Doctor Fun presents 1988, Page 64

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"And that's the news, as spoon-fed off the teleprompter to this photogenic over-paid thirty-something ex-model."

"We'd appreciate it if you'd sign this release stating that this situation is the result of your miserable personal life and not the operations of the company."

"I went away for the weekend, and when I came back he was wired for cable."

"So ... just suppose I didn't want to have a giant theme park for rats in my cellar..."

"I trust we'll be more careful this time, and not do something that makes us have to throw out the entire batch again."

Whoopie cushion testing

"Isn't that great? He's refuted fundamental axioms of Einstein's General Theory. Now, c'mon boy, roll over!"

"Mr. Gasturd's miserable flunky is here to see Mr. Bigwang's miserable flunky."

The Tidybowl Man draws the line.

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