Doctor Fun Cartoons for September 17 through 21, 2001

Each cartoon is a 640x480 pixel, 24-bit color JPEG file, approximately 100K in size. Click on the thumbnail or text to download the cartoons.

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The cartoons for the 17th and the 18th originally ran on the 10th and the 11th. I stopped uploading new cartoons for the rest of the week the morning of the 11th. I considered pulling the one for the 17th completely, but changed my mind. I've left it as it was, because on the 10th, who knew?

All the rest this week were also to have run the week of the 10th. I've simply bumped everything back one week.


"Fortunately they turned out to be chocolate sprinkles, but try to stay out of the sun anyway."

Cynical Amish Futurists

"I wish people would boycott canned tuna because tuna nets kill tuna."

The private moments of Mister Spock

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