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Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->value($name, $ATTRHASH);


HTML examples:

   <PARAM MV="value name">
   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" VALUE="[value name]">

Expands into the current value of the customer/form input field named by field. If flag is present, single quotes will be escaped with a backslash; this allows you to contain the [value ...] tag within single quotes. (It is somewhat better to use other quoting methods.) When the value is returned, any MiniVend tags present in the value will be escaped. This prevents users from entering MiniVend tags in form values, which would be a serious security risk.

If the set value is present, the form variable value will be set to it and the empty string returned. Use this to ``uncheck'' a checkbox or set other form variable values to defaults. NOTE: This is only available in new-style tags, for safety reasons.

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