Doctor Fun presents 1988, Page 10

Each cartoon is a 640x480 pixel, greyscale GIF.

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"Turn around and come back now, Marilyn - or I swear I'll light it!"

"If nobody claims this little fellow by the end of the week, we'll have to swat him."

If the Seven Dwarves quit their job in the gem mines and went to work for Ho's Dim Sum Palace.

Joseph and his coat of many gophers

"The cafeteria is in the sub-basement, one level above this one. Of course, you're stuck here forever now."

The first Eskimos on the Moon


With a few judicious swipes of her paw, the new den mother quickly restored order to Cub Pack 189.

Another priceless moment at the Institute for Advanced Research

Einstein's early years at the Institute for Advanced Research were punctuated by relentless and boorish hazing.

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