Modified Turning Point Method
moduleColorBasic Module Functions
modulesSelf Contained Units of Source Code
MOEADrComponent-Wise MOEA/D Implementation
MoEClustGaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models with Covariates and a Noise Component
moexerInteract with Moscow Exchange Informational and Statistical Server ('ISS')
MOFATMaximum One-Factor-at-a-Time Designs
mogavsMultiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection in Regression
mojsonA Serialization-Style Flattening and Description for JSON
mokkenConducts Mokken Scale Analysis
molaRDental Surface Complexity Measurement Tools
MoLEModeling Language Evolution
MolgenisArmadilloArmadillo Client for the Armadillo Service
MolgenisAuth'OpenID Connect' Discovery and Authentication
MOLHDMultiple Objective Latin Hypercube Design
mombfModel Selection with Bayesian Methods and Information Criteria
momentchi2Moment-Matching Methods for Weighted Sums of Chi-Squared Random Variables
momentfitMethods of Moments
momentsMoments, Cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis and Related Tests
momentuHMMMaximum Likelihood Analysis of Animal Movement Behavior Using Multivariate Hidden Markov Models
MomocsMorphometrics using R
MomTruncMoments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate Distributions
monacoThe 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML Widget
MoNAnMobility Network Analysis
monashtiprAn R API Wrapper for the Monash University Probabilistic Footy Tipping Competition
mondateKeep Track of Dates in Terms of Months
MondrianA Simple Graphical Representation of the Relative Occurrence and Co-Occurrence of Events
MonetDB.RConnect MonetDB to R
mongoliteFast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R
mongopipeQuery MongoDB Documents with R
monitoRAcoustic Template Detection in R
monitOSMonitoring Overall Survival in Pivotal Trials in Indolent Cancers
monmlpMulti-Layer Perceptron Neural Network with Optional Monotonicity Constraints
monobinMonotonic Binning for Credit Rating Models
monobinShinyShiny User Interface for 'monobin' Package
monochromeREasily Create, View and Use Monochrome Colour Palettes
monoClustPerform Monothetic Clustering with Extensions to Circular Data
monographaRTaxonomic Monographs Tools
MonoIncMonotonic Increasing
monolix2rxConverts 'Monolix' Models to 'rxode2'
monomvnEstimation for MVN and Student-t Data with Monotone Missingness
MonoPhyExplore Monophyly of Taxonomic Groups in a Phylogeny
MonoPolyFunctions to Fit Monotone Polynomials
monoregBayesian Monotonic Regression Using a Marked Point Process Construction
monotonePerforms Monotone Regression
MonotoneHazardRatioNonparametric Estimation and Inference of a Monotone Hazard Ratio Function
monotonicityTest for Monotonicity in Expected Asset Returns, Sorted by Portfolios
monregNonparametric Monotone Regression
Monte.Carlo.seMonte Carlo Standard Errors
MonteCarloAutomatic Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulations
MonteCarloSEMMonte Carlo Data Simulation Package
moocoreCore Mathematical Functions for Multi-Objective Optimization
moodefDefining 'Moodle' Elements from R
moodlequizREasily Create Fully Randomized 'Moodle' Test Questions
moodleRHelper Functions to Work with 'Moodle' Data
moonBookFunctions and Datasets for the Book by Keon-Woong Moon
mooseMean Squared Out-of-Sample Error Projection
mopMobility Oriented-Parity Metric
mopacCollection of Datasets Pertaining to Loop 1 "Mopac"
MOQABasic Quality Data Assurance for Epidemiological Research
moranajpMorphological Analysis for Japanese
morepartyA Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests
moreplsInterpretation Tools for Partial Least Squares Regression
morestopwordsAll Stop Words in One Place
morph3D Segmentation of Voxels into Morphologic Classes
morphemepieceMorpheme Tokenization
morphemepiece.dataData for Morpheme Tokenization
MorphoCalculations and Visualisations Related to Geometric Morphometrics
morphomapMorphometric Maps, Bone Landmarking and Cross Sectional Geometry
MorphoRegionsAnalysis of Regionalization Patterns in Serially Homologous Structures
MorphoscapeComputation and Visualization of Adaptive Landscapes
MorphoTools2Multivariate Morphometric Analysis
morrowplotsHistorical Agricultural Data from the University of Illinois
morseModelling Reproduction and Survival Data in Ecotoxicology
mortIdentifying Potential Mortalities and Expelled Tags in Aquatic Acoustic Telemetry Arrays
mortAARAnalysis of Archaeological Mortality Data
MortalityGapsThe Double-Gap Life Expectancy Forecasting Model
MortalityLawsParametric Mortality Models, Life Tables and HMD
MortalityTablesA Framework for Various Types of Mortality / Life Tables
MortCastEstimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates
mosaicProject MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities
mosaicCalcR-Language Based Calculus Operations for Teaching
mosaicCoreCommon Utilities for Other MOSAIC-Family Packages
mosaicDataProject MOSAIC Data Sets
mosaicModelAn Interface to Statistical Modeling Independent of Model Architecture
mosqcontrolMosquito Control Resource Optimization
MOSSMulti-Omic Integration via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition
MOSTMultiphase Optimization Strategy
mosumMoving Sum Based Procedures for Changes in the Mean
MoTBFsLearning Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions
MOTEEffect Size and Confidence Interval Calculator
motifLocal Pattern Analysis
motifclusterMotif-Based Spectral Clustering of Weighted Directed Networks
motifrMotif Analysis in Multi-Level Networks
motmotModels of Trait Macroevolution on Trees
motoRneuronAnalyzing Paired Neuron Discharge Times for Time-Domain Synchronization
moultModels for Analysing Moult in Birds
mountainplotMountain Plots, Folded Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plots
mousetRajectoryMouse Trajectory Analyses for Behavioural Scientists
mousetrapProcess and Analyze Mouse-Tracking Data
moveVisualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data
move2Processing and Analysing Animal Trajectories
movecostCalculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape
movegroupVisualizing and Quantifying Space Use Data for Groups of Animals
moveHMMAnimal Movement Modelling using Hidden Markov Models
movementsyncAnalysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data
moveWindSpeedEstimate Wind Speeds from Bird Trajectories
movieROCVisualizing the Decision Rules Underlying Binary Classification
movMFMixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions
mpMultidimensional Projection Techniques
mpactrCorrection of Preprocessed MS Data
mpaeMetodos Predictivos de Aprendizaje Estadistico (Statistical Learning Predictive Methods)
mpathRegularized Linear Models
mpathrEasily Handling Data from the ‘m-Path’ Platform
mpathsenserProcess and Analyse Data from m-Path Sense
MPBoostTreatment Allocation in Clinical Trials by the Maximal Procedure
MPCIMultivariate Process Capability Indices (MPCI)
MPCRMulti- And Mixed-Precision Computations
MPDiRData Sets and Scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in R
MPGEA Two-Step Approach to Testing Overall Effect of Gene-Environment Interaction for Multiple Phenotypes
MPIComputation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
mpindexMultidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
mpitbRCalculate Alkire-Foster Multidimensional Poverty Measures
mplotGraphical Model Stability and Variable Selection Procedures
MplusAutomationAn R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus
mplusParallel.automationParallel Processing Automation for 'Mplus'
MplusTreesDecision Trees with Structural Equation Models Fit in 'Mplus'
mpmMultivariate Projection Methods
mpmcorrelogramMultivariate Partial Mantel Correlogram
mpmiMixed-Pair Mutual Information Estimators
mpmsimSimulation of Matrix Population Models with Defined Life History Characteristics
MPNMost Probable Number and Other Microbial Enumeration Techniques
mpolySymbolic Computation and More with Multivariate Polynomials
mpowerPower Analysis via Monte Carlo Simulation for Correlated Data
mppRMulti-Parent Population QTL Analysis
mprMulti-Parameter Regression (MPR)
MPSEstimating Through the Maximum Product Spacing Approach
MPSEMModelling Phylogenetic Signals using Eigenvector Maps
mpspline2Mass-Preserving Spline Functions for Soil Data
MPsychoRModern Psychometrics with R
mptMultinomial Processing Tree Models
MPTinRAnalyze Multinomial Processing Tree Models
MPTmultiverseMultiverse Analysis of Multinomial Processing Tree Models
MPVData Sets from Montgomery, Peck and Vining
mpwRStandardized Comparison of Workflows in Mass Spectrometry-Based Bottom-Up Proteomics
MQMFModelling and Quantitative Methods in Fisheries
MqrcmM-Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling
mr.pivwPenalized Inverse-Variance Weighted Estimator for Mendelian Randomization
mr.rapsTwo Sample Mendelian Randomization using Robust Adjusted Profile Score
MR.RGMMultivariate Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Networks
mratiosRatios of Coefficients in the General Linear Model
mrbayesBayesian Summary Data Models for Mendelian Randomization Studies
mrbinMetabolomics Data Analysis Functions
mrbsizeRScale Space Multiresolution Analysis of Random Signals
mRcMulti-Visit Closed Population Mark-Recapture Estimates
MRCEMultivariate Regression with Covariance Estimation
mrctOutlier Detection of Functional Data Based on the Minimum Regularized Covariance Trace Estimator
MRCVMethods for Analyzing Multiple Response Categorical Variables (MRCVs)
mrdsMark-Recapture Distance Sampling
mregFits Regression Models When the Outcome is Partially Missing
mregions2Access Data from Marineregions.org: Gazetteer & Data Products
mrfMultiresolution Forecasting
mrf2dMarkov Random Field Models for Image Analysis
MRFAFitting and Predicting Large-Scale Nonlinear Regression Problems using Multi-Resolution Functional ANOVA (MRFA) Approach
MRFcovMarkov Random Fields with Additional Covariates
mrfDepthDepth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and Functional Settings
mrfseMarkov Random Field Structure Estimator
MRGCreate Non-Confidential Multi-Resolution Grids
mrgsim.parallelSimulate with 'mrgsolve' in Parallel
mrgsim.saSensitivity Analysis with 'mrgsolve'
mrgsolveSimulate from ODE-Based Models
MRHawkesMultivariate Renewal Hawkes Process
mriModified Rand and Wallace Indices
mritcMRI Tissue Classification
MRMCaovMulti-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of Variance
MRMCsamplesizeSample Size Estimations for Planning Multi-Reader Multi-Case (MRMC) Studies Without Pilot Data
MRmediationA Causal Mediation Method with Methylated Region (MR) as the Mediator
mrMLMMulti-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools for GWAS
mrMLM.GUIMulti-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools for Genome-Wide Association Study with Graphical User Interface
mRMReParallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR)
mroMultiple Correlation
MRPCPC Algorithm with the Principle of Mendelian Randomization
mRpostmanAn IMAP Client for R
MRQoLMinimal Clinically Important Difference and Response Shift Effect for Health-Related Quality of Life
MRRegMDL Multiresolution Linear Regression Framework
mrregressionRegression Analysis for Very Large Data Sets via Merge and Reduce
MRSMulti-Resolution Scanning for Cross-Sample Differences
MRTAnalysisPrimary and Secondary Analyses for Micro-Randomized Trials
MRTSampleSizeA Sample Size Calculator for Micro-Randomized Trials
MRTSampleSizeBinarySample Size Calculator for MRT with Binary Outcomes
MRZeroDiet Mendelian Randomization
msaeMultivariate Fay Herriot Models for Small Area Estimation
msaeHBMultivariate Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method
msaenetMulti-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions
msaFACEMoving Subset Analysis FACE
msampEstimate Sample Size to Detect Bacterial Contamination in a Product Lot
msaRMultiple Sequence Alignment for R Shiny
MSboxMass Spectrometry Tools
msBPMultiscale Bernstein Polynomials for Densities
MSBStatsDataData Sets for Courses at the Münster School of Business
msceHazard of Multi-Stage Clonal Expansion Models
mschartChart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' Documents
MSclassifRAutomated Classification of Mass Spectra
MSclustMultiple-Scaled Clustering
MSCMTMultivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time Series
MScombineCombine Data from Positive and Negative Ionization Mode Finding Common Entities
mscpMultiscale Change Point Detection via Gradual Bandwidth Adjustment in Moving Sum Processes
MSCquartetsAnalyzing Gene Tree Quartets under the Multi-Species Coalescent
MSCsimtesterTests of Multispecies Coalescent Gene Tree Simulator Output
mscstexta4rR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API
mscsttsR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services 'Text-to-Speech' REST API
mscsweblm4rR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Web Language Model REST API
msdMethod of Successive Dichotomizations
msdeBayesian Inference for Multivariate Stochastic Differential Equations
msdroughtSeasonal Mid-Summer Drought Characteristics
mseapcaMetabolite Set Enrichment Analysis for Loadings
msentropySpectral Entropy for Mass Spectrometry Data
MSEtoolManagement Strategy Evaluation Toolkit
MSGData and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics
MSGARCHMarkov-Switching GARCH Models
MSGARCHelmHybridization of MS-GARCH and ELM Model
msgpackRA library to serialize or unserialize data in MessagePack format
msgpsDegrees of Freedom of Elastic Net, Adaptive Lasso and Generalized Elastic Net
msgrExtends Messages, Warnings and Errors by Adding Levels and Log Files
mshapMultiplicative SHAP Values for Two-Part Models
msigAn R Package for Exploring Molecular Signatures Database
msigdbrMSigDB Gene Sets for Multiple Organisms in a Tidy Data Format
MSigSegMultiple SIGnal SEGmentation
mSigToolsMutational Signature Analysis Tools
mSimCCMicro Simulation Model for Cervical Cancer Prevention
MSIMSTBayesian Monotonic Single-Index Regression Model with the Skew-T Likelihood
MSinferenceMultiscale Inference for Nonparametric Time Trend(s)
MSiP'MassSpectrometry' Interaction Prediction
msirModel-Based Sliced Inverse Regression
mskcc.oncotreeInterface to the 'OncoTree' API
msltrendImproved Techniques to Estimate Trend, Velocity and Acceleration from Sea Level Records
msmMulti-State Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time
msmaMultiblock Sparse Multivariable Analysis
msmeFunctions and Datasets for "Methods of Statistical Model Estimation"
MSmixFinite Mixtures of Mallows Models with Spearman Distance for Full and Partial Rankings
MSMLModel Selection Based on Machine Learning (ML)
MSMwRAMultivariate Statistical Methods with R Applications
msosData Sets and Functions Used in Multivariate Statistics: Old School by John Marden
MSoutcomesCORe Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes Toolkit
MSPRTA Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test (MSPRT)
MSRDTMulti-State Reliability Demonstration Tests (MSRDT)
mssearchrLibrary Search Against Electron Ionization Mass Spectral Databases
msSPChelpRHelper Functions for Second Primary Cancer Analyses
MSSQLTools to Work with Microsoft SQL Server Databases via 'RODBC'
MSTMultivariate Survival Trees
mstateData Preparation, Estimation and Prediction in Multi-State Models
mStatsEpidemiological Data Analysis
mstclustering"MST-Based Clustering"
mstDIFA Collection of DIF Tests for Multistage Tests
mSTEMMultiple Testing of Local Extrema for Detection of Change Points
MSTestHypothesis Testing for Markov Switching Models
msthermAnalyze MS/MS Protein Melting Data
mstknnclustMST-kNN Clustering Algorithm
mstRProcedures to Generate Patterns under Multistage Testing
mstrioInterface for 'MicroStrategy' REST API
mstudentdMultivariate t Distribution
msuMultivariate Symmetric Uncertainty and Other Measurements
MSwMFitting Markov Switching Models
mtMetabolomics Data Analysis Toolbox
MTAMultiscalar Territorial Analysis
MTAFTData-Driven Estimation for Multi-Threshold Accelerate Failure Time Model
mtananSingle Valued Neutrosophic Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney Tests
MTARMulti-Trait Analysis of Rare-Variant Association Study
mtarmBayesian Estimation of Multivariate Threshold Autoregressive Models
mtbMy Toolbox for Assisting Document Editing and Data Presenting
mtdesignMander and Thompson Designs
MTDrhMass Transportation Distance Rank Histogram
MTEMaximum Tangent Likelihood Estimation for Robust Linear Regression and Variable Selection
MTestA Procedure for Multicollinearity Testing using Bootstrap
mthapowerSample Size and Power for Association Studies Involving Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups
mtlgmmUnsupervised Multi-Task and Transfer Learning on Gaussian Mixture Models
MTLRSurvival Prediction with Multi-Task Logistic Regression
MTPSMulti-Task Prediction using Stacking Algorithms
MtreeRingA Shiny Application for Automatic Measurements of Tree-Ring Widths on Digital Images
MTSAll-Purpose Toolkit for Analyzing Multivariate Time Series (MTS) and Estimating Multivariate Volatility Models
mtsdiMultivariate Time Series Data Imputation
mtstaAccessing the Red List of Montane Tree Species of the Tropical Andes
MTSYSMethods in Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) System
mtvcMultiple Counting Process Structure for Survival Analysis
MUACzGenerate MUAC and BMI z-Scores and Percentiles for Children and Adolescents
MuChPointMultiple Change Point
muckrockData on Freedom of Information Act Requests
mudfoldMultiple UniDimensional unFOLDing
mueRelativeRiskRelative Risk Based on the Ratio of Median Unbiased Estimates
muhazHazard Function Estimation in Survival Analysis
muirExploring Data with Tree Data Structures
muleaEnrichment Analysis using Multiple Ontologies and False Discovery Rate
mulgarFunctions for Pre-Processing Data for Multivariate Data Visualisation using Tours
MullerPlotGenerates Muller Plot from Population/Abundance/Frequency Dynamics Data
mullyCreate, Modify and Visualize Multi-Layered Networks
mulSEMSome Multivariate Analyses using Structural Equation Modeling
mulsetMultiset Intersection Generator
mult.latent.regRegression and Clustering in Multivariate Response Scenarios
MultAllocOptimal Allocation in Stratified Sampling
MultBiplotRMultivariate Analysis Using Biplots in R
multbxxcAuxiliary Routines for Influx Software
multcompSimultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models
multcompViewVisualizations of Paired Comparisons
multDMMultivariate Version of the Diebold-Mariano Test
multeMultiple Treatment Effects Regression
MultEqMultiple Equivalence Tests and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
multfisherOptimal Exact Tests for Multiple Binary Endpoints
multgeeGEE Solver for Correlated Nominal or Ordinal Multinomial Responses
multiActionButtonMulti Action Button for 'Shiny' Applications
multiApplyApply Functions to Multiple Multidimensional Arrays or Vectors
multiAssetOptionsFinite Difference Method for Multi-Asset Option Valuation
MultiATSMMulticountry Term Structure of Interest Rates Models
MultiBDMultivariate Birth-Death Processes
multibiasSimultaneous Multi-Bias Adjustment
multibiasmetaSensitivity Analysis for Multiple Biases in Meta-Analyses
multibiplotGUIMultibiplot Analysis in R
multiblockMultiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning
multibreakeRTests for a Structural Change in Multivariate Time Series
multibridgeEvaluating Multinomial Order Restrictions with Bridge Sampling
multiCAMultinomial Cochran-Armitage Trend Test
multicastRA Companion to the Multi-CAST Collection
multichullA Generic Convex-Hull-Based Model Selection Method
multiclassPairsBuild MultiClass Pair-Based Classifiers using TSPs or RF
MultiClassROCROC Curves for Multi-Class Analysis
multicmpFlexible Modeling of Multivariate Count Data via the Multivariate Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution
MultiCOAPHigh-Dimensional Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed Multi-Study Poisson Factor Model
multiCollCollinearity Detection in a Multiple Linear Regression Model
multicoolPermutations of Multisets in Cool-Lex Order
multidMultivariate Difference Between Two Groups
multiDimBioMultivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological Data
multidplyrA Multi-Process 'dplyr' Backend
multifammMultivariate Functional Additive Mixed Models
multiFANOVAMultiple Contrast Tests for Functional Data
multifearMultiverse Analyses for Conditioning Data
MultiFitMultiscale Fisher's Independence Test for Multivariate Dependence
multifuncAnalysis of Ecological Drivers on Ecosystem Multifunctionality
multifwfRead Fixed Width Format Files Containing Lines of Different Type
MultiGlarmaVarSelVariable Selection in Sparse Multivariate GLARMA Models
multigraphPlot and Manipulate Multigraphs
multigraphrProbability Models and Statistical Analysis of Random Multigraphs
MultiGroupOMultiGroup Method and Simulation Data Analysis
MultiGroupSequentialGroup-Sequential Procedures with Multiple Hypotheses
MultiJoinEnables Efficient Joining of Data File on Common Fields using the Unix Utility Join
MultiKinkEstimation and Inference for Multi-Kink Quantile Regression
multilateralsTransitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and Panel Data
MultiLCIRTMultidimensional Latent Class Item Response Theory Models
multilevelMultilevel Functions
multilevelcodaEstimate Bayesian Multilevel Models for Compositional Data
multilevelmediationUtility Functions for Multilevel Mediation Analysis
multilevelmodModel Wrappers for Multi-Level Models
multilevelPSAMultilevel Propensity Score Analysis
multilevelToolsMultilevel and Mixed Effects Model Diagnostics and Effect Sizes
multilevLCAEstimates and Plots Single-Level and Multilevel Latent Class Models
multilinguerGentle Language Installer for R User
multilinkMultifile Record Linkage and Duplicate Detection
multimarkCapture-Mark-Recapture Analysis using Multiple Non-Invasive Marks
multiMarkerLatent Variable Model to Infer Food Intake from Multiple Biomarkers
multimediaMultimodal Mediation Analysis
multimixFit Mixture Models Using the Expectation Maximisation (EM) Algorithm
multimodeMode Testing and Exploring
multimorbidityHarmonizing Various Comorbidity, Multimorbidity, and Frailty Measures
multinessMULTIplex NEtworks with Shared Structure
multinetAnalysis and mining of multilayer social networks
multinetsMultilevel Networks Analysis
multinmaBayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Individual and Aggregate Data
MultinomialCISimultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions According to the Method by Sison and Glaz
multinomialLogitMixClustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates
multinomineqBayesian Inference for Multinomial Models with Inequality Constraints
multIntTestFuncProvides Test Functions for Multivariate Integration
MultiObjMatchMulti-Objective Matching Algorithm
multioccFits Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Occupancy Model
MultiOrdGeneration of Multivariate Ordinal Variates
multipanelfigureInfrastructure to Assemble Multi-Panel Figures (from Grobs)
MultiPhenA Package to Test for Multi-Trait Association
MultipleBreakpointsEstimating Multiple Breakpoints for a Sequence of Realizations of Bernoulli Variables
MultipleBubblesTest and Detection of Explosive Behaviors for Time Series
multipleDLAddressing Detection Limits by Cumulative Probability Models (CPMs)
multipleNCCWeighted Cox-Regression for Nested Case-Control Data
multipleOutcomesAsymptotic Covariance Matrix of Regression Models for Multiple Outcomes
MultipleRegressionMultiple Regression Analysis
multiplestressRAdditive and Multiplicative Null Models for Multiple Stressor Data
multiplexAlgebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social Networks
MultiplierDEAMultiplier Data Envelopment Analysis and Cross Efficiency
multipolMultivariate Polynomials
multiRDPGMultiple Random Dot Product Graphs
multirichCalculate Multivariate Richness via UTC and sUTC
multiridgeFast Cross-Validation for Multi-Penalty Ridge Regression
MultiRNGMultivariate Pseudo-Random Number Generation
MultiRobustMultiply Robust Methods for Missing Data Problems
multiROCCalculating and Visualizing ROC and PR Curves Across Multi-Class Classifications
MultiRRBias, Precision, and Power for Multi-Level Random Regressions
MultISReconstruction of Clones from Integration Site Readouts and Visualization
MultiscaleDTMMulti-Scale Geomorphometric Terrain Attributes
multiselectSelecting Combinations of Predictors by Leveraging Multiple AUCs for an Ordered Multilevel Outcome
multisensiMultivariate Sensitivity Analysis
multisite.accuracyEstimation of Accuracy in Multisite Machine-Learning Models
MultisiteMediationCausal Mediation Analysis in Multisite Trials
MultiSkewMeasures, Tests and Removes Multivariate Skewness
multisomClustering a Data Set using Multi-SOM Algorithm
multispatialCCMMultispatial Convergent Cross Mapping
MultiStatMMultivariate Statistical Methods
multitaperSpectral Analysis Tools using the Multitaper Method
multitoolRun Multiverse Style Analyses
multiUSFunctions for the Courses Multivariate Analysis and Computer Intensive Methods
multivarPenalized Estimation of Multiple-Subject Vector Autoregressive (multi-VAR) Models
multivarianceMeasuring Multivariate Dependence Using Distance Multivariance
MultivariateAnalysisPacote Para Analise Multivariada
MultivariateRandomForestModels Multivariate Cases Using Random Forests
multivariousExtensible Data Structures for Multivariate Analysis
MultiVarMIMultiple Imputation for Multivariate Data
MultiVarSelVariable Selection in a Multivariate Linear Model
multivatorA Multivariate Emulator
multiverseCreate 'multiverse analysis' in R
multiviewCooperative Learning for Multi-View Analysis
multiwaveEstimation of Multivariate Long-Memory Models Parameters
multiwayComponent Models for Multi-Way Data
MultiwayRegressionPerform Tensor-on-Tensor Regression
multiwayvcovMulti-Way Standard Error Clustering
MultNonParamMultivariate Nonparametric Methods
MultOrdRSModel Multivariate Ordinal Responses Including Response Styles
multpoisAnalyze Nominal Response Data with the Multinomial-Poisson Trick
MultRegCMPBayesian Multivariate Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Regression Model for Correlated Count Data
MultSurvTestsPermutation Tests for Multivariate Survival Analysis
multxpertCommon Multiple Testing Procedures and Gatekeeping Procedures
MulvariateRandomForestVarImpVariable Importance Measures for Multivariate Random Forests
MuMInMulti-Model Inference
munfoldMetric Unfolding
munsellUtilities for Using Munsell Colours
munsellinterpolInterpolate Munsell Renotation Data from Hue/Chroma to CIE/RGB
muRLMailmerge using R, LaTeX, and the Web
murphydiagramMurphy Diagrams for Forecast Comparisons
muRtyMurty's Algorithm for k-Best Assignments
MUSMonetary Unit Sampling and Estimation Methods, Widely Used in Auditing
musclesyneRgiesExtract Muscle Synergies from Electromyography
musicLearn and Experiment with Music Theory
musicaMultiscale Climate Model Assessment
musicNMRConversion of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra in Audio Files
mutationtypesValidate and Convert Mutational Impacts Using Standard Genomic Dictionaries
mutossUnified Multiple Testing Procedures
mutossGUIA Graphical User Interface for the MuToss Project
mutSignaturesDecipher Mutational Signatures from Somatic Mutational Catalogs
mutualinfComputation and Decomposition of the Mutual Information Index
MuViCPMultiClass Visualizable Classification using Combination of Projections
MUVR2Multivariate Methods with Unbiased Variable Selection
MVAAn Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R
mvabundStatistical Methods for Analysing Multivariate Abundance Data
MVarMultivariate Analysis
MVar.ptAnalise multivariada (brazilian portuguese)
MvBinaryModelling Multivariate Binary Data with Blocks of Specific One-Factor Distribution
mvbutilsWorkspace Organization, Code and Documentation Editing, Package Prep and Editing, Etc
mvcauchyMultivariate Cauchy Distribution
mvcorCorrelation Coefficients for Multivariate Data
mvctmMultivariate Variance Components Tests for Multilevel Data
mvdalabMultivariate Data Analysis Laboratory
mvDFAMultivariate Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
mverseTidy Multiverse Analysis Made Simple
MVETMultivariate Estimates and Tests
mvgamMultivariate (Dynamic) Generalized Additive Models
mvgbMultivariate Probabilities of Scale Mixtures of Multivariate Normal Distributions via the Genz and Bretz (2002) QRSVN Method
mvglmmRankMultivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ranking Sports Teams
mvGPSCausal Inference using Multivariate Generalized Propensity Score
mvhistMultivariate Histograms
mvhtestsMultivariate Hypothesis Tests
mvinfluenceInfluence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate Linear Models
MVisAGeCompute and Visualize Bivariate Associations
MVLMMultivariate Linear Model with Analytic p-Values
mvLSWMultivariate, Locally Stationary Wavelet Process Estimation
mvLSWimputeImputation Methods for Multivariate Locally Stationary Time Series
mvMAPITMultivariate Genome Wide Marginal Epistasis Test
mvmeshMultivariate Meshes and Histograms in Arbitrary Dimensions
mvmetaMultivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
mvMISEA General Framework of Multivariate Mixed-Effects Selection Models
mvMonitoringMulti-State Adaptive Dynamic Principal Component Analysis for Multivariate Process Monitoring
mvMORPHMultivariate Comparative Tools for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data
MVNMultivariate Normality Tests
mvnaNelson-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard in Multistate Models
MVNBayesianBayesian Analysis Framework for MVN (Mixture) Distribution
mvnfastFast Multivariate Normal and Student's t Methods
mvngGrAdMoving Grid Adjustment in Plant Breeding Field Trials
mvnimputeSimultaneously Impute the Missing and Censored Values
mvnmleML Estimation for Multivariate Normal Data with Missing Values
mvnormalTestPowerful Tests for Multivariate Normality
mvnormtestNormality Test for Multivariate Variables
mvnpermuteGenerate New Multivariate Normal Samples from Permutations
mvnTestGoodness of Fit Tests for Multivariate Normality
MVNtestcharTest for Multivariate Normal Distribution Based on a Characterization
mvordMultivariate Ordinal Regression Models
mvoutlierMultivariate Outlier Detection Based on Robust Methods
mvpFast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials
MVPBTPublication Bias Tests for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Test
mvpdMultivariate Product Distributions for Elliptically Contoured Distributions
mvProbitMultivariate Probit Models
mvQuadMethods for Multivariate Quadrature
MVQuickGraphsQuick Multivariate Graphs
MVRMean-Variance Regularization
mvrsquaredCompute the Coefficient of Determination for Vector or Matrix Outcomes
mvsMethods for High-Dimensional Multi-View Learning
mvShapiroTestGeneralized Shapiro-Wilk test for multivariate normality
mvSLOUCHMultivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses
mvstBayesian Inference for the Multivariate Skew-t Model
mvSUSYMultivariate Surrogate Synchrony
MVTEstimation and Testing for the Multivariate t-Distribution
MVTestsMultivariate Hypothesis Tests
mvtmetaMultivariate Meta-Analysis
mvtnormMultivariate Normal and t Distributions
mvtsplotMultivariate Time Series Plot
mwaCausal Inference in Spatiotemporal Event Data
mwcsrSolvers for Maximum Weight Connected Subgraph Problem and Its Variants
mwlaxerefCross-References Lake Identifiers Between Different Data Sets
MWrightMainardi-Wright Family of Distributions
mwshiny'Shiny' for Multiple Windows
mwTensorMulti-Way Component Analysis
mxfdaA Functional Data Analysis Package for Spatial Single Cell Data
mxkssdEfficient Mixed-Level k-Circulant Supersaturated Designs
MXMFeature Selection (Including Multiple Solutions) and Bayesian Networks
mxmmodMeasurement Model of Derivatives in 'OpenMx'
mxnormApply Normalization Methods to Multiplexed Images
mxsemSpecify 'OpenMx' Models with a 'lavaan'-Style Syntax
My.stepwiseStepwise Variable Selection Procedures for Regression Analysis
mycaasMy Computerized Adaptive Assessment
MychisqChi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit and Independence Test
myClimMicroclimatic Data Processing
mycobacrvRIntegrative Immunoinformatics for Mycobacterial Diseases in R Platform
mycorAutomatic Correlation and Regression Test in a 'data.frame'
myCRANGraph of Daily and Cumulative Downloads of your Packages
mzipmedMediation using MZIP Model
n1qn1Port of the 'Scilab' 'n1qn1' Module for Unconstrained BFGS Optimization
N2H4Handling Methods for Naver News Text Crawling
N2RFast and Scalable Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor Search Methods using 'N2' Library
na.toolsComprehensive Library for Working with Missing (NA) Values in Vectors
naaccrRead Cancer Records in the NAACCR Format
naborWraps 'libnabo', a Fast K Nearest Neighbour Library for Low Dimensions
NACNetwork-Adjusted Covariates for Community Detection
NACHONanoString Quality Control Dashboard
NADANondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental Data
NADA2Data Analysis for Censored Environmental Data
nadiv(Non)Additive Genetic Relatedness Matrices
NAEPirtparamsIRT Parameters for the National Assessment of Education Progress
NAEPprimerThe NAEP Primer
naflexFlexible Options for Handling Missing Values
naijROperations to Ease Data Analyses Specific to Nigeria
NaileRInterpreting Latent Variables with AI
NAIRNetwork Analysis of Immune Repertoire
naiveEmpirical Extrapolation of Time Feature Patterns
naivebayesHigh Performance Implementation of the Naive Bayes Algorithm
naiveregNonparametric Additive Instrumental Variable Estimator and Related IV Methods
nakagamiFunctions for the Nakagami Distribution
NAMNested Association Mapping
nameTools for Working with Names
namedropRCreate Visual Citations for Presentations and Posters
NameNeedleUsing Needleman-Wunsch to Match Sample Names
namerNames Your 'R Markdown' Chunks
nametaggerNamed Entity Recognition in Texts using 'NameTag'
nandbNumber and Brightness Image Analysis
naniarData Structures, Summaries, and Visualisations for Missing Data
nanoarrowInterface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' Library
nanonextNNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
nanoparquetRead and Write 'Parquet' Files
nanostringrPerforms Quality Control, Data Normalization, and Batch Effect Correction for 'NanoString nCounter' Data
nanotimeNanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R
NAPNon-Local Alternative Priors in Psychology
naptanrCall the 'NaPTAN' API Through R
naptimeA Flexible and Robust Sys.sleep() Replacement
nardlNonlinear Cointegrating Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
narraySubset- And Name-Aware Array Utility Functions
narynNative Access Medical Record Retriever for High Yield Analytics
nasadataInterface to Various NASA API's
nasapowerNASA POWER API Client
nasaweatherCollection of datasets from the ASA 2006 data expo
nascaR.dataNASCAR Race Data
NasdaqDataLinkAPI Wrapper for Nasdaq Data Link
naspaclustNature-Inspired Spatial Clustering
natNeuroAnatomy Toolbox for Analysis of 3D Image Data
nat.nblastNeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Assessing Neuron Similarity and Clustering
nat.templatebrainsNeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Handling Template Brains
nat.utilsFile System Utility Functions for 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox'
natcppFast C++ Primitives for the 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox'
natmanagerInstall the 'Natverse' Packages from Scratch
NatParksPalettesColor Palettes Inspired by National Parks
natserv'NatureServe' Interface
natstratObtain Unweighted Natural Strata that Balance Many Covariates
naturalEstimating the Error Variance in a High-Dimensional Linear Model
naturaListClassify Occurrences by Confidence Levels in the Species ID
naturalsortNatural Ordering
NatureSoundsAnimal Sounds for Bioacustic Analysis
navigationAnalyze the Impact of Sensor Error Modelling on Navigation Performance
navigatrNavigation Menu for Pipe-Friendly Data Processing
nawtilusNavigated Weighting for the Inverse Probability Weighting
NB.MClustNegative Binomial Model-Based Clustering
NBAloveRHelp Basketball Data Analysis
nbapalettesAn NBA Jersey Palette Generator
NBBDesignsNeighbour Balanced Block Designs (NBBDesigns)
nbc4vaBayes Classifier for Verbal Autopsy Data
NbClustDetermining the Best Number of Clusters in a Data Set
nbconvEvaluate Arbitrary Negative Binomial Convolutions
nbconvertRVignette Engine Wrapping Jupyter Notebooks
NBDdirichletNBD-Dirichlet Model of Consumer Buying Behavior for Marketing Research
NBDesignDesign and Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Negative Binomial Endpoint
nberwpNBER Working Papers
nbfarNegative Binomial Factor Regression Models ('nbfar')
NBLDANegative Binomial Linear Discriminant Analysis
nblRData Extraction of Australian NBL Basketball Statistics
nbodyGravitational N-Body Simulation
nbpMatchingFunctions for Optimal Non-Bipartite Matching
NBPSeqNegative Binomial Models for RNA-Sequencing Data
NBRNetwork-Based R-Statistics using Mixed Effects Models
NBShinyInteractive Document for Working with Naive Bayes Classification
NBShiny2Interactive Document for Working with Naive Bayes Classification
NBShiny3Interactive Document for Working with Naive Bayes Classification
nbTransmissionNaive Bayes Transmission Analysis
NBtsVarSelVariable Selection in a Specific Regression Time Series of Counts
ncNamed Capture to Data Tables
NCANecessary Condition Analysis
ncappcNCA Calculations and Population Model Diagnosis
ncarNoncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Report
ncbitRetrieve and Build NBCI Taxonomic Data
NCCSimulation and Analysis of Platform Trials with Non-Concurrent Controls
ncdf4Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files
ncdf4.helpersHelper Functions for Use with the 'ncdf4' Package
ncdfCFEasy Access to NetCDF Files with CF Metadata Conventions
ncdfgeom'NetCDF' Geometry and Time Series
ncdumpExtract Metadata from 'NetCDF' Files as Data Frames
ncfSpatial Covariance Functions
ncmetaStraightforward 'NetCDF' Metadata
NCmiscMiscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts
ncodeRTechniques for Automated Classifiers
ncpenUnified Algorithm for Non-convex Penalized Estimation for Generalized Linear Models
NCSamplingNearest Centroid (NC) Sampling
NCSCopulaNon-Central Squared Copula Models Estimation
NCutYXClustering of Omics Data of Multiple Types with a Multilayer Network Representation
ncvregRegularization Paths for SCAD and MCP Penalized Regression Models
ndaGeneralized Network-Based Dimensionality Reduction and Analysis
ndiNeighborhood Deprivation Indices
ndjsonWicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') Reader
ndlNaive Discriminative Learning
NDPInteractive Presentation for Working with Normal Distribution
ndtvNetwork Dynamic Temporal Visualizations
nearfarNear-Far Matching
neatEfficient Network Enrichment Analysis Test
neatmapsHeatmaps for Multiple Network Data
neatRNeat Data for Presentation
neatRangesTidy Up Date/Time Ranges
neatStatsNeat and Painless Statistical Reporting
nebulaNegative Binomial Mixed Models Using Large-Sample Approximation for Differential Expression Analysis of ScRNA-Seq Data
NecklacesNecklaces and Bracelets
needminingA Simple Needmining Implementation
needsAttaches and Installs Packages
NegativeControlOutcomeAdjustmentEstimation of Vaccine Efficacy using Negative Control Outcomes
NegBinBetaBinregNegative Binomial and Beta Binomial Bayesian Regression Models
negenesEstimating the Number of Essential Genes in a Genome
negligibleA Collection of Functions for Negligible Effect/Equivalence Testing
NeighbootNeighborhood Bootstrap Method for RDS
neighboursNeighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms
neighbrClassification, Regression, Clustering with K Nearest Neighbors
neldermeadR Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module
nemBMUsing Network Evolution Models to Generate Networks with Selected Blockmodel Type
nemtrNonparametric Extended Median Test - Cumulative Summation Method
neo2RNeo4j to R
neo4jshellQuerying and Managing 'Neo4J' Databases in 'R'
neo4rA 'Neo4J' Driver
neodistrNeo-Normal Distribution
neojagsNeo-Normal Distributions Family for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Models in 'JAGS'
NEONisoTools to Calibrate and Work with NEON Atmospheric Isotope Data
neonOSBasic Data Wrangling for NEON Observational Data
neonPlantEcologyProcess NEON Plant Data for Ecological Analysis
neonSoilFluxCompute Soil Carbon Fluxes for the National Ecological Observatory Network Sites
neonstoreNEON Data Store
neonUtilitiesUtilities for Working with NEON Data
neotoma2Working with the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
nephroUtilities for Nephrology
NEpiCNetwork Assisted Algorithm for Epigenetic Studies Using Mean and Variance Combined Signals
neptuneMLOps Metadata Store - Experiment Tracking and Model Registry for Production Teams
nesRdataNational Eutrophication Survey Data
nestcolorColors for NEST Graphs
NestedCategBayesImputeModeling, Imputing and Generating Synthetic Versions of Nested Categorical Data in the Presence of Impossible Combinations
nestedcvNested Cross-Validation with 'glmnet' and 'caret'
nestedLogitNested Dichotomy Logistic Regression Models
NestedMenuA Nested Menu Widget for 'Shiny' Applications
nestedmodelsTidy Modelling for Nested Data
nestedppPerformance Profiles and Nested Performance Profiles
nestfsCross-Validated (Nested) Forward Selection
NestMRMCSingle Reader Between-Cases AUC Estimator in Nested Data
nestrBuild Nesting or Hierarchical Structures
net4pgHandle Ambiguity of Protein Identifications from Shotgun Proteomics
netassocInference of Species Associations from Co-Occurrence Data
netClustModel-Based Clustering of Network Data
NetClusterClustering for networks
netcmcSpatio-Network Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit and Network Data
netCoinInteractive Analytic Networks
netcomNETwork COMparison Inference
netcontrolControl Theory Methods for Networks
NetCouplerInference of Causal Links Between a Network and an External Variable
NetDANetwork-Based Discriminant Analysis Subject to Multi-Label Classes
netdiffuseRAnalysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks
NetExplorerNetwork Explorer
NetFACSNetwork Applications to Facial Communication Data
netgsaNetwork-Based Gene Set Analysis
netgwasNetwork-Based Genome Wide Association Studies
netieAntigen T Cell Interaction Estimation
NetIndicesEstimating Network Indices, Including Trophic Structure of Foodwebs in R
NetIntMethods for Unweighted and Weighted Network Integration
NetLogoRBuild and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models
netmapRepresent Network Objects on a Map
netmediateMicro-Macro Analysis for Social Networks
netmetaNetwork Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods
netmhc2panInterface to 'NetMHCIIpan'
NetMixDynamic Mixed-Membership Network Regression Model
NetOriginOrigin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks
netplotBeautiful Graph Drawing
NetPreProcNetwork Pre-Processing and Normalization
netrankrAnalyzing Partial Rankings in Networks
netregRRegression of Network Responses
NetRepPermutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across Datasets
netropyStatistical Entropy Analysis of Network Data
netsNetwork Estimation for Time Series
NetSciCalculates Basic Network Measures Commonly Used in Network Medicine
netseerGraph Prediction from a Graph Time Series
netsegMeasures of Network Segregation and Homophily
netSEMNetwork Structural Equation Modeling
netShinyTool for Comparison and Visualization of Multiple Networks
NetSimRActuarial Functions for Non-Life Insurance Modelling
netstatRetrieve Network Statistics Including Available TCP Ports
NetSwanNetwork Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis
nettNetwork Analysis and Community Detection
nettskjemarConnect to the 'nettskjema.no' API of the University of Oslo
netUtilsA Collection of Tools for Network Analysis
NetWeaverGraphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network Data Analysis
networkClasses for Relational Data
networkABCNetwork Reverse Engineering with Approximate Bayesian Computation
NetworkChangeBayesian Package for Network Changepoint Analysis
NetworkComparisonTestStatistical Comparison of Two Networks Based on Several Invariance Measures
NetworkComparrStatistical Comparison of Networks
networkD3D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R
NetworkDistanceDistance Measures for Networks
networkDynamicDynamic Extensions for Network Objects
networkDynamicDataDynamic (Longitudinal) Network Datasets
NetworkExtinctionExtinction Simulation in Ecological Networks
networkGenNetwork Maze Generator
NetworkInferenceInferring Latent Diffusion Networks
networkLiteAn Simplified Implementation of the 'network' Package Functionality
networkRNetwork Analysis and Visualization
NetworkRegRegression Model on Network-Linked Data with Statistical Inference
NetworkRiskMeasuresRisk Measures for (Financial) Networks
networkscaleupNetwork Scale-Up Models for Aggregated Relational Data
NetworkToolboxMethods and Measures for Brain, Cognitive, and Psychometric Network Analysis
networktoolsTools for Identifying Important Nodes in Networks
networktreeRecursive Partitioning of Network Models
NeuralEstimatorsLikelihood-Free Parameter Estimation using Neural Networks
neuralGAMInterpretable Neural Network Based on Generalized Additive Models
neuralnetTraining of Neural Networks
NeuralNetToolsVisualization and Analysis Tools for Neural Networks
NeuralSensSensitivity Analysis of Neural Networks
neurobase'Neuroconductor' Base Package with Helper Functions for 'nifti' Objects
neuroblastomaNeuroblastoma Copy Number Profiles
neurocInstall'Neuroconductor' Installer
NeuroDecodeRDecode Information from Neural Activity
neurohcpHuman 'Connectome' Project Interface
neuroimData Structures and Handling for Neuroimaging Data
neuroimaGeneTranscriptomic Atlas of Neuroimaging Derived Phenotypes
neuromplexNeural Multiplexing Analysis
neuronormPreprocessing of Structural MRI for Multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases
neuRosimSimulate fMRI Data
neuroUpPlan Sample Size for Task fMRI Research using Bayesian Updating
neutralitytestrTest for a Neutral Evolutionary Model in Cancer Sequencing Data
neutrostatNeutrosophic Statistics
nevadaNetwork-Valued Data Analysis
neverhpfilterAn Alternative to the Hodrick-Prescott Filter
new.distAlternative Continuous and Discrete Distributions
NewdistnsComputes Pdf, Cdf, Quantile and Random Numbers, Measures of Inference for 19 General Families of Distributions
newFocusTrue Discovery Guarantee by Combining Partial Closed Testings
newIMVCA Robust Integrated Mean Variance Correlation
NewmanOmicsExtending the Newman Studentized Range Statistic to Transcriptomics
newsanchorClient for the News API
newscatcheRProgrammatically Collect Normalized News from (Almost) Any Website
newsmapSemi-Supervised Model for Geographical Document Classification
newsmdCreation of NEWS.md File
newTestSurvRecStatistical Tests to Compare Curves with Recurrent Events
nextGenShinyAppsCraft Exceptional 'R Shiny' Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools
nexusSourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical Composition
nFactorsParallel Analysis and Other Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test
NFCPN-Factor Commodity Pricing Through Term Structure Estimation
nferEvent Stream Abstraction using Interval Logic
nfl4thFunctions to Calculate Optimal Fourth Down Decisions in the National Football League
nflfastRFunctions to Efficiently Access NFL Play by Play Data
nflplotRNFL Logo Plots in 'ggplot2' and 'gt'
nflreadrDownload 'nflverse' Data
nflseedRFunctions to Efficiently Simulate and Evaluate NFL Seasons
NFLSimulatoRSimulating Plays and Drives in the NFL
nflverseEasily Install and Load the 'nflverse'
nftbartNonparametric Failure Time Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
nFunNNNonlinear Functional Principal Component Analysis using Neural Networks
NFWdistThe Standard Distribution Functions for the 3D NFW Profile
ngboostForecastProbabilistic Time Series Forecasting
NGBVSBayesian Variable Selection for SNP Data using Normal-Gamma
NGCHMNext Generation Clustered Heat Maps
NGLVieweRInteractive 3D Visualization of Molecular Structures
ngramFast n-Gram 'Tokenization'
ngramrRetrieve and Plot Google n-Gram Data
ngramrrA Simple General Purpose N-Gram Tokenizer
ngspatialFitting the Centered Autologistic and Sparse Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Areal Data
NHANESData from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Study
nhanesANHANES Data Retrieval
nhdplusToolsNHDPlus Tools
nhdRTools for Working with the National Hydrography Dataset
nhlapiA Minimum-Dependency 'R' Interface to the 'NHL' API
NHLDataScores for Every Season Since the Founding of the NHL in 1917
nhmNon-Homogeneous Markov and Hidden Markov Multistate Models
NHPoissonModelling and Validation of Non Homogeneous Poisson Processes
nhpppSimulating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes
nhs.predictBreast Cancer Survival and Therapy Benefits
NHSDataDictionaRyNHS Data Dictionary Toolset for NHS Lookups
nhsnumberTools for Working with NHS Number Checksums
NHSRdatasetsNHS and Healthcare-Related Data for Education and Training
NHSRplotthedotsDraw XmR Charts for NHSE/I 'Making Data Count' Programme
nhstplotPlot Null Hypothesis Significance Tests
niaidMIMarkov Model Multiple Imputation for NIAID OS
niarulesNumerical Association Rule Mining using Population-Based Nature-Inspired Algorithms
nicNature Inspired Colours
niceGet or Set UNIX Niceness
NicheBarcodingNiche-model-Based Species Identification
nicheROVERNiche Region and Niche Overlap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches
nichetoolsComplementary Package to 'nicheROVER' and 'SIBER'
nichevolTools for Ecological Niche Evolution Assessment Considering Uncertainty
nieveMiscellaneous Utilities for Extreme Value Analysis
nifti.ioRead and Write NIfTI Files
nifti.pbcorParcel-Based Correlation Between NIfTI Images
NightDayNight and Day Boundary Plot Function
nildeNonnegative Integer Solutions of Linear Diophantine Equations with Applications
NiLeDAMMonazite Dating for the NiLeDAM Team
nimaNima Hejazi's R Toolbox
NIMAANominal Data Mining Analysis
nimbleMCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling
nimbleAPTAdaptive Parallel Tempering for 'NIMBLE'
nimbleCarbonBayesian Analyses of Radiocarbon Dates with NIMBLE
nimbleEcologyDistributions for Ecological Models in 'nimble'
nimbleHMCHamiltonian Monte Carlo and Other Gradient-Based MCMC Sampling Algorithms for 'nimble'
nimbleNoBoundsTransformed Distributions for Improved MCMC Efficiency
nimbleSCRSpatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) Methods Using 'nimble'
nimbleSMCSequential Monte Carlo Methods for 'nimble'
nipalsPrincipal Components Analysis using NIPALS or Weighted EMPCA, with Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
nipnTKNational Information Platforms for Nutrition Anthropometric Data Toolkit
NipponMapJapanese Map Data and Functions
NIPTeRFast and Accurate Trisomy Prediction in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
NIRStatNovel Statistical Methods for Studying Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Time Series Data
NISTnlsNonlinear least squares examples from NIST
NISTunitsFundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST
NitrogenUptake2016Data and Source Code From: Nitrogen Uptake and Allocation Estimates for Spartina Alterniflora and Distichlis Spicata
nivmNoninferiority Tests with Variable Margins
nixmassSnow Water Equivalent Modeling with the 'Delta.snow' Model and Empirical Regression Models
nixtlarA Software Development Kit for 'Nixtla”s 'TimeGPT'
njgeoTools for Geocoding Addresses in New Jersey using the 'NJOGIS' API
nJiraSQL Like Query Interface for 'Jira'
njtr1Download, Analyze & Clean New Jersey Car Crash Data
NlcOptimSolve Nonlinear Optimization with Nonlinear Constraints
nlcvNested Loop Cross Validation
nleqslvSolve Systems of Nonlinear Equations
nlgmNon Linear Growth Models
NlinTSModels for Non Linear Causality Detection in Time Series
nlistLists of Numeric Atomic Objects
nliveAutomated Estimation of Sigmoidal and Piecewise Linear Mixed Models
nlmeLinear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
nlmeUDatasets and Utility Functions Enhancing Functionality of 'nlme' Package
nlmeVPCVisual Model Checking for Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model
nlmixr2Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD
nlmixr2dataNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Data
nlmixr2estNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Estimation Routines
nlmixr2extraNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Extra Support Functions
nlmixr2libA Model Library for 'nlmixr2'
nlmixr2plotNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Plot Functions
nlmixr2rptTemplated Word and PowerPoint Reporting of 'nlmixr2' Fitting Results
nlmmGeneralized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models
nlmrtFunctions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions
nlMSNon-Linear Model Selection
nlnetNonlinear Network, Clustering, and Variable Selection Based on DCOL
nloptCall Optimization Solvers with .nl Files
nloptrR Interface to NLopt
NLPNatural Language Processing Infrastructure
NLPclientStanford 'CoreNLP' Annotation Client
nlpredEstimators of Non-Linear Cross-Validated Risks Optimized for Small Samples
nlpsemLinear and Nonlinear Longitudinal Process in Structural Equation Modeling Framework
NLPutilsNatural Language Processing Utilities
nlraaNonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications
nlregHigher Order Inference for Nonlinear Heteroscedastic Models
NLRootsearching for the root of equation
nlrrNon-Linear Relative Risk Estimation and Plotting
nlrxSetup, Run and Analyze 'NetLogo' Model Simulations from 'R' via 'XML'
nls.multstartRobust Non-Linear Regression using AIC Scores
nls2Non-Linear Regression with Brute Force
nlsemFitting Structural Equation Mixture Models
nlshrinkNon-Linear Shrinkage Estimation of Population Eigenvalues and Covariance Matrices
nlsicNon Linear Least Squares with Inequality Constraints
nlsMicrobioNonlinear Regression in Predictive Microbiology
nlsmsnFitting Nonlinear Models with Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions
nlsrFunctions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions - Updated 2022
nlstacAn R Package for Fitting Separable Nonlinear Models
nlstoolsTools for Nonlinear Regression Analysis
NlsyLinksUtilities and Kinship Information for Research with the NLSY
nltA Nondecimated Lifting Transform for Signal Denoising
nltmNon-Linear Transformation Models
nltsNonlinear Time Series Analysis
nLTTCalculate the NLTT Statistic
nlWaldTestWald Test of Nonlinear Restrictions and Nonlinear CI
NMANetwork Meta-Analysis Based on Multivariate Meta-Analysis Models
nmadbNetwork Meta-Analysis Database API
NMADiagTNetwork Meta-Analysis of Multiple Diagnostic Tests
nmaINLANetwork Meta-Analysis using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations
NMAoutlierDetecting Outliers in Network Meta-Analysis
nmaplateplotThe Plate Plot for Network Meta-Analysis Results
nmarankComplex Hierarchy Questions in Network Meta-Analysis
nmathreshThresholds and Invariant Intervals for Network Meta-Analysis
NMcalcBasic Calculations for PK/PD Modeling
NMdataPreparation, Checking and Post-Processing Data for PK/PD Modeling
NMFAlgorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
nmfbinNon-Negative Matrix Factorization for Binary Data
NMFNNon-Negative Matrix Factorization
NMINormalized Mutual Information of Community Structure in Network
NmiscMiscellaneous Functions Used at 'Numeract LLC'
NmixBayesian Inference on Univariate Normal Mixtures
nmixgofGoodness of Fit Checks for Binomial N-Mixture Models
NMMIPWInverse Probability Weighting under Non-Monotone Missing
NMOFNumerical Methods and Optimization in Finance
NMRphasingPhase Error Correction and Baseline Correction for One Dimensional ('1D') 'NMR' Data
nmrrrBinning and Visualizing NMR Spectra in Environmental Samples
NMsimSeamless 'Nonmem' Simulation Platform
nmslibRNon Metric Space (Approximate) Library
NMToxDose-Response Relationship Analysis of Nanomaterial Toxicity
NMVANOVANovice Model Variation ANOVA
nmwUnderstanding Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling for Population Pharmacokinetics
nn2polyNeural Network Weights Transformation into Polynomial Coefficients
nnaNearest-Neighbor Analysis
NNbenchmarkDatasets and Functions to Benchmark Neural Network Packages
nnccNearest Neighbors Matching of Case-Control Data
nndiagramGenerator of 'LaTeX' Code for Drawing Neural Network Diagrams with 'TikZ'
nnetFeed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models
nnforTime Series Forecasting with Neural Networks
nnGarroteNon-Negative Garrote Estimation with Penalized Initial Estimators
nngeok-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data
nnlassoNon-Negative Lasso and Elastic Net Penalized Generalized Linear Models
nnlib2RcppA Tool for Creating Custom Neural Networks in C++ and using Them in R
nnlsThe Lawson-Hanson Algorithm for Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS)
NNMISNearest Neighbor Based Multiple Imputation for Survival Data with Missing Covariates
nnRNeural Networks Made Algebraic
NNSNonlinear Nonparametric Statistics
nnspatNearest Neighbor Methods for Spatial Patterns
nntThe Number Needed to Treat (NNT) for Survival Endpoint
NNTbiomarkerCalculate Design Parameters for Biomarker Validation Studies
nnTensorNon-Negative Tensor Decomposition
nntmvnDraw Samples of Truncated Multivariate Normal Distributions
NO.PING.PONGIncorporating Previous Findings When Evaluating New Data
noaastormeventsExplore NOAA Storm Events Database
noahCreate Unique Pseudonymous Animal Names
NobBSNowcasting by Bayesian Smoothing
noctuaConnect to 'AWS Athena' using R 'AWS SDK' 'paws' ('DBI' Interface)
nodbi'NoSQL' Database Connector
node2vecAlgorithmic Framework for Representational Learning on Graphs
nodeSubSimulate DNA Alignments Using Node Substitutions
nodivCompares the Distribution of Sister Clades Through a Phylogeny
noegletalRTidy Tibbles of Noegletal
nofrillsLow-Cost Anonymous Functions
noiaImplementation of the Natural and Orthogonal InterAction (NOIA) Model
noiseEstimation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Noise from Single-Cell Data
noisemodelNoise Models for Classification Datasets
noisyCE2Cross-Entropy Optimisation of Noisy Functions
noisyrNoise Quantification in High Throughput Sequencing Output
noisySBMNoisy Stochastic Block Mode: Graph Inference by Multiple Testing
noisysbmGGMNoisy Stochastic Block Model for GGM Inference
nolockAppend 'WITH (NOLOCK)' to 'SQL' Queries, Get Packages in Active Script
nombreNumber Names
nomclustHierarchical Cluster Analysis of Nominal Data
nominatimliteInterface with 'Nominatim' API Service
nomisrAccess 'Nomis' UK Labour Market Data
nomnomlSassy 'UML' Diagrams
nomogramExExtract Equations from a Nomogram
nomogramFormulaCalculate Total Points and Probabilities for Nomogram
NonCompartNoncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Data
noncomplianceCausal Inference in the Presence of Treatment Noncompliance Under the Binary Instrumental Variable Model
noncomplyRBayesian Analysis of Randomized Experiments with Non-Compliance
nonetWeighted Average Ensemble without Training Labels
nonLinearDotPlotNon Linear Dot Plots
nonlinearICPInvariant Causal Prediction for Nonlinear Models
NonlinearTSANonlinear Time Series Analysis
nonlinearTseriesNonlinear Time Series Analysis
nonmem2RLoading NONMEM Output Files with Functions for Visual Predictive Checks (VPC) and Goodness of Fit (GOF) Plots
nonmem2rx'nonmem2rx' Converts 'NONMEM' Models to 'rxode2'
nonmemicaCreate and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context
nonneg.cgNon-Negative Conjugate-Gradient Minimizer
nonnest2Tests of Non-Nested Models
NonNorMvtDistMultivariate Lomax (Pareto Type II) and Its Related Distributions
nonparA Collection of Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests
nonparaeffNonparametric Methods for Measuring Efficiency and Productivity
nonparametric.bayesProject Code - Nonparametric Bayes
NonpareilMetagenome Coverage Estimation and Projections for 'Nonpareil'
NonParRolCora Non-Parametric Statistical Significance Test for Rolling Window Correlation
NonProbEstEstimation in Nonprobability Sampling
nonprobsvyInference Based on Non-Probability Samples
nonsmoothNonparametric Methods for Smoothing Nonsmooth Data
nopacoNon-Parametric Concordance Coefficient
noppNash Optimal Party Positions
nor1mixNormal aka Gaussian 1-d Mixture Models
nordArctic Ice Studio's Nord and Group of Seven Inspired Colour Palettes for 'ggplot2'
nordklimdata1Dataset for Climate Analysis with Data from the Nordic Region
normAnalysis of Multivariate Normal Datasets with Missing Values
NORMABuilds General Noise SVRs
normaliseRRe-Scale Vectors and Time-Series Features
NormalityAssessmentA Graphical User Interface for Testing Normality Visually
normalizeCentering and Scaling of Numeric Data
normalizeHNormalize Hadamard Matrix
NormalLaplaceThe Normal Laplace Distribution
normalpRoutines for Exponential Power Distribution
normalrNormalisation of Multiple Variables in Large-Scale Datasets
NormDataDerivation of Regression-Based Normative Data
NormExpressionNormalize Gene Expression Data using Evaluated Methods
normfluodbfCleans and Normalizes FLUOstar DBF and DAT Files from 'Liposome' Flux Assays
norMmixDirect MLE for Multivariate Normal Mixture Distributions
NormPsyNormalisation of Psychometric Tests
nortestTests for Normality
nortestARMANeyman Smooth Tests of Normality for the Errors of ARMA Models
nortsTestAssessing Normality of Stationary Process
nosCompute Node Overlap and Segregation in Ecological Networks
nosoiA Forward Agent-Based Transmission Chain Simulator
NostalgiRAdvanced Text-Based Plots
notNarrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection
notebookutilsDummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for Local Developments
notifymeSend Alerts to your Cellphone and Phillips Hue Lights
NovelDistnsComputes PDF, CDF, Quantile, Random Numbers and Measures of Inference for 3 General Families of Distributions
novelforestSGDataset from the Novel Forests of Singapore
novelqualcodesVisualise the Path to a Stopping Point in Qualitative Interviews Based on Novel Codes
NoviceDeveloperResourcesResources to Assist Novice Developers
NoviceDeveloperResources2Further Resources to Assist Novice Developers
nowebThe 'noweb' System for R
Nozzle.R1Nozzle Reports
npNonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types
nparACTNon-Parametric Measures of Actigraphy Data
nparcompMultiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
nparLDNonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments
nparMDNonparametric Analysis of Multivariate Data in Factorial Designs
nparsurvNonparametric Tests for Main Effects, Simple Effects and Interaction Effect in a Factorial Design with Censored Data
NPBayesImputeCatNon-Parametric Bayesian Multiple Imputation for Categorical Data
npboottprmNonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling
npboottprmFBarInformative Nonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling
npbrNonparametric Boundary Regression
NPCDNonparametric Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis
NPCDToolsThe Nonparametric Classification Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis
NPCircNonparametric Circular Methods
npclustNonparametric Tests for Incomplete Clustered Data
NPCoxNonparametric and Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model
npcpSome Nonparametric CUSUM Tests for Change-Point Detection in Possibly Multivariate Observations
npcsNeyman-Pearson Classification via Cost-Sensitive Learning
npcureNonparametric Estimation in Mixture Cure Models
npcurePKMixture Cure Model Estimation with Cure Status Partially Known
npdeNormalised Prediction Distribution Errors for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models
npDoseResponseNonparametric Estimation and Inference on Dose-Response Curves
npExactExact Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests for the Mean, Variance and Stochastic Inequality
NPflowBayesian Nonparametrics for Automatic Gating of Flow-Cytometry Data
nphPlanning and Analysing Survival Studies under Non-Proportional Hazards
NPHazardRateNonparametric Hazard Rate Estimation
NPHMCSample Size Calculation for the Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model
nphPowerSample Size Calculation under Non-Proportional Hazards
nphRCTNon-Proportional Hazards in Randomized Controlled Trials
npiAccess the U.S. National Provider Identifier Registry API
npIntFactRepNonparametric Interaction Tests for Factorial Designs with Repeated Measures
NPIstatsNonparametric Predictive Inference
nplplotPlotting Linkage and Association Results
nplrN-Parameter Logistic Regression
nplyrA Grammar of Nested Data Manipulation
npmldaNonparametric Models for Longitudinal Data
NPMLEcmprskType-Specific Failure Rate and Hazard Rate on Competing Risks Data
npmlregNonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Random Effect Models
npmrNuclear Penalized Multinomial Regression
npmvNonparametric Comparison of Multivariate Samples
npordtestsNonparametric Tests for Equality of Location Against Ordered Alternatives
NPPNormalized Power Prior Bayesian Analysis
nppbibNonparametric Partially-Balanced Incomplete Block Design Analysis
npphenVegetation Phenological Cycle and Anomaly Detection using Remote Sensing Data
NPREDPredictor Identifier: Nonparametric Prediction
npregNonparametric Regression via Smoothing Splines
npregderivNonparametric Estimation of the Derivatives of a Regression Function
npregfastNonparametric Estimation of Regression Models with Factor-by-Curve Interactions
nprobustNonparametric Robust Estimation and Inference Methods using Local Polynomial Regression and Kernel Density Estimation
nprocNeyman-Pearson (NP) Classification Algorithms and NP Receiver Operating Characteristic (NP-ROC) Curves
npROCRegressionKernel-Based Nonparametric ROC Regression Modelling
nprotregNonparametric Rotations for Sphere-Sphere Regression
npsfNonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
npsmNonparametric Statistical Methods
npspNonparametric Spatial Statistics
npsurvNonparametric Survival Analysis
npsurvSSSample Size and Power Calculation for Common Non-Parametric Tests in Survival Analysis
nptestNonparametric Bootstrap and Permutation Tests
npwbsNonparametric Multiple Change Point Detection Using WBS
nrbaMethods for Conducting Nonresponse Bias Analysis (NRBA)
nRegressionSimulation-Based Calculations of Sample Size for Linear and Logistic Regression
NRejectionsMetrics for Multiple Testing with Correlated Outcomes
nricensNRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and Binary Response Data
NSAENonstationary Small Area Estimation
nsarfimaMethods for Fitting and Simulating Non-Stationary ARFIMA Models
nscancorNon-Negative and Sparse CCA
NSclusterSimulation and Estimation of the Neyman-Scott Type Spatial Cluster Models
nseNumerical Standard Errors Computation in R
nseqCount of Sequential Events
nserBhavcopy and Live Market Data from National Stock Exchange (NSE) & Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) India
nsga2RElitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
nsga3An Implementation of Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III for Feature Selection
NSM3Functions and Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken - Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Edition
nsm3dataDatasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken NSM3
NSO1212National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API Handler
nspInference for Multiple Change-Points in Linear Models
nspmixNonparametric and Semiparametric Mixture Estimation
nsprcompNon-Negative and Sparse PCA
NSR'Native Status Resolver'
nsRFANon-Supervised Regional Frequency Analysis
nsROCNon-Standard ROC Curve Analysis
NSTNormalized Stochasticity Ratio
nswgeoGeospatial Data and Maps for New South Wales, Australia
nsyllableCount Syllables in Character Vectors
ntdrRetrieve Data from the National Transit Database
NTLKwIExComputation of NTLKwIEx Distribution Properties
ntranovaTwo Way Neutrosophic ANOVA
NTSNonlinear Time Series Analysis
ntsDatasetsNeutrosophic Data Sets
ntsDistsNeutrosophic Distributions
NTSSNonparametric Tests in Spatial Statistics
NU.LearningNonparametric and Unsupervised Learning from Cross-Sectional Observational Data
nucimNucleome Imaging Toolbox
NUCOMBogNUtrient Cycling and COMpetition Model Undisturbed Open Bog Ecosystems in a Temperate to Sub-Boreal Climate
NUETONNitrogen Use Efficiency Toolkit on Numerics
nuggetsExtensible Data Pattern Searching Framework
nullaborTools for Graphical Inference
numbatHaplotype-Aware CNV Analysis from scRNA-Seq
numberizeConvert Words to Numbers in Multiple Languages
numberofallelesCompute the Probability Distribution of the Number of Alleles in a DNA Mixture
numbersNumber-Theoretic Functions
numbersBRValidate, Compare and Format Identification Numbers from Brazil
numDerivAccurate Numerical Derivatives
NumeroStatistical Framework to Define Subgroups in Complex Datasets
numformTools to Format Numbers for Publication
numGenNumber Series Generator
numKMCreate a Kaplan-Meier Plot with Numbers at Risk
numOSLNumeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating
NUSSMixed N-Grams and Unigram Sequence Segmentation
NutrienTrackeRFood Composition Information and Dietary Assessment
nutriNetworkStructure Learning with Copula Graphical Model
nutritionUseful Functions for People on a Diet
nutsConvert European Regional Data
NVARNonlinear Vector Autoregression Models
NVCSSLNonparametric Varying Coefficient Spike-and-Slab Lasso
