St Catharines (CYSN) Scenery File for Flight Simulator 98 Matt Cairns; =========================================================== The St. Catharines Airport Features: Three runways, all asphalt and having lengths of 5000, 2500 and 2000 feet, and widths of 150, 75 and 75 feet respectively. Runway 06 and 24 are lighted and there are numerous buildings on the airport property. If you have any special requests, suggestions, comments or any- thing else, please by all means email me. I welcome both good and bad comments... they all help me in the end! =========================================================== Installation Instructions: 1. Make a new folder in the Flight Sim Scenery Folder called "StCatharines" 2. Unzip the files in this archive to the new folder. 3. Launch Flight Simulator. 4. From the World Menu, Choose Scenery Library. 5. Choose OK when the little warning shows up. 6. Choose Files... then Add. 7. Type the full path (c:\...\Scenery\StCatharines\Scenery\.bgl) in the scenery area path field. Be sure this is correct and the case counts! Be sure to capitalize accordingly! 8. When you are done, check "Scenery Area Active" and "Local". You can give it whatever title you like... StCatharines works, but I would be honoured if named after me... :) 9. Click Ok, Ok, Ok and you are back to Flight Sim. 10. Go to World... Go To... Airport 11. Click "Scenery from 6.0 and before" 12. Choose "St. Catharines" and whatever runway you'd like to start at... click OK and happy landings! Bugs and problems, (I imagine there will be a few for a rookie project), please let me know by email. Thank you very much, please enjoy the flight and happy landings! Legal Garballygook: All files contained in this ZIP archive are Copyright 2001 Matt Cairns. All Rights Reserved. This is freeware/shareware... you may redistribute it at your leisure, but this file and this notice must be included... and you cannot claim ownership in any way. Please do not alter these files. I am doing this for the benefit of YOU, please respect my wishes. Thank You! 8-)