v1.3.2 - Added ability to update music library - Some minor bug fixes, mainly language related v1.3.1 - Fix error on Artist Slideshow screens - Improve retrieving track name from streaming services - Add option to make Artist Slideshow image full screen v1.3.0 - Remove Frodo support from latest version - Add Support for Displaying Lyrics - Fix issue when navigating via plugin to select tracks to play with spaces in - Improve the search for speakers option when there are multiple network devices v1.2.4 - Allow user to hide the Sonos icon on the controller screen v1.2.3 - Fix issue with next track event handling due to latest Sonos Software v1.2.2 - Fix issue with non ascii titles - Remove test data option - Stop script error cause by event structure changes in latest Sonos Software - Add support for viewing and playing imported playlist - Fix character encoding when browsing via the plugin v1.2.1 - Improve Speaker Search - Improve Sonos event update handling v1.2.0 - Initial version of speech support v1.1.1 - Give the search for Sonos systems more time to run - Set default for Artist Slideshow selection v1.1.0 - Prevent script error if Sonos detect fails - Add additional Artist Slideshow with controller screen (No Bio or Albums) - Add additional Artist Slideshow Only screen (no controller, bio or Albums) - Update images to look more like the latest ipad controls - Add support for viewing and playing Sonos Playlists v1.0.10 - Highlight which speakers are group coordinators v1.0.9 - Add option to Switch Sonos To Line-In On Media Start - Add check that Artist Slideshow has transparent image enabled - Populate information when using streaming service - Add next track details when random is set v1.0.8 - Make sure the Play/Pause button has focus after Play/Pause selected - Stop screensaver starting when using controller - Display the next track if not in random play order - Support auto-pause of Sonos when XBMC media starts - Add support for Random, Repeat and Crossfade commands - Add option to automatically reset the IP Address based on the Zone - Add shortcut to controller from the plugin v1.0.7 - Add advanced controller with Artist Slideshow information - Full support for using a remote control - Support linking of XBMC and Sonos Volume v1.0.6 - Set Gotham Notification window to not make a noise - Add option to restrict number of entries returned v1.0.5 - Fix bug with discovery throwing an error v1.0.4 - Fix playing from music library bug - Add Favourite Radio Stations support v1.0.3 - Fix issue with ElementTree on some systems - Add plugin support for browsing the music library - Add plugin support for view and edit the current play queue - Initial remote control support for mini controller - but not perfect v1.0.2 - Mini Sonos controller added with album art v1.0.1 - Don't display notification on startup if Sonos is not playing - Initial version of controller v1.0.0: - Initial release