nvctrThe n-vector Approach to Geographical Position Calculations using an Ellipsoidal Model of Earth
nvmixMultivariate Normal Variance Mixtures
nycflights13Flights that Departed NYC in 2013
nycflights23Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in 2023
nzelectNew Zealand Election Data
nzffdrImport, Clean and Update Data from the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database
nzilbb.labbcatAccessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' Instances
nzpulloverDriving Offences in New Zealand Between 2009 and 2016
o2geosocialReconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data
o2plsdaMultiomics Data Integration
oaColorsOpenAnalytics Colors Package
oaiGeneral Purpose 'Oai-PMH' Services Client
OAIHarvesterHarvest Metadata Using OAI-PMH Version 2.0
oaii'OpenAI' API R Interface
oaPlotsOpenAnalytics Plots Package
oaqcComputation of the Orbit-Aware Quad Census
OarrayArrays with Arbitrary Offsets
oaxacaBlinder-Oaxaca Decomposition
obAnalyticsLimit Order Book Analytics
OBASpatialObjective Bayesian Analysis for Spatial Regression Models
obcostObesity Cost Database
obfuscatoRObfuscation Game Designs
OBICCalculate the Open Bodem Index (OBI) Score
objectPropertiesA Factory of Self-Describing Properties
objectremover'RStudio' Addin for Removing Objects from the Global Environment Based on Patterns and Object Type
objectSignalsObserver Pattern for S4
OBLOptimum Block Length
oblicubes3D Rendering Using Obliquely Projected Cubes and Cuboids
obliqueRSFOblique Random Forests for Right-Censored Time-to-Event Data
OBMbpkgEstimate the Population Size for the Mb Capture-Recapture Model
OBREOptimal B-Robust Estimator Tools
ObservationCollect and Process Physical Activity Direct Observation Data
OBsMDObjective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up Designs
obsSensSensitivity Analysis for Observational Studies
ocOptimal Classification Roll Call Analysis Software
OCAOptimal Capital Allocations
occEstimation of PET Neuroreceptor Occupancies
occCiteQuerying and Managing Large Biodiversity Occurrence Datasets
occumbSite Occupancy Modeling for Environmental DNA Metabarcoding
occupancyProbability Functions for Occupancy Distributions
occupationMeasurementInteractively Measure Occupations in Interviews and Beyond
ocdHigh-Dimensional Multiscale Online Changepoint Detection
oceAnalysis of Oceanographic Data
oceanexplorerExplore Our Planet's Oceans with NOAA
oceanicLocation Identify Tool
oceanisCartography for Statistical Analysis
oceanmapA Plotting Toolbox for 2D Oceanographic Data
OceanViewVisualisation of Oceanographic Data and Model Output
oceanwavesOcean Wave Statistics
oceCensOrdered Composite Endpoints with Censoring
ocedataOceanographic Data Sets for 'oce' Package
ocfOrdered Correlation Forest
ockcOrder Constrained Solutions in k-Means Clustering
oclustGaussian Model-Based Clustering with Outliers
OCNetOptimal Channel Networks
ocpBayesian Online Changepoint Detection
ocs4RInterface to Open Collaboration Services (OCS) REST API
OCSdataDownload Data from the 'Open Case Studies' Repository
octopucsStatistical Support for Hierarchical Clusters
octopusA Database Management Tool
octopusRInteract with the 'Octopus Energy' API
odManipulate and Map Origin-Destination Data
ODataQueryQuerying on 'OData'
ODBOpen Document Databases (.odb) Management
odbcConnect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)
oddnetAnomaly Detection in Temporal Networks
odds.converterBetting Odds Conversion
odds.n.endsOdds Ratios, Contingency Table, and Model Significance from a Generalized Linear Model Object
oddsapiRAccess Live Sports Odds from the Odds API
OddsPlottyOdds Plot to Visualise a Logistic Regression Model
oddsratioOdds Ratio Calculation for GAM(M)s & GLM(M)s
oddstreamOutlier Detection in Data Streams
odeGUTSSolve ODE for GUTS-RED-SD and GUTS-RED-IT Using Compiled Code
ODEnetworkNetwork of Differential Equations
ODEsensitivitySensitivity Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations
odetectorOutlier Detection Using Partitioning Clustering Algorithms
odinODE Generation and Integration
odkConvert 'ODK' or 'XLSForm' to 'SPSS' Data Frame
ODMeansOD-Means: k-Means for Origin-Destination
odrOptimal Design and Statistical Power for Experimental Studies Investigating Main, Mediation, and Moderation Effects
ODRFOblique Decision Random Forest for Classification and Regression
ODSStatistical Methods for Outcome-Dependent Sampling Designs
ODTOptimal Decision Trees Algorithm
OECDSearch and Extract Data from the OECD
OEFPILOptimal Estimation of Function Parameters by Iterated Linearization
oeliUtilities for Developing Data Science Software
oemOrthogonalizing EM: Penalized Regression for Big Tall Data
oenbTools for the OeNB Data Web Service
OenoKPMModeling the Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide Production in Alcoholic Fermentation
oesrMethods for the Office of Evaluation Sciences
oews2020May 2020 Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics
oews2021May 2021 Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics
officedownEnhanced 'R Markdown' Format for 'Word' and 'PowerPoint'
officerManipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents
offlineChangeDetect Multiple Change Points from Time Series
offsetregAn Extension of 'Tidymodels' Supporting Offset Terms
ofGEMA Meta-Analysis Approach with Filtering for Identifying Gene-Level Gene-Environment Interactions with Genetic Association Data
ofpetrialDesign on-Farm Precision Field Agronomic Trials
OGIObjective General Index
oglmxEstimation of Ordered Generalized Linear Models
ogrdbstatsAnalysis of Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Germ Line Statistics
OHCSpackagePrepare Housing Data for Analysis
oheneryModeling of Ordinal Random Variables via Softmax Regression
OhitOGA+HDIC+Trim and High-Dimensional Linear Regression Models
oHMMedHMMs with Ordered Hidden States and Emission Densities
ohoegdmOrdinal Higher-Order Exploratory General Diagnostic Model for Polytomous Data
OHPLOrdered Homogeneity Pursuit Lasso for Group Variable Selection
ohsomeAn 'ohsome API' Client
ohtadstatsTomoka Ohta D Statistics
ohunOptimizing Acoustic Signal Detection
oiiCrosstab and Statistical Tests for OII MSc Stats Course
ojsrCrawler and Data Scraper for Open Journal System ('OJS')
OkNNEA k-Nearest Neighbours Ensemble via Optimal Model Selection for Regression
okxAPIAn Unofficial Wrapper for 'okx exchange v5' API
OLCPMOnline Change Point Detection for Matrix-Valued Time Series
olctoolsOpen Location Code Handling in R
OlinkAnalyzeFacilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink
ollamar'Ollama' Language Models
ollgComputes some Measures of OLL-G Family of Distributions
ollggammaOdd Log-Logistic Generalized Gamma Probability Distribution
olrOptimal Linear Regression
olsrrTools for Building OLS Regression Models
OLStrajrOrdinary Least Squares Trajectory Analysis
OlympicRshiny'Shiny' Application for Olympic Data
OmegaGOmega-Generic: Composite Reliability of Multidimensional Measures
OmicKrigingPoly-Omic Prediction of Complex TRaits
OmicNavigatorOpen-Source Software for 'Omic' Data Analysis and Visualization
omics'–omics' Data Analysis Toolbox
OmicSenseBiosensor Development using Omics Data
OmicsPLSData Integration with Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least Squares
OmicsQCNominating Quality Control Outliers in Genomic Profiling Studies
omicsToolsOmics Data Process Toolbox
omicwasCell-Type-Specific Association Testing in Bulk Omics Experiments
OmiscUnivariate Bootstrapping and Other Things
omnibusHelper Tools for Managing Data, Dates, Missing Values, and Text
OmnibusFisherA Modified Fisher’s Method to Test Overall Gene-Level Effect
omockCreation of Mock Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model
omopgenericsMethods and Classes for the OMOP Common Data Model
OmopSketchCharacterise Tables of an OMOP Common Data Model Instance
OmopViewerVisualise OMOP Results using 'shiny' Applications
omprModel and Solve Mixed Integer Linear Programs
ompr.roiA Solver for 'ompr' that Uses the R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')
omsvgBuild and Transform 'SVG' Objects
omuA Metabolomics Analysis Tool for Intuitive Figures and Convenient Metadata Collection
onadataData Sets for Keith McNulty's Handbook of Graphs and Networks in People Analytics
OnAgeTest of Between-Group Differences in the Onset of Senescence
onbabynamesNames Given to Babies in Ontario Between 1917 and 2018
OnboardClientBindings for Onboard Data's Building Data API
onbrandTemplated Reporting Workflows in Word and PowerPoint
onc.apiOceans 2.0 API Client Library
onceExecute Expensive Operations Only Once
OncoBayes2Bayesian Logistic Regression for Oncology Dose-Escalation Trials
OncofilterfastAids in the Analysis of Genes Influencing Cancer Survival
oncomsmBayesian Multi-State Models for Early Oncology
oncoPredictDrug Response Modeling and Biomarker Discovery
OncoSubtypePredict Cancer Subtypes Based on TCGA Data using Machine Learning Method
OncotreeEstimating Oncogenetic Trees
oncrawlRMachine Learning for S.E.O
ondiscFast, Universal, and Intuitive Computing on Large-Scale Single-Cell Data
One4AllValidate, Share, and Download Data
OneArm2stagePhase II Single-Arm Two-Stage Designs with Time-to-Event Outcomes
OneArmTTEOne-Arm Clinical Trial Designs for Time-to-Event Endpoint
oneclustMaximum Homogeneity Clustering for Univariate Data
onehotFast Onehot Encoding for Data.frames
oneloginInteract with the 'OneLogin' API
onemapConstruction of Genetic Maps in Experimental Crosses
OneROne Rule Machine Learning Classification Algorithm with Enhancements
OneSampleLogRankTestOne-Sample Log-Rank Test
OneSampleMROne Sample Mendelian Randomization and Instrumental Variable Analyses
ONESTObservers Needed to Evaluate Subjective Tests
OneStepOne-Step Estimation
onetimeRun Code Only Once
OneTwoSamplesDeal with One and Two (Normal) Samples
onewaytestsOne-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs
onionOctonions and Quaternions
onlineBcpOnline Bayesian Methods for Change Point Analysis
onlineCOVOnline Change Point Detection in High-Dimensional Covariance Structure
onlineforecastForecast Modelling for Online Applications
onlinePCAOnline Principal Component Analysis
onlineretailOnline Retail Dataset
onlsOrthogonal Nonlinear Least-Squares Regression
onmaRgImport Public Health Ontario's Ontario Marginalization Index
onnxR Interface to 'ONNX'
OnomasticDiversityOnomastic Diversity Measures
onpointHelper Functions for Point Pattern Analysis
onsrClient for the 'ONS' API
onsvplotNational Road Safety Observatory (ONSV) Style for 'ggplot2' Graphics
onsvtablesNational Road Safety Observatory (ONSV) Styles for 'gt' Tables
ontoFASTInteractive Annotation of Characters with Biological Ontologies
ontologicsCode-Logics to Handle Ontologies
ontologyIndexReading Ontologies into R
ontologyPlotVisualising Sets of Ontological Terms
ontologySimilarityCalculating Ontological Similarities
ontophyloOntology-Informed Phylogenetic Comparative Analyses
OOBCurveOut of Bag Learning Curve
oolongCreate Validation Tests for Automated Content Analysis
oompaBaseClass Unions, Matrix Operations, and Color Schemes for OOMPA
oompaDataData to Illustrate OOMPA Algorithms
ooplahHelper Functions for Class Object-Oriented Programming
OOROptimistic Optimization in R
OOSOut-of-Sample Time Series Forecasting
oosseOut-of-Sample R² with Standard Error Estimation
oottestOut-of-Treatment Testing
opaAn Implementation of Ordinal Pattern Analysis
opalr'Opal' Data Repository Client and 'DataSHIELD' Utils
OPCThe Online Principal Component Estimation Method
opdisDownsamplingOptimal Distribution Preserving Down-Sampling of Bio-Medical Data
OPDOEOptimal Design of Experiments
openaiR Wrapper for OpenAI API
openairTools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data
openairmapsCreate Maps of Air Pollution Data
openaistreamStreaming Capabilities for 'OpenAI API' Interactions
openalexRGetting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex' Database Using 'DSL' API
openapprRetrieve App Data from 'OpenAppBuilder'
openbankeRR Client for Querying the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') API
openblenderRequest <https://openblender.io> API Services
opencageGeocode with the OpenCage API
OpenCLInterface allowing R to use OpenCL
opencpuProducing and Reproducing Results
openCROpen Population Capture-Recapture
opencvBindings to 'OpenCV' Computer Vision Library
opendataformatReading and Writing Open Data Format Files
opendatatorontoAccess the City of Toronto Open Data Portal
opendotaRInterface for OpenDota API
openEBGMEBGM Disproportionality Scores for Adverse Event Data Mining
openeoClient Interface for 'openEO' Servers
openFDA'openFDA' API
OpEnHiMROptimization Based Ensemble Model for Prediction of Histone Modifications in Rice
OpenImageRAn Image Processing Toolkit
openintroDatasets and Supplemental Functions from 'OpenIntro' Textbooks and Labs
OpenLandQuantitative Analysis and Visualization of LUCC
openmeteoRetrieve Weather Data from the Open-Meteo API
openmetricsA 'Prometheus' Client for R Using the 'OpenMetrics' Format
OpenMindatQuickly Retrieve Datasets from the 'mindat.org' API
OpenMLOpen Machine Learning and Open Data Platform
openMSEEasily Install and Load the 'openMSE' Packages
OpenMxExtended Structural Equation Modelling
openNLPApache OpenNLP Tools Interface
openNLPdataApache OpenNLP Jars and Basic English Language Models
OpenRepGridTools to Analyze Repertory Grid Data
OpenRepGrid.icInterpretive Clustering for Repertory Grids
openrouteserviceAn 'openrouteservice' API Client
openscoring'Open Scoring' API Client
openSkiesRetrieval, Analysis and Visualization of Air Traffic Data
OpenSpecyAnalyze, Process, Identify, and Share Raman and (FT)IR Spectra
opensslToolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL
OpenStreetMapAccess to Open Street Map Raster Images
opentripplannerSetup and connect to 'OpenTripPlanner'
openVAAutomated Method for Verbal Autopsy
openxlsxRead, Write and Edit xlsx Files
openxlsx2Read, Write and Edit 'xlsx' Files
operaOnline Prediction by Expert Aggregation
operator.toolsUtilities for Working with R's Operators
operatorsAdditional Binary Operators
opGMMassessmentOptimized Automated Gaussian Mixture Assessment
OPIOpen Perimetry Interface
opinArArgentina's Public Opinion Toolbox
opitoolsAnalyzing the Opinions in a Big Text Document
OpportunisticRouting Distribution, Broadcasts, Transmissions and Receptions in an Opportunistic Network
opprOptimal Project Prioritization
Opt5PLOptimal Designs for the 5-Parameter Logistic Model
optband'surv' Object Confidence Bands Optimized by Area
optbdmaeATOptimal Block Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments
optbinOptimal Binning of Data
optBiomarkerEstimation of Optimal Number of Biomarkers for Two-Group Microarray Based Classifications at a Given Error Tolerance Level for Various Classification Rules
OptCirClustCircular, Periodic, or Framed Data Clustering: Fast, Optimal, and Reproducible
optDesignSlopeIntOptimal Designs for Estimating the Slope Divided by the Intercept
optedrCalculating Optimal and D-Augmented Designs
optextrasTools to Support Optimization Possibly with Bounds and Masks
OptGSNear-Optimal Group-Sequential Designs for Continuous Outcomes
OptHedgingEstimation of value and hedging strategy of call and put options
OptHoldoutSizeEstimation of Optimal Size for a Holdout Set for Updating a Predictive Score
opticSimulation Tool for Causal Inference Using Longitudinal Data
opticalOptimal Item Calibration
opticskxiOPTICS K-Xi Density-Based Clustering
opticutLikelihood Based Optimal Partitioning and Indicator Species Analysis
optifunsetSet Options if Unset
optigrabCommand-Line Parsing for an R World
optim.functionsStandard Benchmark Optimization Functions
OptimalCutpointsComputing Optimal Cutpoints in Diagnostic Tests
OptimalDesignA Toolbox for Computing Efficient Designs of Experiments
OptimalGoldstandardDesignsDesign Parameter Optimization for Gold-Standard Non-Inferiority Trials
optimallAllocate Samples Among Strata
OptimalRerandExpDesignsOptimal Rerandomization Experimental Designs
OptimalSurrogateModel Free Approach to Quantifying Surrogacy
optimalThresholdBayesian Methods for Optimal Threshold Estimation
OptimalTimingOptimal Timing Identification
OptimaRegionConfidence Regions for Optima of Response Surfaces
optimbaseR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimbase Module
optimCheckGraphical and Numerical Checks for Mode-Finding Routines
optimgGeneral-Purpose Gradient-Based Optimization
optimizationFlexible Optimization of Complex Loss Functions with State and Parameter Space Constraints
optimizeRUnified Framework for Numerical Optimizers
optimLanduseRobust Land-Use Optimization
OptimModelPerform Nonlinear Regression Using 'optim' as the Optimization Engine
optimos.primeOptimos Prime Helps Calculate Autoecological Data for Biological Species
optimParallelParallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization Method
optimsimplexR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimsimplex Module
optimStratChoosing the Sample Strategy
optimusModel Based Diagnostics for Multivariate Cluster Analysis
optimxExpanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function
optionalOptional Types and Pattern Matching
OptionPricingOption Pricing with Efficient Simulation Algorithms
optionsSimple, Consistent Package Options
optionstratUtilizes the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model to Perform Strategic Option Analysis and Plot Option Strategies
optiscaleOptimal Scaling
optiSelOptimum Contribution Selection and Population Genetics
optiSolveLinear, Quadratic, and Rational Optimization
optistockDetermine Optimum Stocking Times Used in Fishery Enhancements
OptMEstimating the Optimal Number of Migration Edges from 'Treemix'
optmatchFunctions for Optimal Matching
optparseCommand Line Option Parser
optpartOptimal Partitioning of Similarity Relations
optROptimization Toolbox for Solving Linear Systems
optrcdmaeATOptimal Row-Column Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments
optrefineOptimally Refine Strata
optRFOptimising Random Forest Stability Through Selection of the Optimal Number of Trees
OPTSOptimization via Subsampling (OPTS)
OptSigOptimal Level of Significance for Regression and Other Statistical Tests
OPTtestingOptimal Testing
optweightTargeted Stable Balancing Weights Using Optimization
opusminerOPUS Miner Algorithm for Filtered Top-k Association Discovery
OralOpioidsRetrieving Oral Opioid Information
orbitalPredict with 'tidymodels' Workflows in Databases
orcaComputation of Graphlet Orbit Counts in Sparse Graphs
orclusSubspace Clustering Based on Arbitrarily Oriented Projected Cluster Generation
ORCMEOrder Restricted Clustering for Microarray Experiments
OrcsOmnidirectional R Code Snippets
orcuttEstimate Procedure in Case of First Order Autocorrelation
ordbetaregOrdered Beta Regression Models with 'brms'
OrdCDOrdinal Causal Discovery
ordcrmLikelihood-Based Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) Dose Finding Designs
ordDispSeparating Location and Dispersion in Ordinal Regression Models
orderingTest, Check, Verify, Investigate the Monotonic Properties of Vectors
orderlyLightweight Reproducible Reporting
ordersSampling from k-th Order Statistics of New Families of Distributions
orderstatsEfficiently Generates Random Order Statistic Variables
OrdFacRegLeast Squares, Logistic, and Cox-Regression with Ordered Predictors
ordgamAdditive Model for Ordinal Data using Laplace P-Splines
ordiBreadthOrdinated Diet Breadth
ordinalRegression Models for Ordinal Data
ordinalbayesBayesian Ordinal Regression for High-Dimensional Data
ordinalContOrdinal Regression Analysis for Continuous Scales
ordinalForestOrdinal Forests: Prediction and Variable Ranking with Ordinal Target Variables
ordinalgmifsOrdinal Regression for High-Dimensional Data
ordinalLBMCo-Clustering of Ordinal Data via Latent Continuous Random Variables
ordinalNetPenalized Ordinal Regression
ordinalpatternTests Based on Ordinal Patterns
ordinalRRAnalysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies with Ordinal Measurements
OrdMonRegCompute least squares estimates of one bounded or two ordered isotonic regression curves
OrdNorConcurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
ordPensSelection, Fusion, Smoothing and Principal Components Analysis for Ordinal Variables
ordrA 'tidyverse' Extension for Ordinations and Biplots
oreAn R Interface to the Onigmo Regular Expression Library
oreoLarge Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS)
orfOrdered Random Forests
ORFIDManage and Summarize Data from Oregon RFID ORMR and ORSR Antenna Readers
orgOrganising Projects
organizrShortcuts for File Creation with Informative Prefixes
OrgMassSpecROrganic Mass Spectrometry
orgRAnalyse Text Files Created by Emacs' Org mode
orgutilsHelper Functions for Org Files
ORIClustOrder-Restricted Information Criterion-Based Clustering Algorithm
orientlibSupport for Orientation Data
origamiGeneralized Framework for Cross-Validation
OrigamiPlotA Visualization Tool Enhancing Radar Plot Visualizations for Multivariate Data
originExplicitly Qualifying Namespaces by Automatically Adding 'pkg::' to Functions
ORIONOrdinal Relations
ORIONZ.GEAP Scoring in Exploratory FA Solutions with Correlated Residuals
ORKMThe Online Regularized K-Means Clustering Algorithm
orlocaOperations Research LOCational Analysis Models
orloca.esSpanish version of orloca package. Modelos de localizacion en investigacion operativa
ormBigDataFitting Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models for Big Data
ormPlotAdvanced Plotting of Ordinal Regression Models
oro.dicomRigorous - DICOM Input / Output
oro.niftiRigorous - 'NIfTI' + 'ANALYZE' + 'AFNI' : Input / Output
oro.petRigorous - Positron Emission Tomography
orsifrontsSouthern Ocean Frontal Distributions (Orsi)
orskConverting Odds Ratio to Relative Risk in Cohort Studies with Partial Data Information
ORTH.OrdAlternating Logistic Regression with Orthogonalized Residuals for Correlated Ordinal Outcomes
orthGSOrthology vs Paralogy Relationships among Glutamine Synthetase from Plants
orthoDrSemi-Parametric Dimension Reduction Models Using Orthogonality Constrained Optimization
orthogonalsplinebasisOrthogonal B-Spline Basis Functions
OrthoPanelsDynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of Fixed Effects
orthopolynomCollection of Functions for Orthogonal and Orthonormal Polynomials
ORTSCConnects to Google Cloud API for Label Detection
oRusOperational Research User Stories
OryzaProbeRice Microarray Probe ID Conversion, from Probe ID to RAP-DB ID
oscOrthodromic Spatial Clustering
oscarOptimal Subset Cardinality Regression (OSCAR) Models Using the L0-Pseudonorm
OscillatorGeneratorGeneration of Customizable, Discretized Time Series of Oscillating Species
OSCVOne-Sided Cross-Validation
osdOrthogonal Signal Deconvolution for Spectra Deconvolution in GC-MS and GCxGC-MS Data
osdatahubEasier Interaction with the Ordnance Survey Data Hub
osDesignDesign, Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies
OSDRFinds an Optimal System of Distinct Representatives
OSFDOutput Space-Filling Design
osfrInterface to the 'Open Science Framework' ('OSF')
oshkaRecursive Quoted Language Expansion
oskeyringRaw System Credential Store Access from R
OSLdecompositionSignal Component Analysis for Optically Stimulated Luminescence
osmapiR'OpenStreetMap' API
osmclassClassify Open Street Map Features
osmdataImport 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects
osmextractDownload and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
OSMscaleAdd a Scale Bar to 'OpenStreetMap' Plots
OSNMTFOrthogonal Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization
osqpQuadratic Programming Solver using the 'OSQP' Library
osrmInterface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing Service OSRM
osrmrWrapper for the 'OSRM' API
OssaNMAOptimal Sample Size and Allocation with a Network Meta-Analysis
OSsurvivalAssessing Surrogacy with a Censored Outcome
OstatsO-Stats, or Pairwise Community-Level Niche Overlap Statistics
OSTEOptimal Survival Trees Ensemble
osumProvide Summary Information About R Objects
otargenAccess Open Target Genetics
OTclustMean Partition, Uncertainty Assessment, Cluster Validation and Visualization Selection for Cluster Analysis
OTEOptimal Trees Ensembles for Regression, Classification and Class Membership Probability Estimation
otinferenceInference for Optimal Transport
otpOne Time Password Generation and Verification
otprAn R Wrapper for the 'OpenTripPlanner' REST API
OTrecodData Fusion using Optimal Transportation Theory
otrimleRobust Model-Based Clustering
otrKMOptimal Treatment Regimes in Survival Contexts with Kaplan-Meier-Like Estimators
OTRselectVariable Selection for Optimal Treatment Decision
otsfeaturesOrdinal Time Series Analysis
ottrAn R Autograding Extension for Otter-Grader
ottrpalCompanion Tools for Open-Source Tools for Training Resources (OTTR)
otuSummarySummarizing OTU Table Regarding the Composition, Abundance and Beta Diversity of Abundant and Rare Biospheres
OTUtableNorth Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions
ouchOrnstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses
ouladFormatLoads and Formats the Open University Learning Analytics Dataset for Data Analysis
outbreaker2Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by Combining Epidemiologic and Genomic Data
outbreaksA Collection of Disease Outbreak Data
outcomerateAAPOR Survey Outcome Rates
outForestMultivariate Outlier Detection and Replacement
outlierensemblesA Collection of Outlier Ensemble Algorithms
outliersTests for Outliers
outliers.ts.ogaEfficient Outlier Detection in Heterogeneous Time Series Databases
OutliersLearnEducational Outlier Package with Common Outlier Detection Algorithms
OutliersO3Draws Overview of Outliers (O3) Plots
outliertreeExplainable Outlier Detection Through Decision Tree Conditioning
outqrfFind the Outlier by Quantile Random Forests
outregRegression Table for Publication
OUwieAnalysis of Evolutionary Rates in an OU Framework
overdispOverdispersion in Count Data Multiple Regression Analysis
overlapEstimates of Coefficient of Overlapping for Animal Activity Patterns
overlappingEstimation of Overlapping in Empirical Distributions
overlapptestTest Overlapping of Polygons Against Random Rotation
overtureTools for Writing MCMC
overturemapsrDownload Overture Maps Data in R
overtureRLoad 'Overture' Datasets as 'dbplyr' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames
overviewREasily Extracting Information About Your Data
OVL.CIInference on the Overlap Coefficient: The Binormal Approach and Alternatives
OVtoolOmitted Variable Tool
owdOpen Working Directory
owdbrOpen Welfare Data Brazil
OWEAOptimal Weight Exchange Algorithm for Optimal Designs for Three Models
OwenQOwen Q-Function
owidRImport Data from Our World in Data
owmrOpenWeatherMap API Wrapper
ows4RInterface to OGC Web-Services (OWS)
oxShorthand if-Else
oxcAARInterface to 'OxCal' Radiocarbon Calibration
OxyBSProcessing of Oxy-Bisulfite Microarray Data
oysteRScans R Projects for Vulnerable Third Party Dependencies
ozPlot the Australian Coastline and States
ozbabynamesAustralian Popular Baby Names
ozmapsAustralia Maps
p3state.msmAnalyzing Survival Data from an Illness-Death Model
paPerformance Attribution for Equity Portfolios
paarPrecision Agriculture Data Analysis
PACPartition-Assisted Clustering and Multiple Alignments of Networks
packConvert values to/from raw vectors
packageDiffCompare R Package Differences
packagefinderComfortable Search for R Packages on CRAN, Either Directly from the R Console or with an R Studio Add-in
packagepalGuidelines and Checklists for Building CRAN-Worthy Packages
packagerCreate, Build and Maintain Packages
packageRankComputation and Visualization of Package Download Counts and Percentile Ranks
packcirclesCircle Packing
packerAn Opinionated Framework for Using 'JavaScript'
packHVA few Useful Functions for Statisticians
packMBPLSDAMulti-Block Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
packratA Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies
PACLassoPenalized and Constrained Lasso Optimization
pacmanPackage Management Tool
pacoProcrustes Application to Cophylogenetic Analysis
pacotestTesting for Partial Copulas and the Simplifying Assumption in Vine Copulas
pacsSupplementary Tools for R Packages Developers
PACVrPlastome Assembly Coverage Visualization
PadePadé Approximant Coefficients
padrQuickly Get Datetime Data Ready for Analysis
pafdRBook Companion for Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R
PAFitGenerative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks
pafrRead, Manipulate and Visualize 'Pairwise mApping Format' Data
pagedownPaginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print
pagemapCreate Mini Map for Web Pages
pagenumPut Page Numbers on Graphics
pageviewsAn API Client for Wikimedia Traffic Data
PAGFLJoint Estimation of Latent Groups and Group-Specific Coefficients in Panel Data Models
pagoda2Single Cell Analysis and Differential Expression
PAGWASPathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data
PAICEPhylogeographic Analysis of Island Colonization Events
painbowUse XKCD's "Painbow" Colormap in ggplot2
painterCreation and Manipulation of Color Palettes
paintingrPainting Palettes Generator
paintmapPlotting Paintmaps
PairedDataPaired Data Analysis
pairsD3D3 Scatterplot Matrices
PairVizVisualization using Graph Traversal
pairwiseRasch Model Parameters by Pairwise Algorithm
pairwiseCIConfidence Intervals for Two Sample Comparisons
pakAnother Approach to Package Installation
PakPC2017Pakistan Population Census 2017
PakPC2023Pakistan Population Census 2023
PakPMICS2014ChMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2014HHMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2014HLMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Listing Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2014WmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Women Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018bhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Birth History of Children Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018fsMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Children Age 5-17 Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018hhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018mmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Maternal Mortality Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
PakPMICS2018mnMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Men Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
pakretCite 'R' Packages on the Fly in 'R Markdown' and 'Quarto'
palaeoSigSignificance Tests for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions
palaeoversePrepare and Explore Data for Palaeobiological Analyses
palassoSparse Regression with Paired Covariates
paldPartitioned Local Depth for Community Structure in Data
paleoAMSimulating Assemblage Models of Abundance for the Fossil Record
paleobioDBDownload and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database
paleobuddySimulating Diversification Dynamics
paleoDivExtracting and Visualizing Paleobiodiversity
paleomorphGeometric Morphometric Tools for Paleobiology
paleopopPattern-Oriented Modeling Framework for Coupled Niche-Population Paleo-Climatic Models
paleotreePaleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution
paleoTSAnalyze Paleontological Time-Series
paletteColor Scheme Helpers
paletteerComprehensive Collection of Color Palettes
paletteknifeCreate Colour Scales and Legend from Continuous or Categorical Vectors
palettesMethods for Colour Vectors and Colour Palettes
palettesForRGPL Palettes Copied from 'Gimp' and 'Inkscape'
palettetownUse Pokemon Inspired Colour Palettes
palinsolInsolation for Palaeoclimate Studies
palmFitting Point Process Models via the Palm Likelihood
palmerpenguinsPalmer Archipelago (Antarctica) Penguin Data
PaLMrInterface for 'Google Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2)'
palmtreePartially Additive (Generalized) Linear Model Trees
palrColour Palettes for Data
palsColor Palettes, Colormaps, and Tools to Evaluate Them
PamBinariesRead and Process 'Pamguard' Binary Data
PAmeasuresPrediction and Accuracy Measures for Nonlinear Models and for Right-Censored Time-to-Event Data
PAMhmGenerate Heatmaps Based on Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM)
pammPower Analysis for Random Effects in Mixed Models
PAMmiscMiscellaneous Functions for Passive Acoustic Analysis
pammtoolsPiece-Wise Exponential Additive Mixed Modeling Tools for Survival Analysis
PAMpalLoad and Process Passive Acoustic Data
pampeImplementation of the Panel Data Approach Method for Program Evaluation
pamrPam: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays
PAMscapesTools for Summarising and Analysing Soundscape Data
panMultiple Imputation for Multivariate Panel or Clustered Data
PANACEAPersonalized Network-Based Anti-Cancer Therapy Evaluation
pAnalysisBenchmarking and Rescaling R2 using Noise Percentile Analysis
PanCanVarSelPan-Cancer Variable Selection
pandemicsMonitoring a Developing Pandemic with Available Data
panderAn R 'Pandoc' Writer
pandocManage and Run Universal Converter 'Pandoc' from 'R'
pandocfiltersPandoc Filters for R
PandoraRetrieve Data using the API of the 'Pandora' Data Platform
panelaggregationAggregate Longitudinal Survey Data
PanelCountRandom Effects and/or Sample Selection Models for Panel Count Data
panelheteroPanel Data Analysis with Heterogeneous Dynamics
PanelMatchMatching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data
panelPompInference for Panel Partially Observed Markov Processes
panelrRegression Models and Utilities for Repeated Measures and Panel Data
panelsummaryCreate Publication-Ready Regression Tables with Panels
panelSURTwo-Way Error Component SUR Systems Estimation on Unbalanced Panel Data
PanelTMTwo- And Three-Way Dynamic Panel Threshold Regression Model for Change Point Detection
panelvarPanel Vector Autoregression
panelViewVisualizing Panel Data
panelWranglRPanel Data Wrangling Tools
pangaearClient for the 'Pangaea' Database
PanJenA Semi-Parametric Test for Specifying Functional Form
panstarrsInterface to the Pan-STARRS API
PantaRheiPlots Sankey Diagrams
papajaPrepare American Psychological Association Journal Articles with R Markdown
papciPrevalence Adjusted PPV Confidence Interval
papeRA Toolbox for Writing Pretty Papers and Reports
paperplanesDistance Recordings from a Paper Plane Folding/Flying Experiment
parabarProgress Bar for Parallel Tasks
paradePen's Income Parades
paradoxDefine and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms
parafac4microbiomeParallel Factor Analysis Modelling of Longitudinal Microbiome Data
parallelDistParallel Distance Matrix Computation using Multiple Threads
ParallelLoggerSupport for Parallel Computation, Logging, and Function Automation
parallellyEnhancing the 'parallel' Package
parallelMapUnified Interface to Parallelization Back-Ends
parallelMCMCcombineCombining Subset MCMC Samples to Estimate a Posterior Density
parallelpamParallel Partitioning-Around-Medoids (PAM) for Big Sets of Data
ParallelPCParalellised Versions of Constraint Based Causal Discovery Algorithms
parallelPlot'htmlwidget' for a Parallel Coordinates Plot
param2momentRaw, Central and Standardized Moments of Parametric Distributions
paramDemoParametric and Non-Parametric Demographic Functions and Applications
parametersProcessing of Model Parameters
paramGUIA Shiny GUI for some Parameter Estimation Examples
ParamHelpersHelpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning and Machine Learning
paramheteroNumeric and Visual Comparisons of Heterogeneity in Parametric Models
paramlinkParametric Linkage and Other Pedigree Analysis in R
paramlink2Parametric Linkage Analysis
paramsSimplify Parameters
paramsimParameterized Simulation
paramtestRun a Function Iteratively While Varying Parameters
paranHorn's Test of Principal Components/Factors
ParBayesianOptimizationParallel Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters
parcatsInteractive Parallel Categories Diagrams for 'easyalluvial'
parcrConstruct Parsers for Structured Text Files
ParDNAcopyParallel implementation of the "segment" function of package "DNAcopy"
ParetoThe Pareto, Piecewise Pareto and Generalized Pareto Distribution
ParetoPosStableComputing, Fitting and Validating the PPS Distribution
parfmParametric Frailty Models
pargasitePollution-Associated Risk Geospatial Analysis Site
parglmParallel GLM
pARIPermutation-Based All-Resolutions Inference
Paris2024ColoursColor Palettes Inspired by Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
parmaPortfolio Allocation and Risk Management Applications
parmigeneParallel Mutual Information Estimation for Gene Network Reconstruction
parmsurvfitParametric Models for Survival Data
paroptParameter Optimizing of ODE-Systems
parqrRead in Multi-Part Parquet Files
parquetizeConvert Files to Parquet Format
parsecPartial Orders in Socio-Economics
parsedateRecognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats
parselParallel Dynamic Web-Scraping Using 'RSelenium'
parsermdFormal Parser and Related Tools for R Markdown Documents
parseRPDRParse and Manipulate Research Patient Data Registry ('RPDR') Text Queries
parSimParallel Simulation Studies
parsnipA Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions
PartCensRegEstimation and Diagnostics for Partially Linear Censored Regression Models Based on Heavy-Tailed Distributions
partDSAPartitioning Using Deletion, Substitution, and Addition Moves
partialisedPartialised Functions
PartiallyoverlappingPartially Overlapping Samples Tests
PartialNetworkEstimating Peer Effects Using Partial Network Data
particle.swarm.optimisationOptimisation with Particle Swarm Optimisation
particlesA Graph Based Particle Simulator Based on D3-Force
parTimeROCParametric Time-Dependent Receiver Operating Characteristic
partitionAgglomerative Partitioning Framework for Dimension Reduction
partitionBEFspMethods for Calculating the Loreau & Hector 2001 BEF Partition
partitionComparisonImplements Measures for the Comparison of Two Partitions
partitionMetricCompute a distance metric between two partitions of a set
partitionsAdditive Partitions of Integers
partoolsTools for the 'Parallel' Package
partR2Partitioning R2 in GLMMs
partsmPeriodic Autoregressive Time Series Models
parttimePartial Datetime Handling
partyA Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
partykitA Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
parzerParse Messy Geographic Coordinates
PASPolygenic Analysis System (PAS)
pasadrAn Implementation of Process-Aware Stealthy Attack Detection(PASAD)
PASenseWearSummarize Daily Physical Activity from 'SenseWear' Accelerometer Data
pass.lmePower and Sample Size for Linear Mixed Effect Models
PASSEDCalculate Power and Sample Size for Two Sample Mean Tests
PAssoAssessing the Partial Association Between Ordinal Variables
passportTravel Smoothly Between Country Name and Code Formats
passtProbability Associator Time (PASS-T)
passwordCreate Random Passwords
pastaPlotSpaghetti-Plot Fixed and Random Effects of Linear Mixed Models
pastboonSimulation of Parameterized Stochastic Boolean Networks
pastclimManipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions
pasteAsComment'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a 'roxygen' Block
pastecsPackage for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series
PASWRProbability and Statistics with R
PASWR2Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition
patchDVIPackage to Patch '.dvi' or '.synctex' Files
patchSynctexCommunication Between Editor and Viewer for Literate Programs
patchworkThe Composer of Plots
patentrAccess USPTO Bulk Data in Tidy Rectangular Format
patentsviewAn R Client to the 'PatentsView' API
Path.AnalysisPath Coefficient Analysis
path.chainConcise Structure for Chainable Paths
pathfindREnrichment Analysis Utilizing Active Subnetworks
pathfindR.dataData Package for 'pathfindR'
pathlingA Library for using 'Pathling'
pathlitAn SDK for the PathLit Engine
pathmodelfitPath Component Fit Indices for Latent Structural Equation Models
pathsAn Imputation Approach to Estimating Path-Specific Causal Effects
pathviewrWrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement Data
PathwaySpaceSpatial Projection of Network Signals along Geodesic Paths
pathwayTMBPathway Based Tumor Mutational Burden
PatientProfilesIdentify Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP Common Data Model
patientProfilesVisVisualization of Patient Profiles
patrickParameterized Unit Testing
patternatorFeature Extraction from Female Brown Anole Lizard Dorsal Patterns
patterncausalityPattern Causality Algorithm
patternizeQuantification of Color Pattern Variation
patternplotVersatile Pie Charts, Ring Charts, Bar Charts and Box Plots using Patterns, Colors and Images
PatternsDeciphering Biological Networks with Patterned Heterogeneous Measurements
pavoPerceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of Spectral Colour Data
pawaccPhysical Activity with Accelerometers
pawsAmazon Web Services Software Development Kit
paws.analytics'Amazon Web Services' Analytics Services
paws.application.integration'Amazon Web Services' Application Integration Services
paws.commonPaws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API
paws.compute'Amazon Web Services' Compute Services
paws.cost.management'Amazon Web Services' Cost Management Services
paws.customer.engagement'Amazon Web Services' Customer Engagement Services
paws.database'Amazon Web Services' Database Services
paws.developer.tools'Amazon Web Services' Developer Tools Services
paws.end.user.computing'Amazon Web Services' End User Computing Services
paws.machine.learning'Amazon Web Services' Machine Learning Services
paws.management'Amazon Web Services' Management & Governance Services
paws.networking'Amazon Web Services' Networking & Content Delivery Services
paws.security.identity'Amazon Web Services' Security, Identity, & Compliance Services
paws.storage'Amazon Web Services' Storage Services
pawscorePain Assessment at Withdrawal Speeds (PAWS)
pbANOVAParametric Bootstrap for ANOVA Models
pbapplyAdding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
pbatRPedigree/Family-Based Genetic Association Tests Analysis and Power
pbbdPosition Balanced and Nearly Position Balanced Block Designs
pbccPercentile-Based Control Chart
PBDProtracted Birth-Death Model of Diversification
pbdMPIR Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project)
pbdSLAPProgramming with Big Data – Scalable Linear Algebra Packages
pbdZMQProgramming with Big Data – Interface to 'ZeroMQ'
PBIBDPartially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
PBImiscA Set of Datasets Used in My Classes or in the Book 'Modele Liniowe i Mieszane w R, Wraz z Przykladami w Analizie Danych'
PBIREstimating the Probability of Being in Response and Related Outcomes
pbivnormVectorized Bivariate Normal CDF
pbkrtestParametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite Based Methods for Test in Mixed Models
pbmProtein Binding Models
pbmcapplyTracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar
PBNPAPermutation Based Non-Parametric Analysis of CRISPR Screen Data
pboProbability of Backtest Overfitting
pboxExploring Multivariate Spaces with Probability Boxes
pbrFind a Cold One Near You
pBracketsPlot Brackets
pbsPeriodic B Splines
PBSadmbADMB for R Using Scripts or GUI
PBSddesolveSolver for Delay Differential Equations
PBSmappingMapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools
PBSmodellingGUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data
PBtDesignsPartially Balanced t-Designs (PBtDesigns)
pbvProbabilities for Bivariate Normal Distribution
pcadaptFast Principal Component Analysis for Outlier Detection
PCADSCTools for Principal Component Analysis-Based Data Structure Comparisons
pcalCalibration of P-Values for Point Null Hypothesis Testing
pcaL1L1-Norm PCA Methods
pcalgMethods for Graphical Models and Causal Inference
pCalibrateBayesian Calibrations of p-Values
pcallsPricing of Different Types of Call
PCAmatchRMatch Cases to Controls Based on Genotype Principal Components
PCAmixdataMultivariate Analysis of Mixed Data
pcaoneFast and Accurate Randomized Singular Value Decomposition Algorithms with 'PCAone'
PCAPAM50Enhanced 'PAM50' Subtyping of Breast Cancer
pcaPPRobust PCA by Projection Pursuit
pcatsAPIclientR'PCATS' API Client
PCBSPrincipal Component BiSulfite
pcccPediatric Complex Chronic Conditions
PCDimensionFinding the Number of Significant Principal Components
pcdpcaDynamic Principal Components for Periodically Correlated Functional Time Series
pcdsProximity Catch Digraphs and Their Applications
pcds.ugraphUnderlying Graphs of Proximity Catch Digraphs and Their Applications
pcensmixModel Fitting to Progressively Censored Mixture Data
pcevPrincipal Component of Explained Variance
pcFactorStanStan Models for the Paired Comparison Factor Model
PCFAMComputation of Ancestry Scores with Mixed Families and Unrelated Individuals
pcgPreconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for solving Ax=b
pcgenReconstruction of Causal Networks for Data with Random Genetic Effects
PCGIIPartial Correlation Graph with Information Incorporation
PCGSEPrincipal Component Gene Set Enrichment
pchPiecewise Constant Hazard Models for Censored and Truncated Data
pchcBayesian Network Learning with the PCHC and Related Algorithms
pciA Collection of Process Capability Index Functions
PCICtImplementation of POSIXct Work-Alike for 365 and 360 Day Calendars
pcIRTIRT Models for Polytomous and Continuous Item Responses
PCLProximal Causal Learning
pcLassoPrincipal Components Lasso
PCLassoRegGroup Regression Models for Risk Protein Complex Identification
pcmabcApproximate Bayesian Computations for Phylogenetic Comparative Methods
PCMBaseSimulation and Likelihood Calculation of Phylogenetic Comparative Models
PCMBaseCppFast Likelihood Calculation for Phylogenetic Comparative Models
PCMRSModel Response Styles in Partial Credit Models
pcnetmetaPatient-Centered Network Meta-Analysis
pcoPanel Cointegration Tests
PCObwBandwidth Selector with Penalized Comparison to Overfitting Criterion
pCODEEstimation of an Ordinary Differential Equation Model by Parameter Cascade Method
PCovRPrincipal Covariates Regression
PCPSPrincipal Coordinates of Phylogenetic Structure
pcrAnalyzing Real-Time Quantitative PCR Data
PCRACompanion to Portfolio Construction and Risk Analysis
PCSCalculate the Probability of Correct Selection (PCS)
pcsePanel-Corrected Standard Error Estimation in R
PCSinRParallel Constraint Satisfaction Networks in R
pcsstoolsTools for Regression Using Pre-Computed Summary Statistics
pcSteinerConvenient Tool for Solving the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem
pctPropensity to Cycle Tool
pctaxProfessional Comprehensive Omics Data Analysis
pctsPeriodically Correlated and Periodically Integrated Time Series
pcutilsSome Useful Functions for Statistics and Visualization
pcvProcrustes Cross-Validation
pcvrPlant Phenotyping and Bayesian Statistics
pdaPrivacy-Preserving Distributed Algorithms
pdcPermutation Distribution Clustering
PDEExtract Tables and Sentences from PDFs with User Interface
pderPanel Data Econometrics with R
pdfClusterCluster Analysis via Nonparametric Density Estimation
PDFEstimatorMultivariate Nonparametric Probability Density Estimator
pdfetchFetch Economic and Financial Time Series Data from Public Sources
pdfminerRead Portable Document Format (PDF) Files
pdfsearchSearch Tools for PDF Files
pdftablesProgrammatic Conversion of PDF Tables
pdftoolsText Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents
pdiPhenotypic Index Measures for Oak Decline Severity
pdistPartitioned Distance Function
PDMPhotogrammetric Distances Measurer
PDMIFFits Heterogeneous Panel Data Models
pdmodProximal/Distal Modeling Framework for Pavlovian Conditioning Phenomena
PDNPersonalized Disease Network
pdpPartial Dependence Plots
PdPDBPattern Discovery in PDB Structures of Metalloproteins
pdqrWork with Custom Distribution Functions
PDQutilsPDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish Fisher Approximations
pdRThreshold Model and Unit Root Tests in Cross-Section and Time Series Data
PDSCEPositive Definite Sparse Covariance Estimators
PDShiny'Probability Distribution Shiny'
pdSpecEstAn Analysis Toolbox for Hermitian Positive Definite Matrices
pdtPermutation Distancing Test
PDtoolkitCollection of Tools for PD Rating Model Development and Validation
PDXpowerTime to Event Outcome in Experimental Designs of Pre-Clinical Studies
pdxTreesData Package of Portland, Oregon Trees
pdynmcMoment Condition Based Estimation of Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models
peacesciencerTools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science Research
PEACHPareto Enrichment Analysis for Combining Heterogeneous Datasets
Peacock.testTwo and Three Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample Tests
peacotsPeriodogram Peaks in Correlated Time Series
PeakErrorCompute the Label Error of Peak Calls
peakRAMMonitor the Total and Peak RAM Used by an Expression or Function
PeakSegDiskDisk-Based Constrained Change-Point Detection
PeakSegDPDynamic Programming Algorithm for Peak Detection in ChIP-Seq Data
PeakSegJointJoint Peak Detection in Several ChIP-Seq Samples
PeakSegOptimalOptimal Segmentation Subject to Up-Down Constraints
pearson7Maximum Likelihood Inference for the Pearson VII Distribution with Shape Parameter 3/2
PearsonDSPearson Distribution System
PearsonICAIndependent Component Analysis using Score Functions from the Pearson System
pecPrediction Error Curves for Risk Prediction Models in Survival Analysis
pecoraPermutation Conditional Random Tests
pedalfast.dataPEDALFAST Data
pedbpPediatric Blood Pressure
pedbuildrPedigree Reconstruction
pedFamiliasImport and Export 'Familias' Files
pedgeneGene-Level Variant Association Tests for Pedigree Data
pedigreePedigree Functions
pedigreemmPedigree-Based Mixed-Effects Models
pedigreeToolsVersatile Functions for Working with Pedigrees
pedMermaidPedigree Mermaid Syntax
pedmutMutation Models for Pedigree Likelihood Computations
pedometricsMiscellaneous Pedometric Tools
pedprobrProbability Computations on Pedigrees
pedquantPublic Economic Data and Quantitative Analysis
pedSimulatePedigree, Genetic Merit, Phenotype, and Genotype Simulation
pedsuiteEasy Installation of the 'pedsuite' Packages for Pedigree Analysis
pedtoolsCreating and Working with Pedigrees and Marker Data
pedtricksVisualize, Summarize and Simulate Data from Pedigrees
peermodelsClient-Side R API Wrapper for Peer Models Network Model Repository
PeerPerformanceLuck-Corrected Peer Performance Analysis in R
pegasPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
PEGroupTestingPopulation Proportion Estimation using Group Testing
PEIMAN2Post-Translational Modification Enrichment, Integration, and Matching Analysis
PEIPGeophysical Inverse Theory and Optimization
PEkitPartition Exchangeability Toolkit
pellData About Historic Pell Grant Distribution in the US
PELVISProbabilistic Sex Estimate using Logistic Regression, Based on VISual Traits of the Human Os Coxae
pemaPenalized Meta-Analysis
pempiProportion Estimation with Marginal Proxy Information
pems.utilsPortable Emissions (and Other Mobile) Measurement System Utilities
pemultinomL1-Penalized Multinomial Regression with Statistical Inference
penAFTFit the Regularized Gehan Estimator with Elastic Net and Sparse Group Lasso Penalties
penalizedL1 (Lasso and Fused Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) Penalized Estimation in GLMs and in the Cox Model
penalizedcdfEstimate a Penalized Linear Model using the CDF Penalty Function
penalizedclrIntegrative Penalized Conditional Logistic Regression
penalizedSVMFeature Selection SVM using Penalty Functions
penaltyLearningPenalty Learning
pencalPenalized Regression Calibration (PRC) for the Dynamic Prediction of Survival
pencopulaCondEstimating Non-Simplified Vine Copulas Using Penalized Splines
PenCoxFrailRegularization in Cox Frailty Models
pendensityDensity Estimation with a Penalized Mixture Approach
penfaSingle- And Multiple-Group Penalized Factor Analysis
PenICSemiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Data using Penalized Splines
penMSMEstimating Regularized Multi-state Models Using L1 Penalties
penPHcureVariable Selection in PH Cure Model with Time-Varying Covariates
penppmlPenalized Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Regression
pensePenalized Elastic Net S/MM-Estimator of Regression
pensimSimulation of High-Dimensional Data and Parallelized Repeated Penalized Regression
pensynthPenalized Synthetic Control Estimation
peopleanalyticsData Sets for Craig Starbuck's Book, "The Fundamentals of People Analytics: With Applications in R"
peopleanalyticsdataData Sets for Keith McNulty's Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
pEPATests of Equal Predictive Accuracy for Panels of Forecasts
PEPBVSBayesian Variable Selection using Power-Expected-Posterior Prior
pepeData Manipulation
peperrParallelised Estimation of Prediction Error
peppmPiecewise Exponential Distribution with Random Time Grids
peprReading Portable Encapsulated Projects
PepSAVImsPepSAVI-MS Data Analysis
PeptidesCalculate Indices and Theoretical Physicochemical Properties of Protein Sequences
peptoolkitA Toolkit for Using Peptide Sequences in Machine Learning
peramoPermutation Tests for Randomization Model
perARMAPeriodic Time Series Analysis
PercUsing Percolation and Conductance to Find Information Flow Certainty in a Direct Network
perccalcEstimate Percentiles from an Ordered Categorical Variable
PerFitPerson Fit
PerfMeasPerformance Measures for Ranking and Classification Tasks
performanceAssessment of Regression Models Performance
PerformanceAnalyticsEconometric Tools for Performance and Risk Analysis
performanceEstimationAn Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of Predictive Models
peRiodiCSFunctions for Generating Periodic Curves
PeriodicTablePeriodic Table of the Elements
periscopeEnterprise Streamlined 'Shiny' Application Framework
periscope2Enterprise Streamlined 'shiny' Application Framework Using 'bs4Dash'
PERKPredicting Environmental Concentration and Risk
permExact or Asymptotic Permutation Tests
PermAlgoPermutational Algorithm to Simulate Survival Data
PERMANOVAMultivariate Analysis of Variance Based on Distances and Permutations
PerMatPerformance Metrics in Predictive Modeling
permChackoChacko Test for Order-Restriction with Permutation
PermCorRobust Permutation Tests of Correlation Coefficients
permGSPermutational Group Sequential Test for Time-to-Event Data
permimpConditional Permutation Importance
permPATHPermutation Based Gene Expression Pathway Analysis
permsFast Permutation Computation
permubiomeA Permutation Based Test for Biomarker Discovery in Microbiome Data
permucoPermutation Tests for Regression, (Repeated Measures) ANOVA/ANCOVA and Comparison of Signals
PermutationRConduct Permutation Analysis of Variance in R
permutationsThe Symmetric Group: Permutations of a Finite Set
permuteFunctions for Generating Restricted Permutations of Data
permutesPermutation Tests for Time Series Data
permutestRun Permutation Tests and Construct Associated Confidence Intervals
perplexRA Coding Assistant using Perplexity's Large Language Models
perryResampling-Based Prediction Error Estimation for Regression Models
perryExamplesExamples for Integrating Prediction Error Estimation into Regression Models
persDxPersonalized Diagnostics Rules for Subgroup Identification and Personalized Biomarker Discovery
PerseusRPerseus R Interop
PersianStemmerPersian Stemmer for Text Analysis
PersomicsArrayAutomated Persomics Array Image Extraction
personalizedEstimation and Validation Methods for Subgroup Identification and Personalized Medicine
personalized2partTwo-Part Estimation of Treatment Rules for Semi-Continuous Data
personalrAutomated Personal Package Setup
personrTest Your Personality
perspectevPermutation of Species During Turnover Events
persvalComputing Personal Values Scores
perturbRRandom Perturbation of Count Matrices
peruflorads43Reviewed Official Classification of Endangered Wild Flora Species in Peru
peruseA Tidy API for Sequence Iteration and Set Comprehension
perutimberCatalogue of the Timber Forest Species of the Peruvian Amazon
peselAutomatic Estimation of Number of Principal Components in PCA
PesticideLoadIndicatorComputes Danish Pesticide Load Indicator
pestrInterface to Download Data on Pests and Hosts from 'EPPO'
PetersenEstimators for Two-Sample Capture-Recapture Studies
petersenlabA Collection of R Functions by the Petersen Lab
PEtestsPower-Enhanced (PE) Tests for High-Dimensional Data
PetfindeR'Petfinder' API Wrapper
petitrRelative Growth Rate
petrinetRBuilding, Visualizing, Exporting and Replaying Petri Nets
pewdataReproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center Datasets
pexmLoading a JAGS Module for the Piecewise Exponential Distribution
pezPhylogenetics for the Environmental Sciences
pfaEstimates False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence
pficaIndependent Components Analysis Techniques for Functional Data
PFIMPopulation Fisher Information Matrix
PFLREstimating Penalized Functional Linear Regression
pfrInterface to the 'C++' Library 'Pf'
pgPolya Gamma Distribution Sampler
pgamPoisson-Gamma Additive Models
pgdrawGenerate Random Samples from the Polya-Gamma Distribution
PGEEPenalized Generalized Estimating Equations in High-Dimension
pgee.mixedPenalized Generalized Estimating Equations for Bivariate Mixed Outcomes
pgenlibrPLINK 2 Binary (.pgen) Reader
pgirmessSpatial Analysis and Data Mining for Field Ecologists
pgKDEsphereParametrically Guided Kernel Density Estimator for Spherical Data
pglmPanel Generalized Linear Models
PGM2Nested Resolvable Designs and their Associated Uniform Designs
pgmmParsimonious Gaussian Mixture Models
pgnormThe p-Generalized Normal Distribution
pGPxPseudo-Realizations for Gaussian Process Excursions
pgraphBuild Dependency Graphs using Projection
PGRdupDiscover Probable Duplicates in Plant Genetic Resources Collections
pGRNSingle-Cell RNA Sequencing Pseudo-Time Based Gene Regulatory Network Inference
pgscComputes Powell's Generalized Synthetic Control Estimator
pgToolsFunctions for Generating PostgreSQL Statements/Scripts
PH1XBARPhase I Shewhart X-Bar Chart
ph2bayesBayesian Single-Arm Phase II Designs
ph2byePhase II Clinical Trial Design Using Bayesian Methods
ph2multPhase II Clinical Trial Design for Multinomial Endpoints
phackingSensitivity Analysis for p-Hacking in Meta-Analyses
PhageCocktailDesign of the Best Phage Cocktail
phangornPhylogenetic Reconstruction and Analysis
phantSEMCreate Phantom Variables in Structural Equation Models for Sensitivity Analyses
pharmaRTFEnhanced RTF Wrapper for Use with Existing Table Packages
pharmaverseNavigate 'Pharmaverse'
pharmaverseadamADaM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
pharmaversesdtmSDTM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
pharmrInterface to the 'Pharmpy' 'Pharmacometrics' Library
phaseAnalyse Biological Time-Series Data
Phase123Simulating and Conducting Phase 123 Trials
Phase12CompareSimulates SPSO and Efftox Phase 12 Trials with Correlated Outcomes
phase1PRMDPersonalized Repeated Measurement Design for Phase I Clinical Trials
phase1RMDRepeated Measurement Design for Phase I Clinical Trial
phaseRPhase Plane Analysis of One- And Two-Dimensional Autonomous ODE Systems
PhaseTypeInference for Phase-Type Distributions
PhaseTypeRGeneral-Purpose Phase-Type Functions
phateRPHATE - Potential of Heat-Diffusion for Affinity-Based Transition Embedding
PHclustPoisson Hurdle Clustering for Sparse Microbiome Data
phdPermutation Testing in High-Dimensional Linear Models
phdcocktailEnhance the Ease of R Experience as an Emerging Researcher
pheatmapPretty Heatmaps
phebleClassifying High-Dimensional Phenotypes with Ensemble Learning
PheCAPHigh-Throughput Phenotyping with EHR using a Common Automated Pipeline
phecodemapVisualization for PheCode Mapping with ICD-9 and ICD-10-CM Codes
PHEindicatormethodsCommon Public Health Statistics and their Confidence Intervals
phenesseEstimate Phenological Metrics using Presence-Only Data
phenexAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis
PHENIXPhenotypic Integration Index
phenmodAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Processing, Modelling and Result Handling
phenModelInsect Phenology Model Evaluation Based on Daily Temperatures
phenoAuxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis
phenocamrFacilitates 'PhenoCam' Data Access and Time Series Post-Processing
phenoCDMContinuous Development Models for Incremental Time-Series Analysis
phenofitExtract Remote Sensing Vegetation Phenology
phenolocropTime-Series Models to the Crop Phenology
phenologyTools to Manage a Parametric Function that Describes Phenology and More
phenomapProjecting Satellite-Derived Phenology in Space
phenopixProcess Digital Images of a Vegetation Cover
PheNormUnsupervised Gold-Standard Label Free Phenotyping Algorithm for EHR Data
PhenotypeA Tool for Phenotypic Data Processing
PhenotypeSimulatorFlexible Phenotype Simulation from Different Genetic and Noise Models
PHENTHAUprocPhenology Modelling of Thaumetopoea Processionea
phersCalculate Phenotype Risk Scores
PHevalEvaluation of the Proportional Hazards Assumption and Test for Comparing Survival Curves with a Standardized Score Process
PheVisAutomatic Phenotyping of Electronic Health Record at Visit Resolution
Phi2rhoOwen's T Function and Bivariate Normal Integral
phiaPost-Hoc Interaction Analysis
phiDeltaTool for Phi Delta Analysis of Features
philentropySimilarity and Distance Quantification Between Probability Functions
PhilipsHueR Interface to the Philips Hue API
PHInfiniteEstimatesTools for Inference in the Presence of a Monotone Likelihood
PhitestRAnalyzing the Heterogeneity of Single-Cell Populations
phmPhrase Mining
phoenicsPathways Longitudinal and Differential Analysis in Metabolomics
phoenixThe Phoenix Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock Criteria
phonenumberConvert Letters to Numbers and Back as on a Telephone Keypad
phonfieldworkLinguistic Phonetic Fieldwork Tools
phonicsPhonetic Spelling Algorithms
phonRTools for Phoneticians and Phonologists
phonToolsTools for Phonetic and Acoustic Analyses
phosphoricons'Phosphor' Icons for R
photobiologyPhotobiological Calculations
photobiologyFiltersSpectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance Data
photobiologyInOutRead Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign Files
photobiologyLampsSpectral Irradiance Data for Lamps
photobiologyLEDsSpectral Data for Light-Emitting-Diodes
photobiologyPlantsPlant Photobiology Related Functions and Data
photobiologySensorsResponse Data for Light Sensors
photobiologySunData for Sunlight Spectra
photobiologyWavebandsWaveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR Radiation
PhotosynQConnect to PhotosynQ
photosynthesisTools for Plant Ecophysiology & Modeling
phrasesPhrasal Verbs in English Club Website
phreeqcR Interface to Geochemical Modeling Software
phsmethodsStandard Methods for Use in Public Health Scotland
PHSMMPenalised Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Hidden Semi-Markov Models
phuassessProportional Habitat Use Assessment
phyclustPhylogenetic Clustering (Phyloclustering)
phyext2An Extension (for Package 'SigTree') of Some of the Classes in Package 'phylobase'
phylepicCombined Visualisation of Phylogenetic and Epidemiological Data
phylinSpatial Interpolation of Genetic Data
phylobaseBase Package for Phylogenetic Structures and Comparative Data
phylocanvasInteractive Phylogenetic Trees Using the 'Phylocanvas' JavaScript Library
phyloclimIntegrating Phylogenetics and Climatic Niche Modeling
phylocomrInterface to 'Phylocom'
PhylogeneticEMAutomatic Shift Detection using a Phylogenetic EM
PHYLOGRFunctions for Phylogenetically Based Statistical Analyses
phylogramDendrograms for Evolutionary Analysis
phylolmPhylogenetic Linear Regression
phylometricsEstimating Statistical Errors of Phylogenetic Metrics
phylopairsComparative Analyses of Lineage-Pair Traits
phylopathPerform Phylogenetic Path Analysis
phylorasterEvolutionary Diversity Metrics for Raster Data
phyloregionBiogeographic Regionalization and Macroecology
phylosampSample Size Calculations for Molecular and Phylogenetic Studies
phylosemPhylogenetic Structural Equation Model
phyloseqGraphTestGraph-Based Permutation Tests for Microbiome Data
phylosignalExploring the Phylogenetic Signal in Continuous Traits
phylotatePhylogenies with Annotations
phylotoolsPhylogenetic Tools for Eco-Phylogenetics
phyloTopCalculating Topological Properties of Phylogenies
phylotyprClassifying DNA Sequences to Taxonomic Groupings
phylterDetect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics Datasets
phyrModel Based Phylogenetic Analysis
phyregThe Phylogenetic Regression of Grafen (1989)
PhysActBedRestMarks Periods of 'Bedrest' in Actigraph Accelerometer Data
PhysicalActivityProcess Accelerometer Data for Physical Activity Measurement
physiologyCalculate physiologic characteristics of awake and anesthetized adults, children and infants
PhySortRA Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic Trees
phytoclassEstimate Chla Concentrations of Phytoplankton Groups
phytoolsPhylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)
PhytosanitaryCalculatorPhytosanitary Calculator for Inspection Plans Based on Risks
piarPrice Index Aggregation
picanteIntegrating Phylogenies and Ecology
picassoPathwise Calibrated Sparse Shooting Algorithm
PICBayesBayesian Models for Partly Interval-Censored Data
picClipPaste Box Input for 'Shiny'
pickerPick Data Points from a Deck.gl Scatterplot
picRPredictive Information Criteria for Model Selection
pidProcess Improvement using Data
PieceExpIntensityBayesian Model to Find Changepoints Based on Rates and Count Data
piecemakerTools for Preparing Text for Tokenizers
piecenormsCalculate a Piecewise Normalised Score Using Class Intervals
piecepackrBoard Game Graphics
piecewiseSEMPiecewise Structural Equation Modeling
PieGlyphAxis Invariant Scatter Pie Plots
piggybackManaging Larger Data on a GitHub Repository
piiSearch Data Frames for Personally Identifiable Information
PijavskiGlobal Univariate Minimization
pikchrR Wrapper for 'pikchr' (PIC) Diagram Language
pillarColoured Formatting for Columns
pimFit Probabilistic Index Models
pimetaPrediction Intervals for Random-Effects Meta-Analysis
pinfsc50Sequence ('FASTA'), Annotation ('GFF') and Variants ('VCF') for 17 Samples of 'P. Infestans" and 1 'P. Mirabilis'
pingersIdentify, Ping, and Log Internet Provider Connection Data
pingrCheck if a Remote Computer is Up
PINMAImproved Methods for Constructing Prediction Intervals for Network Meta-Analysis
pinnacle.dataMarket Odds Data from Pinnacle
pinochetData About the Victims of the Pinochet Regime, 1973-1990
pinp'pinp' is not 'PNAS'
pinsPin, Discover, and Share Resources
PINSPlusClustering Algorithm for Data Integration and Disease Subtyping
PINstimationEstimation of the Probability of Informed Trading
pinterestadsRAccess to Pinterest Ads via the 'Windsor.ai' API
pinyinConvert Chinese Characters into Pinyin, Sijiao, Wubi or Other Codes
pioneeRProductivity and Efficiency Analysis using DEA
pipe.designDual-Agent Dose Escalation for Phase I Trials using the PIPE Design
pipebindFlexible Binding for Complex Function Evaluation with the Base R |> Pipe
pipefittrConvert Nested Functions to Pipes
pipelinerMachine Learning Pipelines for R
pipenosticsDiagnostics, Reliability and Predictive Maintenance of Pipeline Systems
pipeRMulti-Paradigm Pipeline Implementation
piqpR Interface to Proximal Interior Point Quadratic Programming Solver
piratingsCalculate Pi Ratings for Teams Competing in Sport Matches
pisaRTSmall Example Response and Response Time Data from PISA 2018
pitonParsing Expression Grammars in Rcpp
pivmetPivotal Methods for Bayesian Relabelling and k-Means Clustering
pivotaltrackRA Client for the 'Pivotal Tracker' API
pivoteaCreate Pivot Table Easily
pivottablerCreate Pivot Tables
piwikproRAccess 'Piwik Pro' Website Statistics
pixarfilmsPixar Films and Achievements
pixelclasserClassifies Image Pixels by Colour
pixelpuzzlePuzzle Game for the R Console
pixelsTools for Working with Image Pixels
pixiedustTables so Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic
pixmapBitmap Images / Pixel Maps
PKBasic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics
pk4adiPK for Anesthetic Depth Indicators
PKbioanalysisPharmacokinetic Bioanalysis Experiments Design and Exploration
PKconverterThe Parameter Converter of the Pharmacokinetic Models
pkdataCreates Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) Data
pkgbuildFind Tools Needed to Build R Packages
pkgcacheCache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages
pkgcondClassed Error and Warning Conditions
pkgconfigPrivate Configuration for 'R' Packages
pkgdependsPackage Dependency Resolution and Downloads
pkgdepRStatically Determine Function Dependencies Between Packages
pkgdownMake Static HTML Documentation for a Package
pkgfilecacheDownload and Manage Optional Package Data
pkggraphA Consistent and Intuitive Platform to Explore the Dependencies of Packages on the Comprehensive R Archive Network Like Repositories
pkgGraphRGraph the Relationship Between Functions in an R Package
pkgKittenCreate Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks
pkgliteCompact Package Representations
pkgloadSimulate Package Installation and Attach
pkgmakerDevelopment Utilities for R Packages
pkgndepAnalyze Dependency Heaviness of R Packages
pkgnetGet Network Representation of an R Package
pkgnewsRetrieve R Package News Files
pkgsearchSearch and Query CRAN R Packages
pkgverseBuild a Meta-Package Universe
PKIPublic Key Infrastucture for R Based on the X.509 Standard
PKLMtestClassification Based MCAR Test
pkmonLeast-Squares Estimator under k-Monotony Constraint for Discrete Functions
PKNCAPerform Pharmacokinetic Non-Compartmental Analysis
