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Parameters: width

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [row] FOO [/row]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         width => VALUE,
    $Tag->row($width, $BODY);


Formats text in tables. Intended for use in emailed reports or < PRE>< /PRE> HTML areas. The parameter nn gives the number of columns to use. Inside the row tag, [col param=value ...] tags may be used.

[col width=nn wrap=yes|no gutter=n align=left|right|input spacing=n]
Sets up a column for use in a [row]. This parameter can only be contained inside a [row nn] [/row] tag pair. Any number of columns (that fit within the size of the row) can be defined.

The parameters are:

    width=nn        The column width, I<including the gutter>. Must be
                    supplied, there is no default. A shorthand method
                    is to just supply the number as the I<first> parameter,
                    as in [col 20].
    gutter=n        The number of spaces used to separate the column (on
                    the right-hand side) from the next. Default is 2.
    spacing=n       The line spacing used for wrapped text. Default is 1,
                    or single-spaced.
    wrap=(yes|no)   Determines whether text that is greater in length than
                    the column width will be wrapped to the next line. Default
                    is I<yes>.
    align=(L|R|I)   Determines whether text is aligned to the left (the default),
                    the right, or in a way that might display an HTML text
                    input field correctly.

Terminates the column field.

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