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Parameters: code base

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [fly_list] FOO [/fly_list]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         base => VALUE,
    $Tag->fly_list($code, $base, $BODY);


Syntax: [fly-list prefix=tag_prefix* code=code*]

Defines an area in a random page which performs the flypage lookup function, implementing the tags below.

    (contents of flypage.html)

If you place the above around the contents of the demo flypage, in a file named flypage2.html, it will make these two calls display identical pages:

    [page 00-0011] One way to display the Mona Lisa [/page]
    [page flypage2 00-0011] Another way to display the Mona Lisa [/page]

If you place a [fly-list] tag alone at the top of the page, it will cause any page to act as a flypage.

By default, the prefix is item, meaning the [item-code] tag will display the code of the item, the [item-price] tag will display price, etc. But if you use the prefix, i.e. [fly-list prefix=fly], then it will be [fly-code]; prefix=foo would cause [foo-code], etc.

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