PKPDsimTools for Performing Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Simulations
pkrPharmacokinetics in R
pksProbabilistic Knowledge Structures
pKSEAPrediction-Based Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis
pksensiGlobal Sensitivity Analysis in Physiologically Based Kinetic Modeling
PL94171Tabulate P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary Files
placA Pairwise Likelihood Augmented Cox Estimator for Left-Truncated Data
placerPLastic ACcumulation Estimate using R (PLACER)
PlackettLucePlackett-Luce Models for Rankings
plainviewPlot Raster Images Interactively on a Plain HTML Canvas
planTools for Project Planning
PlaneGeometryPlane Geometry
PlanesmuestraFunctions for Calculating Dodge Romig, MIL STD 105E and MIL STD 414 Acceptance Sampling Plan
PlanetNICFIProcessing of the 'Planet NICFI' Satellite Imagery
planetsSimple and Accessible Data from all Known Planets
planningMLA Sample Size Calculator for Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare
planrTools for Supply Chain Management, Demand and Supply Planning
planscorerScore Redistricting Plans with 'PlanScore'
plantecophysModelling and Analysis of Leaf Gas Exchange Data
plantecowrapEnhancing Capabilities of 'plantecophys'
plantphysioRFundamental Formulas for Plant Physiology
plantTrackerExtract Demographic and Competition Data from Fine-Scale Maps
plaqrPartially Linear Additive Quantile Regression
plasmaPartial LeAst Squares for Multiomic Analysis
PlasmaMutationDetectorTumor Mutation Detection in Plasma
PlasmaMutationDetector2Tumor Mutation Detection in Plasma using Barcoding
PlasmidprofilerVisualization of Plasmid Profile Results
plassoCross-Validated (Post-) Lasso
platerRead, Tidy, and Display Data from Microtiter Plates
platetoolsTools and Plots for Multi-Well Plates
PlatformDesignOptimal Two-Period Multiarm Platform Design with New Experimental Arms Added During the Trial
platoworkData from a Test of the PlatoWork tDCS Headset
platticeLattice Plot for Panel Data
PlatypusSingle-Cell Immune Repertoire and Gene Expression Analysis
playVisualize Sports Data
PlayerChartGenerate Pizza Chart: Player Stats 0-100
PlayerRatingsDynamic Updating Methods for Player Ratings Estimation
pldamixturePost-Linkage Data Analysis Based on Mixture Modelling
pldePenalized Log-Density Estimation Using Legendre Polynomials
pleioPleiotropy Test for Multiple Traits on a Genetic Marker
pleiotestFast Sequential Pleiotropy Test
pleLMAPseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Log-Multiplicative Association Models
PLEXIMultiplex Network Analysis
PLFDPortmanteau Local Feature Discrimination for Matrix-Variate Data
plfmProbabilistic Latent Feature Analysis
plfMAA GUI to View, Design and Export Various Graphs of Data
plgpParticle Learning of Gaussian Processes
plgraphicsUser Oriented Plotting Functions
plimanTools for Plant Image Analysis
PLindleyROCReceiver Operating Characteristic Based on Power Lindley Distribution
plinkIRT Separate Calibration Linking Methods
plinkFile'PLINK' (and 'GCTA') File Helpers
plinkQCGenotype Quality Control with 'PLINK'
PLISMultiplicity Control using Pooled LIS Statistic
plmLinear Models for Panel Data
PLMIXBayesian Analysis of Finite Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models for Partial Rankings/Orderings
PLmixedEstimate (Generalized) Linear Mixed Models with Factor Structures
plmmrPenalized Linear Mixed Models for Correlated Data
plnPolytomous Logit-Normit (Graded Logistic) Model Estimation
PLNmodelsPoisson Lognormal Models
plnrA System for Planing Analyses
plogrThe 'plog' C++ Logging Library
PLordprobMultivariate Ordered Probit Model via Pairwise Likelihood
PLORNPrediction with Less Overfitting and Robust to Noise
plot.matrixVisualizes a Matrix as Heatmap
plot3DPlotting Multi-Dimensional Data
plot3DrglPlotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'
plot4funJust Plot for Fun
plotBartDiagnostic and Plotting Functions to Supplement 'bartCause'
plotbbGrammar of Graphics for 'base' Plot
PlotBivInvGausDensity Contour Plot for Bivariate Inverse Gaussian Distribution
plotcliCommand Line Interface Plotting
PlotContourPlot Contour Line
plotdapEasily Visualize Data from 'ERDDAP' Servers via the 'rerddap' Package
plotDKPlot Summary Statistics as Choropleth Maps of Danish Administrative Areas
plotfunctionsVarious Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data and Analysis
plotGMMTools for Visualizing Gaussian Mixture Models
plothelperNew Plots Based on 'ggplot2' and Functions to Create Regular Shapes
plotHMMPlot Hidden Markov Models
plotluck'ggplot2' Version of "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
plotlyCreate Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
plotlyGeoAssetsRender 'Plotly' Maps without an Internet Connection
plotMCMCMCMC Diagnostic Plots
plotMElmPlot Marginal Effects from Linear Models
plotmmTidy Tools for Visualizing Mixture Models
plotmoPlot a Model's Residuals, Response, and Partial Dependence Plots
plotorProduces an Odds Ratio Plot from a Logistic Regression Model
plotpcPlot Principal Component Histograms Around a Scatter Plot
PlotPrjNetworksUseful Networking Tools for Project Management
plotproteinDevelopment of Visualization Tools for Protein Sequence
plotrixVarious Plotting Functions
plotROCGenerate Useful ROC Curve Charts for Print and Interactive Use
plotscaleScale Graphics Devices Using Plot Dimensions
plotscaperExplore Your Data with Interactive Figures
plotSEMMGraphing Nonlinear Relations Among Latent Variables from Structural Equation Mixture Models
PlotToolsAdd Continuous Legends to Plots
plotwidgetsSpider Plots, ROC Curves, Pie Charts and More for Use in Other Plots
plpoissonPrediction Limits for Poisson Distribution
PLregPower Logit Regression for Modeling Bounded Data
PLRModelsStatistical Inference in Partial Linear Regression Models
plsPartial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
plsdepotPartial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis Methods
plsdofDegrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression
plsgenomicsPLS Analyses for Genomics
PLSiMCppMethods for Partial Linear Single Index Model
plsmmLassoVariable Selection and Inference for Partial Semiparametric Linear Mixed-Effects Model
plsmodModel Wrappers for Projection Methods
plsmselectLinear and Smooth Predictor Modelling with Penalisation and Variable Selection
plspmPartial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM)
plsRbetaPartial Least Squares Regression for Beta Regression Models
plsRcoxPartial Least Squares Regression for Cox Models and Related Techniques
plsRglmPartial Least Squares Regression for Generalized Linear Models
plsVarSelVariable Selection in Partial Least Squares
pltesimSimulate Probabilistic Long-Term Effects in Models with Temporal Dependence
pluDynamically Pluralize Phrases
plugdensityPlug-in Kernel Density Estimation
plumberAn API Generator for R
plumberDeployPlumber Deployment
plumbertableauTurn 'Plumber' APIs into 'Tableau' Extensions
plumbrMutable and Dynamic Data Models
plumeA Simple Author Handler for Scientific Writing
pluscodeEncoder for Google 'Pluscodes'
plusCode2Coordinates to 'Plus Code' Conversion Tool
plutorUseful Functions for Visualization
plyrTools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
pm3Propensity Score Matching for Unordered 3-Group Data
PMAPenalized Multivariate Analysis
PMAPscoreIdentify Prognosis-Related Pathways Altered by Somatic Mutation
pmartRPanomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysis for Panomics Data
pmcPhylogenetic Monte Carlo
pmcalibrationCalibration Curves for Clinical Prediction Models
pmclustParallel Model-Based Clustering using Expectation-Gathering-Maximization Algorithm for Finite Mixture Gaussian Model
PMCMRCalculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums
PMCMRplusCalculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums Extended
pmdPaired Mass Distance Analysis for GC/LC-MS Based Non-Targeted Analysis and Reactomics Analysis
pMEMPredictive Moran's Eigenvector Maps
pmetarProcessing METAR Weather Reports
pmevCalculates Earned Value for a Project Schedule
PMEvapotranspirationCalculation of the Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration using Weather Variables
pmhtutorialMinimal Working Examples for Particle Metropolis-Hastings
pmlbrInterface to the Penn Machine Learning Benchmarks Data Repository
pmledeconDeconvolution Density Estimation using Penalized MLE
pmmlGenerate PMML for Various Models
pmmlTransformationsTransforms Input Data from a PMML Perspective
pmparserCreate and Maintain a Relational Database of Data from PubMed/MEDLINE
pmrProbability Models for Ranking Data
pmsampsizeSample Size for Development of a Prediction Model
pmultinomOne-Sided Multinomial Probabilities
pmvalsampsizeSample Size for External Validation of a Prediction Model
pmwgParticle Metropolis Within Gibbs
PMwRPortfolio Management with R
pmxcodeCreate Pharmacometric Models
pmxcvIntegration-Based Coefficients of Variance
pmxpartabParameter Tables for PMx Analyses
pmxToolsPharmacometric and Pharmacokinetic Toolkit
PNADcIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNADC Microdata
PNARPoisson Network Autoregressive Models
PNDSIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNDS Microdata - Package in Development
pngRead and write PNG images
PNSIBGEDownloading, Reading and Analyzing PNS Microdata
PNWColorsColor Palettes Inspired by Nature in the US Pacific Northwest
PoAFinds the Price of Anarchy for Routing Games
pocketapiWrapper Around the 'Pocket' API
POCREPenalized Orthogonal-Components Regression
pocrmDose Finding in Drug Combination Phase I Trials Using PO-CRM
PODProbability of Detection for Qualitative PCR Methods
PoDBAYVaccine Efficacy Estimation Package
podcleanerLegacy Scottish Post Office Directories Cleaner
poemsPattern-Oriented Ensemble Modeling System
POETPrincipal Orthogonal ComplEment Thresholding (POET) Method
pogitBayesian Variable Selection for a Poisson-Logistic Model
PogromcyDanychDataCrunchers (PogromcyDanych) is the Massive Online Open Course that Brings R and Statistics to the People
poibinThe Poisson Binomial Distribution
PoiClaCluClassification and Clustering of Sequencing Data Based on a Poisson Model
poilogPoisson Lognormal and Bivariate Poisson Lognormal Distribution
POINTProtein Structure Guided Local Test
pointblankData Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tables
pointdensityPPoint Density for Geospatial Data
PointedSDMsFit Models Derived from Point Processes to Species Distributions using 'inlabru'
PointForeInterpretation of Point Forecasts as State-Dependent Quantiles and Expectiles
pointrWorking Comfortably with Pointers and Shortcuts to R Objects
pointResAnalyzing Pointer Years and Components of Resilience
PoisBinNonNorData Generation with Poisson, Binary and Continuous Components
poisbinomA Faster Implementation of the Poisson-Binomial Distribution
PoisBinOrdData Generation with Poisson, Binary and Ordinal Components
PoisBinOrdNonNorGeneration of Up to Four Different Types of Variables
PoisBinOrdNorData Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and Normal Components
poisDoubleSampConfidence Intervals with Poisson Double Sampling
poisFErobustPoisson Fixed Effects Robust
poismfFactorization of Sparse Counts Matrices Through Poisson Likelihood
PoisNonNorSimultaneous Generation of Count and Continuous Data
PoisNorSimultaneous Generation of Multivariate Data with Poisson and Normal Marginals
poisson.glm.mixFit High Dimensional Mixtures of Poisson GLMs
PoissonBinomialEfficient Computation of Ordinary and Generalized Poisson Binomial Distributions
poissonedPoisson Disk Sampling in 2D and 3D
PoissonMultinomialThe Poisson-Multinomial Distribution
PoissonPCAPoisson-Noise Corrected PCA
poissonregModel Wrappers for Poisson Regression
poistweediePoisson-Tweedie Exponential Family Models
pokemonPokemon Data in English and Brazilian Portuguese
PolarCAPAccess the Polarization in Comparative Attitudes Project
polaroidCreate Hex Stickers with 'shiny'
poLCAPolytomous Variable Latent Class Analysis
poldisAnalyse Political Texts
PolicyPortfoliosTools for Managing, Measuring and Visualizing Policy Portfolios
policytreePolicy Learning via Doubly Robust Empirical Welfare Maximization over Trees
polimetricsR Tools for Political Measures
poliscidataDatasets and Functions Featured in Pollock and Edwards, an R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
polishedAuthentication and Hosting for 'shiny' Apps
politeBe Nice on the Web
politenessDetecting Politeness Features in Text
politicsRCalculating Political System Metrics
pollePolicy Learning
pollenAnalysis of Aerobiological Data
pollimetryEstimate Pollinator Body Size and Co-Varying Ecological Traits
pollsterCalculate Crosstab and Topline Tables of Weighted Survey Data
polmineRVerbs and Nouns for Corpus Analysis
polsplinePolynomial Spline Routines
Poly4ATAccess 'INVEKOS' API for Field Polygons
polyaAeppliImplementation of the Polya-Aeppli Distribution
polyapostSimulating from the Polya Posterior
PolychromeQualitative Palettes with Many Colors
polyclipPolygon Clipping
polycorPolychoric and Polyserial Correlations
PolycrossDesignsPolycross Designs ("PolycrossDesigns")
polyCubCubature over Polygonal Domains
polyglotrTranslate Text
PolyHaplotyperAssignment of Haplotypes Based on SNP Dosages in Diploids and Polyploids
polyhedralCubatureMultiple Integration over Convex Polyhedra
polylabelrFind the Pole of Inaccessibility (Visual Center) of a Polygon
polymapRLinkage Analysis in Outcrossing Polyploids
polyMatrixInfrastructure for Manipulation Polynomial Matrices
polynomA Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations
PolynomFPolynomials in R
PolyPatExPaternity Exclusion in Autopolyploid Species
polypharmacyCalculate Several Polypharmacy Indicators
polypolyHelper Functions for Orthogonal Polynomials
polyqtlRQTL Analysis in Autopolyploid Bi-Parental F1 Populations
polyRADGenotype Calling with Uncertainty from Sequencing Data in Polyploids and Diploids
polyregPolynomial Regression
polysatTools for Polyploid Microsatellite Analysis
polySegratioSimulate and Test Marker Dosage for Dominant Markers in Autopolyploids
polySegratioMMBayesian Mixture Models for Marker Dosage in Autopolyploids
PolyTreeEstimate Causal Polytree from Data
PolyTrendTrend Classification Algorithm
polywogBootstrapped Basis Regression with Oracle Model Selection
POMADEPower for Meta-Analysis of Dependent Effects
POMaSPUAdaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes using Proportional Odds Model (POM-aSPU)
pomcheckrGraphical Check for Proportional Odds Assumption
pomdpInfrastructure for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP)
pomdpSolveInterface to 'pomdp-solve' for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
PomicPattern Oriented Modelling Information Criterion
pomodoroPredictive Power of Linear and Tree Modeling
pompStatistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
pompomPerson-Oriented Method and Perturbation on the Model
pomppPresence-Only for Marked Point Process
POMSPhylogenetic Organization of Metagenomic Signals
poohPartial Orders and Relations
poolObject Pooling
poolABCApproximate Bayesian Computation with Pooled Sequencing Data
PoolBalBalancing Central and Marginal Rejection of Pooled p-Values
PoolDilutionRCalculate Gross Biogeochemical Flux Rates from Isotope Pool Dilution Data
PooledCohortPredicted Risk for CVD using Pooled Cohort Equations, PREVENT Equations, and Other Contemporary CVD Risk Calculators
PooledMeanGroupPooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogenous Panels
pooledpeaksGenetic Analysis of Pooled Samples
poolfstatComputing f-Statistics and Building Admixture Graphs Based on Allele Count or Pool-Seq Read Count Data
poolHelperSimulates Pooled Sequencing Genetic Data
poolingFit Poolwise Regression Models
poolrMethods for Pooling P-Values from (Dependent) Tests
PoolTestRPrevalence and Regression for Pool-Tested (Group-Tested) Data
poolVIMGene-Based Association Tests using the Actual Impurity Reduction (AIR) Variable Importance
poormanA Poor Man's Dependency Free Recreation of 'dplyr'
popA Flexible Syntax for Population Dynamic Modelling
pop.lionModels for Simulating Lion Populations
pop.wolfModels for Simulating Wolf Populations
popbayesBayesian Model to Estimate Population Trends from Counts Series
popbioConstruction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models
popdemoDemographic Modelling Using Projection Matrices
PoPdesignPosterior Predictive (PoP) Design for Phase I Clinical Trials
PopEDPopulation (and Individual) Optimal Experimental Design
popEpiFunctions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data
PopGenHelpRStreamline Population Genomic and Genetic Analyses
popgenrAccompaniment to Population Genetics with R: An Introduction for Life Scientists
PopGenReportA Simple Framework to Analyse Population and Landscape Genetic Data
POPInfAssumption-Lean and Data-Adaptive Post-Prediction Inference
popkinEstimate Kinship and FST under Arbitrary Population Structure
popPCRClassify Digital PCR Droplets by Fitting Fluorescence Populations
popprGenetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed Reproduction
popPyramidPopulation Pyramids
popReconstructReconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past
popstudyApplied Techniques to Demographic and Time Series Analysis
poptrendEstimate Smooth and Linear Trends from Population Count Survey Data
populationModels for Simulating Populations
PopulationGrowthRLinear Population Growth Scenarios
populationPDXdesignDesigning Population PDX Studies
populRPopulation Downscaling Using Areal Interpolation
poputilsDemographic Analysis and Data Manipulation
PopVarGenomic Breeding Tools: Genetic Variance Prediction and Cross-Validation
porridgeRidge-Type Penalized Estimation of a Potpourri of Models
port4meGet the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and over
PortalHaciendaAcceder Con R a Los Datos Del Portal De Hacienda
portalrCreate Useful Summaries of the Portal Data
portesPortmanteau Tests for Time Series Models
portfolioAnalysing Equity Portfolios
portfolio.optimizationContemporary Portfolio Optimization
PortfolioAnalyticsPortfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
portfolioBacktestAutomated Backtesting of Portfolios over Multiple Datasets
PortfolioOptimSmall/Large Sample Portfolio Optimization
portionExtracting a Data Portion
portnPortfolio Analysis for Nature
PortRiskPortfolio Risk Analysis
portsortFactor-Based Portfolio Sorts
portvineVine Based (Un)Conditional Portfolio Risk Measure Estimation
posetAnalysis of Partially Ordered Data
POSetRPartially Ordered Sets in R
PoSIValid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS Regression
PoSIAdjRSquaredPost-Selection Inference for Adjusted R Squared
posologyrIndividual Dose Optimization using Population Pharmacokinetics
PosRatioDistQuotient of Random Variables Conditioned to the Positive Quadrant
POSSAPower Simulation for Sequential Analyses and Multiple Hypotheses
postcardsCreate Beautiful, Simple Personal Websites
PostcodesioRAPI Wrapper Around 'Postcodes.io'
postdocMinimal and Uncluttered Package Documentation
posterdownGenerate PDF Conference Posters Using R Markdown
posteriorTools for Working with Posterior Distributions
PosteriorBootstrapNon-Parametric Sampling with Parallel Monte Carlo
postGGIRData Processing after Running 'GGIR' for Accelerometer Data
postHocTools for Post-Hoc Analysis
postinfectiousEstimating the Incubation Period Distribution of Post-Infectious Syndrome
postlightmercuryParses Web Pages using Postlight Mercury
postlogicInfix and Postfix Logic Operators
POSTmPhylogeny-Guided OTU-Specific Association Test for Microbiome Data
postpackUtilities for Processing Posterior Samples Stored in 'mcmc.lists'
POTGeneralized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over Threshold
potentialImplementation of the Potential Model
potionsEasy Options Management
potoolsTools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages
pottsMarkov Chain Monte Carlo for Potts Models
PottsUtilsUtility Functions of the Potts Models
pouldPhased or Unphased Linkage Disequilibrium
POUMMThe Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mixed Model
POVPartition of Variation Variance Component Analysis Method
povmapExtension to the 'emdi' Package
pow.intBinary Exponentiation
powdistPower and Reversal Power Distributions
powdRFull Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data
power.transformLocation and Scale Invariant Power Transformations
Power2StagePower and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage Bioequivalence Studies
poweRbalPhylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics
powerbiRAn Interface to the 'Power BI REST APIs'
powerbydesignPower Estimates for ANOVA Designs
powerCompRiskPower Analysis Tool for Joint Testing Hazards with Competing Risks Data
powerEQTLPower and Sample Size Calculation for Bulk Tissue and Single-Cell eQTL Analysis
PoweRESTA Bootstrap-Based Power Estimation Tool for Spatial Transcriptomics
powerGWASinteractionPower Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWAS
powerindexRMeasuring the Power in Voting Systems
powerjoinExtensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join Functions
powerLATEGeneralized Power Analysis for LATE
poweRlawAnalysis of Heavy Tailed Distributions
powerlySample Size Analysis for Psychological Networks and More
powerMediationPower/Sample Size Calculation for Mediation Analysis
powerNLSEMSimulation-Based Power Estimation (MSPE) for Nonlinear SEM
PowerNormalPower Normal Distribution
powerpkgPower Analyses for the Affected Sib Pair and the TDT Design
powerPLSPower Analysis for PLS Classification
PowerSDICalculate Standardised Drought Indices Using NASA POWER Data
powerSurvEpiPower and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis of Epidemiological Studies
PowerTOSTPower and Sample Size for (Bio)Equivalence Studies
PowerUpRPower Analysis Tools for Multilevel Randomized Experiments
powRICLPMPerform Power Analysis for the RI-CLPM and STARTS Model
PPPerson Parameter Estimation
PPbigdataProjection Pursuit for Big Data Based on Data Nuggets
pPCAPartial Principal Component Analysis of Partitioned Large Sparse Matrices
ppccProbability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test
PPCDTAn Optimal Subset Selection for Distributed Hypothesis Testing
PPCIProjection Pursuit for Cluster Identification
ppclustProbabilistic and Possibilistic Cluster Analysis
ppcorPartial and Semi-Partial (Part) Correlation
ppcSpatialSpatial Analysis of Pakistan Population Census
ppdiagDiagnosis and Visualizations Tools for Temporal Point Processes
ppendemicA Glimpse at the Diversity of Peru's Endemic Plants
PPforestProjection Pursuit Classification Forest
ppgamGeneralised Additive Point Process Models
ppgmPaleoPhyloGeographic Modeling of Climate Niches and Species Distributions
ppgmmgaProjection Pursuit Based on Gaussian Mixtures and Evolutionary Algorithms
ppitablesLookup Tables to Generate Poverty Likelihoods and Rates using the Poverty Probability Index (PPI)
PPLassoPrognostic Predictive Lasso for Biomarker Selection
ppmfRead Census Privacy Protected Microdata Files
ppmHRPrivacy-Protecting Hazard Ratio Estimation in Distributed Data Networks
PPMissCopula-Based Estimator for Long-Range Dependent Processes under Missing Data
ppmlassoPoint Process Models with LASSO-Type Penalties
PPMRProbabilistic Two Sample Mendelian Randomization
ppmSuiteA Collection of Models that Employ Product Partition Distributions as a Prior on Partitions
PPQplanProcess Performance Qualification (PPQ) Plans in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) Statistical Analysis
ppRankClassification of Algorithms
ppRepAnalysis of Replication Studies using Power Priors
PPRLPrivacy Preserving Record Linkage
ppsPPS Sampling
ppsbmClustering in Longitudinal Networks
ppseqDesign Clinical Trials using Sequential Predictive Probability Monitoring
PPSFSPartial Profile Score Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Interaction Models
ppsrPredictive Power Score
PPTcircProjected Polya Tree for Circular Data
PPtreeregVizProjection Pursuit Regression Tree Visualization
PPtreeVizProjection Pursuit Classification Tree Visualization
pqantimalarialsweb tool for estimating under-five deaths caused by poor-quality antimalarials in sub-Saharan Africa
pqlA Partitioned Quasi-Likelihood for Distributed Statistical Inference
PQLseqEfficient Mixed Model Analysis of Count Data in Large-Scale Genomic Sequencing Studies
pqrBayesBayesian Penalized Quantile Regression
pqrfePenalized Quantile Regression with Fixed Effects
PRAProject Risk Analysis
praatpicture'Praat Picture' Style Plots of Acoustic Data
prabclusFunctions for Clustering and Testing of Presence-Absence, Abundance and Multilocus Genetic Data
pracmaPractical Numerical Math Functions
pracpacPractical 'R' Packaging in 'Docker'
PracticalEquiDesignDesign of Practical Equivalence Trials
practicalSigniPractical Significance Ranking of Regressors and Exact t Density
PracToolsDesigning and Weighting Survey Samples
praisPrais-Winsten Estimator for AR(1) Serial Correlation
praisePraise Users
PRANAPseudo-Value Regression Approach for Network Analysis (PRANA)
praznikTools for Information-Based Feature Selection and Scoring
prcbenchTesting Workbench for Precision-Recall Curves
prclustPenalized Regression-Based Clustering Method
prcrPerson-Centered Analysis
PRDAConduct a Prospective or Retrospective Design Analysis
prePrediction Rule Ensembles
PRECASTEmbedding and Clustering with Alignment for Spatial Datasets
precintconPrecipitation Intensity, Concentration and Anomaly Analysis
pRecipePrecipitation R Recipes
preciselyEstimate Sample Size Based on Precision Rather than Power
precisePlacementSuite of Functions to Help Get Plot Elements Exactly Where You Want Them
PreciseSumsAccurate Floating Point Sums and Products
precmedPrecision Medicine
precommitPre-Commit Hooks
preconditionLightweight Precondition, Postcondition, and Sanity Checks
precrecCalculate Accurate Precision-Recall and ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristics) Curves
PredCRGComputational Prediction of Proteins Encoded by Circadian Genes
predfairnessDiscrimination Mitigation for Machine Learning Models
predhyGenomic Prediction of Hybrid Performance
predhy.GUIGenomic Prediction of Hybrid Performance with Graphical User Interface
predict3dDraw Three Dimensional Predict Plot Using Package 'rgl'
PredictABELAssessment of Risk Prediction Models
predictionTidy, Type-Safe 'prediction()' Methods
predictionIntervalPrediction Interval Functions for Assessing Replication Study Results
PredictionRPrediction for Future Data from any Continuous Distribution
predictMeVisualize Individual Prediction Performance
predictmeansPredicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric Models
predictNMBEvaluate Clinical Prediction Models by Net Monetary Benefit
predictoRPredictive Data Analysis System
PredictorSelectOut-of-Sample Predictability in Predictive Regressions with Many Predictor Candidates
predictracePredict the Race and Gender of a Given Name Using Census and Social Security Administration Data
predictsSpatial Prediction Tools
predievalAssessing Performance of Prediction Models for Predicting Patient-Level Treatment Benefit
predintPrediction Intervals
predkmeansCovariate Adaptive Clustering
PredPsychPredictive Approaches in Psychology
predReliabilityEstimates Reliability of Individual Supervised Learning Predictions
predRupdatePrediction Model Validation and Updating
PredTestPreparing Data For, and Calculating the Prediction Test
predtoolsPrediction Model Tools
predtoolsTSTime Series Prediction Tools
prefPreference Voting with Explanatory Graphics
prefeRR Package for Pairwise Preference Elicitation
preference2-Stage Preference Trial Design and Analysis
prefioStructures for Preference Data
prefmodUtilities to Fit Paired Comparison Models for Preferences
PreKnitPostHTMLRenderPre-Knitting Processing and Post HTML-Rendering Processing
PReMiuMDirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering, Profile Regression
prenomsNames Given to Babies in Quebec Between 1980 and 2020
prepdatPreparing Experimental Data for Statistical Analysis
pRepDesignsPartially Replicated (p-Rep) Designs
prepplotPrepare Figure Region for Base Graphics
PreProcessBasic Functions for Pre-Processing Microarrays
PreProcessingVarious Preprocessing Transformations of Numeric Data Matrices
PreProcessRecordLinkagePreprocessing Record Linkage
PREPShinyInteractive Document for Preprocessing the Dataset
preputilsUtilities for Preparation of Data Analysis
preregR Markdown Templates to Preregister Scientific Studies
preregrSpecify (Pre)Registrations and Export Them Human- And Machine-Readably
PresenceAbsencePresence-Absence Model Evaluation
presensInterface for PreSens Fiber Optic Data
presenterPresent Data with Style
presentesRegistry of Victims of State Terrorism in Argentina
preseqRPredicting Species Accumulation Curves
PResidualsProbability-Scale Residuals and Residual Correlations
presizePrecision Based Sample Size Calculation
presmTPMethods for Transition Probabilities
PressPurtIndeterminacy of Networks via Press Perturbations
pressuReImports, Processes, and Visualizes Biomechanical Pressure Data
pretestA Novel Approach to Predictive Accuracy Testing in Nested Environments
prettifyAddins'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More
prettyBPretty Base Graphics
prettycodePretty Print R Code in the Terminal
PrettyColsPretty Colour Palettes
prettydocCreating Pretty Documents from R Markdown
prettyglmPretty Summaries of Generalized Linear Model Coefficients
prettyGraphsPublication-Quality Graphics
prettymaprScale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R
prettyRPretty Descriptive Stats
prettyunitsPretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
prevalenceTools for Prevalence Assessment Studies
prevedererWrapper for the 'Prevedere' API
preventrAn Implementation of the AHA PREVENT Equations
previsionio'Prevision.io' R SDK
PrevMapGeostatistical Modelling of Spatially Referenced Prevalence Data
prevREstimating Regional Trends of a Prevalence from a DHS and Similar Surveys
prevtoincPrevalence to Incidence Calculations for Point-Prevalence Studies in a Nosocomial Setting
pRFPermutation Significance for Random Forests
PriceIndicesCalculating Bilateral and Multilateral Price Indexes
pricelevelsSpatial Price Level Comparisons
priceREconomics and Pricing Tools
pricesensitivitymeterVan Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter Analysis
primPatient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)
PRIMALParametric Simplex Method for Sparse Learning
primateTools and Methods for Primatological Data Science
primefactrUse Prime Factorization for Computations
primePCAProjected Refinement for Imputation of Missing Entries in PCA
PRIMEplusStudy Design for Immunotherapy Clinical Trials
primerFunctions and Data for the Book, a Primer of Ecology with R
primerTreeVisually Assessing the Specificity and Informativeness of Primer Pairs
primesFast Functions for Prime Numbers
PRIMMEEigenvalues and Singular Values and Vectors from Large Matrices
princurveFit a Principal Curve in Arbitrary Dimension
PrInDTPrediction and Interpretation in Decision Trees for Classification and Regression
printrAutomatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats According to the 'knitr' Output Format
prinvarsPrincipal Variables
prioGeneCandidate Gene Prioritization for Non-Communicable Diseases Based on Functional Information
prior3D3D Prioritization Algorithm
priorCONGraph Community Detection Methods into Systematic Conservation Planning
PriorGenGenerates Prior Distributions for Proportions
prioriactionsMulti-Action Conservation Planning
prioritizrSystematic Conservation Prioritization in R
prioritizrdataConservation Planning Datasets
prioritylassoAnalyzing Multiple Omics Data with an Offset Approach
priorsensePrior Diagnostics and Sensitivity Analysis
prismAccess Data from the Oregon State Prism Climate Project
PRISM.forecastPenalized Regression with Inferred Seasonality Module - Forecasting Unemployment Initial Claims using 'Google Trends' Data
PRISMAProtocol Inspection and State Machine Analysis
PRISMA2020Make Interactive 'PRISMA' Flow Diagrams
prismadiagramRCreates a Prisma Diagram using 'DiagrammeR'
PRISMAstatementPlot Flow Charts According to the "PRISMA" Statement
prismaticColor Manipulation Tools
prismjsServer-Side Syntax Highlighting
prisonbriefDownloads and Parses World Prison Brief Data
prithulibPerform Random Experiments
PrivateLRDifferentially Private Regularized Logistic Regression
PRNGA Pseudo-Random Number Generator
prnsamplrPermanent Random Number Sampling
proPoint-Process Response Model for Optogenetics
ProAEPRO-CTCAE Scoring, Analysis, and Graphical Tools
probablyTools for Post-Processing Predicted Values
ProbBayesProbability and Bayesian Modeling
ProbBreedProbability Theory for Selecting Candidates in Plant Breeding
probeSparse High-Dimensional Linear Regression with PROBE
ProbeDeveloperDevelop Hybridization Probes
ProbitSpatialProbit with Spatial Dependence, SAR, SEM and SARAR Models
ProbMargComputing Logit & Probit Predicted Probabilities & Marginal Effects
proboutUnsupervised Multivariate Outlier Probabilities for Large Datasets
probsElementary Probability on Finite Sample Spaces
ProbSamplingIProbabilistic Sampling Design and Strategies
PROBShinyInteractive Document for Working with Basic Probability
probstats4econCompanion Package to Probability and Statistics for Economics and Business
ProbYXInference for the Stress-Strength Model R = P(Y<X)
pROCDisplay and Analyze ROC Curves
proccalibradExtraction of Bands from MODIS Calibrated Radiances MOD02 NRT
ProcDataProcess Data Analysis
proceduralnamesSeveral Methods for Procedural Name Generation
processanimateRProcess Map Token Replay Animation
processcheckRRule-Based Conformance Checking of Business Process Event Data
processmapRConstruct Process Maps Using Event Data
processmonitRBuilding Process Monitoring Dashboards
processpredictRProcess Prediction
processxExecute and Control System Processes
proclhmmLatent Hidden Markov Models for Response Process Data
procmapsPortable Address Space Mapping
ProcModInformative Procrustean Matrix Correlation
procsRecreates Some 'SAS®' Procedures in 'R'
ProDenICAProduct Density Estimation for ICA using Tilted Gaussian Density Estimates
prodestProduction Function Estimation
prodigenrResearch Project Directory Generator
prodlimProduct-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
productivityIndices of Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
productplotsProduct Plots for R
ProFASTProbabilistic Factor Analysis for Spatially-Aware Dimension Reduction
ProfessRGrades Setting and Exam Maker
profExtremaCompute and Visualize Profile Extrema Functions
profferProfile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'
profileRead, Manipulate, and Write Profiler Data
ProfileLikelihoodProfile Likelihood for a Parameter in Commonly Used Statistical Models
profileModelProfiling Inference Functions for Various Model Classes
profileRProfile Analysis of Multivariate Data in R
profiplotsProfinit Plotting Theme
profmemSimple Memory Profiling for R
profocProbabilistic Forecast Combination Using CRPS Learning
ProfoundDataDownloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database
profrAn Alternative Display for Profiling Information
profrepProfile Repeatability
proftoolsProfile Output Processing Tools for R
profvisInteractive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
progenyClustFinding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny Clustering
ProgModuleIdentification of Prognosis-Related Mutually Exclusive Modules
progressTerminal Progress Bars
progressrAn Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
PROJGeneric Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
proj4A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library
ProjectionBasedClusteringProjection Based Clustering
projectionsProject Future Case Incidence
ProjectManagementManagement of Deterministic and Stochastic Projects
projectsA Project Infrastructure for Researchers
ProjectTemplateAutomates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis Projects
projmgrTask Tracking and Project Management with GitHub
projpredProjection Predictive Feature Selection
ProliferativeIndexCalculates and Analyzes the Proliferative Index
prolific.apiA User-Friendly Interface for Accessing the Prolific API
prolsirmProcrustes Matching for Latent Space Item Response Model
promePatient-Reported Outcome Data Analysis with Stan
PROMETHEEPreference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations
promethee123PROMETHEE I, II, and III Methods
PrometheeToolsPROMETHEE and GLNF for Ranking and Sorting Problems
promisesAbstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
promorProteomics Data Analysis and Modeling Tools
promoteClient for the 'Alteryx Promote' API
promotionImpactAnalysis & Measurement of Promotion Effectiveness
promptDynamic 'R' Prompt
prompterAdd Tooltips in 'Shiny' Apps with 'Hint.css'
promptrFormat and Complete Few-Shot LLM Prompts
promrPrometheus 'PromQL' Query Client for 'R'
prop.comb.RRAnalyzing Combination of Proportions and Relative Risk
propagatePropagation of Uncertainty
PropCIsVarious Confidence Interval Methods for Proportions
PropClustPropensity Clustering and Decomposition
propertiesParse 'Java' Properties Files for 'R Service Bus' Applications
prophetAutomatic Forecasting Procedure
proporzProportional Apportionment
propOverlapFeature (gene) selection based on the Proportional Overlapping Scores
PropScrRandPropensity Score Methods for Assigning Treatment in Randomized Trials
proPubBills'ProPublica' U.S. Congress Bills API Wrapper
ProPublicaRAccess Functions for ProPublica's APIs
PROregPatient Reported Outcomes Regression Analysis
PROscorerFunctions to Score Commonly-Used Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures and Other Psychometric Instruments
PROscorerToolsTools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures
PROsettaLinking Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures
ProSGPVPenalized Regression with Second-Generation P-Values
prospectrMiscellaneous Functions for Processing and Sample Selection of Spectroscopic Data
PROSPERSimulation of Weed Population Dynamics
ProSportsDraftDataProfessional Sports Draft Data
protagSearch Tagged Peptides & Draw Highlighted Mass Spectra
protein8kPerform Analysis and Create Visualizations of Proteins
ProteoBayesBayesian Statistical Tools for Quantitative Proteomics
proteomicsCVCalculates the Percentage CV for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Data
proteusMultiform Seq2Seq Model for Time-Feature Analysis
protHMMProtein Feature Extraction from Profile Hidden Markov Models
protoPrototype Object-Based Programming
protoclustHierarchical Clustering with Prototypes
protoliteHighly Optimized Protocol Buffer Serializers
protonThe Proton Game
protoshinyInteractive Dendrograms for Visualizing Hierarchical Clusters with Prototypes
prototestInference on Prototypes from Clusters of Features
protrGenerating Various Numerical Representation Schemes for Protein Sequences
ProTrackRManipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules
prottiBottom-Up Proteomics and LiP-MS Quality Control and Data Analysis Tools
protVizVisualizing and Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Related Data in Proteomics
proustrTools for Natural Language Processing in French
provDebugRA Time-Travelling Debugger
provenanceStatistical Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
proverbsPrint a Daily Bible Proverb to Console
provExplainRCompare Provenance Collections to Explain Changed Script Outputs
provGraphRCreates Adjacency Matrices for Lineage Searches
provParseRPulls Information from Prov.Json Files
provSummarizeRSummarizes Provenance Related to Inputs and Outputs of a Script or Console Commands
provTraceRUses Provenance to Trace File Lineage for One or more R Scripts
provVizProvenance Visualizer
proxirrAlpha and Beta Proximity to Irreplaceability
proxyDistance and Similarity Measures
proxyCComputes Proximity in Large Sparse Matrices
prozorMinimal Protein Set Explaining Peptide Spectrum Matches
PRPBayesian Prior and Posterior Predictive Replication Assessment
prqlrR Bindings for the 'prqlc' Rust Library
prrdParallel Runs of Reverse Depends
PRROCPrecision-Recall and ROC Curves for Weighted and Unweighted Data
PRSimStochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using Phase Randomization
PRSPGxConstruct PGx PRS
pRSRTest of Periodicity using Response Surface Regression
prtTabular Data Backed by Partitioned 'fst' Files
PRTreeProbabilistic Regression Trees
prWarpWarping Landmark Configurations
pryrTools for Computing on the Language
PrzewodnikDatasets and Functions Used in the Book 'Przewodnik po Pakiecie R'
psList, Query, Manipulate System Processes
PSAbootBootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis
PSAgraphicsPropensity Score Analysis Graphics
PSAWR'Pushshift' API Wrapper for 'Reddit' Submission and Comment Search
psBayesborrowBayesian Information Borrowing with Propensity Score Matching
psbcGroupPenalized Parametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Survival Models with Shrinkage and Grouping Priors
psbcSpeedUpPenalized Semiparametric Bayesian Cox Models
psborrowBayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Propensity Score
psborrow2Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing Analysis and Simulation
PSCBSAnalysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy Numbers
psclPolitical Science Computational Laboratory
pscoreStandardizing Physiological Composite Risk Endpoints
PScrEstimation for the Power Series Cure Rate Model
psdAdaptive, Sine-Multitaper Power Spectral Density and Cross Spectrum Estimation
psDataDownload Regularly Maintained Political Science Data Sets
PSDistrDistributions Derived from Normal Distribution
psdrUse Time Series to Generate and Compare Power Spectral Density
pseudoComputes Pseudo-Observations for Modeling
pseudohouseholdsGenerate Pseudohouseholds on Road Networks in Regions
psevalMethods for Evaluating Principal Surrogates of Treatment Response
PSFForecasting of Univariate Time Series Using the Pattern Sequence-Based Forecasting (PSF) Algorithm
psfmiPrediction Model Pooling, Selection and Performance Evaluation Across Multiply Imputed Datasets
PSGDProjected Subset Gradient Descent
PSGoftModified Lilliefors Goodness-of-Fit Normality Test
psgpProjected Spatial Gaussian Process Methods
psicaDecision Tree Analysis for Probabilistic Subgroup Identification with Multiple Treatments
psidreadStreamline Building Panel Data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics ('PSID') Raw Files
PSIMPreference Selection Index Method (PSIM)
PSIndependenceTestIndependence Tests for Two-Way, Three-Way and Four-Way Contingency Tables
PSinferenceInference for Released Plug-in Sampling Single Synthetic Dataset
PSLM2015Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2014-15
psm3mkvEvaluate Partitioned Survival and State Transition Models
psmineRPerformance Spectrum Miner for Event Data
psoParticle Swarm Optimization
psoptimParticle Swarm Optimization
pspParameter Space Partitioning MCMC for Global Model Evaluation
pspatregSpatial and Spatio-Temporal Semiparametric Regression Models with Spatial Lags
pspearmanSpearman's Rank Correlation Test
psplinePenalized Smoothing Splines
PSPManalysisAnalysis of Physiologically Structured Population Models
psqnPartially Separable Quasi-Newton
PSS.HealthPower and Sample Size for Health Researchers via Shiny
PSSIMTest of Independence & Image Structural Similarity Measure PSSIM
PSSMCOOLFeatures Extracted from Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM)
pssmoothFlexible and Efficient Evaluation of Principal Surrogates/Treatment Effect Modifiers
psSubpathwayFlexible Identification of Phenotype-Specific Subpathways
PSTProbabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov Chains
PstatAssessing Pst Statistics
pstestSpecification Tests for Parametric Propensity Score Models
PStrataPrincipal Stratification Analysis in R
psvdEigendecomposition, Singular-Values and the Power Method
psvmSDRUnified Principal Sufficient Dimension Reduction Package
PSWPropensity Score Weighting Methods for Dichotomous Treatments
PSweightPropensity Score Weighting for Causal Inference with Observational Studies and Randomized Trials
psyVarious Procedures Used in Psychometrics
psycCleaningData Cleaning for Psychological Analyses
psychProcedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
psychmetaPsychometric Meta-Analysis Toolkit
psychoEfficient and Publishing-Oriented Workflow for Psychological Science
psychometricApplied Psychometric Theory
psychomixPsychometric Mixture Models
psychonetricsStructural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network Analysis
psychotoolsPsychometric Modeling Infrastructure
psychotreeRecursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric Models
psychReportReproducible Reports in Psychology
psychrolibPsychrometric Properties of Moist and Dry Air
psychToolsTools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for Psychological Research
PsychWordVecWord Embedding Research Framework for Psychological Science
psycModelIntegrated Toolkit for Psychological Analysis and Modeling in R
PsyControlCUSUM Person Fit Statistics
psymetadataOpen Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology Research
psynturHelper Tools for Teaching Statistical Data Analysis
psyphyFunctions for Analyzing Psychophysical Data in R
psyverseDecentralized Unequivocality in Psychological Science
ptableGeneration of Perturbation Tables for the Cell-Key Method
PTAkPrincipal Tensor Analysis on k Modes
PTEPersonalized Treatment Evaluator
PTERPPTE and RP for Optimally-Transformed Surrogate
ptinpolyPoint-in-Polyhedron Test (2D and 3D)
pTITAN2Permutations of Treatment Labels and TITAN2 Analysis
ptmAnalyses of Protein Post-Translational Modifications
ptmixedPoisson-Tweedie Generalized Linear Mixed Model
ptoolsTools for Poisson Data
PtProcessTime Dependent Point Process Modelling
ptspotterHelper Functions for Use with "ProjectTemplate"
PTSRPositive Time Series Regression
pttstabilityParticle-Takens Stability
ptvapiAccess the 'Public Transport Victoria' Timetable API
ptwParametric Time Warping
ptwikiwordsWords Used in Portuguese Wikipedia
PTwinsPercentile Estimation of Fetal Weight for Twins by Chorionicity
PTXQCQuality Report Generation for MaxQuant and mzTab Results
ptychoBayesian Variable Selection with Hierarchical Priors
PubChemRInterface to the 'PubChem' Database for Chemical Data Retrieval
pubhA Toolbox for Public Health and Epidemiology
public.ctn0094dataDe-Identified Data from CTN-0094
public.ctn0094extraHelper Files for the CTN-0094 Relational Database
PublicationBiasSensitivity Analysis for Publication Bias in Meta-Analyses
publiphaBayesian Meta-Analysis with Publications Bias and P-Hacking
PublishFormat Output of Various Routines in a Suitable Way for Reports and Publication
pubmed.mineRText Mining of PubMed Abstracts
PubMedMiningText-Mining of the 'PubMed' Repository
pubmedRGathering Metadata About Publications, Grants, Clinical Trials from 'PubMed' Database
pubmedtk'Pubmed' Toolkit
PubMedWordcloud'Pubmed' Word Clouds
pubtatordbCreate and Query a Local 'PubTator' Database
PUGMMParsimonious Ultrametric Gaussian Mixture Models
PUlassoHigh-Dimensional Variable Selection with Presence-Only Data
pullwordR Interface to Pullword Service
pulsPartitioning Using Local Subregions
pulsarParallel Utilities for Lambda Selection along a Regularization Path
pumilioRPumilio in R
PUMPPower Under Multiplicity Project
puniformMeta-Analysis Methods Correcting for Publication Bias
PUPAKParameter Estimation, and Plot Visualization of Adsorption Kinetic Models
PupillometryRA Unified Pipeline for Pupillometry Data
PupilPrePreprocessing Pupil Size Data
PUPMCRImage-Based Identification of Color Based on Rayner (1970) Terminology and Known Fungal Pigments
PUPMSIMoisture Sorption Isotherm Modeling Program
puremoePubmed Unified REtrieval for Multi-Output Exploration
pureseqtmrPredict Transmembrane Protein Topology
purgePurge Training Data from Models
purgeRInbreeding-Purging Estimation in Pedigreed Populations
purgingSimple Method for Purging Mediation Effects among Independent Variables
PurpleAirQuery the 'PurpleAir' Application Programming Interface
purrrFunctional Programming Tools
purrrlyrTools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr'
PursuitProjection Pursuit
pushbarCreate Sliders for 'Shiny'
pushoverrSend Push Notifications using 'Pushover'
puzzleAssembling Data Sets for Non-Linear Mixed Effects Modeling
PVAClonePopulation Viability Analysis with Data Cloning
pvaluefunctionsCreates and Plots P-Value Functions, S-Value Functions, Confidence Distributions and Confidence Densities
pvarCalculation and Application of p-Variation
pvclassP-Values for Classification
pvclustHierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampling
pvcurveanalysisAnalysis of Pressure Volume Curves
pvdaDisproportionality Functions for Pharmacovigilance
pvldcurveSimplifies the Analysis of Pressure Volume and Leaf Drying Curves
pvLRTLikelihood Ratio Test-Based Approaches to Pharmacovigilance
PVplrPerformance Loss Rate Analysis Pipeline
PVRPhylogenetic Eigenvectors Regression and Phylogentic Signal-Representation Curve
PvSTATEMReading, Quality Control and Preprocessing of MBA (Multiplex Bead Assay) Data
PWEALLDesign and Monitoring of Survival Trials Accounting for Complex Situations
PWEVPSO Based Weighted Ensemble Algorithm for Volatility Modelling
PWEXPPiecewise Exponential Distribution Prediction Model
PWIRProvides a Function to Calculate Prize Winner Indices Based on Bibliometric Data
pwlmmPWIGLS for Two-Level Multivariate and Multilevel Linear Models
pwrBasic Functions for Power Analysis
pwr2Power and Sample Size Analysis for One-way and Two-way ANOVA Models
pwr2pplPower Analyses for Common Designs (Power to the People)
pwr4expPower Analysis for Research Experiments
pwrABPower Analysis for AB Testing
pwrFDRFDR Power
PwrGSDPower in a Group Sequential Design
pwrRaschStatistical Power Simulation for Testing the Rasch Model
pwrssStatistical Power and Sample Size Calculation Tools
pwtPenn World Table (Versions 5.6, 6.x, 7.x)
pwt10Penn World Table (Version 10.x)
pwt8Penn World Table (Version 8.x)
pwt9Penn World Table (Version 9.x)
pxRPC-Axis with R
pxwebR Interface to PXWEB APIs
PxWebApiDataPX-Web Data by API
pycnoPycnophylactic Interpolation
pyinitPena-Yohai Initial Estimator for Robust S-Regression
pylintRLint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' Addin
pyMTurkRA Client for the 'MTurk' Requester API
pyramidDraw Population Pyramid
pysd2rAPI to 'Python' Library 'pysd'
pysparklyrProvides a 'PySpark' Back-End for the 'sparklyr' Package
PytrendsLongitudinalRCreate Longitudinal Google Trends Data
pzfxRead and Write 'GraphPad Prism' Files
Q2qInterpolating Age-Specific Mortality Rates at All Ages
Q7Types and Features for Object Oriented Programming
qacBaseFunctions to Facilitate Exploratory Data Analysis
qadQuantification of Asymmetric Dependence
QAIGAutomatic Item Generator for Quantitative Multiple-Choice Items
qapHeuristics for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)
qapeQuantile of Absolute Prediction Errors
QapproxApproximation to the Survival Functions of Quadratic Forms of Gaussian Variables
qbldQuantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data
QBMSQuery the Breeding Management System(s)
qboxplotQuantile-Based Boxplot
qbrAccess the 'Quickbase' JSON API
QCAQualitative Comparative Analysis
QCAclusterTools for the Analysis of Clustered Data in QCA
qcapowerEstimate Power and Required Sample Size in QCA
QCAproAdvanced Functionality for Performing and Evaluating Qualitative Comparative Analysis
QCAtoolsHelper Functions for QCA in R
qcauchyregQuantile Regression Quasi-Cauchy
qCBAPostprocessing of Rule Classification Models Learnt on Quantized Data
qccQuality Control Charts
qccrsQuality Control Charts under Repetitive Sampling
QCEWASFast and Easy Quality Control of EWAS Results Files
QCGWASQuality Control of Genome Wide Association Study Results
qchQuery Composite Hypotheses
qcpmQuantile Composite Path Modeling
qcQpcrHistone ChIP-Seq qPCR Analyzer
qcrQuality Control Review
QCSimulatorA 5-Qubit Quantum Computing Simulator
QCSISSure Independence Screening via Quantile Correlation and Composite Quantile Correlation
qcvQuantifying Construct Validity
qdapBridging the Gap Between Qualitative Data and Quantitative Analysis
qdapDictionariesDictionaries and Word Lists for the 'qdap' Package
qdapRegexRegular Expression Removal, Extraction, and Replacement Tools
qdapToolsTools for the 'qdap' Package
QDComparisonModern Nonparametric Tools for Two-Sample Quantile and Distribution Comparisons
QDiabetesType 2 Diabetes Risk Calculator
qdmFitting a Quadrilateral Dissimilarity Model to Same-Different Judgments
qeMLQuick and Easy Machine Learning Tools
QestQuantile-Based Estimator
QFDensity, Cumulative and Quantile Functions of Quadratic Forms
qfaQuantile-Frequency Analysis (QFA) of Time Series
QFASAQuantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis
qfasarQuantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis in R
qfratioMoments and Distributions of Ratios of Quadratic Forms Using Recursion
QFRMPricing of Vanilla and Exotic Option Contracts
QGAQuantum Genetic Algorithm
qgamSmooth Additive Quantile Regression Models
QGameTheoryQuantum Game Theory Simulator
qGaussianThe q-Gaussian Distribution
qgcompQuantile G-Computation
qgcompintQuantile G-Computation Extensions for Effect Measure Modification
qggStatistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic Analyses
QGglmmEstimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised Linear Mixed Models
qgisprocessUse 'QGIS' Processing Algorithms
qgraphGraph Plotting Methods, Psychometric Data Visualization and Graphical Model Estimation
qgshinyA 'shiny' Application for Active Learning Instruction in Introductory Quantitative Genetics
QHOTQTL Hotspot Detection
QHScrnomoConstruct Nomograms for Competing Risks Regression Models
QIQuantity-Intensity Relationship of Soil Potassium
qichartsQuality Improvement Charts
qicharts2Quality Improvement Charts
qifQuadratic Inference Function
qiitrR Interface to Qiita API
QindexContinuous and Dichotomized Index Predictors Based on Distribution Quantiles
Qindex.dataData for Package 'Qindex'
qkerntoolQ-Kernel-Based and Conditionally Negative Definite Kernel-Based Machine Learning Tools
qlcalR Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'
qlcDataProcessing Data for Quantitative Language Comparison
qlcMatrixUtility Sparse Matrix Functions for Quantitative Language Comparison
qlcVisualizeVisualization for Quantitative Language Comparison
QLearningReinforcement Learning using the Q Learning Algorithm
qlifetableManaging and Building of Quarterly Life Tables
qmapStatistical Transformations for Post-Processing Climate Model Output
qmdQuantification of Multivariate Dependence
qmethodAnalysis of Subjective Perspectives Using Q Methodology
qMRIMethods for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging ('qMRI')
qmrparserParser Combinator in R
qmvsQueueing Model of Visual Search
qoiRead and Write QOI Images
QoLMissScales Score Calculation from Quality of Life Data
qpcRModelling and Analysis of Real-Time PCR Data
qPCRhelperqPCR Ct Values to Expression Values
qPCRtoolsTools for qPCR
qpdfSplit, Combine and Compress PDF Files
qpmadrInterface to the 'qpmad' Quadratic Programming Solver
qpNCANoncompartmental Pharmacokinetic Analysis by qPharmetra
qqboxplotImplementation of the Q-Q Boxplot
qqconfCreates Simultaneous Testing Bands for QQ-Plots
qqmanQ-Q and Manhattan Plots for GWAS Data
qqplotrQuantile-Quantile Plot Extensions for 'ggplot2'
qqtestSelf Calibrating Quantile-Quantile Plots for Visual Testing
qqvasesAnimated Normal Quantile-Quantile Plots
QRQR Factorization without Pivoting
qraQuantal Response Analysis for Dose-Mortality Data
QRAGadgetA 'Shiny' Gadget for Interactive 'QRA' Visualizations
QRankA Novel Quantile Regression Approach for eQTL Discovery
qrcmQuantile Regression Coefficients Modeling
qrcmNPNonlinear and Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling
qrcodeGenerate QRcodes with R
QregBBBlock Bootstrap Methods for Quantile Regression in Time Series
QRegVCMQuantile Regression in Varying-Coefficient Models
qrencoderQuick Response Code (QR Code) / Matrix Barcode Creator
qreportStatistical Reporting with 'Quarto'
QRIpkgQuantile Regression Index Score
qrisQuantile Regression Model for Residual Lifetime Using an Induced Smoothing Approach
QRISK310-Year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator (QRISK3 2017)
qrjointJoint Estimation in Linear Quantile Regression
qrlabelrGenerate Machine- And Human-Readable Plot Labels for Experiments
qrLMMQuantile Regression for Linear Mixed-Effects Models
QRMProvides R-Language Code to Examine Quantitative Risk Management Concepts
qrmdataData Sets for Quantitative Risk Management Practice
qrmixQuantile Regression Mixture Models
qrmtoolsTools for Quantitative Risk Management
qrng(Randomized) Quasi-Random Number Generators
qrNLMMQuantile Regression for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models
qrnnQuantile Regression Neural Network
qsQuick Serialization of R Objects
qs2Efficient Serialization of R Objects
QSARdataQuantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Data Sets
qsimulatRA Quantum Computer Simulator
qsliceImplementations of Various Slice Samplers
qsortScoring Q-Sort Data
qsplinesQuaternions Splines
qsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
qstStore Tables in SQL Database
qsubRunning Commands Remotely on 'Gridengine' Clusters
qteQuantile Treatment Effects
QTE.RDQuantile Treatment Effects under the Regression Discontinuity Design
qtkitQuantitative Text Kit
qtlTools for Analyzing QTL Experiments
QTL.gCIMappingQTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval Mapping
QTL.gCIMapping.GUIQTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval Mapping with Graphical User Interface
qtl2Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping in Experimental Crosses
qtl2convertConvert Data among QTL Mapping Packages
qtl2fstDatabase Storage of Genotype Probabilities for QTL Mapping
qtl2ggplotData Visualization for QTL Experiments
qtl2patternPattern Support for 'qtl2' Package
qtl2pleioTesting Pleiotropy in Multiparental Populations
qtlbookDatasets for the R/qtl Book
qtlcDensitometric Analysis of Thin-Layer Chromatography Plates
qtlchartsInteractive Graphics for QTL Experiments
qtlDesignDesign of QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) Experiments
QTLEMMQTL Mapping and Hotspots Detection
qtlhotInference for QTL Hotspots
qtlnetCausal Inference of QTL Networks
qtlpolyRandom-Effect Multiple QTL Mapping in Autopolyploids
QTLRelTools for Mapping of Quantitative Traits of Genetically Related Individuals and Calculating Identity Coefficients from Pedigrees
QTOCenQuantile-Optimal Treatment Regimes with Censored Data
QtoolsUtilities for Quantiles
qtwAcademic'Quarto' Website Templates for Academics
quadcleanRCleanup and Visualization of Quadrat Data
quadformEfficient Evaluation of Quadratic Forms
quadmatrixSolving Quadratic Matrix Equations
quadmeshQuadrangle Mesh
quadprogFunctions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems
quadprogXTQuadratic Programming with Absolute Value Constraints
quadraticSDVisualizing the SD using a Quadratic Curve
QuadratiKCollection of Methods Constructed using Kernel-Based Quadratic Distances
QuadRootQuadratic Root for any Quadratic Equation
quadrupenSparsity by Worst-Case Quadratic Penalties
quadtreeRegion Quadtrees for Spatial Data
qualitycontrolUnified Framework for Data Quality Control
qualmapOpinionated Approach for Digitizing Semi-Structured Qualitative GIS Data
qualpalrAutomatic Generation of Qualitative Color Palettes
qualtRicsDownload 'Qualtrics' Survey Data
qualVQualitative Validation Methods
qualvarImplements Indices of Qualitative Variation Proposed by Wilcox (1973)
QUALYPSOPartitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections
QuandlAPI Wrapper for Quandl.com
QuantBondCurvesCalculates Bond Values and Interest Rate Curves for Finance
quantCurvesEstimate Quantiles Curves
quantdatesManipulate Dates for Finance
quantdrDimension Reduction Techniques for Conditional Quantiles
quantedaQuantitative Analysis of Textual Data
quanteda.textmodelsScaling Models and Classifiers for Textual Data
quanteda.textplotsPlots for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data
quanteda.textstatsTextual Statistics for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data
quantificationQuantification of Qualitative Survey Data
quantileDAQuantile Classifier
QuantileGHQuantile Least Mahalanobis Distance Estimator for Tukey g-&-h Mixture
QuantileGradeRQuantile-Adjusted Restaurant Grading
QuantileNPCINonparametric Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
quantitiesQuantity Calculus for R Vectors
quantkrigingQuantile Kriging for Stochastic Simulations with Replication
quantmodQuantitative Financial Modelling Framework
QuantNormMitigating the Adverse Impact of Batch Effects in Sample Pattern Detection
quantoptrAlgorithms for Quantile- And Mean-Optimal Treatment Regimes
QuantPsycQuantitative Psychology Tools
quantregQuantile Regression
quantreg.nonparNonparametric Series Quantile Regression
quantregForestQuantile Regression Forests
QuantRegGLassoAdaptively Weighted Group Lasso for Semiparametric Quantile Regression Models
quantregGrowthNon-Crossing Additive Regression Quantiles and Non-Parametric Growth Charts
quantregRangerQuantile Regression Forests for 'ranger'
quantspecQuantile-Based Spectral Analysis of Time Series
QuantumOpsPerforms Common Linear Algebra Operations Used in Quantum Computing and Implements Quantum Algorithms
quarksSimple Methods for Calculating and Backtesting Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
quarrintInteraction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry Extension Using Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural Networks
QuartetComparison of Phylogenetic Trees Using Quartet and Split Measures
quartetsDatasets to Help Teach Statistics
quartoR Interface to 'Quarto' Markdown Publishing System
quaxnatEstimation of Natural Regeneration Potential
QuCluQuantile-Based Clustering Algorithms
queryBuilderProgrammatic Way to Construct Complex Filtering Queries
queryparserTranslate 'SQL' Queries into 'R' Expressions
queryupQuery the 'UniProtKB' REST API
questPrepare Questionnaire Data for Analysis
questionrFunctions to Make Surveys Processing Easier
QuESTrConstructing Quantitative Environment Sensor using Transcriptomes
queuecomputerComputationally Efficient Queue Simulation
queueingAnalysis of Queueing Networks and Models
quickblockQuick Threshold Blocking
quickcheckProperty Based Testing
quickcodeQuick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better Scripts
QuickJSRInterface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' Engine
quickmatchQuick Generalized Full Matching
quickNmixAsymptotic N-Mixture Model Fitting
quickPlotA System of Plotting Optimized for Speed and Modularity
quickpsyFits Psychometric Functions for Multiple Groups
quickPWCRQuickly construct and rating large binary pairwiesd comparisons
quickRegBuild Regression Models Quickly and Display the Results Using 'ggplot2'
quickregressionQuick Linear Regression
QuICSeedRAnalyze Data for Fluorophore-Assisted Seed Amplification Assays
quidBayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences
quiddichQUick IDentification of DIagnostic CHaracters
quietRSimplify Output Verbosity
quiltrQualtrics for Labelling Text using R
quincunxREST API Client for the 'PGS' Catalog
quintQualitative Interaction Trees
quollrVisualising How Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Warps Your Data
quoradsRGet 'Quora' Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
quotedargsA Way of Writing Functions that Quote their Arguments
quRanComplete Text of the Qur'an
QurvERobust and User-Friendly Analysis of Growth and Fluorescence Curves
QvalThe Q-Matrix Validation Methods Framework
qvcalcQuasi Variances for Factor Effects in Statistical Models
qvirusQuantum Computing for Analyzing CD4 Lymphocytes and Antiretroviral Therapy
qwalkrHandle Continuous-Time Quantum Walks with R
QWDAPQuantum Walk-Based Data Analysis and Prediction
qwraps2Quick Wraps 2
QZGeneralized Eigenvalues and QZ Decomposition
r.blipBayesian Network Learning Improved Project
R.cacheFast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects and Results to Speed Up Computations
R.devicesUnified Handling of Graphics Devices
R.filesetsEasy Handling of and Access to Files Organized in Structured Directories
R.hugeMethods for Accessing Huge Amounts of Data [deprecated]
r.jivePerform JIVE Decomposition for Multi-Source Data
R.matlabRead and Write MAT Files and Call MATLAB from Within R
R.methodsS3S3 Methods Simplified
R.ooR Object-Oriented Programming with or without References
r.proxySet Proxy in R Console
R.rspDynamic Generation of Scientific Reports
R.temisIntegrated Text Mining Solution
R.utilsVarious Programming Utilities
R0Estimation of R0 and Real-Time Reproduction Number from Epidemics
r02proR Programming: Zero to Pro
R1magicCompressive Sampling: Sparse Signal Recovery Utilities
R2AddhazR2 Measure of Explained Variation under the Additive Hazards Model
R2admb'ADMB' to R Interface Functions
R2BayesXEstimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'
R2BEATMultistage Sampling Allocation and Sample Selection
r2countryCountry Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations, Time, Languages and so on
r2d2Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Confidence Region and Frequency Distribution
r2d3Interface to 'D3' Visualizations
r2dictionaryA Mini-Dictionary for 'R', 'Shiny' and 'Rmarkdown' Documents
r2dii.analysisMeasure Climate Scenario Alignment of Corporate Loans
r2dii.dataDatasets to Measure the Alignment of Corporate Loan Books with Climate Goals
r2dii.matchTools to Match Corporate Lending Portfolios with Climate Data
r2dii.plotVisualize the Climate Scenario Alignment of a Financial Portfolio
R2DTTranslation of Base R-Like Functions for 'data.table' Objects
r2fireworksEnhance Your 'Rmarkdown' and 'shiny' Apps with Dazzling Fireworks Celebrations
r2glmmComputes R Squared for Mixed (Multilevel) Models
R2HTMLHTML Exportation for R Objects
R2jagsUsing R to Run 'JAGS'
r2mlmR-Squared Measures for Multilevel Models
R2MLwiNRunning 'MLwiN' from Within R
R2OpenBUGSRunning OpenBUGS from R
r2pmmlConvert R Models to PMML
R2PPTSimple R Interface to Microsoft PowerPoint using RDCOMClient
r2pptxObject Oriented R -> PowerPoint
r2rR-Object to R-Object Hash Maps
r2reduxR2 Statistic
r2resizeIn-Text Resize for Images, Tables and Fancy Resize Containers in 'shiny', 'rmarkdown' and 'quarto' Documents
R2ROCAUC Statistics
r2rtfEasily Create Production-Ready Rich Text Format (RTF) Table and Figure
R2sampleVarious Methods for the Two Sample Problem
r2shortcodeShorten Function Names of Functions in Another Package and Create an Index to Make Them Accessible
r2socialSeamless Integration of Sharing and Connect Buttons in Markdown and Apps
r2spssFormat R Output to Look Like SPSS
r2stlVisualizing Data using a 3D Printer
r2sundialsWrapper for 'SUNDIALS' Solving ODE and Sensitivity Problem
r2symbolsSymbols for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny' Application
R2ucareGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Capture-Recapture Models
R2wdWrite MS-Word documents from R
R2WinBUGSRunning 'WinBUGS' and 'OpenBUGS' from 'R' / 'S-PLUS'
r311Interface to the 'open311' Standard
r3dmolCreate Interactive 3D Visualizations of Molecular Data
r3js'WebGL'-Based 3D Plotting using the 'three.js' Library
r3PGSimulating Forest Growth using the 3-PG Model
R3portReport Functions to Create HTML and PDF Files
R4CouchDBA R Convenience Layer for CouchDB 2.0
r4ds.tutorialsTutorials for "R for Data Science"
r4googleads'Google Ads API' Interface
R4HCRR for Health Care Research
r4lineupsStatistical Inference on Lineup Fairness
r4ssR Code for Stock Synthesis
r5rRapid Realistic Routing with 'R5'
R6Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics
R62S3Automatic Method Generation from R6
R6causalR6 Class for Structural Causal Models
R6DSR6 Reference Class Based Data Structures
r6extendedExtension for 'R6' Base Class
r6methodsMake Methods for R6 Classes
R6PDesign Patterns in R
r6qualitytoolsR6-Based Statistical Methods for Quality Science
ra4bayesmetaReference Analysis for Bayesian Meta-Analysis
rabiGenerate Codes to Uniquely and Robustly Identify Individuals for Animal Behavior Studies
RABRSimulations for Response Adaptive Block Randomization Design
RACR Package for Aqua Culture
racademyoceanClient for 'AcademyOcean API'
RaceIDIdentification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
racelandPattern-Based Zoneless Method for Analysis and Visualization of Racial Topography
racirRapid A/Ci Response (RACiR) Data Analysis
RacmacsAntigenic Cartography Macros
ractivecampaignLoading Data from 'ActiveCampaign API v3'
rADAStatistical Analysis and Cut-Point Determination of Immunoassays
radarFundamental Formulas for Radar
radarBoxplotImplementation of the Radar-Boxplot
radarchartRadar Chart from 'Chart.js'
RadDataNuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations - ICRP 107
RadialVisGadgetsInteractive Gadgets for Radial Visualization Approaches
radiantBusiness Analytics using R and Shiny
radiant.basicsBasics Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
radiant.dataData Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
radiant.designDesign Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
radiant.modelModel Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
radiant.multivariateMultivariate Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
RadioSondeTools for Plotting Skew-T Diagrams and Wind Profiles
radirInverse-Regression Estimation of Radioactive Doses
radlibsBuild Your Own Madlibs!
