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Parameters: name value multiple default

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         value => VALUE,
         multiple => VALUE,
         default => VALUE,
    $Tag->checked($name, $value, $multiple, $default);


You can provide a ``memory'' for drop-down menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes with the [checked] and [selected] tags.

    <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=foo
            VALUE=on [checked name=foo value=on default=1]>
    <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=foo
            VALUE=off [checked name=foo value=off]>

This will output CHECKED if the variable var_name is equal to value. Not case sensitive.

The default parameter, if true (non-zero and non-blank), will cause the box to be checked if the variable has never been defined.

Note that CHECKBOX items will never submit their value if not checked, so the box will not be reset. You must do something like:

    <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=foo
            VALUE=1 [checked name=foo value=1 default=1]>
    [value name=foo set=""]

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