[B]1.9.9[/B] - fixed: Title, Plot and Studio after site layout changes [B]1.9.8[/B] - fixed: Director scraping [B]1.9.7[/B] - fixed: Search results, there might be some bugs still [B]1.9.5[/B] - fixed: Hungarian title will be scraped instead of original title in some cases once again [B]1.9.4[/B] - fixed: Hungarian title will be scraped instead of original title in some cases [B]1.9.3[/B] - fixed: Hungarian Genre [B]1.9.2[/B] - fixed: Original Title [B]1.9.1[/B] - fixed: mpaa rating won't scrape from IMDb [B]1.9.0[/B] - added: Language preference for Sets [B]1.8.0[/B] - added: Trailers from TMDb - added: Language preference for Posters - refactored: Settings and Set Title Scraping [B]1.7.2[/B] - fixed: dependency versioning [B]1.7.1[/B] - fixed: genres scraping due to IMDb layout changes [B]1.7.0[/B] - added: Set Title scraping from themoviedb.org [B]1.6.2[/B] - fixed: Originaltitle scraping [B]1.6.1[/B] - fixed: Originaltitle some time contains 'IMDb - ' string [B]1.6.0[/B] - added: Option to translate genres to Hungarian - Credits to peterk [B]1.5.3[/B] - fixed: IMDb won't get identified in some cases [B]1.5.2[/B] - fixed: IMDb rating after another site change [B]1.5.1[/B] - fixed: IMDb rating [B]1.5.0[/B] - re-added: Hungarian and Original title in the same title field (not recommended to use) [B]1.4.3[/B] - fixed: incorrectly scraped year under some circumtances [B]1.4.2[/B] - fixed: actor roles [B]1.4.1[/B] - fixed: won't scrape imdb details and artwork for some movies [B]1.4.0[/B] - added: fallback to imdb plot if no plot is available on port.hu [B]1.3.6[/B] - fixed: actor images [B]1.3.5[/B] Fixed: directors (sometimes wrong director got scraped) [B]1.3.4[/B] Fixed: Fixed title and year scraping due to site changes [B]1.3.3[/B] Fixed: actors scraping [B]1.3.2[/B] Fixed: year scraping [B]1.3.1[/B] Changed: remove scraping of mixed titles [B]1.3.0[/B] Cosmetics [B]1.2.2[/B] Changed: New search results structure for better auto-matching [B]1.2.1[/B] Added: Polish translations [B]1.2.0[/B] Changed: adapt new IMDb layout [B]1.1.0[/B] Fixed: originaltitle, make Hungarian the the default title language [B]1.0.9[/B] Fixed: year scraping [B]1.0.8[/B] Fixed: adapt IMDb changes [B]1.0.7[/B] Fixed: scraping directors from imdb when fullcast enabled [B]1.0.6[/B] Added: originaltitle tag if Hungarian is the preferred language [B]1.0.5[/B] Changed: chain scraper library functions [B]1.0.4[/B] Fixed: MPAA scraping from IMDb [B]1.0.3[/B] Added: NfUrl for looking at port.hu URL in the nfo Changed: use hdtrailersnet scraper library via chain function Fixed: punctuate plot outline Fixed: year was not displayed on multiple search results Fixed: trailer link was not fetched if title contained special chars Fixed: fix runtime scraping [B]1.0.2[/B] Fixed: update scraper to always return xml (CreateSearchResults) Fixed: make sure only numeric runtime values returned [B]1.0.0[/B] Initial version