RadOncAnalytical Tools for Radiation Oncology
radousQuery Random User Data from the Random User Generator API
radsaferRadiation Safety
RADstackshelpROptimize the De Novo Stacks Pipeline via R
RadvizProject Multidimensional Data in 2D Space
RAdwordsLoading Google Adwords Data into R
raemAnalytic Element Modeling of Steady Single-Layer Groundwater Flow
rafalibConvenience Functions for Routine Data Exploration
RAFSRobust Aggregative Feature Selection
rafsiRanking of Alternatives with the RAFSI Method
RageLife History Metrics from Matrix Population Models
raggGraphic Devices Based on AGG
RagGridA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'agGrid'
rags2ridgesRidge Estimation of Precision Matrices from High-Dimensional Data
ragtopPricing Equity Derivatives with Extensions of Black-Scholes
raiRevisiting-Alpha-Investing for Polynomial Regression
rainbowBagplots, Boxplots and Rainbow Plots for Functional Data
RAINBOWRGenome-Wide Association Study with SNP-Set Methods
raincinRanking with Incomplete Information
rainetteThe Reinert Method for Textual Data Clustering
RainfallErosivityFactorThe Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor
rainfarmrStochastic Precipitation Downscaling with the RainFARM Method
rairtableEfficient Wrapper for the 'Airtable' API
RaJIVERobust Angle Based Joint and Individual Variation Explained
rakeREasy Spatial Microsimulation (Raking) in R
ralgerEasy Web Scraping
RALSAR Analyzer for Large-Scale Assessments
RamanMPAnalysis and Identification of Raman Spectra of Microplastics
RambleParser Combinator for R
rAmChartsJavaScript Charts Tool
rAmCharts4Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'
ramchoiceRevealed Preference and Attention Analysis in Random Limited Attention Models
RAMClustRMass Spectrometry Metabolomics Feature Clustering and Interpretation
ramcmcRobust Adaptive Metropolis Algorithm
rameritrade'TD Ameritrade' API Interface for R
ramifyAdditional Matrix Functionality
ramlegacyDownload and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database
RAMPRegularized Generalized Linear Models with Interaction Effects
RAMpathStructural Equation Modeling Using the Reticular Action Model (RAM) Notation
rampsBayesian Geostatistical Modeling with RAMPS
RaMSR Access to Mass-Spec Data
ramsvmReinforced Angle-Based Multicategory Support Vector Machines
randChecksCovariate Balance Checks: Randomization Tests and Graphical Diagnostics
randcorrGenerate a Random p x p Correlation Matrix
randgeoGenerate Random 'WKT' or 'GeoJSON'
RandMetaEfficient Numerical Algorithm for Exact Inference in Meta Analysis
randnetRandom Network Model Estimation, Selection and Parameter Tuning
randoContext Aware Random Numbers
randomTrue Random Numbers using RANDOM.ORG
random.cdisc.dataCreate Random ADaM Datasets
random.polychor.paA Parallel Analysis with Polychoric Correlation Matrices
randomcoloRGenerate Attractive Random Colors
randomForestBreiman and Cutlers Random Forests for Classification and Regression
randomForestExplainerExplaining and Visualizing Random Forests in Terms of Variable Importance
RandomForestsGLSRandom Forests for Dependent Data
randomForestSRCFast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification (RF-SRC)
randomForestVIPTune Random Forests Based on Variable Importance & Plot Results
randomGLMRandom General Linear Model Prediction
randomizationInferenceFlexible Randomization-Based Inference
randomizeBECreate a Random List for Crossover Studies
randomizeRRandomization for Clinical Trials
randomizrEasy-to-Use Tools for Common Forms of Random Assignment and Sampling
randomLCARandom Effects Latent Class Analysis
randomMachinesAn Ensemble Modeling using Random Machines
randomNamesGenerate Random Given and Surnames
RandomProjectionTestTwo-Sample Test in High Dimensions using Random Projection
randomUniformForestRandom Uniform Forests for Classification, Regression and Unsupervised Learning
RandomuseragentFiltering and Randomly Sampling Real User-Agent Strings
RandomWalkerGenerate Random Walks Compatible with the 'tidyverse'
RandProRandom Projection with Classification
randquotesGet Random Quotes from Quotes on Design API
randtestsTesting Randomness in R
randtoolboxToolbox for Pseudo and Quasi Random Number Generation and Random Generator Tests
RandVarImplementation of Random Variables
rangReconstructing Reproducible R Computational Environments
rangeBuilderOccurrence Filtering, Geographic Standardization and Generation of Species Range Polygons
rangeMapperA Platform for the Study of Macro-Ecology of Life History Traits
rangeModelMetadataProvides Templates for Metadata Files Associated with Species Range Models
rangerA Fast Implementation of Random Forests
RanglaPunjabDisplays Palette of 5 Colors
rankCustomisable Ranking of Numerical and Categorical Data
RankAggregWeighted Rank Aggregation
RankAggregatorAggregation of (Partial) Ordinal Rankings
RankAggSIgFURPolynomially Bounded Rank Aggregation under Kemeny's Axiomatic Approach
RankclusterModel-Based Clustering for Multivariate Partial Ranking Data
rankCorrTotal, Between-, and Within-Cluster Spearman Rank Correlations for Clustered Data
rankdifferencetestKornbrot's Rank Difference Test
rankdistDistance Based Ranking Models
rankFDRank-Based Tests for General Factorial Designs
rankhazardRank-Hazard Plots
rankICCRank Intraclass Correlation for Clustered Data
RankingProjectThe Ranking Project: Visualizations for Comparing Populations
rankinmaRank in Network Meta-Analysis
rankinPlotConvenient Plotting for the Modified Rankin Scale and Other Ordinal Outcome Data
RankPCARank of Variables Based on Principal Component Analysis for Mixed Data Types
rankrateJoint Statistical Models for Preference Learning with Rankings and Ratings
RankResponseRanking Responses in a Single Response Question or a Multiple Response Question
RANKSRanking of Nodes with Kernelized Score Functions
ranktreeEnsembleEnsemble Models of Rank-Based Trees with Extracted Decision Rules
RANNFast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2 Metric
RapiInterface for Multiple Data Providers 'EDDS' and 'FRED'
rapiclientDynamic OpenAPI/Swagger Client
RApiDatetimeR API for 'Date' and 'Datetime'
rapidjsonr'Rapidjson' C++ Header Files
rapidocGenerates 'RapiDoc' Documentation from an 'OpenAPI' Specification
RapidoPGSA Fast and Light Package to Compute Polygenic Risk Scores
rapidphyloRapidly Estimates Phylogeny from Large Allele Frequency Data Using Root Distances Method
rapidrakerRapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) Algorithm
rapidsplithalfA Fast Split-Half Reliability Algorithm
rapidxmlr'Rapidxml' C++ Header Files
RApiSerializeR API Serialization
RappEasily Build Command Line Applications
RAppArmorBindings to AppArmor and Security Related Linux Tools
rappdirsApplication Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
rapportA Report Templating System
rapportoolsMiscellaneous (Stats) Helper Functions with Sane Defaults for Reporting
rappsflyerWork with AppsFlyer API
rapsimngAPSIM Next Generation
RAPTORRow and Position Tracheid Organizer
raptrRepresentative and Adequate Prioritization Toolkit in R
raqsInterface to the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API
RAQSAPIA Simple Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System Data Mart API
RaquiferEstimate the Water Influx into Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
rarRisk-Adjusted Regression
rareLinear Model with Tree-Based Lasso Regularization for Rare Features
RareCombCombinatorial and Statistical Analyses of Rare Events
rareNMtestsEcological and Biogeographical Null Model Tests for Comparing Rarefaction Curves
rarestRRarefaction-Based Species Richness Estimator
RARfreqResponse Adaptive Randomization with 'Frequentist' Approaches
RarityCalculation of Rarity Indices for Species and Assemblages of Species
rarmsAccess Data from the USDA ARMS Data API
rARPACKSolvers for Large Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems
RARtrialsResponse-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials
RaschSamplerRasch Sampler
rasciidocCreate Reports Using R and 'asciidoc'
rasclassSupervised Raster Image Classification
RaSEnRandom Subspace Ensemble Classification and Variable Screening
rasstaRaster-Based Spatial Stratification Algorithms
rasterGeographic Data Analysis and Modeling
rasterbcAccess Forest Ecology Layers for British Columbia in 2001-2018
rasterdivDiversity Indices for Numerical Matrices
rasterDTFast Raster Summary and Manipulation
rasterImageAn Improved Wrapper of image()
rasterizeRasterize Graphical Output
rasterKernelEstimatesKernel Based Estimates on in-Memory Raster Images
rasterListA Raster Where Cells are Generic Objects
rasterpdfPlot Raster Graphics in PDF Files
rasterpicConvert Digital Images into 'SpatRaster' Objects
rasterVisVisualization Methods for Raster Data
RATResearch Assessment Tools
RataAutomated Test Assembly
ratdatPortal Project Teaching Database
ratelimitrRate Limiting for R
ratematrixBayesian Estimation of the Evolutionary Rate Matrix
raterStatistical Models of Repeated Categorical Rating Data
rateratio.testExact Rate Ratio Test
ratersA Modification of Fleiss' Kappa in Case of Nominal and Ordinal Variables
ratesciConfidence Intervals for Comparisons of Binomial or Poisson Rates
RATestRandomization Tests
RAthenaConnect to 'AWS Athena' using 'Boto3' ('DBI' Interface)
RatingScaleReductionRating Scale Reduction Procedure
RationalExpRationalizing Rational Expectations. Tests and Deviations
rationalfunManipulation of Rational Functions
RationalMatrixExact Matrix Algebra for Rational Matrices
ratioOfQspraysFractions of Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
ratiosCalculating Ratios Between Two Data Sets and Correction for Adhering Particles on Plants
rattleGraphical User Interface for Data Science in R
RavagesRare Variant Analysis and Genetic Simulations
ravelRyAn Interface to the 'Ravelry' API
raven.rdfAn R Interface for Raven DataFrames (Beta0)
RavenRRaven Hydrological Modelling Framework R Support and Analysis
rAverageParameter Estimation for the Averaging Model of Information Integration Theory
ravetoolsSignal and Image Processing Toolbox for Analyzing Intracranial Electroencephalography Data
rawR Actuarial Workshops
RawHummusRaw Data Quality Control Tool for LC-MS System
rawKSEasily Get True-Positive Rate and False-Positive Rate and KS Statistic
raws.profileManaging Profiles on Amazon Web Service
rayimageImage Processing for Simulated Cameras
raymoleculeParse and Render Molecular Structures in 3D
rayrenderBuild and Raytrace 3D Scenes
rayshaderCreate Maps and Visualize Data in 2D and 3D
raytracingRossby Wave Ray Tracing
rayvertex3D Software Rasterizer
rbaconAge-Depth Modelling using Bayesian Statistics
rBahadurAssortative Mating Simulation and Multivariate Bernoulli Variates
RBaseX'BaseX' Client
rBayesianOptimizationBayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters
rbbnpA Bias Bound Approach to Non-Parametric Inference
rbcbR Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web Services
rbccRisk-Based Control Charts
rbchExtraction and Analysis of Data from the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Blockchain
rBDATImplementation of BDAT Tree Taper Fortran Functions
RBE3Estimation and Additional Tools for Quantile Generalized Beta Regression Model
RbeastBayesian Change-Point Detection and Time Series Decomposition
rbedrockAnalysis and Manipulation of Data from Minecraft Bedrock Edition
rbenchmarkBenchmarking routine for R
RbentRobust Bent Line Regression
RBesTR Bayesian Evidence Synthesis Tools
rBeta2009The Beta Random Number and Dirichlet Random Vector Generating Functions
RBFRobust Backfitting
rbgmTools for 'Box Geometry Model' (BGM) Files and Topology for the Atlantis Ecosystem Model
rbiInterface to 'LibBi'
rbi.helpers'rbi' Helper Functions
rBiasCorrectionCorrect Bias in DNA Methylation Analyses
rbibutilsRead 'Bibtex' Files and Convert Between Bibliography Formats
rbinTools for Binning Data
rbioaccInference and Prediction of ToxicoKinetic (TK) Models
rbioapiUser-Friendly R Interface to Biologic Web Services' API
rbiomRead/Write, Transform, and Summarize 'BIOM' Data
rbioumlInteract with BioUML Server
rbitBinary Indexed Tree
RblDataLicenseR Interface to 'Bloomberg Data License'
RblpapiR Interface to 'Bloomberg'
rbltBio-Logging Toolbox
rBMFBoolean Matrix Factorization
rbmiReference Based Multiple Imputation
rbmnHandling Linear Gaussian Bayesian Networks
RBNZDownload Data from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Website
rboosterAdaBoost Framework for Any Classifier
RboristExtensible, Parallelizable Implementation of the Random Forest Algorithm
rboundsPerform Rosenbaum Bounds Sensitivity Tests for Matched and Unmatched Data
RBPcurveThe Residual-Based Predictiveness Curve
rbridgeRestricted Bridge Estimation
rbscCIBlyth-Still-Casella Confidence Interval
rbtcBitcoin API
RBtestRegression-Based Approach for Testing the Type of Missing Data
rbttAlternative Bootstrap-Based t-Test Aiming to Reduce Type-I Error for Non-Negative, Zero-Inflated Data
rbwResidual Balancing Weights for Marginal Structural Models
RbyExampleData for the Book "R by Example"
RCARelational Class Analysis
rcaimanCAnopy IMage ANalysis
RCALRegularized Calibrated Estimation
RCALICalculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between Polygons
RcanCancer Registry Data Analysis and Visualisation
RcaptureLoglinear Models for Capture-Recapture Experiments
RCarbDose Rate Modelling of Carbonate-Rich Samples
rcarbonCalibration and Analysis of Radiocarbon Dates
rcartocolor'CARTOColors' Palettes
Rcatch22Calculation of 22 Canonical Time-Series Characteristics
RcausalEGMA General Causal Inference Framework by Encoding Generative Modeling
rcausimGenerate Causally-Simulated Data
rCBACBA Classifier
rcbalanceLarge, Sparse Optimal Matching with Refined Covariate Balance
rcbayesEstimate Rogers-Castro Migration Age Schedules with Bayesian Models
RCBRRandom Coefficient Binary Response Estimation
rcbsubsetOptimal Subset Matching with Refined Covariate Balance
rccParametric Bootstrapping to Control Rank Conditional Coverage
rcccdClass Cover Catch Digraph Classification
rccolaSafely Manage API Keys and Load Data from a REDCap or Other Source
RCCPCA"Retained Component Criterion for Principal Component Analysis"
rcddComputational Geometry
rcDEARobust and Conditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
rcdkInterface to the 'CDK' Libraries
rcdklibsThe CDK Libraries Packaged for R
RCDTFast 2D Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
RCEIMR Cross Entropy Inspired Method for Optimization
rcensGenerate Sample Censoring
Rcereal"Cereal Headers for R and C++ Serialization"
RcextToolsAnalytical Procedures in Support of Brazilian Public Sector External Auditing
RCGLSDownload and Open Data Provided by the Copernicus Global Land Service
rchallengeA Simple Data Science Challenge System
rchemoDimension Reduction, Regression and Discrimination for Chemometrics
rcheologyData on Base and Recommended Packages for Current and Previous Versions of R
RChestLocating Distributional Changes in Highly Dependent Time Series
RchivalTagAnalyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging Data
RchoiceDiscrete Choice (Binary, Poisson and Ordered) Models with Random Parameters
rChoiceDialogs'rChoiceDialogs' Collection
RChronoModelPost-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by ChronoModel or Oxcal
rciplotPlot Jacobson-Truax Reliable Change Indices
RCircosCircos 2D Track Plot
rcitesR Interface to the Species+ Database
RCLabelsManipulate Matrix Row and Column Labels with Ease
RClickhouse'Yandex Clickhouse' Interface for R with Basic 'dplyr' Support
RClimacellR Wrapper for the 'Climacell' API
rclipboardShiny/R Wrapper for 'clipboard.js'
RclusToolGraphical Toolbox for Clustering and Classification of Data Frames
rCMAR-to-Java Interface for 'CMA-ES'
rcmdcheckRun 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
RcmdrR Commander
RcmdrMiscR Commander Miscellaneous Functions
RcmdrPlugin.aRnovaR Commander Plug-in for Repeated-Measures ANOVA
RcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI'Rcmdr' Plug-in GUI for Biclustering
RcmdrPlugin.BWS1R Commander Plug-in for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling
RcmdrPlugin.BWS2R Commander Plug-in for Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling
RcmdrPlugin.BWS3R Commander Plug-in for Case 3 Best-Worst Scaling
RcmdrPlugin.cpdR Commander Plug-in for Complex Pearson Distributions
RcmdrPlugin.DCCVR Commander Plug-in for Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation
RcmdrPlugin.DCER Commander Plug-in for Discrete Choice Experiments
RcmdrPlugin.depthToolsR Commander Depth Tools Plug-in
RcmdrPlugin.DoER Commander Plugin for (Industrial) Design of Experiments
RcmdrPlugin.EACSPIRPlugin de R-Commander para el Manual 'EACSPIR'
RcmdrPlugin.EBMRcmdr Evidence Based Medicine Plug-in Package
RcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtualRcmdr EcoVirtual Plugin
RcmdrPlugin.ExportExport R Output to LaTeX or HTML
RcmdrPlugin.EZRR Commander Plug-in for the EZR (Easy R) Package
RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineRGraphical User Interface for FactoMineR
RcmdrPlugin.GWRMR Commander Plug-in for Fitting Generalized Waring Regression Models
RcmdrPlugin.HHRcmdr Support for the HH Package
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2R Commander Plug-in for Data Visualization with 'ggplot2'
RcmdrPlugin.MAGraphical User Interface for Conducting Meta-Analyses in R
RcmdrPlugin.MPAStatsR Commander Plug-in for MPA Statistics
RcmdrPlugin.NMBUR Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics
RcmdrPlugin.orlocaA GUI for Planar Location Problems
RcmdrPlugin.PcaRobustR Commander Plug-in for Robust Principal Component Analysis
RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemoR Commander Plug-in for Risk Demonstration
RcmdrPlugin.RMTCJagsR MTC Jags 'Rcmdr' Plugin
RcmdrPlugin.ROCRcmdr Receiver Operator Characteristic Plug-in Package
RcmdrPlugin.sosEfficiently search the R help pages
RcmdrPlugin.survivalR Commander Plug-in for the 'survival' Package
RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemosRcmdr Teaching Demos Plug-in
RcmdrPlugin.TeachStatR Commander Plugin for Teaching Statistical Methods
RcmdrPlugin.temisGraphical Integrated Text Mining Solution
RcmdrPlugin.UCAUCA Rcmdr Plug-in
RcmdrPlugin.WorldFloraR Commander Plug-in for the 'WorldFlora' Package
RCMinificationRandom Coefficient Minification Time Series Models
rCNVDetect Copy Number Variants from SNPs Data
rcoThe R Code Optimizer
rcoderLightweight Data Structure for Recoding Categorical Data without Factors
RColetumAccess your Coletum's Data from API
RColorBrewerColorBrewer Palettes
RColorConesaConesa Colors Palette
rcolors270 'NCL' Color Tables in R Language
RcompadreUtilities for using the 'COM(P)ADRE' Matrix Model Database
rcompanionFunctions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation
rcompendiumCreate a Package or Research Compendium Structure
rconfigManage R Configuration at the Command Line
RConicsComputations on Conics
rcontrollIndividual-Based Forest Growth Simulator 'TROLL'
rcorporaA Collection of Small Text Corpora of Interesting Data
RCPA3Data and Functions for R Companion to Political Analysis 3rd Ed
RcplexR Interface to CPLEX
RcppSeamless R and C++ Integration
Rcpp11R and C++11
RcppAlgosHigh Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
RcppAnnoy'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Annoy', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
RcppAPT'Rcpp' Interface to the APT Package Manager
RcppArmadillo'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra Library
RcppArray'Rcpp' Meets 'C++' Arrays
RcppBDT'Rcpp' Bindings for the Boost Date_Time Library
RcppBesselBessel Functions Rcpp Interface
RcppBigIntAlgosFactor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic Sieve
RcppBlaze'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Blaze' High-Performance 'C++' Math Library
RcppCCTZ'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library
RcppCensSpatialSpatial Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing Responses
RcppCGAL'Rcpp' Integration for 'CGAL'
RcppClassicDeprecated 'classic' 'Rcpp' 'API'
RcppClassicExamplesExamples using 'RcppClassic' to Interface R and C++
RcppClockSeamless 'Rcpp' Benchmarking
RcppCNPyRead-Write Support for 'NumPy' Files via 'Rcpp'
RcppColorsColor Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion
RcppCWB'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')
RcppDate'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality
RcppDEGlobal Optimization by Differential Evolution in C++
RcppDist'Rcpp' Integration of Additional Probability Distributions
RcppDynProg'Rcpp' Dynamic Programming
RcppEigen'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Eigen' Templated Linear Algebra Library
RcppEnsmallenHeader-Only C++ Mathematical Optimization Library for 'Armadillo'
RcppExamplesExamples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++
RcppFarmHashInterface to the Google 'FarmHash' Family of Hash Functions
RcppFastAD'Rcpp' Bindings to 'FastAD' Auto-Differentiation
RcppFastFloat'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'fast_float' Header-Only Library for Number Parsing
RcppGetconf'Rcpp' Interface for Querying System Configuration Variables
RcppGreedySetCoverGreedy Set Cover
RcppGSL'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and Matrices
RcppHMMRcpp Hidden Markov Model
RcppHNSW'Rcpp' Bindings for 'hnswlib', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
RcppHungarianSolves Minimum Cost Bipartite Matching Problems
RcppInt64'Rcpp'-Based Helper Functions to Pass 'Int64' and 'nanotime' Values Between 'R' and 'C++'
RcppJaggerAn R Wrapper for Jagger
RcppLbfgsBlaze'L-BFGS' Algorithm Based on 'Blaze' for 'R' and 'Rcpp'
RcppMagicEnum'Rcpp' Bindings to 'Magic Enum' 'C++' 'Enum' Support
RcppMeCab'rcpp' Wrapper for 'mecab' Library
RcppMLRcpp Machine Learning Library
RcppMsgPack'MsgPack' C++ Header Files and Interface Functions for R
RcppNLoptExample'Rcpp' Package Illustrating Header-Only Access to 'NLopt'
RcppNumerical'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing Libraries
RcppParallelParallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'
RcppProgressAn Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages
RcppQuantucciaR Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'
RcppRedis'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' Library
RcppRollEfficient Rolling / Windowed Operations
RcppSimdJson'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header-Only Library for 'JSON' Parsing
RcppSMCRcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo
RcppSpdlogR and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for Logging
RcppStreams'Rcpp' Integration of the 'Streamulus' 'DSEL' for Stream Processing
RcppThreadR-Friendly Threading in C++
rcpptimer'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' Support
RcppTNRcpp-Based Truncated Normal Distribution RNG and Family
RcppTOML'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"
RcppUUIDGenerating Universally Unique Identificators
RcppXPtrUtilsXPtr Add-Ons for 'Rcpp'
RcppXsimdXsimd C++ Header-Only Library Files
RcppXtsInterface the 'xts' API via 'Rcpp'
RcppZiggurat'Rcpp' Integration of Different "Ziggurat" Normal RNG Implementations
RcrawlerWeb Crawler and Scraper
RCreliabilityCorrect Bias in Estimated Regression Coefficients
rcrimeanalysisAn Implementation of Crime Analysis Methods
RCriteoLoading Criteo Data into R
RcriticorPierre-Goldwin Correlogram
RCRnormAn Integrated Regression Model for Normalizing 'NanoString nCounter' Data
rcrossrefClient for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
RcsdpR Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming Library
RCSFAirborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Cloth Simulation
rcssciVisualization of Restricted Cubic Splines
RcssplotStyling of Graphics using Cascading Style Sheets
RCTAssign Treatments, Power Calculations, Balances, Impact Evaluation of Experiments
RCT2Designing and Analyzing Two-Stage Randomized Experiments
rct3Predict Fish Year-Class Strength from Survey Data
RCTrepValidation of Estimates of Treatment Effects in Observational Data
RCTSClustering Time Series While Resisting Outliers
rcubeSimulations and Visualizations of Rubik's Cube (with Mods)
RCurlGeneral Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
RcurvepConcentration-Response Data Analysis using Curvep
RCytoGPSUsing Cytogenetics Data in R
RCzechiaSpatial Objects of the Czech Republic
Rd2mdMarkdown Reference Manuals
Rd2roxygenConvert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation
rD3plotInteractive Networks, Timelines, Barplots, Galleries with 'D3.js'
rdaShrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysis
rdacca.hpHierarchical and Variation Partitioning for Canonical Analysis
rdaisiR Client for the Daisi Microservice Platform
rdataciteClient for the 'DataCite' API
rDataPipelineFunctions to Interact with the 'FAIR Data Pipeline'
rdataretrieverR Interface to the Data Retriever
rdbnomicsDownload DBnomics Data
rddRegression Discontinuity Estimation
rddappRegression Discontinuity Design Application
rddensityManipulation Testing Based on Density Discontinuity
rddiR Interface to DDI Codebook 2.5
rddtoolsToolbox for Regression Discontinuity Design ('RDD')
rdeReproducible Data Embedding
rDEARobust Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for R
rdecisionDecision Analytic Modelling in Health Economics
rDecodeDescent-Based Calibrated Optimal Direct Estimation
rdepsIdentify External Packages Used in a Project
rdflibTools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data
rdfpAn Implementation of the 'DoubleClick for Publishers' API
RDHonestHonest Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs
rdhsAPI Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Data
rdiRepertoire Dissimilarity Index
RdiagnosislistManipulate SNOMED CT Diagnosis Lists
rdianClient Library for The Guardian
RdiceA Collection of Functions to Experiment Dice Rolls
RDieHarderR Interface to the 'DieHarder' RNG Test Suite
RdimtoolsDimension Reduction and Estimation Methods
rdistCalculate Pairwise Distances
RdistanceDistance-Sampling Analyses for Density and Abundance Estimation
rdiversityMeasurement and Partitioning of Similarity-Sensitive Biodiversity
rdlocrandLocal Randomization Methods for RD Designs
RDMQuantify Dependence using Rearranged Dependence Measures
RDMLImporting Real-Time Thermo Cycler (qPCR) Data from RDML Format Files
rdmultiAnalysis of RD Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Scores
rdnbR Interface to the 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) API'
RDnpRobust Test for Complete Independence in High-Dimensions
rdomainsGet the Category of Content Hosted by a Domain
RDota2An R Steam API Client for Valve's Dota2
rdoxygenCreate Doxygen Documentation for Source Code
RDPThe Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm
RdpackUpdate and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects
rdpowerPower Calculations for RD Designs
rdracorAccess to the 'DraCor' API
rdrobustRobust Data-Driven Statistical Inference in Regression-Discontinuity Designs
RdrwUnivariate and Multivariate Damped Random Walk Processes
rdryadAccess for Dryad Web Services
RDSRespondent-Driven Sampling
RdsdpR Interface to DSDP Semidefinite Programming Library
RDSsamplesizeRDS Sample Size Estimation and Power Calculation
RDStreebootRDS Tree Bootstrap Method
RdtaData Transforming Augmentation for Linear Mixed Models
rdtLiteProvenance Collector
RduinoA Microcontroller Interface
Rduinoiot'Arduino Iot Cloud API' R Client
Rdune'Creates Color Palettes Inspired by Dune'
rdwdSelect and Download Climate Data from 'DWD' (German Weather Service)
rdwplusAn Implementation of IDW-PLUS
re'Python' Style Regular Expression Functions
re2R Interface to Google RE2 (C++) Regular Expression Library
reactReactivity Helper for 'shiny'
reactableInteractive Data Tables for R
reactable.extrasExtra Features for 'reactable' Package
reactablefmtrStreamlined Table Styling and Formatting for Reactable
reactCheckboxCheckbox Group Input for 'Shiny'
reactlogReactivity Visualizer for 'shiny'
reactRReact Helpers
ReacTranReactive Transport Modelling in 1d, 2d and 3d
ReADPowerful Replicability Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies
read.gbOpen GenBank Files
read.gt3xParse 'ActiGraph' 'GT3X'/'GT3X+' 'Accelerometer' Data
readABFLoads Axon Binary Files
readabsDownload and Tidy Time Series Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
readbitmapSimple Unified Interface to Read Bitmap Images (BMP,JPEG,PNG,TIFF)
readBrukerFlexDataReads Mass Spectrometry Data in Bruker *flex Format
readbulkRead and Combine Multiple Data Files
ReadDIMRead ESA SNAP Processed Raster Format in R
readerSuite of Functions to Flexibly Read Data from Files
readHACRead Acoustic HAC Format
readitEffortlessly Read Any Rectangular Data
readJDXImport Data in the JCAMP-DX Format
readMDTableRead Markdown Tables into Tibbles
readme2vignetteConvert README to Vignette During Package Installation
readmetRead some less Popular Formats Used in Meteorology
readmissionHospital Readmission Data for Patients with Diabetes
readMLDataReading Machine Learning Benchmark Data Sets in Different Formats
readmoReUtilities for Importing and Manipulating Biomedical Data Files
readMzXmlDataReads Mass Spectrometry Data in mzXML Format
readNSxRead 'Blackrock-Microsystems' Files ('NEV', 'NSx')
readobjFast Reader for 'Wavefront' OBJ 3D Scene Files
readODSRead and Write ODS Files
readOfficeRead Text Out of Modern Office Files
readrRead Rectangular Text Data
readrbaDownload and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of Australia
readroperSimply Read ASCII Single and Multicard Polling Datasets
readsdmxRead SDMX-XML Data
readsdrTranslate Models from System Dynamics Software into 'R'
readsparseRead and Write Sparse Matrices in 'SVMLight' and 'LibSVM' Formats
readstata13Import 'Stata' Data Files
readtextImport and Handling for Plain and Formatted Text Files
readtextgridRead in a 'Praat' 'TextGrid' File
readwritesqliteEnhanced Reading and Writing for 'SQLite' Databases
readxlRead Excel Files
readxlsbRead 'Excel' Binary (.xlsb) Workbooks
ready4Develop and Use Modular Health Economic Models
realtestWhere Expectations Meet Reality: Realistic Unit Testing
realTimeloadsAnalyte Flux and Load from Estimates of Concentration and Discharge
RealVAMSMultivariate VAM Fitting
reamDensity, Distribution, and Sampling Functions for Evidence Accumulation Models
reappraisedStatistical Tools for Assessing Publication Integrity of Groups of Trials
RearrangementMonotonize Point and Interval Functional Estimates by Rearrangement
rearrrRearranging Data
reasonabletoolsClean Water Quality Data for NPDES Reasonable Potential Analyses
REATRegional Economic Analysis Toolbox
REBayesEmpirical Bayes Estimation and Inference
rebibConvert and Aggregate Bibliographies
rebirdR Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations
rebmixFinite Mixture Modeling, Clustering & Classification
rebusBuild Regular Expressions in a Human Readable Way
rebus.baseCore Functionality for the 'rebus' Package
rebus.datetimesDate and Time Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
rebus.numbersNumeric Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
rebus.unicodeUnicode Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
RECARelevant Component Analysis for Supervised Distance Metric Learning
recalibratiNNQuantile Recalibration for Regression Models
recaprTwo Event Mark-Recapture Experiment
RecAssoRulesRecursive Mining for Frequent Pattern and Confident Association Rules
receptivitiText Analysis Through the 'Receptiviti' API
recexcavAAR3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Excavations
rechaRgeHydroBudget – Groundwater Recharge Model
rechonestR Interface to Echo Nest API
recipesPreprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling
reclin2Record Linkage Toolkit
reclusterOrdination Methods for the Analysis of Beta-Diversity Indices
recmapCompute the Rectangular Statistical Cartogram
recmetricsPsychometric Evaluation Using Relative Excess Correlations
RecocropEstimating Environmental Suitability for Plants
recodeflowInterface Functions for PMML Creation, and Data Recoding
recogitoInteractive Annotation of Text and Images
recolorizeColor-Based Image Segmentation
recombinatorRecombinate Nested Lists to Dataframes
recometricsEvaluation Metrics for Implicit-Feedback Recommender Systems
recommenderlabLab for Developing and Testing Recommender Algorithms
recommenderlabBXBook-Crossing Dataset (BX) for 'recommenderlab'
recommenderlabJesterJester Dataset for 'recommenderlab'
ReconComputational Tools for Economics
reconstructKMReconstruct Individual-Level Data from Published KM Plots
reconstructrSession Reconstruction and Analysis
recorderToolkit to Validate New Data for a Predictive Model
RecordLinkageRecord Linkage Functions for Linking and Deduplicating Data Sets
RecordsRecord Values and Record Times
RecordTestInference Tools in Time Series Based on Record Statistics
recosystemRecommender System using Matrix Factorization
recurrentpseudoCreates Pseudo-Observations and Analysis for Recurrent Event Data
recurseComputes Revisitation Metrics for Trajectory Data
redIUCN Redlisting Tools
redaRecurrent Event Data Analysis
ReDaMoRRelational Data Modeler
REdaSCompanion Package to the Book 'R: Einführung durch angewandte Statistik'
redatamImport 'REDATAM' Files
redbookperuAccess and Analyze Data from the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru
redcapAPIInterface to 'REDCap'
REDCapCASTREDCap Castellated Data Handling
REDCapDM'REDCap' Data Management
REDCapExporterAutomated Construction of R Data Packages from REDCap Projects
REDCapRInteraction Between R and REDCap
REDCapTidieRExtract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble's
redditadsRGet Reddit Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
RedditExtractoRReddit Data Extraction Toolkit
reddPrecReconstruction of Daily Data - Precipitation
REddyProcPost Processing of (Half-)Hourly Eddy-Covariance Measurements
REddyProcNCDFReading Data from NetCDF Files for 'REddyProc'
REDIRobust Exponential Decreasing Index
ReDirectionPredict Dominant Direction of Reactions of a Biochemical Network
RedisBaseContainerThe Container for the DockerParallel Package
RediscoverIdentify Mutually Exclusive Mutations
redistSimulation Methods for Legislative Redistricting
redistmetricsRedistricting Metrics
redistverseEasily Install and Load Redistricting Software
redlandRDF Library Bindings in R
redlistrTools for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems and Species
rEDMEmpirical Dynamic Modeling ('EDM')
RedmonderMicrosoft(r)-Inspired Color Palettes
redocGenerates 'Redoc' Documentation from an 'OpenAPI' Specification
reduxR Bindings to 'hiredis'
REEMtreeRegression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data
ref.ICARObjective Bayes Intrinsic Conditional Autoregressive Model for Areal Data
REFARobust Exponential Factor Analysis
RefBasedMIReference-Based Imputation for Longitudinal Clinical Trials with Protocol Deviation
referCreate Object References
referenceIntervalsReference Intervals
REffectivePredPandemic Prediction Model in an SIRS Framework
refineRReference Interval Estimation using Real-World Data
refinrCluster and Merge Similar Values Within a Character Vector
refitMEMeasurement Error Modelling using MCEM
reflectRAutomatic Scoring of the Cognitive Reflection Test
reflimRReference Limit Estimation Using Routine Laboratory Data
RefManageRStraightforward 'BibTeX' and 'BibLaTeX' Bibliography Management
reformulasMachinery for Processing Random Effect Formulas
refregConditional Multivariate Reference Regions
refreshrWork with Refreshable Datasets that Update their Data Automatically
refseqRCommon Computational Operations Working with RefSeq Entries (GenBank)
refsetSubsets with Reference Semantics
refugeLocate Trans and Intersex-Friendly Toilets
refugeesUNHCR Refugee Population Statistics Database
refundRegression with Functional Data
refund.shinyInteractive Plotting for Functional Data Analyses
RegAssureStreamlined Integration of Regression Assumption
regclassTools for an Introductory Class in Regression and Modeling
RegCombinPartially Linear Regression under Data Combination
regdaRegularised Discriminant Analysis
regDIFRegularized Differential Item Functioning
REGENTRisk Estimation for Genetic and Environmental Traits
regexPipesWrappers Around 'base::grep()' for Use with Pipes
regexSelectRegular Expressions in 'shiny' Select Lists
reghelperHelper Functions for Regression Analysis
regionalIntra- and Inter-Regional Similarity
regioncodeConvert Region Names and Division Codes of China Over Years
regionsProcessing Regional Statistics
registrCurve Registration for Exponential Family Functional Data
registryInfrastructure for R Package Registries
RegKinkRegression Kink with a Time-Varying Threshold
reglogitSimulation-Based Regularized Logistic Regression
regmedRegularized Mediation Analysis
regmedintRegression-Based Causal Mediation Analysis with Interaction and Effect Modification Terms
regmhmm'regmhmm' Fits Hidden Markov Models with Regularization
regMMDRobust Regression and Estimation Through Maximum Mean Discrepancy Minimization
regnetNetwork-Based Regularization for Generalized Linear Models
regoAutomatic Time Series Forecasting and Missing Value Imputation
regplotEnhanced Regression Nomogram Plot
regportRegression Model Processing Port
regr.easyEasy Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Regression Models
regrapReverse Graphical Approaches
regreplaceRMatch and Replace Strings Based on Named Groups in Regular Expressions
regressGaussian Linear Models with Linear Covariance Structure
regressinatorSimulate and Diagnose (Generalized) Linear Models
RegressionFactoryExpander Functions for Generating Full Gradient and Hessian from Single-Slot and Multi-Slot Base Distributions
regressoRRegression Data Analysis System
regrrrToolkit for Compiling, (Post-Hoc) Testing, and Plotting Regression Results
regRSMRandom Subspace Method (RSM) for Linear Regression
RegSDCInformation Preserving Regression-Based Tools for Statistical Disclosure Control
regsemRegularized Structural Equation Modeling
regspecNon-Parametric Bayesian Spectrum Estimation for Multirate Data
regsubseqDetect and Test Regular Sequences and Subsequences
regtomeanRegression Toward the Mean
regtoolsRegression and Classification Tools
rehhSearching for Footprints of Selection using 'Extended Haplotype Homozygosity' Based Tests
rehh.dataData Only: Searching for Footprints of Selection using Haplotype Homozygosity Based Tests
rehydratoRDownloads Tweets from a List of Tweet IDs
ReinforcementLearningModel-Free Reinforcement Learning
ReInsFunctions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"
reinstallrSearch and Install Missing Packages
reinsureRReinsurance Treaties Application
relaimpoRelative Importance of Regressors in Linear Models
relatableFunctions for Mapping Key-Value Pairs, Many-to-Many, One-to-Many, and Many-to-One Relations
RelatednessMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Relatedness using EM Algorithm
relationsData Structures and Algorithms for Relations
relcircleDraw Regulatory Relationships Between Genes
reldistRelative Distribution Methods
RelDistsEstimation for some Reliability Distributions
RelectoralElectoral Analysis
relevanceCalculate Relevance and Significance Measures
releventRelational Event Models
relgamReluctant Generalized Additive Models
reliabilitydiagReliability Diagrams Using Isotonic Regression
ReliabilityTheoryStructural Reliability Analysis
ReliaGrowRReliability Growth Analysis
relimpRelative Contribution of Effects in a Regression Model
RelimpPCRRelative Importance PCA Regression
rellipticalThe Truncated Elliptical Family of Distributions
relMixRelationship Inference for DNA Mixtures
relSimRelative Simulator
relsurvRelative Survival
remRelational Event Models (REM)
remaRare Event Meta Analysis
remaCorRandom Effects Meta-Analysis for Correlated Test Statistics
remapRegional Spatial Modeling with Continuous Borders
rematchMatch Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API'
rematch2Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
remedy'RStudio' Addins to Simplify 'Markdown' Writing
ReMFPCARegularized Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis
remifyProcessing and Transforming Relational Event History Data
remindRInsert and Extract "Reminders" from Function Comments
remiodReference-Based Multiple Imputation for Ordinal/Binary Response
REMLARobust Expectation-Maximization Estimation for Latent Variable Models
rEMMExtensible Markov Model for Modelling Temporal Relationships Between Clusters
remmyAPI Client for 'Lemmy'
remoteEmpirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in R
remotePARTSSpatiotemporal Autoregression Analyses for Large Data Sets
remotesR Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub'
rempsycConvenience Functions for Psychology
remssRefining Evaluation Methodology on Stage System
remstatsComputes Statistics for Relational Event History Data
remstimateOptimization Frameworks for Tie-Oriented and Actor-Oriented Relational Event Models
RENRegularization Ensemble for Robust Portfolio Optimization
rENAEpistemic Network Analysis
REndoFitting Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors using Latent Instrumental Variables
RenextRenewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation
renpowRenewable Power Systems and the Environment
rentrez'Entrez' in R
renvProject Environments
RenvlpComputing Envelope Estimators
RenvModuleInterface to Allow Full Use of the Environment Modules System for Unix
repairDataOpen Repair Alliance Datasets 2021
repanaRepeatable Analysis in R
RepaymentPlanCalculation of Mortgage Plan or Repayment Plan
repeatedNon-Normal Repeated Measurements Models
RepeatedHighDimMethods for High-Dimensional Repeated Measures Data
repecAccess RePEc Data Through API
repelloReports from Trello in R
RepertoiRRepertoire Graphical Visualization
repfdrReplicability Analysis for Multiple Studies of High Dimension
replacerA Value Replacement Utility
REPLesentRPresentations in the REPL
ReplicateStatistical Metrics for Multisite Replication Studies
replicateBEAverage Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)
replicatedpp2wTwo-Way ANOVA-Like Method to Analyze Replicated Point Patterns
ReplicationSuccessDesign and Analysis of Replication Studies
RepliscopeReplication Timing Profiling using DNA Copy Number
repmisMiscellaneous Tools for Reproducible Research
repmodCreate Report Table from Different Objects
repoA Data-Centered Data Flow Manager
RepoGeneratorGenerates a Project and Repo for Easy Initialization of a Workshop
repolrRepeated Measures Proportional Odds Logistic Regression
reportAutomated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models
reporterCreates Statistical Reports
repoRter.nihR Interface to the 'NIH RePORTER Project' API
ReporterScoreGeneralized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment Analysis for Omics Data
reportfactoryLightweight Infrastructure for Handling Multiple R Markdown Documents
reportrA General Message and Error Reporting System
reportRegAn Easy Way to Report Regression Analysis
reportRmdTidy Presentation of Clinical Reporting
reportROCAn Easy Way to Report ROC Analysis
reporttoolsGenerate "LaTeX"" Tables of Descriptive Statistics
REPPlabR Interface to 'EPP-Lab', a Java Program for Exploratory Projection Pursuit
REPPlabShiny'REPPlab' via a Shiny Application
reprSerializable Representations
representDetermine How Representative Two Multidimensional Data Sets are
representrCreate Representative Records After Entity Resolution
represtoolsReproducible Research Tools
reprexPrepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
reproducerReproduce Statistical Analyses and Meta-Analyses
reproducibleEnhance Reproducibility of R Code
reprojCoordinate System Transformations for Generic Map Data
repsdRoot Expected Proportion Squared Difference for Detecting DIF
REPTILERegulatory DNA Element Prediction
repurrrsiveExamples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames
reqresPowerful Classes for HTTP Requests and Responses
REQSR/EQS Interface
requestHigh Level 'HTTP' Client
RequireInstalling and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows
requiRementsHelper Package to Install Packages for R
requireRR Source Code Modularizer
rerandPowerPower and Sample Size Calculations for Completely Randomized and Rerandomized Experiments
rerddapGeneral Purpose Client for 'ERDDAP' Servers
rerddapXtractoExtracts Environmental Data from 'ERDDAP™' Web Services
reRegRecurrent Event Regression
resampleResampling Functions
resampledataData Sets for Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in R
resampledata3Data Sets for "Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R" (3rd Ed)
resdeEstimation in Reducible Stochastic Differential Equations
ResearchAssociateRetrieving Publications from PubMed Database Based on User Query
resembleMemory-Based Learning in Spectral Chemometrics
reservoirTools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages
reservoirnetReservoir Computing and Echo State Networks
reservrFit Distributions and Neural Networks to Censored and Truncated Data
RESETReconstruction Set Test
resevolSimulate Agricultural Production and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance
reshapeFlexibly Reshape Data
reshape2Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package
RESIRobust Effect Size Index (RESI) Estimation
RESIDERapid Easy Synthesis to Inform Data Extraction
ResidentialEnergyConsumptionResidential Energy Consumption Data
resiliencePredictors of Resilience to a Stressor in a Single-Arm Study
ResINResponse Item Networks
ResistorArrayElectrical Properties of Resistor Networks
reslifeCalculate Mean Residual Life (MRL) and Related Values for Different Distributions
reslrModelling Relative Sea Level Data
resmushOptimize and Compress Image Files with 'reSmush.it'
resourcerResource Resolver
ResourceSelectionResource Selection (Probability) Functions for Use-Availability Data
ResPBIBD"Resolvable Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (PBIBDs)"
RespirAnalyzerAnalysis Functions of Respiratory Data
respirometryTools for Conducting and Analyzing Respirometry Experiments
responsePatternsScreening for Careless Responding Patterns
respRImport, Process, Analyse, and Calculate Rates from Respirometry Data
resquinResponse Quality Indicators for Survey Research
RESSIntegrates R and Essentia
restatapiSearch and Retrieve Data from Eurostat Database
restatisR Wrapper to Access a Wide Range of Germany's Federal Statistical System Databases Based on the GENESIS Web Service RESTful API of the German Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt/Destatis)
restaurantRestaurant Data for Entity Resolution
restezCreate and Query a Local Copy of 'GenBank' in R
restfulrR Interface to RESTful Web Services
restimizeapiFunctions for Working with the 'www.estimize.com' Web Services
RESTKAn Implementation of the RESTK Algorithm
restoptrEcological Restoration Planning
RestoreNetRandom-Effects Stochastic Reaction Networks
restriktorRestricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for Linear Models
RestRserveA Framework for Building HTTP API
resultResult Type for Safely Handling Operations that can Succeed or Fail
resultantUtilities for Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
ResultModelManagerResult Model Manager
resumerBuild Resumes with R
retelRegularized Exponentially Tilted Empirical Likelihood
rethinkerRethinkDB Client
rethnicityPredicting Ethnic Group from Names
reticulateInterface to 'Python'
retrieverGenerate Disease-Specific Response Signatures from the LINCS-L1000 Data
retrodesignTools for Type S (Sign) and Type M (Magnitude) Errors
retroharmonizeEx Post Survey Data Harmonization
retrosheetImport Professional Baseball Data from 'Retrosheet'
retryRepeated Evaluation
ReturnCurvesEstimation of Return Curves
reutilsTalk to the NCBI EUtils
revalArgument Table Generation for Sensitivity Analysis
revdbayesRatio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value Analysis
revealedPrefsRevealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality
revealjsR Markdown Format for 'reveal.js' Presentations
RevEcoRReverse Ecology Analysis on Microbiome
reveneraRConnect to Your 'Revenera' (Formerly 'Revulytics') Data
revengcReverse Engineering Summarized Data
reverseRLinear Regression Stability to Significance Reversal
revertReversion Mutation Identifier for Sequencing Data
RevGadgetsVisualization and Post-Processing of 'RevBayes' Analyses
revgeoReverse Geocoding with the Photon Geocoder for OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing
ReviewRA Light-Weight, Portable Tool for Reviewing Individual Patient Records
revprefTools for Computational Revealed Preference Analysis
RevSDVisualizing the Standard Deviation via Revolution
revssRobust Estimation in Very Small Samples
RevticulateInteraction with "RevBayes" in R
revtoolsTools to Support Evidence Synthesis
revulyticsRConnect to Your 'Revulytics' Data
rewieData Preparation and Diagnostics for Random Effects Within Estimator
rexFriendly Regular Expressions
rexerRandom Exercises and Exams Generator
RexperigenR Interface to Experigen
rexpokitR Wrappers for EXPOKIT; Other Matrix Functions
rextendrCall Rust Code from R using the 'extendr' Crate
RfacebookAccess to Facebook API via R
rfacebookstatLoad Data from Facebook API Marketing
rfactsR Interface to 'FACTS' on Unix-Like Systems
rfarsDownload and Analyze Crash Data
RfastA Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions
Rfast2A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions II
RFCCARandom Forest with Canonical Correlation Analysis
RFclustRandom Forest Cluster Analysis
RfEmpImpMultiple Imputation using Chained Random Forests
rFernsRandom Ferns Classifier
rfieldclimateClient for the 'FieldClimate' API
rfigshareAn R Interface to 'figshare'
rfintervalPredictive Inference for Random Forests
rfishbaseR Interface to 'FishBase'
RFishBCBack-Calculation of Fish Length
rfishdrawAutomatically Generated Fish Drawings via JavaScript
rfisheries'Programmatic Interface to the 'openfisheries.org' API'
rfishnet2Exploratory Data Analysis for FishNet2 Data
RfitRank-Based Estimation for Linear Models
rflashtextFlashText Algorithm for Finding and Replacing Words
rflexscanThe Flexible Spatial Scan Statistic
RFlocalfdrSignificance Level for Random Forest Impurity Importance Scores
RFlocalfdr.dataData for the Vignette and Examples in 'RFlocalfdr'
RFLPtoolsTools to Analyse RFLP Data
rflsgenNeutral Landscape Generator with Targets on Landscape Indices
rfmRecency, Frequency and Monetary Value Analysis
RfmtoolFuzzy Measure Tools
rfoaasR Interface to 'FOAAS'
RFOCGraphics for Spherical Distributions and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
rfoldWorking with many R Folders Within an R Package
RfoldingThe Folding Test of Unimodality
rfordummiesCode Examples to Accompany the Book "R for Dummies"
RforestryRandom Forests, Linear Trees, and Gradient Boosting for Inference and Interpretability
RFormatterR Source Code Formatter
rfPermuteEstimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
RFPMFloating Percentile Model
RFpredIntervalPrediction Intervals with Random Forests and Boosted Forests
RfractranA 'FRACTRAN' Interpreter and Some Helper Functions
rFSAFeasible Solution Algorithm for Finding Best Subsets and Interactions
RfssaFunctional Singular Spectrum Analysis
rFUSIONInterface to FUSION
rfVarImpOOBUnbiased Variable Importance for Random Forests
rfvimptestSequential Permutation Testing of Random Forest Variable Importance Measures
rfvizInteractive Visualization Tool for Random Forests
rgabrielGabriel Multiple Comparison Test and Plot the Confidence Interval on Barplot
RGANGenerative Adversarial Nets (GAN) in R
RGAPProduction Function Output Gap Estimation
RgbThe R Genome Browser
rgbifInterface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API
RGBMLS-TreeBoost and LAD-TreeBoost for Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction
RgbpHierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking on Overdispersed Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial Data
RGCCARegularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiblock Data
RGCxGCPreprocessing and Multivariate Analysis of Bidimensional Gas Chromatography Data
rgdaxWrapper for 'Coinbase Pro (erstwhile GDAX)' Cryptocurrency Exchange
RGEResponse from Genotype to Environment
rgeeR Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API
rgeedimSearch, Composite, and Download 'Google Earth Engine' Imagery with the 'Python' Module 'geedim'
rgenRandom Sampling Distribution C++ Routines for Armadillo
RGenDataGenerates Multivariate Nonnormal Data and Determines How Many Factors to Retain
RGENERATETools to Generate Vector Time Series
RGENERATEPRECTools to Generate Daily-Precipitation Time Series
RGeneticsR packages for genetics research
rgeniusGet 'Genius' API Lyrics
rgenoudR Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
rgeoboundariesgeoBoundaries Client
RGeodeGeometric Density Estimation
rgeomstatsInterface to 'Geomstats'
rgeopat2Additional Functions for 'GeoPAT' 2
rgexfBuild, Import, and Export GEXF Graph Files
RGFRegularized Greedy Forest
RgffR Utilities for GFF Files
rGhanaCensus2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results as Data Frames
rghoAccess WHO Global Health Observatory Data from R
RGIFTCreate Quizzes in GIFT Format
rgl3D Visualization Using OpenGL
rgl.cry'cry' and 'rgl' — Applications in Crystallography
rgl2gltfRead and Write '.gltf' and '.glb' Files
rglobiInterface to Global Biotic Interactions
RglpkR/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
rglplusExtension of the 'rgl' 3D Visualization Package
rgmAdvanced Inference with Random Graphical Models
RGMMRobust Mixture Model
RGNRobust-Gauss Newton (RGN) Optimization of Sum-of-Squares Objective Function
rgnoisefiltElimination of Noisy Samples in Regression Datasets using Noise Filters
rgnparserParse Scientific Names
Rgof1d Goodness of Fit Tests
rgoogleadsLoading Data from 'Google Ads API'
RGoogleAnalyticsPremiumUnsampled Data in R for Google Analytics Premium Accounts
rgoogleclassroomAPI Wrapper for Google Classroom and Google Forms
RGoogleFitR Interface to Google Fit API
RgoogleMapsOverlays on Static Maps
rgoogleslidesR Interface to Google Slides
rgplatesR Interface for the GPlates Web Service and Desktop Application
rgraph6Representing Graphs as 'graph6', 'digraph6' or 'sparse6' Strings
RGraphicsData and Functions from the Book R Graphics, Third Edition
RGraphSpaceA Lightweight Interface Between 'ggplot2' and 'igraph' Objects
rgrassInterface Between 'GRASS' Geographical Information System and 'R'
RGreenplumInterface to 'Greenplum' Database
RGremlinsConjointEstimate the "Gremlins in the Data" Model for Conjoint Studies
rGroovyGroovy Language Integration
rgspRepetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on Cpk
rgTestRobust Graph-Based Two-Sample Test
rgtmxManage GTmetrix Tests in R
rgugikSearch and Retrieve Spatial Data from 'GUGiK'
rGVAnalysis of Continuous Glucose Monitor Data
rgwGoodman-Weare Affine-Invariant Sampling
RH2DBI/RJDBC Interface to H2 Database
rhandsontableInterface to the 'Handsontable.js' Library
RHawkesRenewal Hawkes Process
RHclustVector in Partition
rhcoclustRobust Hierarchical Co-Clustering to Identify Significant Co-Cluster
rheroiconsA Zero Dependency 'SVG' Icon Library for 'Shiny'
rhierbapsClustering Genetic Sequence Data Using the HierBAPS Algorithm
rhinoA Framework for Enterprise Shiny Applications
rhmcHamiltonian Monte Carlo
RHMSHydrologic Modelling System for R Users
rhnermRandom Heteroscedastic Nested Error Regression
rhoneycombAnalysis of Honeycomb Selection Designs
rhoRRho for Inter Rater Reliability
rhosaHigher-Order Spectral Analysis
rhospSide Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and Estimation
RHPCBenchmarkBenchmarks for High-Performance Computing Environments
RhpcBLASctlControl the Number of Threads on 'BLAS'
RHRTHeart Rate Turbulence Analysis
RHRVHeart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data
RHSDBRyan-Holm Step-Down Bonferroni or Sidak Procedure
rhubTools for R Package Developers
RHybridFinderIdentification of Hybrid Peptides in Immunopeptidomic Analyses
rhymerWrapper for the 'Datamuse' API to Find Rhyming and Associated Words
rhypeWork with Hypergraphs in R
ri2Randomization Inference for Randomized Experiments
RI2by2Randomization Inference for Treatment Effects on a Binary Outcome
RIARadiomics Image Analysis Toolbox for Medial Images
riAFTBARTA Flexible Approach for Causal Inference with Multiple Treatments and Clustered Survival Outcomes
ribAn Implementation of 'Interactive Brokers' API
ribdPedigree-based Relatedness Coefficients
RIbenchBenchmark Suite for Indirect Methods for RI Estimation
riceRadiocarbon Equations
ricegeneannGene Annotation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.spp.japonica)
riceidconverterConvert Biological ID from RAP or MSU to SYMBOL for Oryza Sativa
ricewareA Diceware Passphrase Implementation
RicrtRandomization Inference of Clustered Randomized Trials
ricuIntensive Care Unit Data with R
ridMultiple Change-Point Detection in Multivariate Time Series
RIdeogramDrawing SVG Graphics to Visualize and Map Genome-Wide Data on Idiograms
ridgeRidge Regression with Automatic Selection of the Penalty Parameter
ridgetorusPCA on the Torus via Density Ridges
ridgregextraRidge Regression Parameter Estimation
ridigbioInterface to the iDigBio Data API
ridittoolsUseful Functions for Ridit Analysis
riemAccesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet
RiemannLearning with Data on Riemannian Manifolds
RiemBaseFunctions and C++ Header Files for Computation on Manifolds
RiexIEX Stocks and Market Data
rifleSparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
rifregEstimate Recentered Influence Function Regression
RIFSRandom Iterated Function System
RigmaAccess to the 'Figma' API
rigrRegression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R
riingoAn R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price API
RilostatILO Open Data via Ilostat Bulk Download Facility
rimInterface to 'Maxima', Enabling Symbolic Computation
RImageJROIRead and Write 'ImageJ' Region of Interest (ROI) Files
RImagePaletteExtract the Colors from Images
RImpactCalculates Measures of Scholarly Impact
rimuResponses in Multiplex
rinatAccess 'iNaturalist' Data Through APIs
rineqConcentration Index and Decomposition for Health Inequalities
ringCircular / Ring Buffers
ringostatLoad Data from 'Ringostat API'
RInnoAn Installation Framework for Shiny Apps
RInsideC++ Classes to Embed R in C++ (and C) Applications
RInSpR Individual Specialization
rintcalRadiocarbon Calibration Curves
rIntervalTreeAn Interval Tree Tool for Real Numbers
rintimgView Images on Full Screen in 'RMarkdown' Documents and 'shiny' Applications
rintrojsWrapper for the 'Intro.js' Library
rioA Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O
riojaAnalysis of Quaternary Science Data
rioplotTurn a Regression Model Inside Out
ripcDownload and Tidy IPC and CH Data
ripserrCalculate Persistent Homology with Ripser-Based Engines
rirodsR Client for 'iRODS'
RirtData Analysis and Parameter Estimation Using Item Response Theory
RISCACausal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based Analyses
riseConduct RISE Analysis
rIsingHigh-Dimensional Ising Model Selection
RiskComputes 26 Financial Risk Measures for Any Continuous Distribution
riskclustrFunctions to Study Etiologic Heterogeneity
riskCommunicatorG-Computation to Estimate Interpretable Epidemiological Effects
RiskMapGeo-Statistical Modeling of Spatially Referenced Data
riskmetricRisk Metrics to Evaluating R Packages
riskParityPortfolioDesign of Risk Parity Portfolios
RiskPortfoliosComputation of Risk-Based Portfolios
riskPredictClustDataAssessing Risk Predictions for Clustered Data
riskRegressionRisk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for Survival Analysis with Competing Risks
risksEstimate Risk Ratios and Risk Differences using Regression
riskscoresOptimized Integer Risk Score Models
RiskScorescvdCardiovascular Risk Scores Calculator
risksetROCRiskset ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival Data
riskSimulRisk Quantification for Stock Portfolios under the T-Copula Model
riskyrRendering Risk Literacy more Transparent
RISmedDownload Content from NCBI Databases
RitaAutomated Transformations, Normality Testing, and Reporting
RitcIsothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) Data Analysis
RITCHR Parser for the ITCH-Protocol
ritisIntegrated Taxonomic Information System Client
RItoolsRandomization Inference Tools
rivRobust Instrumental Variables Estimator
RiverBuilderRiver Generation for Given Data Sets
riverconnFragmentation and Connectivity Indices for Riverscapes
riverdistRiver Network Distance Computation and Applications
rivernetRead, Analyze and Plot River Networks
RivivcIn Vitro in Vivo Correlation Linear Level "A"
rivnetExtract and Analyze Rivers from Elevation Data
rivrSteady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow Computation
RivRetrieveRetrieve Global River Gauge Data
rixReproducible Data Science Environments with 'Nix'
rjadeA Clean, Whitespace-Sensitive Template Language for Writing HTML
RJafrocArtificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance
rjagsBayesian Graphical Models using MCMC
RJalaliDateHandling Jalali Date (Persian / Solar Hijri)
rJavaLow-Level R to Java Interface
rJavaEnv'Java' Environments for R Projects
RJclusterA Fast Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Data Based on the Gram Matrix Decomposition
RJDBCProvides Access to Databases Through the JDBC Interface
RJDemetraInterface to 'JDemetra+' Seasonal Adjustment Software
rjdmarkdown'rmarkdown' Extension for Formatted 'RJDemetra' Outputs
rjdqaQuality Assessment for Seasonal Adjustment
rjdworkspaceManipulate 'JDemetra+' Workspaces
rjeMiscellaneous Useful Functions for Statistics
rjmcmcReversible-Jump MCMC Using Post-Processing
rjqpdThe Johnson Quantile-Parameterised Distribution
RJSDMXR Interface to SDMX Web Services
rjsonJSON for R
rjsonconsQuery, Pivot, Patch, and Validate 'JSON' and 'NDJSON'
RJSONIOSerialize R Objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
RJSplotInteractive Graphs with R
rjstatHandle 'JSON-stat' Format in R
rjtoolsPreparing, Checking, and Submitting Articles to the 'R Journal'
rjwsacruncherInterface to the 'JWSACruncher' of 'JDemetra+'
rkafkajarsExternal Jars Required for Package 'rkafka'
RKEAR/KEA Interface
RKEAjarsR/KEA Interface Jars
RKEELUsing 'KEEL' in R Code
RKEELdataDatasets from 'KEEL' for it Use in 'RKEEL'
RKellyTranslate Odds and Probabilities
rKenyaForexHistorical Data for Kenya Foreign Exchange Prices
RKHSMetaModRidge Group Sparse Optimization Problem for Estimation of a Meta Model Based on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
rKIN(Kernel) Isotope Niche Estimation
RkMetricsHybrid Mortality Estimation
rKoladaAccess Data from the 'Kolada' Database
rKOMICSMinicircle Sequence Classes (MSC) Analyses
RKorAPClient'KorAP' Web Service Client Package
rkrigingKriging Modeling
rktMann-Kendall Test, Seasonal and Regional Kendall Tests
RKUMRobust Kernel Unsupervised Methods
rkvoRead Key/Value Pair Observations
RlabFunctions and Datasets Required for ST370 Class
RlabkeyData Exchange Between R and 'LabKey' Server
rLakeAnalyzerLake Physics Tools
rlandfireInterface to 'LANDFIRE Product Service' API
rlangFunctions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
rlasRead and Write 'las' and 'laz' Binary File Formats Used for Remote Sensing Data
rlcCreate Interactive Linked Charts with Minimal Code
rlcvRobust Likelihood Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection
rLDCPText Generation from Data
rleCommon Functions for Run-Length Encoded Vectors
RLeafAngleEstimates, Plots and Evaluates Leaf Angle Distribution Functions, Calculates Extinction Coefficients
rleafmapInteractive Maps with R and Leaflet
rlecuyerR Interface to RNG with Multiple Streams
rlemonR Access to LEMON Graph Algorithms
rlessLeaner Style Sheets
rlfsmSimulations and Statistical Inference for Linear Fractional Stable Motions
rLFTProcessing Linear Features
RlgtBayesian Exponential Smoothing Models with Trend Modifications
RlibeemdEnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Its Complete Variant (CEEMDAN)
RlibkdvA Versatile Kernel Density Visualization Library for Geospatial Analytics (Heatmap)
rlibkrigingKriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library
rligerLinked Inference of Genomic Experimental Relationships
RlinkedinAccess to the LinkedIn API via R
rlinkedinadsLoad Data from 'Linkedin Advertising API'
RlinsolveIterative Solvers for (Sparse) Linear System of Equations
rlistA Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation
rlistingsClinical Trial Style Data Readout Listings
rllamaAccess and Analyze Data from 'DeFiLlama'
rlmDataDrivenRobust Regression with Data Driven Tuning Parameter
rlmeRank-Based Estimation and Prediction in Random Effects Nested Models
RlofR Parallel Implementation of Local Outlier Factor(LOF)
rlogA Simple, Opinionated Logging Utility
RLogicalOpsProcess Logical Operations
RLoptimalOptimal Adaptive Allocation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
RLRsimExact (Restricted) Likelihood Ratio Tests for Mixed and Additive Models
RLTReinforcement Learning Trees
rLTPR Interface to the 'LTP'-Cloud Service
RLumCarloMonte-Carlo Methods for Simulating Luminescence Phenomena
RLumModelSolving Ordinary Differential Equations to Understand Luminescence
RLumShiny'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'
rlyTools to Create Formal Language Parser
RM.weightsWeighted Rasch Modeling and Extensions using Conditional Maximum Likelihood
RM2006RiskMetrics 2006 Methodology
rma.exactExact Confidence Intervals for Random Effects Meta-Analyses
rmacrostratFetch Geologic Data from the 'Macrostrat' Platform
RMaCzekCzekanowski's Diagrams
rmakeMakefile Generator for R Analytical Projects
RMallowFit Multi-Modal Mallows' Models to Ranking Data
RmalschainsContinuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with Local Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains)
rmapshaperClient for 'mapshaper' for 'Geospatial' Operations
rmapzenClient for 'Mapzen' and Related Map APIs
rmarchingcubesCalculate 3D Contour Meshes Using the Marching Cubes Algorithm
rmargintRobust Marginal Integration Procedures
RMariaDBDatabase Interface and MariaDB Driver
RmarineHeatWavesDetect Marine Heat Waves and Marine Cold Spells
RMarkR Code for Mark Analysis
rmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
rmass2Repeated Measures with Attrition: Sample Sizes and Power Levels for 2 Groups
RMATRandom Matrix Analysis Toolkit
rmatioRead and Write 'Matlab' Files
RMAWGENMulti-Site Auto-Regressive Weather GENerator
rmBayesPerforming Bayesian Inference for Repeated-Measures Designs
RMBCRobust Model Based Clustering
RMCCAirborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multiscale Curvature
rmcfsThe MCFS-ID Algorithm for Feature Selection and Interdependency Discovery
rmcorrRepeated Measures Correlation
rmdaRisk Model Decision Analysis
RmdConcordConcordances for 'R Markdown'
rmdfiltr'Lua'-Filters for R Markdown
rmdformatsHTML Output Formats and Templates for 'rmarkdown' Documents
rmdHelpersHelper Functions for Rmd Documents
rmdlLanguage to Manage Many Models
rmdpartialsPartial 'rmarkdown' Documents to Prettify your Reports
rmdplugrPlugins for R Markdown Formats
rmdwcCount Words, Chars and Non-Whitespace Chars in R Markdown Docs
rMEASynchrony in Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) Time-Series
RmecabKoAn 'Rcpp' Interface for Eunjeon Project
RMediationMediation Analysis Confidence Intervals
rmerecMEREC - Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria
rmetalogThe Metalog Distribution
rmfanovaRepeated Measures Functional Analysis of Variance
rmgarchMultivariate GARCH Models
rmiMutual Information Estimators
rMIDASMultiple Imputation with Denoising Autoencoders
rminerData Mining Classification and Regression Methods
rminizincR Interface to 'MiniZinc'
rminqaDerivative-Free Optimization in R using C++
rmioProvides 'mio' C++11 Header Files
RmiscRyan Miscellaneous
RmixmodClassification with Mixture Modelling
RMixpanelAPI for Mixpanel
RMixtCompMixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data
RMixtCompIOMinimal Interface of the C++ 'MixtComp' Library for Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data
RMixtCompUtilitiesUtility Functions for 'MixtComp' Outputs
RMKdiscreteSundry Discrete Probability Distributions
RMLPCAMaximum Likelihood Principal Component Analysis
RMMRevenue Management Modeling
RMOAConnect R with MOA for Massive Online Analysis
RMOAjarsExternal jars Required for Package RMOA
RmoduleAutomated Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Arbitrarily Structured Correlation Matrices
RmoltGraphic Visualization of the Birds' Molt
RmonizeSupport Retrospective Harmonization of Data
rmooMulti-Objective Optimization in R
RMOPIRisk Management and Optimization for Portfolio Investment
RmosekThe R to MOSEK Optimization Interface
rMOSTEstimates Pareto-Optimal Solution for Hiring with 3 Objectives
rmpRounded Mixture Package
RmpfrR MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
RmpiInterface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface)
RMPSHRecursive Modified Pattern Search on Hyper-Rectangle
rmpwCausal Mediation Analysis Using Weighting Approach
rMRImporting Data from Loligo Systems Software, Calculating Metabolic Rates and Critical Tensions
rmsRegression Modeling Strategies
rmsbBayesian Regression Modeling Strategies
RMSDRefined Modified Stahel-Donoho Estimators for Outlier Detection
RMSDpRefined Modified Stahel-Donoho (MSD) Estimators for Outlier Detection (Parallel Version)
rmsfactAmazing Random Facts About the World's Greatest Hacker
rmsfunsQuickly View Data Frames in 'Excel', Build Folder Paths and Create Date Vectors
RMSNumpress'Rcpp' Bindings to Native C++ Implementation of MS Numpress
RMSSRobust Multi-Model Subset Selection
RmstComputerized Adaptive Multistage Testing
rmstBayesparaBayesian Restricted Mean Survival Time for Cluster Effect
rmstcompsensComparing Restricted Mean Survival Time as Sensitivity Analysis
rmtRestricted Mean Time in Favor of Treatment
RMT4DSComputation of Random Matrix Models
RMThresholdSignal-Noise Separation in Random Matrices by using Eigenvalue Spectrum Analysis
RMTLRegularized Multi-Task Learning
RMTstatDistributions, Statistics and Tests Derived from Random Matrix Theory
rMultiNetMulti-Layer Networks Analysis
rmumpsWrapper for MUMPS Library
rmutilUtilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated Measurements Models
RMVLMappable Vector Library for Handling Large Datasets
rMVPMemory-Efficient, Visualize-Enhanced, Parallel-Accelerated GWAS Tool
rmweatherTools to Conduct Meteorological Normalisation and Counterfactual Modelling for Air Quality Data
RMXRasch Models – eXtensions
RMySQLDatabase Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R
rmytargetLoad Data from 'MyTarget API v2 and v3'
rmzqcCreation, Reading and Validation of 'mzqc' Files
rnaCrosslinkOOAnalysis of RNA Crosslinking Data
rnamesRecursive Display of Items in Nested Lists
RNAmfRecursive Non-Additive Emulator for Multi-Fidelity Data
RnanoflannExtremely Fast Nearest Neighbor Search
RNAseqNetLog-Linear Poisson Graphical Model with Hot-Deck Multiple Imputation
RNAseqQCQuality Control for RNA-Seq Data
rnassqsAccess Data from the NASS 'Quick Stats' API
rnaturalearthWorld Map Data from Natural Earth
rnaturalearthdataWorld Vector Map Data from Natural Earth Used in 'rnaturalearth'
RnavGraphImageDataImage Data Used in the Loon Package Demos
rnbpWrapper for the National Bank of Poland API
RNCBIEUtilsLibsEUtils libraries for use in the R environment
RNCEPObtain, Organize, and Visualize NCEP Weather Data
rnclAn Interface to the Nexus Class Library
RNDRisk Neutral Density Extraction Package
rNeighborGWASTesting Neighbor Effects in Marker-Based Regressions
rNeighborQTLInterval Mapping for Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Neighbor Effects
RNentropyEntropy Based Method for the Detection of Significant Variation in Gene Expression Data
rneosXML-RPC Interface to NEOS
RnestNext Eigenvalue Sufficiency Test
rnetcartoFast Network Modularity and Roles Computation by Simulated Annealing (Rgraph C Library Wrapper for R)
RNetCDFInterface to 'NetCDF' Datasets
RNetLogoProvides an Interface to the Agent-Based Modelling Platform 'NetLogo'
RNewsflowTools for Comparing Text Messages Across Time and Media
RNeXMLSemantically Rich I/O for the 'NeXML' Format
RNGforGPDRandom Number Generation for Generalized Poisson Distribution
rngtoolsUtility Functions for Working with Random Number Generators
rngWELLToolbox for WELL Random Number Generators
RNHANESFacilitates Analysis of CDC NHANES Data
RNiftiFast R and C++ Access to NIfTI Images
RNiftyRegImage Registration Using the 'NiftyReg' Library
RnightlyA Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'Nightly'
rnmamodBayesian Network Meta-Analysis with Missing Participants
Rnmr1DPerform the Complete Processing of a Set of Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra
rnnRecurrent Neural Network
rnndescentNearest Neighbor Descent Method for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
rNOMADSAn R Interface to the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System
RNOmniRank Normal Transformation Omnibus Test
rnpnInterface to the National 'Phenology' Network 'API'
rnrRosenbaum and Rubin Sensitivity
rnrfaUK National River Flow Archive Data from R
RnumeraiInterface to the Numerai Machine Learning Tournament API
Rnvd3An Incomplete Wrapper of the 'nvd3' JavaScript Library
roadoiFind Free Versions of Scholarly Publications via Unpaywall
roadsRoad Network Projection
roahdRobust Analysis of High Dimensional Data
ROAuthR Interface For OAuth
RobAStBaseRobust Asymptotic Statistics
RobAStRDAInterpolation Grids for Packages of the 'RobASt' - Family of Packages
robberUsing Block Model to Estimate the Robustness of Ecological Network
robCompositionsCompositional Data Analysis
robcorRobust Correlations
robenRobust Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-Environment Interactions
RobExtremesOptimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value Distributions
robfilterRobust Time Series Filters
robflregRobust Functional Linear Regression
RobGARCHBootRobust Bootstrap Forecast Densities for GARCH Models
robinROBustness in Network
RobinCarRobust Estimation and Inference in Covariate-Adaptive Randomization
RobinHoodInterface for the RobinHood.com No Commission Investing Platform
robisOcean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Client
