1.0.9 - Quick fix due to website internal changes. 1.0.8 - Quick fix for Other Categories due to website internal change. 1.0.7 - Fixes made due to website internal changes. - Removed some info tags as they are no longer available from website. - Code cleaning and refactoring. 1.0.6 - Fixes made due to website internal changes. - Improved the scraper to add info tags to the videos. - Changed icon image. - Added "Show thumbnails as fanart" feature into settings menu. 1.0.5 - Fixed some international string tags. - Added web tag to addon.xml file. 1.0.4 - Quick fix due to website internal change. 1.0.3 - Added Other Categories menu entry. 1.0.2 - Added Science@ESA menu entry. 1.0.1 - Added more languages to video lang preferred. - Fixed a bug error on search empty string. 1.0.0 - Fixed some problems with translations strings on degub logs. 0.0.9 - Cosmetics and clean up, ready for bump to Git repo. 0.0.8 - Improve navigation options through video lists. - Add support form more languages. 0.0.7 - Added Search function. - Consolidated sort criteria through add-on settings. - Added "Go back to main menu" option into video lists. 0.0.6 - Fixed last page count on some video lists. - Fixed encoded for search text on next_page_url. 0.0.5 - Fixed parser video URL due to cookies expiration. 0.0.4 - Added Euronews and Earth from Space categories to main index. 0.0.3 - Added support for prefrerred video language if available. 0.0.2 - Added main index menu with order selection. 0.0.1 - First Try.