RobKFInnovative and/or Additive Outlier Robust Kalman Filtering
RobLoxOptimally Robust Influence Curves and Estimators for Location and Scale
RobLoxBioCInfinitesimally Robust Estimators for Preprocessing -Omics Data
RoBMARobust Bayesian Meta-Analyses
robmed(Robust) Mediation Analysis
robmedExtraExtra Functionality for (Robust) Mediation Analysis
robmixglmRobust Generalized Linear Models (GLM) using Mixtures
RobMixRegRobust Mixture Regression
robnptestsRobust Nonparametric Two-Sample Tests for Location/Scale
roboBayesRobust Online Bayesian Monitoring
robomitRobustness Checks for Omitted Variable Bias
robotoolboxClient for the 'KoboToolbox' API
robotstxtA 'robots.txt' Parser and 'Webbot'/'Spider'/'Crawler' Permissions Checker
RobPerRobust Periodogram and Periodicity Detection Methods
robreg3SThree-Step Regression and Inference for Cellwise and Casewise Contamination
robregccRobust Regression with Compositional Covariates
RobRegressionRobust Multivariate Regression
RoBSARobust Bayesian Survival Analysis
robselRobust Selection Algorithm
robservableImport an Observable Notebook as HTML Widget
robslopesFast Algorithms for Robust Slopes
RobStatTMRobust Statistics: Theory and Methods
robStepSplitRegRobust Stepwise Split Regularized Regression
robsurveyRobust Survey Statistics Estimation
RoBTTRobust Bayesian T-Test
robumetaRobust Variance Meta-Regression
robustPort of the S+ "Robust Library"
robust2slsOutlier Robust Two-Stage Least Squares Inference and Testing
RobustAFTTruncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression for Gaussian and Log-Weibull Case
RobustANOVARobust One-Way ANOVA Tests under Heteroscedasticity and Nonnormality
robustarimaRobust ARIMA Modeling
robustbaseBasic Robust Statistics
RobustBayesianCopasRobust Bayesian Copas Selection Model
robustbetaregRobust Beta Regression
RobustBFRobust Solution to the Behrens-Fisher Problem
robustBLMERobust Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ABC
RobustCalibrationRobust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical Models
robustcovCollection of Robust Covariance and (Sparse) Precision Matrix Estimators
robustDARobust Mixture Discriminant Analysis
robusTestCalibrated Correlation and Two-Sample Tests
robustETMRobust Methods using Exponential Tilt Model
robustfaObject Oriented Solution for Robust Factor Analysis
RobustGaSPRobust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation
robustHDRobust Methods for High-Dimensional Data
RobustIVRobust Instrumental Variable Methods in Linear Models
RobustLinearRegRobust Linear Regressions
robustlmRobust Variable Selection with Exponential Squared Loss
robustlmmRobust Linear Mixed Effects Models
robustmatrixRobust Matrix-Variate Parameter Estimation
robustmetaRobust Inference for Meta-Analysis with Influential Outlying Studies
robustrankRobust Rank-Based Tests
RobustRankAggregMethods for Robust Rank Aggregation
robustraoAn Extended Rao-Stirling Diversity Index to Handle Missing Data
robustregRobust Regression Functions
robustsaeRobust Bayesian Small Area Estimation
robustsurRobust Estimation for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
robustvarCompRobust Estimation of Variance Component Models
robustX'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
robvisVisualize the Results of Risk-of-Bias (ROB) Assessments
RobynSemi-Automated Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) from Meta Marketing Science
ROCaggregatorAggregate Multiple ROC Curves into One Global ROC
rocbcStatistical Inference for Box-Cox Based Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
roccROC Based Classification
roccvROC for Cross Validation Results
ROCFTP.MMSPerfect Sampling
ROCitPerformance Assessment of Binary Classifier with Visualization
rockReproducible Open Coding Kit
rockchalkRegression Estimation and Presentation
rockerDatabase Interface Class
ROCketSimple and Fast ROC Curves
RockFabRock Fabric and Strain Analysis Tools
rockr'Rock' R Server Client
roclangFunctions for Diffusing Function Documentations into 'Roxygen' Comments
rocNITNon-Inferiority Test for Paired ROC Curves
rocnpWork with Romanian Personal Numeric Codes PNC / CNP
ROCnRegROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates
rococoRobust Rank Correlation Coefficient and Test
ROCpsychCompute and Compare Diagnostic Test Statistics Across Groups
ROCRVisualizing the Performance of Scoring Classifiers
ROCSIReceiver Operating Characteristic Based Signature Identification
ROCsurfROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-Class Problems
rocsvm.pathThe Entire Solution Paths for ROC-SVM
rocTreeReceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Guided Classification and Survival Tree
RODBCODBC Database Access
RODBCDBIProvides Access to Databases Through the ODBC Interface
roddOptimal Discriminating Designs
rODEOrdinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers Written in R Using S4 Classes
rodeoA Code Generator for ODE-Based Models
rofanovaRobust Functional Analysis of Variance
rogerAutomated Grading of R Scripts
RogueIdentify Rogue Taxa in Sets of Phylogenetic Trees
ROIR Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.models.globalOptTests'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'globalOptTests'
ROI.models.miplib'ROI' Access to 'MIPLIB' 2010 Benchmark Instances
ROI.models.netlib'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'NETLIB-LP'
ROI.plugin.alabama'alabama' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.clarabel'clarabel' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.cplexROI Plug-in CPLEX
ROI.plugin.deoptim'DEoptim' and 'DEoptimR' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Interface
ROI.plugin.ecos'ECOS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.glpk'ROI' Plug-in 'GLPK'
ROI.plugin.highs'HiGHS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.ipop'ipop' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
ROI.plugin.lpsolve'lp_solve' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.msbinlp'Multi-Solution' Binary Linear Problem Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
ROI.plugin.neos'NEOS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
ROI.plugin.nloptr'nloptr' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.optimx'optimx' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.osqp'osqp' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.qpoases'qpOASES' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.quadprog'quadprog' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.scs'SCS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
ROI.plugin.symphony'SYMPHONY' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
rolapObtaining Star Databases from Flat Tables
rollRolling and Expanding Statistics
rollamaCommunicate with 'Ollama'
rollbarError Tracking and Logging
rolldownR Markdown Output Formats for Storytelling
rollingldaConstruct Consistent Time Series from Textual Data
rollmatchRolling Entry Matching
rollupA Tidy Grouping Set Aggregation
rolocConvert Colour Specification to Colour Name
rolocISCCNBSA Colour List and Colour Metric Based on the ISCC-NBS System of Color Designation
rologQuery 'SWI'-'Prolog' from R
ROlogitFit Rank-Ordered Logit (RO-Logit) Model
rolrFinding Optimal Three-Group Splits Based on a Survival Outcome
RolWinMulCorSubroutines to Estimate Rolling Window Multiple Correlation
RolWinWavCorEstimate Rolling Window Wavelet Correlation Between Two Time Series
ROMDBGet 'OMDB' API Multiple Information
romicR for High-Dimensional Omic Data
RonFHIRRead and Search Interface to the 'HL7 FHIR' REST API
RookHTTP Web Server for R
ROOPSDR Object Oriented Programming for Statistical Distribution
rootsReconstructing Ordered Ontogenic Trajectories
RootsExtremaInflectionsFinds Roots, Extrema and Inflection Points of a Curve
rootSolveNonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations
ropeModel Selection with FDR Control of Selected Variables
ropenblasDownload, Compile and Link 'OpenBLAS' Library with R
ROpenCVLiteHelper Package for Installing OpenCV with R
ropendataQuery and Download 'Rapid7' 'Cybersecurity' Data Sets
ROpenDotaAccess OpenDota Services in R
ROpenFIGIR Interface to OpenFIGI
ropenmeteoWrappers for 'Open-Meteo' API
ropensecretsapiR Package for the OpenSecrets.org API
ROpenWeatherMapR Interface to OpenWeatherMap API
roperatorsAdditional Operators to Help you Write Cleaner R Code
ropercenterReproducible Data Retrieval from the Roper Center Data Archive
RopjImport Origin(R) Project Files
ROptEstOptimally Robust Estimation
roptimGeneral Purpose Optimization in R using C++
ROptimusA Parallel General-Purpose Adaptive Optimisation Engine
roptionsOption Strategies and Valuation
ROptSpaceMatrix Reconstruction from a Few Entries
ROracleOCI Based Oracle Database Interface for R
rorcidInterface to the 'Orcid.org' API
rorqual.morphoMorphological Allometry of Rorquals
ROSERandom Over-Sampling Examples
RosenbrockExtended Rosenbrock-Type Densities for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Sampler Benchmarking
roseRFROSE Random Forests for Robust Semiparametric Efficient Estimation
rosettaParallel Use of Statistical Packages in Teaching
rosetteApi'Rosette' API
rosmPlot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other Sources
rosmiumBindings for 'Osmium Tool'
rospcaRobust Sparse PCA using the ROSPCA Algorithm
rosvClient to Access and Operate on the 'Open Source Vulnerability' API
rotasymTests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere
rotationForestFit and Deploy Rotation Forest Models
rotationsWorking with Rotation Data
rotatogramA Non-Axis-Dominant Association Plotting Tool
rotlInterface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API
rotorLog Rotation and Conditional Backups
roughnetVisualize Networks using 'roughjs'
RoughSetsData Analysis Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set Theories
roughsfVisualize Spatial Data using 'roughjs'
roundRounding to Decimal Digits
RoundAndRoundPlot Objects Moving in Orbits
roundhouseRandom Chuck Norris Facts
roundworkRounding Infrastructure
roundyhRound Dataframe
RoutliersRobust Outliers Detection
routrA Simple Router for HTTP and WebSocket Requests
roxutDocument Unit Tests Roxygen-Style
roxygen2In-Line Documentation for R
roxygen2md'Roxygen' to 'Markdown'
roxyglobals'Roxygen2' Global Variable Declarations
roxylintLint 'roxygen2'-Generated Documentation
roxytestVarious Tests with 'roxygen2'
roxytypesTyped Parameter Tags for Integration with 'roxygen2'
rPACIPlacido Analysis of Corneal Irregularity
rPackedBarPacked Bar Charts with 'plotly'
rpactConfirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
RpadrinoInteract with the 'PADRINO' IPM Database
rPAexAutomatic Detection of Experimental Unit in Precision Agriculture
rpaleoclimDownload Paleoclimate Data from 'PaleoClim'
RPANDAPhylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion
rpanelSimple Interactive Controls for R using the 'tcltk' Package
rPanglaoDBDownload and Merge Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data from the PanglaoDB Database
rpartRecursive Partitioning and Regression Trees
rpart.LADLeast Absolute Deviation Regression Trees
rpart.plotPlot 'rpart' Models: An Enhanced Version of 'plot.rpart'
rpartScoreClassification Trees for Ordinal Responses
RPatternJoinString Similarity Joins for Hamming and Levenshtein Distances
rPBKInference and Prediction of Generic Physiologically-Based Kinetic Models
rpcaRobustPCA: Decompose a Matrix into Low-Rank and Sparse Components
RpdbRead, Write, Visualize and Manipulate PDB Files
rPDBapiA Comprehensive Interface for Accessing the Protein Data Bank
RPDTestA New Type of Test Statistic and Method for Multinomial Goodness-of-Fit Test
RpeakChromTools for Chromatographic Column Characterization and Modelling Chromatographic Peak
RPEGLMENGamma and Exponential Generalized Linear Models with Elastic Net Penalty
RPEIFComputation and Plots of Influence Functions for Risk and Performance Measures
RPEnsembleRandom Projection Ensemble Classification
RPESEEstimates of Standard Errors for Risk and Performance Measures
RPEXE.RPEXTReduced Piecewise Exponential Estimate/Test Software
rpfResponse Probability Functions
RPhosFateSoil and Chemical Substance Emission and Transport Model
RphyloparsPhylogenetic Comparative Tools for Missing Data and Within-Species Variation
rphylopicGet Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
rpinterestAccess Pinterest API
rpivotTableBuild Powerful Pivot Tables and Dynamically Slice & Dice your Data
rplanesPlausibility Analysis of Epidemiological Signals
rplotengineR as a Plotting Engine
rplsRobust Partial Least Squares
rplumBayesian Age-Depth Modelling of Cores Dated by Pb-210
rpmModeling of Revealed Preferences Matchings
RPMGGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Interactive R Analysis Sessions
RPMMRecursively Partitioned Mixture Model
rpmsRecursive Partitioning for Modeling Survey Data
rpnfPoint and Figure Package
Rpoet'PoetryDB' API Wrapper
RPointCloudVisualizing Topological Loops and Voids
RpolyhedraPolyhedra Database
RpopplerPDF Tools Based on Poppler
rportfolioPortfolio Theory
rpostgisR Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database
RPostgresC++ Interface to PostgreSQL
RPostgreSQLR Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System
rPowerSampleSizeSample Size Computations Controlling the Type-II Generalized Family-Wise Error Rate
RPPairwiseDesignResolvable partially pairwise balanced design and Space-filling design via association scheme
RPPanalyzerReads, Annotates, and Normalizes Reverse Phase Protein Array Data
RPPASPACEReverse-Phase Protein Array Super Position and Concentration Evaluation
rpqlRegularized PQL for Joint Selection in GLMMs
rPraatInterface to Praat
rpredictitInterface to the 'PredictIt' API
rPrefDatabase Preferences and Skyline Computation
RPregressionA Simple Regression and Plotting Tool
RPrestoDBI Connector to Presto
rprevEstimating Disease Prevalence from Registry Data
rprimeFunctions for Working with 'Eprime' Text Files
rprintfAdaptive Builder for Formatted Strings
RprobitBBayesian Probit Choice Modeling
RProbSupCalculates Probability of Superiority
RprofetWOE Transformation and Scorecard Builder
rprofileLoad Both User-Global and Project-Specific R Profile Configurations
rprojrootFinding Files in Project Subdirectories
rprojtreeCreate Folders and Files Structure for Data Science Projects
RProtoBufR Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3)
RPscoringRelative Placement Algorithm
rpsftmRank Preserving Structural Failure Time Models
RPtestsGoodness of Fit Tests for High-Dimensional Linear Regression Models
rptRRepeatability Estimation for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Data
RPublicaProPublica API Client
RPushbulletR Interface to the Pushbullet Messaging Service
rpyANTsAn Alternative Advanced Normalization Tools ('ANTs')
RPyGeoArcGIS Geoprocessing via Python
rpymatEasy to Configure an Isolated 'Python' Environment
rqcanonCanonical Quantile Regression
rQCCRobust Quality Control Chart
rqdatatable'rquery' for 'data.table'
RQdeltaCTRelative Quantification of Gene Expression using Delta Ct Methods
RQEntangleQuantum Entanglement of Bipartite System
rqlmModified Poisson and Least-Squares Regressions for Binary Outcome
rqPenPenalized Quantile Regression
rQSARQSAR Modeling with Multiple Algorithms: MLR, PLS, and Random Forest
rqtiCreate Tests According to QTI 2.1 Standard
RquakeSeismic Hypocenter Determination
RQuantLibR Interface to the 'QuantLib' Library
RqueftsQuantitative Evaluation of the Native Fertility of Tropical Soils
rqueryRelational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at Scale
rquestHypothesis Tests for Quantiles and Quantile-Based Measures
rrStatistical Methods for the Randomized Response Technique
rr2R2s for Regression Models
RramasMatrix Population Models
rrandvecGenerate Random Vectors Whose Components Sum Up to One
rrapplyRevisiting Base Rapply
rratRobust Regression with Asymmetric Heavy-Tail Noise Distributions
RRateEstimating Replication Rate for Genome-Wide Association Studies
RravenConnecting R and 'Raven' Sound Analysis Software
rrBLUPRidge Regression and Other Kernels for Genomic Selection
RRBoostA Robust Boosting Algorithm
rrcovScalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point
rrcov3wayRobust Methods for Multiway Data Analysis, Applicable also for Compositional Data
rrcovHDRobust Multivariate Methods for High Dimensional Data
rrcovNAScalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point for Incomplete Data
RrdapRDAP Server Querying
rrecsysEnvironment for Evaluating Recommender Systems
rredlist'IUCN' Red List Client
RRedshiftSQLR Interface to the 'Redshift' Database
rrefiner Client for OpenRefine API
rregVisualization for Norwegian Health Quality Registries
rrepastInvoke 'Repast Simphony' Simulation Models
RrepestAn Analyzer of International Large Scale Assessments in Education
rresRealized Relatedness Estimation and Simulation
RRFRegularized Random Forest
RRIResidual Randomization Inference for Regression Models
rriskDistributionsFitting Distributions to Given Data or Known Quantiles
rrMixtureReduced-Rank Mixture Models
RRMLRfMCReduced-Rank Multinomial Logistic Regression for Markov Chains
RRNASecondary Structure Plotting for RNA
rrnniManipulate with RNNI Tree Space
rroadRoad Condition Analysis
rrpackReduced-Rank Regression
RRphyloPhylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies
RRPPLinear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in a Permutation Procedure
rrrReduced-Rank Regression
RRregCorrelation and Regression Analyses for Randomized Response Data
RRRROnline Robust Reduced-Rank Regression Estimation
rrscaleRobust Re-Scaling to Better Recover Latent Effects in Data
rrtableReproducible Research with a Table of R Codes
RRTCSRandomized Response Techniques for Complex Surveys
rrumBayesian Estimation of the Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model with Gibbs Sampling
RSAResponse Surface Analysis
RSADBEData related to the book "R Statistical Application Development by Example"
rsaeRobust Small Area Estimation
rSAFESurrogate-Assisted Feature Extraction
RSAGASAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis
RsagacmdLinking R with the Open-Source 'SAGA-GIS' Software
rsampleGeneral Resampling Infrastructure
RsamplingPorts the Workflow of "Resampling Stats" Add-in to R
rsatDealing with Multiplatform Satellite Images
RSAtoolsAdvanced Response Surface Analysis
rsatscanTools, Classes, and Methods for Interfacing with 'SaTScan' Stand-Alone Software
RSauceLabsR Wrapper for 'SauceLabs' REST API
RSBJsonHandle R Requests from R Service Bus Applications with JSON Payloads
RSCRobust and Sparse Correlation Matrix
rSCAAn R Package for Stepwise Cluster Analysis
RSCATShadow-Test Approach to Computerized Adaptive Testing
rsccR Source Code Similarity Evaluation by Variable/Function Names
RScelestialScelestial: Steiner Tree Based Single-Cell Lineage Tree Inference
RSclientClient for Rserve
RsconctdplyDeploys Multiple 'Shiny' Apps using Configuration File
rsconnectDeploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect', 'shinyapps.io', and 'RPubs'
rscontractGeneric implementation of the 'RStudio' connections contract
rscopusScopus Database 'API' Interface
rscorecardA Method to Download Department of Education College Scorecard Data
RSDAR to Symbolic Data Analysis
rsdepthRay Shooting Depth (i.e. RS Depth) Functions for Bivariate Analysis
rSDISpatial Dispersion Index (SDI) Family of Metrics for Spatial/Geographic Networks
RSDKSudoku with R
rsdmxTools for Reading SDMX Data and Metadata
rsdNEResponse Surface Designs with Neighbour Effects (rsdNE)
RSENumber of Newly Discovered Rare Species Estimation
rSEASimultaneous Enrichment Analysis
rseedcalcEstimating the Proportion of Genetically Modified Seeds in Seedlots via Multinomial Group Testing
RSEISSeismic Time Series Analysis Tools
RSeleniumR Bindings for 'Selenium WebDriver'
rsemRobust Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data and Auxiliary Variables
RSentimentAnalyse Sentiment of English Sentences
RserveBinary R server
rsetseStrain Elevation Tension Spring Embedding
rsfReport of Statistical Findings in 'bookdown'
rSFASlow Feature Analysis
RsfarSeasonal Functional Autoregressive Models
RsgfSGF (Smart Game File) File Format Import
RSGHBFunctions for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation: A Flexible Approach
rSHAPESimulated Haploid Asexual Population Evolution
rshiftPaleoecology Functions for Regime Shift Analysis
rsiEfficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite Imagery
rsidesSIDES-Based Subgroup Search Algorithms
RSienaSiena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
RsimMosaicR Simple Image Mosaic Creation Library
rsimsumAnalysis of Simulation Studies Including Monte Carlo Error
rsinaicaDownload Data from Mexico's Air Quality Information System
RSizeBiasedHypothesis Testing Based on R-Size Biased Samples
RSKCRobust Sparse K-Means
rskeyCreate Custom 'Rstudio' Keyboard Shortcuts
rslpA Stemming Algorithm for the Portuguese Language
rslurmSubmit R Calculations to a 'Slurm' Cluster
rsmResponse-Surface Analysis
RSmallTelescopesEmpirical Small Telescopes Analysis
RSmartlyIOLoading Facebook and Instagram Advertising Data from 'Smartly.io'
rsmatchMatching Methods for Time-Varying Observational Studies
rsmatrixMatrices for Repeat-Sales Price Indexes
RsmlxR Speaks 'Monolix'
rsnellSnell Scoring
RSNNSNeural Networks using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)
rsocialwatcher'Facebook Marketing API' Social Watcher
RSocrataDownload or Upload 'Socrata' Data Sets
rsoiImport Various Northern and Southern Hemisphere Climate Indices
RsolnpGeneral Non-Linear Optimization
rsolrR to Solr Interface
RSP'shiny' Applications for Statistical and Psychometric Analysis
rspaAdapt Numerical Records to Fit (in)Equality Restrictions
rSPARCSSites, Population, and Records Cleaning Skills
rsparklingR Interface for H2O Sparkling Water
rsparseStatistical Learning on Sparse Matrices
RspcNelson Rules for Control Charts
rSPDERational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
RSpectraSolvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems
rSpectralSpectral Modularity Clustering
RSpincalcConversion Between Attitude Representations of DCM, Euler Angles, Quaternions, and Euler Vectors
rspiroImplementation of Spirometry Equations
rspm'RStudio' Package Manager
RspotifyAccess to Spotify API
rsppfpR's Shortest Path Problem with Forbidden Subpaths
rsprite2Identify Distributions that Match Reported Sample Parameters (SPRITE)
rsqR-Squared and Related Measures
RSQLDatabase Agnostic Package to Generate and Process 'SQL' Queries in R
RSQLiteSQLite Interface for R
RSqlParserParse 'SQL' Statements
RsqMedTotal Mediation Effect Size Measure for High-Dimensional Mediators
RSquaredMIR-Squared with Multiply Imputed Data
rSRDSum of Ranking Differences Statistical Test
RssaA Collection of Methods for Singular Spectrum Analysis
RSSamplingRanked Set Sampling
RsSimulxExtension of 'lixoftConnectors' for 'Simulx'
RSSLImplementations of Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches for Classification
RSSOPSimulation of Supply Reservoir Systems using Standard Operation Policy
RSStestTesting the Equality of Two Means Using RSS and MRSS
RSSthemesRSS Palettes and Themes
rstacClient Library for SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog
rstackStack Data Type as an 'R6' Class
rstackdequePersistent Fast Amortized Stack and Queue Data Structures
rstanR Interface to Stan
rstanarmBayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
rstanbdpBayesian Deming Regression for Method Comparison
rstanemaxEmax Model Analysis with 'Stan'
rstantoolsTools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with 'Stan'
RStataA Bit of Glue Between R and Stata
rstatixPipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests
rstatscnR Interface for China National Data
RstgSTG : Feature Selection using STochastic Gates
rstiefelRandom Orthonormal Matrix Generation and Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold
RStoolboxRemote Sensing Data Analysis
rstpm2Smooth Survival Models, Including Generalized Survival Models
rStravaAccess the 'Strava' API
rstreamStreams of Random Numbers
rstudio.prefsSet 'RStudio' Preferences
rstudioapiSafely Access the RStudio API
rsubgroupSubgroup Discovery and Analytics
rsurfaceDesign of Rotatable Central Composite Experiments and Response Surface Analysis
RsurrogateRobust Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Marker Information
rsurvRandom Generation of Survival Data
RSurveillanceDesign and Analysis of Disease Surveillance Activities
rsurveyctoInteract with Data on 'SurveyCTO'
rsvdRandomized Singular Value Decomposition
rsvddpdRobust Singular Value Decomposition using Density Power Divergence
rsvgRender SVG Images into PDF, PNG, (Encapsulated) PostScript, or Bitmap Arrays
rswiplEmbed 'SWI'-'Prolog'
RsymphonySYMPHONY in R
rsyncrosimThe R Interface to 'SyncroSim'
rsyntaxExtract Semantic Relations from Text by Querying and Reshaping Syntax
rsyslogInterface to the 'syslog' System Logger
rtInterface to the 'Request Tracker' API
rt.testRobustified t-Test
rt3Tic-Tac-Toe Package for R
rTableICCRandom Generation of Contingency Tables
rtablesReporting Tables
rtabulatorR Bindings for 'Tabulator JS'
RtapasRandom Tanglegram Partitions
rtapeManage and manipulate large collections of R objects stored as tape-like files
RtauchenDiscretization of AR(1) Processes
RTaxometricsTaxometric Analysis
RTCCDetecting Trait Clustering in Environmental Gradients
rTCRBCRrRepertoire Analysis of the Detected Clonotype
RTDSimple TD API Client
RTDERobust Tail Dependence Estimation
rtdistsResponse Time Distributions
rtematresThe rtematres API package
rtempsR Templates for Reproducible Data Analyses
rTensorTools for Tensor Analysis and Decomposition
rTensor2MultiLinear Algebra
rTephraTephra Transport Modeling
rternA Ternary Conditional Operator for R
RTextToolsAutomatic Text Classification via Supervised Learning
rtfRich Text Format (RTF) Output
RTFARobust Factor Analysis for Tensor Time Series
rTGMethods to Analyse Seasonal Radial Tree Growth Data
rtgstatClient for 'TGStat API'
Rthingsboard'ThingsBoard' API
rticlesArticle Formats for R Markdown
rticulateUltrasound Tongue Imaging
rtiddlywikiR Interface for 'TiddlyWiki'
rtideTide Heights
rtiesModeling Interpersonal Dynamics
RTIGERHMM-Based Model for Genotyping and Cross-Over Identification
rtikaR Interface to 'Apache Tika'
rtipInequality, Welfare and Poverty Indices and Curves using the EU-SILC Data
rtistA Color Palette Generator
rtkRarefaction Tool Kit
rtkore'STK++' Core Library Integration to 'R' using 'Rcpp'
RTLRisk Tool Library - Trading, Risk, 'Analytics' for Commodities
RTLknitrRight to Left Dynamic Documents Using 'knitr'
rtlrPrint Right-to-Left Languages Correctly
rTLsDeepPost-Hurricane Damage Severity Classification from TLS and AI
RTMB'R' Bindings for 'TMB'
rtmptFitting (Exponential/Diffusion) RT-MPT Models
rtmsR Toolkit for Mass Spectrometry
RtnminTruncated Newton Function Minimization with Bounds Constraints
rtodoistCreate and Manage Todolist using 'Todoist.com' API
rtootCollecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data
rtopInterpolation of Data with Variable Spatial Support
rTorchR Bindings to 'PyTorch'
rTPCFitting and Analysing Thermal Performance Curves
rtpcrqPCR Data Analysis
RtrackSpatial Navigation Strategy Analysis
RTransferEntropyMeasuring Information Flow Between Time Series with Shannon and Renyi Transfer Entropy
rtrekData Analysis Relating to Star Trek
rtrendTrend Estimating Tools
rtrendsAnalyze Download Logs from the CRAN RStudio Mirror
RTriangleTriangle - A 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
rtrimTrends and Indices for Monitoring Data
rTRIPLEXCWFluxCarbon-Water Coupled Model
rTRNGAdvanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via 'TRNG'
RtropicalData Analysis Tools over Space of Phylogenetic Trees Using Tropical Geometry
rtryPreprocessing Plant Trait Data
rtsRaster Time Series Analysis
rts2Real-Time Disease Surveillance
RTSA'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference in Sequential Meta-Analyses
rtsdataR Time Series Intelligent Data Storage
RtsEvaPerforms the Transformed-Stationary Extreme Values Analysis
RtsneT-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding using a Barnes-Hut Implementation
rtsonTyped JSON
rtsplotTime Series Plot
Rttf2pt1'ttf2pt1' Program
RTTWebClientWeb Client to 'TickTrader'
RtumblrCollecting and Analyzing 'Tumblr' Data
RtwalkThe R Implementation of the 't-walk' MCMC Algorithm
rtweetCollecting Twitter Data
rTwigRealistic Quantitative Structure Models
Rtwobitlib'2bit' 'C' Library
rtypeA strong type system for R
rtypeformInterface to 'typeform' Results
rubiasBayesian Inference from the Conditional Genetic Stock Identification Model
rucmImplementation of Unobserved Components Model (UCM)
rucrdtwR Bindings for the UCR Suite
rugarchUnivariate GARCH Models
ruijterTechnical Data Sets by Ruijter et al. (2013)
ruimteholLearn Text 'Embeddings' with 'Starspace'
ruinSimulation of Various Risk Processes
rulerTidy Data Validation Reports
rulesModel Wrappers for Rule-Based Models
rUMR Templates from the University of Miami
rumidasUnivariate GARCH-MIDAS, Double-Asymmetric GARCH-MIDAS and MEM-MIDAS
ruminateA Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool
runcharterAutomatically Plot, Analyse and Revises Limits of Multiple Run Charts
runDRTRun Doubly Ranked Tests
runesConvert Strings to Elder Futhark Runes
runexpSoftball Run Expectancy using Markov Chains and Simulation
RUnitR Unit Test Framework
runjagsInterface Utilities, Model Templates, Parallel Computing Methods and Additional Distributions for MCMC Models in JAGS
runMCMCbtadjustRuns Monte Carlo Markov Chain - With Either 'JAGS', 'nimble' or 'greta' - While Adjusting Burn-in and Thinning Parameters
runnerRunning Operations for Vectors
runonceRun Once and Save Result
runstatsFast Computation of Running Statistics for Time Series
RunuranR Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' Random Variate Generators
rushRapid Parallel and Distributed Computing
ruskBeautiful Graphical Representation of Multiplication Tables on a Modular Circle
rusquantQuantitative Trading Framework
rustRatio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation
rutifierChilean Rol Unico Tributario
rutledgeReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Rutledge et al. (2004)
ruvDetect and Remove Unwanted Variation using Negative Controls
RVARNAseq Visualization Automation
RVAideMemoireTesting and Plotting Procedures for Biostatistics
rvaluesR-Values for Ranking in High-Dimensional Settings
RvcgManipulations of Triangular Meshes Based on the 'VCGLIB' API
rvcheckR/Package Version Check
RVCompareCompare Real Valued Random Variables
rvecVector Representing a Random Variable
RvegDigitization of Phytosociological Relevés
RVennSet Operations for Many Sets
RVerbalExpressionsCreate Regular Expressions Easily
rversionsQuery 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
rvertnetSearch 'Vertnet', a 'Database' of Vertebrate Specimen Records
rvestEasily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
rvgR Graphics Devices for 'Office' Vector Graphics Output
rvHPDTCalling Haplotype-Based and Variant-Based Pedigree Disequilibrium Test for Rare Variants in Pedigrees
RViennaCL'ViennaCL' C++ Header Files
rviewgraphAnimated Graph Layout Viewer
rvifCollinearity Detection using Redefined Variance Inflation Factor and Graphical Methods
rvinecopulibHigh Performance Algorithms for Vine Copula Modeling
RVIpkgRegional Vulnerability Index
rvisidataWrapper for 'Visidata', an Interactive Multitool for Tabular Data
rvkstatR Interface to API 'vk.com'
rvmethodRadial Velocity Method for Detecting Exoplanets
rvMFFast Generation of von Mises-Fisher Distributed Pseudo-Random Vectors
rwaPerform a Relative Weights Analysis
rwalkrAPI to Melbourne Pedestrian Data
rwarriorR Warrior - An AI Programming Game
RwaveTime-Frequency Analysis of 1-D Signals
rwaveletWavelet Analysis
rwcRandom Walk Covariance Models
RwclustRandom Walk Clustering on Weighted Graphs
rWCVPGenerating Summaries, Reports and Plots from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants
RWDataPlyrRead and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'
RweaveExtraSweave Drivers with Extra Tricks Up their Sleeve
rwebstatDownload Data from the Webstat API
RWekaR/Weka Interface
RWekajarsR/Weka Interface Jars
rwfecR Wireless, Forward Error Correction
RWgraphRandom Walks on Graphs Representing a Transactional Network
rwhatsappImport and Handling for 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs
RwhoisWHOIS Server Querying
rwiccRegression with Interval-Censored Covariates
RWienerWiener Process Distribution Functions
RWildbookInterface for the 'Wildbook' Wildlife Data Management Framework
RWinEdtR Interface to 'WinEdt'
rWishartRandom Wishart Matrix Generation
rwispWISP Multiple Criteria Sorting Method
RWmiscMiscellaneous Spatial Functions
RWNNRandom Weight Neural Networks
RwofostWOFOST Crop Growth Simulation Model
rworkflowsTest, Document, Containerise, and Deploy R Packages
rworldmapMapping Global Data
rworldxtraCountry boundaries at high resolution
RWsearchLazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web. All-in-One Download
rwstatsChinese Character Frequency in Real World
RwtssClient for Web Time-Series Service
rwtyR We There Yet? Visualizing MCMC Convergence in Phylogenetics
rwundergroundR Interface to Weather Underground API
RXKCDGet XKCD Comic from R
RxnSimFunctions to Compute Chemical and Chemical Reaction Similarity
rxode2Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
rxode2llLog-Likelihood Functions for 'rxode2'
rxSeqCombined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing Study
RXshrinkMaximum Likelihood Shrinkage using Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression
rxylibImport XY-Data into R
RyacasR Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System
Ryacas0Legacy 'Ryacas' (Interface to 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System)
ryandexdirectLoad Data From 'Yandex Direct'
RYandexTranslateR Interface to Yandex Translate API
rymR Interface to Yandex Metrica API
rYoutheriaAccess to the YouTheria Mammal Trait Database
rytstatWork with 'YouTube API'
rYWAASBSimultaneous Selection by Trait and WAASB Index
RZabbixR Module for Working with the 'Zabbix API'
rzentraClient for the 'ZENTRA Cloud' API
RZigZagZig-Zag Sampler
rzmqR Bindings for 'ZeroMQ'
RZooRoHPartitioning of Individual Autozygosity into Multiple Homozygous-by-Descent Classes
s2Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
s20xFunctions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 Data Analysis
s2dvA Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal Verification
s2netThe Generalized Semi-Supervised Elastic-Net
s3Download Files from 'AWS S3'
s3.resourcerS3 Resource Resolver
s3fs'Amazon Web Service S3' File System
s4vdBiclustering via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition Incorporating Stability Selection
S7An Object Oriented System Meant to Become a Successor to S3 and S4
saasCNVSomatic Copy Number Alteration Analysis Using Sequencing and SNP Array Data
sabreSpatial Association Between Regionalizations
sacSemiparametric Analysis of Change-Point
saccadrExtract Saccades via an Ensemble of Methods Approach
sadVerify the Scale, Anisotropy and Direction of Weather Forecasts
SADEGStability Analysis in Differentially Expressed Genes
SADISASpecies Abundance Distributions with Independent-Species Assumption
sadistsSome Additional Distributions
sadsMaximum Likelihood Models for Species Abundance Distributions
saeSmall Area Estimation
sae.propSmall Area Estimation using Fay-Herriot Models with Additive Logistic Transformation
sae2Small Area Estimation: Time-Series Models
saeBestSelecting Auxiliary Variables in Small Area Estimation (SAE) Model
saebnocovSmall Area Estimation using Empirical Bayes without Auxiliary Variable
saecziSmall Area Estimation for Continuous Zero Inflated Data
saeebSmall Area Estimation for Count Data
saeHBSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method
saeHB.MESmall Area Estimation with Measurement Error using Hierarchical Bayesian Method
saeHB.ME.betaSAE with Measurement Error using HB under Beta Distribution
saeHB.panelSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method for Rao Yu Model
saeHB.panel.betaSmall Area Estimation using HB for Rao Yu Model under Beta Distribution
saeHB.unitBasic Unit Level Model using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
saeHB.ZIBSmall Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian under Zero Inflated Binomial Distribution
saekernelSmall Area Estimation Non-Parametric Based Nadaraya-Watson Kernel
saeMESmall Area Estimation with Measurement Error
saemixStochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM) Algorithm
saeMSPECompute MSPE Estimates for the Fay Herriot Model and Nested Error Regression Model
saensSmall Area Estimation with Cluster Information for Estimation of Non-Sampled Areas
saePseudoSmall Area Estimation using Averaging Pseudo Area Level Model
saeRobustRobust Small Area Estimation
saeSimSimulation Tools for Small Area Estimation
saeTrafoTransformations for Unit-Level Small Area Models
SAEvalSmall Area Estimation Evaluation
SAFARIShape Analysis for AI-Reconstructed Images
SAFDStatistical Analysis of Fuzzy Data
safejoinPerform "Safe" Table Joins
saferEncrypt and Decrypt Strings, R Objects and Files
safestatsSafe Anytime-Valid Inference
safetensorsSafetensors File Format
safetyChartsCharts for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety
safetyDataClinical Trial Data
safetyGraphicsInteractive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety
SafeVoteElection Vote Counting with Safety Features
sageRApplied Statistics for Economics and Management with R
SAGMSpatial Autoregressive Graphical Model
SAGMMClustering via Stochastic Approximation and Gaussian Mixture Models
sahpmVariable Selection using Simulated Annealing
sAICAkaike Information Criterion for Sparse Estimation
SailoRAn Extension of the Taylor Diagram to Two-Dimensional Vector Data
SAiVEFunctions Used for SAiVE Group Research, Collaborations, and Publications
saladSimple Automatic Differentiation
SALESThe (Adaptive) Elastic Net and Lasso Penalized Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (SALES) and Coupled Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (COSALES) using Coordinate Descent and Proximal Gradient Algorithms
salesforcerAn Implementation of 'Salesforce' APIs Using Tidy Principles
salsoSearch Algorithms and Loss Functions for Bayesian Clustering
SALTSamplerEfficient Sampling on the Simplex
saltyTurn Clean Data into Messy Data
SAMSparse Additive Modelling
samadbSouth Africa Macroeconomic Database API
SAMBASelection and Misclassification Bias Adjustment for Logistic Regression Models
sambiaA Collection of Techniques Correcting for Sample Selection Bias
samcSpatial Absorbing Markov Chains
SAMESeamless Adaptive Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Enrichment
SAMGEPA Semi-Supervised Method for Prediction of Phenotype Event Times
samonSensitivity Analysis for Missing Data
sampbiasEvaluating Geographic Sampling Bias in Biological Collections
sampcompRComparing and Visualizing Differences Between Surveys
samplerSample Design, Drawing & Data Analysis Using Data Frames
sampleSelectionSample Selection Models
samplesizeSample Size Calculation for Various t-Tests and Wilcoxon-Test
SampleSize4ClinicalTrialsSample Size Calculation for the Comparison of Means or Proportions in Phase III Clinical Trials
samplesize4surveysSample Size Calculations for Complex Surveys
samplesizeCMHPower and Sample Size Calculation for the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
SampleSizeDiagnosticsChoosing Sample Size for Evaluating a Diagnostic Test
samplesizeestimatorCalculate Sample Size for Various Scenarios
samplesizelogisticcasecontrolSample Size and Power Calculations for Case-Control Studies
SampleSizeMeansSample Size Calculations for Normal Means
SampleSizeProportionsCalculating Sample Size Requirements when Estimating the Difference Between Two Binomial Proportions
sampleVADIRDraw Stratified Samples from the VADIR Database
samplingSurvey Sampling
SamplingBigDataSampling Methods for Big Data
samplingbookSurvey Sampling Procedures
samplingDataCRTSampling Data Within Different Study Designs for Cluster Randomized Trials
samplinginDynamic Survey Sampling Solutions
samplingRSampling and Estimation Methods
SamplingStrataOptimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys
samplingVarEstSampling Variance Estimation
samplrCompare Human Performance to Sampling Algorithms
samplrDataDatasets from the SAMPLING Project
SAMpriorSelf-Adapting Mixture (SAM) Priors
sampsizevalSample Size for Validation of Risk Models with Binary Outcomes
samrSAM: Significance Analysis of Microarrays
samsMerge-Split Samplers for Conjugate Bayesian Nonparametric Models
SAMtoolStock Assessment Methods Toolkit
SAMTxSensitivity Assessment to Unmeasured Confounding with Multiple Treatments
SAMURStochastic Augmentation of Matched Data Using Restriction Methods
samuraisStatistical Models for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Time-Series ('SaMUraiS')
sandStatistical Analysis of Network Data with R, 2nd Edition
sandboxProbabilistic Numerical Modelling of Sediment Properties
sandwichRobust Covariance Matrix Estimators
SanFranBeachWaterDownloads and Tidies the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Beach Water Quality Monitoring Program Data
SangerToolsTools for Population Health Management Analytics
sanicSolving Ax = b Nimbly in C++
sanitizersC/C++ Source Code to Trigger Address and Undefined Behaviour Sanitizers
sanityTrackerKeeps Track of all Performed Sanity Checks
sanketphonetictranslatorPhonetic Transliteration Between Hindi and English
sankeyIllustrate the Flow of Information or Material
sankeywheelCreate Dependency Wheels and Sankey Diagrams
sanonStratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable Adjustment
SANpleFitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Markov Chains Monte Carlo
sansaSynthetic Data Generation for Imbalanced Learning in 'R'
santaRShort Asynchronous Time-Series Analysis
santokuA Versatile Cutting Tool
SANviFitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Variational Bayes
sanzoColor Palettes Based on the Works of Sanzo Wada
saotdSentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
SAPStatistical Analysis and Programming
sapevomGroup Ordinal Method for Multiple Criteria Decision-Making
sapfluxnetrWorking with 'Sapfluxnet' Project Data
sapoSpatial Association of Different Types of Polygon
SAPPStatistical Analysis of Point Processes
saqgetrImport Air Quality Monitoring Data in a Fast and Easy Way
SARSmart Adaptive Recommendations
sara4rAn R-GUI for Spatial Analysis of Surface Runoff using the NRCS-CN Method
sarimaSimulation and Prediction with Seasonal ARIMA Models
sarosSemi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys
saros.baseBase Tools for Semi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys
SARP.compoNetwork-Based Interpretation of Changes in Compositional Data
SARP.moodleXML Output Functions for Easy Creation of Moodle Questions
sarp.snowprofileSnow Profile Analysis for Snowpack and Avalanche Research
sarp.snowprofile.alignmentSnow Profile Alignment, Aggregation, and Clustering
sarp.snowprofile.pyface'python' Modules from Snowpack and Avalanche Research
sarsFit and Compare Species-Area Relationship Models Using Multimodel Inference
sarsopApproximate POMDP Planning Software
sas7bdatsas7bdat Reverse Engineering Documentation
SASciiImport ASCII Files Directly into R using Only a 'SAS' Input Script
SASdatesConvert the Dates to 'SAS' Formats
sasfunclustSparse and Smooth Functional Clustering
sasLM'SAS' Linear Model
SASmarkdown'SAS' Markdown
SASmixedData sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"
sasr'SAS' Interface
sassSyntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
sassyMakes 'R' Easier for Everyone
satdadSensitivity Analysis Tools for Dependence and Asymptotic Dependence
sateScientific Analysis of Trial Errors (SATE)
satelliteHandling and Manipulating Remote Sensing Data
satinVisualisation and Analysis of Ocean Data Derived from Satellites
satresGrouping Satellite Bands by Spectral and Spatial Resolution
saturninSpanning Trees Used for Network Inference
SAutomataInference and Learning in Stochastic Automata
SAVERSingle-Cell RNA-Seq Gene Expression Recovery
savonliquideAccessibility Toolbox for 'R' Users
savvyrSurvival Analysis for AdVerse Events with VarYing Follow-Up Times
sawnutiComparing Sequences with Non-Uniform Time Intervals
sawsSmall-Sample Adjustments for Wald Tests Using Sandwich Estimators
sazedRParameter-Free Domain-Agnostic Season Length Detection in Time Series
SBCKStatistical Bias Correction Kit
sbdSize Biased Distributions
sbdeSemiparametric Bayesian Density Estimation
SBdecompEstimation of the Proportion of SB Explained by Confounders
sbfcSelective Bayesian Forest Classifier
sbgcopSemiparametric Bayesian Gaussian Copula Estimation and Imputation
SBISimple Blinding Index for Randomized Controlled Trials
sBICComputing the Singular BIC for Multiple Models
SBICgraphStructural Bayesian Information Criterion for Graphical Models
sblSparse Bayesian Learning for QTL Mapping and Genome-Wide Association Studies
sbmStochastic Blockmodels
SBmedianScalable Bayes with Median of Subset Posteriors
sbmSDPSemidefinite Programming for Fitting Block Models of Equal Block Sizes
SBMSplitMergeInference for a Generalised SBM with a Split Merge Sampler
SBNGenerate Stochastic Branching Networks
sboText Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models
sboostMachine Learning with AdaBoost on Decision Stumps
sbrlScalable Bayesian Rule Lists Model
SBSDiffSatorra-Bentler Scaled Chi-Squared Difference Test
sbtoolsUSGS ScienceBase Tools
sbwStable Balancing Weights for Causal Inference and Missing Data
SC.MEBSpatial Clustering with Hidden Markov Random Field using Empirical Bayes
SC2APIBlizzard SC2 API Wrapper
sc2scSpatial Transfer of Statistics among Spanish Census Sections
scaSimple Component Analysis
scaffolderScaffolding Interfaces to Packages in Other Programming Languages
scagnosticsCompute scagnostics - scatterplot diagnostics
scaleAlignScale Alignment for Between-Items Multidimensional Rasch Family Models
scalebootApproximately Unbiased P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap
ScalelinkCreate Scale Linkage Scores
scalesScale Functions for Visualization
ScaleSpikeSlabScalable Spike-and-Slab
scalpelProcesses Calcium Imaging Data
scalregScaled Sparse Linear Regression
scamShape Constrained Additive Models
scanSingle-Case Data Analyses for Single and Multiple Baseline Designs
scAnnotateAn Automated Cell Type Annotation Tool for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
scanstatisticsSpace-Time Anomaly Detection using Scan Statistics
scapeStatistical Catch-at-Age Plotting Environment
scaperSingle Cell Transcriptomics-Level Cytokine Activity Prediction and Estimation
scapesClassificationUser-Defined Classification of Raster Surfaces
scapGNNGraph Neural Network-Based Framework for Single Cell Active Pathways and Gene Modules Analysis
scarShape-Constrained Additive Regression: a Maximum Likelihood Approach
scaRabeeOptimization Toolkit for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models
scatrCreate Scatter Plots with Marginal Density or Box Plots
scatterD3D3 JavaScript Scatterplot from R
ScatterDensityDensity Estimation and Visualization of 2D Scatter Plots
scattermoreScatterplots with More Points
scatterpieScatter Pie Plot
scatterplot3d3D Scatter Plot
scatterPlotMatrix'htmlwidget' for a Scatter Plot Matrix
SCBiclustIdentifies Mean, Variance, and Hierarchically Clustered Biclusters
scBioSingle Cell Genomics for Enhancing Cell Composition Inference from Bulk Genomics Data
SCBmeanfdSimultaneous Confidence Bands for the Mean of Functional Data
scBSPA Fast Tool for Single-Cell Spatially Variable Genes Identifications on Large-Scale Data
scburstsSingle Channel Bursts Analysis
scCANSingle-Cell Clustering using Autoencoder and Network Fusion
scCATCHSingle Cell Cluster-Based Annotation Toolkit for Cellular Heterogeneity
scccaSingle-Cell Correlation Based Cell Type Annotation
SCCIStochastic Complexity-Based Conditional Independence Test for Discrete Data
scclustSize-Constrained Clustering
sccoreCore Utilities for Single-Cell RNA-Seq
sccrThe Self-Consistent, Competing Risks (SC-CR) Algorithms
SCCSThe Self-Controlled Case Series Method
scCustomizeCustom Visualizations & Functions for Streamlined Analyses of Single Cell Sequencing
SCDASpatially-Clustered Data Analysis
SCDBEasily Access and Maintain Time-Based Versioned Data (Slowly-Changing-Dimension)
scDECOEstimating Dynamic Correlation
SCdeconRDeconvolution of Bulk RNA-Seq Data using Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data as Reference
scdensityShape-Constrained Kernel Density Estimation
scDHASingle-Cell Decomposition using Hierarchical Autoencoder
scdhlmEstimating Hierarchical Linear Models for Single-Case Designs
scDiffComDifferential Analysis of Intercellular Communication from scRNA-Seq Data
scDIFtestItem-Wise Score-Based DIF Detection
scdtbSingle Case Design Tools
scellpamApplying Partitioning Around Medoids to Single Cell Data with High Number of Cells
SCEMSplitting-Coalescence-Estimation Method
scenesSwitch Between Alternative 'shiny' UIs
SCEntSingle Cell Entropy Analysis of Gene Heterogeneity in Cell Populations
SCEPtERStellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid
SCEPtERbinaryStellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid for Binary Systems
SCFMonitorClear Monitor and Graphing Software Processing Gaussian .log File
scGateMarker-Based Cell Type Purification for Single-Cell Sequencing Data
SCGLRSupervised Component Generalized Linear Regression
scGOclustMeasuring Cell Type Similarity with Gene Ontology in Single-Cell RNA-Seq
scgwrScalable Geographically Weighted Regression
schedRequest Scheduler
schemrConvert Images to Usable Color Schemes
schoenbergTools for 12-Tone Musical Composition
scholarAnalyse Citation Data from Google Scholar
SchoolDataITRetrieve, Harmonise and Map Open Data Regarding the Italian School System
schoolmathFunctions and Datasets for Math Used in School
schoRschTools for Analyzing Factorial Experiments
schruteThe Entire Transcript from the Office in Tidy Format
schtoolsSchloss Lab Tools for Reproducible Microbiome Research
schumakerSchumaker Shape-Preserving Spline
SCIStandardized Climate Indices Such as SPI, SRI or SPEI
SCIBERSingle-Cell Integrator and Batch Effect Remover
scicoColour Palettes Based on the Scientific Colour-Maps
scicomptoolsTools Developed by the NCEAS Scientific Computing Support Team
scidesignRData Sets from Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R
scientificHighly Customizable 'rmarkdown' Theme for Scientific Reporting
scientoTextText & Scientometric Analytics
scifigureVisualize 'Reproducibility' and 'Replicability' in a Comparison of Scientific Studies
scimoExtra Recipes Steps for Dealing with Omics Data
SCINAA Semi-Supervised Category Identification and Assignment Tool
scINSIGHTInterpretation of Heterogeneous Single-Cell Gene Expression Data
SCIntRulerGuiding the Integration of Multiple Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datasets
sciplotScientific Graphing Functions for Factorial Designs
scipubSummarize Data for Scientific Publication
sciRmdThemeUpgraded 'Rmarkdown' Themes for Scientific Writing
scISRSingle-Cell Imputation using Subspace Regression
scistreerMaximum-Likelihood Perfect Phylogeny Inference at Scale
scitbProvides Some Useful Functions for Making Statistical Tables
scITDSingle-Cell Interpretable Tensor Decomposition
SciViewsSciViews - Main package
scLinkInferring Functional Gene Co-Expression Networks from Single Cell Data
sclrScaled Logistic Regression
sClustR Toolbox for Unsupervised Spectral Clustering
SCMASingle-Case Meta-Analysis
scMappRSingle Cell Mapper
scModelsFitting Discrete Distribution Models to Count Data
scOntoMatchAligning Ontology Annotation Across Single Cell Datasets with 'scOntoMatch'
scoperSpectral Clustering-Based Method for Identifying B Cell Clones
SCOPROScore Projection Between in 'Vivo' and in 'Vitro' Datasets
SCORSpherically Constrained Optimization Routine
scoreA Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires
scorecardCredit Risk Scorecard
scorecardModelUtilsCredit Scorecard Modelling Utils
scoredecS-Core Graph Decomposition
ScoreEBScore Test Integrated with Empirical Bayes for Association Study
scorematchingadScore Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation
scorepeakPeak Functions for Peak Detection in Univariate Time Series
ScorePlusImplementation of SCORE, SCORE+ and Mixed-SCORE
scoringProper Scoring Rules
scoringfunctionsA Collection of Scoring Functions for Assessing Point Forecasts
scoringRulesScoring Rules for Parametric and Simulated Distribution Forecasts
scoringutilsUtilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
SCORNETSemi-Supervised Calibration of Risk with Noisy Event Times
SCORPIONSingle Cell Oriented Reconstruction of PANDA Individual Optimized Networks
SCORPIUSInferring Developmental Chronologies from Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
ScottKnottThe ScottKnott Clustering Algorithm
ScottKnottESDThe Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test
scoutImplements the Scout Method for Covariance-Regularized Regression
SCOUTerSimulate Controlled Outliers
SCperfFunctions for Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain
scperturbRE-Statistics for Seurat Objects
scpiPrediction Intervals for Synthetic Control Methods with Multiple Treated Units and Staggered Adoption
scPloidyInfer Ploidy of Single Cells
scplotPlot Function for Single-Case Data Frames
scpoissonSingle Cell Poisson Probability Paradigm
SCpubrGenerate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data
scqeStability Controlled Quasi-Experimentation
scquantumEstimate Ploidy and Absolute Copy Number from Single Cell Sequencing
scraEPScrape the Web with Extra Power
scrapeRThese Functions Fetch and Extract Text Content from Specified Web Pages
scrappyA Simple Web Scraper
ScreenCleanScreen and clean variable selection procedures
ScreeNOT'ScreeNOT': MSE-Optimal Singular Value Thresholding in Correlated Noise
screenshotTake Screenshots (Screen Capture) from R Command
scribeCommand Argument Parsing
scrimeAnalysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Such as SNP Data
SCRIPAn Accurate Simulator for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
scriptIdentify Script Name
scriptexecExecute Native Scripts
scriptlocGet the Location of the R Script that is Being Sourced/Executed
ScriptMapRR Script Visualization in Cytoscape
scriptNameDetermine a Script's Filename from Within the Script Itself
scriptuRsComplete Text of the LDS Scriptures
scrmSimulating the Evolution of Biological Sequences
ScRNAIMMPerforming Single-Cell RNA-Seq Imputation by Using Mean/Median Imputation
scRNAstatA Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq Data
scRNAtoolsSingle Cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis Tools
scrobblerDownload 'Scrobbles' from 'Last.fm'
scrollrevealRAnimate 'shiny' Elements when They Scroll into View using the 'scrollrevealjs' Library
scROSHIRobust Supervised Hierarchical Identification of Single Cells
SCRTSingle-Case Randomization Tests
scrutinyError Detection in Science
scryptKey Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt
scryrAn Interface to the 'Scryfall' API
scsSplitting Conic Solver
scSorterImplementation of 'scSorter' Algorithm
scSpatialSIMA Point Pattern Simulator for Spatial Cellular Data
scTenifoldKnkIn-Silico Knockout Experiments from Single-Cell Gene Regulatory Networks
scTenifoldNetConstruct and Compare scGRN from Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data
SCtoolsExtensions for Synthetic Controls Analysis
sctransformVariance Stabilizing Transformations for Single Cell UMI Data
scubaDiving Calculations and Decompression Models
scUtilsUtility Functions for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
scutrBalancing Multiclass Datasets for Classification Tasks
SCVASingle-Case Visual Analysis
sdaShrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable Selection
SDaASampling: Design and Analysis
sdafilterSymmetrized Data Aggregation
sdamSocial Dynamics and Complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean
sdamrStatistics: Data Analysis and Modelling
SDARStratigraphic Data Analysis
SDAResourcesDatasets and Functions for 'Sampling: Design and Analysis, 3rd Edition'
sdcHierarchiesCreate and (Interactively) Modify Nested Hierarchies
sdcLogTools for Statistical Disclosure Control in Research Data Centers
sdcMicroStatistical Disclosure Control Methods for Anonymization of Data and Risk Estimation
SDCNwayTools to Evaluate Disclosure Risk
sdcSpatialStatistical Disclosure Control for Spatial Data
sdcTableMethods for Statistical Disclosure Control in Tabular Data
sdeSimulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations
SDEFSRSubgroup Discovery with Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems
sdetorusStatistical Tools for Toroidal Diffusions
SDGdetectorDetect SDGs and Targets in Text
SDLfilterFiltering and Assessing the Sample Size of Tracking Data
sdmSpecies Distribution Modelling
sdmpredictorsSpecies Distribution Modelling Predictor Datasets
sdmTMBSpatial and Spatiotemporal SPDE-Based GLMMs with 'TMB'
SDMtuneSpecies Distribution Model Selection
sdmvspeciesCreate Virtual Species for Species Distribution Modelling
SDPDmodSpatial Dynamic Panel Data Modeling
sdpdthM-Estimator for Threshold Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model
sdPriorScale-Dependent Hyperpriors in Structured Additive Distributional Regression
sdpriskMeasures of Risk for the Compound Poisson Risk Process with Diffusion
SDPrism2DVisualizing the Standard Deviation as the Size of a Prism
sdpt3rSemi-Definite Quadratic Linear Programming Solver
sdrtEstimating the Sufficient Dimension Reduction Subspaces in Time Series
sdsfunSpatial Data Science Complementary Features
SDTSelf-Determination Theory Measures
sdtm.oakSDTM Data Transformation Engine
sdtmchecksData Quality Checks for Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) Datasets
sdtmvalValidate SDTM Domains
sdwdSparse Distance Weighted Discrimination
SE.EQSE-Test for Equivalence
SEASegregation Analysis
seacarbSeawater Carbonate Chemistry
SEAGLEScalable Exact Algorithm for Large-Scale Set-Based Gene-Environment Interaction Tests
SEAHORSSpatial Exploration of ArcHaeological Objects in R Shiny
sealassoStandard Error Adjusted Adaptive Lasso
searcherQuery Search Interfaces
SearchTreesSpatial Search Trees
SEARSSeamless Dose Escalation/Expansion with Adaptive Randomization Scheme
seasSeasonal Analysis and Graphics, Especially for Climatology
seasonSeasonal Analysis of Health Data
seasonalR Interface to X-13-ARIMA-SEATS
seasonalityPlotSeasonality Variation Plots of Stock Prices and Cryptocurrencies
seasonalviewGraphical User Interface for Seasonal Adjustment
seastestsSeasonality Tests
SeaValValidation of Seasonal Weather Forecasts
seawaveQSEAWAVE-Q Model
SeBRSemiparametric Bayesian Regression Analysis
SecDimThe Second Dimension of Spatial Association
SECFISHDisaggregate Variable Costs
SECPStatistical Estimation of Cluster Parameters
secrSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
secrdesignSampling Design for Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
secretShare Sensitive Information in R Packages
secretbaseCryptographic Hash, Extendable-Output and Base64 Functions
secrettextEncrypt Text Using a Shifting Substitution Cipher
secrlinearSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture for Linear Habitats
secsseSeveral Examined and Concealed States-Dependent Speciation and Extinction
sectorgapConsistent Economic Trend Cycle Decomposition
secureSequential Co-Sparse Factor Regression
secuTrialRHandling of Data from the Clinical Data Management System 'secuTrial'
sedproxySimulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy Records
seeModel Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'
seeclickfixrAccess Data from the SeeClickFix Web API
seecolorView Colors Used in R Objects in the Console
SeedCalcSeed Germination and Seedling Growth Indexes
seedCCASeeded Canonical Correlation Analysis
seededldaSeeded Sequential LDA for Topic Modeling
SeedImbibitionSeed Imbibition Percentage
SeedMatchRFind Matches to Canonical SiRNA Seeds in Genomic Features
seedrHydro and Thermal Time Seed Germination Models in R
seedregRegression Analysis for Seed Germination as a Function of Temperature
seedsEstimate Hidden Inputs using the Dynamic Elastic Net
SeedVigorIndexSeed Vigor Index
seekerSimplified Fetching and Processing of Microarray and RNA-Seq Data
seerFeature-Based Forecast Model Selection
SEERaBombSEER and Atomic Bomb Survivor Data Analysis Tools
seewaveSound Analysis and Synthesis
segclust2dBivariate Segmentation/Clustering Methods and Tools
SegCorrDetecting Correlated Genomic Regions
segenSequence Generalization Through Similarity Network
segmagDetermine Event Boundaries in Event Segmentation Experiments
segmentedRegression Models with Break-Points / Change-Points Estimation (with Possibly Random Effects)
segmenTierSimilarity-Based Segmentation of Multidimensional Signals
segmentrSegment Data With Maximum Likelihood
segmetricMetrics for Assessing Segmentation Accuracy for Geospatial Data
segMGarchMultiple Change-Point Detection for High-Dimensional GARCH Processes
segRDAModeling Non-Continuous Linear Responses of Ecological Data
segregationEntropy-Based Segregation Indices
segregatrSegregation Analysis for Variant Interpretation
segtestTests for Segregation Distortion in Polyploids
seguidSequence Globally Unique Identifier (SEGUID) Checksums
sehrnettA Very Nice Interface to 'WordNet'
SEICalculating Standardised Indices
SEIRfansyExtended Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery Model
seismicPredict Information Cascade by Self-Exciting Point Process
seismicRollFast Rolling Functions for Seismology using 'Rcpp'
sejmRPAn Information About Deputies and Votings in Polish Diet from Seventh to Eighth Term of Office
SejongKoNLP static dictionaries and Sejong project resources
SELSemiparametric Elicitation
selcorrPost-Selection Inference for Generalized Linear Models
SelectDetermines Species Probabilities Based on Functional Traits
selectaprefAnalysis of Field and Laboratory Foraging
SelectBoostA General Algorithm to Enhance the Performance of Variable Selection Methods in Correlated Datasets
selection.indexAnalysis of Selection Index in Plant Breeding
SelectionBiasCalculates Bounds for the Selection Bias for Binary Treatment and Outcome Variables
selectiongainA Tool for Calculation and Optimization of the Expected Gain from Multi-Stage Selection
selectiveInferenceTools for Post-Selection Inference
selectMetaEstimation of Weight Functions in Meta Analysis
selectrTranslate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions
selectspmSelect Point Pattern Models Based on Minimum Contrast, AIC and Goodness of Fit
SeleMixSelective Editing via Mixture Models
seleniderConcise, Lazy and Reliable Wrapper for 'chromote' and 'selenium'
seleniumLow-Level Browser Automation Interface
seleniumPipesR Client Implementing the W3C WebDriver Specification
SELFA Structural Equation Embedded Likelihood Framework for Causal Discovery
selfingTreeGenotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of Inbreeding Through Selfing
semStructural Equation Models
semantic.assetsAssets for 'shiny.semantic'
semantic.dashboardDashboard with Fomantic UI Support for Shiny
SemblanceA Data-Driven Similarity Kernel on Probability Spaces
SEMdeepStructural Equation Modeling with Deep Neural Network and Machine Learning
semdrw'SEM Shiny'
semdsStructural Equation Multidimensional Scaling
semEffAutomatic Calculation of Effects for Piecewise Structural Equation Models
semfindrInfluential Cases in Structural Equation Modeling
semgramExtracting Semantic Motifs from Textual Data
SEMgraphNetwork Analysis and Causal Inference Through Structural Equation Modeling
semhelpinghandsHelper Functions for Structural Equation Modeling
semiArtificialGenerator of Semi-Artificial Data
semicmprskcoxmsmUse Inverse Probability Weighting to Estimate Treatment Effect for Semi Competing Risks Data
SemiCompRisksHierarchical Models for Parametric and Semi-Parametric Analyses of Semi-Competing Risks Data
semicontMANOVAMultivariate ANalysis of VAriance with Ridge Regularization for Semicontinuous High-Dimensional Data
SEMIDIdentifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models
semidistMeasure Dependence Between Categorical and Continuous Variables
SemiEstimateSolve Semi-Parametric Estimation by Implicit Profiling
SemiMarkovMulti-States Semi-Markov Models
seminrBuilding and Estimating Structural Equation Models
SemiParSemiparametic Regression
SemiPar.depCensCopula Based Cox Proportional Hazards Models for Dependent Censoring
semlbciLikelihood-Based Confidence Interval in Structural Equation Models
semlrtpLikelihood Ratio Test P-Values for Structural Equation Models
semmcciMonte Carlo Confidence Intervals in Structural Equation Modeling
semmcmcBayesian Structural Equation Modeling in Multiple Omics Data Integration
semnarConstructing and Interacting with Databases of Presentations
SemNeTMethods and Measures for Semantic Network Analysis
SemNetCleanerAn Automated Cleaning Tool for Semantic and Linguistic Data
SemNetDictionariesDictionaries for the 'SemNetCleaner' Package
semnovaLatent Repeated Measures ANOVA
semPlotPath Diagrams and Visual Analysis of Various SEM Packages' Output
semPowerPower Analyses for SEM
semptoolsCustomizing Structural Equation Modelling Plots
SEMsensA Tool for Sensitivity Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling
semsfaSemiparametric Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Models
semToolsUseful Tools for Structural Equation Modeling
semtreeRecursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
semver'Semantic Versioning V2.0.0' Parser
semverutilsSemantic Version Utilities
sendgridrMail Sender Using 'Sendgrid' Service
sendigREnable Cross-Study Analysis of 'CDISC' 'SEND' Datasets
sendmailRSend Email Using R
senseAutomatic Stacked Ensemble for Regression Tasks
sensemakrSensitivity Analysis Tools for Regression Models
sensibo.skyAccess to 'Sensibo Sky' API V2 for Air Conditioners Remote Control
sensiPhySensitivity Analysis for Comparative Methods
sensitivityGlobal Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs and Importance Measures
sensitivity2x2xkSensitivity Analysis for 2x2xk Tables in Observational Studies
sensitivityCalibrationA Calibrated Sensitivity Analysis for Matched Observational Studies
SensitivityCaseControlSensitivity Analysis for Case-Control Studies
sensitivityfullSensitivity Analysis for Full Matching in Observational Studies
sensitivitymultSensitivity Analysis for Observational Studies with Multiple Outcomes
sensitivitymvSensitivity Analysis in Observational Studies
sensitivitymwSensitivity Analysis for Observational Studies Using Weighted M-Statistics
SensMapSensory and Consumer Data Mapping
sensmediationParametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Direct and Indirect Effects
sensobolComputation of Variance-Based Sensitivity Indices
SensoMineRSensory Data Analysis
sensorySimultaneous Model-Based Clustering and Imputation via a Progressive Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
SenSpeEstimating Specificity at Controlled Sensitivity, or Vice Versa
sensRThurstonian Models for Sensory Discrimination
SenSrivastavaDatasets from Sen & Srivastava
senstratSensitivity Analysis for Stratified Observational Studies
SensusRSensus Analytics
sentencepieceText Tokenization using Byte Pair Encoding and Unigram Modelling
sentiment.aiSimple Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning
SentimentAnalysisDictionary-Based Sentiment Analysis
sentimentrCalculate Text Polarity Sentiment
SenTinMixtParsimonious Mixtures of MSEN and MTIN Distributions
sentometricsAn Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction
sentopicsTools for Joint Sentiment and Topic Analysis of Textual Data
sentryRSend Errors and Messages to Sentry
SEofMStandard Error of Measurement
SEPaLSShrinkage for Extreme Partial Least-Squares (SEPaLS)
sEparaTeMaximum Likelihood Estimation and Likelihood Ratio Test Functions for Separable Variance-Covariance Structures
separationplotSeparation Plots
sephoraStatistical Estimation of Phenological Parameters
sepkoskiSepkoski's Fossil Marine Animal Genera Compendium
seq2RSimple Method to Detect Compositional Changes in Genomic Sequences
SeqAlignRSequence Alignment and Visualization Tool
SeqAllocSequential Allocation for Prospective Experiments
seqDesignSimulation and Group Sequential Monitoring of Randomized Two-Stage Treatment Efficacy Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints
SeqDetectSequence and Latent Process Detector
SeqExpMatchSequential Experimental Design via Matching on-the-Fly
SeqFeatRA Tool to Associate FASTA Sequences and Features
seqgendiffRNA-Seq Generation/Modification for Simulation
seqhandbookMiscellaneous Tools for Sequence Analysis
seqHMMMixture Hidden Markov Models for Social Sequence Data and Other Multivariate, Multichannel Categorical Time Series
seqICPSequential Invariant Causal Prediction
seqimputeImputation of Missing Data in Sequence Analysis
seqinrBiological Sequences Retrieval and Analysis
SeqKatDetection of Kataegis
SeqMADENetwork Module-Based Model in the Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-Seq
seqmagickSequence Manipulation Utilities
seqminerEfficiently Read Sequence Data (VCF Format, BCF Format, METAL Format and BGEN Format) into R
seqmonGroup Sequential Design Class for Clinical Trials
SeqNetGenerate RNA-Seq Data from Gene-Gene Association Networks
seqSHPBuilding Sequences from SHP Waves
seqtestSequential Triangular Test
seqtrieRadix Tree and Trie-Based String Distances
SequenceSpikeSlabExact Bayesian Model Selection Methods for the Sparse Normal Sequence Model
SequentialExact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial Data
SequentialDesignObservational Database Study Planning using Exact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial Data
sequoiaPedigree Inference from SNPs
sergeantTools to Transform and Query Data with Apache Drill
serialThe Serial Interface Package
seriationInfrastructure for Ordering Objects Using Seriation
serieslcbLower Confidence Bounds for Binomial Series System
serocalculatorEstimating Infection Rates from Serological Data
serosvModel Infectious Disease Parameters from Serosurveys
serpSmooth Effects on Response Penalty for CLM
serpstatr'Serpstat' API Wrapper
serrsBayesBayesian Modelling of Raman Spectroscopy
servosphereRAnalyze Data Generated from Syntech Servosphere Trials
servrA Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
sesemSpatially Explicit Structural Equation Modeling
SEsetComputing Statistically-Equivalent Path Models
SESrasterRaster Randomization for Null Hypothesis Testing
sessioninfoR Session Information
setSet Operation
setartreeSETAR-Tree - A Novel and Accurate Tree Algorithm for Global Time Series Forecasting
SetMethodsFunctions for Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research and Advanced QCA
setRNGSet (Normal) Random Number Generator and Seed
setsSets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
SetTestGroup Testing Procedures for Signal Detection and Goodness-of-Fit
settingsSoftware Option Settings Manager for R
settingsSync'Rstudio' Addin to Sync Settings and Keymaps
SeuratTools for Single Cell Genomics
SeuratObjectData Structures for Single Cell Data
sevenbridges2The 'Seven Bridges Platform' API Client
severCustomise 'Shiny' Disconnected Screens and Error Messages
sewageA Light-Weight Data Pipelining Tool
sfSimple Features for R
sfadvAdvanced Methods for Stochastic Frontier Analysis
sfaRStochastic Frontier Analysis Routines
sfarrowRead/Write Simple Feature Objects ('sf') with 'Apache' 'Arrow'
sfcSubstance Flow Computation
sfcentralSpatial Centrality and Dispersion Statistics
sfcrSimulate Stock-Flow Consistent Models
sfcurve2x2, 3x3 and Nxn Space-Filling Curves
sfdSpace-Filling Design Library
sfdctConstrained Triangulation for Simple Features
sfdepSpatial Dependence for Simple Features
sFFLHDSequential Full Factorial-Based Latin Hypercube Design
sfheadersConverts Between R Objects and Simple Feature Objects
sfhotspotHot-Spot Analysis with Simple Features
sfinxStraightforward Filtering Index for AP-MS Data Analysis (SFINX)
sfislandsStreamlines the Process of Fitting Areal Spatial Models
sfnetworksTidy Geospatial Networks
sfoSan Francisco International Airport Monthly Air Passengers
SFPLSparse Fused Plackett-Luce
SFSSimilarity-First Search Seriation Algorithm
SFSISparse Family and Selection Index
sfsmiscUtilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich
sftFunctions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data
sftimeClasses and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column
SFtoolsSpace Filling Based Tools for Data Mining
sftrackModern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data
sg'SendGrid' Email API Client
sgapiAid Querying 'nomis' and 'Office for National Statistics Open Geography' APIs
sgatExtract Information from Google's "Popular Times"
SGBSimplicial Generalized Beta Regression
sGBJSurvival Extension of the Generalized Berk-Jones Test
sgboostSparse-Group Boosting
sgdStochastic Gradient Descent for Scalable Estimation
SGDinferenceInference with Stochastic Gradient Descent
sgeeStagewise Generalized Estimating Equations
sgeostatAn Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+
SGLFit a GLM (or Cox Model) with a Combination of Lasso and Group Lasso Regularization
sglassoLasso Method for RCON(V,E) Models
sglgFitting Semi-Parametric Generalized log-Gamma Regression Models
sglrSequential Generalized Likelihood Ratio Decision Boundaries Proposed by Shih, Lai, Heyse and Chen (2010, <doi:10.1002/Sim.4036>)
sgmodelSolves a Generic Stochastic Growth Model with a Representative Agent
sGMRFmixSparse Gaussian Markov Random Field Mixtures for Anomaly Detection
sgoSimple Geographical Operations (with OSGB36)
sgofMultiple Hypothesis Testing
sgolayEfficient Savitzky-Golay Filtering
SGPStudent Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories
SGPdataExemplar Data Sets for Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) Analyses
sgPLSSparse Group Partial Least Square Methods
SGPRSparse Group Penalized Regression for Bi-Level Variable Selection
sgpvCalculate Second-Generation p-Values and Associated Measures
sgrSample Generation by Replacement
sgraphNetwork Visualization Using 'sigma.js'
sgsSparse-Group SLOPE: Adaptive Bi-Level Selection with FDR Control
sgsRStructurally Guided Sampling
sgstarSeasonal Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (S-GSTAR) Model
sgtSkewed Generalized T Distribution Tree
shadesSimple Colour Manipulation
shadowrSelenium Plugin to Manage Multi Level Shadow Elements on Web Page
shadowtextShadow Text Grob and Layer
shannonComputation of Entropy Measures and Relative Loss
ShapDoEApproximation of the Shapley Values Based on Experimental Designs
shapeFunctions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors
ShapeChangeChange-Point Estimation using Shape-Restricted Splines
shapefilesRead and Write ESRI Shapefiles
shapeNAM-Estimation of Shape for Data with Missing Values
ShapePatternTools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns
shapeRCollection and Analysis of Otolith Shape Data
shapesStatistical Shape Analysis
ShapeSelectForestShape Selection for Landsat Time Series of Forest Dynamics
SHAPforxgboostSHAP Plots for 'XGBoost'
shapleyWeighted Mean SHAP for Feature Selection in ML Grid and Ensemble
ShapleyOutlierMultivariate Outlier Explanations using Shapley Values and Mahalanobis Distances
ShapleyValueShapley Value Regression for Relative Importance of Attributes
shapperWrapper of Python Library 'shap'
shaprPrediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values
shapvizSHAP Visualizations
sharSpecies-Habitat Associations
SharkDemographyShark Demographic Analyses Using Leslie Matrix Models
sharpStability-enHanced Approaches using Resampling Procedures
sharpDataData Sharpening
SharpeRStatistical Significance of the Sharpe Ratio
sharpeRratioMoment-Free Estimation of Sharpe Ratios
sharpPenPenalized Data Sharpening for Local Polynomial Regression
sharpr2Estimating Regulatory Scores and Identifying ATAC-STARR Data
sharpshootRA Soil Survey Toolkit
sharxModels and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
shatteringEstimate the Shattering Coefficient for a Particular Dataset
shazamImmunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation Analysis
SheetReaderParse xlsx Files
SHELFTools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework
ShellChronBuilds Chronologies from Oxygen Isotope Profiles in Shells
shelltraceBivalve Growth and Trace Element Accumulation Model
sherlockGraphical Displays for Structured Problem Solving and Diagnosis
SherlockHolmesBuilding a Concordance of Terms in a Series of Texts
shidashiA Shiny Dashboard Template System
shideDate/Time Classes Based on Jalali Calendar
ShiftConvolvePoibinExactly Computing the Tail of the Poisson-Binomial Distribution
shiftRFast Enrichment Analysis via Circular Permutations
ShiftShareSEInference in Regressions with Shift-Share Structure
shinipsumLorem-Ipsum-Like Helpers for Fast Shiny Prototyping
shinyWeb Application Framework for R
shiny.benchmarkBenchmark the Performance of 'shiny' Applications
shiny.blueprintPalantir's 'Blueprint' for 'Shiny' Apps
shiny.destroyCreate Destroyable Modules in 'Shiny'
shiny.emptystateEmpty State Components for 'Shiny'
shiny.exeLaunch a Shiny Application without Opening R or RStudio
shiny.fluentMicrosoft Fluent UI for Shiny Apps
shiny.i18nShiny Applications Internationalization
shiny.info'shiny' Info
shiny.pwaProgressive Web App Support for Shiny
shiny.reactTools for Using React in Shiny
shiny.reglogOptional Login and Registration Module System for ShinyApps
shiny.routerBasic Routing for Shiny Web Applications
shiny.semanticSemantic UI Support for Shiny
shiny.tailwind'TailwindCSS' for Shiny Apps
shiny.telemetry'Shiny' App Usage Telemetry
shinyAceAce Editor Bindings for Shiny
shinyaframe'WebVR' Data Visualizations with 'RStudio Shiny' and 'Mozilla A-Frame'
shinyalertEasily Create Pretty Popup Messages (Modals) in 'Shiny'
shinyanimateAnimation for 'shiny' Elements
shinyauthr'Shiny' Authentication Modules
shinybrmsGraphical User Interface ('shiny' App) for 'brms'
shinybrowserFind Out Information About a User's Web Browser in 'Shiny'
shinyBSTwitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
shinybusyBusy Indicators and Notifications for 'Shiny' Applications
shinyChakraSliderCombined Slider and Numeric Input for 'Shiny'
shinyChakraUIA Wrapper of the 'React' Library 'Chakra UI' for 'Shiny'
shinyChatRR Shiny Chat Module
shinyCohortBuilderModular Cohort-Building Framework for Analytical Dashboards
shinyCoxCreate 'shiny' Applications for Cox Proportional Hazards Models
shinycroneditor'shiny' Cron Expression Input Widget
shinycssloadersAdd Loading Animations to a 'shiny' Output While It's Recalculating
shinycustomloaderCustom Loader for Shiny Outputs
shinyCyJSCreate Interactive Network Visualizations in R and 'shiny'
shinydashboardCreate Dashboards with 'Shiny'
shinydashboardPlusAdd More 'AdminLTE2' Components to 'shinydashboard'
shinyDatetimePickersSome Datetime Pickers for 'Shiny'
shinydbauthSimple Authentification for 'shiny' Applications
shinydisconnectShow a Nice Message When a 'Shiny' App Disconnects or Errors
shinydlplotAdd a Download Button to a 'shiny' Plot or 'plotly'
shinyDNDShiny Drag-n-Drop
shinydriveFile Sharing Shiny Module
shinyEffectsCustomize Your Web Apps with Fancy Effects
shinyExprPortalA Configurable 'shiny' Portal for Sharing Analysis of Molecular Expression Data
shinyFeedbackDisplay User Feedback in Shiny Apps
shinyFilesA Server-Side File System Viewer for Shiny
shinyfilterUse Interdependent Filters on Table Columns in Shiny Apps
shinyfullscreenDisplay 'HTML' Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps
shinyGizmoCustom Components for Shiny Applications
shinyglideGlide Component for Shiny Applications
shinyGovstyleCustom Gov Style Inputs for Shiny
shinyHeatmaplyDeploy 'heatmaply' using 'shiny'
shinyhelperEasily Add Markdown Help Files to 'shiny' App Elements
shinyhttrProgress Bars for Downloads in 'shiny' Apps
shinyHugePlotEfficient Plotting of Large-Sized Data
shinyInvoiceShiny App - Generate a Pdf Invoice with 'Rmarkdown'
shinyIRTItem Response Theory Analysis with a 'shiny' Application
ShinyItemAnalysisTest and Item Analysis via Shiny
shinyjqui'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny
shinyjsEasily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds
shinyKGodeAn Interactive Application for ODE Parameter Inference Using Gradient Matching
shinyKnobsA Collection of Knob Inputs for 'shiny'
shinylightWeb Interface to 'R' Functions
ShinyLink'Shiny' Based Record Linkage Tool
shinyliveRun 'shiny' Applications in the Browser
shinyloadtestLoad Test Shiny Applications
shinylogsRecord Everything that Happens in a 'Shiny' Application
shinyLottieSeamlessly Integrate 'Lottie' Animations into 'shiny' Applications
shinyLPBootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications
shinymanagerAuthentication Management for 'Shiny' Applications
shinymaterialImplement Material Design in Shiny Applications
shinyMatrixShiny Matrix Input Field
shinyMergelyCompare and Merge Two Files with a 'Shiny' App
shinymetaExport Domain Logic from Shiny using Meta-Programming
shinymgrA Framework for Building, Managing, and Stitching 'shiny' Modules into Reproducible Workflows
shinyMLCompare Supervised Machine Learning Models Using Shiny App
shinyMobileMobile Ready 'shiny' Apps with Standalone Capabilities
shinymodelsInteractive Assessments of Models
shinyMolBioMolecular Biology Visualization Tools for 'Shiny' Apps
shinyMonacoEditorThe 'Monaco' Editor in 'Shiny'
shinyNORRRMThe Ultimate Igneous Norm
shinyNotesShiny Module for Taking Free-Form Notes
shinyobjectsAccess Reactive Data Interactively
shinypanelShiny Control Panel
shinypanelsShiny Layout with Collapsible Panels
shinypivottablerShiny Module to Create Pivot Tables
shinyPredictPredictions using Shiny
shinyQueryBuilderConstruct Complex Filtering Queries in 'Shiny'
ShinyQuickStarter'RStudio' Addin for Building Shiny Apps per Drag & Drop
shinyquizCreate Interactive Quizzes in 'shiny'
shinyRadioMatrixCreate a Matrix with Radio Buttons
shinyRatingsAn Intuitive Way of Providing Star Rating in a 'shiny' App
shinyrecipesGadget to Use the Data Preprocessing 'recipes' Package Interactively
shinyreformsAdd Forms to your 'Shiny' App
shinyRGLShiny Wrappers for RGL
shinySbm'shiny' Application to Use the Stochastic Block Model
shinyscreenshotCapture Screenshots of Entire Pages or Parts of Pages in 'Shiny'
shinySearchbarShiny Searchbar - An Input Widget for Highlighting Text and More
shinySelectA Wrapper of the 'react-select' Library
shinyservicebotServicebot 'Shiny' Integration
shinyShortcutCreates an Executable Shortcut for Shiny Applications
shinySIRInteractive Plotting for Mathematical Models of Infectious Disease Spread
shinystanInteractive Visual and Numerical Diagnostics and Posterior Analysis for Bayesian Models
shinyStorePlusSecure in-Browser Storage for 'Shiny' Inputs, Outputs and Variables
shinysurveysCreate and Deploy Surveys in 'Shiny'
shinyTempSignalExplore Temporal and Other Phylogenetic Signals
shinytestTest Shiny Apps
shinytest2Testing for Shiny Applications
ShinyTesterFunctions to Minimize Bonehead Moves While Working with 'shiny'
shinythemesThemes for Shiny
shinyTimeA Time Input Widget for Shiny
shinytitleUpdate Browser Window Title in 'shiny' Session
shinyToastifyPretty Notifications for 'Shiny'
shinytoastrNotifications from 'Shiny'
shinyTreejsTree Bindings for Shiny
shinyvalidateInput Validation for Shiny Apps
shinyWidgetsCustom Inputs Widgets for Shiny
shinyXYpadXY Controller for 'Shiny'
shipunovMiscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov
shockSlope Heuristic for Block-Diagonal Covariance Selection in High Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models
shopifyadsRGet 'Shopify' Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
shopifyrAn R Interface to the Shopify API
shoredateShoreline Dating Coastal Stone Age Sites
shortcutsUseful Shortcuts to Interact with 'RStudio' Scripts
ShortFormAutomatic Short Form Creation
shortIRTProcedures Based on Item Response Theory Models for the Development of Short Test Forms
shortsShort Sprints
shotGroupsAnalyze Shot Group Data
showimageShow an Image on an 'R' Graphics Device
showtextUsing Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
showtextdbFont Files for the 'showtext' Package
shp2graphConvert a 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' -Class Object to an 'igraph'-Class Object
shrinkGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor Estimation
ShrinkCovMatShrinkage Covariance Matrix Estimators
shrinkDSMEfficient Bayesian Inference for Dynamic Survival Models with Shrinkage
shrinkemApproximate Bayesian Regularization for Parsimonious Estimates
shrinkTVPEfficient Bayesian Inference for Time-Varying Parameter Models with Shrinkage
shrinkTVPVAREfficient Bayesian Inference for TVP-VAR-SV Models with Shrinkage
shroomDKAccessing the Flipside Crypto ShroomDK API
SHTStatistical Hypothesis Testing Toolbox
shuffleThe Shuffle Estimator for Explainable Variance
shuffleCIConfidence Intervals Compared via Shuffling
shutterplotThe R Shutter Plot Package
SIStochastic Integrating
SIAmodulesModules for 'ShinyItemAnalysis'
SIAtools'ShinyItemAnalysis' Modules Development Toolkit
SIBERStable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R
SIBERGSystematic Identification of Bimodally Expressed Genes Using RNAseq Data
sicegarAnalysis of Single-Cell Viral Growth Curves
siconvrFetch Data from Plataforma +Brasil (SICONV)
SIDStructural Intervention Distance
SIDESSubgroup Identification Based on Differential Effect Search
sidierSubstitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships
sidrarAn Interface to IBGE's SIDRA API
Sie2ntsSieve Methods for Non-Stationary Time Series
siebanxicorQuery Data Series from Bank of Mexico
SiERSignal Extraction Approach for Sparse Multivariate Response Regression
SieveNonparametric Estimation by the Method of Sieves
sievePHSieve Analysis Methods for Proportional Hazards Models
sievetestLaboratory Sieve Test Reporting Functions
siftIntelligently Peruse Data
sigPrint Function Signatures
sigclustStatistical Significance of Clustering
SightabilityModelWildlife Sightability Modeling
sigIntEstimate the Parameters of a Discrete Crisis-Bargaining Game
sigmajsInterface to 'Sigma.js' Graph Visualization Library
sigminerExtract, Analyze and Visualize Mutational Signatures for Genomic Variations
sigmoidSigmoid Functions for Machine Learning
SIGNSimilarity Identification in Gene Expression
SignacAnalysis of Single-Cell Chromatin Data
SignacXCell Type Identification and Discovery from Single Cell Gene Expression Data
signalSignal Processing
signalHsmmPredict Presence of Signal Peptides
signatureSurvivalSignature Survival Analysis
signed.backbonesExtract the Signed Backbones of Weighted Networks
signiboxStatistical Significance Marks on Boxplots
SignifRegConsistent Significance Controlled Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Regression
signnetMethods to Analyse Signed Networks
signsInsert Proper Minus Signs
SigOptRR API Wrapper for SigOpt
sigoraSignature Overrepresentation Analysis
sigQCQuality Control Metrics for Gene Signatures
sigrSuccinct and Correct Statistical Summaries for Reports
SigTreeIdentify and Visualize Significantly Responsive Branches in a Phylogenetic Tree
SIHRStatistical Inference in High Dimensional Regression
siieSuperior Identification Index and Its Extensions
silandSpatial Influence of Landscape
SILFSSubgroup Identification with Latent Factor Structure
SILGGMStatistical Inference of Large-Scale Gaussian Graphical Model in Gene Networks
silicateCommon Forms for Complex Hierarchical and Relational Data Structures
SillyPuttySilly Putty Clustering
SILMSimultaneous Inference for Linear Models
silpConditional Process Analysis (CPA) via Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach
sim.BASimulation-Based Bias Analysis for Observational Studies
Sim.DiffProcSimulation of Diffusion Processes
Sim.PLFNSimulation of Piecewise Linear Fuzzy Numbers
sim1000GGenotype Simulations for Rare or Common Variants Using Haplotypes from 1000 Genomes
sim2DpredictrSimulate Outcomes Using Spatially Dependent Design Matrices
simaerepFind Clinical Trial Sites Under-Reporting Adverse Events
SimBIIDSimulation-Based Inference Methods for Infectious Disease Models
simbootSimultaneous Inference for Diversity Indices
simCATImplements Computerized Adaptive Testing Simulations
simcausalSimulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference Applications
simcdmSimulate Cognitive Diagnostic Model ('CDM') Data
SimCompSimultaneous Comparisons for Multiple Endpoints
SimCopSimulate from Arbitrary Copulae
SimCorMultResSimulates Correlated Multinomial Responses
SimCorrMixSimulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types Including Continuous and Count Mixture Distributions
simcrossSimulate Experimental Crosses
simctestSafe Implementation of Monte Carlo Tests
simDAGSimulate Data from a DAG and Associated Node Information
simdataGenerate Simulated Datasets
simddSimulation of Fisher Bingham and Related Directional Distributions
SimDesignStructure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs
SimDissolutionModeling and Assessing Similarity of Drug Dissolutions Profiles
simdistrAssessment of Data Trial Distributions According to the Carlisle-Stouffer Method
simDNAmixturesSimulate Forensic DNA Mixtures
simecolSimulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems
simEdSimulation Education
SimEngineA Modular Framework for Statistical Simulations in R
simerData Simulation for Life Science and Breeding
simestConstrained Single Index Model Estimation
simETTools for Simulation of Evapotranspiration of Field Crops and Soil Water Balance
SimEUCartelLawSimulation of Legal Exemption System for European Cartel Law
simexSIMEX- And MCSIMEX-Algorithm for Measurement Error Models
simExamGenerate Simulated Data for IRT-Enabled Exams
SIMEXBoostBoosting Method for High-Dimensional Error-Prone Data
simfamSimulate and Model Family Pedigrees with Structured Founders
simfinapiAccessing 'SimFin' Data
simfitTest Model Fit with Simulation
simFrameSimulation Framework
simglmSimulate Models Based on the Generalized Linear Model
simgofSimultaneous Goodness-of-Fits Tests
SimHazSimulated Survival and Hazard Analysis for Time-Dependent Exposure
simhelpersHelper Functions for Simulation Studies
SIMICOSet-Based Inference for Multiple Interval-Censored Outcomes
simIDMSimulating Oncology Trials using an Illness-Death Model
SimilarityMeasuresTrajectory Similarity Measures
SimileInteract with Simile Models
SimInfA Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations
simIReffStochastic Simulation for Information Retrieval Evaluation: Effectiveness Scores
simitationSimplified Simulations
simITSAnalysis via Simulation of Interrupted Time Series (ITS) Data
SimJointSimulate Joint Distribution
simlandrSimulation-Based Landscape Construction for Dynamical Systems
SIMleEstimation and Inference for General Time Series Regression
simmerDiscrete-Event Simulation for R
simmer.bricksHelper Methods for 'simmer' Trajectories
simmer.plotPlotting Methods for 'simmer'
simMetricMetrics (with Uncertainty) for Simulation Studies that Evaluate Statistical Methods
simmlSingle-Index Models with Multiple-Links
simMPSimulate Somatic Mutations in Cancer Genomes from Mutational Processes
simmrA Stable Isotope Mixing Model
SIMMSSubnetwork Integration for Multi-Modal Signatures
simMSMSimulation of Event Histories for Multi-State Models
SimMultiCorrDataSimulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types
SimNPHSimulate Non-Proportional Hazards
simodeStatistical Inference for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations using Separable Integral-Matching
simodelsFlexible Framework for Developing Spatial Interaction Models
simPHSimulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simphonySimulating Large-Scale, Rhythmic Data
simplaceInterface to Use the Modelling Framework 'SIMPLACE'
simplanonymConsistent Anonymisation Across Datasets
SIMPLE.REGRESSIONOLS, Moderated, Logistic, and Count Regressions Made Simple
simplebootSimple Bootstrap Routines
simpleCacheSimply Caching R Objects
simplecolorsAccess Color Names Using a Standardized Nomenclature
simpleFDRSimple False Discovery Rate Calculation
simplegraphSimple Graph Data Types and Basic Algorithms
simplegraphdbA Simple Graph Database
simpleMHSimple Metropolis-Hastings MCMC Algorithm
simpleMLPSimple Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
simpleNeuralAn Easy to Use Multilayer Perceptron
simplePHENOTYPESSimulation of Pleiotropic, Linked and Epistatic Phenotypes
simpleRCacheSimple R Cache
simplermarkdownSimple Engine for Generating Reports using R
simpleSetupSet Up R Source Code Files for Use on Multiple Machines
simpletexMathematical Formulas and Character Recognition
simplexregRegression Analysis of Proportional Data Using Simplex Distribution
simplextreeProvides Tools for Working with General Simplicial Complexes
SimplicialCubatureIntegration of Functions Over Simplices
simplifyNetNetwork Sparsification
SimplyAgreeFlexible and Robust Agreement and Reliability Analyses
SIMplyBee'AlphaSimR' Extension for Simulating Honeybee Populations and Breeding Programmes
simPopSimulation of Complex Synthetic Data Information
simprFlexible 'Tidyverse'-Friendly Simulations
simputationSimple Imputation
simrPower Analysis for Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
simrecSimulation of Recurrent Event Data for Non-Constant Baseline Hazard
SimRegSimilarity Regression
simrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
simRestoreSimulate the Effect of Management Policies on Restoration Efforts
SiMRivSimulating Multistate Movements in River/Heterogeneous Landscapes
simsSimulate Data from R or 'JAGS' Code
simsalaparTools for Simulation Studies in Parallel
simsemSIMulated Structural Equation Modeling
SimSeqNonparametric Simulation of RNA-Seq Data
simslSingle-Index Models with a Surface-Link
SimSSTSimulated Stop Signal Task Data
simstandardGenerate Standardized Data
simStateSpaceSimulate Data from State Space Models
simstudySimulation of Study Data
simsurvSimulate Survival Data
SimSurveyTest Surveys by Simulating Spatially-Correlated Populations
SimSurvNMarkerSimulate Survival Time and Markers
simTargetCovData Transformation or Simulation with Empirical Covariance Matrix
simtimerDatetimes as Integers for Discrete-Event Simulations
SimTimeVarSimulate Longitudinal Dataset with Time-Varying Correlated Covariates
simToolConduct Simulation Studies with a Minimal Amount of Source Code
simtraitSimulate Complex Traits from Genotypes
simtrialClinical Trial Simulation
simtsTime Series Analysis Tools
simuclustfactorSimultaneous Clustering and Factorial Decomposition of Three-Way Datasets
simukdeSimulation with Kernel Density Estimation
simulariatoolsSimularia Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data
simulatorAn Engine for Running Simulations
simuleA Constrained L1 Minimization Approach for Estimating Multiple Sparse Gaussian or Nonparanormal Graphical Models
simulMGFSimulate SNP Matrix, Phenotype and Genotypic Effects
SimVitDSimulation Tools for Planning Vitamin D Studies
sinaplotAn Enhanced Chart for Simple and Truthful Representation of Single Observations over Multiple Classes
sinarConditional Least Squared (CLS) Method for the Model SINAR(1,1)
sindyrSparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics
sinewPackage Development Documentation and Namespace Management
singcarComparing Single Cases to Small Samples
SingleCaseESA Calculator for Single-Case Effect Sizes
singleCellHaystackA Universal Differential Expression Prediction Tool for Single-Cell and Spatial Genomics Data
singleRcaptureSingle-Source Capture-Recapture Models
singRSimultaneous Non-Gaussian Component Analysis
sinibSum of Independent Non-Identical Binomial Random Variables
SINRELEF.LDReliability and Relative Efficiency in Locally-Dependent Measures
SIPDIBGECollection of Household Survey Packages Conducted by IBGE
SIPEToolSIFT-MS and CPET Data Processor
SiPhyNetworkA Phylogenetic Simulator for Reticulate Evolution
siplabSpatial Individual-Plant Modelling
SIPmgStatistical Analysis to Identify Isotope Incorporating MAGs
siqrAn R Package for Single-Index Quantile Regression
siradFunctions for Calculating Daily Solar Radiation and Evapotranspiration
SIREFinding Feedback Effects in SEM and Testing for Their Significance
sirenHybrid FA-CFA for Controlling Acquiescence in Restricted Factorial Solutions
SIRmcmcCompartmental Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) Model of Community and Household Infection
sirtSupplementary Item Response Theory Models
SIRthresholdedSliced Inverse Regression with Thresholding
sirusStable and Interpretable RUle Set
SISSure Independence Screening
sisalSequential Input Selection Algorithm
SISIRSelect Intervals Suited for Functional Regression
sistecTools to Analyze 'Sistec' Datasets
sistiReal-Time PCR Data Sets by Sisti et al. (2010)
sistmrA Collection of Utility Function from the Inserm/Inria SISTM Team
sisVIVESome Invalid Some Valid Instrumental Variables Estimator
SITAssociation Measurement Through Sliced Independence Test (SIT)
sitarSuper Imposition by Translation and Rotation Growth Curve Analysis
sitepickRTwo-Level Sample Selection with Optimal Site Replacement
siteymlgenAutomatically Generate _site.yml File for 'R Markdown'
SITHA Spatial Model of Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity
sitmoParallel Pseudo Random Number Generator (PPRNG) 'sitmo' Header Files
sitoolsFormat a number to a string with SI prefix
sitreeSingle Tree Simulator
sitreeESitree Extensions
sitsSatellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation Data Cubes
sivsStable Iterative Variable Selection
SixSigmaSix Sigma Tools for Quality Control and Improvement
SizeEstimationEstimating the Sizes of Populations at Risk of HIV Infection from Multiple Data Sources Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model
sizeMatEstimate Size at Sexual Maturity
SiZerSignificant Zero Crossings
sjdbcJDBC Driver Interface
sjlabelledLabelled Data Utility Functions
sjmiscData and Variable Transformation Functions
sjPlotData Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
sjSDMScalable Joint Species Distribution Modeling
sjstatsCollection of Convenient Functions for Common Statistical Computations
sjtable2dfConvert 'sjPlot' HTML-Tables to R 'data.frame'
SK4FGAScott-Knott for Forensic Glass Analysis
SKATSNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test
skaterUtilities for SNP-Based Kinship Analysis
skedasticHandling Heteroskedasticity in the Linear Regression Model
skeletorAn R Package Skeleton Generator
skellamDensities and Sampling for the Skellam Distribution
sketchInteractive Sketches
sketcherPencil Sketch Effect
sketchingSketching of Data via Random Subspace Embeddings
sketchyCreate Custom Research Compendiums
SkewHyperbolicThe Skew Hyperbolic Student t-Distribution
skewlmmScale Mixture of Skew-Normal Linear Mixed Models
skewMLRMEstimation for Scale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions
skewsampEstimate Sample Sizes for Group Comparisons with Skewed Distributions
skewtThe Skewed Student-t Distribution
SKFCPDFast Online Changepoint Detection for Temporally Correlated Data
Skillings.MackThe Skillings-Mack Test Statistic for Block Designs with Missing Observations
skilljaRConnect to Your 'Skilljar' Data
skimrCompact and Flexible Summaries of Data
skipTrackA Bayesian Hierarchical Model that Controls for Non-Adherence in Mobile Menstrual Cycle Tracking
sklarsomegaMeasuring Agreement Using Sklar's Omega Coefficient
skmSelective k-Means
skmeansSpherical k-Means Clustering
SKNNA Super K-Nearest Neighbor (SKNN) Classification Algorithm
skprDesign of Experiments Suite: Generate and Evaluate Optimal Designs
skylightA Simple Sky Illuminance Model
skyscapeRData Analysis and Visualization for Skyscape Archaeology
slackrSend Messages, Images, R Objects and Files to 'Slack' Channels/Users
slamSparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
slanterSlanted Matrices and Ordered Clustering
slapSimplified Error Handling
SlaPMEGPathway Testing for Longitudinal Omics
slassoS-LASSO Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear Regression
SLBDDStatistical Learning for Big Dependent Data
slcaStructural Modeling for Multiple Latent Class Variables
SLCARESemiparametric Latent Class Analysis of Recurrent Events
slcmSparse Latent Class Model for Cognitive Diagnosis
sldEstimation and Use of the Quantile-Based Skew Logistic Distribution
SLDAssaySoftware for Analyzing Limiting Dilution Assays
sleekts4253H, Twice Smoothing
SleepCyclesSleep Cycle Detection
sleeperapiWrapper Functions Around 'Sleeper' (Fantasy Sports) API
sleeprAnalyse Activity and Sleep Behaviour
sleepwalkInteractively Explore Dimension-Reduced Embeddings
sleevSemiparametric Likelihood Estimation with Errors in Variables
SLEMIStatistical Learning Based Estimation of Mutual Information
slendrA Simulation Framework for Spatiotemporal Population Genetics
Sleuth2Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2nd Ed)"
Sleuth3Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rd Ed)"
slfmFitting a Bayesian Sparse Latent Factor Model in Gene Expression Analysis
SLFPCASparse Logistic Functional Principal Component Analysis
slgfBayesian Model Selection with Suspected Latent Grouping Factors
SLHDMaximin-Distance (Sliced) Latin Hypercube Designs
SlicedLHDSliced Latin Hypercube Designs
slickRCreate Interactive Carousels with the 'JavaScript' 'Slick' Library
SLIDESingle Cell Linkage by Distance Estimation is SLIDE
sliderSliding Window Functions
slideviewCompare Raster Images Side by Side with a Slider
SlidingWindowsMethods for Time Series Analysis
slimSingular Linear Models for Longitudinal Data
slimrecSparse Linear Method to Predict Ratings and Top-N Recommendations
slippymathSlippy Map Tile Tools
slmStationary Linear Models
SLModelsStepwise Linear Models for Binary Classification Problems under Youden Index Optimisation
sloopHelpers for 'OOP' in R
SLOPESorted L1 Penalized Estimation
slouchStochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Comparative Hypotheses
slowrakerA Slow Version of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) Algorithm
slpDiscrete Prolate Spheroidal (Slepian) Sequence Regression Smoothers
SLPresElectionPresidential Election Data of "Sri Lanka" from 1982 to 2015
slrSemi-Latin Rectangles
SLSEdesignOptimal Regression Design under the Second-Order Least Squares Estimator
SLTCAScalable and Robust Latent Trajectory Class Analysis
slurmRA Lightweight Wrapper for 'Slurm'
smSmoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation
smaaStochastic Multi-Criteria Acceptability Analysis
smacofMultidimensional Scaling
smacofxFlexible Multidimensional Scaling and 'smacof' Extensions
smacpodStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Case-Control Point Data
smallareaFits a Fay Herriot Model
SmallCountRoundingSmall Count Rounding of Tabular Data
smallsetsVisual Documentation for Data Preprocessing
smallstuffDr. Small's Functions
smamStatistical Modeling of Animal Movements
SMARTbayesRBayesian Set of Best Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Sample Size in SMARTs for Binary Outcomes
smartDesignSequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Design
SmartEDASummarize and Explore the Data
SmarterPolandTools for Accessing Various Datasets Developed by the Foundation SmarterPoland.pl
smartmapSmartly Create Maps from R Objects
SmartMeterAnalyticsMethods for Smart Meter Data Analysis
SMARTpSample Size for SMART Designs in Non-Surgical Periodontal Trials
smartsheetrAccess and Write 'Smartsheet' Data using the 'Smartsheet' API 2.0
smartsizerPower Analysis for a SMART Design
smartsnpFast Multivariate Analyses of Big Genomic Data
SmartSVAFast and Robust Surrogate Variable Analysis
smatr(Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines
smbinningScoring Modeling and Optimal Binning
SmCCNetSparse Multiple Canonical Correlation Network Analysis Tool
smcfcsMultiple Imputation of Covariates by Substantive Model Compatible Fully Conditional Specification
SMCRMData Sets for Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management by Kumar and Petersen (2012)
smcryptoRShangMi(SM) Cryptographic Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4)
smcureFit Semiparametric Mixture Cure Models
smdCompute Standardized Mean Differences
smdataData to Accompany Smithson & Merkle, 2013
smdiPerform Structural Missing Data Investigations
SMDICIdentification of Somatic Mutation-Driven Immune Cells
smdockerBuild 'Docker Images' in 'Amazon SageMaker Studio' using 'Amazon Web Service CodeBuild'
smercStatistical Methods for Regional Counts
smetliteRead and Write SMET Files
SMFilterFiltering Algorithms for the State Space Models on the Stiefel Manifold
smfishHmrfHidden Markov Random Field for Spatial Transcriptomic Data
smfsbStochastic Modelling for Systems Biology
smicdStatistical Methods for Interval-Censored Data
smidmStatistical Modelling for Infectious Disease Management
smileSpatial Misalignment: Interpolation, Linkage, and Estimation
smilesSequential Method in Leading Evidence Synthesis
smirnovProvides two taxonomic coefficients from E. S. Smirnov "Taxonomic analysis" (1969) book
SmithWilsonYieldCurveSmith-Wilson Yield Curve Construction
SMITIDstructData Structure and Manipulations Tool for Host and Viral Population
SMITIDvisuVisualize Data for Host and Viral Population from 'SMITIDstruct' using 'HTMLwidgets'
SMLEJoint Feature Screening via Sparse MLE
smlePHSieve Maximum Full Likelihood Estimation for the Right-Censored Proportional Hazards Model
smlmkalmanGeneration and Tracking of Super-Resolution Filamentous Datasets
SMLoutliersOutlier Detection Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
SMMSimulation and Estimation of Multi-State Discrete-Time Semi-Markov and Markov Models
SMMASoft Maximin Estimation for Large Scale Array-Tensor Models
SMMESoft Maximin Estimation for Large Scale Heterogeneous Data
smmRSimulation, Estimation and Reliability of Semi-Markov Models
SMMTThe Swiss Municipal Data Merger Tool Maps Municipalities Over Time
SMNCensRegFitting Univariate Censored Regression Model Under the Family of Scale Mixture of Normal Distributions
smofScoring Methodology for Ordered Factors
smokeSmall Molecule Octet/BLI Kinetics Experiment
smoofSingle and Multi-Objective Optimization Test Functions
smoothForecasting Using State Space Models
smoothAPCSmoothing of Two-Dimensional Demographic Data, Optionally Taking into Account Period and Cohort Effects
smoothedLassoA Framework to Smooth L1 Penalized Regression Operators using Nesterov Smoothing
smootherFunctions Relating to the Smoothing of Numerical Data
SmoothHazardEstimation of Smooth Hazard Models for Interval-Censored Data
smoothHRSmooth Hazard Ratio Curves Taking a Reference Value
smoothicVariable Selection Using a Smooth Information Criterion
smoothieTwo-Dimensional Field Smoothing
smoothmestSmoothed M-Estimators for 1-Dimensional Location
smoothrSmooth and Tidy Spatial Features
smoothROCtimeSmooth Time-Dependent ROC Curve Estimation
smoothSurvSurvival Regression with Smoothed Error Distribution
smoothtailSmooth Estimation of GPD Shape Parameter
SmoothTensorA Collection of Smooth Tensor Estimation Methods
SmoothWinSoft Windowing on Linear Regression
smoothyAutomatic Estimation of the Most Likely Drug Combination using Smooth Algorithm
smootsNonparametric Estimation of the Trend and Its Derivatives in TS
smosrAcquire and Explore BEC-SMOS L4 Soil Moisture Data in R
smotefamilyA Collection of Oversampling Techniques for Class Imbalance Problem Based on SMOTE
SMOTEWBImbalanced Resampling using SMOTE with Boosting (SMOTEWB)
smovieSome Movies to Illustrate Concepts in Statistics
smpicCreates Images Sized for Social Media
smplot2Creating Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' for Publications
SMPracticalsPracticals for Use with Davison (2003) Statistical Models
SMRExternally Studentized Midrange Distribution
smsSpatial Microsimulation
sMSROCAssessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers
smssDatasets for Agresti and Finlay's "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences"
sMTLSparse Multi-Task Learning
smurfSparse Multi-Type Regularized Feature Modeling
SMUTMulti-SNP Mediation Intersection-Union Test
SMVarStructural Model for Variances
smvgraphVarious Multivariate Graphics with Variable Choice in Shiny Apps
snThe Skew-Normal and Related Distributions Such as the Skew-t and the SUN
snaTools for Social Network Analysis
snahelper'RStudio' Addin for Network Analysis and Visualization
SnakeGame of Snake
snakecaseConvert Strings into any Case
SnakesAndLaddersAnalysisPlay and Analyse the Game of Snakes and Ladders
snapSimple Neural Application
snapchatadsRGet Snapchat Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
snapKrigFast Kriging and Geostatistics on Grids with Kronecker Covariance
snapshotGadget N-body cosmological simulation code snapshot I/O utilities
SNBdataDownload Data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB)
snemEM Algorithm for Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution with Overparametrization
snfaSmooth Non-Parametric Frontier Analysis
SNFtoolSimilarity Network Fusion
snhaCreating Correlation Networks using St. Nicolas House Analysis
snnStabilized Nearest Neighbor Classifier
snotelrCalculate and Visualize 'SNOTEL' Snow Data and Seasonality
snowSimple Network of Workstations
SnowballCSnowball Stemmers Based on the C 'libstemmer' UTF-8 Library
snowbootBootstrap Methods for Network Inference
snowfallEasier Cluster Computing (Based on 'snow')
snowflakesRandom Snowflake Generator
snowFTFault Tolerant Simple Network of Workstations
snowqueryQuery 'Snowflake' Databases with 'SQL'
snpAIMeRAssess the Diagnostic Power of Genomic Marker Combinations
SNPannotatorInvestigating the Functional Characteristics of Selected SNPs and Their Vicinity Genomic Region
SNPassocSNPs-Based Whole Genome Association Studies
SNPfiltRInteractively Filter SNP Datasets
SNPknockKnockoffs for Hidden Markov Models and Genetic Data
snplinkageSingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms Linkage Disequilibrium Visualizations
snplistTools to Create Gene Sets
sNPLSNPLS Regression with L1 Penalization
snpReadyPreparing Genotypic Datasets in Order to Run Genomic Analysis
snpsettestA Set-Based Association Test using GWAS Summary Statistics
snsStochastic Newton Sampler (SNS)
SNSchartSequential Normal Scores in Statistical Process Management
SNSegSelf-Normalization(SN) Based Change-Point Estimation for Time Series
SNSequateStandard and Nonstandard Statistical Models and Methods for Test Equating
SNSFdatasetsDownload Datasets from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF, FNS, SNSF)
snSMARTSmall N Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Methods
snvecRCalculate Earth’s Obliquity and Precession in the Past
SNVLFDREmpirical Bayes Single Nucleotide Variant Calling
SOARMemory management in R by delayed assignments
SOAsCreation of Stratum Orthogonal Arrays
sobolnpNonparametric Sobol Estimator with Bootstrap Bandwidth
SobolSequenceSobol Sequences with Better Two-Dimensional Projections
soc.caSpecific Correspondence Analysis for the Social Sciences
socceREvaluating Sport Tournament Predictions
socialSocial Autocorrelation
socialhRank and Social Hierarchy for Gregarious Animals
socialmixrSocial Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling
socialrankingSocial Ranking Solutions for Power Relations on Coalitions
socialriskIdentifying Patient Social Risk from Administrative Health Care Data
sociomeOperationalizing Social Determinants of Health Data for Researchers
socvizUtility Functions and Data Sets for Data Visualization
sodavisSODA: Main and Interaction Effects Selection for Logistic Regression, Quadratic Discriminant and General Index Models
sodiumA Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
sofaConnector to 'CouchDB'
SofiInterfaz interactiva con fines didacticos
SOFIAMaking Sophisticated and Aesthetical Figures in R
SoftBartImplements the SoftBart Algorithm
softbibSoftware Bibliographies for R Projects
softclassvalSoft Classification Performance Measures
SoftClusteringSoft Clustering Algorithms
softImputeMatrix Completion via Iterative Soft-Thresholded SVD
SOHPIEStatistical Approach via Pseudo-Value Information and Estimation
SOILSparsity Oriented Importance Learning
soilassessmentAssessment Models for Agriculture Soil Conditions and Crop Suitability
soilchemistryComputation of Properties Related to Soil Chemical Environment and Nutrient Availability
SoilConservationSoil and Water Conservation
soilDBSoil Database Interface
SoilFDAFractal Dimension Analysis of Soil Particle Size Distribution
soilfoodwebsSoil Food Web Analysis
SoilFunctionalitySoil Functionality Measurement
SoilHyPSoil Hydraulic Properties
soilhypfitModelling of Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Data
SoilManageRCalculate Soil Management Indicators for Agricultural Practice Assessment
soilphysicsSoil Physical Analysis
SoilRModels of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
SoilSaltIndexSoil Salinity Indices Generation using Satellite Data
SoilTaxonomyA System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys
soiltestcorrSoil Test Correlation and Calibration
SoilTestingOrganic Carbon and Plant Available Nutrient Contents in Soil
soiltextureFunctions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification and Transformation
soilwaterImplementation of Parametric Formulas for Soil Water Retention or Conductivity Curve
Sojourn.DataSupporting Objects for Sojourn Accelerometer Methods
sokobanSokoban Game
solaRRadiation and Photovoltaic Systems
solaR2Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems
solarPosSolar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications
solartimeUtilities Dealing with Solar Time Such as Sun Position and Time of Sunrise
solitudeAn Implementation of Isolation Forest
solradCalculating Solar Radiation and Related Variables Based on Location, Time and Topographical Conditions
solriumGeneral Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'
solvebioThe Official SolveBio API Client
SolveSAPHESolver Suite for Alkalinity-PH Equations
somSelf-Organizing Map
som.nnTopological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps
somaGeneral-Purpose Optimisation with the Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm
SomaDataIOInput/Output 'SomaScan' Data
somaticflagsDatabase of Somatic Flags
SOMbreroSOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs
someMTPSome Multiple Testing Procedures
SOMEnvSOM Algorithm for the Analysis of Multivariate Environmental Data
SOMMDSelf Organising Maps for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Data
sommerSolving Mixed Model Equations in R
SOMnmRAnalysis of Soil Organic Matter using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
somspaceSpatial Analysis with Self-Organizing Maps
sonarFundamental Formulas for Sonar
SongEvoAn Individual-Based Model of Bird Song Evolution
sonicLengthEstimating Abundance of Clones from DNA Fragmentation Data
sonicscrewdriverBioacoustic Analysis and Publication Tools
sonifyData Sonification - Turning Data into Sound
SOPGeneralised Additive P-Spline Regression Models Estimation
SOPCThe Sparse Online Principal Component Estimation Algorithm
SOPIENon-Parametric Estimation of the Off-Pulse Interval of a Pulsar
soptdmaeASequential Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments
soqlHelps Make Socrata Open Data API Calls
SOREstimation using Sequential Offsetted Regression
sorceringSoil Organic Carbon and CN Ratio Driven Nitrogen Modelling Framework
sorocsA Bayesian Semiparametric Approach to Correlated ROC Surfaces
SorptionAnalysisStatic Adsorption Experiment Plotting and Analysis
sortableDrag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS'
SortedEffectsEstimation and Inference Methods for Sorted Causal Effects and Classification Analysis
sorviFunctions for Finnish Open Data
sosSearch Contributed R Packages, Sort by Package
sotkanetSotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis
sotuUnited States Presidential State of the Union Addresses
soundA Sound Interface for R
soundClassSound Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
soundecologySoundscape Ecology
SoundexBRPhonetic-Coding for Portuguese
soundgenSound Synthesis and Acoustic Analysis
SoundShapeSound Waves Onto Morphometric Data
SoupXSingle Cell mRNA Soup eXterminator
sourcetoolsTools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code
SouthParkRshinyData and 'Shiny' Application for the Show 'SouthPark'
sovereignState-Dependent Empirical Analysis
soxStructured Learning in Time-Dependent Cox Models
SoyNAMSoybean Nested Association Mapping Dataset
SoyURTUSDA Northern Region Uniform Soybean Tests Dataset
spClasses and Methods for Spatial Data
SP2000Catalogue of Life Toolkit
sp23designDesign and Simulation of Seamless Phase II-III Clinical Trials
spaaSPecies Association Analysis
spAbundanceUnivariate and Multivariate Spatial Modeling of Species Abundance
SpaCCISpatially Aware Cell-Cell Interaction Analysis
spacefillrSpace-Filling Random and Quasi-Random Sequences
spacejamrSimulate Spatial Bernoulli Networks
spaceNetLatent Space Models for Multidimensional Networks
spacesRGBStandard and User-Defined RGB Color Spaces, with Conversion Between RGB and CIE XYZ
spacesXYZCIE XYZ and some of Its Derived Color Spaces
spacetimeClasses and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data
SpaceTimeBSSBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data
SpaCOAPHigh-Dimensional Spatial Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed Poisson Factor Model
spacyrWrapper to the 'spaCy' 'NLP' Library
SPADARSpherical Projections of Astronomical Data
spAddinsA Set of RStudio Addins
SpadeRSpecies-Richness Prediction and Diversity Estimation with R
SpaDESDevelop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models
SpaDES.coreCore Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models
SpaDES.toolsAdditional Tools for Developing Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation (SpaDES) Models
spaeroSoftware for Project AERO
spagmixArtificial Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Densities on Bounded Windows
spamSPArse Matrix
spam6464-Bit Extension of the SPArse Matrix R Package 'spam'
spaMMMixed-Effect Models, with or without Spatial Random Effects
spanishTranslate Quantities from Strings to Integer and Back. Misc Functions on Spanish Data
spANOVAAnalysis of Field Trials with Geostatistics & Spatial AR Models
spantMR Spectroscopy Analysis Tools
sparclPerform Sparse Hierarchical Clustering and Sparse K-Means Clustering
spark.sas7bdatRead in 'SAS' Data ('.sas7bdat' Files) into 'Apache Spark'
sparkavroLoad Avro file into 'Apache Spark'
sparkbqGoogle 'BigQuery' Support for 'sparklyr'
sparkhailA 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'Hail'
sparkline'jQuery' Sparkline 'htmlwidget'
sparklyrR Interface to Apache Spark
sparklyr.flintSparklyr Extension for 'Flint'
sparklyr.nestedA 'sparklyr' Extension for Nested Data
sparktexGenerate LaTeX sparklines in R
sparktfInterface for 'TensorFlow' 'TFRecord' Files with 'Apache Spark'
sparkwarcLoad WARC Files into Apache Spark
sparkxgbInterface for 'XGBoost' on 'Apache Spark'
sparrSpatial and Spatiotemporal Relative Risk
SPARRAfairnessAnalysis of Differential Behaviour of SPARRA Score Across Demographic Groups
sparrpowRPower Analysis to Detect Spatial Relative Risk Clusters
sparseBCSparse Biclustering of Transposable Data
SparseBiplots'HJ-Biplot' using Different Ways of Penalization Plotting with 'ggplot2'
SparseCholSparse Matrix C++ Classes Including Sparse Cholesky LDL Decomposition of Symmetric Matrices
sparseCovSparse Covariance Estimation Based on Thresholding
SparseDCImplementation of SparseDC Algorithm
sparseDFMEstimate Dynamic Factor Models with Sparse Loadings
sparsediscrimSparse and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
sparseEigenComputation of Sparse Eigenvectors of a Matrix
sparseFLMMFunctional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or Sparsely Sampled Data
SparseFunClustSparse Functional Clustering
sparseglSparse Group Lasso
SparseGridSparse grid integration in R
sparseHessianFDNumerical Estimation of Sparse Hessians
sparseIndexTrackingDesign of Portfolio of Stocks to Track an Index
sparseinvComputation of the Sparse Inverse Subset
sparseLDASparse Discriminant Analysis
SparseLPMThe Sparse Latent Position Model for Nonnegative Interaction Data
sparseLRMatrixRepresent and Use Sparse + Low Rank Matrices
sparseLTSEigenRcppEigen back end for sparse least trimmed squares regression
SparseMSparse Linear Algebra
sparseMatEstSparse Matrix Estimation and Inference
SparseMDCImplementation of SparseMDC Algorithm
SPARSEMODrSPAtial Resolution-SEnsitive Models of Outbreak Dynamics
SparseMSE'Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data'
sparseMVNMultivariate Normal Functions for Sparse Covariance and Precision Matrices
sparsenetFit Sparse Linear Regression Models via Nonconvex Optimization
sparsepcaSparse Principal Component Analysis (SPCA)
sparsepp'Rcpp' Interface to 'sparsepp'
sparseRVariable Selection under Ranked Sparsity Principles for Interactions and Polynomials
sparseregSparse Bayesian Models for Regression, Subgroup Analysis, and Panel Data
sparseSEMElastic Net Penalized Maximum Likelihood for Structural Equation Models with Network GPT Framework
sparsestepSparseStep Regression
sparsesvdSparse Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (from 'SVDLIBC')
sparseSVMSolution Paths of Sparse High-Dimensional Support Vector Machine with Lasso or Elastic-Net Regularization
SparseTSCGMSparse Time Series Chain Graphical Models
sparsevarSparse VAR/VECM Models Estimation
sparsevbSpike-and-Slab Variational Bayes for Linear and Logistic Regression
sparsevctrsSparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames
SparseVFCSparse Vector Field Consensus for Vector Field Learning
sparsioI/O Operations with Sparse Matrices
spartaSparse Tables
SPARTAASStatistical Pattern Recognition and daTing using Archaeological Artefacts assemblageS
sparvarideVariance Identification in Sparse Factor Analysis
SPASStratified-Petersen Analysis System
spassStudy Planning and Adaptation of Sample Size
spateSpatio-Temporal Modeling of Large Data Using a Spectral SPDE Approach
SpatEntropySpatial Entropy Measures
SPAtestScore Test and Meta-Analysis Based on Saddlepoint Approximation
SpatFDFunctional Geostatistics: Univariate and Multivariate Functional Spatial Prediction
SpatGCBayesian Modeling of Spatial Count Data
spatgeomGeometric Spatial Point Analysis
spatgraphsGraph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns
SpatGRIDSpatial Grid Generation from Longitude and Latitude List
spathsShortest Paths Between Points in Grids
spatialFunctions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis
SpatialAccSpatial Accessibility Measures
SpatialBSSBlind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial Data
spatialCovarianceComputation of Spatial Covariance Matrices for Data on Rectangles
SpatialDDLSDeconvolution of Spatial Transcriptomics Data Based on Neural Networks
spatialEcoSpatial Analysis and Modelling Utilities
SpatialEpiMethods and Data for Spatial Epidemiology
SpatialExtremesModelling Spatial Extremes
SpatialfdaRSpatial Functional Data Analysis
SpatialGEVFit Spatial Generalized Extreme Value Models
SpatialGraphThe SpatialGraph Class and Utilities
spatialisingIsing Model for Spatial Data
SpatialKDEKernel Density Estimation for Spatial Data
SpatialKWDSpatial KWD for Large Spatial Maps
SpatialMLSpatial Machine Learning
SpatialNPMultivariate Nonparametric Methods Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks
SpatialPackTools for Assessment the Association Between Two Spatial Processes
SpatialPOPGeneration of Spatial Data with Spatially Varying Model Parameter
SpatialPositionSpatial Position Models
spatialprobitSpatial Probit Models
SpatialRDDConduct Multiple Types of Geographic Regression Discontinuity Designs
spatialregSpatial Regression Analysis
SpatialRegimesSpatial Constrained Clusterwise Regression
spatialRFEasy Spatial Modeling with Random Forest
spatialriskCalculating Spatial Risk
SpatialRoMLERobust Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Error Model
spatialsampleSpatial Resampling Infrastructure
spatialTIMESpatial Analysis of Vectra Immunoflourescent Data
SpatialToolsTools for Spatial Data Analysis
SpatialVSSpatial Variable Selection
SpatialVxSpatial Forecast Verification
spatialwarningsSpatial Early Warning Signals of Ecosystem Degradation
spatialwidgetFormats Spatial Data for Use in Htmlwidgets
SpatMCARegularized Spatial Maximum Covariance Analysis
SpaTopicTopic Inference to Identify Tissue Architecture in Multiplexed Images
SpatPCARegularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial Data
spatPompInference for Spatiotemporal Partially Observed Markov Processes
SpATSSpatial Analysis of Field Trials with Splines
spatsocGroup Animal Relocation Data by Spatial and Temporal Relationship
spatstatSpatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
spatstat.dataDatasets for 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.exploreExploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.geomGeometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.guiInteractive Graphics Functions for the 'spatstat' Package
spatstat.KnetExtension to 'spatstat' for Large Datasets on a Linear Network
spatstat.linnetLinear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.localExtension to 'spatstat' for Local Composite Likelihood
spatstat.modelParametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.randomRandom Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.sparseSparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities
spatstat.univarOne-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
spatstat.utilsUtility Functions for 'spatstat'
spatsurvBayesian Spatial Survival Analysis with Parametric Proportional Hazards Models
SPBSimple Progress Bars for Procedural Coding
spbabelConvert Spatial Data Using Tidy Tables
spbalSpatially Balanced Sampling Algorithms
spBayesUnivariate and Multivariate Spatial-Temporal Modeling
spBayesSurvBayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Survival Data
spBFASpatial Bayesian Factor Analysis
spBPSBayesian Predictive Stacking for Scalable Geospatial Transfer Learning
SpbsamplingSpatially Balanced Sampling
spcStatistical Process Control – Calculation of ARL and Other Control Chart Performance Measures
spc4stsStatistical Process Control for Stochastic Textured Surfaces
spcadjustFunctions for Calibrating Control Charts
SPCALDAA New Reduced-Rank Linear Discriminant Analysis Method
SPCAvRPSparse Principal Component Analysis via Random Projections (SPCAvRP)
SPCDAnalyzeDesign and Analyze Studies using the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design
SPComputeCompute Power or Sample Size for GWAS with Covariate Effect
spcosaSpatial Coverage Sampling and Random Sampling from Compact Geographical Strata
spcovSparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix
spCPSpatially Varying Change Points
spcrSparse Principal Component Regression
spdSemi Parametric Distribution
spDataDatasets for Spatial Analysis
spDatesAnalysis of Spatial Gradients in Radiocarbon Dates
spdepSpatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics
spdesignDesigning Stated Preference Experiments
spdlEasier Use of 'RcppSpdlog' Functions via Wrapper
spdownscaleSpatial Downscaling Using Bias Correction Approach
spdurationSplit-Population Duration (Cure) Regression
spdynmodSpatio-Dynamic Wetland Plant Communities Model
speakeasyRFast and Robust Multi-Scale Graph Clustering
speakrA Wrapper for the Phonetic Software 'Praat'
speaqTools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra Alignment, Peak Based Processing, Quantitative Analysis and Visualizations
spearmanCIJackknife Euclidean / Empirical Likelihood Inference for Spearman's Rho
specA Data Specification Format and Interface
speccurvieREasy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve Analysis
SpecDetecChange Points Detection with Spectral Clustering
SpecHelpersSpectroscopy Related Utilities
SPECIESStatistical Package for Species Richness Estimation
specieschromThe Species Chromatogram
SPECKReceptor Abundance Estimation using Reduced Rank Reconstruction and Clustered Thresholding
specklestarReduction of Speckle Data from BTA 6-m Telescope
specrConducting and Visualizing Specification Curve Analyses
specsSingle-Equation Penalized Error-Correction Selector (SPECS)
SpecsVerificationForecast Verification Routines for Ensemble Forecasts of Weather and Climate
spectaclesStoring, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data
spectatorInterface to the 'Spectator Earth' API
spectrCalculate the Periodogram of a Time-Course
spectralCommon Methods of Spectral Data Analysis
spectralAnalysisPre-Process, Visualize and Analyse Spectral Data
spectralAnomalyDetect Anomalies Using the Spectral Residual Algorithm
SpectralClMixedSpectral Clustering for Mixed Type Data
spectralGPApproximate Gaussian Processes Using the Fourier Basis
spectralGraphTopologyLearning Graphs from Data via Spectral Constraints
SpectralMapDiffusion Map and Spectral Map
spectralRObtain and Visualize Spectral Reflectance Data for Earth Surface Polygons
SpectranVisual and Non-Visual Spectral Analysis of Light
spectrePredict Regional Community Composition
spectrinoSpectra Viewer, Organizer, Data Preparation and Property Blocks
SpectrumFast Adaptive Spectral Clustering for Single and Multi-View Data
spedMulti-Gene Descent Probabilities
spedeconSmoothness-Penalized Deconvolution for Density Estimation Under Measurement Error
SPEDInstabREstimation of the Relative Importance of Factors Affecting Species Distribution Based on Stability Concept
speechLegislative Speeches
speechbrAccess the Speechs and Speaker's Informations of House of Representatives of Brazil
speedglmFitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data Sets
speedycodeAutomate Code for Adding Labels, Recoding and Renaming Variables, and Converting ASCII Files
speedytaxRapidly Import Classifier Results into 'phyloseq'
spefSemiparametric Estimating Functions
speff2trialSemiparametric Efficient Estimation for a Two-Sample Treatment Effect
SPEICalculation of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index
spellcheckrCorrect the Spelling of a Given Word in the English Language
spellingTools for Spell Checking in R
spemdA Bi-Dimensional Implementation of the Empirical Mode Decomposition for Spatial Data
sperichAuxiliary Functions to Estimate Centers of Biodiversity
sperrorestPerform Spatial Error Estimation and Variable Importance Assessment
SpeTestNPNon-Parametric Tests of Parametric Specifications
SPEVUnsmoothed and Smoothed Penalized PCA using Nesterov Smoothing
spexSpatial Extent Tools
spfaSemi-Parametric Factor Analysis
spfdaFunction-on-Scalar Regression with Group-Bridge Penalty
spfilteRSemiparametric Spatial Filtering with Eigenvectors in (Generalized) Linear Models
spFSRFeature Selection and Ranking via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation
spFWHierarchical Spatial Finlay-Wilkinson Model
spGARCHSpatial ARCH and GARCH Models (spGARCH)
spgsStatistical Patterns in Genomic Sequences
spgwrGeographically Weighted Regression
spheredataStudents' Performance Dataset in Physics Education Research (SPHERE)
SphereOptimizeOptimization on a Unit Sphere
spherepcSpherical Principal Curves
sphereplotSpherical Plotting
spheresmoothPiecewise Geodesic Smoothing for Spherical Data
SphericalCubatureNumerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions; Multivariate Polar Coordinates
sphetEstimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with and without Heteroskedastic Innovations
sphunifUniformity Tests on the Circle, Sphere, and Hypersphere
SpiceFPSparse Method to Identify Joint Effects of Functional Predictors
spiderSpecies Identity and Evolution in R
spiderbarParse and Test Robots Exclusion Protocol Files and Rules
spidRSpider Knowledge Online
SPIGACompute SPI Index using the Methods Genetic Algorithm and Maximum Likelihood
spikesDetecting Election Fraud from Irregularities in Vote-Share Distributions
spikeslabPrediction and Variable Selection Using Spike and Slab Regression
spikeSlabGAMBayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
SpilloverSpillover/Connectedness Index Based on VAR Modelling
SPINAStructure Parameter Inference Approach
spINAR(Semi)Parametric Estimation and Bootstrapping of INAR Models
spinBayesSemi-Parametric Gene-Environment Interaction via Bayesian Variable Selection
spindSpatial Methods and Indices
spinifexManual Tours, Manual Control of Dynamic Projections of Numeric Multivariate Data
spinnerAn Implementation of Graph Net Architecture Based on 'torch'
spinyRegSparse Generative Model and Its EM Algorithm
spiralizeVisualize Data on Spirals
spiritRTemplate for Clinical Trial Protocol
spiroManage Data from Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
splancsSpatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis
splashSimple Process-Led Algorithms for Simulating Habitats
spldvSpatial Models for Limited Dependent Variables
SPLICESynthetic Paid Loss and Incurred Cost Experience (SPLICE) Simulator
splines2Regression Spline Functions and Classes
splinetreeLongitudinal Regression Trees and Forests
SplinetsFunctional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal Spline Bases
SPlitSplit a Dataset for Training and Testing
splitfngrCombined Evaluation and Split Access of Functions
SplitGLMSplit Generalized Linear Models
splithalfCalculate Task Split Half Reliability Estimates
splithalfrEstimate Split-Half Reliabilities
SplitKnockoffSplit Knockoffs for Structural Sparsity
SplitRegSplit Regularized Regression
splitSelectBest Split Selection Modeling for Low-Dimensional Data
SplitSofteningSoftening Splits in Decision Trees
SplitSplitPlotAnalysis of Split-Split-Plot Experiments (Analise De Experimentos Em Parcela Subsubdividida)
splitstackshapeStack and Reshape Datasets After Splitting Concatenated Values
splitToolsTools for Data Splitting
splmEconometric Models for Spatial Panel Data
splmmSimultaneous Penalized Linear Mixed Effects Models
splotSimplified Plotting for Data Exploration
splsSparse Partial Least Squares (SPLS) Regression and Classification
splus2RSupplemental S-PLUS Functionality in R
splusTimeDateTimes and Dates from 'S-PLUS'
splusTimeSeriesTime Series from 'S-PLUS'
splutilUtility Functions for Common Base-R Problems Relating to Lists
spmSpatial Predictive Modeling
spm2Spatial Predictive Modeling
spMapsEurope SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Builder
spMCContinuous-Lag Spatial Markov Chains
SPmlficmcmSemiparametric Maximum Likelihood Method for Interactions Gene-Environment in Case-Mother Control-Mother Designs
spmodelSpatial Statistical Modeling and Prediction
spmoranFast Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Regression using Moran Eigenvectors
spnafSpatial Network Autocorrelation for Flow Data
SpNMFSupervised NMF
spnnScale Invariant Probabilistic Neural Networks
spNNGPSpatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes
spoccInterface to Species Occurrence Data Sources
spOccupancySingle-Species, Multi-Species, and Integrated Spatial Occupancy Models
spoilerBlur 'HTML' Elements in 'Shiny' Applications Using 'Spoiler-Alert.js'
spongebobSpongeBob-Case Converter : spOngEboB-CASe CoNVertER
spongecakeTransform a Movie into a Synthetic Picture
spookyTime Feature Extrapolation Using Spectral Analysis and Jack-Knife Resampling
sporkGeneralized Label Formatting
sportSequential Pairwise Online Rating Techniques
SPORTSCausalSpillover Time Series Causal Inference
SportsTourDisplay Tournament Fixtures using Knock Out and Round Robin Techniques
sportyRPlot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces
spotidyProviding Convenience Functions to Connect R with the Spotify API
spotifyrR Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API
spotorooSpatiotemporal Clustering of Satellite Hot Spot Data
SPOUSEScatter Plots Over-Viewed Using Summary Ellipses
SPPcombCombining Different Spatial Datasets in Cancer Risk Estimation
SpPOPGeneration of Spatial Population under Different Levels of Relationships among Variables
spraySparse Arrays and Multivariate Polynomials
spreadrSimulating Spreading Activation in a Network
SPREDAStatistical Package for Reliability Data Analysis
SPregBias Reduction in the Skew-Probit Model for a Binary Response
sprevalEvaluation of Sprinkler Irrigation Uniformity and Efficiency
sprexCalculate Species Richness and Extrapolation Metrics
springerSparse Group Variable Selection for Gene-Environment Interactions in the Longitudinal Study
springphenoSpring Phenological Indices
spRingsteenAll Things Data and Springsteen
sprintrSparse Reluctant Interaction Modeling
sprttSequential Probability Ratio Tests Toolbox
spsSequential Poisson Sampling
spsComps'systemPipeShiny' UI and Server Components
spselectSelecting Spatial Scale of Covariates in Regression Models
spshEstimation and Prediction of Parameters of Various Soil Hydraulic Property Models
SPSLSite Percolation on Square Lattices (SPSL)
SPSPSelection by Partitioning the Solution Paths
spStackBayesian Geostatistics Using Predictive Stacking
spsurSpatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
spsurvBernstein Polynomial Based Semiparametric Survival Analysis
spsurveySpatial Sampling Design and Analysis
spsUtil'systemPipeShiny' Utility Functions
spTDynSpatially Varying and Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Linear Models
SpTe2MNonparametric Modeling and Monitoring of Spatio-Temporal Data
spThinFunctions for Spatial Thinning of Species Occurrence Records for Use in Ecological Models
spTimerSpatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling
sptotalPredicting Totals and Weighted Sums from Spatial Data
spupSpatial Uncertainty Propagation Analysis
spuRsFunctions and Datasets for "Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R"
SPUTNIKSpatially Automatic Denoising for Imaging Mass Spectrometry Toolkit
SPYvsSPYSpy vs. Spy Data
SQISoil Quality Index
SQLExecutes 'SQL' Statements
sqlcaser'SQL' Case Statement Generator
sqldfManipulate R Data Frames Using SQL
sqlhelperEasier 'SQL' Integration
sqlHelpersCollection of 'SQL' Utilities for 'T-SQL' and 'Postgresql'
sqliterConnection wrapper to SQLite databases
sqliteutilsUtility Functions for 'SQLite'
SQLoveExecute 'SQL' Scripts in 'R' Containing Multiple Queries
sqlparseRWrapper for 'Python' Module 'sqlparse': Parse, Split, and Format 'SQL'
SqlRenderRendering Parameterized SQL and Translation to Dialects
sqlscoreUtilities for Generating SQL Queries from Model Objects
sqlstringsMap 'SQL' Code to R Lists
sqltargets'Targets' Extension for 'SQL' Queries
SQMtoolsAnalyze Results Generated by the 'SqueezeMeta' Pipeline
SQNSubset Quantile Normalization
SQRLEnhances Interaction with 'ODBC' Databases
squantSubgroup Identification Based on Quantitative Objectives
SQUAREMSquared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
squashColor-Based Plots for Multivariate Visualization
squatStatistics for Quaternion Temporal Data
SqueakRAn Experiment Interface for 'DeepSqueak' Bioacoustics Research
squeezyGroup-Adaptive Elastic Net Penalised Generalised Linear Models
squidStatistical Quantification of Individual Differences
srSmooth Regression - The Gamma Test and Tools
sraSelection Response Analysis
srcpkgsR Source Packages Manager
srcrSimplify Connections to Database Sources
SRCSStatistical Ranking Color Scheme for Multiple Pairwise Comparisons
sRDASparse Redundancy Analysis
sRdpDataStrategies of Resistance Data Project
sregStratified Randomized Experiments
sregsurveySemiparametric Model-Assisted Estimation in Finite Populations
srlarsSplit Robust Least Angle Regression
srlTSSparsity-Ranked Lasso for Time Series
srmStructural Equation Modeling for the Social Relations Model
sRNAGeneticAnalysis of Small RNA Expression Changes in Hybrid Plants
srpSmooth-Rough Partitioning of the Regression Coefficients
SRSScaling with Ranked Subsampling
srtRead Subtitle Files as Tabular Data
SRTsimSimulator for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics
SRTtoolsAdjust Srt File to Get Better Experience when Watching Movie
srvyr'dplyr'-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Data
ss3simFisheries Stock Assessment Simulation Testing with Stock Synthesis
ssaBSSStationary Subspace Analysis
ssanvSample Size Adjusted for Nonadherence or Variability of Input Parameters
SSBtoolsStatistics Norway's Miscellaneous Tools
sscSemi-Supervised Classification Methods
sscorRobust Correlation Estimation and Testing Based on Spatial Signs
ssd4mosaicWeb Application for the SSD Module of the MOSAIC Platform
ssddataSpecies Sensitivity Distribution Data
SSDforRFunctions to Analyze Single System Data
ssdGSASingle Sample Directional Gene Set Analysis
SSDMStacked Species Distribution Modelling
sSDRTools Developed for Structured Sufficient Dimension Reduction (sSDR)
ssdtoolsSpecies Sensitivity Distributions
sseSample Size Estimation
SSEparserParse Server-Sent Events
ssevSample Size Computation for Fixed N with Optimal Reward
ssfaSpatial Stochastic Frontier Analysis
ssfitFitting of Parametric Models using Summary Statistics
SSGLSpike-and-Slab Group Lasso for Group-Regularized Generalized Linear Models
ssgraphBayesian Graph Structure Learning using Spike-and-Slab Priors
sshSecure Shell (SSH) Client for R
SSHAARPSearching Shared HLA Amino Acid Residue Prevalence
SshapedNonparametric, Tuning-Free Estimation of S-Shaped Functions
sshipTool for Secure Shipment of Content
ssifsStochastic Search Inconsistency Factor Selection
SSIMmapThe Structural Similarity Index Measure for Maps
ssimparserStandard Schedules Information Parser
ssize.fdrSample Size Calculations for Microarray Experiments
ssizeRNASample Size Calculation for RNA-Seq Experimental Design
SSLRSemi-Supervised Classification, Regression and Clustering Methods
SSMFit and Analyze Smooth Supersaturated Models
ssmnSkew Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions
ssmodelsSample Selection Models
ssMousetrackBayesian State-Space Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Experiments via Stan
ssMRCDSpatially Smoothed MRCD Estimator
ssmrobRobust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models
ssmsnScale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions
ssMutPASingle-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway Analysis
SSN2Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
SSNbayesBayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Stream Networks
SSNblerAssemble 'SSN' Objects
SSOSVMStream Suitable Online Support Vector Machines
SSPSimulated Sampling Procedure for Community Ecology
SSplotsStock Status Plots (SSPs)
sspseEstimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent Driven Sampling Data
ssrSemi-Supervised Regression Methods
SSRASakai Sequential Relation Analysis
SSratTwo-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales
ssrm.logmerSample Size Determination for Longitudinal Designs with Binary Outcome
SSRMSTSample Size Calculation using Restricted Mean Survival Time
ssrnScan Statistics for Railway Network
SSRTcalcEasy SSRT Calculation
sssImport Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) Format
ssscSame Species Sample Contamination Detection
SSsimpleState Space Models
SstackBootstrap Stacking of Random Forest Models for Heterogeneous Data
sstvarsToolkit for Reduced Form and Structural Smooth Transition Vector Autoregressive Models
SSVSFunctions for Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS)
sswStriped Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Sequence Alignment using SIMD
ssymFitting Semi-Parametric log-Symmetric Regression Models
stShrinkage t Statistic and Correlation-Adjusted t-Score
staSeasonal Trend Analysis for Time Series Imagery in R
stabiliserStabilising Variable Selection
stabilityStability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)
StabilizedRegressionStabilizing Regression and Variable Selection
stabiloStabilometric Signal Quantification
stableProbability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions
stabledistStable Distribution Functions
StableEstimEstimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using Different Methods
stableGRA Stable Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
stablelearnerStability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
stablespecStable Specification Search in Structural Equation Models
stabmStability Measures for Feature Selection
stabsStability Selection with Error Control
staccuracyStandardized Accuracy and Other Model Performance Metrics
stackgbmStacked Gradient Boosting Machines
StackImputeTools for Analysis of Stacked Multiple Imputations
stackingBuilding Predictive Models with Stacking
stacksTidy Model Stacking
stacomiRFish Migration Monitoring
stacomirtoolsConnection Class for Package stacomiR
stagedtreesStaged Event Trees
stagePopModelling the Population Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Species in Continuous Time
staggeredEfficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatment Timing
StakeholderAnalysisMeasuring Stakeholder Influence
StAMPPStatistical Analysis of Mixed Ploidy Populations
stamprSpatial Temporal Analysis of Moving Polygons
stan4bartBayesian Additive Regression Trees with Stan-Sampled Parametric Extensions
STANDStatistical Analysis of Non-Detects
standardizeTools for Standardizing Variables for Regression in R
standardlastprofileData Package for BDEW Standard Load Profiles in Electricity
standartoxEcotoxicological Information from the Standartox Database
standbyAlerts, Notifications and Loading Screen in 'Shiny'
StanHeadersC++ Header Files for Stan
StanMoMoBayesian Mortality Modelling with 'Stan'
staplerSimultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation
staplrA Toolkit for PDF Files
staRdomPARAFAC Analysis of EEMs from DOM
STAREGAn Empirical Bayes Approach for Replicability Analysis Across Two Studies
stargazerWell-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables
starmSpatio-Temporal Autologistic Regression Model
starmaModelling Space Time AutoRegressive Moving Average (STARMA) Processes
starnetStacked Elastic Net
starryExplore Data with Plots and Tables
starsSpatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
starschemarObtaining Stars from Flat Tables
starsExtraMiscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters
starsTileServerA Dynamic Tile Server for R
STARTdesignSingle to Double Arm Transition Design for Phase II Clinical Trials
starterStarter Kit for New Projects
startRAutomatically Retrieve Multidimensional Distributed Data Sets
STARTSFunctions for the STARTS Model
startupFriendly R Startup Configuration
startupmsgUtilities for Start-Up Messages
starvarsVector Logistic Smooth Transition Models Estimation and Prediction
starvzR-Based Visualization Techniques for Task-Based Applications
starwarsdbRelational Data from the 'Star Wars' API for Learning and Teaching
STATInteractive Document for Working with Basic Statistical Analysis
STAT2Interactive Document for Working with Basic Statistical Analysis
Stat2DataDatasets for Stat2
Statamarkdown'Stata' Markdown
statarTools Inspired by 'Stata' to Manipulate Tabular Data
statBasicsBasic Functions to Statistical Methods Course
statcanRClient for Statistics Canada's Open Economic Data
statcheckExtract Statistics from Articles and Recompute P-Values
statcodelistsUse Standardized Statistical Codelists
statcompStatistical Complexity and Information Measures for Time Series Analysis
statConfRModels of Decision Confidence and Metacognition
StatDAStatistical Analysis for Environmental Data
StatDataMLRead and Write StatDataML Files
statebinsCreate United States Uniform Cartogram Heatmaps
StateLevelForestHistorical State-Level Forest Cover Data in the United States
statesCreate Panels of Independent States
statespacerState Space Modelling in 'R'
statforbiologyTools for Data Analyses in Biology
statgenGWASGenome Wide Association Studies
statgenGxEGenotype by Environment (GxE) Analysis
statgenHTPHigh Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis
statgenIBDCalculation of IBD Probabilities
statgenMPPQTL Mapping for Multi Parent Populations
statgenQTLxTMulti-Trait and Multi-Trial Genome Wide Association Studies
statgenSTASingle Trial Analysis (STA) of Field Trials
statGraphStatistical Methods for Graphs
staticryptREncrypt HTML Files Using 'staticrypt'
stationaRyDetailed Meteorological Data from Stations All Over the World
statipStatistical Functions for Probability Distributions and Regression
statisfactoryStatistical and Geometrical Tools
StatMatchStatistical Matching or Data Fusion
statmodStatistical Modeling
statnetSoftware Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Data
statnet.commonCommon R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software
statnetWebA Shiny App for Network Modeling with 'statnet'
statnipokladnaUse Data from the Czech Public Finance Database
StatPerMeCoStatistical Performance Measures to Evaluate Covariance Matrix Estimates
statprogramsGraduate Statistics Program Datasets
statpsychStatistical Methods for Psychologists
statquotesQuotes on Statistics, Data Visualization and Science
StatRankStatistical Rank Aggregation: Inference, Evaluation, and Visualization
stats19Work with Open Road Traffic Casualty Data from Great Britain
stats4teachingSimulate Pedagogical Statistical Data
statsearchanalyticsrAn Interface for the 'STAT Search Analytics' 'API'
statsExpressionsTidy Dataframes and Expressions with Statistical Details
StatsomatShiny Apps for Automated Data Analysis and Automated Interpretation
statsrCompanion Software for the Coursera Statistics with R Specialization
statswalesrEasily Extract Data from 'StatsWales'
statVisualStatistical Visualization Tools
STBSimultaneous Tolerance Bounds
stblStabilize Function Arguments
stcosSpace-Time Change of Support
stcovStein's Covariance Estimator
stcpR6Sequential Test and Change-Point Detection Algorithms Based on E-Values / E-Detectors
stddiffCalculate the Standardized Difference for Numeric, Binary and Category Variables
stdmodStandardized Moderation Effect and Its Confidence Interval
stdRegRegression Standardization
stdReg2Regression Standardization for Causal Inference
stdvectorsC++ Standard Library Vectors in R
steadyICAICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate Distance Covariance
steepnessTesting Steepness of Dominance Hierarchies
SteinIVSemi-Parametric Stein-Like Estimator with Instrumental Variables
stelfiHawkes and Log-Gaussian Cox Point Processes Using Template Model Builder
stellaREvolutionary Tracks and Isochrones from Pisa Stellar Evolution Database
StemAnalysisReconstructing Tree Growth and Carbon Accumulation with Stem Analysis Data
stemmatologyStemmatological Analysis of Textual Traditions
StempCensSpatio-Temporal Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing Responses
stencilaschemaBindings for Stencila Schema
stenRStandardization of Raw Discrete Questionnaire Scores
StepBetaStepwise Procedure for Beta, Beta-Binomial and Negative Binomial Regression Models
stepcountEstimate Step Counts from 'Accelerometry' Data
stepdownfdpA Step-Down Procedure to Control the False Discovery Proportion
stepgbmStepwise Variable Selection for Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling
StepGWRA Hybrid Spatial Model for Prediction and Capturing Spatial Variation in the Data
stepjglmVariable Selection for Joint Modeling of Mean and Dispersion
stepmixrInterface to 'Python' Package 'StepMix'
steppSubpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP)
SteppedPowerPower Calculation for Stepped Wedge Designs
stepPenalStepwise Forward Variable Selection in Penalized Regression
stepPlrL2 Penalized Logistic Regression with Stepwise Variable Selection
stepRMultiscale Change-Point Inference
StepRegStepwise Regression Analysis
steprfStepwise Predictive Variable Selection for Random Forest
stepsSpatially- and Temporally-Explicit Population Simulator
StepSignalMargiLikeStep-Wise Signal Extraction via Marginal Likelihood
stepSplitRegStepwise Split Regularized Regression
StepwiseTestMultiple Testing Method to Control Generalized Family-Wise Error Rate and False Discovery Proportion
StereoMorphStereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction
stevedataSteve's Toy Data for Teaching About a Variety of Methodological, Social, and Political Topics
stevedoreDocker Client
stevemiscSteve's Miscellaneous Functions
stevetemplatesSteve's R Markdown Templates
stevethemesSteve's 'ggplot2' Themes and Related Theme Elements
stfitSpatio-Temporal Functional Imputation Tool
STFTSStatistical Tests for Functional Time Series
stgamSpatially and Temporally Varying Coefficient Models Using Generalized Additive Models
STGSGenomic Selection using Single Trait
stickyPersist Attributes Across Data Operations
stickyrData Frames with Persistent Columns and Attributes
STICrProcess Stream Temperature, Intermittency, and Conductivity (STIC) Sensor Data
SticsRFilesRead and Modify 'STICS' Input/Output Files
stiltSeparable Gaussian Process Interpolation (Emulation)
stimIncorporating Stability Information into Cross-Sectional Estimates
stimaSimultaneous Threshold Interaction Modeling Algorithm
stinepackStineman, a Consistently Well Behaved Method of Interpolation
stlARIMASTL Decomposition and ARIMA Hybrid Forecasting Model
stlELMHybrid Forecasting Model Based on STL Decomposition and ELM
stlnppSpatio-Temporal Analysis of Point Patterns on Linear Networks
stlplusEnhanced Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess
stlTDNNSTL Decomposition and TDNN Hybrid Time Series Forecasting
stmEstimation of the Structural Topic Model
stmCorrVizA Tool for Structural Topic Model Visualizations
stmgpRapid and Accurate Genetic Prediction Modeling for Genome-Wide Association or Whole-Genome Sequencing Study Data
stmguiShiny Application for Creating STM Models
stminsightsA 'Shiny' Application for Inspecting Structural Topic Models
StMoMoStochastic Mortality Modelling
StMoSimQuantile-Quantile Plot with Several Gaussian Simulations
STMotifDiscovery of Motifs in Spatial-Time Series
STMrStrength Training Manual R-Language Functions
stoccFit a Spatial Occupancy Model via Gibbs Sampling
StochBlockStochastic Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked Networks
stochLABStochastic Collision Risk Model
stochQNStochastic Limited Memory Quasi-Newton Optimizers
stochvolEfficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV) Models
stochvolTMBLikelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models
stockAnalystEquity Valuation using Methods of Fundamental Analysis
StockDistFitFit Stock Price Distributions
stockRIdentifying Stocks in Genetic Data
stocksStock Market Analysis
stodomEstimating Consistent Tests for Stochastic Dominance
stoichcalcR Functions for Solving Stoichiometric Equations
stokesThe Exterior Calculus
stopdetectionStop Detection in Timestamped Trajectory Data using Spatiotemporal Clustering
STOPESSelection Threshold Optimized Empirically via Splitting
stoppSpatio-Temporal Point Pattern Methods, Model Fitting, Diagnostics, Simulation, Local Tests
stoppingruleCreate and Evaluate Stopping Rules for Safety Monitoring
stopsStructure Optimized Proximity Scaling
stopwordsMultilingual Stopword Lists
StormWrite Storm Bolts in R using the Storm Multi-Language Protocol
StormRAnalyzing the Behaviour of Wind Generated by Tropical Storms and Cyclones
storrSimple Key Value Stores
stortingscrapeAccess Data from the Norwegian Parliament API
stoRyDownload, Explore, and Analyze Literary Theme Ontology Data
storywranglrExplore Twitter Trends with the 'Storywrangler' API
stosimStochastic Simulator for Reliability Modeling of Repairable Systems
STPGASelection of Training Populations by Genetic Algorithm
stplanrSustainable Transport Planning
stpmStochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes
stppSpace-Time Point Pattern Simulation, Visualisation and Analysis
stpphawkesMissing Data for Marked Hawkes Process
stppSimSpatiotemporal Point Patterns Simulation
stRSeasonal Trend Decomposition Using Regression
str2strConvert R Objects from One Structure to Another
StrainRankingRanking of Pathogen Strains
strandA Framework for Investment Strategy Simulation
stranslateSimple Translation Between Different Languages
strapStratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology
stratAn Implementation of the Stratification Index
strata.MaxComboStratified Max-Combo Test
stratalloOptimum Sample Allocation in Stratified Sampling
stratamatchStratification and Matching for Large Observational Data Sets
stratastatsStratified Analysis of 2x2 Contingency Tables
stratbrOptimal Stratification in Stratified Sampling
strategicplayersStrategic Players
StrategyGeneric Framework to Analyze Trading Strategies
stratEstStrategy Estimation
StrathE2E2End-to-End Marine Food Web Model
stratificationUnivariate Stratification of Survey Populations
StratifiedBalancingStratified Covariate Balancing
StratifiedMedicineStratified Medicine
StratifiedRFBuilds Trees by Sampling Variables in Groups
stratifiedyhStratified Sampling and Labeling of Data in R
stratifyROptimal Stratification of Univariate Populations
StratigrapheRIntegrated Stratigraphy
StratPalStratigraphic Paleobiology Modeling Pipelines
StratSelStrategic Selection Estimator
STraTUSEnumeration and Uniform Sampling of Transmission Trees for a Known Phylogeny
stratvnsOptimal Stratification in Stratified Sampling
straweibStratified Weibull Regression Model
strawrFast Implementation of Reading/Dump for .hic Files
strayAnomaly Detection in High Dimensional and Temporal Data
STREAKReceptor Abundance Estimation using Feature Selection and Gene Set Scoring
streamInfrastructure for Data Stream Mining
streambugsParametric Ordinary Differential Equations Model of Growth, Death, and Respiration of Macroinvertebrate and Algae Taxa
streamDAGAnalytical Methods for Stream DAGs
streamDepletrEstimate Streamflow Depletion Due to Groundwater Pumping
StreamMetabolismCalculate Single Station Metabolism from Diurnal Oxygen Curves
streamMOAInterface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms
streamRAccess to Twitter Streaming API via R
streetscapeCollect And Investigate Street Views For Urban Science
StRegStudent's t Regression Models
stressadditionModelling Tri-Phasic Concentration-Response Relationships
stressorAlgorithms for Testing Models under Stress
stressrFetch and plot financial stress index and component data
StressStrengthComputation and Estimation of Reliability of Stress-Strength Models
strexExtra String Manipulation Functions
striderStrided Iterator and Range
String2AdjMatrixCreates an Adjacency Matrix from a List of Strings
string2pathRendering Font into 'data.frame'
stringdistApproximate String Matching, Fuzzy Text Search, and String Distance Functions
stringfishAlt String Implementation
stringformattrDynamic String Formatting
stringiFast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities
stringmagicCharacter String Operations and Interpolation, Magic Edition
stringrSimple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations
stringstaticDependency-Free String Operations
stringxReplacements for Base String Functions Powered by 'stringi'
stripLighten your R Model Outputs
striplessStructured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice Graphics
striprtfExtract Text from RTF File
STRMPSAnalysis of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) Data
stRokeClinical Stroke Research
StroupGLMMR Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
strs'Python' Style String Functions
strucchangeTesting, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes
strucchangeRcppTesting, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes: C++ Version
structreeTree-Structured Clustering
StructuralDecomposeDecomposes a Level Shifted Time Series
StructureMCStructured Matrix Completion
strvalidatorProcess Control and Validation of Forensic STR Kits
stsEstimation of the Structural Topic and Sentiment-Discourse Model for Text Analysis
stuartSubtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging Techniques
studentlifeTidy Handling and Navigation of the Student-Life Dataset
studyStrapStudy Strap and Multi-Study Learning Algorithms
StuteTestStute (1997) Linearity Test
STVSingle Transferable Vote Counting
stxploreExploration of Spatio-Temporal Data
stylerNon-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Code
stylest2Estimating Speakers of Texts
styloStylometric Multivariate Analyses
subcopem2DBivariate Empirical Subcopula
subdetectDetect Subgroup with an Enhanced Treatment Effect
subformulaCreate Subformulas of a Formula
subgroupMethods for exploring treatment effect heterogeneity in subgroup analysis of clinical trials
SubgrpIDPatient Subgroup Identification for Clinical Drug Development
subgxeCombine Multiple GWAS by Using Gene-Environment Interactions
submaxEffect Modification in Observational Studies Using the Submax Method
SubpathwayLNCEIdentify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAs Based on ceRNA Theory
subplexUnconstrained Optimization using the Subplex Algorithm
subrankComputes Copula using Ranks and Subsampling
subscoreComputing Subscores in Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory
subscreenSystematic Screening of Study Data for Subgroup Effects
subsembleAn Ensemble Method for Combining Subset-Specific Algorithm Fits
subspaceInterface to OpenSubspace
SubTiteSubgroup Specific Optimal Dose Assignment
SubTSPositive Tempered Stable Distributions and Related Subordinators
SubtypeDrugPrioritization of Candidate Cancer Subtype Specific Drugs
SubVisVisual Exploration of Protein Alignments Resulting from Multiple Substitution Matrices
successSurvival Control Charts Estimation Software
sudachirR Interface to 'Sudachi'
suddengainsIdentify Sudden Gains in Longitudinal Data
sudokuSudoku Puzzle Generator and Solver
sudokuAltTools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku Games
SuessRSuess and Laws Corrections for Marine Stable Carbon Isotope Data
sufficientForecastingSufficient Forecasting using Factor Models
sugarbagCreate Tessellated Hexagon Maps
sugargliderCreate Glyph-Maps of Spatiotemporal Data
suggestsDeclare when Suggested Packages are Needed
sugrrantsSupporting Graphs for Analysing Time Series
SumcaVer1Mean Square Prediction Error Estimation in Small Area Estimation
sumFREGATFast Region-Based Association Tests on Summary Statistics
summariserEasy Calculation and Visualisation of Confidence Intervals
SummaryLassoBuilding Polygenic Risk Score Using GWAS Summary Statistics
summarytoolsTools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data
summclustModule to Compute Influence and Leverage Statistics for Regression Models with Clustered Errors
SUMMERSmall-Area-Estimation Unit/Area Models and Methods for Estimation in R
SUMOGenerating Multi-Omics Datasets
sumRApproximate Summation of Series
sumSomePermutation True Discovery Guarantee by Sum-Based Tests
sunburstRSunburst 'Htmlwidget'
suncalcCompute Sun Position, Sunlight Phases, Moon Position and Lunar Phase
SunclarcoSurvival Analysis using Copulas
sundialrAn Interface to 'SUNDIALS' Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers
SUNGEOSub-National Geospatial Data Archive: Geoprocessing Toolkit
SunsVocConstructing Suns-Voc from Outdoor Time-Series I-V Curves
suntoolsCalculate Sun Position, Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and Twilight
supclustSupervised Clustering of Predictor Variables Such as Genes
superbSummary Plots with Adjusted Error Bars
superbiclustGenerating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set (Ensemble Biclustering)
SuperCellSimplification of scRNA-Seq Data by Merging Together Similar Cells
supercellsSuperpixels of Spatial Data
supercompressSupervised Compression of Big Data
superdiagA Comprehensive Test Suite for Testing Markov Chain Nonconvergence
SuperExactTestExact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set Intersections
SuperGaussSuperfast Likelihood Inference for Stationary Gaussian Time Series
superheatA Graphical Tool for Exploring Complex Datasets Using Heatmaps
SuperLearnerSuper Learner Prediction
superMICESuperLearner Method for MICE
supermlBuild Machine Learning Models Like Using Python's Scikit-Learn Library in R
supernovaJudd, McClelland, & Ryan Formatting for ANOVA Output
superpcSupervised Principal Components
SuperpixelImageSegmentationSuperpixel Image Segmentation
SuperpowerSimulation-Based Power Analysis for Factorial Designs
SuperRankerSequential Rank Agreement
supervisedPRIMSupervised Classification Learning and Prediction using Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)
SupMZDetecting Structural Change with Heteroskedasticity
suppdataDownloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts
SuppDistsSupplementary Distributions
support.BWSTools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling
support.BWS2Tools for Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling
support.BWS3Tools for Case 3 Best-Worst Scaling
support.CEsBasic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments
supportRSupport Functions for Wrangling and Visualization
surCompanion to "Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach"
surbayesBayesian Analysis of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
sureSurrogate Residuals for Ordinal and General Regression Models
sureLDAA Novel Multi-Disease Automated Phenotyping Method for the EHR
SuRF.vsSubsampling Ranking Forward Selection (SuRF)
surfaceFitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution
SurfaceTortoiseFind Optimal Sampling Locations Based on Spatial Covariate(s)
SurfRoughCalculate Surface/Image Texture Indexes
surrealCreate Datasets with Hidden Images in Residual Plots
SurrogateEvaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
SurrogateBMAFlexible Evaluation of Surrogate Markers with Bayesian Model Averaging
SurrogateOutcomeEstimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Outcome Information
SurrogateRankRank-Based Test to Evaluate a Surrogate Marker
SurrogateRegressionSurrogate Outcome Regression Analysis
SurrogateRsqGoodness-of-Fit Analysis for Categorical Data using the Surrogate R-Squared
SurrogateTestEarly Testing for a Treatment Effect using Surrogate Marker Information
surrosurvEvaluation of Failure Time Surrogate Endpoints in Individual Patient Data Meta-Analyses
surrosurvROCSurrogate Survival ROC
suRtexLaTeX descriptive statistic reporting for survey data
surtvepCox Non-Proportional Hazards Model with Time-Varying Coefficients
surv2sampleCompInference for Model-Free Between-Group Parameters for Censored Survival Data
survAHSurvival Data Analysis using Average Hazard
survAUCEstimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event Data
survAWKMT2Two-Sample Tests Based on Differences of Kaplan-Meier Curves
survBootOutliersConcordance Based Bootstrap Methods for Outlier Detection in Survival Analysis
survC1C-Statistics for Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data
survcompareNested Cross-Validation to Compare Cox-PH, Cox-Lasso, Survival Random Forests
SurvCorrCorrelation of Bivariate Survival Times
survCurvePlots Survival Curves Element by Element
SurvDiscDiscrete Time Survival and Longitudinal Data Analysis
surveilTime Series Models for Disease Surveillance
surveillanceTemporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
survELtestComparing Multiple Survival Functions with Crossing Hazards
SurvEvalMethods for the Evaluation of Survival Models
survexExplainable Machine Learning in Survival Analysis
survexp.frRelative Survival, AER and SMR Based on French Death Rates
surveyAnalysis of Complex Survey Samples
surveybootstrapBootstrap with Survey Data
SurveyCCCanonical Correlation for Survey Data
surveyCVCross Validation Based on Survey Design
surveydataTools to Work with Survey Data
SurveyDefenseSurvey Defense Tool
surveyexplorerQuickly Explore Complex Survey Data
surveygraphNetwork Representations of Attitudes
surveyplanningSurvey Planning Tools
surveyPrevMapping the Prevalence of Binary Indicators using Survey Data in Small Areas
surveysdSurvey Standard Error Estimation for Cumulated Estimates and their Differences in Complex Panel Designs
surveytableFormatted Survey Estimates
surveyvoiSurvey Value of Information
survHESurvival Analysis in Health Economic Evaluation
SurvHiDimHigh Dimensional Survival Data Analysis
survIDINRIIDI and NRI for Comparing Competing Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data
survidmInference and Prediction in an Illness-Death Model
SurviMChdHigh Dimensional Survival Data Analysis with Markov Chain Monte Carlo
survivalSurvival Analysis
survival.svbFit High-Dimensional Proportional Hazards Models
survivalAnalysisHigh-Level Interface for Survival Analysis and Associated Plots
SurvivalClusteringTreeClustering Analysis Using Survival Tree and Forest Algorithms
survivalmodelsModels for Survival Analysis
survivalMPLPenalised Maximum Likelihood for Survival Analysis Models
survivalMPLdcPenalised Likelihood for Survival Analysis with Dependent Censoring
survivalPLANNNeural Networks to Predict Survival
survivalRECNonparametric Estimation of the Distribution of Gap Times for Recurrent Events
survivalROCTime-Dependent ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival Data
survivalSLSuper Learner for Survival Prediction from Censored Data
survivalsvmSurvival Support Vector Analysis
SurvivalTestsSurvival Tests for One-Way Layout
survivalVignettesSurvival Analysis Vignettes and Optional Datasets
survivoRData from all Seasons of Survivor (US) TV Series in Tidy Format
SurvLongAnalysis of Proportional Hazards Model with Sparse Longitudinal Covariates
SurvMAModel Averaging Prediction of Personalized Survival Probabilities
SurvMetricsPredictive Evaluation Metrics in Survival Analysis
SurvMIMultiple Imputation Method in Survival Analysis
survminerDrawing Survival Curves using 'ggplot2'
survMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Survival Data
survmixerDesign of Clinical Trials with Survival Endpoints Based on Binary Responses
survMLFlexible Estimation of Conditional Survival Functions Using Machine Learning
survobjObjects to Simulate Survival Times
survoutExcel Conversion of R Surival Analysis Output
survParamSimParametric Survival Simulation with Parameter Uncertainty
survPenMultidimensional Penalized Splines for Survival and Net Survival Models
survPresmoothPresmoothed Estimation in Survival Analysis
SurvRegCensCovWeibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censored Covariate
survRM2Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Time
survRM2adaptFlexible and Coherent Test/Estimation Procedure Based on Restricted Mean Survival Times
survRM2permPermutation Test for Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Time
survSAKKCreate Publication Ready Kaplan-Meier Plots
survSensSensitivity Analysis with Time-to-Event Outcomes
survsimSimulation of Simple and Complex Survival Data
survSNPPower Calculations for SNP Studies with Censored Outcomes
SurvSparseSurvival Analysis with Sparse Longitudinal Covariates
survSpearmanNonparametric Spearman's Correlation for Survival Data
survstanFitting Survival Regression Models via 'Stan'
SurvTruncAnalysis of Doubly Truncated Data
susieRSum of Single Effects Linear Regression
susographqlComprehensive Interface to the Survey Solutions 'GraphQL' API
SUSYSurrogate Synchrony
sValuesMeasures of the Sturdiness of Regression Coefficients
svarsData-Driven Identification of SVAR Models
svdInterfaces to Various State-of-Art SVD and Eigensolvers
svDialogs'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes for Windows, MacOS and Linuxes
svDialogstcltk'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/Tk
SVDNFDiscrete Nonlinear Filtering for Stochastic Volatility Models
svenssonmSvensson's Method
svgliteAn 'SVG' Graphics Device
svgPanZoomR 'Htmlwidget' to Add Pan and Zoom to Almost any R Graphic
svgtoolsManipulate SVG (Template) Files of Charts
svGUISciViews - Manage GUIs in R
svgViewR3D Animated Interactive Visualizations Using SVG and WebGL
svHttp'SciViews' - HTTP Server
svIDEFunctions to Ease Interactions Between R and IDE or Code Editors
svinesStationary Vine Copula Models
svKomodo'SciViews' - Functions to Interface with Komodo IDE
SVMDSpearman Variational Mode Decomposition
svMisc'SciViews' - Miscellaneous Functions
SVMMajImplementation of the SVM-Maj Algorithm
svmpathThe SVM Path Algorithm
SVNStatistically Validated Networks
svplotsSample Variance Plots (Sv-Plots)
svrepTools for Creating, Updating, and Analyzing Survey Replicate Weights
svrpathThe SVR Path Algorithm
svsTools for Semantic Vector Spaces
svSocket'SciViews' - Socket Server
svSweave'SciViews' - 'Sweave', 'Knitr' and R Markdown Companion Functions
svToolsWrappers for Tools in Other Packages for IDE Friendliness
svUnit'SciViews' - Unit, Integration and System Testing
svWidgetsManagement of GUI Widgets, Windows, and Other GUI Resources
svycdiffControlled Difference Estimation for Complex Surveys
svydiagsRegression Model Diagnostics for Survey Data
svylmeLinear Mixed Models for Complex Survey Data
SvyNomNomograms for Right-Censored Outcomes from Survey Designs
svyROCEstimation of the ROC Curve and the AUC for Complex Survey Data
svyVarSelVariable Selection for Complex Survey Data
svyVGAMDesign-Based Inference in Vector Generalised Linear Models
svyweightQuick and Flexible Survey Weighting
swaSubsampling Winner Algorithm for Classification
swagSparse Wrapper Algorithm
swaggerDynamically Generates Documentation from a 'Swagger' Compliant API
swampVisualization, Analysis and Adjustment of High-Dimensional Data in Respect to Sample Annotations
swaprincSwap Principal Components into Regression Models
swaRmProcessing Collective Movement Data
swaRmverseSwarm Space Creation
swatchesRead, Inspect, and Manipulate Color Swatch Files
swCRTdesignStepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial (SW CRT) Design
swdftSliding Window Discrete Fourier Transform (SWDFT)
swdpwrPower Calculation for Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trials
sweaterSpeedy Word Embedding Association Test and Extras Using R
sweepTidy Tools for Forecasting
SweepDiscoverySelective Sweep Discovery Tool
sweidnumbrHandling of Swedish Identity Numbers
swephRHigh Precision Swiss Ephemeris
swfscAirDASSouthwest Fisheries Science Center Aerial DAS Data Processing
swfscDASProcessing DAS Data Files
swfscMiscMiscellaneous Functions for Southwest Fisheries Science Center
swgeeSimulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations
SWIMScenario Weights for Importance Measurement
SwimmeRData Import, Cleaning, and Conversions for Swimming Results
swimplotTools for Creating Swimmers Plots using 'ggplot2'
swipeRCarousels using the 'JavaScript' Library 'Swiper'
swirlLearn R, in R
swirlifyA Toolbox for Writing 'swirl' Courses
SwissAirAir Quality Data of Switzerland for One Year in 30 Min Resolution
swissparlInterface to the Webservices of the Swiss Parliament
switchboardAn Agile Widget Engine for Real-Time, Dynamic Visualizations
switchcaseA Simple and Flexible Switch-Case Construct for the 'R' Language
switchrInstalling, Managing, and Switching Between Distinct Sets of Installed Packages
switchSelectionEndogenous Switching and Sample Selection Regression Models
SWMPrRetrieving, Organizing, and Analyzing Estuary Monitoring Data
SWMPrExtensionFunctions for Analyzing and Plotting Estuary Monitoring Data
SWToolsHelper Tools for Australian Hydrologists
sylcountSyllable Counting and Readability Measurements
syllabifyrSyllabifier for CMU Dictionary Transcriptions
syllogiCollection of Data Sets for Teaching Purposes
syllyHyphenation and Syllable Counting for Text Analysis
sylly.enLanguage Support for 'sylly' Package: English
sym.armaAutoregressive and Moving Average Symmetric Models
symbol.equation.gptSimple User Interface to Build Equations and Add Symbols
symbolicDAAnalysis of Symbolic Data
SymbolicDeterminantsSymbolic Representation of Matrix Determinant
symbolicQsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in their Coefficients
symDMatrixPartitioned Symmetric Matrices
symengineInterface to the 'SymEngine' Library
symmetryTesting for Symmetry of Data and Model Residuals
symmomentsSymbolic Central and Noncentral Moments of the Multivariate Normal Distribution
symphonyEfficient and Precise Single-Cell Reference Atlas Mapping
symptomcheckRAnalyzing and Visualizing Symptom Checker Performance
symSEMSymbolic Computation for Structural Equation Models
SymTSSymmetric Tempered Stable Distributions
synCreates Synonyms From Target Words
synchronicityBoost Mutex Functionality in R
synchronyMethods for Computing Spatial, Temporal, and Spatiotemporal Statistics
SynchWaveSynchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform
SyncMoveSubsample Temporal Data to Synchronal Events and Compute the MCI
SyncRNGA Synchronized Tausworthe RNG for R and Python
SYNCSAAnalysis of Functional and Phylogenetic Patterns in Metacommunities
SynDISynthetic Data Integration
synlikSynthetic Likelihood Methods for Intractable Likelihoods
synMicrodataSynthetic Microdata Generator
synrExplore and Process Synesthesia Consistency Test Data
syntaxrAn 'SPSS' Syntax Generator for Multi-Variable Manipulation
syntenyPlotteRGenome Synteny Visualization
SynthSynthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies
synthACSSynthetic Microdata and Spatial MicroSimulation Modeling for ACS Data
synthesisGenerate Synthetic Data from Statistical Models
synthesisrImport, Assemble, and Deduplicate Bibliographic Datasets
synthesizerSynthesize Data Based on Empirical Quantile Functions and Rank Order Matching
SynthETICSynthetic Experience Tracking Insurance Claims
synthpopGenerating Synthetic Versions of Sensitive Microdata for Statistical Disclosure Control
SynthToolsTools and Tests for Experiments with Partially Synthetic Data Sets
syrupMeasure Memory and CPU Usage for Parallel R Code
sysPowerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R
SyScSelectionSystematic Scenario Selection for Stress Testing
sysfontsLoading Fonts into R
sysidSystem Identification in R
syslognetSend Log Messages to Remote 'syslog' Server
SysreconSystematical Metabolic Reconstruction
systemfitEstimating Systems of Simultaneous Equations
systemfontsSystem Native Font Finding
SystemicRMonitoring Systemic Risk
systemicriskSystemic Risk and Network Reconstruction
sytYoung Tableaux
syuzhetExtracts Sentiment and Sentiment-Derived Plot Arcs from Text
T2DFitTailorTailor the Exercise Plans and Visualize the Outcome for T2D Patients
T2EQFunctions for Applying the T^2-Test for Equivalence
T2QvControl Qualitative Variables
T4clusterTools for Cluster Analysis
T4transportTools for Computational Optimal Transport
tabCreate Summary Tables for Statistical Reports
TabaTaba Robust Correlations
tabbycatTabulate and Summarise Categorical Data
taberSplit and Recombine Your Data
tabitSimple Tabulation Made Simple
tablaxlsxWrite Formatted Tables in Excel Workbooks
table.expressBuild 'data.table' Expressions with Data Manipulation Verbs
table.glueMake and Apply Customized Rounding Specifications for Tables
table1Tables of Descriptive Statistics in HTML
Table1HeatmapTable 1 Heatmap
tablecompareCompare Data Frames
tabledownCreate Publication Quality Tables and Plots
tableeasyTables of Clinical Study
TableHCHigher Criticism Test of Two Frequency Counts Tables
tableHTMLA Tool to Create HTML Tables
tableMatrixCombines 'data.table' and 'matrix' Classes
TableMonsterTable Monster
tableoneCreate 'Table 1' to Describe Baseline Characteristics with or without Propensity Score Weights
tablerDash'Tabler' API for 'Shiny'
tablesFormula-Driven Table Generation
tableschema.rTable Schema 'Frictionless Data'
tablesggPresentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2'
tabletTabulate Descriptive Statistics in Multiple Formats
TableToLongFormAutomatically Convert Hierarchical for-Human Tables to Machine-Readable LongForm Dataframes
tablexlsxExport Data Frames to Excel Workbook
tabnetFit 'TabNet' Models for Classification and Regression
taboolaRGet Data from 'Taboola' via the 'Windsor.ai' API
tabrMusic Notation Syntax, Manipulation, Analysis and Transcription in R
tabshiftrReshape Disorganised Messy Data
tabulaAnalysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count Data
tabulapdfExtract Tables from PDF Documents
tabularasterTidy Tools for 'Raster' Data
tabularmapsCreate Tile-Grid Geographical Maps
tabularMLCTabular Maximum Likelihood Classifier
tabulatePretty Console Output for Tables
tabulatorEfficient Tabulation with Stata-Like Output
tabulogParsing Semi-Structured Log Files into Tabular Format
tabuSearchTabu Search Algorithm for Binary Configurations
tabxplorUser-Friendly Tables with Color Helpers for Data Exploration
tacmagicPositron Emission Tomography Time-Activity Curve Analysis
tactileNew and Extended Plots, Methods, and Panel Functions for 'lattice'
tadaSupporting Tools for Tada Science
TAFTransparent Assessment Framework for Reproducible Research
TAGTransformed Additive Gaussian Processes
tagcloudTag Clouds
tagrTagging and Organizing Objects in R
tagtoolsWork with Data from High-Resolution Biologging Tags
TailClassifierTail Classifier
tailDepFunMinimum Distance Estimation of Tail Dependence Models
taillossEstimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution
TailRankThe Tail-Rank Statistic
tailTransformSymmetric Transformation of Tails for Plotting Differences
taipanTool for Annotating Images in Preparation for Analysis
takosAnalysis of Differential Calorimetry Scans
TAMTest Analysis Modules
tameTiming, Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical Based Medication Clustering
tanakaDesign Shaded Contour Lines (or Tanaka) Maps
TANDEMA Two-Stage Approach to Maximize Interpretability of Drug Response Models Based on Multiple Molecular Data Types
TangledFeaturesFeature Selection in Highly Correlated Spaces
TangPoemRWrite Chinese Tang Poems
tangramThe Grammar of Tables
tangram.pipeRow-by-Row Table Building
TapeRFlexible Tree Taper Curves Based on Semiparametric Mixed Models
TapeSTree Taper Curves and Sorting Based on 'TapeR'
tapkeeWrapper for 'tapkee' Dimension Reduction Library
tapnetTrait Matching and Abundance for Predicting Bipartite Networks
TAQMNGRManage Tick-by-Tick Transaction Data
TARBayesian Modeling of Autoregressive Threshold Time Series Models
tarchetypesArchetypes for Targets
tardisText Analysis with Rules and Dictionaries for Inferring Sentiment
targetedTargeted Inference
targetsDynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative Pipelines
TariffReplicate Tariff Method for Verbal Autopsy
TAShiny'Text Analyzer Shiny'
tashuAnalysis and Prediction of Bicycle Rental Amount
taskscheduleRSchedule R Scripts and Processes with the Windows Task Scheduler
tastypieEasy Pie Charts
tatestTwo-Group Ta-Test
tatooCombine and Export Data Frames
tauText Analysis Utilities
tauProcessTau Measure with Right-Censored Data
tauturriGet Data Out of 'Tautulli' (Formerly 'PlexPy')
taxaClasses for Storing and Manipulating Taxonomic Data
taxadbA High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface
taxalightA Lightweight and Lightning-Fast Taxonomic Naming Interface
TaxaNormFeature-Wise Normalization for Microbiome Sequencing Data
TaxicabCATaxicab Correspondence Analysis
taxlistHandling Taxonomic Lists
taxnamesFormatting Taxonomic Names in Markdown
taxonomizrFunctions to Work with NCBI Accessions and Taxonomy
taylorLyrics and Song Data for Taylor Swift's Discography
TaylorRussellA Taylor-Russell Function for Multiple Predictors
tayloRswiftColor Palettes Generated by Taylor Swift Albums
tbdEstimation of Causal Effects with Outcomes Truncated by Death
tbeaPre- And Post-Processing in Bayesian Evolutionary Analyses
TBESTTree Branches Evaluated Statistically for Tightness
TBFmultinomialTBF Methodology Extension for Multinomial Outcomes
tbl2xtsConvert Tibbles or Data Frames to Xts Easily
tbmTransformation Boosting Machines
tbootTilted Bootstrap
TBoxUseful Functions for Programming and Generating Documents
TBRDistRearrangement Distances Between Unrooted Phylogenetic Trees
tbrfTime-Based Rolling Functions
TCATensor Composition Analysis
tcfttTwo-Sample Tests for Skewed Data
TCGAretrieverRetrieve Genomic and Clinical Data from CBioPortal Including TCGA Data
tcgaVizVisualization Tool for the Cancer Genome Atlas Program (TCGA)
TcGSATime-Course Gene Set Analysis
TCHazaRdsTropical Cyclone (Hurricane, Typhoon) Spatial Hazard Modelling
tciTarget Controlled Infusion (TCI)
TCIApathfinderClient for the Cancer Imaging Archive REST API
TCIUSpacekime Analytics, Time Complexity and Inferential Uncertainty
tclTesting in Conditional Likelihood Context
tcltk2Tcl/Tk Additions
tclustRobust Trimmed Clustering
TcompData from the 2010 Tourism Forecasting Competition
tcplToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline
tcplfit2A Concentration-Response Modeling Utility
TCPMORTwo Cut-Points with Maximum Odds Ratio
tdAccess to the 'twelvedata' Financial Data API
TDAStatistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
TDAkitToolkit for Topological Data Analysis
TDAppliedMachine Learning and Inference for Topological Data Analysis
TDAstatsPipeline for Topological Data Analysis
tdataPrepare Your Time-Series Data for Further Analysis
tdaunifUniform Manifold Samplers for Topological Data Analysis
TDAvecVector Summaries of Persistence Diagrams
TDbookCompanion Package for the Book "Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees" by Guangchuang Yu (2022, ISBN:9781032233574)
TDboostA Boosted Tweedie Compound Poisson Model
TDCMThe Transition Diagnostic Classification Model Framework
tdcmStanAutomating the Creation of Stan Code for TDCMs
TDCorGene Network Inference from Time-Series Transcriptomic Data
tdigestWicked Fast, Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests
TDLMSystematic Comparison of Trip Distribution Laws and Models
TDPanalysisGranier's Sap Flow Sensors (TDP) Analysis
tdrTarget Diagram
tdROCNonparametric Estimation of Time-Dependent ROC, Brier Score, and Survival Difference from Right Censored Time-to-Event Data with or without Competing Risks
tdsaTime-Dependent Sensitivity Analysis
tdscTime Domain Signal Coding
TDSTNNTime Delay Spatio Temporal Neural Network
tdthapTDT Tests for Extended Haplotypes
TEInsertion/Deletion Dynamics for Transposable Elements
teaThreshold Estimation Approaches
TeachHistA Collection of Amended Histograms Designed for Teaching Statistics
TeachingDemosDemonstrations for Teaching and Learning
TeachingSamplingSelection of Samples and Parameter Estimation in Finite Population
TeachNetFits Neural Networks to Learn About Backpropagation
tealExploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trials Data
teal.codeCode Storage and Execution Class for 'teal' Applications
teal.dataData Model for 'teal' Applications
teal.loggerLogging Setup for the 'teal' Family of Packages
teal.modules.clinical'teal' Modules for Standard Clinical Outputs
teal.modules.generalGeneral Modules for 'teal' Applications
teal.reporterReporting Tools for 'shiny' Modules
teal.sliceFilter Module for 'teal' Applications
teal.transformFunctions for Extracting and Merging Data in the 'teal' Framework
teal.widgets'shiny' Widgets for 'teal' Applications
tealeavesSolve for Leaf Temperature Using Energy Balance
TEAMMultiple Hypothesis Testing on an Aggregation Tree Method
teamcolorsColor Palettes for Pro Sports Teams
teamrSend Formatted Messages, Images and Objects to Microsoft 'Teams'
tectonicrAnalyzing the Orientation of Maximum Horizontal Stress
tedaAn Implementation of the Typicality and Eccentricity Data Analysis Framework
tehtunerFit and Tune Models to Detect Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
teigenModel-Based Clustering and Classification with the Multivariate t Distribution
TejapiAPI Wrapper for Taiwan Economic Journal Data Service
telefitEstimation and Prediction for Remote Effects Spatial Process Models
telegramR Wrapper Around the Telegram Bot API
telegram.botDevelop a 'Telegram Bot' with R
telemetRFilter and Analyze Generalised Telemetry Data from Organisms
telescopeBayesian Mixtures with an Unknown Number of Components
TELPSocial Representation Theory Application: The Free Evocation of Words Technique
telraamStatsRetrieval and Visualization of Mobility Data from 'Telraam' Sensors
TempContTemporal Contributions on Trends using Mixed Models
tempdisaggMethods for Temporal Disaggregation and Interpolation of Time Series
temperatureresponseTemperature Response
templateICArEstimate Brain Networks and Connectivity with ICA and Empirical Priors
templatesA System for Working with Templates
templrMASCOTNUM Algorithms Template Tools
TemporalParametric Time to Event Analysis
TemporalGSSAOutputs Temporal Profile of Molecules from Stochastic Simulation Algorithm Generated Datasets
tempRTemporal Sensory Data Analysis
TempStableA Collection of Methods to Estimate Parameters of Different Tempered Stable Distributions
temptedTemporal Tensor Decomposition, a Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Longitudinal Multivariate Data
TendrilCompute and Display Tendril Plots
tenispolaRProvides ZENIT-POLAR Substitution Cipher Method of Encryption
tenmTemporal Ecological Niche Models
tensorTensor product of arrays
tensorAAdvanced Tensor Arithmetic with Named Indices
tensorBFBayesian Tensor Factorization
tensorBSSBlind Source Separation Methods for Tensor-Valued Observations
TensorClusteringModel-Based Tensor Clustering
TensorCompleteTensor Noise Reduction and Completion Methods
tensorEVDA Fast Algorithm to Factorize High-Dimensional Tensor Product Matrices
tensorflowR Interface to 'TensorFlow'
tensorMissHandle Missing Tensor Data with C++ Integration
TensorPreAveRank and Factor Loadings Estimation in Time Series Tensor Factor Models
tensorregressSupervised Tensor Decomposition with Side Information
tensorsparseMultiway Clustering via Tensor Block Models
TensorTest2DFitting Second-Order Tensor Data
TensorToolsMultilinear Algebra
tensorTSFactor and Autoregressive Models for Tensor Time Series
tensrCovariance Inference and Decompositions for Tensor Datasets
TEQRTarget Equivalence Range Design
tergmFit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
tergmLiteFast Simulation of Simple Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models
termCreate, Manipulate and Query Parameter Terms
terminaldigitsTests of Uniformity and Independence for Terminal Digits
ternCreate Common TLGs Used in Clinical Trials
tern.geeTables and Graphs for Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) Model Fits
tern.mmrmTables and Graphs for Mixed Models for Repeated Measures (MMRM)
TernaryCreate Ternary and Holdridge Plots
ternvisVisualisation, Verification and Calibration of Ternary Probabilistic Forecasts
terraSpatial Data Analysis
terrainmeshrTriangulate and Simplify 3D Terrain Meshes
terrainrLandscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'
TesiproVCalculation of Reliability and Failure Probability in Civil Engineering
TESSDiversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation of Reconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-Wide Time-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes Including Mass-Extinction Events
tessellationDelaunay and Voronoï Tessellations
tesselleEasily Install and Load 'tesselle' Packages
tesseractOpen Source OCR Engine
test2normNormative Standards for Cognitive Tests
TestAnaAPPA 'shiny' App for Test Analysis and Visualization
testargumentsTest (Multiple) Arguments of a User-Defined Prediction Algorithm
testassayA Hypothesis Testing Framework for Validating an Assay for Precision
testCompareRComparing Two Diagnostic Tests with Dichotomous Results using Paired Data
TestCorFWER and FDR Controlling Procedures for Multiple Correlation Tests
testcorrTesting Zero Correlation
testdatData Unit Testing for R
TestDataImputationMissing Item Responses Imputation for Test and Assessment Data
TestDesignOptimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Test Construction
TestDimorphAnalysis of the Interpopulation Difference in Degree of Sexual Dimorphism Using Summary Statistics
testDriveRTeaching Data for Statistics and Data Science
testequavarBootstrap Tests for Equality of 2, 3, or 4 Population Variances
testerTests and Checks Characteristics of R Objects
testexAdd Tests to Examples
testforDEPDependence Tests for Two Variables
TestFunctionsTest Functions for Simulation Experiments and Evaluating Optimization and Emulation Algorithms
TestGardenerInformation Analysis for Test and Rating Scale Data
TestGeneratorIntegration Unit Tests for Pharmacoepidemiological Studies
TestIndVarsTesting the Independence of Variables for Specific Covariance Structures
TestingSimilarityBootstrap Test for the Similarity of Dose Response Curves Concerning the Maximum Absolute Deviation
testitA Simple Package for Testing R Packages
TestScorerGUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and Transformed Scores
TestsSymmetryTests for Symmetry when the Center of Symmetry is Unknown
testthatUnit Testing for R
testthatmultiTesting for R Packages with Multiple Attempts for Noisy Tests
testthisUtils and 'RStudio' Addins to Make Testing Even More Fun
testtwiceTesting One Hypothesis Twice in Observational Studies
tetraclasseSatisfaction Analysis using Tetraclasse Model and Llosa Matrix
tetragonAutomatic Sequence Prediction by Expansion of the Distance Matrix
tetrascattAcoustic Scattering for Complex Shapes by Using the DWBA
tetRysGame of 'tetRys'
Tex4examsGenerating 'Sweave' Code for 'R/exams' Questions in Mathematics
TeXCheckRParses LaTeX Documents for Errors
TexExamRandomizerPersonalizes and Randomizes Exams Written in 'LaTeX'
texmexStatistical Modelling of Extreme Values
texorConverting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'
TExPositionTwo-Table ExPosition
texPreviewCompile and Preview Snippets of 'LaTeX'
texregConversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
textAnalyses of Text using Transformers Models from HuggingFace, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
text.alignmentText Alignment with Smith-Waterman
text2mapR Tools for Text Matrices, Embeddings, and Networks
text2sdgDetecting UN Sustainable Development Goals in Text
text2sdgDataContains the Trained 'text2sdg' Ensemble Model Data
text2speechText to Speech Conversion
text2vecModern Text Mining Framework for R
textabCreate Highly-Customized 'LaTeX' Tables
textBoxPlacementCompute a Non-Overlapping Layout of Text Boxes to Label Multiple Overlain Plots
textcatN-Gram Based Text Categorization
textcleanText Cleaning Tools
textdataDownload and Load Various Text Datasets
texteffectDiscovering Latent Treatments in Text Corpora and Estimating Their Causal Effects
texterAn Easy Text and Sentiment Analysis Library
TextForecastRegression Analysis and Forecasting Using Textual Data from a Time-Varying Dictionary
textgRidPraat TextGrid Objects in R
textileTextile Images
textirInverse Regression for Text Analysis
textmineRFunctions for Text Mining and Topic Modeling
TextMiningGUIText Mining GUI Interface
textometryTextual Data Analysis Package Used by the TXM Software
textplotText Plots
textpressA Lightweight and Versatile NLP Toolkit
textrankSummarize Text by Ranking Sentences and Finding Keywords
textrarInterface to 'TexTra' from R
textrecipesExtra 'Recipes' for Text Processing
textregn-Gram Text Regression, aka Concise Comparative Summarization
textreuseDetect Text Reuse and Document Similarity
textshapeTools for Reshaping Text
textshapingBindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for Text Shaping
textstemTools for Stemming and Lemmatizing Text
textTinyRText Processing for Small or Big Data Files
textToolsFunctions for Text Cleansing and Text Analysis
textutilsUtilities for Handling Strings and Text
tfS3 Classes and Methods for Tidy Functional Data
TFactSREnrichment Approach to Predict Which Transcription Factors are Regulated
tfaddonsInterface to 'TensorFlow SIG Addons'
tfarimaTransfer Function and ARIMA Models
tfautographAutograph R for 'Tensorflow'
tfCoxFits Piecewise Polynomial with Data-Adaptive Knots in Cox Model
tfdatasetsInterface to 'TensorFlow' Datasets
tfdeployDeploy 'TensorFlow' Models
tferForensic Glass Transfer Probabilities
tfestimatorsInterface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators
tfeventsWrite Events for 'TensorBoard'
tfhubInterface to 'TensorFlow' Hub
tfioInterface to 'TensorFlow IO'
TFisherOptimal Thresholding Fisher's P-Value Combination Method
TFMPvalueEfficient and Accurate P-Value Computation for Position Weight Matrices
tfNeuralODECreate Neural Ordinary Differential Equations with 'tensorflow'
tfplotTime Frame User Utilities
tfprobabilityInterface to 'TensorFlow Probability'
tframeTime Frame Coding Kernel
tframePlusTime Frame Coding Kernel Extensions
TFREA Tuning-Free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-Dimensional Regression
tfrmtApplies Display Metadata to Analysis Results Datasets
tfrmtbuilder'shiny' App Companion to the 'tfrmt' Package
tfrunsTraining Run Tools for 'TensorFlow'
TFunHDDCClustering of Functional Data via Mixtures of t-Distributions
tgamthemeGlobe and Mail Graphics Theme for 'ggplot2'
tgcdThermoluminescence Glow Curve Deconvolution
tggdThe Standard Distribution Functions for the Truncated Generalised Gamma Distribution
tglkmeansEfficient Implementation of K-Means++ Algorithm
tgpBayesian Treed Gaussian Process Models
tgramCompute and Plot Tracheidograms
TGSRapid Reconstruction of Time-Varying Gene Regulatory Networks
TGSTTargeted Gold Standard Testing
tgstatAmos Tanay's Group High Performance Statistical Utilities
tgverTuring Geovisualization Engine R package
TH.dataTH's Data Archive
thaipdfR Markdown to PDF in Thai Language
thamesTruncated Harmonic Mean Estimator of the Marginal Likelihood
thankrFind Out Who Maintains the Packages you Use
ThankYouStarsGive your Dependencies Stars on GitHub!
theftTools for Handling Extraction of Features from Time Series
theftdlcAnalyse and Interpret Time Series Features
theiaRDownload and Manage Data from Theia
thematicUnified and Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' R Graphics
themisExtra Recipes Steps for Dealing with Unbalanced Data
TheOpenAIRIntegrate 'OpenAI' Large Language Models into Your 'R' Workflows
ThermalSampleRCalculate Sample Sizes Required for Critical Thermal Limits Experiments
ThermimageThermal Image Analysis
ThermIndexCalculate Thermal Indexes
ThermistorThe Simulation of the Thermistor Network
thermocoupleTemperature Measurement with Thermocouples, RTD and IC Sensors
TheSFACEThe Subtype Free Average Causal Effect
thestatsR Package for Exploring Turkish Higher Education Statistics
thgeneticsGenetic Rare Variants Tests
thiefTemporal Hierarchical Forecasting
thinkrTools for Cleaning Up Messy Files
this.pathGet Executing Script's Path
ThomasJeffersonUnivHandy Tools for TJU/TJUH Employees
thorInterface to 'LMDB'
thorn'HTMLwidgets' Displaying Some 'WebGL' Shaders
THRECTree Height Response Calibration for Swedish Forests
threddsCrawler for Navigating THREDDS Catalogs
ThreeGroupsML Estimator for Baseline-Placebo-Treatment (Three-Group) Experiments
threejsInteractive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
threesixtygivingDownload Charitable Grants from the '360Giving' Platform
ThreeWayThree-Way Component Analysis
ThreeWiseMonkeysThe Japanese Pictorial Maxim "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"
threewordsRepresent Precise Coordinates in Three Words
thregThreshold Regression
thregIThreshold Regression for Interval-Censored Data with a Cure Rate Option
ThresherThreshing and Reaping for Principal Components
ThresholdROCOptimum Threshold Estimation
ThresholdROCsurvivalDiagnostic Ability Assessment with Right-Censored Data at a Fixed Time t
threshrThreshold Selection and Uncertainty for Extreme Value Analysis
thriftrApache Thrift Client Server
thunderComputation and Visualisation of Atmospheric Convective Parameters
ThurModThurstonian CFA and Thurstonian IRT Modeling
thurstonianIRTThurstonian IRT Models
tibbleSimple Data Frames
tibbletimeTime Aware Tibbles
tibblifyRectangle Nested Lists
ticanPlot and Analyse Time-Intensity Data
tictactoeTic-Tac-Toe Game
tictocFunctions for Timing R Scripts, as Well as Implementations of "Stack" and "StackList" Structures
TideCurvesAnalysis and Prediction of Tides
TideHarmonicsHarmonic Analysis of Tides
TidesQuasi-Periodic Time Series Characteristics
TideTablesTide Analysis and Prediction of Predominantly Semi-Diurnal Tides
tidierEnhanced 'mutate'
tidyAMLAutomatic Machine Learning with 'tidymodels'
tidybayesTidy Data and 'Geoms' for Bayesian Models
tidyBdEDownload Data from Bank of Spain
tidybinsMake Tidy Bins
tidybootTidyverse-Compatible Bootstrapping
tidycatExpand Tidy Output for Categorical Parameter Estimates
tidyCDISCQuick Table Generation & Exploratory Analyses on ADaM-Ish Datasets
tidycensusLoad US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames
tidychangepointA Tidy Framework for Changepoint Detection Analysis
tidychartsGenerate Tidy Charts Inspired by 'IBCS'
tidyclustA Common API to Clustering
tidycmprskCompeting Risks Estimation
tidycodeAnalyze Lines of R Code the Tidy Way
tidycommData Modification and Analysis for Communication Research
TidyConsultantTidy Consultant Universe
tidycountriesAccess and Manipulate Comprehensive Country Level Data in Tidy Format
tidyCppTidy C++ Header-Only Definitions for Parts of the C API of R
tidycwlTidy Common Workflow Language Tools and Workflows
tidydannAdd the 'dann' Model and the 'sub_dann' Model to the Tidymodels Ecosystem
tidydatatutorSend Your R Code to 'Tidy Data Tutor'
tidydeltaEstimation of Standard Errors using Delta Method
tidyDenovixCleans Spectrophotometry Data Obtained from the Denovix DS-11 Instrument
TidyDensityFunctions for Tidy Analysis and Generation of Random Data
tidydiceSimulates Dice Rolls and Coin Flips
tidydrUnify Dimensionality Reduction Results
tidyedgarTidy Fundamental Financial Data from 'SEC's 'EDGAR' 'API'
tidyEdSurveyIntegration of 'dplyr' and 'ggplot2' with 'EdSurvey'
tidyEmojiDiscovers Emoji from Text
tidyestimateA Tidy Implementation of 'ESTIMATE'
tidyfastFast Tidying of Data
tidyfinanceTidy Finance Helper Functions
tidyfitRegularized Linear Modeling with Tidy Data
tidyformulaBuild Formulas Using Tidy Selection Helpers
tidyfstTidy Verbs for Fast Data Manipulation
tidyftFast and Memory Efficient Data Operations in Tidy Syntax
tidygamTidy Prediction and Plotting of Generalised Additive Models
tidygapminderEasily Tidy Gapminder Datasets
tidygateInteractively Gate Points
tidygenomicsTidy Verbs for Dealing with Genomic Data Frames
tidygeocoderGeocoding Made Easy
tidygeoRSSTidy GeoRSS
tidygraphA Tidy API for Graph Manipulation
tidyHeatmapA Tidy Implementation of Heatmap
tidyheatmapsHeatmaps from Tidy Data
tidyhteTidy Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
tidyhydatExtract and Tidy Canadian 'Hydrometric' Data
tidyindexA Tidy Data Pipeline to Construct, Compare, and Analyse Indexes
tidyjsonTidy Complex 'JSON'
tidyldaLatent Dirichlet Allocation Using 'tidyverse' Conventions
tidyllmTidy Integration of Large Language Models
tidyloWeighted Tidy Log Odds Ratio
tidylogLogging for 'dplyr' and 'tidyr' Functions
tidyLPAEasily Carry Out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) Using Open-Source or Commercial Software
tidyMCMonte Carlo Simulations Made Easy and Tidy
tidymodelsEasily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages
tidymodlrAn R6 Class to Perform Analysis on Long Tidy Data
TidyMultiqcConverts 'MultiQC' Reports into Tidy Data Frames
tidymvTidy Model Visualisation for Generalised Additive Models
tidyncA Tidy Approach to 'NetCDF' Data Exploration and Extraction
tidypaleoTidy Tools for Paleoenvironmental Archives
tidyplateTransform Microplate Data into Tibbles
tidyplusAdditional 'tidyverse' Functions
tidypmcParse Full Text XML Documents from PubMed Central
tidyposteriorBayesian Analysis to Compare Models using Resampling Statistics
tidypredictRun Predictions Inside the Database
tidyquantTidy Quantitative Financial Analysis
tidyqueryQuery 'R' Data Frames with 'SQL'
tidyrTidy Messy Data
tidyratesTidy Epidemiological Rates
tidyREDCapHelper Functions for Working with 'REDCap' Data
tidyrgee'tidyverse' Methods for 'Earth Engine'
tidyRSSTidy RSS for R
tidyrulesUtilities to Retrieve Rulelists from Model Fits, Filter, Prune, Reorder and Predict on Unseen Data
tidysdmSpecies Distribution Models with Tidymodels
tidyselectSelect from a Set of Strings
tidySEMTidy Structural Equation Modeling
tidyseuratBrings Seurat to the Tidyverse
tidysmdTidy Standardized Mean Differences
tidysqTidy Processing and Analysis of Biological Sequences
tidystatsSave Output of Statistical Tests
tidystopwordsCustomisable Stop-Words in 110 Languages
tidystringdistString Distance Calculation with Tidy Data Principles
tidysynthA Tidy Implementation of the Synthetic Control Method
tidytableTidy Interface to 'data.table'
tidyterra'tidyverse' Methods and 'ggplot2' Helpers for 'terra' Objects
tidytextText Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools
tidytidbitsA Collection of Tools and Helpers Extending the Tidyverse
tidytlgCreate TLGs using the 'tidyverse'
tidytransitRead, Validate, Analyze, and Map GTFS Feeds
tidytreatmentTidy Methods for Bayesian Treatment Effect Models
tidytreeA Tidy Tool for Phylogenetic Tree Data Manipulation
tidytuesdayRAccess the Weekly 'TidyTuesday' Project Dataset
tidyUSDAA Minimal Tool Set for Gathering USDA Quick Stat Data for Analysis and Visualization
tidyverseEasily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
tidyvpcVPC Percentiles and Prediction Intervals
tidywikidatarExplore 'Wikidata' Through Tidy Data Frames
tidyxlRead Untidy Excel Files
tiffRead and Write TIFF Images
tigerhitteRPre-Process of Time Series Data Set in R
TIGERrTechnical Variation Elimination with Ensemble Learning Architecture
tigersIntegration of Geography, Environment, and Remote Sensing
tigerstatsR Functions for Elementary Statistics
tiggerInfers Novel Immunoglobulin Alleles from Sequencing Data
tightClustTight Clustering
tightenBlockTightens an Observational Block Design by Balanced Subset Matching
tigreBrowserWriter'tigreBrowser' Database Writer
tigrisLoad Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles
tiktokadsRAccess to TikTok Ads via the 'Windsor.ai' API
tikzDeviceR Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
tiledbModern Database Engine for Complex Data Based on Multi-Dimensional Arrays
tilegramsRR Spatial Data for Tilegrams
tilemapsGenerate Tile Maps
tilerCreate Geographic and Non-Geographic Map Tiles
tiltingVariable Selection via Tilted Correlation Screening Algorithm
timbeRCalculate Wood Volumes from Taper Functions
timbrForest/Tree Data Frames
time.slotsDisplay Data in a Weekly Calendar View
timechangeEfficient Manipulation of Date-Times
timeDateRmetrics - Chronological and Calendar Objects
timedelayTime Delay Estimation for Stochastic Time Series of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars
timedepparInfer Constant and Stochastic, Time-Dependent Model Parameters
timeDFSubset and Flag Data Frames with Times by the Use of Periods
timeELTime to Event Analysis via Empirical Likelihood Inference
timeLineGraphicsHTML with Horizontal Strips Symbolizing Events in a Person's Life
timelineSTimeline and Time Duration-Related Tools
timeorderedTime-Ordered and Time-Aggregated Network Analyses
timeperiodsRSimple Definition Of Time Intervals
timeplyrFast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time Manipulation
timeRTime Your Codes
timeregFlexible Regression Models for Survival Data
timeROCTime-Dependent ROC Curve and AUC for Censored Survival Data
timeSeriesFinancial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics)
timeSeriesDataSetsTime Series Data Sets
timeseriesdbA Time Series Database for Official Statistics with R and PostgreSQL
timetkA Tool Kit for Working with Time Series
timetoolsSeasonal/Sequential (Instants/Durations, Even or not) Time Series
TimeVarConcurrentModelConcurrent Multivariate Models with Time-Varying Coefficients
timevarcorrTime Varying Correlation
timevisCreate Interactive Timeline Visualizations in R
TimeVizProDynamic Data Explorer: Visualize and Forecast with 'TimeVizPro'
TimeVTreeSurvival Analysis of Time Varying Coefficients Using a Tree-Based Approach
TIMPFitting Separable Nonlinear Models in Spectroscopy and Microscopy
timsacTime Series Analysis and Control Package
TinflexA Universal Non-Uniform Random Number Generator
tinkrCast '(R)Markdown' Files to 'XML' and Back Again
tinselTransform Functions using Decorators
tint'tint' is not 'Tufte'
tinterGenerate a Monochromatic Palette
tintinTintin Palette Generator
tinyarrayExpression Data Analysis and Visualization
tinycodetFunctions to Help in your Coding Etiquette
tinylabelsLightweight Variable Labels
tinyplotLightweight Extension of the Base R Graphics System
tinyProjectA Lightweight Template for Data Analysis Projects
tinyscholarGet and Show Personal 'Google Scholar' Profile
tinysnapshotSnapshots for Unit Tests using the 'tinytest' Framework
tinyspotifyrTinyverse R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API
tinytableSimple and Configurable Tables in 'HTML', 'LaTeX', 'Markdown', 'Word', 'PNG', 'PDF', and 'Typst' Formats
tinytestLightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework
tinytest2JUnitConvert 'tinytest' Output to JUnit XML
tinytexHelper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents
tinythemesLightweight Repackaging of 'Themes' for 'ggplot2'
tinytigerLightweight Interface to TIGER/Line Shapefiles
tipBayesian Clustering Using the Table Invitation Prior (TIP)
tipaTau-Independent Phase Analysis for Circadian Time-Course Data
TipDatingBeastUsing Tip Dates with Phylogenetic Trees in BEAST
tipitakaData and Tools for Analyzing the Pali Canon
tipmapTipping Point Analysis for Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing
tippyAdd Tooltips to 'R markdown' Documents or 'Shiny' Apps
tiprTipping Point Analyses
TiPSTrajectories and Phylogenies Simulator
tipsaeTools for Handling Indices and Proportions in Small Area Estimation
tisTime Indexes and Time Indexed Series
TITAN2Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis
titanicTitanic Passenger Survival Data Set
TITEgBOINTime-to-Event Dose-Finding Design for Multiple Toxicity Grades
titeIRIsotonic Designs for Phase 1 Trials with Late-Onset Toxicities
titrationCurvesAcid/Base, Complexation, Redox, and Precipitation Titration Curves
TKCatTailored Knowledge Catalog
tkImgRSimple Image Viewer for R Using the 'tcltk' Package
tkrplotTK Rplot
tkRplotRDisplay Resizable Plots
tLagInterimInterim Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Time-Lagged Outcome
tLagPropOddsProportional Odds Model with Censored, Time-Lagged Categorical Outcome
tlarsThe T-LARS Algorithm: Early-Terminated Forward Variable Selection
TlassoNon-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference for Sparse Tensor Graphical Models
TLCARComputation of Topp-Leone Cauchy Rayleigh (TLCAR ) distribution's properties
tldrT Loux Doing R: Functions to Simplify Data Analysis and Reporting
TLICThe LIC for T Distribution Regression Analysis
tlmEffects under Linear, Logistic and Poisson Regression Models with Transformed Variables
TLMomentsCalculate TL-Moments and Convert Them to Distribution Parameters
tlrmvnmvtLow-Rank Methods for MVN and MVT Probabilities
tlsTools of Total Least Squares in Error-in-Variables Models
tmText Mining Package
tm.plugin.alcesteImport Texts from Files in the 'Alceste' Format Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.dcText Mining Distributed Corpus Plug-in
tm.plugin.europresseImport Articles from 'Europresse' Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.factivaImport Articles from 'Factiva' Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.koRpusFull Corpus Support for the 'koRpus' Package
tm.plugin.lexisnexisImport Articles from 'LexisNexis' Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.mailText Mining E-Mail Plug-in
tm1rThe Integration Between 'IBM COGNOS TM1' and R
tmapThematic Maps
tmaptoolsThematic Map Tools
TMBTemplate Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by 'ADMB'
tmbstanMCMC Sampling from 'TMB' Model Object using 'Stan'
TmCalculatorMelting Temperature of Nucleic Acid Sequences
tmcnA Text Mining Toolkit for Chinese
TMDbAccess to TMDb API
TmiscTurner Miscellaneous
TMLTropical Geometry Tools for Machine Learning
tmleTargeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
tmodFeature Set Enrichment Analysis for Metabolomics and Transcriptomics
tmplateCode Generation Based on Templates
tmpmTrauma Mortality Prediction Model
tmsensSensitivity Analysis Using the Trimmed Means Estimator
tmtEstimation of the Rasch Model for Multistage Tests
tmvmixnormSampling from Truncated Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
tmvnsimTruncated Multivariate Normal Simulation
tmvtnormTruncated Multivariate Normal and Student t Distribution
tmvtnsimTruncated Multivariate Normal and t Distribution Simulation
TNCTemporal Network Centrality (TNC) Measures
tnetWeighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks Analysis
tnl.TestNon-Parametric Tests for the Two-Sample Problem
TNRSTaxonomic Name Resolution Service
tntprData Analysis Tools Customized for TNTP
toastuiInteractive Tables, Calendars and Charts for the Web
TOCTotal Operating Characteristic Curve and ROC Curve
todorFind All TODO Comments and More
togglr'Toggl.com' Api for 'Rstudio'
TOHMTesting One Hypothesis Multiple Times
tokenbrowserCreate Full Text Browsers from Annotated Token Lists
tokenizersFast, Consistent Tokenization of Natural Language Text
tokenizers.bpeByte Pair Encoding Text Tokenization
toleranceStatistical Tolerance Intervals and Regions
tombaOfficial R Library for Tomba Email Finder
TOmicsVisTranscriptome Visualization Process Scheme
tongfenMake Data Based on Different Geographies Comparable
toolboxList, String, and Meta Programming Utility Functions
toolmaRkTests for Same-Source of Toolmarks
tools4upliftTools for Uplift Modeling
ToolsForCoDaMultivariate Tools for Compositional Data Analysis
toolStabilityTool for Stability Indices Calculation
TooManyCellsRAn R Wrapper for 'TooManyCells'
toOrdinalCardinal to Ordinal Number & Date Conversion
ToothnrollDental Tissues Landmarking Measuring and Mapping
topChefTop Chef Data
TopDomAn Efficient and Deterministic Method for Identifying Topological Domains in Genomes
topdowntimeratioTop-Down Time Ratio Segmentation for Coordinate Trajectories
topicdocTopic-Specific Diagnostics for LDA and CTM Topic Models
topiclabelsAutomated Topic Labeling with Language Models
topicmodelsTopic Models
topicmodels.etmTopic Modelling in Embedding Spaces
TopicScoreThe Topic SCORE Algorithm to Fit Topic Models
TopKListsInference, Aggregation and Visualization for Top-K Ranked Lists
TopKSignalA Convex Optimization Tool for Signal Reconstruction from Multiple Ranked Lists
topmodelImplementation of the Hydrological Model TOPMODEL in R
topoDistanceCalculating Topographic Paths and Distances
topologyGSAGene Set Analysis Exploiting Pathway Topology
toposortTopological Sorting Algorithms
toprCreate Custom Plots for Viewing Genetic Association Results
toprdataGene and Exon Data from Ensembl
topsisTOPSIS method for multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM)
TopSisWMMulti-Criteria Method for Decision (TOPSIS)
torImport Multiple Files From a Single Directory at Once
torchTensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration
torchaudioR Interface to 'pytorch”s 'torchaudio'
torchdatasetsReady to Use Extra Datasets for Torch
torchoptAdvanced Optimizers for Torch
torchvisionModels, Datasets and Transformations for Images
torchvisionlibAdditional Operators for Image Models
TORDsThird Order Rotatable Designs (TORDs)
tornadoPlots for Model Sensitivity and Variable Importance
toscaTools for Statistical Content Analysis
toscmaskImproved Versions of Base Functions
toscutilUtility Functions
TOSITwo-Directional Simultaneous Inference for High-Dimensional Models
tosrCreate the Tree of Science from WoS and Scopus
TOSTERTwo One-Sided Tests (TOST) Equivalence Testing
totalcensusExtract Decennial Census and American Community Survey Data
TotalCopheneticIndexQuantify the Balance of Phylogenetic Trees
TOUTransformed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model for Adsorption Kinetics
touchTools of Utilization and Cost in Healthcare
touRnamentofchampionsTournament of Champions Data
tourrTour Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation
towerEasy Middle Ware Library for 'shiny'
toweranNAA Method for Handling Missing Values in Prediction Applications
ToxCritCalculates Safety Stopping Boundaries for a Single-Arm Trial using Bayes
toxEvalExploring Biological Relevance of Environmental Chemistry Observations
toxpiRCreate ToxPi Prioritization Models
toxSummaryVisualize and Summarize Repeat-Dose Toxicology Study Results
TP.idmEstimation of Transition Probabilities for the Illness-Death Model
TPACTissue-Adjusted Pathway Analysis of Cancer (TPAC)
TPACDataHuman Protein Atlas Data for Tissue-Adjusted Pathway Analysis of Cancer (TPAC)
tpAUCEstimation and Inference of Two-Way pAUC, pAUC and pODC
tpcTiered PC Algorithm
TPCselectVariable Selection via Threshold Partial Correlation
TPDMethods for Measuring Functional Diversity Based on Trait Probability Density
TPEAA Novel Topology-Based Pathway Enrichment Analysis Approach
TPESTumor Purity Estimation using SNVs
tpfpCounts the Number of True Positives and False Positives
TPLSrThresholded Partial Least Squares Model for Neuroimaging Data
TplyrA Traceability Focused Grammar of Clinical Data Summary
tpmFHWA TPM Score Calculation Functions
TPMpltTool-Kit for Dynamic Materials Model and Thermal Processing Maps
TPmsmEstimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models
tpnTruncated Positive Normal Model and Extensions
tprTemporal Process Regression
tpwbThe Three Parameter Weibull Distribution
tqkGet Financial Data in Korea
tr.iatgenTranslate 'iatgen' Generated QSF Files
TR8A Tool for Downloading Functional Traits Data for Plant Species
TraceAssistNonparametric Trace Regression via Sign Series Representation
traceeEasily Save Output and Trace it Back to Code
tracenmaDatabase for Developing Transitivity Methodology in Network Meta-Analysis
tracerSlick Call Stacks
tracererTracer from R
tracheideRStandardize Tracheidograms
track2KBAIdentifying Important Areas from Animal Tracking Data
trackdemParticle Tracking and Demography
trackdfData Frame Class for Tracking Data
trackdownCollaborative Editing of Rmd (or Rnw) Documents in Google Drive
trackeRInfrastructure for Running, Cycling and Swimming Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices
trackeRappInterface for the Analysis of Running, Cycling and Swimming Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices
TrackReconstructionReconstruct Animal Tracks from Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Depth and Optional Speed Data
tractor.baseRead, Manipulate and Visualise Magnetic Resonance Images
tradeTools for Trade Practitioners
tradepolicyReplication of 'An Advanced Guide To Trade Policy Analysis'
TRADERTree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R
tradestatisticsOpen Trade Statistics API Wrapper and Utility Program
TrafficBDETraffic Predictions Using Neural Networks
trafoEstimation, Comparison and Selection of Transformations
traineRPredictive (Classification and Regression) Models Homologator
trainRAn Interface to the National Rail Enquiries Systems
trainsplitSplit a Dataframe, Tibble, or Data.table into Training and Test Sets
traipseShared Tools for Tracking Data
traitstrapBootstrap Trait Values to Calculate Moments
trajClustering of Functional Data Based on Measures of Change
trajectoriesClasses and Methods for Trajectory Data
trajmsmMarginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories
trajrAnimal Trajectory Analysis
tramTransformation Models
tramicpModel-Based Causal Feature Selection for General Response Types
TraMineRTrajectory Miner: a Sequence Analysis Toolkit
TraMineRextrasTraMineR Extension
tramMETransformation Models with Mixed Effects
tramnetPenalized Transformation Models
TRAMPR'TRFLP' Analysis and Matching Package for R
tramvsOptimal Subset Selection for Transformation Models
transforEmotionSentiment Analysis for Text, Image and Video using Transformer Models
TransformStatistical Transformations
transform.hazardsTransforms Cumulative Hazards to Parameter Specified by ODE System
transformerImplementation of Transformer Deep Neural Network with Vignettes
transformmosTransform MOS Values to be Robust for using Rank Based Statistics
transformrPolygon and Path Transformations
transfRTransfer of Hydrograph from Gauged to Ungauged Catchments
TransGraphTransfer Graph Learning
translate.logitTranslation of Logit Regression Coefficients into Percentages
translatedSimple and Robust Translation System
translit.ukUkrainian to Latin Transliteration
transmdlSemiparametric Transformation Models
transmemTreatment of Membrane-Transport Data
TransModelFit Linear Transformation Models for Right Censored Data
TransPImplementation of Transportation Problem Algorithms
TransPhyloInference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny
transplantrAudit and Research Functions for Transplantation
transPlotRVisualize Transcript Structures in Elegant Way
transportComputation of Optimal Transport Plans and Wasserstein Distances
transregPenalised Regression with Multiple Sets of Prior Effects ('Transfer Learning')
TransTGGMTransfer Learning for Tensor Graphical Models
transxTransform Univariate Time Series
trapezoidThe Trapezoidal Distribution
Tratamentos.adPacote Para Analise De Experimentos Com Testemunhas Adicionais
traudemUse TauDEM
traveltimeRInterface to 'Travel Time' API
trawlEstimation and Simulation of Trawl Processes
TRDTransmission Ratio Distortion
trdistUnivariate Proability Distributions with Truncation
treasuryClient for US Treasury XML Feed and Published Data
TreatmentPatternsAnalyzes Real-World Treatment Patterns of a Study Population of Interest
TreatmentSelectionEvaluate Treatment Selection Biomarkers
treatsTrees and Traits Simulations
treeClassification and Regression Trees
tree.interpreterRandom Forest Prediction Decomposition and Feature Importance Measure
tree3d3D Tree Models
treebalanceComputation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices
treebaseDiscovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies
TreeBUGSHierarchical Multinomial Processing Tree Modeling
treeClustCluster Distances Through Trees
treeDATree-Based Discriminant Analysis
treedaterFast Molecular Clock Dating of Phylogenetic Trees with Rate Variation
treeDbalanceComputation of 3D Tree Imbalance
TreeDepAir Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on Trees
TreeDiagramTree Diagram
treediffTesting Differences Between Families of Trees
TreeDimensionTestTrajectory Presence and Heterogeneity in Multivariate Data
TreeDistCalculate and Map Distances Between Phylogenetic Trees
treefitThe First Software for Quantitative Trajectory Inference
treeheatrHeatmap-Integrated Decision Tree Visualizations
treemapTreemap Visualization
treemapifyDraw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'
TreeMineRTree-Based Scan Statistics
treenomialComparison of Trees using a Tree Defining Polynomial
treePlotAreaCorrection Factors for Tree Plot Areas Intersected by Stand Boundaries
TreeRingShapeRecording Tree-Ring Shapes of Tree Disks with Manual Digitizing and Interpolating Model
TreeSearchPhylogenetic Analysis with Discrete Character Data
treeshapCompute SHAP Values for Your Tree-Based Models Using the 'TreeSHAP' Algorithm
TreeSimSimulating Phylogenetic Trees
TreeSimGMSimulating Phylogenetic Trees under General Bellman Harris and Lineage Shift Model
treesitterBindings to 'Tree-Sitter'
treesitter.r'R' Grammar for 'Tree-Sitter'
treesliceRTo Slice Phylogenetic Trees and Infer Evolutionary Patterns Over Time
treespaceStatistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
treestartrGenerate Starting Trees for Combined Molecular, Morphological and Stratigraphic Data
treestatsPhylogenetic Tree Statistics
treestructureDetect Population Structure Within Phylogenetic Trees
TreeToolsCreate, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic Trees
trekcolorsStar Trek Color Palettes
trekfontStar Trek Fonts Collection
trelliscopejsCreate Interactive Trelliscope Displays
trelloRAccess the Trello API
tremendousrEasily Send Rewards and Incentives with 'Tremendous' from R
TrenchRTools for Microclimate and Biophysical Ecology
trendNon-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point Detection
trendchangeInnovative Trend Analysis and Time-Series Change Point Analysis
trendevalEvaluate Trending Models
trendingModel Temporal Trends
TrendInTrendOdds Ratio Estimation and Power Calculation for the Trend in Trend Model
TrendLSWWavelet Methods for Analysing Locally Stationary Time Series
trendsegmentRLinear Trend Segmentation
TrendSLREstimating Trend, Velocity and Acceleration from Sea Level Records
TrendTMTrend of High-Dimensional Time Series Matrix Estimation
TrendtwosubTwo Sample Order Free Trend Nonparametric Inference
trendyyA Tidy Wrapper Around 'gtrendsR'
TRESTensor Regression with Envelope Structure
TRexSelectorT-Rex Selector: High-Dimensional Variable Selection & FDR Control
Tri.Hierarchical.IBDsTri-Hierarchical IBDs (Tri- Hierarchical Incomplete Block Designs)
triactAnalyzing the Lying Behavior of Cows from Accelerometer Data
TriadSimSimulating Triad Genomewide Genotypes
TrialEmulationCausal Analysis of Observational Time-to-Event Data
trialrClinical Trial Designs in 'rstan'
TrialSizeR Functions for Chapter 3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 of Sample Size Calculation in Clinical Research
triangleDistribution Functions and Parameter Estimates for the Triangle Distribution
triangulationDetermine Position of Observer
triangulrHigh-Performance Triangular Distribution Functions
tricoloreA Flexible Color Scale for Ternary Compositions
TriDimRegressionBayesian Statistics for 2D/3D Transformations
triebeard'Radix' Trees in 'Rcpp'
triggerstrategyTrigger Strategy in Clinical Trials
tRigonToolbox for Integrative Pathomics Analysis
trigpointsData Set of Trig Points in Great Britain in British National Grid Coordinates
TriMatchPropensity Score Matching of Non-Binary Treatments
trimclusterCluster Analysis with Trimming
trimetStopsInformation on all of the TriMet Stops in the Portland Metro Area
trimmerTrim an Object
trimrAn Implementation of Common Response Time Trimming Methods
trinROCStatistical Tests for Assessing Trinormal ROC Data
TrioSGLTrio Model with a Combination of Lasso and Group Lasso Regularization
tripTracking Data
tripackTriangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data
tripEstimationMetropolis Sampler and Supporting Functions for Estimating Animal Movement from Archival Tags and Satellite Fixes
TripleRSocial Relation Model (SRM) Analyses for Single or Multiple Groups
triplesmatchMatch Triples Consisting of Two Controls and a Treated Unit or Vice Versa
triplotExplaining Correlated Features in Machine Learning Models
tripsAndDipRIdentification of 2n and 3n Samples from Amplicon Sequencing Data
triptychDiagnostic Graphics to Evaluate Forecast Performance
triversityDiversity Measures on Tripartite Graphs
TRMFTemporally Regularized Matrix Factorization
tRnslateTranslate R Code in Source Files
troopdataTools for Analyzing Cross-National Military Deployment and Basing Data
tropAlgebraTropical Algebraic Functions
TropFishRTropical Fisheries Analysis
trotterPseudo-Vectors Containing All Permutations, Combinations and Subsets of Objects Taken from a Vector
trouBBlme4SolveRTroubles Solver for 'lme4'
TroublemakeRGenerates Spatial Problems in R for 'AMPL'
TrtCombo.FactorialExp.SRGeneration of Treatment Combination (in Standard Order) in 2^n Factorial Experiment
trtfTransformation Trees and Forests
trtswitchTreatment Switching
trudQuery the 'NHS TRUD API'
trueliesBayesian Methods to Estimate the Proportion of Liars in Coin Flip Experiments
TrueSkillThroughTimeSkill Estimation Based on a Single Bayesian Network
truhTwo-Sample Nonparametric Testing Under Heterogeneity
TrumpetPlotsVisualization of Genetic Association Studies
truncAIPWDoubly Robust Estimation under Covariate-Induced Dependent Left Truncation
TruncatedNormalTruncated Multivariate Normal and Student Distributions
truncdistTruncated Random Variables
TruncExpFamTruncated Exponential Family
truncnormTruncated Normal Distribution
truncnormbayesEstimates Moments for a Truncated Normal Distribution using 'Stan'
truncregTruncated Gaussian Regression Models
truncSPSemi-parametric estimators of truncated regression models
trustTrust Region Optimization
trustedtimestampingCreate Trusted Timestamps of Datasets and Files
trustOptimTrust Region Optimization for Nonlinear Functions with Sparse Hessians
tryCatchLogAdvanced 'tryCatch()' and 'try()' Functions
tryrClient/Server Error Handling for HTTP API Frameworks
TSATime Series Analysis
tsallisqexpTsallis q-Exp Distribution
TSANNTime Series Artificial Neural Network
tsappTime Series, Analysis and Application
tsboxClass-Agnostic Time Series
tsBSSBlind Source Separation and Supervised Dimension Reduction for Time Series
TSCITools for Causal Inference with Possibly Invalid Instrumental Variables
TSclustTime Series Clustering Utilities
tscopulaTime Series Copula Models
tscountAnalysis of Count Time Series
TSCSTime Series Cointegrated System
tsdataleaksExploit Data Leakages in Time Series Forecasting Competitions
tsdbTerribly-Simple Data Base for Time Series
tsdecompDecomposition of Time Series Data
TSdeeplearningDeep Learning Model for Time Series Forecasting
tsdfTwo-/Three-Stage Designs for Phase 1&2 Clinical Trials
TSDFGSTraining Set Determination for Genomic Selection
tsdisagg2Time Series Disaggregation
TSdisaggregationHigh-Dimensional Temporal Disaggregation
TSdistDistance Measures for Time Series Data
tsdistributionsLocation Scale Standardized Distributions
TSDTTreatment-Specific Subgroup Detection Tool
tsDynNonlinear Time Series Models with Regime Switching
TSETotal Survey Error
TSEALTime Series Analysis Library
TSEindTotal Survey Error (Independent Samples)
tsensemblerDynamic Ensembles for Time Series Forecasting
tsentimentFetching Tweet Data for Sentiment Analysis
TSEntropiesTime Series Entropies
tseriesTime Series Analysis and Computational Finance
tseriesChaosAnalysis of Nonlinear Time Series
tseriesEntropyEntropy Based Analysis and Tests for Time Series
TSeriesMMAMultiscale Multifractal Analysis of Time Series Data
tseriesTARMAAnalysis of Nonlinear Time Series Through Threshold Autoregressive Moving Average Models (TARMA) Models
TSEtoolsManage Data from Stock Exchange Markets
TSEwgtTotal Survey Error Under Multiple, Different Weighting Schemes
TSFTwo Stage Forecasting (TSF) for Long Memory Time Series in Presence of Structural Break
tsfeaturesTime Series Feature Extraction
tsfgrnnTime Series Forecasting Using GRNN
tsfknnTime Series Forecasting Using Nearest Neighbors
tsfngmTime Series Forecasting using Nonlinear Growth Models
tsgarchUnivariate GARCH Models
tsgcTime Series Methods Based on Growth Curves
TSGSTrait Specific Gene Selection using SVM and GA
TSGSISTwo Stage-Grouped Sure Independence Screening
TSHRCTwo Stage Hazard Rate Comparison
tsibbleTidy Temporal Data Frames and Tools
tsibbledataDiverse Datasets for 'tsibble'
tsibbletalkInteractive Graphics for Tsibble Objects
tsintermittentIntermittent Time Series Forecasting
tsiRAn Implementation of the TSIR Model
TSLSTMLong Short Term Memory (LSTM) Model for Time Series Forecasting
TSLSTMplusLong-Short Term Memory for Time-Series Forecasting, Enhanced
tsLSTMxPredict Time Series Using LSTM Model Including Exogenous Variable to Denote Zero Values
tsmethodsTime Series Methods
TSMNTruncated Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions
tsModelTime Series Modeling for Air Pollution and Health
tsmpTime Series with Matrix Profile
TSMSNTruncated Scale Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions
tsnaTools for Temporal Social Network Analysis
tsneT-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for R (t-SNE)
tsnetFitting, Comparing, and Visualizing Networks Based on Time Series Data
tsoutliersDetection of Outliers in Time Series
TSPTraveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
tsPIImproved Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Processes and Structural Time Series
tspmetaInstance Feature Calculation and Evolutionary Instance Generation for the Traveling Salesman Problem
TSPredFunctions for Benchmarking Time Series Prediction
tspreditTime Series Prediction Integrated Tuning
tsqnApplications of the Qn Estimator to Time Series (Univariate and Multivariate)
TSreprTime Series Representations
tsriadditiveTwo Stage Residual Inclusion Additive Hazards Estimator
tsrobprepRobust Preprocessing of Time Series Data
TSS.RESTRENDTime Series Segmentation of Residual Trends
tsSelectExecution of Time Series Models
tssimSimulation of Daily and Monthly Time Series
TSsmoothingTrend Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Time Series with Controlled Smoothness
TSSSTime Series Analysis with State Space Model
TSstudioFunctions for Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
TSSVMTime Series Forecasting using SVM Model
tstestsTime Series Goodness of Fit and Forecast Evaluation Tests
tstoolsA Time Series Toolbox for Official Statistics
TSTutorialFitting and Predict Time Series Interactive Laboratory
tsutilsTime Series Exploration, Modelling and Forecasting
TSVCTree-Structured Modelling of Varying Coefficients
tsvioSimple Utilities for Tab-Separated-Value (TSV) Files
tsvizEasy and Interactive Time Series Visualization
tsvrTimescale-Specific Variance Ratio for Use in Community Ecology
tswgeTime Series for Data Science
tsxtremeBayesian Modelling of Extremal Dependence in Time Series
TTDisplay Tree Structured Data using Datatable Widget (DT)
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysisTemporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface
ttbaryBarycenter Methods for Spatial Point Patterns
ttbbeerUS Beer Statistics from TTB
TTCATranscript Time Course Analysis
ttcgThree-Term Conjugate Gradient for Unconstrained Optimization
ttdoExtend 'tinytest' with 'diffobj'
tthTeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM
tTOlrLikelihood Ratio Statistics for One or Two Sample T-Tests
TTRTechnical Trading Rules
TTSMaster Curve Estimates Corresponding to Time-Temperature Superposition
ttScreeningGenome-Wide DNA Methylation Sites Screening by Use of Training and Testing Samples
ttserviceA Service for Tidy Transcriptomics Software Suite
tttThe Table Tool
tttplotTime to Target Plot
ttutilsUtility Functions
tuberClient for the YouTube API
tubernR Client for the YouTube Analytics and Reporting API
tuckerR.mmggThree-Mode Principal Components Analysis
TUFLOWRHelper Functions for 'TUFLOW FV' Models
tufteTufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
tufterhandoutTufte-style html document format for rmarkdown
TukeyCConventional Tukey Test
TukeyGH77Tukey g-&-h Distribution
TukeyRegionTukey Region and Median
tukeytrendTukeys Trend Test via Multiple Marginal Models
TULIPA Toolbox for Linear Discriminant Analysis with Penalties
tumgrTumor Growth Rate Analysis
tuneTidy Tuning Tools
TuneParetoMulti-Objective Parameter Tuning for Classifiers
tuneRAnalysis of Music and Speech
tuneRangerTune Random Forest of the 'ranger' Package
tupleFind every match, or orphan, duplicate, triplicate, or other replicated values
turboEMA Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and Other Fixed-Point Algorithms
turkeyelectionsThe Most Comprehensive R Package for Turkish Election Results
turnerTurn Vectors and Lists of Vectors into Indexed Structures
TurtleGraphicsTurtle Graphics
TushareInterface to 'Tushare Pro' API
tutorial.helpersHelper Functions for Creating Tutorials
TUvaluesTools for Calculating Allocations in Game Theory using Exact and Approximated Methods
TUWmodelLumped/Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model for Education Purposes
tvTools for Creating Time-Varying Datasets
tvemTime-Varying Effect Models
tvgarchTime Varying GARCH Modelling
tvgeomThe Time-Varying (Right-Truncated) Geometric Distribution
tvmTime Value of Money Functions
tvmCompDiscounting and Compounding Calculations for Various Scenarios
tvmediationTime Varying Mediation Analysis
TVMMMultivariate Tests for the Vector of Means
tvRTotal Variation Regularization
tvRegTime-Varying Coefficient for Single and Multi-Equation Regressions
tvthemesTV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics
tvtoolsComprehensive Tools for Panel Data Analysis - 'tvtools'
twangToolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups
twangContinuousToolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups - Continuous Exposures
twangMediationTwang Causal Mediation Modeling via Weighting
twangRDCGradient Boosting for Linkage Failure in FSRDCs
twdtwTime-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
tweedieEvaluation of Tweedie Exponential Family Models
tweenrInterpolate Data for Smooth Animations
tweetcheckParse and Validate Tweet Text
twenty48Play a Game of 2048 in the Console
twfyDrive the API for TheyWorkForYou
twilioAn Interface to the Twilio API for R
twingpA Fast Global-Local Gaussian Process Approximation
twinningData Twinning
TwitmoTwitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R
twitteRR Based Twitter Client
twitteradsRGet Twitter Ads Data via the 'Windsor.ai' API
TwitterAutomatedTradingAutomated Trading Using Tweets
twitterwidgetRender a Twitter Status in R Markdown Pages
twlTwo-Way Latent Structure Clustering Model
twnTaxa Waterbeheer Nederland voor R
TwoArmSurvSimSimulate Survival Data for Randomized Clinical Trials
twopartmTwo-Part Model with Marginal Effects
twopexpThe Two Parameter Exponential Distribution
twosamplesFast Permutation Based Two Sample Tests
TwoSampleTest.HDA Two-Sample Test for the Equality of Distributions for High-Dimensional Data
twosigmaDE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
twoStageDesignTMLETargeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Two-Stage Study Design
TwoStepCLogitConditional Logistic Regression: A Two-Step Estimation Method
twowayAnalysis of Two-Way Tables
TwoWayFEWeightsEstimation of the Weights Attached to the Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions
twowaytestsTwo-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs
twoxtwoWork with Two-by-Two Tables
TWWGrowth Models
txshiftEfficient Estimation of the Causal Effects of Stochastic Interventions
txtplotText Based Plots
txtqA Small Message Queue for Parallel Processes
typedSupport Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return Values
typehintAuto-Check Types, Dimensions, and Values of Function Arguments
typesType Annotations
typetracerTrace Function Parameter Types
tzdbTime Zone Database Information
tzupdaterTime Zone Database Updater
u5mrUnder-Five Child Mortality Estimation
uaparserjsParse 'User-Agent' Strings
uavRmpUAV Mission Planner
UBayFSA User-Guided Bayesian Framework for Ensemble Feature Selection
UBCRMSimulate and Conduct Dose-Escalation Phase I Studies
ubiquityPKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling Tools
UBLAn Implementation of Re-Sampling Approaches to Utility-Based Learning for Both Classification and Regression Tasks
ubmsBayesian Models for Data from Unmarked Animals using 'Stan'
UBStatsBasic Statistics
uciUrban Centrality Index
ucieMapping 3D Data into CIELab Color Space
ucimlrepoExplore UCI ML Repository Datasets
uclustClustering and Classification Inference with U-Statistics
ucminfGeneral-Purpose Unconstrained Non-Linear Optimization
UCompAutomatic Univariate Time Series Modelling of many Kinds
UCR.ColumnNamesFixes Column Names for Uniform Crime Report "Offenses Known and Clearance by Arrest" Datasets
UCSCXenaShinyInteractive Analysis of UCSC Xena Data
UCSCXenaToolsDownload and Explore Datasets from UCSC Xena Data Hubs
UdderQuarterInfectionDataUdder Quarter Infection Data
udpipeTokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing with the 'UDPipe' 'NLP' Toolkit
udunits2Udunits-2 Bindings for R
UEICompute Uniform Error Index
ufRiskRisk Measure Calculation in Financial TS
ufsA Collection of Utilities
ugatsdbUganda Time Series Database API
uGMAREstimate Univariate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Autoregressive Models
ugomquantregQuantile Regression Modeling for Unit-Gompertz Responses
UHMUnified Zero-Inflated Hurdle Regression Models
uHMMConstruct an Unsupervised Hidden Markov Model
uiUncertainty Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis for Missing Data
uiucthemes'R' 'Markdown' Themes for 'UIUC' Documents and Presentations
uk2usConvert Words Between UK and US English
UKB.COVID19UK Biobank COVID-19 Data Processing and Risk Factor Association Tests
ukbabynamesUK Baby Names Data
ukbnmrRemoval of Unwanted Technical Variation from UK Biobank NMR Metabolomics Biomarker Data
ukbtoolsManipulate and Explore UK Biobank Data
UKFEUK Flood Estimation
ukgasapiAPI for UK Energy Market Information
UKgridThe UK National Electricity Transmission System Dataset
uklrClient to United Kingdom Land Registry
ukpoliceDownload Data on UK Police and Crime
ulexUnique Location Extractor
ulidGenerate Universally Unique 'Lexicographically' 'Sortable' Identifiers
ulrbUnsupervised Learning Based Definition of Microbial Rare Biosphere
UltimixtBayesian Analysis of Location-Scale Mixture Models using a Weakly Informative Prior
ultrapolaRplotPlotting Ultrasound Tongue Traces
umapUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
UmatrixVisualization of Structures in High-Dimensional Data
umbridgeIntegration for the UM-Bridge Protocol
umiAnalyzerTools for Analyzing Sequencing Data with Unique Molecular Identifiers
UmomentsUnbiased Central Moment Estimates
umpUniformly Most Powerful Tests
UmpireSimulating Realistic Gene Expression and Clinical Data
umxStructural Equation Modeling and Twin Modeling in R
UnalRUna implementación de funciones de uso interno
unbalhaarFunction Estimation via Unbalanced Haar Wavelets
UncDecompUncertainty Decomposition
uncertaintyUncertainty Estimation and Contribution Analysis
uncertainUCDPParametric Mixture Models for Uncertainty Estimation of Fatalities in UCDP Conflict Data
uncmbbUNC Men's Basketball Match Results Since 1949-1950 Season
uncorbetsUncorrelated Bets via Minimum Torsion Algorithm
UNCOVERUtilising Normalisation Constant Optimisation via Edge Removal (UNCOVER)
understandBPMNCalculator of Understandability Metrics for BPMN
unglueExtract Matched Substrings Using a Pattern
ungroupPenalized Composite Link Model for Efficient Estimation of Smooth Distributions from Coarsely Binned Data
unhcrthemesUNHCR 'ggplot2' Theme and Colour Palettes
unheadrHandle Data with Messy Header Rows and Broken Values
uni.shrinkageShrinkage Estimation for Univariate Normal Mean
uni.survival.treeA Survival Tree Based on Stabilized Score Tests for High-dimensional Covariates
uniahUnimodal Additive Hazards Model
UnicoUnified Cross-Omics Deconvolution
UnicodeUnicode Data and Utilities
unicolThe Colors of your University
UniExactFunTestUniform Exact Functional Tests for Contingency Tables
unifDAGUniform Sampling of Directed Acyclic Graphs
unifedThe Unifed Distribution
UnifiedDoseFindingDose-Finding Methods for Non-Binary Outcomes
unifirA Unifying API for Calling the 'Unity' '3D' Video Game Engine
uniformlyUniform Sampling
unigdUniversal Graphics Device
UniIsoRegressionUnimodal and Isotonic L1, L2 and Linf Regression
uniknGraphical Elements of the University of Konstanz's Corporate Design
unineUnine Light Stemmer
UniprotRRetrieving Information of Proteins from Uniprot
uniqtagAbbreviate Strings to Short, Unique Identifiers
uniRegUnimodal Penalized Spline Regression using B-Splines
unisensRRead 'Unisens' Data
unisetDynamic Settings File
UnitCircleCheck if Roots of a Polynomial Lie Outside the Unit Circle
unitedRAssessment and Evaluation of Formations in United
unitizerInteractive R Unit Tests
unitquantregParametric Quantile Regression Models for Bounded Data
unitsMeasurement Units for R Vectors
UnitStatPerforms Unit Root Test Statistics
unittestTAP-Compliant Unit Testing
univalAssessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information
univariateMLMaximum Likelihood Estimation for Univariate Densities
UniversalCVIHard and Soft Cluster Validity Indices
universalsS3 Generics for Bayesian Analyses
univOutlDetection of Univariate Outliers
UnivRNGUnivariate Pseudo-Random Number Generation
unixPOSIX System Utilities
unjoinSeparate a Data Frame by Normalization
unmarkedModels for Data from Unmarked Animals
unmconfModeling with Unmeasured Confounding
unnestUnnest Hierarchical Data Structures
UNPaCNon-Parametric Cluster Significance Testing with Reference to a Unimodal Null Distribution
unpivotrUnpivot Complex and Irregular Data Layouts
UnplanSimonMethods for Managing Enrollment Deviation in Simon's Two-Stage Design
unrepxAnalysis and Graphics for Unreplicated Experiments
unrtfExtract Text from Rich Text Format (RTF) Documents
unstruwwelDetect and Parse Historic Dates
unsystationStationarity Test Based on Unsystematic Sub-Sampling
untbEcological Drift under the UNTB
unusualprofileCalculates Conditional Mahalanobis Distances
unvotesUnited Nations General Assembly Voting Data
uotmUncertainty of Time Series Model Selection Methods
UpAndDownPlotsDisplays Percentage and Absolute Changes
UPCMUncertainty in Partial Credit Models
updatemeInformative Messages About Outdated Packages
updaterUtilities for Updating R
updogFlexible Genotyping for Polyploids
UpDownDetecting Group Disturbances from Longitudinal Observations
UPGEfficient Bayesian Algorithms for Binary and Categorical Data Regression Models
upndownUtilities and Design Aids for Up-and-Down Dose-Finding Studies
upsetjs'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'UpSet.js' for Exploring Large Set Intersections
UpSetRA More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets
UpSetVPAn Alternative Visualization of VPA and HP in Canonical Analysis
upstartrUtilities Powering the Globe and Mail's Data Journalism Template
UPSvarApproxApproximate the Variance of the Horvitz-Thompson Total Estimator
uptasticsearchGet Data Frame Representations of 'Elasticsearch' Results
uptimeRobotAccess the UptimeRobot Ping API
uraMonitoring Rater Reliability
urbinUnifying Estimation Results with Binary Dependent Variables
urcaUnit Root and Cointegration Tests for Time Series Data
urlcheckerRun CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions
urlshorteneRR Wrapper for the 'Bit.ly' and 'Is.gd'/'v.gd' URL Shortening Services
urltoolsVectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing
urootUnit Root Tests for Seasonal Time Series
URooTabTabular Reporting of 'EViews' Unit Root Tests
ursaNon-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster Processing and Visualization
us.census.geoheaderUS 2010 Census SF2 Geographic Header Summary Levels 010-050
usaUpdated US State Facts and Figures
USA.state.boundariesWGS84 Datum Map of the USA, Including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
usaidplotMake Graphs with US Agency for International Development Colors
uscoauditlogUnited States Copyright Office Product Management Division SR Audit Data Dataset Cleaning Algorithms
usdamprRequest USDA MPR Historical Data via the 'LMR' API
usdarnassUSDA NASS Quick Stats API
usdataData on the States and Counties of the United States
usdatasetsA Comprehensive Collection of U.S. Datasets
usdmUncertainty Analysis for Species Distribution Models
usedistDistance Matrix Utilities
usedtheseSummarises Package & Function Usage
usefulA Collection of Handy, Useful Functions
usefunA Collection of Useful Functions by John
usemodelsBoilerplate Code for 'Tidymodels' Analyses
usethisAutomate Package and Project Setup
usfertilizerCounty-Level Estimates of Fertilizer Application in USA
USgasThe Demand for Natural Gas in the US
USgridThe Demand and Supply for Electricity in the US
ushrUnderstanding Suppression of HIV
usincometaxesCalculate Federal and State Income Taxes in the United States
UsingRData Sets, Etc. for the Text "Using R for Introductory Statistics", Second Edition
uskewFactorsModel-Based Clustering via Mixtures of Unrestricted Skew-t Sactor Analyzer Models
uslAnalyze System Scalability with the Universal Scalability Law
usmapUS Maps Including Alaska and Hawaii
usmapdataMapping Data for 'usmap' Package
USPU-Statistic Permutation Tests of Independence for all Data Types
USpopcentersUnited States Centers of Population (Centroids)
ussherRUssher Data Set Drawn from 1658 Chronology
UStatBookABSCA Companion Package to the Book "U-Statistics, M-Estimation and Resampling"
ustfdAPI Client for US Treasury Fiscal Data
ustycFetch US Treasury yield curve data
utcCoordinated Universal Time Transformations
utf8Unicode Text Processing
utile.tablesBuild Tables for Publication
utile.toolsSummarize Data for Publication
utile.visualsCreate Visuals for Publication
utilityConstruct, Evaluate and Plot Value and Utility Functions
UtilityFrailtyPH12Implementing EFF-TOX and Monotone Utility Based Phase 12 Trials
utilityFunctionToolsP-Spline Regression for Utility Functions and Derived Measures
utilsIPEAIPEA Common Functions
utimlUtilities for Multi-Label Learning
utsfUnivariate Time Series Forecasting
uuidTools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs
uwedragonData Research, Access, Governance Network : Statistical Disclosure Control
UWHAMUnbinned Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (UWHAM)
uwotThe Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) Method for Dimensionality Reduction
uxrUser Experience Research
V8Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R
vaccineStatistical Tools for Immune Correlates Analysis of Vaccine Clinical Trial Data
vachetteA Method for Visualization of Pharmacometric Models
vacuumTukey's Vacuum Cleaner
vaderValence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)
vaersNDvaxNon-Domestic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present
vaersvaxUS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present
vagalumeRAccess to the 'Vagalume' API
vagamVariational Approximations for Generalized Additive Models
valaddinFunctional Input Validation
valectionSampler for Verification Studies
valentineSpread the Love for R Packages with Poetry
VALERIEVisualising Splicing at Single-Cell Resolution
valetProvide R Client to the Bank of Canada's Valet API
valhallrA Tidy Interface to the 'Valhalla' Routing Engine
validannValidation Tools for Artificial Neural Networks
validataValidate Data Frames
validateData Validation Infrastructure
validateItValidating Topic Coherence and Topic Labels
validatesuggestGenerate Suggestions for Validation Rules
validatetoolsChecking and Simplifying Validation Rule Sets
VALIDICLUSTVALID Inference for Clusters Separation Testing
validmindInterface to the 'ValidMind' Platform
valmetricsMetrics and Plots for Model Evaluation
valorateVelocity and Accuracy of the LOg-RAnk TEst
valotteryResults from the Virginia Lottery Draw Games
valrGenome Interval Arithmetic
valueEQ5DScoring EQ-5d Descriptive System
valuemapMaking Choropleth Map
valueSetCompareComparing HRQoL Instrument Value Sets
VAMVariance-Adjusted Mahalanobis
vamcA Monte Carlo Valuation Framework for Variable Annuities
vampyrFactor Analysis Controlling the Effects of Response Bias
VancouvRAccess the 'City of Vancouver' Open Data API
vandalicoEvaluation of Presence-Absence Models
vangoghA Vincent Van Gogh Color Palette Generator
vannstatsSimplified Statistics for PA 606
vanquishVariant Quality Investigation Helper
vapourAccess to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')
VAR.etpVAR Modelling: Estimation, Testing, and Prediction
VAR.specAllows Specifying a Bivariate VAR (Vector Autoregression) with Desired Spectral Characteristics
varbandVariable Banding of Large Precision Matrices
varbinOptimal Binning of Continuous and Categorical Variables
varbvsLarge-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection Using Variational Methods
varclustVariables Clustering
VARDetectMultiple Change Point Detection in Structural VAR Models
vardiagVariogram Diagnostics
vardpoorVariance Estimation for Sample Surveys by the Ultimate Cluster Method
VarEDVariance Estimation using Difference-Based Methods
VaRESComputes Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall for over 100 Parametric Distributions
varEstVariance Estimation
varhandleFunctions for Robust Variable Handling
variabilityGenetic Variability Analysis for Plant Breeding Research
variablesVariable Descriptions
VariableScreeningHigh-Dimensional Screening for Semiparametric Longitudinal Regression
varianVariability Analysis in R
VarianceGammaThe Variance Gamma Distribution
variantsparkA 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'VariantSpark'
variationalDCMVariational Bayesian Estimation for Diagnostic Classification Models
varImpRF Variable Importance for Arbitrary Measures
variosigTesting Spatial Dependence Using Empirical Variogram
vaRiskScoreVA CVD Risk Score
varitasVariant Calling in Targeted Analysis Sequencing Data
varjmcmEstimations for the Covariance of Estimated Parameters in Joint Mean-Covariance Models
varocValue Added Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve
varrankHeuristics Tools Based on Mutual Information for Variable Ranking
VarRedOptA Framework for Variance Reduction
VarRegSemi-Parametric Variance Regression
varsVAR Modelling
varSelSequential Forward Floating Selection using Jeffries-Matusita Distance
VARSELECTEXPOSUREVariable Selection Methods Including an Exposure Variable
VarSelLCMVariable Selection for Model-Based Clustering of Mixed-Type Data Set with Missing Values
varSelRFVariable Selection using Random Forests
VARshrinkShrinkage Estimation Methods for Vector Autoregressive Models
vartestTests for Variance Homogeneity
varTestnlmeVariance Components Testing for Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
varycoefModeling Spatially Varying Coefficients
vasicekMiscellaneous Functions for Vasicek Distribution
vasicekregRegression Modeling Using Vasicek Distribution
vatcheckapiClient for the 'vatcheckapi.com' VAT Validation API
vaultrVault Client for Secrets and Sensitive Data
vaxpmxVaccines Pharmacometrics
VBelVariational Bayes for Fast and Accurate Empirical Likelihood Inference
VBJMVariational Inference for Joint Model
VBLPCMVariational Bayes Latent Position Cluster Model for Networks
VBsparsePCAThe Variational Bayesian Method for Sparse PCA
VBTreeVector Binary Tree to Make Your Data Management More Efficient
VBVThe Generalized Berlin Method for Time Series Decomposition
VC2copulaExtend the 'copula' Package with Families and Models from 'VineCopula'
VCAVariance Component Analysis
vccpVine Copula Change Point Detection in Multivariate Time Series
vcdVisualizing Categorical Data
vcdExtra'vcd' Extensions and Additions
vcfppRRapid Manipulation of the Variant Call Format (VCF)
vcfRManipulate and Visualize VCF Data
vcmetaVarying Coefficient Meta-Analysis
vcovVariance-Covariance Matrices and Standard Errors
vcPBLongitudinal PB Varying-Coefficient Groupwise Disparity Model
vcpenPenalized Variance Components Analysis
vcrRecord 'HTTP' Calls to Disk
vcrpartTree-Based Varying Coefficient Regression for Generalized Linear and Ordinal Mixed Models
vctrsVector Helpers
vctsfrVisualizing Collections of Time Series Forecasts
vcvCompComparison of Variance - Covariance Patterns
VDAPPeptide Array Analysis Tools
vdarDiscriminant Analysis Incorporating Individual Uncertainties
vdgVariance Dispersion Graphs and Fraction of Design Space Plots
vdiffrVisual Regression Testing and Graphical Diffing
vDiveRVisualization of Viral Protein Sequence Diversity Dynamics
VDJgermlinesVariable, Diversity and Joining Sequences from Various Species
VDPOWorking with and Analyzing Functional Data of Varying Lengths
VDSMVisualization of Distribution of Selected Model
VDSPCalibrationStatistical Methods for Designing and Analyzing a Calibration Study
vec2dtransf2D Cartesian Coordinate Transformation
veccomparePerform Set Operations on Vectors, Automatically Generating All n-Wise Comparisons, and Create Markdown Output
VeccTMVNMultivariate Normal Probabilities using Vecchia Approximation
vecsetsLike Set Tools in 'Base' Package but Keeps Duplicate Elements
vectorbitopsVector Bitwise Operations
VectorCodeREasily Analyze Your Gait Patterns Using Vector Coding Technique
vectorsurvRData Access and Analytical Tools for 'VectorSurv' Users
vectorwaveletVector Wavelet Coherence for Multiple Time Series
VedicDateTimeVedic Calendar System
vegaliteTools to Encode Visualizations with the 'Grammar of Graphics'-Like 'Vega-Lite' 'Spec'
veganCommunity Ecology Package
vegan3dStatic and Dynamic 3D and Editable Interactive Plots for the 'vegan' Package
vegawidget'Htmlwidget' for 'Vega' and 'Vega-Lite'
vegclustFuzzy Clustering of Vegetation Data
vegdataAccess Vegetation Databases and Treat Taxonomy
vegperiodDetermine Thermal Vegetation Periods
vegtableHandling Vegetation Data Sets
veinVehicular Emissions Inventories
vekPredicate Helper Functions for Testing Simple Atomic Vectors
velociraptrFossil Analysis
vembedrEmbed Video in HTML
vennDraw Venn Diagrams
VennDiagramGenerate High-Resolution Venn and Euler Plots
venneulerVenn and Euler Diagrams
vennplotVenn Diagrams in 2D and 3D
verbaliseRMake your Text Mighty Fine
verbalisrDescribe Pedigree Relationships in Words
verhoeffImplementation of the 'Verhoeff' Check Digit Algorithm
verificationWeather Forecast Verification Utilities
vermeulenBiomarker Data Set by Vermeulen et al. (2009)
versioningSettings and File I/O using a Configuration YAML File
versionsQuery and Install Specific Versions of Packages on CRAN
versionsortSort and Order Version Codes
versusCompare Data Frames
VertexSimilarityCreates Vertex Similarity Matrix for an Undirected Graph
VertexWiseRSimplified Vertex-Wise Analyses of Whole-Brain and Hippocampal Surface
VeryLargeIntegersStore and Operate with Arbitrarily Large Integers
vesselrGradient and Vesselness Tools for Arrays and NIfTI Images
vetiverVersion, Share, Deploy, and Monitor Models
vetrTrust, but Verify
VetResearchLMMLinear Mixed Models - An Introduction with Applications in Veterinary Research
VEwaningVaccine Efficacy Over Time
VEwaningVariantVaccine Efficacy Over Time - Variant Aware
vfcpComputation of v Values for U and Copula C(U, v)
vfinputsVisual Filter Inputs for Shiny
VFPVariance Function Program
vfprogressionVisual Field (VF) Progression Analysis and Plotting Methods
VFSVegetated Filter Strip and Erosion Model
VGAMVector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
VGAMdataData Supporting the 'VGAM' Package
VGAMextraAdditions and Extensions of the 'VGAM' Package
vglmerVariational Inference for Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
vhcubVirus-Host Codon Usage Co-Adaptation Analysis
vhicaVertical and Horizontal Inheritance Consistence Analysis
viaVirtual Arrays
viafrInterface to the 'VIAF' ('Virtual International Authority File') API
VIC5The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Hydrological Model
vICCVarying Intraclass Correlation Coefficients
viciVaccine Induced Cellular Immunogenicity with Bivariate Modeling
VicmapRAccess Victorian Spatial Data Through Web File Services (WFS)
VicusExploiting Local Structures to Improve Network-Based Analysis of Biological Data
video'Shiny' Extension of 'video.js'
vietnamcodeConvert Vietnam Provincial Codes
vietnameseConverterConvert Vietnamese Encodings
ViewPipeStepsCreate View Tabs of Pipe Chains
viewpolyA Shiny App to Visualize Genetic Maps and QTL Analysis in Polyploid Species
viewscapeViewscape Analysis
VIGoRVariational Bayesian Inference for Genome-Wide Regression
vikingState-Space Models Inference by Kalman or Viking
villagerA Framework for Designing and Running Agent Based Models
VIMVisualization and Imputation of Missing Values
VIMeanVariability Independent of Mean
vimpPerform Inference on Algorithm-Agnostic Variable Importance
vimpclustVariable Importance in Clustering
VIMPSCalculate Variable Importance with Knock Off Variables
vindecodrProvides an Interface to the Department of Transportation VIN Decoder
VineCopulaStatistical Inference of Vine Copulas
vineregD-Vine Quantile Regression
vinesMultivariate Dependence Modeling with Vines
violinplotterPlotting and Comparing Means with Violin Plots
vioplotViolin Plot
vipVariable Importance Plots
viporPlot Categorical Data Using Quasirandom Noise and Density Estimates
viraldomainApplicability Domain Methods of Viral Load and CD4 Lymphocytes
viralmodelsViral Load and CD4 Lymphocytes Regression Models
viralxExplainers for Regression Models in HIV Research
VIRFComputation of Volatility Impulse Response Function of Multivariate Time Series
viridisColorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R
viridisLiteColorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version)
virtualPollenSimulating Pollen Curves from Virtual Taxa with Different Life and Niche Traits
VirtualPopSimulation of Populations by Sampling Waiting-Time Distributions
virtualspeciesGeneration of Virtual Species Distributions
virtuosoInterface to 'Virtuoso' using 'ODBC'
virustotalR Client for the VirusTotal API
visaVegetation Imaging Spectroscopy Analyzer
visachartRWrapper for 'Visa Chart Components'
visaOTRValid Improved Sparsity A-Learning for Optimal Treatment Decision
VisCollinVisualizing Collinearity Diagnostics
viscompVisualize Multi-Component Interventions in Network Meta-Analysis
viscomplexrPhase Portraits of Functions in the Complex Number Plane
VisCovVisualizing of Distributions of Covariance Matrices
visdatPreliminary Visualisation of Data
ViSeVisualizing Sensitivity
ViSiElseA Visual Tool for Behavior Analysis over Time
visitVaccine Phase I Design with Simultaneous Evaluation of Immunogenicity and Toxicity
VisitorCountsModeling and Forecasting Visitor Counts Using Social Media
vismeteorAnalysis of Visual Meteor Data
visNetworkNetwork Visualization using 'vis.js' Library
visOmopResultsGraphs and Tables for OMOP Results
visregVisualization of Regression Models
visStatisticsAutomated Visualization of Statistical Tests
vistimePretty Timelines in R
vistlaDetecting Influence Paths with Information Theory
visTreeVisualization of Subgroups for Decision Trees
vistributionsVisualize Probability Distributions
VisualDomVisualize Dominant Variables in Wavelet Multiple Correlation
visualFieldsStatistical Methods for Visual Fields
visualizeGraph Probability Distributions with User Supplied Parameters and Statistics
Visualize.CRAN.DownloadsVisualize Downloads from 'CRAN' Packages
VisualizeSimon2StageVisualize Simon's Two-Stage Design
visvowVisible Vowels: Visualization of Vowel Variation
visxhclustA Shiny App for Visual Exploration of Hierarchical Clustering
vitaVariable Importance Testing Approaches
vitaeCurriculum Vitae for R Markdown
vitalTidy Analysis Tools for Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data
vitalityFitting Routines for the Vitality Family of Mortality Models
vivainsightsAnalyze and Visualize Data from 'Microsoft Viva Insights'
vivaldiViral Variant Location and Diversity
vividVariable Importance and Variable Interaction Displays
vivoVariable Importance via Oscillations
vizdrawsVisualize Draws from the Prior and Posterior Distributions
vkRAccess to VK API via R
VLFFrequency Matrix Approach for Assessing Very Low Frequency Variants in Sequence Records
VLMCVariable Length Markov Chains ('VLMC') Models
VLMCXVariable Length Markov Chain with Exogenous Covariates
VLTimeCausalityVariable-Lag Time Series Causality Inference Framework
VMDecompVariational Mode Decomposition
VMDMLVariational Mode Decomposition Based Machine Learning Models
vmdTDNNVMD Based Time Delay Neural Network Model
vmeasurQuantify the Contractile Nature of Vessels Monitored under an Operating Microscope
vMFSampling from the von Mises-Fisher Distribution
vmrVirtual Machines for R
vntrsVariable Neighborhood Trust Region Search
vocaldiaCreate and Manipulate Vocalisation Diagrams
voiExpected Value of Information
voiceTools for Voice Analysis, Speaker Recognition and Mood Inference
voiceRVoice Analytics for Social Scientists
vol2birdRVertical Profiles of Biological Signals in Weather Radar Data
volatilityTraderHigh Volatility Environment Option Trading Strategies Graphs
volcano3D3D Volcano Plots and Polar Plots for Three-Class Data
volcanoPlotVolcano Plot for Clinical Trial Adverse Events
volestiVolume Approximation and Sampling of Convex Polytopes
volkerHigh-Level Functions for Tabulating, Charting and Reporting Survey Data
volleystatDetailed Statistics on Volleyball Matches
voluModelModeling Species Distributions in Three Dimensions
voronoiTreemapVoronoi Treemaps with Added Interactivity by Shiny
VorteksExportExport Dataframes to 'Vorteks' Software
vortexRdataExample Data for R Package 'vortexR'
voson.tcnTwitter Conversation Networks and Analysis
VOSONDashUser Interface for Collecting and Analysing Social Networks
vosonSMLCollecting Social Media Data and Generating Networks for Analysis
VossGeneric Voss Algorithm (Random Sequential Additions)
voteElection Vote Counting
voteogramUnited States House and Senate Voting Cartogram Generators
voteSimGenerate Simulated Data for Voting Rules using Evaluations
votesmartWrapper for the Project 'VoteSmart' API
votesysVoting Systems, Instant-Runoff Voting, Borda Method, Various Condorcet Methods
vottransVoter Transition Analysis
vovCSS Animations for 'shiny' Elements
vowelsVowel Manipulation, Normalization, and Plotting
voxelMass-Univariate Voxelwise Analysis of Medical Imaging Data
VoxRTrees Geometry and Morphology from Unstructured TLS Data
vpcCreate Visual Predictive Checks
VPdtwVariable Penalty Dynamic Time Warping
vprrProcessing and Visualization of Video Plankton Recorder Data
vrnmfVolume-Regularized Structured Matrix Factorization
vroomRead and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
vrtestVariance Ratio Tests and Other Tests for Martingale Difference Hypothesis
vsccVariable Selection for Clustering and Classification
vsdGraphical Shim for Visual Survival Data Analysis
vse4tsIdentify Memory Patterns in Time Series Using Variance Scale Exponent
vsgoftestGoodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence
vsmiVariable Selection for Multiple Imputed Data
VSOLassoBagVariable Selection Oriented LASSO Bagging Algorithm
vspVintage Sparse PCA for Semi-Parametric Factor Analysis
vstdctNonparametric Estimation of Toeplitz Covariance Matrices
vstsrAccess to 'Azure DevOps' API via R
VSURFVariable Selection Using Random Forests
VsusPVariable Selection using Shrinkage Priors
vtableVariable Table for Variable Documentation
vtreatA Statistically Sound 'data.frame' Processor/Conditioner
vtreeDisplay Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame
VTShinyInteractive Document for Working with Variance Analysis
vtypeEstimates the Variable Type in Error Afflicted Data
vudcVisualization of Univariate Data for Comparison
vueR'Vuejs' Helpers and 'Htmlwidget'
VulnToolkitAnalysis of Tidal Datasets
VUROCSVolume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC Analysis
vvauditorCreates Assertion Tests
vvcanvas'Canvas' LMS API Integration
vvconverterApply Transformations to Data
vvdoctorStatistical Test App with R 'shiny'
vvfillerFill Data Points
vvmoverRead and Write Data
vvsculptorApply Manipulations to Data Frames
vvshinyCreate Complex Shiny Apps More Easily
vvtableauR Interface for 'Tableau' Services
vvtermtimeInterface for 'Semestry TermTime' Services
vwlineDraw Variable-Width Lines
VWPreTools for Preprocessing Visual World Data
W2CWM2CA Graphical Tool for Wavelet (Cross) Correlation and Wavelet Multiple (Cross) Correlation Analysis
W3CMarkupValidatorR Interface to W3C Markup Validation Services
W4MRUtilsUtils List for W4M - Workflow for Metabolomics
WAWhile-Alive Loss Rate for Recurrent Event in the Presence of Death
wacolorsColorblind-Friendly Palettes from Washington State
WACSMultivariate Weather-State Approach Conditionally Skew-Normal Generator
wactorWord Factor Vectors
waffleCreate Waffle Chart Visualizations
waiterLoading Screen for 'Shiny'
wakefieldGenerate Random Data Sets
walRead and Write 'wal' Bitmap Image Files and Other 'Quake' Assets
waldoFind Differences Between R Objects
walkboutrGenerate Walk Bouts from GPS and Accelerometry Data
walkerBayesian Generalized Linear Models with Time-Varying Coefficients
walkscoreA Tidy Interface to the 'Walk Score' API
walkscoreAPIWalk Score and Transit Score API
wallaceA Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Niches and Distributions
WallomicsDataDatasets for Multi-Omics Integration in a Plant Abiotic Stress Context
wallyThe Wally Calibration Plot for Risk Prediction Models
walmartAPIWalmart Open API Wrapper
walrusRobust Statistical Methods
WALSWeighted-Average Least Squares Model Averaging
WaMaSimSimulate Rehabilitation Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
wandRetrieve 'Magic' Attributes from Files and Directories
WAnovaWelch's Anova from Summary Statistics
warabandiRoster Generation of Turn for Weekdays:'warabandi'
warbleRStreamline Bioacoustic Analysis
WARNWeaning Age Reconstruction with Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
warpGroup Dates
warpMixMixed Effects Modeling with Warping for Functional Data Using B-Spline
washdataUrban Water and Sanitation Survey Dataset
washeRTime Series Outlier Detection
washexWashington State Legislative Explorer
washiWashington Soil Health Initiative Branding
WASPWavelet System Prediction
waspasRTool Kit to Implement a W.A.S.P.A.S. Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Solution
wasprWasserstein Barycenters of Subset Posteriors
waterDataRetrieval, Analysis, and Anomaly Calculation of Daily Hydrologic Time Series Data
waterfallWaterfall Charts
waterfallsCreate Waterfall Charts using 'ggplot2' Simply
waterqualitySatellite Derived Water Quality Detection Algorithms
waterYearTypeSacramento and San Joaquin Valley Water Year Types
WatsWrap Around Time Series Graphics
watsonFitting and Simulating Mixtures of Watson Distributions
wavRead and Write WAV Files
wavebandComputes Credible Intervals for Bayesian Wavelet Shrinkage
wavedWavelet Deconvolution
WaveletANNWavelet ANN Model
WaveletArimaWavelet-ARIMA Model for Time Series Forecasting
WaveletCompComputational Wavelet Analysis
WaveletETSWavelet Based Error Trend Seasonality Model
WaveletGARCHFit the Wavelet-GARCH Model to Volatile Time Series Data
WaveletGBMWavelet Based Gradient Boosting Method
WaveletKNNWavelet Based K-Nearest Neighbor Model
WaveletLSTMWavelet Based LSTM Model
WaveletMLWavelet Decomposition Based Hybrid Machine Learning Models
WaveletMLbestFLThe Best Wavelet Filter-Level for Prepared Wavelet-Based Models
WaveletRFWavelet-RF Hybrid Model for Time Series Forecasting
waveletsFunctions for Computing Wavelet Filters, Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Analyses
WaveletSVRWavelet-SVR Hybrid Model for Time Series Forecasting
wavemulcorWavelet Routines for Global and Local Multiple Regression and Correlation
waverCalculate Fetch and Wave Energy
WaverideRExtracting Signals from Wavelet Spectra
WaverRData Estimation using Weighted Averages of Multiple Regressions
wavesVis-NIR Spectral Analysis Wrapper
WaveSamplingWeakly Associated Vectors (WAVE) Sampling
waveslimBasic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Signal Processing
wavethreshWavelets Statistics and Transforms
wavScalogramWavelet Scalogram Tools for Time Series Analysis
waydownComputation of Approximate Potentials for Weakly Non-Gradient Fields
WayFindRComputing Graph Structures on WikiPathways
waywiserErgonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial Models
wbaconWeighted BACON Algorithms
wbsWild Binary Segmentation for Multiple Change-Point Detection
wbsdWild Bootstrap Size Diagnostics
wbstatsProgrammatic Access to Data and Statistics from the World Bank API
wbstsMultiple Change-Point Detection for Nonstationary Time Series
wcdeDownload Data from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer
WCEWeighted Cumulative Exposure Models
wcepSurvival Analysis for Weighted Composite Endpoints
WClusterClustering and PCA with Weights, and Data Nuggets Clustering
WCMWater Cloud Model (WCM) for the Simulation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Moisture (SM) from Microwave Backscattering
WcompoSemiparametric Proportional Means Regression of Weighted Composite Endpoint
wconfWeighted Confusion Matrix
wCorrWeighted Correlations
wcoxWeights to Correct for Outcome Dependent Sampling in Time to Event Data
WDIWorld Development Indicators and Other World Bank Data
wdmWeighted Dependence Measures
wdman'Webdriver'/'Selenium' Binary Manager
wdnetWeighted and Directed Networks
wdnr.gisPull Spatial Layers from 'WDNR ArcGIS REST API'
wdparInterface to the World Database on Protected Areas
weaanaAnalysis the Weather Data
weakARMATools for the Analysis of Weak ARMA Models
wearablesTools to Read and Convert Wearables Data
weatherindicesCalculate Weather Indices
weathermetricsFunctions to Convert Between Weather Metrics
weatherOzAn API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources
WeatherSentimentComprehensive Analysis of Tweet Sentiments and Weather Data
WebAnalyticsWeb Server Log Analysis
webchemChemical Information from the Web
webdavA Simple Interface for Interacting with 'WebDAV' Servers
webdeveloperFunctions for Web Development
webdriver'WebDriver' Client for 'PhantomJS'
webexercisesCreate Interactive Web Exercises in 'R Markdown' (Formerly 'webex')
webfakesFake Web Apps for HTTP Testing
WebGestaltRGene Set Analysis Toolkit WebGestaltR
webglobe3D Interactive Globes
webmapCreate Interactive Web Maps Using 'The National Map' Services
webmockrStubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests
webpA New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression
WebPowerBasic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis
webrData and Functions for Web-Based Analysis
webreadrTools for Reading Formatted Access Log Files
webSDMIncluding Known Interactions in Species Distribution Models
websearchrAccess Domains and Search Popular Websites
webshotTake Screenshots of Web Pages
webshot2Take Screenshots of Web Pages
websocket'WebSocket' Client Library
webtrackRPreprocessing and Analyzing Web Tracking Data
webuseImport Stata 'webuse' Datasets
webutilsUtility Functions for Developing Web Applications
wecWeighted Effect Coding
weedWrangler for Emergency Events Database
WEGEA Metric to Rank Locations for Biodiversity Conservation
wehoopAccess Women's Basketball Play by Play Data
WeibullFitFits and Plots a Dataset to the Weibull Probability Distribution Function
weibullnessGoodness-of-Fit Test for Weibull Distribution (Weibullness)
WeibullRWeibull Analysis for Reliability Engineering
WeibullR.ALTAccelerated Life Testing Using 'WeibullR'
WeibullR.learnrAn Interactive Introduction to Life Data Analysis
WeibullR.plotlyInteractive Weibull Probability Plots with 'WeibullR'
WeibullR.shinyA 'Shiny' App for Weibull Analysis from 'WeibullR'
weibulltoolsStatistical Methods for Life Data Analysis
Weighted.Desc.StatWeighted Descriptive Statistics
weightedCLEfficient and Feasible Inference for High-Dimensional Normal Copula Regression Models
WeightedClusterClustering of Weighted Data
WeightedEnsembleWeighted Ensemble for Hybrid Model
weightedGCMWeighted Generalised Covariance Measure Conditional Independence Test
WeightedPortTestWeighted Portmanteau Tests for Time Series Goodness-of-Fit
weightedRankSensitivity Analysis Using Weighted Rank Statistics
WeightedROCFast, Weighted ROC Curves
weightedScoresWeighted Scores Method for Regression Models with Dependent Data
WeightedTreemapsGenerate and Plot Voronoi or Sunburst Treemaps from Hierarchical Data
WeightItWeighting for Covariate Balance in Observational Studies
weightQuantWeights for Incomplete Longitudinal Data and Quantile Regression
weightrEstimating Weight-Function Models for Publication Bias
weightsWeighting and Weighted Statistics
WeightSVMSubject Weighted Support Vector Machines
weirdFunctions and Data Sets for "That's Weird: Anomaly Detection Using R" by Rob J Hyndman
weirsA Hydraulics Package to Compute Open-Channel Flow over Weirs
welchADFWelch-James Statistic for Robust Hypothesis Testing under Heterocedasticity and Non-Normality
weloWeighted and Standard Elo Rates
WeMixWeighted Mixed-Effects Models Using Multilevel Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation
wesandersonA Wes Anderson Palette Generator
wevidQuantifying Performance of a Binary Classifier Through Weight of Evidence
weylThe Weyl Algebra
wfeWeighted Linear Fixed Effects Regression Models for Causal Inference
wfgWeighted Fast Greedy Algorithm
wfindrCrossword, Scrabble and Anagram Solver
wfloData Set and Helper Functions for Wind Farm Layout Optimization Problems
wgaimWhole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R
WGCNAWeighted Correlation Network Analysis
wgetSetting Download Method to 'wget'
WGScanA Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework for Whole-Genome Sequence Data Analysis
WgtEffFunctions for Weighting Effects
WHEnhanced Implementation of Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing
WhatIfSoftware for Evaluating Counterfactuals
WhatsRParsing, Anonymizing and Visualizing Exported 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs
whatthreewordsWork with the 'what3words' API for Easy Location Referencing
wheatmapIncrementally Build Complex Plots using Natural Semantics
whenDefinition of Date and Time Dimension Tables
whereamiReliably Return the Source and Call Location of a Command
whereportGeolocalization of IATA Codes
whipprTools for Manipulating Gas Exchange Data
whisker{{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templating
whitebox'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend
whitechapelRAdvanced Policing Techniques for the Board Game "Letters from Whitechapel"
WhiteLabRtNovel Methods for Reproduction Number Estimation, Back-Calculation, and Forecasting
whiteningWhitening and High-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis
whitestrapWhite Test and Bootstrapped White Test for Heteroskedasticity
WhiteStripeWhite Matter Normalization for Magnetic Resonance Images
whitewaterParallel Processing Options for Package 'dataRetrieval'
whoaEvaluation of Genotyping Error in Genotype-by-Sequencing Data
whoamiUsername, Full Name, Email Address, 'GitHub' Username of the Current User
whomdsCalculate Results from WHO Model Disability Survey Data
whSampleUtilities for Sampling
widalsWeighting by Inverse Distance with Adaptive Least Squares
widgetframe'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'
widyrWiden, Process, then Re-Tidy Data
WienRDerivatives of the First-Passage Time Density and Cumulative Distribution Function, and Random Sampling from the (Truncated) First-Passage Time Distribution
wiesbadenAccess Databases from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany
wigImport WIG Data into R in Long Format
wikibooksFunctions and Datasets of the German WikiBook "GNU R"
WikidataQueryServiceRAPI Client Library for 'Wikidata Query Service'
WikidataRRead-Write API Client Library for Wikidata
wikifactsGet Facts and Data from Wikipedia and Wikidata
wikilakeScrape Lake Metadata Tables from Wikipedia
WikipediRA MediaWiki API Wrapper
wikiprofiler'WikiPathway' Based Data Integration and Visualization
wikitaxaTaxonomic Information from 'Wikipedia'
wikiToolsTools for Wikidata and Wikipedia
wikkitidyTidy Analysis of Wikipedia
wilcoxmedComputes Values for the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test for Medians
wildcardTemplates for Data Frames
wildlifeDICalculate Indices of Dynamic Interaction for Wildlife Tracking Data
wildmetaCluster Wild Bootstrapping for Meta-Analysis
wildpokerBest Hand Analysis for Poker Variants Including Wildcards
wilsonWeb-Based Interactive Omics Visualization
winchPortable Native and Joint Stack Traces
windACArea Correction Methods
WindCurvesTool to Fit Wind Turbine Power Curves
windexAnalysing Convergent Evolution using the Wheatsheaf Index
windows.plsSegmentation Approaches in Chemometrics
windsoraiRAccess the 'Windsor.ai' API
wINEQInequality Measures for Weighted Data
winfapReaderInteract with Peak Flow Data in the United Kingdom
wingenContinuous Mapping of Genetic Diversity
winputallVariable Input Allocation Among Crops
winrRandomization-Based Covariance Adjustment of Win Statistics
WinRatioWin Ratio for Prioritized Outcomes and 95% Confidence Interval
WINSThe R WINS Package
wintimeWin Time Methods for Time-to-Event Data in Clinical Trials
wiqidQuick and Dirty Estimates for Wildlife Populations
wISAMWeighted Inbred Strain Association Mapping
wishmomCompute Moments Related to Beta-Wishart and Inverse Beta-Wishart Distributions
withdotsPut ... in a Function's Argument List
witherTemporarily Change Project Root
withrRun Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
wkLightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
wkbConvert Between Spatial Objects and Well-Known Binary Geometry
wktmoConverting Weekly Data to Monthly Data
wkutilsUtilities for Well-Known Geometry Vectors
WLogitVariable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic Regression Models using a Whitening Approach
WLregRegression Analysis Based on Win Loss Endpoints
wmmWorld Magnetic Model
wmwmPerforms Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test with Missing Data
wmwpowPrecise and Accurate Power of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank-Sum Test for a Continuous Variable
wnlMinimization Tool for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis
wNNSelWeighted Nearest Neighbor Imputation of Missing Values using Selected Variables
wnominateRoll Call Analysis Software
WOAkMedoidsWhale Optimization Algorithm for K-Medoids Clustering
woddsCalculates Whisker Odds
woeComputes Weight of Evidence and Information Values
woeBinningSupervised Weight of Evidence Binning of Numeric Variables and Factors
womblRSpatiotemporal Boundary Detection Model for Areal Unit Data
WoodburyMatrixFast Matrix Operations via the Woodbury Matrix Identity
WoodSimulatRGenerate Simulated Sawn Timber Strength Grading Data
woodValuationDEWood Valuation Germany
wooldridge115 Data Sets from "Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 7e" by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
worcsWorkflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science
word.alignmentComputing Word Alignment Using IBM Model 1 (and Symmetrization) for a Given Parallel Corpus and Its Evaluation
word2vecDistributed Representations of Words
wordcloudWord Clouds
wordcloud2Create Word Cloud by 'htmlwidget'
wordlerThe 'WORDLE' Game
WordListsAnalyticsMultiple Data Analysis Tools for Property Listing Tasks
wordmapFeature Extraction and Document Classification with Noisy Labels
wordnetWordNet Interface
WordOfMouthEstimates Economic Variables for Word-of-Mouth-Campaigns
wordpieceR Implementation of Wordpiece Tokenization
wordpiece.dataData for Wordpiece-Style Tokenization
WordPoolsWord Pools Used in Studies of Learning and Memory
wordpredictorDevelop Text Prediction Models Based on N-Grams
wordPuzzleRWord Puzzle Game
WordRRendering Word Documents with R Inline Code
wordsList of English Words from the Scrabble Dictionary
wordsaladProvide Tools to Extract and Analyze Word Vectors
wordspaceDistributional Semantic Models in R
workflowrA Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
workflowsModeling Workflows
workflowsetsCreate a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows
workloopRAnalysis of Work Loops and Other Data from Muscle Physiology Experiments
worldbankClient for World Banks's 'Indicators' and 'Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP)' APIs
WorldFloraStandardize Plant Names According to World Flora Online Taxonomic Backbone
worldfootballRExtract and Clean World Football (Soccer) Data
WorldMapRWorldwide or Coordinates-Based Heat Maps
worldmetImport Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated Surface Database (ISD)
WormTensorA Clustering Method for Time-Series Whole-Brain Activity Data of 'C. elegans'
worrmsWorld Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Client
worrrdGenerate Wordsearch and Crossword Puzzles
wosrClients to the 'Web of Science' and 'InCites' APIs
WOTPLYPlot Connectivity Between Cells from Different Time Points
wowaWeighted Ordered Weighted Average
woylierAlternative Tour Frame Interpolation Method
wpaTools for Analysing and Visualising Viva Insights Data
wPermPermutation Tests
WPKDEWeighted Piecewise Kernel Density Estimation
wpp2008World Population Prospects 2008
wpp2010World Population Prospects 2010
wpp2012World Population Prospects 2012
wpp2015World Population Prospects 2015
wpp2017World Population Prospects 2017
wpp2019World Population Prospects 2019
wppExplorerExplorer of World Population Prospects
WpProjLinear p-Wasserstein Projections
wqlExploring Water Quality Monitoring Data
WQMWavelet-Based Quantile Mapping for Postprocessing Numerical Weather Predictions
wqsWeighted Quantile Sum Regression
wqsptPermutation Test for Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
wqtrendsAssess Water Quality Trends with Generalized Additive Models
WRWin Ratio Analysis of Composite Time-to-Event Outcomes
wrangleA Systematic Data Wrangling Idiom
wrappedtoolsUseful Wrappers Around Commonly Used Functions
wrapprA Collection of Helper and Wrapper Functions
wraprWrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming
wrasspInterface to the 'ASSP' Library
WrensBookshelfA Collection of Palettes and Some Functions to Help Use Them
WRestimatesSample Size, Power and CI for the Win Ratio
wrGraphGraphics in the Context of Analyzing High-Throughput Data
WRIWasserstein Regression and Inference
WrightMapIRT Item-Person Map with 'ConQuest' Integration
write.snnsFunction for exporting data to SNNS pattern files
writexlExport Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format
WriteXLSCross-Platform Perl Based R Function to Create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) Files
wrMiscAnalyze Experimental High-Throughput (Omics) Data
wrProteoProteomics Data Analysis Functions
WRS2A Collection of Robust Statistical Methods
WRSSWater Resources System Simulator
wrswoRWeighted Random Sampling without Replacement
WRTDStidalWeighted Regression for Water Quality Evaluation in Tidal Waters
wrTopDownFragInternal Fragment Identification from Top-Down Mass Spectrometry
wruWho are You? Bayesian Prediction of Racial Category Using Surname, First Name, Middle Name, and Geolocation
wsbackfitWeighted Smooth Backfitting for Structured Models
wsjplotStyle Time Series Plots Like the Wall Street Journal
wskmWeighted k-Means Clustering
wsprvWeighted Selection Probability for Rare Variant Analysis
wsrfWeighted Subspace Random Forest for Classification
wsynWavelet Approaches to Studies of Synchrony in Ecology and Other Fields
wtestThe W-Test for Genetic Interactions Testing
wTOComputing Weighted Topological Overlaps (wTO) & Consensus wTO Network
WtTopsisWeighted Method for Multiple-Criteria Decision Making
WufooRR Wrapper for the 'Wufoo.com' - The Form Building Service
wvWavelet Variance
WVPlotsCommon Plots for Analysis
WWGbookFunctions and Datasets for WWGbook
wwntestsHypothesis Tests for Functional Time Series
wxgenRA Stochastic Weather Generator with Seasonality
wyz.code.metaTestingWizardry Code Meta Testing
wyz.code.offensiveProgrammingWizardry Code Offensive Programming
wyz.code.rdocWizardry Code Offensive Programming R Documentation
wyz.code.testthatWizardry Code Offensive Programming Test Generation
x.enteXtraction of ENTity
x12Interface to 'X12-ARIMA'/'X13-ARIMA-SEATS' and Structure for Batch Processing of Seasonal Adjustment
x13binaryProvide the 'x13ashtml' Seasonal Adjustment Binary
x3ptoolsTools for Working with 3D Surface Measurements
xadmixSubsetting and Plotting Optimized for Admixture Data
xaringanPresentation Ninja
xaringanExtraExtras and Extensions for 'xaringan' Slides
xaringanthemerCustom 'xaringan' CSS Themes
XBRLExtraction of Business Financial Information from 'XBRL' Documents
XcertaintyEstimating Lengths and Uncertainty from Photogrammetric Imagery
xdcclargeEstimating a (c)DCC-GARCH Model in Large Dimensions
XDNUTSDiscontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Varying Trajectory Length
xefunX-Engineering or Supporting Functions
xegaExtended Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
xegaBNFCompile a Backus-Naur Form Specification into an R Grammar Object
xegaDerivationTreesGenerating and Manipulating Derivation Trees
xegaDfGeneGene Operations for Real-Coded Genes
xegaGaGeneBinary Gene Operations for Genetic Algorithms
xegaGeGeneGrammatical Evolution
xegaGpGeneGenetic Operations for Grammar-Based Genetic Programming
xegaPermGeneOperations on Permutation Genes
xegaPopulationGenetic Population Level Functions
xegaSelectGeneSelection of Genes and Gene Representation Independent Functions
xergm.commonCommon Infrastructure for Extensions of Exponential Random Graph Models
xesreadRRead and Write XES Files
xfunSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'
xgb2sqlConvert Trained 'XGBoost' Model to SQL Query
xgboostExtreme Gradient Boosting
xgroveExplanation Groves
xgxrExploratory Graphics for Pharmacometrics
xhazExcess Hazard Modelling Considering Inappropriate Mortality Rates
XICORAssociation Measurement Through Cross Rank Increments
XiMpLeA Simple XML Tree Parser and Generator
xkcdPlotting ggplot2 Graphics in an XKCD Style
xkcdcolorsColor Names from the XKCD Color Survey
XKCDdataGet XKCD Comic Data
xlchartsCreate Native 'Excel' Charts and Work with Microsoft 'Excel' Files
XLConnectExcel Connector for R
xlcutterParse Batches of 'xlsx' Files Based on a Template
xlinkGenetic Association Models for X-Chromosome SNPS on Continuous, Binary and Survival Outcomes
xLLiMHigh Dimensional Locally-Linear Mapping
XLSA Modeling Approach that Optimizes Future Errors in Least Squares
xlsxRead, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Files
xlsx2dfsRead and Write 'Excel' Sheets into and from List of Data Frames
xlsxjarsPackage required POI jars for the xlsx package
xmetaA Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis
XMLTools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus
xml2Parse XML
XML2REasier XML Data Collection
xml2relationalConverting XML Documents into Relational Data Models
xmlconvertComfortably Converting XML Documents to Dataframes and Vice Versa
xmlparsedataParse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree
xmlrRead, Write and Work with 'XML' Data
xmlrpc2Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')
xmlwriterFast and Elegant XML Generation
xmpdfEdit 'XMP' Metadata and 'PDF' Bookmarks and Documentation Info
xmrrGenerate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data
xnetTwo-Step Kernel Ridge Regression for Network Predictions
XNomialExact Goodness-of-Fit Test for Multinomial Data with Fixed Probabilities
xoiTools for Analyzing Crossover Interference
xopenOpen System Files, 'URLs', Anything
xpectrGenerates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit Testing
xplainProviding Interactive Interpretations and Explanations of Statistical Results
xplorerrTools for Interactive Data Exploration
XplortextStatistical Analysis of Textual Data
xportrUtilities to Output CDISC SDTM/ADaM XPT Files
xposeDiagnostics for Pharmacometric Models
xpose.nlmixr2Graphical Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models: Extension to 'nlmixr2'
xpose4Diagnostics for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models
XRA Structure for Interfaces from R
xrayX Ray Vision on your Datasets
xrfeXtreme RuleFit
xRingIdentify and Measure Tree Rings on X-Ray Micro-Density Profiles
XRJuliaStructured Interface to Julia
xrnetHierarchical Regularized Regression
XRPythonStructured Interface to 'Python'
XRSCCStatistical Quality Control Simulation
xsltExtensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations
xspThe Chi-Square Periodogram
xSubCross-National Data on Sub-National Violence
xtableExport Tables to LaTeX or HTML
xtranatNetwork Metrics Based on Random Walks
xtseXtensible Time Series
xtsumSummary Statistics for Panel Data
xtuneRegularized Regression with Feature-Specific Penalties Integrating External Information
xutilsUtility Functions of Fangzhou Xie
xwfExtrema-Weighted Feature Extraction
xxdiCalculate Expertise Indices
xxhashliteExtremely Fast Hashing of R Objects, Raw Data and Files using 'xxHash' Algorithms
xxIRTItem Response Theory and Computer-Based Testing in R
yaccaYet Another Canonical Correlation Analysis Package
yaConsensusConsensus Clustering of Omic Data
yagerYet Another General Regression Neural Network
yahoofinancerFetch Data from Yahoo Finance API
yaImputeNearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation Tools
YaleToolkitData Exploration Tools from Yale University
yamlMethods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
yamletVersatile Curation of Table Metadata
yamlmeWriting 'YAML' Headers for 'R-Markdown' Documents
yardstickTidy Characterizations of Model Performance
yarrrA Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"
yaspString Functions for Compact R Code
yatahYet Another TAxonomy Handler
YatchewTestYatchew (1997), De Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024) Linearity Test
YatesAlgo.FactorialExp.SRYates' Algorithm in 2^n Factorial Experiment
ycevoNonparametric Estimation of the Yield Curve Evolution
yesnoAsk Yes-No Questions
yfRDownloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo Finance
yhatInterpreting Regression Effects
yhatrR Binder for the Yhat API
YieldCurveModelling and Estimation of the Yield Curve
yllCompute Expected Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Average YLL
ymdParse 'YMD' Format Number or String to Date
YmiscMiscellaneous Functions
ymlthisWrite 'YAML' for 'R Markdown', 'bookdown', 'blogdown', and More
ympesCollection of Helper Functions
yodelA General Bayesian Model Averaging Helper
yorkrAnalyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet
youngSwimmersYoung Swimmers Dataset
YPBPYang and Prentice Model with Baseline Distribution Modeled by Bernstein Polynomials
YPInterimTestingInterim Monitoring Using Adaptively Weighted Log-Rank Test in Clinical Trials
YPmodelThe Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model for Survival Data
YPmodelPhregThe Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model with Proportional Adjustment
YPPEYang and Prentice Model with Piecewise Exponential Baseline Distribution
yprYield Per Recruit
ypsscYeast-Proteome Secondary-Structure Calculator
YRmiscY&R Miscellaneous R Functions
YTAnalyticsWrapper for 'YouTube Analytics' API
yuimaThe YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
yuimaGUIA Graphical User Interface for the 'yuima' Package
yulab.utilsSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU'
yumUtilities to Extract and Process 'YAML' Fragments
yyjsonrFast 'JSON', 'NDJSON' and 'GeoJSON' Parser and Generator
Z10Simple Ecological Statistics from the NEON Network
zalphaRun a Suite of Selection Statistics
zCompositionsTreatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets
zctaCrosswalkCrosswalk Between 2020 Census ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), States and Counties
zcurveAn Implementation of Z-Curves
zdeskRConnect to Your 'Zendesk' Data
zeallotMultiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment
ZeBookWorking with Dynamic Models for Agriculture and Environment
zebuLocal Association Measures
zeitgebrAnalysis of Circadian Behaviours
zen4RInterface to 'Zenodo' REST API
zendeskRZendesk API Wrapper
zendownAccess Files from 'Zenodo' Deposits
zenplotsZigzag Expanded Navigation Plots
zenstatsStatistics from 'Zenodo' Deposits
zeroEQpartZero Order vs (Semi) Partial Correlation Test and CI
zerotradeflowAn Implementation for the Gravitational Models of Trade
zetadivFunctions to Compute Compositional Turnover Using Zeta Diversity
ZetaSuiteAnalyze High-Dimensional High-Throughput Dataset and Quality Control Single-Cell RNA-Seq
zfaZoom-Focus Algorithm
zfitFit Models in a Pipe
ZIBRA Zero-Inflated Beta Random Effect Model
zicBayesian Inference for Zero-Inflated Count Models
ZillowRR Interface to Zillow Real Estate and Mortgage Data API
ZIMZero-Inflated Models (ZIM) for Count Time Series with Excess Zeros
ZINAR1Simulates ZINAR(1) Model and Estimates Its Parameters Under Frequentist Approach
ZINARpSimulate INAR/ZINAR(p) Models and Estimate Its Parameters
zipCross-Platform 'zip' Compression
zipanguJapanese Utility Functions and Data
ZIPBayesBayesian Methods in the Analysis of Zero-Inflated Poisson Model
zipcodeRData & Functions for Working with US ZIP Codes
ZIPFAZero Inflated Poisson Factor Analysis
zipfextRZipf Extended Distributions
zipfRStatistical Models for Word Frequency Distributions
ZIPGZero-Inflated Poisson-Gamma Regression
zippeRWorking with United States ZIP Code and ZIP Code Tabulation Area Data
zipRPythonic Zip() for R
ZIpropPermutations Tests and Performance Indicator for Zero-Inflated Proportions Response
zipsaeSmall Area Estimation with Zero-Inflated Model
ZLAvianZipf's Law of Abbreviation in Animal Vocalisations
zlibCompression and Decompression
zlogZ(log) Transformation for Laboratory Measurements
zmiscVector Look-Ups and Safer Sampling
zoeppritzSeismic Reflection and Scattering Coefficients
zoibBayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero-or-One Inflated Beta Regression
zoidBayesian Zero-and-One Inflated Dirichlet Regression Modelling
zoltrInterface to the 'Zoltar' Forecast Repository API
zonebuilderCreate and Explore Geographic Zoning Systems
zonohedraCompute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators
zooS3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations)
ZooIDLoad, Segment and Classify Zooplankton Images
zooimageAnalysis of Numerical Plankton Images
zoologZooarchaeological Analysis with Log-Ratios
zoomA Spatial Data Visualization Tool
zoomerjoinSuperlatively Fast Fuzzy Joins
zoomGroupStatsAnalyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings
zoomrConnect to Your 'Zoom' Data
ZRADynamic Plots for Time Series Forecasting
zscorerChild Anthropometry z-Score Calculator
ZseqInteger Sequence Generator
ztableZebra-Striped Tables in LaTeX and HTML Formats
ztplnZero-Truncated Poisson Lognormal Distribution
zTreeFunctions to Import Data from 'z-Tree' into R
ztypeRun a Ztype Game Loaded with R Functions
ZVCVZero-Variance Control Variates
zypZhang + Yue-Pilon Trends Package
zzliteLite Wrapper for the 'Zamzar File Conversion' API